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Jai Guru Dev

Aunt Jennifer's Tigers

1. Aunt Jennifer's efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment.

Anjani phasi phasi to get rid of her fear of uncle proved futile because all through her life she remained
subservient and conformed to the patriarchal society. she felt trapped in a failed marriage and
succumbed to the male dominated world.

2. Why has Aunt Jennifer made "prancing proud and unafraid" tigers?

Aunt Jennifer has tried to express herself through her art. she has created proud prancing unafraid tigers
on her panel because she wants herself to be like her tigers confident with freedom to live her life in her
own way.

3. What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer's hand? How is it associated with her husband?

The wedding ring lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer's hand. this is associated with her husband because his
dominant behaviour has oppressed her and made the wedding ring a heavy burden for her.

4. What will happen when Aunt Jennifer is dead?

The Tigers that she has made will remain the same even when Aunt Jennifer is dead. They will still
remain on the panel prancing with confidence and chivalry. In fact, the masculine world which
suppressed her will continue to enjoy freedom which was denied to her.

5. How do the words "denizens" and "chivalric" add to our understanding of Aunt Jennifer's tigers?

The tigers are referred to as denizens and chivalric as they are in their habitats. They are fearless and
gallant. This tigers are confident and masters of their domain. They have respectable position in the
world of animals.

6. "The Tigers represent Aunt Jennifer's spirit and her hands represent her reality." How?

The Tigers that Aunt Jennifer created represent her spirit. she was bold and confident in her spirit but
her hands trembled and could not pull the needle which depicts her reality. She was oppressed and
dominated by her husband in real life. Her hidden desire to break free is detected in the tigers she

7. Explain the irony at the end of the poem.

It is ironic that even death would not liberate aunt Jennifer from the operation that she faced.Her
fingers remained ring with the uncle's wedding band. But the tigers that she made would always remain
fearless and bold.

8. What message does the poet want to convey through this poem?
The poet, Adrienne Rich, has tried to depict the theme of male chauvinism where a woman has no
liberty, not even self expression. The poem emphasizes the value of freedom and brings out the
message that women need to be respected and should have liberty to live their life according to their
own desires.

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