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Keynote Upper Int.

– Student’s Book word list


Word class abbreviations:

The following abbreviations are used in the word list: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv =
adverb, phr = phrase, phr v = phrasal verb

Unit 1
Pages 8-9
advertising (n)
brand (n)
default (adj)
embed (v)
error (n)
head up (phr v)
identity (n)
marketing (n)
media (n)
promote (something) (v)
sitter (n)
startup (n)
Pages 10-11
a light bulb went off (phr)
a slap in the face (phr)
come into play (phr)
fall through the cracks (phr)
figure (something) out (phr v)
global (adj)
hit (v)
illustrate (v)
negative (adj)
social media (n)
standardize (v)
viral video (n)
well-designed (adj)
Pages 12-13
amateur (adj)

astronaut (n)
broadcasting (n)
creativity (n)
device (n)
hit (on the internet) (n)
host (v)
online community (n)
originality (n)
phenomenon (n)
potential (adj)
short-listed (adj)
sophisticated (adj)
statistics (n)
stream (something online) (v)
update (v)
Pages 14-15
(be) fascinated by (something) (phr)
(be) responsible for (something) (phr)
acupuncture therapist (n)
assist (v)
be committed to (something) (phr)
be involved in (something) (phr)
co-ordinate (v)
distinct (adj)
focus on (something) (phr)
lead (v)
passionate (adj)
personal branding (n)
perspective (n)
presence (n)
profile (n)
reputation (n)
self-image (n)
self-promotion (n)
stand out (phr v)
Pages 16-17
association (n)
mutual acquaintance (n)
networking (n)

workplace (n)
work-related (adj)
workshop (n)
Unit 2
Pages 18-19
acknowledge (v)
charitable trust (n)
commitment (n)
conventional wisdom (phr)
dedication (n)
delay gratification (phr)
determined (adj)
enthusiastic (adj)
founder (n)
mind (n)
motivated (adj)
proceeds (n)
resist temptation (phr)
satisfaction (n)
specific (adj)
tend to (do/be something) (v)
Pages 20-21
achieve (v)
appropriate (adj)
claim (n)
commitment (n)
conclude (v)
convincing (adj)
evidence (n)
for real (phr)
it goes like this (phr)
kind of (phr)
Pages 22-23
approach (n)
conduct (v)
economic (adj)
financially (adj)
make my name (phr)
optimistic (adj)

participant (n)
series (n)
spontaneous (adj)
statement (n)
target (n)
Pages 24-25
academic (adj)
aide (n)
cost of living (n)
enable (v)
estimate (v)
job sector (n)
job security (n)
keep up with (something) (phr v)
occupational area (n)
opening (n)
project (v)
retail park (n)
retail sales (n)
rise (v)
short-term (adj)
specialist (adj)
starting position (n)
study (n)
workplace experience (n)
Pages 26-27
account executive (n)
administration (n)
applicant (n)
appreciate (v)
confident (adj)
contribution (n)
effectively (adv)
exceed (v)
existing customer (n)
extensive (adj)
Human Resources (n)
interact (v)
internship (n)

leadership (n)
leading (adj)
managerial position (n)
maximise (v)
mentor (v)
obtain (v)
possess (v)
potential customer (n)
role (n)
sales target (n)
secure a position (phr)
seek (v)
significant (adj)
Pages 28-29
(job) post (n)
anxiety (n)
assistance (n)
break down (a) barrier (phr)
confidential (adj)
contribution (n)
disaster (n)
face difficulty (phr)
have a negative impact on (something/somebody)
hiring policy (n)
mental health condition (n)
physical disability (n)
profit (n)
shareholder (n)
social enterprise (n)
spokesperson (n)
stable (adj)
valuable (adj)
Unit 3
Pages 30-31
aspiration (n)
child survival (n)
data (n)
desire (n)
dramatic (adj)

economic development (n)
emerging economy (n)
gap (n)
income (n)
invest (v)
investor (n)
population growth (n)
sustainable (adj)
the developing world (n)
the industrial world (n)
world population (n)
Pages 32-33
acquire (v)
graph (n)
green technology (n)
investment (n)
optimist (n)
pessimist (n)
poverty (n)
relevant (adj)
remote (adj)
represent (v)
role (n)
staggering (adj)
state (v)
Pages 34-35
compensate (v)
decade (n)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (n)
household expenditure (n)
housing (n)
maintain (v)
miscellaneous (n)
overtake (v)
position (n)
rapidly (adv)
rise steadily (phr)
shrink (v)
spending habit (n)

technician (n)
utility (n)
Pages 36-37
admire (v)
belong to (something) (v)
esteem (n)
extent (n)
fulfilled (adj)
independence (n)
influence (n)
influential (adj)
instinct (n)
motivate (v)
motivation (n)
need (n)
perfection (n)
physiological (n)
prestige (n)
progression (n)
property (n)
pyramid (n)
qualitative (adj)
quantitative (adj)
safety (n)
secure (adj)
self-actualization (n)
self-respect (n)
shelter (n)
social (adj)
status (n)
take (something) into account (phr)
theory (n)
Pages 38-39
convention (n)
get back to (somebody) (phr v)
market research survey (n)
mini-break (n)
premium (adj)
promotion (n)

sales projection (n)
venue (n)
Unit 4
Pages 40-41
creative block (n)
determination (n)
distract (v)
drive (n)
factor (n)
focus on (something) (v)
inability (n)
passion (n)
persist (v)
push ahead (phr v)
serve (v)
summarize (v)
Pages 42-43
(work) project (n)
assumption (n)
client (n)
couldn’t care less about (something) (phr)
criteria (n)
get into (something) (phr v)
make it (phr)
one-way street (n)
purpose (n)
push yourself (phr)
route (n)
sit back in your comfort zone (phr)
to cut a long story short (phr)
Pages 44-45
(company) board (n)
academy (n)
accolade (n)
award (n)
dyslexic (adj)
empire (n)
entrepreneur (n)
establish (v)

executive (n)
fund (v)
graduate (v)
high-flyer (n)
inventor (n)
magnate (n)
manufacturing (n)
measure (v)
operate (a business) (v)
peak (v)
philanthropist (n)
position (n)
resign (v)
satellite (n)
talk show host (n)
telecommunications (n)
TV network (n)
wealth (n)
Pages 46-47
advanced trialling (n)
blame (n)
brand loyalty (n)
catastrophe (n)
cause (n)
company strategy (n)
consumer satisfaction (n)
expertise (n)
fail (v)
failure (n)
fault (n)
inevitable (adj)
planning (n)
process (n)
recognized (adj)
trivial (adj)
Pages 48-49
(meeting) agenda (n)
AOB (Any Other Business) (phr)
apologies for absence (phr)

budget outline (n)
collaboration (n)
coverage (n)
donation (n)
food poisoning (n)
health and safety regulation (n)
investigate (v)
overflow (v)
present (adj)
promotional (adj)
quote (n)
raise funds (phr)
suffer (an) injury (phr)
volunteer (n)
Pages 50-51
business model (n)
commercial company (n)
crochet (v)
expand (v)
extensive (adj)
intention (n)
non-profit company (n)
operation (n)
originate (v)
shift (n)
social benefit (n)
struggle (v)
system (n)
track (v)
vary (v)
Unit 5
Pages 52-53
corporation (n)
current (adj)
huff and puff (phr)
humanistic (adj)
inventive (adj)
long-term (adj)
out-of-the-box (adj)

prevalent (adj)
productive (adj)
reframe (v)
stats (statistics) (n)
steady (adj)
sustainable (adj)
widespread (adj)
Pages 54-55
(medical) condition (n)
anxiety (n)
be tied to (something) (phr)
diabetes (n)
doable (adj)
equivalent (n)
inactivity (n)
incompatible (adj)
kind of odd (phr)
lifestyle (n)
mutually exclusive (phr)
overweight (adj)
physical activity (n)
recommended (adj)
social interaction (n)
the bottom line (n)
to the tune of (something) (phr)
Pages 56-57
impact (n)
minor surgery (n)
presenter (n)
pull a muscle (phr)
put on weight (phr)
retire (from a game/sport) (v)
round (n)
sporty (adj)
target (n)
triathlete (n)
warm up (phr v)
withdraw from (a competition) (phr)
Pages 58-59

(happen) on a global scale (phr)
a row over (something) (phr)
balance the books (phr)
be behind (creating/causing something) (phr)
control your finances (phr)
form a partnership (phr)
get into debt (phr)
in the years to come (phr)
invest money (phr)
make a deal (phr)
make an offer (phr)
minority-interest (adj)
raise awareness across (something) (phr)
react with anger (phr)
sponsor (n)
sponsor an event (phr)
sponsorship (n)
the extent to which (phr)
work out a budget (phr)
Pages 60-61
accumulate (v)
angel investor (n)
borrow money (phr)
charge interest (phr)
crowd funding (n)
personal savings (n)
private investor (n)
Q&A session (n)
see a return on your money (phr)
stage (n)
start up (a business) (phr v)
Unit 6
Pages 62-63
admiration (n)
astonished (adj)
astonishing (adj)
comedian (n)
connected (adj)
continuous (adj)

conveyor belt (n)
historian (n)
leap (n)
majestic (adj)
military invasion (n)
production process (n)
repeatedly (adv)
roll (v)
Pages 64-65
admiration (n)
appreciate (v)
Are you kidding me? (phr)
comfortable (adj)
conscious (adj)
dine (v)
engaging (adj)
enthusiastic (adj)
it’s come down to this (phr)
jaw (n)
mingled with (something) (phr)
moon landing (n)
overuse (v)
pollinate (v)
power (n)
structure (n)
take a shot of (something) (phr)
ups and downs (n)
whip (something) out (phr)
with that in mind (phr)
Pages 66-67
auction (n)
bargain (n)
be tempted (v)
bid (v)
extend (v)
gadget (n)
guarantee (n)
influence (v)
limit your spending (phr)

occasionally (adv)
packaging (n)
pricey (adj)
self-control (n)
value for money (phr)
Pages 68-69
ceramic (adj)
climate change (n)
CO2 emissions (n)
consumerism (n)
cover (v)
cut back (phr v)
deprive (v)
designer (adj)
disposable (adj)
eco-friendly (adj)
ethical consumption (n)
ethics (n)
fake (adj)
harm (n)
humanitarian (adj)
insurance (n)
legal (adj)
out-of-season (adj)
produce (n)
resource (n)
reusable (adj)
rights (n)
rubbish (n)
seasonal (adj)
single-use (adj)
sustainability (n)
turn out (phr v)
unethical (adj)
upgrade (v)
wasteful (adj)
welfare (n)
Pages 70-71
appalling (adj)

broadband (internet) (n)
deal (n)
disgusted (adj)
function (n)
incredibly (adv)
landline phone (n)
poor (quality) (adj)
portable (adj)
provider (n)
satellite TV (n)
tablet (computer) (n)
tariff (n)
unique (adj)
unlimited (adj)
Pages 72-73
(business) field (n)
aim (n)
archery (n)
cater for (somebody/something) (v)
combine (v)
cope with (something) (v)
inflatable (adj)
make a commitment (phr)
make a difference (phr)
publicize (v)
reach (v)
reject (v)
Unit 7
Pages 74-75
aid (n)
amputee (n)
artificial (adj)
civil war (n)
classify (v)
define (v)
function (v)
medical (adj)
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan (n)
Paralympic athlete (n)

pressure sore (n)
prosthesis (n)
prosthetic limb (n)
shoulder socket (n)
Pages 76-77
actual (adj)
adapted (adj)
additional (adj)
amputation (n)
audio (n)
braille (n)
community (n)
contribute (v)
conventional (adj)
feedback (n)
figure (something) out (phr v)
functional (adj)
implement (v)
indeed (adv)
innovation (n)
positive (adj)
ramp (n)
signal (n)
simply (adv)
technological (adj)
trial (n)
trouble (v)
visual (adj)
wrap (something) up (phr v)
Pages 78-79
analysis (n)
authority (n)
biodegradable (adj)
bionic limb (n)
calculation (n)
cause (v)
coating (n)
dispose of (something) (v)
efficiency (n)

fault (n)
fibre optics (n)
identify (v)
inspire (v)
regulate (v)
review (v)
solar cell (n)
solar panel (n)
spread disease (phr)
stem cell therapy (n)
take a sample (of something) (phr)
test (something) (v)
waterproof (adj)
Pages 80-81
access (n)
allow (v)
assessment (n)
computer code (n)
computer programming (n)
excess (n)
exploit (v)
flexibility (n)
get round (phr v)
hardware (n)
innovative (adj)
introduce (something new) (v)
key (adj)
native speaker (n)
passive (adj)
personalized (adj)
put into practice (phr)
recreation (n)
replace (v)
shortage (n)
variation (n)
Pages 82-83
action (n)
app (n)
apply (v)

banking (n)
e-ticket (n)
log in (phr v)
operation (n)
PIN number (n)
recipient (n)
security question (n)
touchscreen (n)
Unit 8
Pages 84-85
(someone’s) personal life (phr)
be affected by (something) (phr)
boundary (n)
childcare facility (n)
contention (n)
corporate (adj)
desperation (n)
dress-down Friday (n)
express an opinion (phr)
flexitime (n)
informal (adj)
make sense (phr)
marketer (n)
nursery (n)
paternity leave (n)
vastly (adv)
work-life balance (n)
Pages 86-87
a middle way (n)
balanced (adj)
convincingly (adv)
debate (n)
emotional (adj)
face the truth (phr)
fall into the trap of (something) (phr)
get a grip (phr)
intellectual (adj)
mess around (phr v)
out of balance (phr)

realistic (adj)
relate to (something) (phr v)
spiritual (adj)
take control (phr)
the root of the problem (phr)
time frame (n)
Pages 88-89
expectation (n)
follow in (somebody’s) footsteps (phr)
have it all (phr)
keep an eye on (somebody/something) (phr)
limit (v)
lose track of time (phr)
risk (v)
socialize (v)
stress-free (adj)
tried and tested (phr)
workaholic (n)
Pages 90-91
chill out (phr v)
clear your head (phr)
closely (adv)
dissatisfied (adj)
factor (n)
feel refreshed (phr)
fulfilment (n)
gender (n)
get away from it all (phr)
have a change of scene (phr)
have a day off (phr)
heritage centre (n)
in other words (phr)
karaoke (n)
on the contrary (phr)
performing arts (n)
put (something) out of your mind (phr)
put your feet up (phr)
recharge your batteries (phr)
religious (adj)

resident (n)
spend quality time (phr)
switch off (phr v)
take annual leave (phr)
the idea is that (phr)
the key question is (phr)
theme park (n)
unwind (v)
what’s interesting is (phr)
Pages 92-93
absence (n)
all in all (phr)
alternative (n)
be better off (phr)
bonus scheme (n)
despite (this) (phr)
firstly (adv)
for this reason (phr)
furthermore (adv)
go ahead with (something) (phr v)
in the first place (phr)
initial (adj)
many people argue that (phr)
nevertheless (adv)
on the other hand (phr)
one argument against (something) (phr)
possibility (n)
productive (adj)
reach an agreement (phr)
secondly (adv)
see (someone’s) point (phr)
take (something) into consideration (phr)
the main drawback of (something) (phr)
to conclude (phr)
to sum up (phr v)
Pages 94-95
(computer) crash (v)
award-winning (adj)
consequence (n)

enrolment (n)
fed up (adj)
monitor (v)
portal (n)
programme (n)
success rate (n)
virtual classroom (n)
Unit 9
Pages 96-97
aspect (n)
boardroom (n)
concept map (n)
doodling (n)
expertise (n)
flow chart (n)
idle pursuit (phr)
intellectual (adj)
kinaesthetic (adj)
meaningless (adj)
mind map (n)
movement (n)
relate (v)
scold (v)
specialize in (something) (v)
symbol (n)
verbal (adj)
visual literacy (n)
Pages 98-99
assemble (v)
auditory (adj)
concentration (n)
corrupt (adj)
definition (n)
efficiently (adv)
encounter (v)
harmless (adj)
ignore (v)
lose focus (phr)
make fun of someone (phr)

natural (adj)
object to (something) (v)
offensive (adj)
process information (phr)
propose (v)
setting (n)
simultaneously (adv)
solid (adj)
tell (somebody) off (phr v)
the real deal (phr)
thought process (n)
traditionally (adv)
Pages 100-101
agency (n)
annually (adv)
believable (adj)
billboard (n)
campaign (n)
concept (n)
consultant (n)
entertaining (adj)
memorable (adj)
objective (n)
overall (adj)
slogan (n)
storyboard (n)
target audience (n)
the big picture (phr)
viral video (n)
Pages 102-103
analyst (n)
analytical (adj)
artistic (adj)
boost (v)
countless (adj)
dynamic (adj)
dynamism (n)
emotion (n)
exaggerate (v)

feed (v)
have a head for numbers (phr)
illogical (adj)
imaginative (adj)
imprecise (adj)
insensitive (adj)
irrational (adj)
keep track of (something) (phr)
link (n)
logic (n)
logical (adj)
nonsense (n)
precise (adj)
precision (n)
predator (n)
rational (adj)
realism (n)
realist (n)
realistic (adj)
routine (adj)
sensitive (adj)
sensitivity (n)
species (n)
strength (n)
unemotional (adj)
unimaginative (adj)
unrealistic (adj)
untrue (adj)
valid (adj)
weakness (n)
Pages 104-105
highly (adv)
launch (n)
market share (n)
occasion (n)
prototype (n)
Unit 10
Pages 106-107
background noise (n)

be a good listener (phr)
blogger (n)
bubble (n)
cacophony (n)
compete (v)
cut out (phr v)
disturb (v)
fast-paced (adj)
filter (n)
meaningful (adj)
mundane (adj)
overall (adj)
podcast (n)
premium (n)
retail (n)
soundscape (n)
Pages 108-109
appreciate (v)
channel (n)
constant (adj)
decibel (n)
environment (n)
impatient (adj)
reckon (v)
roughly (adv)
sound bite (n)
Pages 110-111
agent (n)
bother (to do something) (v)
jump a queue (phr)
level (n)
news item (n)
respond (v)
respondent (n)
satisfactorily (adv)
self-catering (adj)
tweet (on Twitter) (v)
unsatisfactory (adj)
view (n)

visible (adj)
witness (v)
Pages 112-113
active (adj)
arise from (something) (v)
avoid difficulty (phr)
awareness (n)
behave appropriately (phr)
behave badly (phr)
behave offensively (phr)
body language (n)
cross-cultural (adj)
effective (adj)
ensure (v)
formality (n)
health care (n)
impolite (adj)
inappropriate (adj)
invaluable (adj)
misunderstanding (n)
non-verbal (adj)
overcome (v)
pay a service charge (phr)
point (something) out (phr v)
prejudice (n)
regret (v)
repeatedly (adv)
resolve (v)
respectfully (adv)
syllabus (n)
take steps to (do something) (phr)
term (n)
unacceptable (adj)
unaware (adj)
unclear (adj)
uncomfortable (adj)
Pages 114-115
(meeting) minutes (n)
committee (n)

follow-up (n)
friendliness (n)
helpline (n)
invite (v)
look into (something) (phr v)
politeness (n)
prompt (adj)
proof of identity (n)
reaction (n)
response (n)
value (v)
Pages 116-117
availability (n)
confidence (n)
co-operation (n)
co-operative (n)
core value (n)
equal (adj)
equality (n)
expert (adj)
fairness (n)
guideline (n)
honesty (n)
limit (v)
market (n)
narrow (adj)
officially (adv)
professionalism (n)
Unit 11
Pages 118-119
affectionate (adj)
angst (n)
antidote (n)
appreciation (n)
attempt (n)
browse (v)
computer processing (n)
condition (n)
consider (v)

crossword (n)
egalitarian (adj)
fondness (n)
found (v)
get in the way of (something) (phr)
horizon (n)
idle (v)
in store (phr)
meditation (n)
natural wonder (n)
obstruction (n)
pointless (adj)
publication (n)
reflection (n)
Sudoku (n)
take time out of (something) (phr)
trivial (adj)
Pages 120-121
(feel) down (adj)
a cloud on the horizon (phr)
bad press (phr)
be under a cloud (phr)
beneficial (adj)
blue sky thinking (n)
break (wave) (v)
brush stroke (n)
calm down (phr v)
come to mind (phr)
doom and gloom (phr)
exotic (adj)
far from it (phr)
flying saucer (n)
have your head in the clouds (phr)
in store (phr)
jelly fish (n)
keep your feet on the ground (phr)
no point to (something) (phr)
stand up for (somebody/something) (phr v)
tendril (n)

Pages 122-123
agricultural (adj)
appetite (n)
asset (n)
commodity (n)
copper (n)
council (n)
deposit (n)
generate (v)
generation (n)
marine life (n)
material (n)
mineral (n)
natural gas (n)
non-renewable (adj)
nutritious (adj)
renewable (adj)
rich in (something) (adj)
solar power (n)
source (n)
unexplored (adj)
wheat (n)
Pages 124-125
a barrel of oil (n)
a carton of eggs n)
a container of goods (n)
a crate of beer (n)
a pad of paper (n)
a tank of petrol (n)
a tin of paint (n)
appeal to (somebody) (v)
connect with (somebody) (v)
drawback (n)
embrace (v)
globalisation (n)
indicator (n)
movement (n)
package holiday (n)
philosophy (n)

spread around (phr)
transport (v)
Pages 126-127
a private function (n)
accept (v)
attend to (something) (phr v)
cause (v)
confusion (n)
courier (n)
drop (somebody) a line (phr)
hesitate (v)
look forward to (something) (phr v)
matter (n)
overseas (adv)
package (n)
society (n)
trekking holiday (n)
with reference to (something) (phr)
Unit 12
Pages 128-129
affluent (adj)
challenge (v)
confront (v)
courageous (adj)
crank (n)
distribution (n)
eccentric (adj)
elect (v)
entrepreneurship (n)
epidemiology (n)
expose (v)
model (n)
pattern (n)
producer (n)
reveal (v)
stand up to (somebody) (phr v)
wealthy (adj)
well-off (adj)
whistle-blower (n)

Pages 130-131
a needle in a haystack (phr)
analyse (v)
be wilfully blind to (something) (phr)
conflict (n)
constructive (adj)
courage (n)
crunch data (phr)
exceptional (adj)
finding (n)
fly in the face of (something) (phr)
go head-to-head with (someone) (phr)
harmful (adj)
have a shot at (something) (phr)
immediate (adj)
individual (n)
medical practice (n)
mistaken (adj)
open (adj)
openness (n)
personality (n)
question (v)
regard (v)
speak out (phr v)
suspect (v)
unconventional (adj)
X-ray (n)
Pages 132-133
(product) line (n)
accident blackspot (n)
avoid (v)
big data (n)
complex (adj)
complexity (n)
globally (adv)
instant (adj)
interpretation (n)
junk mail (n)
launch (v)

management (n)
market (v)
massive (adj)
price comparison site (n)
privacy (n)
public shares (n)
smartphone (n)
social networking site (n)
spot (v)
storage (n)
tobacco (n)
tool (n)
track down (somebody/something) (phr v)
volume (n)
Pages 134-135
argumentative (adj)
arrogant (adj)
assertive (adj)
back then (phr)
be into (something) (phr)
belief (n)
bold (adj)
break a law (phr)
brother-in-law (n)
co-operative (adj)
enthusiastically (adv)
get on with it (phr)
have a degree (phr)
human rights campaigner (n)
insecure (adj)
irresponsible (adj)
modest (adj)
motto (n)
outgoing (adj)
primatologist (n)
quality (n)
self (n)
self-confident (adj)
throw yourself into (something) (phr)

to the full (phr)
wild (adj)
youth (n)
Pages 136-137
aggressive (adj)
circumstance (n)
closing (n)
criticism (n)
deduction (n)
equally (adv)
factual (adj)
formal (adj)
ineffective (adj)
introductory (adj)
manner (n)
opening (n)
reasonable (adj)
regret (n)
take on (something) (phr v)
task (n)
Pages 138-139
chemical (n)
cut down (something) (phr v)
full board (n)
half board (n)
list (v)
mission (n)
participate (v)
scale (n)
toxic (adj)
waste (n)


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