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201 (2)
2012 FALL

Class Meeting Location ENG Z27

Class Meeting Times TH A7,TH A8,TU A7,TU A8


Office Hours TUESDAY 17:30-18:30
Office Location ENG 253
Office Phone 1794
Web Address

Number of Credits 4
ECTS Credits 6
Prerequisites MATH. 107 or consent of instructor
Language English

TA/RA/Lab Assistant Name Email Office Hours Office Location

Course Description
Introduction to discrete and continuous time signals and systems. Time-domain signal representations, impulse response of linear
time-invariant (LTI) systems, and convolution. Frequency domain signal representations, frequency response of LTI systems, and
Fourier analysis. Filtering of continuous and discrete time signals. Sampling and discrete time processing of analog signals. Laplace-
transform domain analysis of continuous-time LTI systems. Exercises using MATLAB.

Course Objectives
Introduction to discrete and continuous time signals and systems. Time-domain signal representations, impulse response of linear
time-invariant (LTI) systems, and convolution. Frequency domain signal representations,
frequency response of LTI systems, and Fourier analysis. Filtering of continuous and discrete time signals. Sampling and discrete
time processing of analog signals. Laplace-transform domain analysis of continuoustime
LTI systems.

Learning Outcomes
1. Characterize input-output relationships of linear time-invariant systems using impulse response and transfer function
representations for both continuous and discrete time.
2. Apply convolution to determine the output of linear time-invariant systems for both continuous and discrete time
3. Analyze and synthesize signals using Fourier series and transform definitions and properties for both continuous and discrete time.
4. Understand the relationship between sampling rate and aliasing errors in the sampled signal.
5. Analyze practical continuous-time and discrete-time systems, such as modulators and filters.
6. Analyze continuous-time and discrete-time systems with z-transform.

Teaching Methods
Problem solving hours every week. Homework assignments that include MATLAB exercises

Course Contents
Starting Date Topics
2 20/09/2011 Review of Mathematical Background
2 22/09/2011 Introduction to Signals
2 27/09/2011 Introduction to Systems
2 29/09/2011 Impulse and Impulse Response
2 04/10/2011 DT LTI Systems and Convolution Sum
2 06/10/2011 CT LTI Systems and Convolution Integral
2 11/10/2011 Evaluation of the Convolution Integral
2 13/10/2011 CT Complex Exponentials and CT Fourier Series
2 18/10/2011 CTFS: Convergence and Properties
2 20/10/2011 CT Fourier Series and LTI Systems
2 25/10/2011 CT Fourier Transform
2 27/10/2011 Properties of the CT Fourier Transform
2 01/11/2011 More on CT Fourier Transform
2 03/11/2011 CT Filtering
2 08/11/2011 DT Complex Exponentials and DT Fourier Series
2 10/11/2011 Properties of DTFS
2 15/11/2011 DT Fourier Series and LTI Systems
2 17/11/2011 DT Fourier Transform
2 22/11/2011 Properties of the DT Fourier Transform
2 24/11/2011 DT Filtering
2 29/11/2011 Sampling of CT Signals
2 01/12/2011 Aliasing
2 06/12/2011 Reconstruction: Bandlimited Interpolation
2 08/12/2011 DT Processing of CT Signals
2 13/12/2011 Laplace transform and ROC
2 15/12/2011 Properties of the Laplace transform
2 20/12/2011 Inverse Laplace transform
2 22/12/2011 Analysis of LTI Systems using LT
2 27/12/2011 More on Analysis of LTI Systems using LT
2 29/12/2011 General review of the course material

Assessment Methods
Type Description Final Grade, %
Midterm Test First of the two midterm exams 22
Midterm Test Second midterm exam 23
Final Exam Final exam 35
Quiz Average of all the quizzes handed out in problem solving hours and in class 10
Homework Average of the homework grades 10
Total 100

Workload Breakdown
Type Description Hours
Lecture Lecture hours (4 hours per week) and preparation for lectures (1 hours per week) for 15 weeks 75
Assignment 10 Homework assignments 50
Exam Preparation for two midterm exams and one final exam 60
Total 185

Course web site:
Required TextBooks
Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S.Willsky, with S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition; Prentice Hall, 1997.

Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of the trust upon which an academic community depends. The students must submit their
own work in all exams, quizzes, and homeworks.
- In exams and quizzes, all forms of information exchange and talking between students is forbidden. Use of unauthorized material
during an exam is also an act of academic dishonesty.
- In homeworks, working together, and sharing complete or incomplete solutions with your friends are strictly prohibited.
- Assisting someone else to engage in an act of academic dishonesty is also considered as an act of academic dishonesty.

Students who are involved in any act of academic dishonesty will be sent to the Disciplinary Committee immediately, without any
warning. The penalties may range from getting a grade of zero, to failing a class, to expulsion from the University.

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