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Engineering : Computational Intelligence

Solovev, D.B., Savaley, V.V., Bekker, A., Petukhov, V. (Eds.)

Proceeding of the
International Science and
Technology Conference
"FarEaston 2020"
October 2020, Vladivostok, Russian Federation, Far Eastern Federal

Presents research works in the field of intelligent technologies to solve real,

applied problems in various fields of engineering
Springer Discusses innovative solutions to industrial challenges
Due 2021-05-25 Serves as a valuable reference guide for future research
1st 1st ed. 2021, X, 790 p. 90 This book presents the proceedings of the International Science and Technology Conference
illus. “FarEastCon 2020,” which took place on October 6–9, 2020, in Vladivostok, Russian Federation.
The conference provided a platform for gathering expert opinions on projects and initiatives
aimed at the implementation of far-sighted scientific research and development and allowed
Printed book current theoretical and practical advances to be shared with the broader research community.
Featuring selected papers from the conference, this book is of interest to experts in various
Printed book fields whose work involves developing innovative solutions and increasing the efficiency of
Hardcover economic activities.
ISBN 978-981-16-0952-7
Ca. £ 249,99 | Ca. CHF 354,00 | Ca. Order online at
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Product category
Smart Innovation, Systems and

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ISBN 978-981-16-0952-7 / BIC: UYQ / SPRINGER NATURE: SCT11014 Part of

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