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ECE-241: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CA-1 February 2021

Total Marks 30

Q.No Questions
1 The volume of water in commercially supplied fresh drinking water containers is
approximately Normally distributed with mean 70 litres and standard deviation
0.75 litres. Estimate the proportion of containers likely to contain
(i) in excess of 70.9 litres,
(ii) at most 68.2 litres,
(iii) less than 70.5 litres.
2 Suppose that 24% of companies in a certain sector of the economy have
announced plans to expand in the next year (and the other 76% will not). In a
sample of twenty companies chosen at random drawn from this population, find
the probability that the number of companies which have announced plans to
expand in the next year will be
(i) precisely three,
(ii) fewer than three,
(iii) three or more,
(iv) precisely five
3 A bag contains 5 balls and it is not known how many of them are white. Two balls
are drawn at random from the bag and they are noted to be white. What is the
chance that all the balls in the bag are white?
4 The number of miles that a particular car can run before its battery wears out is
exponentially distributed with an average of 10,000 miles. The owner of the car
needs to take a 5000-mile trip. What is the probability that he will be able to
complete the trip without having to replace the car battery?
5 The number of monthly breakdowns of a computer is a random variable having a
poisson distribution with mean 1.8. Find the probability that this computer will
function for a month
(i) Without a breakdown
(ii) With only one breakdown and
(iii) With atleast one breakdown
6 It has been established that the number of defective stereos produced daily at a
certain plant is poisson distributed with mean 4. Over a day 2 day span, what is the
probability that the number of defective stereos does not exceed 3.

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