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MANAGEMENT Guru's of TQM Walter A, Shewhart - TQC& PDSA W. Edwards Deming - 14 Points & PDCA& 7 Deadly Sins Joseph M.Juran Juran’s BY Philip 8. Crosby “Qualityis Free” Walter Shewhart SShihog a npr rmvon soo ey sy OSA amd Statistical Corto W. Edward Deming Biographic + Became interested in the work of statistician Walter Shewhart and believed the principles could be applied to non-manufacturing environments + In the early 1950's he lectured Japanese business on quality concepts leading directly to the emergence of Japan as a quality leader CONTRIBUTIONS OF W. Edward Deming = Tam fn =P =p Deming’s 14 Points for Management 1. Create constancy of purpose for the: Improvement of the product and service. 2. Adopt the new philosophy. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality 4, End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone. Instead, minimize total cost by working with a single supplier Deming’s 14 Points for Management(cont.) 5. Improve constanty and forever every process for planning, production, and service. institute training and retraining . Adopt and institute leaders! Drive out fear. Breakdown barriers between staff areas 10.Fliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets Tor the workforce. 6. 7, 8 9 Deming’s 14 Points for Managementicont.) 41.Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce ‘and numerical goals for management. 42.Remove barriers that rob people of ‘workmanship, ‘.institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for everyone. 414.Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. Joseph Juran Biographical: + Like Deming, was invited to Japan in the early 1950's by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers USE) + strong advocate of the need for quality planning and the seiting of clear and ‘measurable goals + Has been very ctitical of some of the quality initiatives of the 1990's as lacking substance THE JURAN TRILOGY Juran Trilogy is designed to reduce the cost of quality over time, 11. QUALITY PLANNING 2, QUALITY CONTROL 3. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 1. QUALITY PLANNING TERS: 4. Establish the project 2. Identify the internal & external customers, 3. Discover the customer needs 4. Develop the product / service features 5. Develop the processes to produce the product /service features. 6. Develop the controls and transfer process 10 ‘operations. + A universal managerial process for conducting, operations so as to provide stability ~to prevent 2. QUALITY CONTROL adverse change. + A process for meeting the established goals by evaluating and comparing actual performance ‘with planned performance, and taking action on ‘te difference. 2. QUALITY CONTROL + Itconsists of the following steps 1 Determine items to be controlled. Establish Measurements Establish Standards of Performance ‘Measure actual performance. Compare actual performance to Goals {Intespret the diflerence) Acton the diference. 3. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (he proce of cresting brslehraugs) ‘+ Aims to attain levels of performance that are higher than cutrent levels by eliminating wastes and defects to reduce the cost of poor quality Juran’s 10 Steps to Quality Improvement 1, Bulld awareness ofthe need and opportunlty for improvement. 2 Set goa for improvement. 3. Organize to reach goals (Establish a quality council entity and select the improvement projects, appoint teams, designate facitators) 4. Provide the team with resources, taining, and ‘mativatio, 5. Canty out projects to solve problems. Juran’s 10 Steps to Quality Improvement(cont.) Report progress ‘ive recognition ‘communicate resus Keep score. 0.Maintain momentum by making annual Improvement part af the regular systems and processes of the company, ‘THE JURAN PHILOSOPHY “Fitness for Use” + (ality begins with wh, how, and why these customers wl se it + Without these informatio, any improvement ‘ull be guess, (customer focused) + Five Atrios for "Fitness for Use" 1. Quay of desien 2. Qualy of conformance 5. Avatabiiy satay 5. Field ee CONTRIBUTIONS OF CROSBY + The Four absolutes of quality are 1. Quality defined as conformance to requirements, 2. The system for causing Quality is prevention. 3. The performance standard must be “ze defects” 4. The measurement of Quality ithe Price of Nonconformance Crosby's 14 Steps to Quality Improvement 41, Make itclear that management fs commited toquality, 2. Form quality improvement teams with representatives fiom each department. 3. Determine where curent and potential ual problems le. 4, Enaluate the cos of quality and explain ts use asa management tol ase the quality awareness and personal concer of all employees. Crosby's 14 Steps to Quality Improvement(cont.) 6. Tate actions to correct problersidentiid through previous steps, Establish committee forthe zeradefects program. & Trainsupervsostoactively carryout theirpatof the qualtyimprovement program. 4. Holda "erodefets day’ toletallemployees fealtethat there hasbeen change 10. Encaurage individual toestabls improvement nas forshommsves and thei groupe Crosby's 14 Steps to Quality Improvenent{cont.) 11,£ncourage employees to communicate to management the obstacles they ace in attaining their improvement goals 422,Recognize and appreciate those who paticipte 13. Establish quality councils to communicate on ‘regular basis. 14, Do it ll over again to emphasize that the quality improvement program never ends. Dr Naor enka develop the isha sagan an 28 owtor poputring te sevens tls o ualy and ‘opin oftta tat. Comparison Deming Juran Crosby Quality | Goatinnowe “Riinesa Tor aoe” Conformance ta “Doing Tt Right the Philosophy [Constancy of Project approach: “Zero Defect” purpore, POCA; Kar atecnyay| Bee 7 Quality Tatoay: oslo ear aeeIe techniques Blanning Control and Irprovenons + Anaigtient; Coat oe Cah OR) Mechanics [14 Obigaions of | Diagnoote © Romodial [14 Stone Fishbone Diagram Feisee NOTE: Your Kaizen improvement Plan Paper should have this.

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