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 Chudley, R & Greeno, R 2005, Construction Technology

Part 10.4 Precast Concrete Frames

 Chudley, R & Greeno, R 2006, Advanced Construction

 Technology Part 10.1 Prestressed Concrete: Principles and

 Chudley, R & Greeno, R 2010, Building Construction

Handbook, Part 5 Superstructure
Structure at Its Simplest (Loaded & simply supported)

 Any ordinary (non pre-stressed) beam of a plain (i.e.

regular) section, be it Steel, Concrete or Timber, when
supported at ends(simply supported) and subjected to an
external(applied) load resists the bending moment by
developing along its length tensile stresses towards the
lower side and corresponding compressive stresses
towards the upper side.

 Consider bending a RULER…

Bending Moment of a Structure
Bending Moment of a Structure

(d) Stresses Diagramatically

Principle of Pre-Stressed Concrete
 Pre-stressing (or strengthening) of concrete is defined as,



 Concrete by itself is compressively strong thus, conventionally & in normal

circumstances of use, concrete is then reinforced with reinforcement bars to
make it withstand tensional forces better…when loaded.

 The basic concept of reinforced concrete is to include a designed amount of steel

bars in a predetermined pattern to give the concrete a reasonable amount of tensile

 Pre-stressing techniques are applied to concrete to make full use of the material’s
high compressive strength.
Conventional way of reinforced concrete
Principles of Pre-Stressed Concrete
 In pre-stressed concrete, the steel is stretched and securely
anchored within its mould box before the concrete is placed.

 After concreting, the steel will then try to regain its original
length, but because it is fully restricted it will be subjecting the
concrete to a compressive force throughout its life.
 Those zones of the member ultimately required to carry tensile
stresses under working load conditions are given an initial
compressive stress (strengthening) before the application of
working loads so that the tensile stresses developed by these
working loads are balanced by induced compressive strength.
Principles of Pre-Stressed Concrete

Affects of the ‘initial compressive Affects of forces in balance…

stress’...’creates’ the Cambering
Typical Pre-stressed concrete Features
Method of Pre-stressing
 Can be done/applied in two ways, namely:-

 1. Pre-Tensioning

 2. Post-Tensioning

 The basic clear difference between the 2 is…

 “To Strenghthen NOW or LATER?”

 Involves tensioning the high tensile steel Tendons, before
the concrete has set ie before pouring! NOW ~ PRE =
BEFORE…cast / concrete has set!
 Pre-tensioning is the application, before casting, of a
tensile force to high tensile steel tendons around which
the concrete is to be cast. When the placed concrete has
developed sufficient compressive strength a
compressive force is imparted to it by releasing the
tendons, so that the concrete member is in a
permanent state of prestress.
Major Steps/Process of Pre-tensioning
Problem and solution in Pre-tensioning
 (Problem) Concrete while curing will shrink; it will also suffer
losses in cross-section due to creep when subjected to pressure.
However it can normally be reduced to an acceptable level by using
(Solution) a concrete of high strength with a low workability.

 The high-quality strength concrete specified for pre-stress work

should take into account the method of stressing. For pre-tensioned
work a minimum 28-day cube strength of 40 N/mm2 is required.

 (Problem) Mild steel will also suffer from relaxation losses, which is
where the stresses in steel under load decrease to a minimum value
after a period of time and this can be overcome by increasing the
initial stress in the steel. (Solution)….?
 Involves tensioning the high tensile steel Tendons after the
concrete has set ie after pouring. LATER ~ POST =
AFTER…cast / concrete has set!

 Post-tensioning is the application of a compressive force to the
concrete at some point in time, after casting. When the concrete
has gained strength a state of prestress is induced by tensioning
steel tendons passed through ducts cast into the concrete, and
locking the stressed tendons with mechanical anchors. The
tendons are then normally grouted in place.

 post-tensioned work a minimum 28-day cube strength of 30 N/mm2

is required.
Typical Post-Tensioning
Normal RC cracked under load

Post-tensioned concrete
before loading

Post-tensioned concrete
after loading
Elements of Tensioning
 Tendon
 There are three basic types of tendons used in the
prestressing (strengthening) of concrete:-
 a. Bars

 b. Wires

 c. Strands
 a. Bars

 Usually used in pre-tensioning situations.

 Bars are of high strength alloy steel (620 MPa). This gives
bar tendons a lower strength to weight ratio than either
wires or strands.
Tendon: Bars
Tendon: Wires
 b. Wire
 Mainly used in post-tensioning systems.
 It is cold drawn and stress relieved with a yield stress
of about 1300 MPa.

 In addition, wires form an essential element to the

manufacture of stronger strengthened structural
Tendon: Wires
Tendon: Strands
 C. Strands

 Used in both pre and post-tensioning.

 Strands are series of wires. Cables are formed by

arranging wires or strands in bundles with the wires or
strands parallel to each other.

 Cables are basically strands of wires twisted together for

purpose of attaining more strength.
Tendon: Strands
 Strand, which consists of a straight core wire around which are
helically wound further wires to form a 6 over 1 or 7- wire
strand, or a 9 over 9 over 1 giving a 19-wire strand tendon.

 Tendons of strand can be used singly or in groups to form a

multi-strand cable.

 In application, these wires/strands/cables are placed/pulled in a

preformed duct in the concrete member, which is then to be
stressed and tensioned by a suitable post tensioning
device/method. (Hydraulic jacks)
Tendon: Strands
 Flexible Ducts
 Ducts are an essential requirement for post-tensioning
processes as the concrete structure is cast first before
stressing it. As such, the ducts needs to be flexible(but
tough) & durable enough to take the rigourous processes
(works around the location) of casting/pouring. These
often come in verying shapes & sizes suitable to use &
situations eg…
 Ducts/Pipes are not required when pre-tensioning as the
bar/wire used needs to be bonded(grip) with the
conrete mix.
Ringed Tubing

Pipe Tubing

Rectangular Duct
Pressure Pumps
Heavy Duty Pumps

Basic devices are:-

1. Pump
2. Fluid Tubing
3. Jack
Anchors & End Capping
Exposed (eventually shall be

for good weathering.
(Both are for protection of the tensioning)

Minimum Effects of Cracks

When load/force is induced/applied, the TOP portion is in compression while the

BOTTOM is in tension!

Controlling the tensional forces (ie keeping the bottom in compression =

prestressing(strengthened) will/may minimizes/lessen the effects of
cracks(occurances & appearances).
If an unreinforced member is subject to
overload, cracks, which may develop, may not
recover upon removal of the overload.

However, IF prestressed sufficiently and effectively, the cracks may be

CLOSED_UP ie be controlled/lessen & within accepted safety levels ie to avoid
severe & fatal failure due to collapse!!

Also, due to tensile affects of tendons within the member ie keeping the
effected concrete portion ‘in compression’, makes it more Resilient to Effects
of Overloading and will recover from effects of a greater degree of
overload than any other structural material.
PreStressed Property

Because of being pre-stressed, the structure is applied

with tension so as to cater for any abnormal
pressures. As such in a pressure vessel (to contain
liguid / gas), conditions have been set to enhance the
RC’s strength ie tensioning the walls of the

Modular & Segmented Construction

This method/system of construction

allows/enables for structure & structural
elements to be formed from a number of
precast units.
 A. Reduced Beam Depth (High Depth/Span ratio)

Pre-stressing effectively can reduce beam depths (for

equivalent design strengths). Among others, this
resultantly, reduces use of material, ‘thinning’ of structures
& allowing better head room(floor to floor height).
Suitable to achieve the ‘sleek’ look in design…

 Even so, care is to be taken to ensure that the Concrete

& Steel ratio is still adhered to.
 B. High Ratio of Strength

 Weight With reference to item 2 above, namely with the use of

less material (thus reduced weight), lighter elements could be
produced thus permits the use of longer spanning members ie less
supporting columns required!

 C. Control Deflections

 By pre-stressing, deflections can be controlled (in beams and

slabs) resultantly, permits longer spans to be achieved. With
this coupled with Item 6 above, pre-stressing advantage is
further enhanced by cost and effectiveness.
 D. Fire Resistant

 PreStressed Concrete, due to its material / element’s, nature of

production & state of composite has a resultant higher tolerance to fire /
heat then as compared to normal Reinforced Concrete(RC) &/@ Steel
eg steel starts to fail at circa 450oC while PC at 700oC

 E. Aesthetic Values & Form

 Pre-stressed members being precast elsewhere, thus the control of

quality is of utmost, this then offers greater possibilities of design
possibilities coupled with better quality finish, thus more pleasing to the
 F. Pre-tested (Factory QA/QC)

 These are prefabricated in a controlled condition & environment amidst clean

surroundings as oppose to cast insitu RC & multiple joints on composing of
Steel structure…overall quality is better assured with close & skilled supervision
coupled with test as when is necessary.


 G. Economical & Efficient Use of Time & Materials

 Permits a more efficient usage of steel and enables the economic use of high
tensile steels and high strength concrete ie reduces wastages & redundancy.

 In these times of GBI awareness, any possible actions of ‘Saving The Earth’ is
happily welcome.
2. Application / Use…’Now or Later’
 Given the 2 possible options of pre-stressing (strengthening) of
concrete, one must then know when & which is the best choice
to be adopted for any given situation.

 What FACTORS determines it?

 Not all structure or structural elements are suitable to be PRE-

tensioned and/or POST-tensioned. However, if suitable for
adoption, these are namely very much dependent on, the
Designers. choice, ALWAYS, taking the Advantages together
with following factors into consideration during the decision
Factors of Chosen Criteria
 1. Design Methods
 With the current Research & Developments, Designers must
make themselves updated with the latest and best
information & technology. Thus, they will then serve the
industry better by adopting the latest & best.

 2. Precast Nature / Ready made

 These can be made/fabricated/produced elsewhere and ready
to be install/erected/used upon delivery to site. Thus, access
& availability for these logistics is a factor to be considered.
Factors of Chosen Criteria
 3. Site Constraint
 For sites that are with limited working space, all possible
elements/components of construction that can/could be
produced/fabricated elsewhere, helps! However, the other aspects
of consideration (as above & below) must also be addressed

 4. Speed / Time
 When time is a factor for completion (quick / urgent) of works, it
is vital and advantages that some/most works could be carried out
simultaneously eg other works may / can proceed, while these are
being precast produced elsewhere.
Factors of Chosen Criteria
 5. Construction Efficiency
 In the economics & management of construction works,
efficiency, of execution determines the monetary outcome.

 Thus, any improvement to methods that will make the difference,

must be adopted, for the best possible advantages (output ie
income or otherwise).

 6. Size of Members(elements/components)
 Generally pre-stressed members are larger / longer in size due to
its nature of fabrication ie ~ 99% Completed & ready made for
Factors of Chosen Criteria
 7. Type Of/For Use
 Due to the limited/controlled size of fabrication and its limitation,
generally Pre-tensioned members can carry less loading then

 Thus, Post-tensioned is more often used for Buildings situations.

 8. Adjustable/Corrective Strength
 The designed & correct strength of the members are ensured,
adjustable or correctable (testable while stil under
fabrication) to suit the situation and condiiton on site.
 The limitations of prestressed concrete are FEW (as low
cost overrides all) and really depends only upon the
imagination of the Designer, the terms & compliance of
his brief & requirements.

 The only real limitation, where PRESTRESSING is a

possible solution, may be the cost (non cost effective),
of providing moulds for runs of limited quantity of
small numbers of non-standard units also know as

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