Medical Genetics India Article

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Health Administrator Vol: XVII, Number 1: 102-111, pg.




ABSTRACT: In a public welfare state like India, the public The dictionary meaning of public health is the science
health and health administration have attracted and practice of protecting and improving the health of a
considerable attention in the recent past. These fields are community, as by preventive medicine, health education,
meant for communication of relevant health information; control of communicable diseases, application of sanitary
account for health care priorities, policy and delivery; measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards. In
manage crises; and address major health concerns. The medical term, public health is community health. It has
human genetics is the biological science, which deals with been said, "Health care is vital to all of us some of the
inherited characteristics, human origin and variations, time, but public health is vital to all of us all the time". The
application of genetic knowledge for genetic/marriage mission of public health is to fulfill the interest of society in
counseling, community health, prevention and control of assuring conditions in which people can be healthy. The
genetic diseases, and promotion of health strategies for three core public health functions are:
the amelioration of sufferings of the people. The genetic
paradigm recognizes the role of intrinsic factors for individual 1. The assessment and monitoring of the health of
disease susceptibility or resistance; the medical paradigm communities and populations at risk to identify
emphasizes the importance of extrinsic factors in the health problems and priorities;
etiology of a disease. The genetic paradigm recognizes
disease as a spectrum and the position of a particular 2. The formulation of public policies designed to solve
illness on the spectrum is relevant in planning of its identified local and national health problems and
prevention and treatment. There is lack of training in priorities;
undergraduate as well as in postgraduate level in medical
education for medical genetics and public health 3. To assure that all populations have access to
administration in India. Bureaucracy handles public health appropriate and cost-effective care, including health
administration for which neither they are expertise in promotion and disease prevention services, and
medical health nor in public health administration, resulting evaluation of the effectiveness of that care.
in health bias and corruption. Some suggestions have been
incorporated here in the light of health informatics for the Public health professionals monitor and diagnose the
improvement in public health administration in India. health concerns of entire communities and promote healthy
practices and behaviors to assure that populations stay
The public health and health administration are
INTRODUCTION increasingly important areas in the current environment.
The fields of public health and health administration are

* Division of Human Genetics, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Chandrasekharpur,
Bhubaneswar - 751 023, Orissa
** Author takes the responsibility of the views expressed in this article, which do not necessarily reflect in any
way the views of the organization of author’s official affiliation.
*** Address for communication: Dr.R.S.Balgir, Deputy Director (Senior Grade) & Head, Division of
Human Genetics, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Opposite Kalinga Hospital,
Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751 023, Orissa, E-mail:

meant for communication of relevant health information; medical specialties. This emergence is related to a great
account for health care priorities, policy and delivery; extent to the progress in the Human Genome Project,
manage crises; and address major health concerns. All which promises wide-ranging applications in the diagnosis,
these activities are information intensive -- that is, they treatment and prevention of human diseases. Nevertheless,
rely heavily on systems of information access to support discussions about the role of genetics in preventive
professional decision-making, practice and action. medicine and public health rightfully lead to ethical, legal
Information, resources, technology, research and new and social concerns about general applicability of genetic
challenges are expanding tremendously in health care and testing in the population. The interpretation of the word
medicine. prevention in the context of genetic diseases leads to the
unavoidable discussions of genetic engineering, prenatal
PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEALTH diagnosis and selective termination, as well as broader
ADMINISTRATION concerns about discrimination in health care coverage,
employment and in society.
1. To provide a forum for the exchange of information
on public health, health administration and policy, Fig 1 shows the classical public health view of disease
health services research, and related issues; prevention when applied to infectious and environmental
agents. Primary prevention is classically thought of as the
2. To foster public health and health administration interruption of transmission of infectious agents or
database; exposure to environmental agents in the population through
education, behavior modification, immunizations, and
environmental measures (e.g., human immunodeficiency
3. To promote the educational, scientific, and virus (HIV) infection and cigarette smoking). Secondary
professional growth of public health and health prevention is thought of as the interruption of clinical
administration database libraries and information disease after the acquisition of the infectious agent or
specialists; and exposure to the environmental agent. In the case of HIV,
this entails steps to prevent or delay the onset of the
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by using
4. To represent members’ interests within the Medical drugs and other medical, nutritional and psychosocial
database forum. measures. Tertiary prevention is thought of as the prevention
of complications of the disease after it occurs. For example,
this applies to the prevention of opportunistic infections
Planning and development of public health in India;
(OI) in AIDS through appropriate prophylactic medical
public health administration at centre and in the states;
guidelines. The prevention of human disease by preventing
environmental sanitation; prerequisites of healthy life --
exposures and infectious agents has been the force driving
water, air and ventilation, food and housing; family planning
programs in public health and preventive medicine.
and population control; school health, rural sanitation;
sanitation of camps, fairs and festivals; social security and
health services; comprehensive health care; social When it comes to genetic diseases, as shown in the
medicine, health education, health statistics and statistical figure, a typical reaction of medical and public health
methods, etc. are the broader domains of public health professionals is that the classical public health model does
administration in India. not work since peoples’ genotypes are not changeable
(except, of course, with genetic engineering), and that such
a prevention model could lead to eugenic consequences
Human genetics is the biological science, which
(i.e. preventing the birth of people with specific genotypes).
deals with inherited characteristics, human origin and
This may lead to reasonable concerns about public health
variations, application of genetic knowledge for genetic/
applications of genetic technologies and genetic tests.
marriage counseling, community health, prevention and
control of genetic diseases, and promotion of health
strategies for the amelioration of human sufferings Here, I argue for medical genetics and public health to
(Balgir 2006). interact successfully, the public health community needs
to change the classical disease prevention paradigm and
the medical genetics community needs to change the
definition of and the approach to the label "genetic disease."
Over the past decade, Medical Genetics has emerged Let us use the word genotype for both disease genes
as an important and powerful medical specialty with and disease-susceptibility genes. The first group includes
increasing appreciation of its role and function among the

genotypes that have high penetrance for the development entity for which the genotype is an important component.
of clinical disease (e.g. homozygosity for the sickle cell Primary prevention can occur by interrupting the
mutation, the cystic fibrosis gene mutations, and environmental cofactors that interact with peoples’
heterozygosity for BRCA1 mutations). The second group genotypes and/or by using gene therapy (Fig 1). Primary
includes genotypes that have low penetrance for clinical prevention does not and should not refer to the prevention
disease development and some could even be considered of the genotypes per se (i.e. prevention of births of individuals
normal variants (i.e. genetic risk factors such as HLA- B27 with specific genotypes). While we all recognize that
and ankylosing spondylitis, and apolipoprotein E-E4 allele couples make informed reproductive decisions on the basis
and Alzheimer’s disease). For example, inheritance of the of carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis, such individual
sickle cell mutation in the homozygous phase leads to decisions should not be confused with disease prevention
sickle cell anemia. In turn, various medical problems and as discussed in the realm of public health.
complications arise as a result of sickle cell disease
including strokes and pneumococcal sepsis. Certain
BRCA1 mutations lead to the development of breast and
ovarian cancers, which lead to various medical
complications including metastasis and psychosocial The second question is: what is a genetic condition
complications. after all? Geneticists often make a distinction between
single gene disorders and susceptibility genes that are
risk factors along with other genes and environmental
Here one can ask two simple questions: what is exposures in disease development. This distinction is
prevention in the context of genetic conditions? Clearly, quantitative rather than qualitative as embodied in the
primary prevention refers to the prevention of the disease concept of penetrance of the genotype. As a matter of

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Prevention Prevention Prevention


Agent Disease
Example HIV
 AIDS Opportunistic

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Prevention Prevention Prevention



Examples High Penetrance
Disease genes
Hbss Sickle Cell
Anemia  Pneumococcal


Low Penetrance
Susceptibility alleles
Normal variants
Apo E E4

Fig 1. Paradigms of disease prevention for infectious diseases and in medical genetics: HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus; AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; HbSS, homozygous sickle hemoglobin.
fact, the distinction tends to fade when one realizes that control that may be acceptable in the context of
all human disease is the result of the interactions between infectious agents is totally unacceptable in the
our genotypes and the environment-broadly defined. Even context of genetic conditions. We are all at risk for
the classical single gene metabolic disorders do involve something! This ultimate and powerful realization
nutritional interaction between the enzyme deficiency and could be the driving force in medicine, public health
the dietary exposure to one or more chemicals (e.g. and society at large to accept once and for all our
phenylalanine and phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, genetic make-up and direct our focus and attention
iron and the hereditary hemochromatosis homozygous to the prevention of human disease and suffering by
genotype). It is easy to show that 100% of any disease is targeting our disease prevention strategies to
environmentally determined and 100% is genetically modifiable risk factors (e.g. dietary factors)
determined as well! Any other view is based on a naive according to each and everyone’s unique biologic
view of causation. Perhaps, the wide range of penetrance susceptibilities. Such a realization could also be
with respect to clinical disease could be due, in part, to the engine that drives the much-needed reform in
the variations in the prevalence of the interacting cofactors our health care system.
(other genes and modifiable risk factors). The fact that
there is universal phenylalanine exposure in the diet of HUMAN GENETICS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE
newborn infants, leads to a high penetrance for those who
inherit the phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency (i.e. Human genetic variability proposes a genetic
mental retardation). paradigm of health and disease such that the health is
viewed as a state of equilibrium and disease as
This analysis leads to two simple clarifications: disequilibrium in relationship between man and the
environment (Balgir 1999a). Any biological function involved
1). Primary prevention of human disease in the context is ultimately dependent on environment; a gene product
of medical genetics refers to the prevention of the controls the interaction between environment and the
disease entity for which the gene or genes in function. The interaction results either, when the
question play a role. How can that occur? While environment component is changed significantly or when
gene therapy may become appropriate to correct the gene product is modified by mutation. The genetic
certain deficient gene products leading to human paradigm recognizes the role of intrinsic (genetic) factors
disease, primary prevention of many multifactorial for individual disease susceptibility or resistance; the
human disease will entail understanding and medical paradigm emphasizes the importance of extrinsic
interruption of the environmental cofactors among (environmental) factors in the etiology of a disease (Balgir
individuals who inherit genetic susceptibility 1999a).
(polymorphisms or disease mutations).
Phenylalanine and iron in the diet have been Since individuals have their own genetic signatures, it
mentioned for phenyl ketonuria (PKU) and hereditary follows from the genetic paradigm that each person is at
hemochromatosis. However, for most human genes his/her own specific risk for a particular disease. Each
including BRCA1 (in relation to breast cancer), and person is adjusted in a different manner to the environment
Apo E-E4 (in relation to Alzheimer disease), such and every one has a different and relative state of health.
cofactors are still poorly understood and a lot of Thus, the traditional medical paradigm is effective in
epidemiologic work needs to be done in various preventing and curing diseases when the environment plays
populations in order to target prevention. the primary role in pathogenesis. However, for diseases
involving prominent genetic component such as cardiac
2). We need to refine our approach to defining and vascular disease, hyper-tension, duchenne muscular
labeling genetic diseases. If we accept the basic disease, Huntington’s chorea, hemoglobinopathies,
premise that genes cause human diseases, it may glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency,
make a lot of sense to stop labeling a disease as schizophenia, manic depressive psychosis, etc., their
genetic or not. For example, this approach will lead control requires a different approach, i.e. genetic strategies
to labeling hereditary hemochromatosis as an iron (Balgir 1999a). It has become imperative for the practicing
overload disorder resulting from the interaction clinicians to detect the different disorders affecting the
between an inherited abnormality in iron transport human being due to genetic origin. The treatment and
and iron intake. Using the same approach, breast prognosis of a malady depends on a correct diagnosis
cancer in some individuals could result from the and also for its possible prevention.
interaction between an inherited mutation in the
BRCA1 gene and yet to be described cofactor (s). The genetic paradigm recognizes disease as a
The parallel between genetic diseases and infectious spectrum. The position of a particular illness on the
disease is such that the concept of prevention and spectrum is relevant in planning of its prevention and

treatment. There are some diseases in which the genetic screening and through individual referrals for
expression of a particular gene or genes in a specific medical diagnosis and genetic counseling (Balgir 1999a).
environment is responsible for precipitating the illness, e.g.
schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, etc. The
pharmacogenetic disorders and multifactorial diseases have Genetic screening has three major objectives:
this character, e.g. coronary artery disease, diabetes
mellitus, etc. There are diseases whose origins lie in the a). To provide opportunity for medical intervention
interaction of specific environment with the genotype. (treatment)
Modern epidemics of non-communicable diseases fall in
b). To provide opportunity for counseling about
this category.
reproductive options; and
c). To collect research data pertinent to public health
HUMAN GENETICS IN PUBLIC HEALTH policy and basic knowledge.
At present, there are several institutes/centers
It has two missions: throughout India especially in Metro-cities where sufficient
technological facilities are available for the detection/
* To reduce death, illness and disability from genetic diagnosis of various genetic diseases along with the
disorders, birth defects and chronic diseases and detailed investigations as well as genetic/marriage
injuries and to improve the quality of life for counseling (Balgir 1999a, 1999b, 2004a).
individuals, and
Genetic Counseling is
* To protect and promote the health of children with
special health care needs by assuring a family- 1. Determining the facts: diagnosis, etiology, and
centered, community-based, comprehensive, inheritance pattern, prognosis, natural history,
coordinated and culturally appropriate system of treatment, and recurrence risks
special health care.
2. Transmitting the information to those requesting
Education of patients, parents, professionals, it in a sensitive, culturally appropriate,
voluntary organizations and the general public about understandable way.
genetics, genetic disorders, birth defects and genetic
services is an important activity. Educational services and 3. Supporting the decision making process of the
materials should be available to all. couple.

Services include specialty services and care 4. Genetic Counseling is non-directive

coordination for children with complex medical conditions.
Efforts should be targeted toward identifying eligible children Prerequisites for Genetic Counseling:
with disabilities and their needs, then offering them the full
range of services available to ameliorate the disability. A. Detailed family history
Services should be provided to children with diverse medical
conditions throughout the state/country. Genetics services B. Accurate Diagnosis
include primary, secondary and tertiary prevention services
intended to prevent disability and to ameliorate existing C. Understanding of the medical aspects of the
disability from genetic diseases and birth defects (Balgir disorder (etiology, natural history,
2004a). Most people served by this type of program should treatment, prognosis, burden)
not be significantly disabled. However, a small number of
people with genetic disabilities should be served primarily D. Understanding the inheritance pattern (recurrence
through our Primary Health Centre/clinics and case risk)
management and birth defects programs.
The advent of molecular testing has been a great E. Understanding the psycho-social impact of the
boon for the people, as this has enabled antenatal diagnosis information
of many burdensome disorders, which were earlier not
identifiable in the fetus. Molecular diagnosis is now possible F. Training/Experience in counseling techniques
for a large number of genetic disorders. For the strategy of
management of genetic diseases, the intake of patients G. Understanding the concepts of health/disease/
into the program will occur by two routes: through planned health care in the appropriate cultures.

* have had recurrent pregnancy losses
* are over 35 or have husbands over 55
Indications for Genetic Counseling and/or Education * have a previous retarded or malformed child
In Pediatric Practice: * have questions about prenatal diagnosis for any
i). Children with 2 or more major malformations or a
major and several minor malformations. xii). Recurrent pregnancy loss/stillbirth

ii). Children with common birth defects (neural tube xiii). Couples of "advanced age" (females over 35 and/
defects, congenital heart disease, cleft lip/palate, or males over 55) who are considering pregnancy
clubfoot, dislocated hips, multiple vertebral or expecting.
anomalies, atresias or stenosis of Gestro-
Intestinal tract). xiv). Primary amenorrhea, aspermia, infertility or
abnormal sexual development.
iii). Families who have had a fatally malformed infant
(stillborn or neonatal death). xv). Previous history or family history of children with
multiple malformations and/or mental retardation.
iv). Mental retardation especially when:
* the child has evidence of a metabolic disturbance xvi). Known familial chromosomal abnormality.
- acidosis,
* chronic/recurrent vomiting, pigmentary xvii).Common birth defects (cleft lip/palate, neural tube
abnormalities, etc. defects, multiple vertebral anomalies, congenital
* the child has malformations heart disease, clubfoot, dislocated hips, etc.).
* multiple sibs are affected or a parent and child
are similarly affected xviii).Couples in which the spouses are related.
* multiple males in a family are affected
xix). Elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein.
v). Newborns with lethargy/coma, anorexia/vomiting
or acidosis/ketosis without a clear explanation. xx). Couples with an ethnic background suggesting a
high risk for any disorder (Jewish couples for Tay-
vi). Children with loss of milestones or/and Sachs screening, Black/Mediterranean couples
organomegaly beginning at several months to with positive screens for a sickle
several years of age who were previously hemoglobinopathy or thalassemia, etc.).
apparently thriving.
xxi). Woman exposed to potential teratogens -
vii). Cases of abnormal sexual development, primary radiation; chemicals; certain medications
amenorrhea or aspermia. (anticonvulsants,anticoagulants, antimetabolites,
thyroid antagonists, steroids, etc.); recreational
viii). Cases of early complete or partial hearing loss or drugs (including alcohol); certain viral agents; very
blindness, neurodegenerative disorders, short high fevers, etc.
stature, premature heart disease, immune
deficiency, abnormalities of the skin, hair or bones xxii).Women considering pregnancy who themselves
and sickle cell anemia/thalassemia, other blood have a hereditary disorder even though treated and
disorder or coagulopathy. clinically normal (Phenyl Ketonuria,
homocystinuria, etc.).
ix).Cases of any known hereditary disorder.
xxiii).Families with known hereditary conditions and/
x).Families where any disorder "runs in the family." or questions about recurrence risks.

xxiv).History of any disease "running in the family,"

especially hearing loss; blindness;
neurodegenerative disorders; short stature;
premature heart disease; immune deficiency;
abnormalities of the hair, skin or bones; or mental

xi). Mothers desiring more children who:

* are on chronic medications 106
(anticonvulsants, antimetabolites, thyroid
antagonists, steroids, etc.)

* are "on drugs" (including alcohol)

xxv).Couples with questions about prenatal diagnosis unit within a district. Above the CHC is a District Hospital
for any disorder. with approximately 30 doctors and covering the population
of the entire district, which is, on average, 1.5 m.
The accumulated genetic data have enhanced the
rapid advancement of clinical genetics in India (Balgir India has approximately 140,000 subcenters, 23000
1999a, 2004a, 2006). Basically, the practice of genetic Primary Health Centers, 3000 Community health centers,
medicine seeks the answer to three questions: 30,000 doctors in the public sector and 300,000
paramedical staff in the public sector. The CMHO therefore
1. What is wrong? The answer is accurate diagnosis, has the daunting task of managing infrastructure, motivating
which is aided by pedigree analysis, biochemical tests, staff, strategic planning, budgeting and budget
cytogenetics and chromosomal studies of cultured management, and regulatory functions. CMHOs are also
fibroblast and leucocytes for pinpointing the gene or expected to guide their deputies, their Block level medical
chromosome responsible for a change. Additional factors officers (doctors) and medical officers in charge of PHCs
involved are the environmental ones -- internal, external or in fulfilling their managerial functions. His/her basic medical
social. education equips him/her poorly for this function, and on-
the-job training is limited.
2. What will happen? The answer is prognosis, which
is the basis of genetic counseling, to be helped by prenatal Recognizing the need to enhance the management
diagnosis, family history and pedigree studies. skills of public system managers, the Reproductive and
Child Health program of the Government of India has made
3. What can be done about it? The answer is a beginning by running short-term courses through selected
treatment - palliative and/or curative. Prevention is better management training institutions. These courses have
than cure in some instances, when the parents are carriers. been recently initiated. Training capacity is limited, and
Stem cell implantation or gene therapy is the other option, there is need for additional initiatives, particularly those
although limited in India. For both these alternatives, that can address personal development needs of the
exhaustive knowledge about the basic defect is a must. managers as opposed to only capacity development for
For the prevention of recessive diseases, identification of planning (Balgir 2004b, 2004c, 2005).
carriers will help to impart prospective counseling and gene

Currently in India, the emphasis is on the small family 1. There is total lack of curricula and training in
norms and the socio-economic constraints have created undergraduate as well as in postgraduate level in medical
a desire in all the eligible couples that every child born education for medical genetics and public health
should be normal. Thus, it has been emphasized that administration in India. Bureaucracy governs and handles
medical genetics play a pivotal role in the clinical practice, public health administration, but neither they have expertise
therapy, innovative developments, prevention, and the in medical health nor in public health administration. This
management of genetic diseases (Balgir 1999b, 2000, leads to total hierarchical misuse of power and public
2002, 2004b). health management and administration bias and futile
exercise for program implementation.
2. There is a segregation and division of health
India’s population of 1 billion resides in 35 states infrastructure like allopathic, aryuvedic system,
and union territories. The administrative unit within the state homeopathy, siddha system of medicine, unani system of
is the district, which is key for development activities, as medicine, etc. which not only duplicate their services under
well as for management of health care. India has 593 the same umbrella but drain a major resource of public
districts, each with a Chief Medical and Health Officer funding. There is no priority for particular system, which
(CMHO) charged with the responsibility of managing the the people like and seek health care and treatment facilities
public health care system. in particular area/region/state. As India is a diverse country,
people’s expectations, aspirations and health seeking
Within a district, services are delivered through a behavior are different at different localities. Enforcement
network of Subcenters (staffed by 2 paramedics, covering of uniform system for health care and treatment is
populations of 3-5000), Primary Health Centers (staffed unwarranted in a diverse country.
by 2-3 doctors and covering a population of approximately
30,000); Community Health Centers (staffed by 6-10 doctors 3.There are several autonomous bodies looking after
and covering a population of approximately 150,000). The the health sector in India. Although the funding
CHC operates at block headquarters, the administrative source is the same, but in the presence of multi-

sector health care delivery system, practically no of public health expertise with full powers and not of
one takes the responsibility for delivering goods to bureaucrats. They should be made responsible/
the people. Responsibility/accountability jumps from accountable for public health care of the people.
shoulder to shoulder from one department to another.
Under these circumstances, what could be the fate 2. There should be a merger of all kinds of treatment
of the people? facilities without any duplication. Distribution of
specialty/system should be as per people’s need
4. Again, there are several research organizations and not the enforcement of allopathy because some
dealing with the health of the people falling under communities do not have faith in allopathy. Referral
one umbrella. Appointments of the leaders of such services dilute the unnecessary over burden of patient
organizations are done at political level rather than care and will be important and valuable input for
taking into consideration the caliber of the person. respective specialty. Traditional system of medicine
Political pressure remains on every such head. This should be encouraged because it has a socio-
leads to deterioration of the goodwill of the people. cultural component which has relevance from
A high level corruption starts from this end, which is people’s perception of illness, health seeking
perpetuated in all the spheres of public health behavior, attitude, beliefs, faith and day-to-day
administration by putting all the persons at different activities of life.
places belonging to the lobby. There is no monitoring
by the government level and there is no way of 3. There should be clear-cut demarcation of the
removing such corrupt practitioners. boundaries of research, investigative laboratories,
medicine/drugs production, reatment, management
5. Misuse of the power is the game of the public health and counseling, etc. functioning under health sector
administration strategy. In the name of research, and overlapping areas can work in collaboration. This
instruments/equipments, vehicles and medicines/ will further reduce the expenditure on instruments/
drugs, etc. tax-payers hard earned public funds are equipments, use of vehicles, etc.
exploited for personal gains and comforts.
Fabrication of false data for disease prevalence, Specific responsibility/ accountability will also help
distortion of actual figures and manipulation and in curtailing the confusion of throwing the buck on
compromise for poor quality of medicines/drugs, etc. others.
are issues which breed all sorts of corrupt practices.
How much output of public health administration 4. Appointment as leader of an organization should be
reaches the downtrodden, illiterate masses and based on specialty, caliber, contribution made,
actual producers of the country, is still to be management skills and background or past record
ascertained? of the person. Political pressure in any way should
not interfere with the functioning of an organization.
6. Biotechnological advancements are the guiding star Government should ensure security, stability and
for the future. With age and passage of time, the independent functioning, as the leader is
old values, concepts and technology are rapidly responsible/accountable of the output of an
changing. The out-dated experts cannot envision organization.Basic research should be limited, more
them and realize the importance of new technology. emphasis should be on public health, rehabilitation,
Putting the deadwood in different developmental and family welfare and people oriented.
review committees seems to be unrealistic and is
mere wastage of financial resources. 5. Performance is to be judged by the employees
working under a leader. Satisfaction of the public/
There are still so many limitations and deficiencies, community is the criteria of retention. Public should
which need to be checked, it is difficult to enlist all of them be empowered to retain or remove a person at high
in this write up to streamline the human genetics and public position by voting for or against him/her every two
health administration in India. years. In case of removal, transfer is not acceptable
solution. This will help maintaining good governance.
ADMINISTRATION 6. Since public health administration is ever challenging
responsibility, updating knowledge and acquiring
1. There is an urgent need to introduce the curricula of efficient skills every year through refreshers course
medical genetics and public health administration is a must. The quality of the life of people is
in the medical education in India. Assignments in dependent upon the quality of public health
all public health sector departments should be made administration in a country.

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