Lab 10 - Use The Tag Analysis Wizard 5-39: Systimesec

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Lab 10 – Use the Tag Analysis Wizard 5-39

10. For this lab, accept the default settings in the wizard.

11. Click Finish.

At the completion of the wizard steps, a new sheet is created and the input tags are inserted
into column A. This is true for each type of analysis.

12. Change one of the tags in the analysis by changing the text in Cell A2 from LIT_001.PV to
Notice that the data in column B changes as well as the scatter plot. Cell B1 continues to read
13. Change cell B1 to read SysTimeSec.
14. Create a new Tag Analysis using the Analog tag analysis type. Excel will create a new sheet
automatically. Use the LIT_001.PV tag.
15. Accept all the defaults in steps 3 and 4.

Wonderware System Platform Course - Part 2

5-40 Module 5 – ActiveFactory Workbook

16. Change the Limit 1 value to 20 and Limit 2 value to 80 as shown.

17. Click Finish.

The Tag Analysis will appear similar to the following figure:

18. To preserve the results of this tag analysis, use the Convert Sheet button on the Workbook
19. Save the report in the C:\Wonderware Training\Labs folder as TagAnalysis.xls.

Wonderware Training
Lab 11 – Create an Hourly-Average Shift Report 5-41

Lab 11 – Create an Hourly-Average Shift


The following lab demonstrates use of formatting, aggregate functions, and time ranges within

Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Create and Format a New Report based on a specific time range
z Create Shift Time Range
z Insert Aggregate Value Function
z Modify Cell Formulas

Wonderware System Platform Course - Part 2

5-42 Module 5 – ActiveFactory Workbook

Create and Format a New Report

1. From Excel’s main menu, select File / New.
2. Select Blank Workbook.
3. In the upper left-hand area or within cell A1, enter a report name of your choice and select a
large font size for legibility.
This example is titled Hourly Average Data Acquisition IPS.
4. Highlight all the cells in which the name appears.
5. Right-click the cells and select Format Cells from the sub-menu.
6. Select the Alignment tab.
7. Select the Merge cells option.

8. Click OK.
9. Select cell A3.
10. Select the ActiveFactory menu and click Tag Selection / Tag Selection.
11. Locate the SysDataAcqOverallItemsPerSec tag and click OK.

Create Shift Time Range

12. Locate cell A5 and enter a start date and time.
Ensure the server is logging data for the specified time.
In this example, the datetime string 1/15/07 14:00 is the date time value at which the shift
report begins.
13. Select a range that includes 8 rows. The range will end with cell A12 (incl. A5-A12).
14. Right-click the cell range and select Format Cells from the sub-menu.
15. Select the Number tab.

Wonderware Training
Lab 11 – Create an Hourly-Average Shift Report 5-43

16. Select Date from the Category: pane.

17. Select the 3/14/01 1:30 PM option string from the Type: pane.

18. Click OK.

The date and time now appear in cell A5.
The format will be the same in cells A6-A12.
19. Locate cell A6 and enter the formula =A5+1/24.
20. Press the Enter key. The cells should now appear similar to the following figure:

21. Select cell A6 and position the cursor over the lower right-hand corner of the cell. The cursor
should turn into a + icon, indicating a handle.

Wonderware System Platform Course - Part 2

5-44 Module 5 – ActiveFactory Workbook

22. Drag the handle downwards to cell A12. This will increment each of the highlighted cells by
one hour.
The date and time should now appear in each of the cells. Your instructor will indicate what
time span to use.

Note: If cells need to be resized, a series of #s will appear in the cell fields. The cells can be
resized by double-clicking the column border at the top of the worksheet.

Insert Aggregate Value Function

23. Click the Aggregate Values button in the ActiveFactory toolbar.
The Aggregate Values Step 1 of 4 wizard appears.
24. Change the cell containing the Tag Name to Sheet1!$A$3.

25. Click Next.

Wonderware Training
Lab 11 – Create an Hourly-Average Shift Report 5-45

26. Change the Select cell for output field to Sheet1!$C$5.

27. Click Next.

Note: (C5) is selected because the output will contain 2 cells: (C4) contains the tagname,
(C5) contains the aggregate value for that time (last hour of data).

The Step 3 of 4 dialog box appears.

28. Select the Calculations tab.
29. Change the Calculation Type to Average.

30. Select the Resolution tab.

Wonderware System Platform Course - Part 2

5-46 Module 5 – ActiveFactory Workbook

31. Select the Values spaced every option (we want average values).
32. Set the number to 60000 ms. This value sets the data retrieval mode to Cyclic, at 1-minute
33. Click Next.
34. Select the Absolute Time option.
35. Click the first radio button (not the checkbox) under Absolute time.
36. Insert your cursor into the top-left field just below the Single value checkbox.
37. In the main worksheet field, select cell A5. This is the cell containing the time at the beginning
of the aggregate time span.
38. Insert your cursor into the right-hand field below the Absolute Time option.
This is the cell that contains the ending time of the average period.
39. In the main worksheet field, select cell A6. This is the cell containing the time at the end of the
aggregate time span.
The dialog box should now look like the following figure:

40. Click Finish.

The average value for the hour appears along side the date/time cell:

Note: The value is calculated against the previous hour, so the first one appears at 9:00, the
second at 10:00, etc.

Wonderware Training
Lab 11 – Create an Hourly-Average Shift Report 5-47

Modify Cell Formulas

41. Select cell C6.
The wwAggregate function string appears in the formula bar.

42. Modify the following time cell reference:

z $A$5 to $A5
z $A$6 to $A6

Change $A$5 to $A5 Change $A$6 to $A6

Changing the cell reference creates relative cell referencing and enables the average values
to be cascaded down the column.
43. Press the Enter key to save the changes.
44. Highlight cell C6 and drag it down to row 12.

The cell values are refreshed during the drag-down. This is because the wwAggregate formula
is being dynamically copied into each cell.
You can now change the tagname reference or the date/time from within the worksheet field
and Workbook will calculate the new values.
45. Save the report in the C:\Wonderware Training\Labs folder as ShiftAvg_DataAcq.xls.
It will be used in Lab 26, “Publishing Workbook Reports”.

Wonderware System Platform Course - Part 2

5-48 Module 5 – ActiveFactory Workbook

– Intentionally left blank –

Wonderware Training

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