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Vache Blair


Process Paper

How I chose my Topic:

I chose my topic by first thinking if I found anything familiar on the list
of Topics. I did find things familiar and I decided I didn;t want to do
anything familiar because I wanted to learn as I go. I chose 1904 Russo-
Japanese War I knew nothing about this topic but as I was researching it
started to become very interested so I kept the topic. I also chose this
topic because we had to do something in between the 1850's-1939.
Another reason I chose this topic is I like to learn about wars but they
are hard for me to remember so I thought that if I taught myself about a
war and did a project on it I would remember it better and I would feel
proud of myself for being able to remember.

How I conducted my Research:

I conducted my research differently this time because I usually write
down my websites or information I would use in my website. This time I
used many tabs and read from them while re-wording what I wanted to
use as pieces of information so that I wouldn't Plagiarize. I made sure
the information I was using was valid by using websites school would
normally recommend or use for us and I made sure that the information
was somewhat repeated so that I would know that it was valid. I made
sure to watch many videos as well as reading many websites before I
chose whart I wanted to use because I wanted it to make sense. I also
made sure to use drawn pictures to make it seem more interesting than
it actually is and I made sure to put the video in that were shorter so
that just in case I had to play them in class they weren't long and drawn
out as to no one else would have a chance to present or not to be too

How I formatted and created my Project:

I formatted my project like the other websites I did by naming the
headings to the pages Home, Thesis, What Happened, How did it End,
Process Paper, and Bibliography. I made sure I put the pictures in the
correct places with a little description underneath and I used a different
color for my titles. The information I put in my website was formatted in
a way where on one page you have quite a bit of information and then
on another page you didn't have that much and I did this to save time
during presentation and to make sure that I hit all the important points
or the topic while not overwhelming the topic. Lastly I made sure the
websites and videos/pictures I used were balanced enough where you
might want to watch/ look at them all.

How my Project related to the Theme:

My project relates to the theme because my website/project was on
1904 Russo-Japanese War and I did my research on that specific topic
and those words but just adding or replacing a few words so that my
project would be informational and correct.

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