Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering: Bin Yuan, David A. Wood

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

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A comprehensive review of formation damage during enhanced oil recovery T

a,∗ b
Bin Yuan , David A. Wood
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
DWA Energy Limited, London, UK


Keywords: Injection of chemicals and thermal fluids in discovered petroleum reservoirs are becoming more commonplace to
Formation damage achieve improved recovery and sustainability of oil/gas resources. A lack of understanding on the induced
Risks & opportunities damage in subsurface reservoirs is likely to bring downside risks associated with the projects of enhanced oil
Enhanced oil recovery recovery and negative economic consequences. As a synthesis and extension of our recent work (Yuan and Wood,
Chemical flooding
2018), this paper aims to raise more awareness and promote more discussion on the mechanically, chemically,
Thermal recovery
biologically and thermally induced damage issues associated with enhanced oil recovery processes, by in-
Low-salinity water flooding
CO2 flooding tegrating the state-of-the-art modelling, laboratory experiments and field applications. Potential formation da-
mage issues are considered in the context of each specific enhanced oil and gas recovery project to answer why,
where and when formation damage issues occur, their extents and impacts, and how to control, prevent and take
advantages of such issues in various reservoir systems. Moreover, an integrated risk & opportunity assessment
and management framework is proposed to improve outcomes of diverse enhanced oil recovery projects in
practice. By providing an integrated understanding of formation damage from multi-disciplinary perspectives, it
is possible to better understand and manage petroleum extraction using enhanced oil recovery techniques.

1. Introduction 2010), interest in chemical flooding projects in US and Canada grew

from 200 to 2010 (Fig. 2), especially in heavy oil and offshore oilfields.
The consumption of crude oil is expected to contribute 26% of the Gas injection EOR projects also grew from 2000 to 2010 driven in part
world's energy until 2040 (I. E. A, 2014). Although the average re- by a greater uptake of CO2-injection projects. The numbers of EOR
covery for major oil reservoirs is only between 20% and 40% of the projects (including thermal, chemical and gas injection recovery) are
resource present in mature reservoirs, and about half of the un- highly sensitive to production costs and crude oil prices. Despite some
recoverable oil (∼200 billion barrels) in the United States is at rea- delay in investors reacting to shifts in crude oil prices (almost 3–4 years'
sonable depths where enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques could be time lag), the initiation and persistence of EOR projects numbers shows
applied. Such techniques improve the amount of oil extracted and offset a strong positive correlation with crude oil prices, reflecting the will-
production declines from mature reservoirs, and by doing so help to ingness and confidence, or otherwise, of investors regarding EOR pro-
meet the growing demands and constraints on energy resources. They jects. Hence, the profit-motivated oil companies are constantly seeking
also overcome some of the difficulties associated with discovering and more advanced and cost-effective EOR technologies that can sustain
developing new oilfields. As the production of existing oil fields con- profitability in volatile-oil-price markets (Muggeridge et al., 2014).
tinues to decline, EOR has the potential to offset this decline (Fig. 1). During periods of low oil prices there is increased competition for
The IEA forecasts that the global oil produced from EOR will expand to available sources of finance and only the most profitable projects tend
about 4 Mb/d in 2040 (I. E. A, 2015). However, history shows that it is to be sanctioned. In such circumstances, it is particularly desirable to
only the cost-effective EOR techniques that tend to be commercially improve the efficiency of enhanced oil recovery by minimizing its po-
applied during periods when oil prices have been sufficiently high to tential risks and costs, and by providing sustainable production im-
render these techniques economically attractive (Lake et al., 2014; provements.
Koottungal, 2014). Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is the implementation of various
Chemical and thermal EOR projects made a decreasing contribution techniques for increasing the efficiency of crude oil recovery from an oil
to the world oil production from 1986 to 2004 (Fig. 2). However, as field. It includes enhanced oil recovery (thermal recovery, gas injection
reported by Alvarado and Manrique (2010) (Alvarado and Manrique, and chemical flooding), secondary recovery (water and gas injection),

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Yuan).
Received 17 January 2018; Received in revised form 9 March 2018; Accepted 9 April 2018
Available online 11 April 2018
0920-4105/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

damage during various processes of oil and gas recovery. The changes
of chemical-physical-thermodynamic conditions associated with EOR
techniques can result in various types of formation damage, such as,
water and gas bubble blockage, fines/sands migration, fluids-rock in-
compatibility, organic and inorganic precipitation and deposit, altera-
tions of pore surface properties, pore structures and mechanic char-
acteristics. In some cases, formation damage may itself lead to some
benefits that enhance oil recovery, for instance, improving sweep effi-
ciency thorough selected blockage of high-permeability regions caused
by fines migration (Yuan and Moghaloo, 2017; Bedrikovetsky et al.,
2011a); however, more usually, it reduces the efficiency of secondary
and tertiary recovery from the reservoir and impairs well injectivity
and/or productivity dramatically (Bedrikovetsky, 1993). Hence, in this
work, formation damage will not simply be addressed as a “problem”,
but rather as an “issue”, reflecting its potentially positive and negative
effects on well productivity and economic performance.
Fig. 1. Global production of oil and gas in World Energy Outlook (2015) by IEA Porter (1989) stated that it is better to avoid formation damage in
(I. E. A, 2015). advance than to make tremendous efforts to remediate it after it has
occurred (Porter, 1989). However, different types of formation damage
hydraulic fracturing and the drilling of horizontal and multi-lateral may be realized by different EOR methods, meaning that studies of a
wells (Walsh and Larry, 2003). Traditionally, the oil and gas industry formation's susceptibility to specific type of damage have limited
has not linked improved oil recovery techniques with formation da- practical value if conducted without consideration of the associated
mage in high-oil-price environments, although formation damage is engineering activities which may, or may not, lead to that specific type
frequently a consequence of the implementation of EOR. Civan (2015) of damage. It is beneficial for oil operators to understand formation
summarized the relevant causes of formation damage and its con- damage specific to various EOR approaches, because it enables them to
sequences, and various approaches and techniques for formation as- maximize oil recovery both technically and economically by optimizing
sessment, control and remediation (Civan, 2015). Formation damage EOR techniques in different types of reservoir paying due consideration
refers to the impairment of physical, chemical or mechanical properties to relevant formation damage issues. As an extension and short sum-
of petroleum-bearing formation, which primarily involves permeability mary of our previous work (Yuan and Wood, 2018), the intention here

Fig. 2. The evolution of EOR projects with changes of oil price (US$/barrel) in the United States from 1970 to 2010.

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

is to provide a better understanding of the pros and cons of formation reservoirs already developed with water injection facilities and wells;
damage as it occurs during the application of diverse EOR techniques. (2) ease of injection into most oil reservoirs; (3) high incremental re-
We also provide guidelines on how to optimize the design of EOR covery gains for light to medium gravity oil reservoirs; (4) reduction in
projects through controlling or taking advantages of formation damage. the scaling and corrosion of wellbore tubulars and surface-water-
Rather than concentrating on the fundamental theories related to handling facilities and, (5) potential avoidance of reservoir souring
individually to EOR techniques and formation damage, here we link the (Collins, 2011).
series of formation damage issues with various EOR techniques in dif- LSWF has proved to be an effective EOR method for both secondary
ferent types of sub-surface reservoir, including conventional and un- (initial water flooding) and tertiary (residual oil) modes (Gamage and
conventional oil/gas reservoirs. To do that, a comprehensive in- Thyne, 2011). Despite its success in core experiments and field-scale
vestigation is conducted on numerous published modelling and pilot studies, the multiple mechanisms induced by LSWF impacting
simulation data, laboratory experiments and case studies. The results reservoirs and oil recovery remains poorly understood and con-
are applied to characterize risks and opportunities of formation da- troversial (Al-Shalabi and Sepehrnoori, 2016; Atthawutthisim, 2012).
mage, and propose a summary of new advanced technologies and This is particularly so for the induced formation damage associated
methodologies to control formation damage issues during EOR pro- with the technique. The major damage mechanisms associated with
cesses in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Moreover, LSWF (a few with positive consequences for oil recovery) are described
because the extent and occurrence probability of formation damage in the next sections.
issues remain very uncertain in EOR cases, an integrated risk and op-
portunity assessment and management framework is proposed to assist 2.1.1. Formation damage mechanism associated with LSWF enhanced oil
the search for optimum outcomes when applying improved oil recovery recovery
techniques. (1) Clay swelling, fine particles migration, detachment and
2. Formation damage during EOR: causes, characterization and Clay swelling is a widely recognized phenomenon related to for-
control mation damage and can have significant negative impacts on reservoir
permeability and fracture conductivity, as well as on the effectiveness
In the most general sense, formation damage can be defined as the of LSWF (Sanaei et al., 2016). Mohan et al. (1993) indicated that water
various damage mechanisms affecting the properties of a reservoir sensitivity of various reservoirs to LSWF is highly dependent on the
formation (matrix and fractures) and through which the transport ef- composition of the clays, and the total clay content and distribution of
ficiency of multi-phase fluids (oil, gas, water, particles, droplet, foam clays grains within a formation, such as swelling (smectite) and non-
and emulsion) is altered. It is usually diagnosed as the changes of well swelling (kaolinite and illite) clays (Mohan et al., 1993). To study clay
performance in terms of well injection/productivity and oil recovery detachment and pore blocking, Song and Kovscek (2016) constructed
(Harper and Buller., 1986). The major damage mechanisms can be clay-functionalized, etched-silicon micromodels to visualize directly the
categorized into four types, such as, mechanically, chemically, biolo- mobilization of clay-fines in both kaolinite-rich and montmorillonite-
gically and thermally induced (Faergestad, 2016). Among them, the rich system (Song and Kovscek, 2016). Fines migration that pre-
types of chemical damage mechanisms (Bennion, 2002) can be further ferentially accumulate and block the high-permeability channels is very
classified as, 1) fluid-fluid incompatibility (such as, inorganic scale pronounced in kaolinite-rich systems, but can bring improvements of
deposition, organic asphaltene deposition, foam/emulsion blockage, oil recovery by positive adjustments to reservoir sweep efficiency.
and hydrate formation); 2) rock-fluid incompatibility (such as, clay However, the mobilization of swollen montmorillonite typically da-
swelling/deflocculation, wettability alteration, and ionic/surfactant/ mages permeability without increasing oil recovery under LSWF con-
polymer adsorption). The mechanically induced damage mechanisms dition.
(Sharma et al., 1992; Bedrikovetsky et al., 2011b) mainly include fines/ Fine particles in reservoirs exist in mechanical equilibrium balan-
sands or any other types of particles migrating through the porous/ cing the drag, lift, electrostatic and gravitational forces acting upon
fractured media, phase trapping caused by high capillary force in multi- them. By weakening the electrostatic forces LSWF can, in certain con-
phase flow (Mirzaei-Paiaman et al., 2012), and rock compaction or ditions, cause the loss of mechanical equilibrium leading to fine parti-
dilatation caused by pressure changes. Temperature change can also cles being dislodged from the pore linings and dragged along with
lead to the dissolution of minerals, transformation of minerals, and flowing fluids into pore throats. The formation damage mechanisms
temperature-dependent wettability alternation due to the loss of related to fines migration (Fig. 4) include fines surface deposition and/
thermal equilibrium (Romanova et al., 2015). In addition, the biolo- or attachment, fines bridging or straining into pore-throats, fines in-
gical activities of bacteria in reservoirs (Ezeuko et al., 2013) can cause ternal cake formation, and fines infiltration sedimentation (Nguyen
the souring of crude oil, erosion of minerals, and blockage of pore- et al., 2007; Yuan et al., 2016).
throats (with positive and/or negative impacts). Tang and Morrow (1999) defined the release of fines by the invasion
During the application of different improved oil recovery technol- of low-salinity water, and identified improvements of sweep efficiency
ogies, the changes of physical, chemical, thermal-electrical, mechanical in reservoirs by the selective fines blockages of high-permeability zones
and biological environment may vary. The following sections of this as a mobility control mechanism (Tang and Morrow, 1999). Fines mi-
review link the mechanisms of formation damage with diverse EOR gration associated with LSWF may carry small amounts of residual oil
techniques in conventional sandstone/carbonate reservoirs (Fig. 3). as a consequence of the detachment of oil-coated particles from rock
grains, which thereby improve oil displacement efficiency (Aksulu
2.1. Low-salinity water flooding (LSWF) for oil recovery: from novel to et al., 2012). However, fines migration and it associated particle size
mature exclusion effects typically results in severe damage to reservoir per-
meability near wellbores causing the decline of well injectivity (and
LSWF impacts on reservoirs were first observed when Martin (1959) productivity in case of production well). In particular, during LSWF,
discovered the increase of oil production while manipulating the sali- high-magnitude pressure drops realized near the injection/production
nity of injected water (Martin, 1959). Subsequently, extensive theore- wells can exaggerate the problems of fines migration. The best strategy
tical and experimental research has focused upon the mechanisms re- to avoid fines migration is to keep the fines stagnant at their original
sponsible this phenomenon. The uptake of LSWF in a wide range of location/sources. This can be achieved by either limiting flow rates (to
reservoirs is significant and rising for several reasons: (1) low capital less than the critical rates) or somehow enhancing the rock capacity to
expenditure and minimal incremental operating costs for those retain the free particles.

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

Fig. 3. The potential formation damage mechanisms linked with specific improved oil recovery techniques and types of reservoirs.

Fig. 4. Formation fines migration, detachment and straining phenomenon caused by LSWF, and the mechanism of nanoparticles to mitigate fines migration.

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

A number of fines-migration mitigation techniques are employed. circumstances.

Different types of acid systems have been developed to remove the
formation of fines plugged in the near-wellbore region, gravel packs,
2.1.2. Potential to combine LSW with other EOR techniques to minimize
and/or sand-control screens under various downhole conditions (Khilar
damage effects
and Fogler, 1998). The distance between two structural layers in clay
The synergistic benefits of combining various EOR techniques are
minerals depends upon the exchangeable cations (salts), the formation
well documented. Hence, it is often attractive to combine LSWF with
fluid composition, and the composition of clay minerals. Amorim et al.
other EOR techniques in order to minimize the negative effects and
(2007) studied the performance of various salts to inhibit clay swelling
enhance positive consequence derived from such combinations of
on various clays, including samples from the Calumbi Formation (Ser-
gipe-Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil), and determined the CaCl2 concentra-
Discontinuous oil in the reservoir is more likely to be trapped in the
tions most effective in inhibiting clay swelling (Amorim et al., 2007).
reservoir at conditions of high capillary pressure due to phase trapping.
For example, they defined the critical salt concentration (CSC) to in-
LSWF combined with surfactant flooding can reduce the capillary
hibit clay swelling in the samples studied with different salt combina-
pressure in the swept reservoir, thereby reducing the isolated pockets of
tions, such as 0.5 M for NaCl, 0.4 M for KCl but only 0.2 M for CaCl2
trapped oil. Skauge et al. (2011) confirmed that surfactant-LSWF
(Amorim et al., 2007). Nanoparticles can effectively mitigate formation
flooding performed better than that of surfactants and low-salinity
damage caused by fine particles clogging pore-throats through enhan-
water methods applied in isolation, in terms of reduction of IFT and
cing attractive forces among fine particles and mineral grains (Arab and
capillary number (Skauge et al., 2011).
Pourafshary, 2013). Yuan et al. (2018) introduced a series of analytical
Dang et al. (2016) (Dang et al., 2016) identified that applied in
models to characterize the mutual interactions among nanoparticle/
secondary-recovery mode LSWF followed by LSWF combined with
fines transport in porous media and justified the positive effects of
water-alternating-CO2 flooding achieves better performance than high-
nanoparticles treatment (both pre-flush and co-injection) to control
salinity WAG, or continuous LSWF and CO2 flooding applied on a
fines migration (Yuan et al., 2018).
standalone basis. This improvement is considered to be due to several
(2) Wettability alteration, ion exchange, pH increase and dis-
synergistic effects of the combined method, including, solubility of CO2
solution of organic components
in various water-salinity-dissolution states, ion exchange, carbonate
Wettability alteration has been widely recognized as the primary
minerals and clay distribution, and wettability alteration.
mechanism to enhance oil recovery with LSWF. The wettability al-
The motivation for combining LSWF with polymer flooding is that
teration in sandstone rocks depends heavily on the presence of clay
the introduction of larger molecular-weight, water-soluble polymers
minerals, composition of oil and formation water and the salinity levels
into injection water increases the viscosity of the displacing fluid and
of injected water (Alagic and Skauge, 2010). The enhanced negative
improves oil displacement and mobility control. Shiran and Skauge
charges for both oil-brine and rock-brine interfaces improves the sta-
(2013) evaluated the synergistic effects on residual oil mobilization and
bility of the adsorbed water film and water-water state associated with
final oil recovery when combining LSWF with polymer injection in both
the rock surface. It does this by increasing the repulsive forces in the
secondary and tertiary modes (Shiran and Skauge, 2013).
double-layer, which is referred to as double-layer expansion effects
Fines migration induced by LSWF can in some reservoirs improve
(Nasralla and Nasr-El-Din, 2012). At the nano-scale, a decrease of ad-
mobility control by diverting the injected water from high-permeability
hesion force between quartz grains and carboxylic acid is associated
channels into low-permeability areas. However, the straining effects of
with the decrease of water salinity during LSWF improved oil recovery
fines typically lead to significant damage to the formation's perme-
(Hassenkam et al., 2012). LSFW is also confirmed as an effective ap-
ability and result in a decline of well injectivity. This is particularly so
proach to enhance oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs as a result of
in the near-wellbore region of a radially flowing reservoir fluid system
wettability alterations, impacted by the concentration of calcium and
with very severe fines migration problems induced by high fluid flow
magnesium ions in the presence of sulfate (the divalent ions: Ca2+,
rates. In order to take advantage of fines migration in the deep reservoir
Mg2+, SO42−) and the salinity level of the injected water (Hamouda
zones away from injection wellbores it is necessary to prevent, or at
and Gupta, 2017; Zhang et al., 2006). However, as a negative effect,
least minimize, the problems of fines migration in near-wellbore region.
wettability alteration in carbonate rocks can also lead to CaSO4 pre-
Yuan and Moghanloo (2018) introduced nanofluid slugs with the ob-
cipitation that damages reservoir permeability and well injectivity
jectives of: 1) retaining fines in the near-wellbore zones during LSWF,
(Zhang et al., 2007). In addition, the performance of enhanced oil re-
and, 2) improving of sweep efficiency for layered heterogeneous re-
covery can in some cases be reduced by the discontinuity of oil
servoirs. That work established that the treatment of the injection wells
throughout the reservoir (i.e., isolated pockets of residual oil) in case of
with nanofluid slugs can help mitigate the loss of injection pressure, but
LSWF applied in the tertiary recovery mode rather than the second
also increased the risk of accelerating the breakthrough of injected
recovery mode.
water (Yuan and Moghaloo, 2018).
The increase of pH eases desorption of both acidic and basic ma-
terials, which is caused by the induced interactions among brine and
rocks to compensate for the loss of cations, caused by the replacement 2.2. Formation damage by chemical EOR techniques
of Ca2+ by H+ during LSWF (Austard et al., 2010). The loss of ther-
modynamic equilibrium among water, oil and rock can also result in the Among various techniques of EOR, chemical enhanced oil recovery
phenomenon of “salt-in” which enhances the solubility of organic (CEOR) has drawn of great interest by oil companies and academics
components. Doust et al. (2009) confirmed the effectiveness of de- over the past decade or so. CEOR involves injecting chemical agents
creasing water salinity below the critical ionic strength in stimulating into oil reservoirs in isolation or in various combinations. CEOR
an increase in the solubility of organic components into flowing aqu- methods include: surfactant flooding (S), alkaline flooding (A), polymer
eous phase, which is commonly referred to as “salt-in” (Doust et al., flooding (P); binary combination chemical flooding involving alkaline-
2009). In addition, analogous to surfactant flooding, low salinity water surfactant (AS), or alkaline-polymer (AP), or Surfactant-polymer (SP);
can generate surfactants in the environment of low salinity and high and, tertiary combination chemical flooding involving alkaline-surfac-
temperature. As a result, the formation of oil-in-water emulsions can tant-polymer (ASP) combination. However, despite the excellent po-
improve the mobility control of the oil phase by increasing the viscosity tential of CEOR to enhance oil recovery, the formation damage itself
of aqueous phase. The interface phenomenon may also result in phase typically induces can not only impair the oil recovery performance, but
trapping in some low-permeability reservoirs due to high capillary also bring additional technical and cost challenges to oilfields facilities
forces, which will impair the oil recovery performance of LSWF in such and operations (Dai et al., 2018).

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

2.2.1. Surfactant flooding (1) Polymer retention and particle plugging

The performance of surfactants depends on the interaction effi- Appropriate retention of polymers can reduce the water-phase
ciency between crude oil and brine, reservoir conditions, and other permeability, which is beneficial to decrease the mobility ratio and
stringent requirements associated with the specific surfactants injected, improve sweep efficiency. However, the excessive adsorption and even
such as low retention, compatibility, and thermal and aqueous stability. plugging of the pore throats with polymer leads to the damage of rock
Hence, the associated formation damage mechanisms with surfactant porosity and permeability. Three types of mechanisms of polymer re-
flooding are dominated by: tention exist, including physical adsorption (Tang et al., 2001), me-
(1) Wettability alteration and water-in-oil emulsion blockage chanical trapping (Garti and Zour, 1997), and hydraulic retention
Surfactants can be extensively emulsified into oil or water causing a (Bhardwaj et al., 2007). Adsorption retention causes the polymer mo-
decrease in the interfacial tension (IFT) of the emulsified fluid. This, in lecules to accumulate on the surface of rock grains by physical inter-
turn, leads to dispersion and scaling off of the oil from rock surfaces, actions, such as electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding with
causing the surfaces of rock grains to become more water-wet. The the hydroxyl groups present at the surfaces of the rock grains. Me-
formation of oil-in-water emulsion, on one hand, can improve the chanical trapping refers to the trapping of polymer within the smaller-
mobility control and oil productivity performance of the reservoir by diameter pore throats mimicking particle filtration behavior. The re-
increasing the viscosity of aqueous phase. However, can also sometimes tention of polymer can also be exaggerated by the alteration of fluid-
lead to severe blockage of the pore throats by emulsion, which impairs flow directions or increases in fluid-flow velocity, which is called “hy-
the formation's permeability, especially in low-permeability reservoirs draulic retention”. Dai et al. (2017) (Dai et al., 2018), proposed the
(Feng et al., 2011). On the other hand, the formation water emulsions following strategies to offset problems of excessive polymer retention:
in oil (by mixing surfactant with crude oil), such as in conditions of decreasing the degree of mineralization, utilizing appropriate low
high-salinity, increases the viscosity of the emulsified fluid in compar- temperatures and molecular weights of injected fluids, applying op-
ison to clean oil. Such changes impair the flowing efficiency of oil to- timal polymer concentrations and injection rates.
wards the wellbore (Xu et al., 2011). (2) Inorganic precipitation and organic deposition
(2) Surfactant precipitation and phase trapping Cations of inorganic salt particles with strong electro-philicity can
The contact of anionic surfactant with cationic fluids and minerals form ionic pairs with the carboxyl groups on the polymer molecular
in the formation results in the loss and precipitation of surfactant chains, which reduces the electrostatic repulsive force among polymers.
(Stellner and Scamehorn, 1986). Sulfonate precipitates, such as calcium As a result, the contraction of polymer coils and generation of inorganic
sulfonate and magnesium sulfonate, can be generated by the in- precipitation is likely to occur (Yan et al., 2000). In addition, ferric ions
compatibility of petroleum with the multivalent cations in both for- (Fe3+) in the formation water tend to establish cross-linking with
mation water and clays to form. This results in the loss of surfactants polymers to generate hydrogels that block the reservoirs (Fletcher et al.,
and the blockage of the pore-throat system, thereby impairing the 1992). The decrease of formation temperature by the injected fluids is
performance of surfactant flooding. Additionally, the instability and also likely to accelerate inorganic precipitation that tends to block the
separation between the oleic and aqueous phases may result in phase formation. The commonly used additives of deoxidants such as Na2SO3
trapping caused by the multi-phase-fluids transport with high capillary and NaHSO3 react with cations in the formation water to generate in-
forces (Nelson and Pope, 1978). The precipitation of surfactants is organic precipitates. The paraffin molecules in crude oil can precipitate
controlled by the ionic strength, degree of mineralization, temperature out as waxes as the formation temperature is decreased by the injected
and pH value in a formation (Martin et al., 1985). Hence, the mitigation polymers. Water-wet rocks are prone to enhance the adsorption and
of surfactants precipitation can be achieved by increasing fluid tem- precipitation of polymer molecules. The adsorption of polymers in the
peratures, increasing pH values, and decreasing the degree of miner- smaller pores will generate resistance to the flowing capacity of fluids.
alization. For example, by reducing the contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in In addition, the mitigation of fines or sands particle lifting into the
the reservoir fluids precipitation of calcium sulfonate and magnesium formation fluid is achieved in part by the adsorption of polymer onto
sulfonate can be prevented or significantly reduced. clay particles (Borchardt, 1989). Formation damage caused by polymer
(3) Excessive adsorption and retention of surfactants flooding can be at least partly mitigated by: narrowing the temperature
A primary objective of surfactant EOR is to achieve appropriate gap between injected fluids and formation fluids, screening out the
levels of surfactant adsorption onto the rock grains. However, excessive suspended particles in polymer solution prior to the injection, and op-
adsorption of surfactants can occur in certain conditions which typi- timizing the mixture of selected additives with the polymer to prevent
cally results in permeability damage in sandstone reservoirs (Panga incompatibility with the in-situ formation fluids.
et al., 2006). The excessive adsorption or retention of surfactants by Before a polymer is injected into a specific reservoir for improved oil
phase trapping (Hirasaki et al., 2011) tends to lead to a decrease of recovery, it should be subjected to a number of laboratory screening
porosity and permeability, and lowers the efficiency of surfactant ad- tests, including polymer injectivity, adsorption and brine compatibility
sorption along the oil-water interfaces, and limits enhancements in oil tests and to establish its microbial, mechanical and chemical degrada-
recovery. Decreasing fluid salinity and introducing alcohol-based me- tion characteristics.
thanol into water-based surfactant solutions are recommended to alle-
viate the excessive adsorption, aggregations and precipitation of sur- 2.2.3. Alkaline flooding
factants. Alkaline flooding, also referred to as caustic flooding, injects alka-
line solutions, such as sodium orthosilicate, sodium carbonate and so-
2.2.2. Polymer flooding dium hydroxide, to displace the formation fluids. The primary EOR
The primary mechanism involved in polymer flooding is the in- mechanism at work is the generation of soap and surfactants by the
crease in viscosity of the displacing phase, which improves mobility reactions between alkaline and crude oil (Liu, 2006). However, the
control for further oil recovery. However, in cases of harsh reservoir incompatibility of alkaline-formation water with alkaline-rocks leads to
conditions, such as high salinity fluids, the presence of calcium, high the following severe formation damage often associated with alkaline
temperatures and long injection times, formation damage often occurs. flooding EOR:
Problems and limitations commonly arise with water-soluble polymers, (1) Migration and blockage of fine particles
including decrease in the polymer's thickening capability and polymer Alkaline can dissolve clays and other minerals. Sometimes, the
flocculation (I. E. A, 2015). Hence, it is important to identify potential dissolution may increase formation permeability. However, typically
formation damage issues associated with specific reservoirs before in- fines migration and blockage ensue damaging reservoir permeability.
itiating polymer flooding. These tend to be: Under alkaline conditions, the interactions between clays and the

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

Fig. 5. Evolution from oil-in-water emulsion to water-in-oil emulsion with the increase of alkaline concentration [revised after 66].

surfaces of the mineral grains are also disturbed resulting in fines mi- teraacetic acid (DOCTA), Hydroxyethyle)ethylenediamin triacetate acid
gration and/or clay swelling through changes in the electrostatic forces (HEDTA), Triethyleneteramin hexaaxetic acid (TTHA), Nitrilotriacetic
among particles (Assef et al., 2014). Moreover, the formation of oil acid (NTA), Ethylenediamin tertaacetic acid (EDTA), Cyclohexylene
emulsions with different sizes of water phase at different alkaline dinitriloacetic acid (DCTA), and Diethylenetriamin pentaacetic acid
concentrations can lead to the blockage of fluid flow paths and reduced (DTPA). Sodium metaborate was proposed as a weaker alkali to replace
reservoir permeability. As alkaline concentration increases, the type of strong alkalis, and/or the replacement of inorganic alkalis by organic
emulsion evolves to become water-in-oil emulsion (Fig. 5), which im- alkalis, to reduce formation damage by scales (Flaaten et al., 2009).
pairs the flowing efficiency of oil by increasing the viscosity of oil phase Sometimes it is possible to take advantage of scale precipitation by
(Ge et al., 2012). injected alkaline solutions to improve sweep efficiency by decreasing
(2) Carbonate scale, hydroxyl scale, silicate scale, or sulfate the permeability in high-permeability zones, and diverting the injected
scale water and flowing fluids into lower-permeability pathways (Sarem,
The incompatibility of alkaline conditions with formation water 1974).
depends on formation water composition and temperature (Moghadasi
et al., 2004). Formation water typically includes cations of K+, Ca2+, 2.2.4. Binary combinations of chemical flooding
Fe2+, Mg2+, F3+, and Na+, and anions of HCO3−, CO32−, SO42−, and In order to achieve the benefits of combination chemical flooding, it
Cl−. As alkaline concentration increases, CO32−, OH−, and SiO32− is essential that the chemicals involved are compatible and stable in
concentrations become elevated, generating carbonate scale, hydroxyl their mixture. If they are not severe formation damage is likely to
scale, and silicate scale (Fig. 6), depending upon the availability of ensue.
metal ions in the formation water and rock minerals (Sheng, 2011). As (1) Alkaline-surfactant flooding (AS)
reservoir temperature increases, the solubility of inorganic scale would Addition of surfactant makes alkaline flooding more efficient. Rudin
decrease potentially leading to precipitation (Sheng, 2016). The pre- et al. (1994) found that the addition of surfactants into alkaline injec-
cipitation and deposition of all those scales lead to significant reduction tion fluids further decreased the equilibrium interfacial tension and
of permeability, and decreases the efficiency of alkaline flooding. It can created emulsions with higher interfacial resistance (Rudin et al.,
also lead to flow line restrictions, choke and safety valve failures, pump 1994). The more stable emulsions can carry more oil in flowing water,
wear, and corrosion beneath the scale in pipework and surface facil- but are also prone to block the pore throats with the accumulation of
ities. In the Wilming field, California, after the deposition of CaCO3 and emulsions. The adsorption of sulfonate and surfactants onto kaolinite
Mg2SiO4 scales, no acid treatments could remove them, leading to the can be decreased with the addition of alkaline as the charges of the
suspension of the alkaline flooding project. If injected seawater is rich mineral surfaces become more negative (Hanna and Somasundaran,
in SO42−, sulfate scale is also likely to be generated. Sulfate scales are 1977). The decreased adsorption of surfactants is likely to improve oil
very difficult and expensive to remove, because they are usually acid displacement. However, the detachment of sulfonate can enhance da-
insoluble. Lakatos et al. (2007) evaluated the performance of the scale- mage to the reservoirs.
mitigation additive polyamino carboxylic acids to dissolve both barium (2) Alkaline-polymer flooding (AP)
sulfate and calcium sulfate, including Dioxaoctamethylene dinitrilo One major problem of alkaline flooding is its lack of mobility con-
trol, due to the high mobility ratio of displaced phase to displacing
phase. The addition of polymer has the potential to solve this issue.
However, as alkaline concentrations increase, the polymer hydrolysis
and polymer viscosity reduces, causing the sodium ions in polymer
solution to neutralize the carboxyl groups resulting in polymer coil up
(Green and Willhite, 1998). In the alkaline condition, the adsorption of
polymer can be reduced by the increasing negative charge of the mi-
neral surfaces (Krumrine and Falcone, 1983).
(3) Surfactant-polymer flooding (SP)
The addition of surfactants into polymer flooding can further reduce
the interfacial tension, and surfactants can form chelation structures
with polymers to increase the viscosity of the displacing phase. As sa-
crificial agents, polymers react with the divalent ions on the mineral
surfaces, which reduces the loss of surfactants by adsorption, and the
precipitation of surfactants which enhances the stability of the emul-
sions (Cui et al., 2011). However, under certain conditions, the emul-
Fig. 6. Inorganic scale formation with alkaline injection. sification of surfactants into the oil phase may restrict the flowing

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

efficiency of oil into the wellbores, as a negative effect. Separation of production (Ghalambor et al., 2009). However, the plugging of fines
the polymer-rich phase and surfactant-phase may occur, which is not into gravel packing can also lead to a significant decrease of perme-
desirable for the movement of fluids in reservoirs (Pope et al., 1982). ability and well productivity (Bennion et al., 1994). Huang et al. (2008)
investigated the effectiveness of nanofluids to control fines migration
2.2.5. Alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding (ASP) and plugging of Frac-packs (Huang et al., 2008).
ASP systems mix with the formation water and oil through physico- (3) Water-phase trapping, gas-in-oil foam and water-in-oil
chemical reactions, which leads to the corrosion and dissolution of emulsions
minerals in reservoirs. Kalwar and Elraies (2013) reported the fluid- The invasion of water-based fluids into oil-bearing formations can
fluid incompatibility and scale precipitation for an ASP case with total result in adverse damage to the relative permeability of oil, which is
salinity of 59,940 ppm and 2762 ppm of Ca2+ and Mg2+, and the referred to as the water-phase trapping phenomenon (Bennion et al.,
success of preventing scale precipitation by the addition of acrylic acid 1996). Such damage is usually not permanent, and can be cleaned up
(Kalwar and Elraies, 2013). Liu et al. (2007) described a field example over time if a sufficient pressure gradient is established to push the
in which scale production consisted of a mixture of silicate scale, car- trapped phase through the pore throats. Suspended “skim” oil in the
bonate scale and organic matter (Liu et al., 2007). For ASP flooding, injection water can also have negative effects on the relative perme-
chemical anti-scaling techniques and physical anti-scaling techniques ability, as it is typically difficult to completely remove heavy oil from
have been proposed to mitigate scale problems (Wang et al., 2013; Xu the produced water (Bennion et al., 1998).
et al., 2001; Li et al., 2009). Foamy oil emulsions can be generated under conditions of high fluid
viscosity, and strong interfacial tension between gas and heavy oil, and
2.3. Formation damage by thermal techniques for heavy oil recovery once the reservoir pressure has fallen below the bubble-point pressure.
Although the swelling of heavy oil is beneficial to oil production, the
About 70% of world oil reserves are heavy crude oil (Giacchetta enhancement of a foamy oil solution in the gas phase can increase its
et al., 2015), which tend to have low primary recovery factors. The viscosity and the critical gas saturation required for mobility, which can
thermal recovery of heavy oil mainly includes, in-situ combustion (ISC), lead to a decline in well productivity (Chen et al., 2015). The stable
steam flooding (SF), cyclic steam stimulation (CSS), and steam-assisted- interfaces between the oil and gas phases can help the transport small
gravity-drainage (SAGD) techniques. Most heavy oil reservoirs exist at fines particles, which may exaggerate the problem of fines migration,
relatively shallow depths and reside in unconsolidated sandstone for- sands production, and damage to a formation's permeability (Simith,
mations. The poor consolidation makes heavy oil reservoir more sus- 1988). Water-in-oil emulsion can also be formed in heavy oil, sig-
ceptible to formation damage. Thermal recovery methods can further nificantly increasing the viscosity of the oil phase, which impairs the
exacerbate the extent of formation damage by the alteration of the flowing efficiency of oil towards and into wellbores (Czarnecki and
prevailing physical-chemical-thermal system in the formation. The as- Moran, 2005).
sociated formation damage mechanisms with thermal recovery in heavy
oil mainly include (Chen and Chen, 2018), sands and fines migration,
clay swelling and deflocculation, organic precipitation, wettability al- 2.3.2. Chemical damage during thermal recovery in heavy oil reservoirs
teration, phase trapping, foam and emulsion formation, mineral trans- (1) Clay swelling and deflocculation
formation, dissolution and precipitation, and types of biologically in- Most heavy oil reservoirs contain problematic clay minerals, in-
duced damage. cluding the swelling clay montmorillonite and the migrating clays illite
and kaolinite. Clay swelling and deflocculation are caused by an abrupt
2.3.1. Mechanical formation damage during the thermal recovery of heavy change of brine chemistry, such as fresh or low-salinity water, which
oil lead to pore constriction, bridging and blockage to damage formation
(1) Migration of fine particles in both sandstone and carbonate permeability and well productivity (Zhang et al., 2015).
reservoirs (2) Wax and asphaltene precipitation, accumulation and de-
Most of heavy oils are located in poorly consolidated sandstone position
reservoirs which are typically associated with large amounts of mobile Wax and asphaltene problems in heavy oil include (Permadi et al.,
fines and particles, such as in-situ kaolinite, detrital rock fragments, 2012): 1) asphaltene precipitation as solid particles once destabilized
pyrobitumen and other mobile particulates. In carbonate formations from crude oil due to either reductions of temperature and pressure or
containing heavy oil, the migration of dolomite or carbonate fines, and by contact with precipitation agents, such as unsequestered hydro-
pyrobitumen is also likely to occur (Bennion et al., 1995). Migration of chloric acid, LPG and carbon dioxide gas; 2) the formation of crystalline
fines is affected by: pH, temperature, rock wettability, clay mineral wax caused by the reduction in temperature. Asphaltene precipitation
composition, flowing rates, and fluid salinities. The migration of fines refers to the process where asphaltene suspend as a separate phase in
and particles can lead to severe damage of permeability through the crude oil, in small quantities and in small particle sizes, can no
blockage and plugging of pore throats. In heavy oil, the abrupt changes longer be supported by the fluid phase. Precipitated asphaltene parti-
of formation temperature, mineral composition, and fluid properties is cles tend to aggregate together forming larger particles, referred to as
likely to exaggerate the problems of fines migration. Yuan et al. (2018) “flocs”, which then attach onto various surfaces (i.e., mineral grains,
described several approaches to potentially mitigate fines migration, pipework, within surface facilities) (Alian et al., 2011).
including nanofluids and commercial clay stabilizer CS-38 (Yuan et al.,
(2) Inevitable amounts of sands production along with pro- 2.3.3. Biologically induced damage associated with thermal oil recovery
duction of bitumen and heavy oil Biologically induced damage (Smith, 1995) including crude oil
Changes to the in-situ effective stress make it inevitable that for- souring, blockage by bacteria-produced polysaccharide with high mo-
mation sand particles and fines are produced along with the heavy oil, lecular weight to reduce permeability, and mineral erosion due to the
especially in the more poorly consolidated reservoirs. The hydro- activities of bacteria on the mineral grain surfaces. Usually, biologi-
dynamic forces exerted by the flowing fluids during production en- cally-induced damage is very difficult to remediate. The best mitigation
hances the movement of clay particles (Muecke, 1979). The excessive strategy is to completely clean the injected fluids using biocide, and
contact of sand and fines with high-temperature steam can also pro- engage in real-time monitoring and control of bacterial levels in the
mote the migration of sands and fines (Tague, 2000). Gravel packs and wellbores before injecting fluids into the reservoir formations.
frac packs have been intensively investigated to prevent sand

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

2.3.4. Thermally induced formation damage associated with thermal oil the solubility of asphaltene in oil, and therefore acts as a precipitant for
recovery asphaltene by lowering the threshold of asphaltene precipitation
Thermally induced formation damage is uniquely associated with (Gholoum et al., 2003). CO2 induced precipitation of heavy organic
the high-temperature environments created during the production of components (asphaltene) in the crude oil, can result in blockages of
heavy oil by hot water, steam and in-situ combustion. The thermally pore throats in the reservoir and downhole/surface facilities. Asphal-
induced damage generally includes (Schembre and Koscel, 2005): 1) tene precipitation induces reservoir rock wettability reversal, which
transformation of kaolinite to water-sensitive clay such as smectite in potentially reduces the oil relative permeability and reduces oil pro-
excess of 200 °C; 2) dissolution of carbonate and silica as formation duction and recovery. Asphaltene deposition issues in CO2 EOR have
temperature increases, and re-precipitation of calcium, magnesium and been reported in some oilfields without asphaltene issues during their
silicate solids caused by an abrupt change of temperature, which is primary production phase. For instance, in the CO2 flooding EOR pilot
likely to lead to severe damage to the formation's permeability; 3) in Little Creek, Mississippi, asphaltene deposition occurred in the well
wettability alteration due to a decrease in the adsorption of oil com- tubing, although no such problem was observed during the primary and
ponents to the mineral grains as the temperature increases; and, 4) secondary production (Leontaritis et al., 1994). Also, the tertiary CO2
thermal expansion of minerals by the increase of temperature leading to flooding pilot in the Midale Unit in southeastern Saskatchewan (Ca-
pore-throat shrinkage and the generation of micro fractures, which nada) lead to asphaltene deposition, although no asphaltene problems
would increase the tortuosity of the fluid flow pathways and decrease had occurred during both either primary and secondary production
rock permeability (Gupta and Civan, 1994). (Leontaritis et al., 1988). CO2 EOR can also exaggerate the problems of
asphaltene precipitation and deposition for oilfields with asphaltene
2.4. Formation damage by CO2 flooding for oil recovery and CO2 issues reported during the primary or secondary production, e.g.,
sequestration Ventura field in California (U.S.A.) (Novosad and Costain, 1990).
(2) Clay swelling and minerals dissolution
CO2 flooding was introduced as a commercial EOR technique in the CO2 flooding results in the formation of carbonic acid, which lowers
1970s, and expanded to include CO2 sequestration in some EOR pro- pH and increases both Eh (activity of electrons), and dissolves quartz,
jects during the past twenty years. As reported in 2014 (Kuuskraa and feldspar, barite, cements and clays, including anhydrite (Chopping and
Wallace, 2014), more than 136 CO2 EOR projects were active in United Kaszuba, 2012), calcite (Kelessidis and Maglione, 2008), smectite
States with the number increasing progressively since 1986. Oil pro- (Heerema, 2016), illite (Miranda-Trevino and Cynthia, 2003), kaolinite
duction from CO2 EOR projects was predicted in 2014 to increase from and mica (MacCarthy et al., 2014). The nature of dolomite (Plummer
300,000 b/d in 2014 to 638,000 b/d in 2020, and the corresponding and Busenberg, 1982), quartz and silicate clays (Wu et al., 2018) can
CO2 injection consumption expected to increase from 3.5 bcf/d to 6.5 affect the structure of pore networks, mechanical integrity of reservoir
bcf/d. Low oil prices between 2014 and 2017 slowed this growth. The rocks, and the plugging of liberated fines into pore throats. Although
number of CO2 EOR projects worldwide (Fig. 7) is dominated by those the reduction of porosity is generally offset by mineral dissolution vo-
in the U.S. (Melzer, 2012). Interest in CO2 EOR projects outside of USA lumes, the damage to a formation permeability is usually significant
started in 1994, and has increased slowly. Some notable CO2 EOR fields (Nguyen et al., 2007). The permeability damage during CO2 flooding is
outside of USA include the Weyburn oilfield in Canada, the Bati Raman mainly caused by the movement of fines, precipitation of clays in pore
heavy oilfield in Turkey and oilfields in Trinidad, Abu Dhabi, Brazil, throats and the mechanical compaction caused by corrosion of frame-
China, Malaysia, and the North Sea. work mineral grains. It is therefore necessary to establish a clear un-
The majority of ongoing CO2 EOR projects (∼90%) involved mis- derstanding of fluid and mineral interactions in a specific formation to
cible CO2 flooding in 2014 and the rest involved the immiscible CO2 minimize the extent of formation damage during CO2 injection and
flooding processes. The applications of CO2 EOR projects are mostly maximize the efficiency of CO2 EOR projects.
accompanied by severe formation damage issues due to the incompat- (3) Inorganic scale precipitation and deposition
ibility of fluids-fluids and fluids-rocks. These are predominantly in- The injection of CO2 into a reservoir changes the in-situ equilibrium
organic deposits, organic deposits, clay swelling and mineral dissolu- conditions, which promotes fluid-fluid and fluid-mineral chemical re-
tions (Fu et al., 2018). actions. As shown in Eq. (1), the precipitation of calcite can be induced
by the reactions between CO2 and the calcium ion (Ca2+) in the for-
2.4.1. Chemically induced formation damage associated with CO2 flooding mation water; the presence of CO2 or increasing CO2 partial pressure
and/or sequestration leads to the increase of CaCO3 solubility in water, but when CO2 comes
(1) Organic asphaltene precipitation and deposition out of solution as the pressure decreases and temperature increases
The addition of CO2 brings changes in oil composition and decreases (Plummer and Busenberg, 1982), CaCO3 solubility in water decreases
resulting in the risk of carbonate scale deposition. CO2 can also react
with hydrogen (H+) in the formation water to form the bicarbonate ion
HCO3− , which enhances the dissolution of minerals in reservoir rocks
increasing the concentrations of ions, especially calcium ion, in the
formation water, which can in turn result in subsequent calcite pre-
cipitation as conditions change.

Ca2 + + 2(HCO3) ↔ Ca (HCO3)2

Ca (HCO3)2 → Ca (CO3) ↓ + CO2 ↑ + H2 O (1)

2.4.2. Mitigation techniques to prevent chemical damage

Wu et al. summarized the list of scale prevention strategies for near-
wellbore and deep-in-the reservoir formation zones (Wu et al., 2018).
These include: 1) fracture proppant coated with scale inhibitor or a
mixture of solid scale inhibitor and proppant can be applied, or liquid
Fig. 7. The number of CO2 EOR projects inside and outside of the USA (revised scale inhibitor deployed along with the fracturing fluid during frac-
after Melzer, 2012). turing operations; and, 2) Periodic squeeze treatments can be applied

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

by pumping chemical inhibitor into the near-wellbore zones periodi- projects.

cally to inhibit scale formation, as the inhibitor can be slowly dissolved The identification and recognition of factors contributing to the
or detached from the rock and produced along with the flowing fluids formation damage during various EOR processes in different types of
(Graham et al., 2015; Kan and Tomson, 2012; Yuan et al., 2017). reservoirs (Fig. 3) requires extensive data collected from laboratory
testing and field tests of various scales (i.e., single well tests, pilot
3. Integrated risk and opportunity assessment and management of studies involving small zones of injection and production wells, etc.)
EOR projects coupled with analysis using advanced numerical simulation package
(Haimes, 2015). Such an approach can provide indicators for use in
As a combination of complex, multi-faceted and dynamic phe- quantifying the scale and extent of various formation damage me-
nomena, types of formation damage issues induced by various EOR chanisms. The type of data to record formation damage issues for all
projects and associated mitigation/prevention techniques as above types of EOR processes is likely to be drawn from core/well/reservoir
mentioned, require holistic analysis and management. Both negative properties from laboratory and experimental analysis and field mea-
and positive outcomes can result from the formation damage issues for surements, including: core data (porosity, permeability, and mechanical
the production performance of EOR projects. In particularly, the miti- properties), well logging and well test data (phase saturation, perme-
gation actions taken in attempts to address specific formation damage ability, skin factor, porosity, and mechanical failures), and well injec-
issues during EOR can themselves adversely incorporate secondary risks tion/production (injection/production rates and bottom-hole pressure).
of further exacerbating the formation damage mechanism at work, or There are three different approaches for risk and opportunity as-
even induce new formation damage mechanisms. Consequently, it is sessment (Wood et al., 2008), covering qualitative, semi-quantitative,
essential to introduce an integrated risk and opportunity assessment and quantitative approaches. Among them, the qualitative method can
and management workflow to optimize the design of EOR projects and provide the labels of different formation damage issues in the two-di-
associated formation damage mitigation strategies throughout well/ mensional matrix of impacts versus likelihood. Through applying this
field life (Zitha et al., 2013; Wood and Yuan, 2018; Vose, 2008; Aven approach, the operators can prioritize which kind of formation damage
et al., 2007). Integrated risk and opportunity assessment and manage- issues require mitigation or exploitation. Such analysis evaluates how
ment requires complex steps conducted in a systematical framework, mitigation actions can help move or improve factors from the down-
mainly including identification, assessment and ranking of events and side-risk “critical to mitigate” to “manageable”, and also focus upon the
actions associated with formation damage issues and their un- upside-opportunities that are “crucial to capture”.
certainties. The detailed workflow (Fig. 8) involves integrating quali- The semi-quantitative risk and opportunity assessment can be
tative, semi-quantitative and quantitative risk and opportunity assess- achieved by introducing a scoring system for each box expanding and
ment of formation damage causes/actions, using a range of analysis building upon the basic qualitative two-dimensional matrix, or three-
tools, and applying performance indicators monitored for rigorous and dimensional matrix (impact, likelihood, and duration of specific for-
holistic risk and opportunity management of formation damage in EOR mation damage issues), which can provide more rigor and less

Fig. 8. An integrated workflow for risk and opportunity identification, assessment and management of formation damage issues impacting EOR projects. Modified
after Wood and Yuan (2018).

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

subjective assessment. The magnitudes of every box are defined by mitigation and prevention, associated with better recognition of
multiplying the score of each level along each dimension. The higher secondary formation damage problems.
the value of the box, the higher need the mitigation and management 7) To develop new guidelines and algorithms to optimize EOR design
actions. However, both qualitative and semi-quantitative methods and implementation strategies coupled with formation damage is-
cannot quantify the different consequences of types of events. For in- sues based upon practical field experiences.
stance, the same score in assessment matrix defined by the events/ac- 8) To improve the risk and opportunity assessment and management
tions may have different reservoir performance, financial and other system to possess enough capacity to address a wide range of
outcomes, which make both methods not able to directly be applied for complex and diverse formation damage issues, and also to integrate
financial evaluation or deal with the cases with too many events/ac- more formation-damage-related issues, spanning from the technical,
tions. Therefore, it is generally necessary to apply a more quantitative/ regulatory, financial to market uncertainties associated with IOR/
stochastic analysis, where the likelihood of formation damage events/ EOR projects, aiming to improve investment decision making and
actions is defined as a probabilistic function, and the impacts is selected reservoir and related financial performance.
as actual measurable outcomes (production rates, financial indicators,
and recovery factor etc.). The most important benefits of stochastic Accurately understanding and optimally managing formation da-
analysis are that confidence levels can be defined to the outcomes by mage issues during EOR field-scale projects offers us the opportunity to
inputting the diverse likelihoods (probabilities) of specific formation massively increase ultimately recoverable resources from known and
damage issues occurring. This provides a more quantitative and holistic already exploited energy geosystems and those yet-to-be discovered.
view for operators as to when and how to address what kind of for- Furthermore it should enable us to do this on a commercially attractive
mation damage issue as priorities. basis during both peaks and troughs of the highly volatile energy
The risk and opportunity assessment and management system to markets. However, to do so requires sustained in-depth and holistic
assess EOR projects should not only have capacity to address a wide studies of formation damage issues during many different types of EOR
range of complex and diverse formation damage issues, but also needs project. To do this effectively involves significant and systematic, long-
to integrate broad formation-damage-related issues with technical, term integrated multi-disciplinary efforts involving many branches of
regulatory, financial and market uncertainties associated with EOR academia and industry.
projects at different times during the project life cycle. The objective of
such rigorous and holistic risk and opportunity assessment should be to 5. Summary and conclusion
improve project investment decision making based upon reliable re-
servoir and financial performance forecasting. Formation damage issues in EOR projects in various subsurface oil/
gas reservoirs lead to a series of complex risks and opportunities, with a
4. Prospects in formation damage coupled with enhanced oil combination of negative and positive impacts on the production per-
recovery research formance and resource recovery of oil geosystems. Moreover, the oc-
currence and extent of these impacts induced by the diverse damage
Aside from developing techniques for further improving and en- issues remain highly uncertain and vary significantly from project to
hancing oil/gas and thermal recovery in various geosystems, it is es- project. This review highlights, details and focuses upon:
sential to evaluate and characterize the multi-scale issues of formation
damage, from microscopic to macroscopic, and their potential impacts 1) the potential formation damage issues associated with diverse en-
on pore-scale, core-scale, well-scale and field-scale performance. The hanced petroleum and thermal energy recovery projects (i.e., low-
accurate identification of a broad range of formation damage factors is salinity water flooding, surfactant flooding, alkaline flooding,
a key factor in achieving reliable risk and opportunity assessment and polymer flooding, alkaline-surfactant flooding, alkaline-polymer
management. In recent years low oil prices have slowed down research flooding, surfactant-polymer flooding, alkaline-surfactant-polymer
and investment in costly EOR projects. To maximize the benefits and flooding, CO2 flooding, thermal recovery, and hydraulic fracturing)
minimize the losses associated with formation damage issues to achieve in a wide range of geosystems (i.e., conventional sandstone/carbo-
the best outcomes from EOR projects, further efforts are required from nate reservoirs, unconventional shale reservoirs).
industry and academia to address at least the following issues that 2) The impacts of diverse formation damage issues on well and re-
provide ongoing cause for concern: servoir performance are addressed and quantified holistically.
3) The recommended mitigation and prevention methods/techniques
1) To enhance the fundamental understandings on the microscopic are described in order to assist oilfield operators in addressing the
formation damage in terms of geomechanical, geochemical and complex issues associated with formation damage.
petrophysical characterization. More experimental works and field 4) Outlining an integrated risk and opportunity identification, assess-
pilot studies will be required to achieve this. ment, and management framework for considering formation da-
2) To develop more sophisticated techniques, tools and theories to mage in EOR projects. This framework integrates qualitative, semi-
identify and monitor the occurrence and extent of formation damage quantitative and quantitative assessment methods, supported by a
issues at different periods throughout a field's life to optimally ex- range of analysis/predication tools, and applying performance in-
tract its resources. dicators monitored for rigorous and holistic analysis.
3) To implement more generalized and accurate upscaling approaches
to apply the microscopic findings to explain the macroscopic phe- Acknowledgement
nomenon, and capture and exploit more information from labora-
tory studies and simulations valuable to guide pilot field projects. This work is a synthesis of advances gained from recent multi-dis-
4) To better identify and quantify the risks and opportunities of for- ciplined research and development work. It builds upon the book
mation damage issues specific to EOR projects, recognizing that “Formation damage during Improved Oil Recovery” recently edited by
formation damage can be highly variable from reservoir to re- the authors and involving collaborations with a number of experts
servoir, and therefore difficult to predict. working at the cutting edge of research in a number of relevant topic
5) To develop more advanced and comprehensive numerical models areas. Here, we express our thanks to all those experts for their support,
that help to postulate the holistic impacts of as many formation and in particular to: Dr. Pavel Bedrikovetsky, Dr. Caili Dai, Dr. Xuebing
damage issues as possible during diverse EOR projects. Fu, Dr. Zhangxing (John) Chen, Dr. Xingru Wu, Dr. Rouzbeh G.
6) To develop more advanced techniques of formation damage Moghanloo, Dr. Zhenjiang You, Dr. Vikram Vishal, Dr. Liang Yu, and

B. Yuan, D.A. Wood Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 167 (2018) 287–299

Dr. Jiaming Zhang, all other colleagues devoted to this topic. Doust, A.R., Puntervold, T., Strand, S., et al., 2009. Smart water as wettability modifier in
carbonate and sandstone. In: 15th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery,
(Paris, France).
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