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Disobeying an Informal Order

Mario extend his work duly to perform his job accordingly. As the company proposes a memo to
give half mast to their superior, employee has to do their job. For me, Mario should give formal
separation to his company to also gives respect to their policy or memo. He also left a floating job as he
read the said memo. Because of Mario’s anger to Mr. Santiago, he no longer prevented from making the
right decision.

CASE 2. Returning Unspent Money

Jerome should make a decision where his character will not be defiled. He already doing
something for the street children. You can’t force other people to rise up and learn. As long as you are
helping, they will soon be considered joining his program. For the money he should set aside so for the
next time he has funds available for his next project.

CASE 3. Man, of Word or Man of money?

He can make a decision where there is a good benefit for his teaching. Base on the scenario Jake
shows that he is a man of money, because of his decision. But if it is good for him and his family, why
not accept the offer and stay.

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