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BSA-2A February 15, 2021

Group 2
Global Interstate System

It can be argued that the interstate system started in war times. The reason being is that
states always acts depending on their own benefit and when one nation has more military might
or power it threatens the other. This unbalance of power between nations or states makes the
other seek more security for themselves allowing them to ally with each other against a common
threat. Normally in war times, the powerful states or countries invade the weaker ones in order to
gain more land and military might, since this can lead to the decimation of nearby countries what
usually happens is a coalition between weak states to prevent the advances of a single enemy.
This can be seen apparent on the time of Louis XIV, Napoleon and Hitler.
Globalization affects the government, free trade, bilateral agreement, and multilateral
agreement. It is the whole system of human interactions. The modern world-system is structured
politically as an interstate system – a system of competing and allying states. Political Scientists
commonly call this the international system, and it is the main focus of the field of International
Relations. United States President FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT coined the name united nations
that was used in the declaration of United Nation on 1 of January 1942. UN means allies to fight
against the Axis Powers in the Second World War II. Only 26 nation’s representatives pledge
their governments to:
1. Each Government pledges itself to employ its full resources, military or economic, against
those members of the tripartite pact and its adherents with which such government is at war.
2. Each Government pledges itself to cooperate with the Governments signatory hereto and not
to make a separate armistice or peace with the enemies.
Since good relations where made during the war times, it can be said that this allying with each
other paved the way for other areas to be interconnected with each other more so the trade
between nation. Trade Agreements are when two or more nations agree on the terms of trade
between them. They determine the tariffs and duties that countries impose on imports and
exports. All trade agreements affect international trade. Import are goods and services produced
in a foreign country and bought by domestic residents. That includes anything shipped into the
country even if it's by the foreign subsidiary of a domestic firm. If the consumer is inside the
country's boundaries and the provider is outside, then the good or service is an import. Exports
are goods and services that are made in a country and sold outside its borders. That includes
anything shipped from a domestic company to its foreign affiliate or branch.
Albeit the start of the global interstate was the by-product of the times of war its benefits
can be seen in our modern way. The interconnectedness of different countries made the
industrialization possible propagated the speed of technology. But not everything is a benefit or a
positive thing when it comes to global interstate and some may nitpick its negative effects but
such is the way of the world where everything is a trade-off. No good thing comes without some
negative effects but we can’t deny the fact that the good outweighs the bad.

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