Muhammad Hafiz Juliansyah - NPM 2019520047 - Tugas TOEIC1

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Nama : Muhammad Hafiz Juliansyah

NPM : 2019520047

Prodi : Akuntansi

Mata Kuliah : TOEIC 1 (Senin, 11.40)

1. Dishes
1. Chocolate Cake
2. Chicken Curry
3. Grilled Tuna with Rice
4. Ice Cream
5. Tomato Soup
6. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
7. Fish and Chips
8. Cucumber Salad
9. Fruit salad

Starters : 5.Tomato Soap, 8.Cucumber Salad, 9.Fruit Salad

Main Courses : 2.Chicken Curry, 3.Grilled Tuna With Rice, 6.Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, 7.Fish and Chips

Desserts : 1.Chocolate Cake, 4.Ice Cream

2. Listening
1. Asking for Menu
Claire : 1. Can i have a menu
Waiter : 2. Here you are
2. Ordering
Claire : 3. I’ll have
Waiter : 4. Would you like
Claire : 5. I’d like
3. Serving
Waiter : 6. Enjoy your meal
4. Asking for the Bill
Claire : 7. Just the bill
5. Paying
Claire : 8. Keep the change

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