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LogIQids Logical Reasoning Exam - Sample Paper Grade 6

Please read these carefully before attempting the sample paper

1. There are 35 questions in the paper which covers various sub-topics across various topics
2. The total time allotted is 60 minutes for all the questions
3. Please try to maximize your attempt overall; if you find any question difficult move on to
the next one and mark that question to come back again
4. There are 4 marks for every right answer and 1 negative mark for every wrong one
5. If you face difficulty understanding any question, please ask the invigilator

1. Which of these sequences follows the pattern where the sum of any two consecutive
terms is less than 8 and all terms are different??
a) 7, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4 b) 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3

c) 7, 0, 2, 6, 5, 4 d) 7, 0, 2, 6, 2, 4

2. A term is missing in between the sequence. Find the missing term. 10, 15, 13, 18, 16,
_______ , 19, 24, 22
a) 16 b) 21
c) 23 d) 27

3. Which would be the first term of the given sequence that would be lesser than 20: 67,
61, 55, 49, ..... ?
a) 17 b) 18
c) 19 d) 20

4. Find the missing term. 131, 2442, 35553, _________ , 5777775

a) 46664 b) 466664
c) 366663 d) 4664

5. What should be the next term in this sequence: M10G, K9G, I8G, _________ ?
a) G7I b) H7G
c) G7G d) F7G

6. In a certain language, if BATSMEN is coded as BTSMNAE, what would be the code of

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7. An alphanumeric sequence is given: ELECTRICITY4, PENNIES2, FEET1, STICKY0.

Which of the below could be one of the terms in the sequence?
a) DEED0 b) BAT1

8. I am father of Rishi. Heera is Rishi's mother's only daughter. What will be the
relation of Heera's husband with me?
a) Son b) Uncle
c) Son-in-law d) Brother

9. P is in North direction of Q. Q is in East direction of R. R is in South direction of S. S

is in West direction of P. In which direction of P is R standing?
a) South-West b) North-East
c) North d) West

10. If + means - , - means x and x means +, what would be the value of 23 - 45 x 6712 +
231 - 12?
a) 4975 b) 6712
c) 8841 d) 2327

11. The daughter of Akshita's father's brother is also her best friend. What is the relation
of Akshita with her best friend?
a) Aunt b) Grandmother
c) Cousin d) Mother

12. If every alternate letter starting from B is deleted from the given alphabet, which of
the following will be the tenth letter from the right end?
a) G b) D
c) Q d) H

13. In the following letter sequence, how many n's are followed by m but not preceded by

agrhtnmb cnmlbuvnmherhnmgfehnmecnmwqanmhlb
a) 4 b) 5
c) 6 d) 7

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14. In the following five words are arranged in alphabetical order, which one will come

Elephant Art Google Catch Monkey

a) Elephant b) Google

c) Catch d) Monkey

15. How many different ways are there for Kohli to go to Stadium from his home?

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 6

16. Find the Odd one out :

a) Earth b) Heart
c) Hater d) There

17. In each of the following phrases, there may be a hidden number. For instance in
Good Height, eight is hidden as Good Height. Which of the following does not contain
a hidden number?
A) Paris evening
B) Van in Egypt
C) Last words
a) A b) B
c) C d) All of the above contain a hidden number

18. Which of the following words cannot be formed from the letters of the word :
a) BOT b) LOT

19. Find the odd one out :

a) Test Match : One Day Match b) One day Match : T20 Match
c) T20 Match : Test Match d) None of these

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20. Find the two words, one from each group which when joined together form a new
word such that the word from group 1 always comes first.

1. Safe A. Ply

2. Sub B. Foot

3. Cloth C. Way
a) 1A b) 2C
c) 2A d) 3A

21. Identify the letters which completes the three words below in such a way that :
a. First letter completes the first word and is common between the first two blanks
b. Second letter completes the third word and is common between the last two blanks

1 2 3
a) M,C b) G,D
c) R,P d) M,S

22. Which of these pairs form a new word each on dropping a common letter?
a) first, fist b) fashion, fill

c) tease, tray d) sick, sell

23. If Kohli is not shorter than Dhoni and Jadeja is shorter than Dhoni, then which
amongst the three is the tallest?
a) Kohli b) Jadeja

c) Dhoni d) Cannot be determined

24. Question : What is the size of the frame

Statements: I. The frame can accommodate 4 pictures.
II. The frame is square in shape with one of its side being 10 cm
To answer the above question, which of the statements are sufficient?
a) I alone is sufficient b) II alone is sufficient
c) Both statements I and II together are sufficient d) Both statements I and II together are not sufficient

25. A. Some kites are papers. B. _____________________. What should be the statement B so
that 'Some kites are square' is always true?
a) Some papers are square b) All papers are square
c) No papers are square d) None of these

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26. Using which of the pair of statements can we conclude this: Some bags are heavy?
a) Some luggage is heavy. Some bags are luggage. b) Some luggage is heavy. No bags are luggage.
c) All luggage is heavy. Some bags are luggage. d) None of these

27. Select the option that holds true as per the given Venn diagram.

a) No clothes are curtains b) Some clothes are curtains

c) Some curtains are lockers d) None of these

28. How many triangles are there in the given figure?

a) 4 b) 5
c) 6 d) 8

29. In which of the four images the symbol ‘X’ CANNOT be found as a part of that image?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

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30. A cube is painted on all of its sides and then cut into 8 equal cubes. For any such new
cube so formed, how many walls will be unpainted?

a) 2 b) 4
c) 4 d) Cannot be determined

31. Which of the four images should come in place of the question mark “?” ?.

a) b)

c) d)

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(Directions for questions 32 to 35) Below is a figure that shows a ‘Rat in a maze’
puzzle. A rat is standing at red circle and has to reach green star where a piece of
cheese has been put. The rat can move only on the open boxes and cannot go on
boxes with a cross. The rat can move horizontally, vertically but not diagonally.

32. How many different open boxes can the rat reach in at most 5 steps?
a) 11 b) 12
c) 13 d) 14

33. In how many minimum steps the rat can reach the box with red star?
a) 25 b) 26
c) 27 d) 28

34. In how many minimum steps the rat can reach the box with green star?
a) 25 b) 26
c) 27 d) 28

35. How many stars are there which can never be reached?
a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 3

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1) b
2) b
3) c
4) b
5) c
6) b
7) c
8) c
9) a
10) a
11) c
12) a
13) b
14) b
15) c
16) d
17) d
18) d
19) c
20) b
21) a
22) c
23) d
24) b
25) b
26) c
27) b
28) c
29) d
30) b
31) a
32) c
33) d
34) a
35) b

For any queries with regards to these answers, please reach out to us on or
whatsapp on +91 – 7045 345 345

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