Book 18 Homework & EE

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Second Edition

Book 18

Defense Language Institute

English Language Center
The American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program
for teaching English for vocational and professional purposes. It is designed primarily
for intensive English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted
for slower-paced instruction. The ALC’s curriculum has been developed by the Defense
Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of
Defense school under the operational control of the US Air Force. The primary focus of the
ALC is to provide a language curriculum for a diverse international military population. To
that end, the course includes not only general English topics, but also military topics of a
general nature highlighting the typical language military personnel will encounter in their
professional and vocational career fields. The ALC has, however, also been very successfully
used in non-military learning environments and in US high schools with immigrant student

Course components
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1−30 consist of the following:
 Student text (ST)

 Instructor text (IT)

 Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE)

 Audio recordings (tape or CD)

 Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)

 Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLAIT)

 Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)

 Quiz kit

 Optional training aids

Inquiries and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5259
© 2008 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its licensors. Notice
of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the publisher.

Second Edition, January 2008

Electronic version, October 2009


Book 18 Homework and Evaluation Exercises Booklet


This booklet contains the homework and evaluation exercises for Book 18, Level III.
These exercises are exactly the same as those found at the end of Book 18 Student
Text. You may write the answers to the exercises in this booklet.

The homework and the evaluation exercises are designed to help you accomplish the
objectives of each lesson. The homework exercises for each lesson will require about
two hours to complete. They should be completed individually and will usually be
checked in class before starting the next lesson. The evaluation exercises are short
quizzes that will be given after each lesson is completed. The evaluation exercises
should be completed in class unless otherwise instructed.



Homework for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-1

Homework for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-11
Homework for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-19
Homework for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HW-29
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-1
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-7
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-13
Evaluation Exercises for Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE-19




homework for book 18 lesson 1
EXERCISE  A Complete the letter with the words in the box.

Dear Wesley,

1 – 5 I am happy to tell you that you have been selected as a

Academy candidate for an 1 to the US Air Force

2 . We have looked not only at your
3 record but also at your fine record of
4 as president of your high school class.
We receive many applications, and you are one of the few
who 5 to be an Air Force cadet.
In this package you will find further information
about what you must do to complete the necessary steps to
become an 6 . We have 7
a student record for you. This is where your letters of
6 – 11
recommendation, medical reports, and all other papers will
be kept. Your advisor is 8 Capt Handy.
You can 9 him by calling (500) 555-1234
program between 8:00 and 5:00.
graduates I offer you my congratulations and ask that you

appointee complete the necessary application steps required to enter

our 10 of study. Many of our
11 say it’s the greatest opportunity
they’ve ever had.


Maj Gen Alan Able, Commandant


EXERCISE  B Select the best answer for each question.

1. I’m 17 years old. Can I vote in

your country? a. Yes, I think he is the best
2. Are dances and parties held in
b. The Silver Jets are leading the
the Officers’ Club often?
other teams.
3. Have you heard about Mr. c. Yes, I’d like to learn about how
Topper’s new position? people live and work together.
4. Are you going to vote for Bob d. We studied it in my physics
Whitewood? class.
e. No, you are ineligible.
5. Why do you know so much
about electricity? f. Yes, he was appointed Director
of Personnel.
6. Who is in first place?
g. Yes, there’s some kind of social
7. Are you interested in sociology? activity there nearly every day.

EXERCISE  c Number the steps in order.

Refer to the text in Lesson 1 on Page 8 if necessary. Number 1 is an example.

People vote in the A new president All candidates must

general election. is elected. be sure they are
eligible to become

The primary Candidates must The president

election is held. design a plan to appoints people to
raise money for positions in the new
their campaigns. government.


EXERCISE  D Select the best answer.

1. Mike is interested in how families are organized in different countries. He’s

going to study .
a. physics
b. anthropology
c. economics

2. This magazine is old. Do you have the one?

a. eligible
b. primary
c. current

3. Arnold is planning a new for the kitchen.

a. design
b. engineer
c. academy

4. We are learning about what different materials are made of in our class.
a. chemistry
b. sociology
c. social science

5. I have to read this book about famous presidents for my science class.
a. political
b. biology
c. engineering

6. I am going to study either physics or biology in college. I want to be .

a. a program
b. a scientist
c. an appointee

7. My brother is an engineer. He .
a. teaches school children
b. works in a clothing store
c. designs airplanes


EXERCISE e Unscramble the words to write sentences.
Answers will vary.

1. Diana / Both / are / Jim / going / to Houston / and / .

2. coffee / will be served / Either / tea / or / .

3. is / kind / not only / Jill / beautiful / but also / .

4. stingy / neither / That famous actress / nor / selfish / is / .

5. New York / expensive / is not only / interesting / but also /.

EXERCISE  f Combine the sentences using the words in parentheses ( ).

1. Mary received a high score. Kate received a high score. (both … and)

2. This snack is healthy. This snack is delicious. (not only … but also)

3. Bill may attend the meeting. Mike may attend the meeting. (either … or)

4. Texas summers are hot. Texas summers are dry. (not only … but also)

5. That dog is not friendly. That dog is not well-trained. (neither … nor)


EXERCISE  g Complete the sentences with your own words.
Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. Jim is wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sunscreen.

It’s likely that  Jim is going to the beach .
2. The reception starts at 7 p.m. Jill has soccer practice until 7:30.
It’s possible  .
3. The family has very little money.
It’s doubtful that  .
4. Jerry has a black eye and a swollen lip.
It’s probable  .
5. The student was caught looking at another student’s test.
It’s clear  .
6. Mary likes basketball. Joe likes hockey. Larry likes soccer.
It’s true that  .

EXERCISE h Select the best answer.

1. It’s that it’ll snow in March. 4. clear that they didn’t study.

a. probable a. There is
b. probability b. It’s

2. Amy enjoys both soccer and . 5. Last night, the coach asked me if
I stay late.
a. run
b. basketball a. could
b. will
3. Neither the students nor the
teacher going to the party. 6. I asked him he knew her.

a. are a. that
b. is b. whether


EXERCISE i Change the questions to reported speech. Write them below.

When is the next test?
Do you understand
the teacher? 3.
What pages do we
have to read?

Can I borrow a pen?

Is assignment #6 due
Steve next week?

Yesterday, in class 6.
Where do you want to
study after class?

Steve asked Mike …

1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .


EXERCISE  j Read the chart and answer the questions.

Fahrenheit (Centigrade)

212 100
1. The normal body temperature in degrees Celsius
194 90 is 36.9. What is the normal body temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit?
176 80
a. 37º
158 70 b. 104º
c. 98.6º
140 60 d. 100º
122 50 2. On the Celsius thermometer, water freezes
at 0º. What temperature does it freeze at in
104 40 Fahrenheit?
98.6º 36.9º
86 30 a. -32º
b. 0º
68 20
c. 25º
50 10 d. 32º

32 0 3. Water boils at 212ºF. What temperature does it

boil at in Celsius?
a. 90º
b. 100º
c. 150º
d. 212º

4. Most people in the US keep the temperature

in their homes around 68ºF. What temperature
: would this be in Celsius?
2) × / 9
 3 a. 10º
( F  –
ºC = b. 20º
9 / )C + 3
c. 30º
ºF = ( 5
d. 40º

5. If it’s 100ºF, it’s hot outside. About what

temperature is this in Celsius?
a. 20º
b. 32º
c. 38º
d. 45º


EXERCISE  k Read the text and complete the diagram.

Answers will vary.

Planes and Trains

Although airplanes and trains are both stuck in a seat and cannot get up and walk
convenient types of transportation, they are around. In a train, the passenger can move
very different. One of the differences is the around more freely and take long walks.
amount of time it takes to travel by plane or The third difference is where you can go
by train. Traveling by air is the fastest way to with these two types of transportation. An
travel, and you can cross oceans in hours. airplane can fly to almost anyplace in the
On the other hand, train travel usually takes world as long as there is an airport.
longer, and you may need to sleep on the However, a train must travel on land and
train overnight. cannot cross a large ocean. Airplanes and
Another difference in these two kinds of trains may be very different, but they are
transportation is how comfortable travel is. both useful for different kinds of travel
In an airplane, the passenger is sometimes including business and fun.



EXERCISE  l Write a summary of the text in Exercise K.
Answers will vary.

When summarizing a text …

✔ use your own words.
✔ include the main idea and most
important information.
✔ don’t give your opinion.
✔ keep it short.




homework for book 18 lesson 2
EXERCISE  A Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

evacuation hurricane tornados

flash danger
barricading probable flood

We have a very important news 1 for our radio listeners

tonight. A strong 2 is moving across the Atlantic Ocean

towards our city.

Because of the storm, city officials are ordering an 3 of

people from their homes to safer areas. It’s 4 that heavy

rains from the storm will 5 our town, and the water could

cover cars and houses. High winds could also cause several 6 .

The National Weather Service recommends that everyone evacuate to a safe place

until the 7 has passed. Police will start 8

all city roads tomorrow morning, so if you plan to evacuate, now is the time. We

now return you to our regular programming.

EXERCISE  b Match the synonyms.

1. drizzle a. bad, severe

2. force b. partly frozen rain
3. sleet c. danger
4. take precautions d. light rain
5. unfavorable e. be careful
6. hazard f. power


EXERCISE c Select the best answer.

1. Is the visibility good today?

a. Yes, it’s clear and there are no clouds in the sky.
b. Yes, it’ll rain with lightning and thunder.
c. No, the roads are barricaded.

2. I’ve never sung in front of a large group before. Do you have any advice?
a. No, I think it will snow.
b. Yes, I’ll get accustomed to it.
c. Sure, just relax and you will be fine.

3. I heard you were in an accident. Are you okay?

a. Yes, I broke both legs.
b. Yes, my injuries weren’t severe.
c. No, it was favorable.

4. What condition is the bicycle in?

a. It needs to be painted.
b. It costs about $150.
c. I ride it everyday.

5. What did the weatherman forecast?

a. a barricade
b. tomorrow at 0800
c. sleet and hail

6. Do you think Mike Googins will become the next president?

a. It’s very likely.
b. No, he’ll evacuate.
c. I ran into him last night.

7. In a storm, what do we call the flashes of light in the sky?

a. lightning
b. thunder
c. hurricane


EXERCISE d Scan each row and circle the word that doesn’t belong.

1. rain wet tornado drizzle sleet

2. warning danger hazard visibility precaution

3. mountain coast beach ocean sea

4. forecast weather report damage weatherman

5. nice polite severe good friendly

6. sun breeze warm hail clear

7. thunder storm fact lightning hurricane

8. freezing hot invisible cool warm

9. look out for relax enjoy rest play

10. flood fog river barricade lake

EXERCISE e Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Answers will vary.

1. You should always look out for 


2. My father warned me not to 


3. I’m not accustomed to 


4. It’s unlikely that 



EXERCISE  f Read the chart and answer the questions.

Facts about the Earth

Continents Area % of Highest Point Lowest Point
(square miles) Earth (in feet) (in feet below sea level)

Africa 11,688,000 20.4 Kilimanjaro 19,340 Lake Assai 512

Antarctica 5,100,000 8.9 Vinson Massif 16,864 Not Known
Asia 16,999,000 29.7 Everest 29,035 Dead Sea 1,312
Australia 2,966,000 5.2 Kosciusko 7,310 Lake Eyre 52
Europe 4,017,000 7.0 El’brus 18,510 Caspian Sea 92
North America 9,366,000 16.3 McKinley 20,320 Death Valley 282
South America 6,882,000 12.0 Aconcagua 22,834 Valdes Peninsula 131

1. Which continent is the largest? 4. Where is Death Valley?

a. Asia a. North America
b. Africa b. South America
c. Europe c. Australia
d. Antarctica d. Antarctica

2. Which continent covers the 5. The Earth’s lowest point is on

smallest percentage of Earth? which continent?
a. North America a. Asia
b. Europe b. Africa
c. Antarctica c. Europe
d. Australia d. South America

3. Where is Mt. Vinson Massif? 6. What is Europe’s highest point?

a. Africa a. Kosciusko
b. South America b. Everest
c. Antarctica c. El’brus
d. Europe d. Caspian Sea


EXERCISE  g Complete the sentences with your own words.
Use could, would or might. Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. If I felt sick, I would go home .

2. If I were at home right now,  .

3. If my car stopped working,  .

4. If I lost my credit card,  .

5. I would quit my job if  .

6. I might need to take a lot of water if  .

EXERCISE h Write a statement using wish for each situation.

Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. I don’t own a computer.

I wish (that) I owned a computer.

2. My apartment is too small.

3. Peter lives in Texas, but he prefers a cold climate.

4. I have to do PT every morning.

5. Margaret doesn’t see her sister often.

6. It’s been raining all day. I want it to stop.

7. Jason is still sleeping, and we’re late for the game. I want him to wake up.


EXERCISE i Read the situations and complete the sentences.

Use BE used to. Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. Sue just started a new job, and she must wake up at 0545. In the past, she
always woke up at 0900.

She is used to waking up at 0900 / isn’t used to waking up at 0545 .

2. Bob has only driven a car one time. He walks everywhere or rides his bike.

Bob  .

3. Beth never drank coffee in the past. Recently, she started drinking it.

Beth  .

4. Mr. Davis has been writing travel books for 20 years. Every month he
travels to a different place.

He  .

5. I’ve played guitar in a band for the last 10 years. I just started playing
piano, but I’m still learning.


EXERCISE  j Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. I’m not accustomed a. I’d marry her.

2. The weatherman forecast b. the house because there’s a fire.

3. If I were you, c. the Johnsons at the party?

4. We must evacuate d. to driving at night.

5. Does he wish e. clear skies and sunshine.

6. Did you run into f. he could speak her language?


EXERCISE  k Fill in the blanks with the words from the boxes.

visible thunder strike

forecast foggy
weatherman warned drizzling

1. The reports the weather on TV.

2. If you look to the left, the president’s house is .

3. My daughter is frightened by the sound of .

4. You’d better take your umbrella. It’s .

5. It’s difficult to see because it’s so outside.

6. The drill instructor us to be careful with our weapons.

7. Did lightning that tree in your front yard?

8. Did you see tomorrow’s weather ?

tornado coast used to hail

unlikely fact rising

9. The roof of my house was damaged by during the storm.

10. I don’t think we will arrive on time. It’s very .

11. His temperature is . I think he should see a doctor.

12. He really misses the beach and wants to move back to the .

13. It’s a that water freezes at 32º F.

14. A is a dangerous storm with strong winds.

15. I’m not riding the bus.


EXERCISE  l Write words that fit in each column.

Answers will vary.

things that are favorable weather

things that flash
invisible words

thunder news sunny

air cameras warm


homework for book 18 lesson 3
EXERCISE a Use the words from the box to complete the dialogs.

concerns agreement get rid of

supervises benefits
head convince to tell you the truth

1. Jan: I’m worried about my company health .

Jack: You should talk to your supervisor about your .

2. Paul: Did you that garbage?

Pat: , I forgot.

3. Alana: Our companies finally signed the today.

Josh: Great! Then you were able to them that it was a

good idea.

4. Jeff: Who’s the of this company?

Roger: I’m not sure, but Greg Jenson this department.

EXERCISE  b Select the best answer.

1. Do you understand this homework?

a. No, I still don’t get the point.
b. Yes, I’m going to get rid of it.
c. Yes, it’s unfavorable.

2. How many employees does your company have?

a. We make 2 different products.
b. The workers start at 0900.
c. We have 25 people who work for us.


3. When do you get off work every day?
a. at five o’clock
b. next week
c. for 8 hours

4. Are you concerned about the test tomorrow?

a. No, it’s definite.
b. No, I’m not worried.
c. No, it will be sudden.

5. What time will the wedding start?

a. I’m sure it’s personal.
b. I think it’s excellent.
c. It’s still not definite.

6. Did you get the job?

a. Yes, I was hired.
b. No, it was personal.
c. Yes, they fired me.

7. Do you allow your children to watch TV after midnight?

a. Yes, they’re employed.
b. No, they aren’t permitted to.
c. Yes, they always get the point.

8. Are you still looking for employment?

a. No, I already found a job.
b. Yes, I have good benefits.
c. No, it’s company policy.

9. Can I read the letter Mike sent you?

a. No, it’s excellent.
b. No, it’s indefinite.
c. No, it’s personal.


EXERCISE  C Choose the best words to complete the paragraph.

Write the words in the blank spaces.

1 2 3 4 5
employ enlist advertise require govern
employment enlistment advertisement requirement government

Dear Sirs,

Please accept my application for 1 . I am an airman in the US

Air Force. My 2 will end in May, and I would like to work for

your company after that. In Air Team Magazine, you 3 that you

are looking for mechanics. What skills do you 4 for this job? I

have enjoyed working for the 5 and hope to work for you soon.

EXERCISE d Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Answers will vary.

1. An employee should be fired if he or she 


2. Some benefits of learning another language are 


3. On the one hand, 


4. On the other hand, 



EXERCISE e Read the pie chart and answer the questions.

percentage of World Population 2006

(6.5 billion total)

Rest of the World


US Federation
5% 2%
China India Indonesia
20% 17% 3%

1. What percentage of the world population lives in the US?

2. Which country has the lowest population in this chart?

3. Which countries in this chart had the same percentage of the population in

4. Which two countries together have over one third of the world’s population?

5. Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation make up what
percent of the world’s population?


EXERCISE  f Change the statements to negative questions.
Number 1 is an example.
1. Tony’s phone bill was very expensive.

Q: Wasn’t Tony’s phone bill very expensive?

2. We’re going to a museum tomorrow.


3. Mike has played the piano for ten years.


4. Hal can fix your car.


5. Robert hasn’t qualified for training yet. (Why)


6. Susan isn’t in class today. (Why)


7. Some parts of the city aren’t safe at night. (Which)


EXERCISE G Match the answers with the questions from Exercise F.

Write the number of the question. Number 1 is an example

a. No, it’s closed on Sundays.

b. He hasn’t passed the PT test.
c. She has a dentist appointment.
1 d. Yes, it was over $300.
e. The north side and downtown.
f. Yes, he began when he was a boy.
g. No, I don’t think he knows how to.


EXERCISE h Match the sentences.

1. Steve can’t be promoted to major. a. We just sat down for dinner.

2. Today couldn’t be Saturday. b. I just put it in the oven.
3. You can’t be finished eating already. c. He’s been a captain for a week.
4. This TV couldn’t be broken. d. You slept for 12 hours.
5. This chicken can’t be cooked. e. Yesterday was Thursday.
6. You can’t still be tired. f. I just bought it.

EXERCISE i Write a sentence about an impossible situation.

Use can’t be or couldn’t be. Number 1 is an example. Answers will vary.

1. Chris is a manager of a store. He’s 12 years old.

He couldn’t be a manager of a store. He’s only 12 years old.

2. This movie is very sad. Everyone is laughing.

3. John can’t see. He is a taxi driver.  

4. I wash my car every day. It’s always dirty.

5. It’s very hot outside. It’s sleeting.


EXERCISE  j Choose the best words to complete the paragraph.

Write the words in the blank spaces.

1 2 3 4 5
fit lazy friendly shy shy
fitness laziness friendliness shyness shyness

My brother John and I are very different. John goes to the gym every day and likes
1 . I’d rather read books, and I’m a little 2 . John

loves to meet new people, and he is known for his 3 . I’m a

4 person, but I don’t let my 5 stop me from

making new friends.

EXERCISE  k Select the best answer.

1. If you want to take a day off, ask 4. At work, our concern is

the . safety.
a. employee a. chief
b. supervisor b. excellent
c. policy c. concerned

2. The highway through 5. The company is very large. It

the city is closed because of an over 1,000 workers.
a. agrees
a. main b. permits
b. definite c. employs
c. personal
6. Paul and Pat are not speaking
3. The boss that tomorrow is a because they had .
a. a point of view
a. got off b. an employer
b. fired c. a disagreement
c. pointed out


EXERCISE  l Read the text. Then complete the Venn diagram.

Military and Civilian Careers

Although military and civilian careers grades. However, civilian bosses often use
have some things in common, there are only job performance to award promotions
many interesting differences. The first to their workers. Civilian workers can be
difference is the types of benefits that are promoted even after only a short time on
offered. Military careers provide attractive the job.
benefits. For example, all soldiers get paid The last difference is the amount of
health insurance and possible retirement travel time each type of job requires. A
after 20 years of service. On the other hand, person working in the military can be
a civilian employee may have to pay for ordered to travel for long periods of time.
health insurance, and retirement is not Although many jobs require civilians to
usually possible until the age of 65. travel, these trips are usually for short
Another difference is how workers are periods of time. There are many differences
promoted. In the military, promotion from to consider, but both military and civilian
one pay grade to another is controlled by careers are satisfying job choices.
regulations, and it isn’t possible to skip pay



EXERCISE  m Write a summary of the text in Exercise L.
Answers will vary.

When summarizing a text …

✔ use your own words.
✔ include the main idea and most
important information.
✔ don’t give your opinion.
✔ keep it short.




homework for book 18 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Select the best answer.

1. I’m going to some money each month for my vacation.

a. blame
b. set aside
c. look after

2. Paul only cares for himself. He doesn’t have any for others.
a. memory
b. disability
c. consideration

3. You have a very good argument; , I disagree with you.

a. however
b. therefore
c. rather than

4. Don’t forget to put the meat in the refrigerator. It’ll .

a. carry
b. share
c. spoil

5. Would you like to come with us to the movies?

a. along
b. during
c. such as

6. The police officer used to stop the man from hurting anyone.
a. force
b. memory
c. childhood

7. I was driving down the street when, , a man ran in front of my car.
a. all of a sudden
b. therefore
c. frequently


8. James and Mike have been best friends since .
a. memories
b. childhood
c. consideration

9. You’re going to your son if you give him everything he wants all the time.
a. spoil
b. set aside
c. control

10. Some people are born , but others lose their ability to hear over time.
a. deaf
b. blind
c. dizzy

11. Ronald’s son is blind. He can’t .

a. hear
b. speak
c. see

12. We have to wake up very early tomorrow. Therefore, .

a. I want to watch a movie
b. let’s take the train
c. we’d better go to bed now

13. Going to the beach memories of my childhood.

a. brings back
b. sets aside
c. takes into consideration

14. The university offers many interesting classes, cooking, painting, and
a. such as
b. for granted
c. all of a sudden

15. There are special laws that protect people with .

a. disabilities
b. memories
c. considerations


EXERCISE  b Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

look after memory setting aside

remind controls
carrying force persuaded

1. The secretary called to Susan of her appointment.

2. The police is hiring new policemen.

3. My grandfather’s is not as good as it used to be.

4. Can you my houseplants while I’m on vacation?

5. I’m a little money each week for my retirement.

6. He me to do something I didn’t want to do.

7. This switch all the outlets on this side of the room.

8. Be careful when you are that box. There are expensive

plates inside.

EXERCISE c Match the word pairs. Then use them in the sentences below.

1. take his advice a. granted

2. set aside b. into consideration
3. take for c. memories
4. brings back d. some money

1. I love this song. It really .

2. Bill is very smart. You should .

3. It’s a good idea to for later.

4. Your health is something you shouldn’t .


EXERCISE d Read the chart and answer the questions.

The best time to visit

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
New York City
Las Vegas
Washington DC
Grand Canyon
Niagara Falls
= Best time to visit (Best times are based on weather conditions, events, and prices.)

1. Which is the best place to visit in 4. Which month should you avoid
October? Hawaii?
a. New York a. May
b. Washington DC b. August
c. Florida c. October
d. Yellowstone d. April

2. How many months of the year is 5. Which place is good to visit in

New York City a good place to visit? June?
a. 2 a. California
b. 3 b. Las Vegas
c. 5 c. Yellowstone
d. 8 d. Alaska

3. What are the best months to visit 6. Which month of the year seems to
Washington DC? be the worst time to travel?
a. April, May, June a. November
b. February, March, April b. January
c. January, February, July c. April
d. November, December, January d. December


EXERCISE e Complete the dialog with the phrases below.
Number 1 is an example.

that I have to pass

shouldn’t have done I have for US history

have listened to me
to help you study
To tell you the truth

me to find another teacher

Steve: Mike, I really need your help. Do you know the teacher
1 I have for US history ?

Mike: Sure. Do you mean Mr. Webber?

Steve: Yes. I know you advised 2 . But I

took his class, and now I’m failing.

Mike: You should 3 . Nobody passes his

class. That’s why students avoid him.

Steve: 4 , I didn’t believe that one

teacher could be so bad. Can you believe that he made us write a

15-page assignment in one night!

Mike: He 5 that. Doesn’t he know you

have homework in other classes?

Steve: I don’t know, but this is a class 6 .

Mike: Listen, I took that class last semester. Would you like me

7 ?


EXERCISE  f Refer to the chart and write sentences using perfect modals.
Answers will vary. Numbers 1 and 5 are examples.

Use … to talk about …

should • a duty in the past that wasn’t done.

ought to • something reasonable that wasn’t done.

shouldn’t have • something not reasonable that was done.

could • an ability or possibility to do something else in the

past (instead of what really happened).

A: You forgot your mother’s birthday. What should you have done differently?

1. remember to tell her “Happy Birthday.”

I should have remembered to tell her “Happy Birthday”

2. send her a card

3. forget her birthday

4. call her

B: Your friend was fired because he was always late. What should he have done?

5. try to be on time

He should have tried to be on time.

6. leave the house earlier

7. use an alarm clock

8. ask his boss for a second chance


EXERCISE  g Read Jim’s e-mail. Then complete the second e-mail.

Use at least three different perfect modals. Answers will vary.

To: Jim Fredricks

Subject: The worst day of my life

Dear Henry,
You won’t believe what happened! Last week, I went on a car trip and it was the worst
experience I’ve ever had. First, I forgot to check the air in the tires before I left. After driving for
about an hour, I noticed that one of the tires was almost flat. I checked the spare tire, but it
was also flat. I decided to try and find a gas station to fix the tire. It was starting to get dark,
and I don’t like driving at night, so I began to drive a little faster. After about 5 minutes, I saw a
police car behind me. Can you believe he pulled me over and gave me a speeding ticket!
Things only got worse from there. I finally found a gas station and got the tire fixed. But when I
tried to pay, they told me that they didn’t accept any credit cards! Of course I never carry any
cash. I had to call my brother and wait 3 hours for him to bring me some money. This was the
worst day of my life.

To: Henry Davidson

Subject: How horrible, but …

Hi Jim,
That sounds horrible! I’m sorry that it happened to you, but I think that you should have …


EXERCISE h Combine the sentences using an adjective clause.
Answers will vary. Number 1 is an example.

1. The meeting was very long. We attended it.

The meeting (which/that) we attended was very long.

2. We enjoyed the barbecue. We had it last weekend.

3. The wine is French. She bought it at the market.

4. The cadet is from Minnesota. You shared a room with him.

5. The farm is rather large. My uncle owns it.

EXERCISE i Use the words in parentheses ( ) to answer the questions.

Number 1 is an example.
1. Did the general permit the reporters to ask many questions?  (no)
No, the general didn’t permit the reporters to ask many questions.

2. Did you invite everyone to celebrate with us?  (yes)

3. Who did the colonel select to train the soldiers?  (Lt Jones)

4. What did the doctor finally convince the man to stop doing?  (smoking)

5. What did Tom’s boss advise him to accept?  (the overseas assignment)


EXERCISE  j Circle the word that best completes the sentence.

1. That teacher doesn’t allow us  eating / to eat  any food in the classroom.

2. The police officer  warned / to warn  the drivers not to drive down the flooded

3. The drill instructor expects all soldiers  to get up / getting up  at 0500 for PT.

4. I can’t believe that my boss asked  me working / me to work  on Saturday again.

5. Mr. Klean instructed us to  sweep / swept  the garage and the area around the
swimming pool.

6. My grandfather taught  to repair us / us to repair  cars when we were still very


EXERCISE  k Match each problem with the best solution.

Problems Solutions

1. You have used all of your leave a. He should remind everyone that
time, but you must look after he’s the boss, so they need to
your sick mother. listen to him.

2. You’re blamed for a car accident b. Find someone who saw what
that wasn’t your fault. The happened and contact your
other driver wants you to pay. insurance company.

3. Robert is the leader of a group c. Talk to the supervisor and

that is organizing a retirement explain the problem. Ask if it’s
party, but no one listens to him. possible to work extra hours.

4. Paul had a test yesterday, but d. He should do extra assignments

he didn’t study, and he failed it. and ask the teacher for help.
He might not pass the class.




evaluation exercises for book 18 lesson 1
EXERCISE  A Select the best answer.

1. Calvin’s looking for a job as an airline pilot. He’s already the necessary
experience and pilot’s license.
a. acquired
b. appointed
c. designed

2. Ed has completed all of the required training in automobile repair. Now, he’s
a. an ineligible
b. a political
c. a qualified

3. Dave’s interested in designing and building machines. He’ll probably get a

degree in .
a. biology
b. chemistry
c. engineering

4. Delia occasionally writes magazine articles, but her occupation is

managing a travel agency.
a. social
b. primary
c. academic

5. The Air Force Academy is the newest US Service Academy. It was

in 1954.
a. voted
b. motivated
c. established

6. The President of the United States has the authority to people to some
government positions.
a. design
b. name
c. reach

BOOK 18 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

7. Sam attended one year of college, but he didn’t receive a degree. He’s not a
college .
a. leader
b. graduate
c. candidate

8. Students in officer training programs must take courses in military .

a. biology
b. anthropology
c. science

9. Jan doesn’t study as much as she should. She’s smart, but she just isn’t .
a. eligible
b. current
c. motivated

10. Chris loves , so he’ll probably study economics.

a. money
b. animals
c. people

11. The coach is important, but it’s also important to have one player who’s the
team .
a. leader
b. appointee
c. candidate

12. This class doesn’t last all year. It only lasts for one .
a. appointment
b. semester
c. program

13. Mike would like to teach at a university. He’d like to have position.
a. a political
b. a current
c. an academic


EXERCISE  b Listen. Then select the best answer.

1. No, she didn’t have all of the necessary .

a. academies
b. programs
c. strategies
d. qualifications

2. He’ll .
a. take one semester
b. be qualified
c. make an appointment
d. attend the academy

3. No, they on time.

a. named the person
b. designed the house
c. reached the airport
d. established a business

4. I’m studying .
a. weapons
b. plants
c. history
d. uniforms

5. He has to the team.

a. elect
b. vote
c. acquire
d. motivate

6. Yes, it’s a good .

a. leader
b. strategy
c. semester
d. qualification

BOOK 18 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE c Select the best answer.

1. Amy likes to play both soccer and .

a. swimming
b. basketball
c. to run

2. Brian doesn’t drink either coffee or tea. Brian likes .

a. both coffee and tea
b. coffee but not tea
c. neither coffee nor tea

3. Neither the doctor nor the nurses been to the new hospital.
a. has
b. have
c. to have

4. We need to not only repair but also paint the door. We need to .
a. neither paint nor repair
b. paint but not repair
c. both paint and repair

EXERCISE d Put a check next to the sentence that is correct.

1. Bob is both smart and a teacher.

Bob is both tall and handsome.
Bob is both eating dinner and ice cream.

2. Either John or Steve are coming.

Either John and Steve is coming.
Either John or Steve is coming.

3. She asked me if whether I was single.

She asked me was I single.
She asked me if I was single.

4. It’s doubtful that my team will win the game tomorrow.

It doubtful that win the game tomorrow my team.
It’s doubtful will win my team tomorrow the game.


EXERCISE e Read the situation. Circle a word to complete the sentence.

1. PFC Marley has been in the Army for 4 years, and he is one of the best
soldiers in his unit. It’s  doubtful / likely  that he’ll be promoted soon.

2. Although I don’t like rainy days, it’s  probable / true  that the rain is good for
the plants in the garden.

3. Mitch doesn’t know anything about computers. It’s  unlikely / clear  he’ll be
able to fix your hard drive.

4. Every time Carla eats strawberries, her throat gets swollen.

It’s  unlikely / possible  that she’s allergic to strawberries.

5. Bob’s football team has lost every game this season. It’s  doubtful / clear  that
they’re not very good.

6. I still have a lot of work to do to before I can complete my assignment.

It’s  unlikely / probable  that I’ll have to ask the teacher for more time.

EXERCISE  f Complete the sentences to make them true for you.

Answers will vary.
1. My boss is not only but also .
adjective adjective

2. I like to both and .

verb verb

3. I like to not only but also .

verb verb

4. I want to visit either or .

noun noun

5. This weekend I will either or .

verb verb

6. I like neither nor .

gerund gerund

BOOK 18 lesson 1 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE  g Change the questions to reported speech.

Number 1 is an example.

1. Bob: Are you in the military?

Steve: Yes, I’m in the US Navy.

Bob asked Steve if he was in the military.

2. Sue: Where do you work?

Dan: I work in an office downtown.

3. Pat: How many children do you have?

Paul: I only have one daughter.

4. Mike: What time will the luncheon be tomorrow?

Jill: It’ll be at one thirty.

5. Mom: Can the children help clean up the living room?

Dad: Sure, I’ll call them.

6. Brett: Does the car have a full tank of gasoline?

Sandy: Yes, I filled it up yesterday.

7. Chris: Are you going to find a new job?

Dave: Yes, I need to find one soon.


evaluation exercises for book 18 lesson 2
EXERCISE a Select the best answer.

1. Let’s drive to the and go swimming in the ocean.

a. flood
b. coast
c. barricade

2. The accident caused a lot of to my car.

a. hazard
b. danger
c. damage

3. The sun in the east and goes down in the west.

a. flashes
b. strikes
c. rises

4. My father us not to play near the road.

a. warned
b. wished
c. barricaded

5. The police are barricades on the flooded streets.

a. warning
b. flashing
c. setting up

6. Robert is a weatherman. He .
a. reports the daily conditions
b. repairs damaged buildings
c. teaches biology

7. Two days of heavy rain caused in the downtown area.

a. sleeting
b. flooding
c. hailing

BOOK 18 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

8. The may change to heavy rain. You’d better take an umbrella.
a. drizzle
b. evacuation
c. flash

9. The conditions make it dangerous to drive.

a. likely
b. visible
c. foggy

10. The police set up to block the road.

a. a barricade
b. an evacuation
c. a hazard

11. Watch the if you want to know what the weather will be like tomorrow.
a. hurricane
b. forecast
c. drizzle

12. We the Rooney family at the movie theater last night.

a. set up
b. got used to
c. ran into

13. It’s that Ronaldo will arrive before 1400.

a. unlikely
b. hazardous
c. visible

14. The child was frightened by the sound of .

a. fog
b. thunder
c. damage

15. It’s a that Mr. Brown works for the government.

a. fact
b. forecast
c. wish


EXERCISE  b Listen. Then select the best answer.

1. You can .
a. see it
b. visit us
c. stay overnight

2. Yes, we’d better the building.

a. strike
b. set up
c. evacuate

3. I know. The conditions are very today.

a. severe
b. invisible
c. favorable

4. We’d better .
a. move to a safe place
b. call them tomorrow
c. eat dinner soon

5. It did, and there’s a lot of .

a. thunder
b. damage
c. fog

6. We it in 1972.
a. bought
b. repaired
c. established

BOOK 18 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-

EXERCISE c Read the situations and complete the sentences.
Use the words in parentheses. Answers will vary.

1. Mike speaks French, Italian, and Russian. He uses all three languages every
day in his job. (be accustomed to)

He  .

2. Jim just started taking tennis lessons. His arms are very sore. (not, be used to)

Jim  .

3. Sue is a truck driver. She drives thousands of miles every week. (be used to)

She  .

4. Steve just moved to England from the US. He bought a new car, and the
steering wheel is on the right side of the car. (not, be accustomed to)

He  .

EXERCISE d Put a check next to the correct sentence.

1. I wish I know how to ride a horse.

I wish I knew how to ride a horse.
I wish I would know how to ride a horse.

2. We aren’t use to studying much.

We aren’t used studying much.
We aren’t used to studying much.

3. She would go to the beach if the weather were nicer.

She will go to the beach if the weather was nicer.
She can go to the beach if the weather would be nicer.

4. If I would have a map, I can find the museum.

If I have a map, I would find the museum.
If I had a map, I could find the museum.


EXERCISE  E Read the sentences. Write T for true or F for false.

Example: If I had a motorcycle, I would drive it across the US.

F a. I have a motorcycle.
T b. I’m not driving across the US.

1. If I had a pen, I could write down your address.

a. I have a pen.
b. I wrote down your address.

2. He would be on television if he were an actor.

a. He is not an actor.
b. He is on television

3. The recruit wishes her family could visit her.

a. Her family is not there.

b. Her family can’t visit her.

4. If I didn’t have any friends, I might be sad and lonely.

a. I have friends.
b. I am sad and lonely.

5. Ms. Brown wishes she had a new car.

a. She has a new car.
b. She doesn’t like her car.

6. I could ask the teacher if I didn’t know the answer to the question.
a. I don’t know the answer right now.
b. It’s possible to ask the teacher in the future.

BOOK 18 lesson 2 evaluation exercises EE-11

EXERCISE  f Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.

Number 1 is an example.

1. If I were you, I would go to the gym and eat healthier food. (be)

2. Lisa could graduate if she classes in the summer. (take)

3. What would you do if you a fly in your soup? (find)

4. If Matt to the teacher, he could solve the problem. (speak)

5. I wish I more time to study for my test tomorrow. (have)

6. Chad might get a promotion if he more training. (get)

7. Does Rhonda wish she more money at her job? (make)

8. Tina might be a teacher if she in the Navy. (not be)


evaluation exercises for book 18 lesson 3
EXERCISE  A Select the best answer.

1. This computer training will really you in your job.

a. concern
b. benefit
c. agree

2. Do you know the company’s on taking long vacations?

a. behavior
b. policy
c. employer

3. You can buy a new car you have a good job.

a. all of a sudden
b. now that
c. on the other hand

4. One of a manager’s jobs is to employees about their careers.

a. fire
b. observe
c. advise

5. Ken is opening his own business. He needs to several employees.

a. hire
b. point out
c. get rid of

6. Let’s go to Mason’s Restaurant. The food is great and the service is .

a. excellent
b. definite
c. sudden

7. Now we are sure. The wedding will take place in May.

a. mainly
b. definitely
c. personally

BOOK 18 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-13

8. The furniture store is the biggest in town.
a. supervisor
b. unemployment
c. employer

9. Lisa and I both think that our supervisor is great. We with each other.
a. supervise
b. agree
c. convince

10. The teacher gave many examples to explain the grammar .

a. benefit
b. point
c. head

11. I like my new job, but I have about my salary.

a. concerns
b. policies
c. employee

12. The owner of the company doesn’t need to buy a plane ticket. He has a
a. main
b. personal
c. definite

13. My friends think John is the best candidate. , I disagree.

a. Personally
b. Definite
c. Likely

14. John lost his job. He’s very unhappy about being .
a. definite
b. personal
c. unemployed


EXERCISE  b Listen then select the best answer.

1. Yes, I .
a. can call it for you
b. can show you where it is
c. might take the test
d. will be back later

2. No, we aren’t .
a. concerned
b. permitted
c. convinced
d. employed

3. No, isn’t a problem.

a. the policy
b. the supervisor
c. our agreement
d. unemployment

4. Yes. They’ve reached .

a. a benefit
b. a hazard
c. an agreement
d. an electrician

5. No, her vacation plans are still .

a. excellent
b. definite
c. correct
d. indefinite

6. They each have a different .

a. point of view
b. disagreement
c. employer
d. appointment

BOOK 18 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-15

EXERCISE c Write the correct form of the italicized word in the blank.
Use -ment. Number one is an example.

1. A: Did Sally and Brenda argue about something yesterday?

B: Yes, I think their argument was over the project.

2. A: I heard you might postpone your wedding.

B: Yes, a is needed to give us more time to plan.

3. A: Jane, did you attach my orders to the e-mail you sent to Maj Cole?
B: Sorry. I forgot the . I’ll send it to him now.

4. A: Didn’t you advertise your new business in the newspaper?

B: Yes, but the newspaper was incorrect.

EXERCISE d Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

polite dark illness

happiness darkness
ill happy politeness

1. The enemy couldn’t see the soldiers because they were moving under the cover
of .

2. Holding the door for older people is very .

3. His wonderful family brings him a lot of .

4. Be careful driving on Claw Road at night. There are no streetlights, and it’s
very .

5. Mr. Green has been for two weeks. He should see a doctor.

6. Sam had to go home due to a sudden .

7. I’m because I finally passed the driver’s test.

8. Customers expect to be treated with by the hotel employees.


EXERCISE e Change the statements to negative questions.

1. Tom is leaving for his vacation tomorrow.

2. They ate all the pie.

3. You should call a mechanic.

4. Amy doesn’t eat breakfast. (Why)

5. Mark hasn’t finished his homework. (Why)

EXERCISE  f Select the best answer.

1. he a vice admiral? 4. He will get a new soon.

a. Isn’t a. assigned
b. Is not b. assignment
c. Not is c. assign

2. People like him for his . 5. I saw Andrea at work today.

She be on vacation.
a. kind
b. kindly a. wouldn’t
c. kindness b. can’t
c. not could
3. Sue doesn’t have a car.
These her car keys. 6. go to the mall last night?
a. couldn’t be a. Didn’t you
b. will be b Don’t you
c. can’t c. Weren’t you

BOOK 18 lesson 3 evaluation exercises EE-17

EXERCISE  g Select the best answer.

1. The bank says that there is no money in my account, but that couldn’t be true
because I .
a. spent all my money on car repairs
b. just bought a new house
c. deposited my paycheck this morning

2. That boy who is playing basketball can’t be Paul’s son because .

a. Paul has several sons
b. Paul’s son loves sports
c. Paul only has daughters

3. Ken’s birthday can’t be on February 30 because .

a. Ken is only 29 years old
b. February doesn’t have 30 days
c. Ken doesn’t celebrate his birthday

4. The boys couldn’t be playing soccer because .

a. it’s their favorite sport
b. they don’t have a ball
c. they are only 12 years old

EXERCISE  H Unscramble the words to make a sentence.

1. library  /  today  /  The  /  be  /  can’t  /  closed  /  .

2. Mr. Smith  /  lunch  /  didn’t  /  Why  /  his  /  finish  /  ?

3. couldn’t  /  She  /  general  /  be  /  a  /  .

4. truth,  /  tell  /  you  /  I  /  To  /  the  /  like  /  lemons  /  .


evaluation exercises for book 18 lesson 4
EXERCISE a Select the best answer.

1. A good teacher must be able to the students in the class.

a. spoil
b. control
c. remind

2. The door handle was stuck, but I was able to it open.

a. fire
b. force
c. attach

3. After they sell the business, each of the three owners will get a of the
a. point
b. share
c. detail

4. Ralph uses a wheelchair because he’s .

a. disabled
b. ineligible
c. personal

5. Kim: Jan and Ben only knew each other for a week before they got married.
Sue: Wow. That was .
a. blind
b. deaf
c. sudden

6. We walked along .
a. exercise
b. the tree
c. the street

7. You’re not allowed to any weapons on an airplane.

a. persuade
b. carry
c. remind

BOOK 18 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-19

8. Don’t try to me to do something that I don’t want to do.
a. persuade
b. control
c. blame

9. There are many great places to visit here, the museum or the park.
a. however
b. along
c. such as

10. I have great of my vacation in Spain.

a memories
b. consideration
c. disability

11. Mike me for breaking the window, but it wasn’t my fault.

a. spoiled
b. blamed
c. forced

12. A commander should always have of his men.

a. control
b. length
c. point

13. Living in a big city can be fun; however, .

a. there are many restaurants
b. it can sometimes be dangerous
c. you can go to the ballet or opera

14. Alice: Do you know sign language?

Dan: Yes. I learned it because .
a. my sister is deaf
b. I need a new passport
c. my parents speak Spanish


EXERCISE  b Listen. Then select the best answer.

1. I need to today.
a. set it aside
b. persuade him
c. look after them
d. bring it back

2. I them.
a. walk with
b. think about
c. write to
d. worry about

3. Sure, I’ll .
a. take it into consideration
b. communicate with you
c. take it for granted
d. set it aside

4. Do you mean you want all the ?

a. blame
b. shares
c. details
d. consideration

5. My neighbor is going to him.

a. look after
b. control
c. persuade
d. remind

BOOK 18 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-21

EXERCISE c Complete the sentences with a past modal.
Use the verbs in parentheses. Number 1 is an example.

1. I could have gone to college, but I didn’t.  (could, go)

2. The doctor the illness from his patients.  (could, get)

3. You a better retirement plan.  (should, choose)

4. I you lied. I’m sorry I was impolite.  (should not, say)

5. Jim something to fix the problem.  (ought to, do)

6. The two players about the decision.  (should not, argue)

7. Pat a doctor, but she decided that she wanted to be an

engineer instead.  (could, become)

EXERCISE d Match each question to the correct answer.

1. What did Bill ask you to do? a. He expects the recruits to obey.

2. What did your mother say? b. He’s teaching me how to drive.

3. Did you invite the girls to go? c. He wants me to cut the grass.

4. What does the drill sergeant expect? d. Yes, I called them yesterday.

5. What do your teachers recommend? e. They want me to study more.

6. What is Mr. Gus teaching you? f. She won’t allow me to use her car.


EXERCISE e Select the best answer.

1. Trisha was a girl .

a. who knew in high school
b. whom I knew in high school

2. The magazine was expensive.

a. he bought at the bookstore
b. which bought at the bookstore

3. The salesman was rude.

a. whom spoke to
b. whom she spoke to

4. Have you seen the money ?

a. that left on the table
b. I left on the table

5. Where did you buy the dress ?

a. you wore at the party
b. that wore at the party

EXERCISE  f Combine the sentences using an adjective clause.

1. Tony made me an offer. I couldn’t refuse it.

2. The club has tennis and golf. I belong to it.

3. The candidate won the election. I didn’t vote for him.

4. The woman is very intelligent. I sit next to her in class.

BOOK 18 lesson 4 evaluation exercises EE-23

EXERCISE  g Select the best answer.

1. The supervisor doesn’t allow us early on Fridays.

a. leaving
b. to leave
c. leave

2. I the police when I had the car accident.

a. could call
b. should have called
c. ought to have call

3. The drill sergeant is teaching us a rifle.

a. use
b. using
c. to use

4. My mother warned me during a flash flood.

a. not drive
b. not driving
c. not to drive

5. My supervisor us to come in early to work tomorrow.

a. could have ask
b. may asked
c. shouldn’t have asked

6. My teacher more.
a. wants me to study
b. wants to me study
c. to want to study

7. This is the book must read if you want to learn about Canadian history.
a. who you
b. which you
c. you that

8. Bill asked me to the movie with him.

a. go
b. going
c. to go


The American Language Course is a comprehensive, multilevel
program for adults that teaches English for vocational and professional
purposes. The ALC is designed primarily for intensive English language
training in a classroom setting, but it can be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. A significant feature of the ALC is the inclusion of basic
military topics and vocabulary.
Using traditional methods of language teaching as well as contemporary
communicative approaches, the ALC’s presentation is systematic and
carefully sequenced to ensure that learners can build on previously
acquired knowledge. Photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables
explain vocabulary and grammar, while dialogs and student-centered
activities introduce and reinforce language functions and skills. Each
book is supplemented by an instructional package that includes the
• Instructor text
• Student text
• Audio recordings
• Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts
• Language laboratory activities student text
• Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)
• Quiz kit
• Optional training aids
The ALC’s second edition features a completely revised student text
with an accompanying instructor text. Instructor notes offer detailed
guidelines for presenting classroom exercises, supplemental activities,
and pertinent cultural information. A variety of teaching strategies are
provided to keep students motivated and enliven the classroom.

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