Admin Law Bibliography

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Justice K.P. Mohapatra v. Ram Chandra Nayak (2002) 8 SCC 1 ........................................... 16

Police Establishment V. State of Madhya Pradesh (2004) 8 SCC 788.................................... 16


REGERINGSFORMEN ( The Constitution of Sweden) .................................................... 7, 12

The Lokpal & Lokayukt Act, 2013 , (NO. 1 OF 2014) [1st January, 2014.] .............. 14, 15, 16

Official Documents

Administrative Reforms commission’s 4th Report titled ‘Ethics in Governance’, Details of

the Government’s decisions on the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms

Commission available at < > ............ 14

Dr. Marten Oosting, ‘The Concept And Role Of The Ombudsman Throughout The World’,

Speech at the Regional Ombudsman Conference, "The Ombudsman in Africa in the New

Millennium", (Kampala, ....................................................................................................... 10

NJA South Zone Regional Judicial Conference on “Role of Courts in upholding Rule of

Law” (Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy, February 2014)................................................ 9


Anders Johnson, “The Role of the Ombudsman: The Swedish Experience” The Daily Star (

January 17, 1999 ................................................................................................................ 5, 7

Bini R. A., ‘Ombudsman as a Watchdog of Administration in India’ Vol. 7(3) (2018)

International Journal of Science and Research 411-413, 412. ............................................... 4

Lester B. Orfeild, “The Scandinavian Ombudsman”, Vol. 19(1) Administrative Law Review

(1966) ................................................................................................................................. 6, 7
Ombudsman System in Scandinavia |1

Press Trust of India, ‘All 8 Newly-Appointed Lokpal Members Take Oath Of Office’,

NDTV, 27 March 2019. ....................................................................................................... 14

Stig Jagerskold, ‘The Swedish Ombudsman’, Vol 109 (1961) UNIVERSITY OF

PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW 1077, 1078 ................................................................... 7

U. Lundvik, Comments on the Ombudsmen for Civil Affairs, in D. C. Rowat, The

Ombudsman 44, 48 (1965) .................................................................................................. 13

Walter Gelhorn, ‘The Swedish Justitieombudsman’ , Vol. 75(1) 1965 The Yale Law Journal

1, 57...................................................................................................................................... 13


De Smith, et al: Judicial Review of Administrative Action, 5th Ed., 1995 ................................ 9

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