LESSON 4 Poissons Ratio, Bi-Axial and Tri-Axial Deformation

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L SAINT MARYS UNIVERSITY School of Engineering and Architecture Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya sixth of | (MECH 312) Lesson Plan for ‘Topics/Subject Matter = Poisson's Ratio and Triaxial Neformation © Statically Indeterminate Members © Applications Specific Obicctives At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: 1) discuss the Poisson’s Ratio ; 2) discuss biaxial deformations principles and formulas ; 3) discuss triaxial deformations and formulas ; 4) solve problems involving triaxial deformations ; '5) discuss the principles involved in analyzing statically indeterminate structures ; 6) solve problems involving statically indeterminate structures. ‘Lesson Presentation : POISSON'S RATIO: BIAXIAL AND TRIAXIAL DEFORMATIONS + Another type of elastic deformation is the change in transverse. dimensions fccompanying axial tension and compression © Experiments show that if a. bar is lengthened by axial tension, there is a reduction in the tansverse dimensions. + Simeon D. Poisson showed in 1811 that the ratio of the unit deformations or strains in these directions is constant for stresses within the proportional limit. + Accordingly, his ratio is mamed after him itis denoted by v and defined by vag = =] — rns ra due only to stress in the x direction wheres er is the sai et -> are the strains induced in the perpendicular directions (1) The minus sign indicates a decrease in transverse dimensions when x is positive, as in the ease of tensile elongation. ‘¢ Poisson’s ratio permits us to extend Hooke's law of uniaxial stress to the case of biaxial stress, ‘Thus if an element is subjected simultaneously to tensile stresses in the x and yy directions, the stain in the x direction due to the tensile stress Oy is O/E Simultaneously the tensile stress O will produce lateral contraction in the x Airecion of the amount vo the resultant unit deformation or strain in the x direction will be © =-&% -yB}— 30 ¥ z Qa ‘Similarly, the total strain in the y direction is O% = & z oe If desired, equations (1) and (2) can be solved to express the stresses in terms of the strains as follows : Ox SGtVGIE y= Gat VGVE ‘A further extension of this discussion results in the following expressions for ‘trains caused by the simultaneous action of ériaxial tensile stresses eb wet G-b by ver+ a) Gm VO +O [All these equations are valid for compressive effects also jit is only necessary to assign positive signs to elongations and tensile stresses, and, conversely, negative signs to contractions and compressive stresses, ‘An important relation (this relation is proved in Art. 9-12) among the E, G, ‘and v for a given material is expressed by = —E S* Tay which is useful for computing values of v when E and G have been determined, ‘Common values of Poisson's ratio are 0.25 to 0.30 for steel, approximately 0.33 for most other metals, and 0.20 for concrete. SH DEFORMATIONS & Shearing forces cause shearing deformation, just as axial forces cause elongation ‘but with an important difference. © An clement subject to tension undergoes an increase in length ;an element subject to shear does not change the length & PPEeeEee cece EEet where ¥ is a very small angle © The action may be visualized for the present as equivalent to the infinitesimal sliding of infinitely thin layers past each other, thereby resulting in the total shearing deformation 5, in the length L. let = average sheaving stain f= Saba d = fads g--& sim §.=8 por very small ang wt Cos Sat Fora, very el angle “©The shearing strain is defined as the angular angle between two perpendicular faces of a differential element « = The relation between shearing stress and shearing strain, assuming Hooke's law to apply 10 shear, is T=Gh Where: G = modulus of elasticity in shear = sheaving stress = or modulus of rigidity Vi ag Where: V = shearing force acting over the shearing area Ay. 6, SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS AND FORMULAS ASSOCIATED WITH STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Unit |. The Stress ~ strain Diagram o[ses) NOTE + This topic will be diseassed In Constyaction Materials Testing + >. © Emech 3 neads oy aM fechnical deems. Blache 4 E (stein) ‘Stress- strain Diagram ‘A= proportional limit elastic limit 3= upper yield point Nore: ullimate shan This is the result oF S testing @ shuctura| steel sample using the UTM, Cunvege, Testing Machine) in the Consteaction Materials Testing Laboratory: Retake Limit Sheena hh, ® Etech 3 needs (or 9: oF Alot) only the techrval termes € (shan) Stress- stain Diagram Proportional Limit = the greatest stress a material is capable of developing without deviation from straight line proportionality between strain and stress Elastic Limit = the greatest stress a material is capable of developing without a Permanent elongation remaining upon complete unloading of the specimen Modulus of Elasticity = slope of the straight line portion of the curve or the ratio of stress over the strain Elasticity = the property of a material which makes its retum to its original dimension ‘when the load is removed ity = the ability of a material to deform in the plastic range without breakage or the abilty to undergo considerable plastic deformation under tensile load before actual rupture Plasticity = a property of a material where if the specimen be unloaded, it will not return to its original length, rather it will retain a permanent elongation sometimes called a permanent set Yield Stress = the stress at which there occurs a marked increase in strain without an increase in stress Duc Ultimate Stress = the maximum stress a material is capable of developing Rupture Strength = the stress at which the specimen actually breaks = the stress at which failure occurs Stiffness = the property of a material to withstand high stress without great strain Brittleness = implies the absence of any plastic deformation Malleability = the property of a material enabling it to undergo considerable plastic deformation under compressive load before actual rupture Toughness = the property of a material enabling it to endure high- impact loads or shock loads Resilience = the property of a material enabling high impact loads without inducing a stress in excess of the elastic limit Factor of Safety = ratio of he failure stress to the allowable stress = ratio of the ultimate stress to the actual stress Failure = the condition that renders the load resisting member unfit for resisting further increase in loads Diagonal Tension = the tensile stress that develops on the diagonal surface Poisson's Ratio = the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain for an unrestrained member Hooke’s Law = state that the stress is proportional to the strain within the elastic region ‘Young's Modulus = the constant of proportionality that defines the linear relationship between stress and strain within the elastic range is sometimes called allowable stress Working Stress 4) Normal Strain or Axial Strain = which characterizes dimensional changes esol | L | i where: a atin re deformation per unit length leo otal deformation iginal length of the member L 2) Shear Strain = which describes distortion (changes in angles) & 7 * y i. Ye Is a very small angle eaacae fan ¥= SS. cphscume that fre bons of The force V acting E ‘his Block 16 Yxeds tne top op te SMS oe pleck causes ert Sliding + " The simoF a very ton Ye 6 ssenoll angie 1S cL othe anale in vation 7 % 7 Sree bs [sin 2 ¥ - eh v= 8s] —y shear strain fares | L > Shear Modulus = shear stress / shear strain G= shear modulus Hooke's Law = stress is proportional to the strain o=Ee where: E = modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus ‘The Hooke’s law does not apply to the entire diagram, its validity ends at the proportional limit. Rupture Stress = the stress at which failure occurs Working Stress = is sometimes called allowable stress yield stress / FS. ultimate stress / F.S. the term which refers to the ability of a material to deform in the plastic range without breaking € (stron) Modulus of Resilience = area of the shaded diagram ‘Modulus of Resilience = ¥ (o1¢s) o (shes) 7 ee eo Modulus of Toughness = area of the whole diagram Modulus of Toughness = ¥ (011) ¥(G1« 02) (€2)+ %(02+ 02) (€3) Note: Areas are treated as triangles and trapezoids: Lateral Strain (,) EY (latecl aivetien) z Ege Inter hel chal Z as Jength es m) ith 1% x= = axia\ shen Ftc og te (sod) Poisson's Ratio () = Lateral strain/ Axial strain é © Psherbened a ex GH 2 otendea Gx Eve -MEx T [atero| stvain 1. Axial Strain eso 2. Lateral Strain or Transverse Strain esol 3.Hooke's Law: o= Ee e=olE where: o= stress = modulus of elasticity 4, Modulus of Rigidity or Sh Modulus of Elasticity G= KEN) 5. Strain Energy u= 74 (P"UAE) 6. Bulk Modulus 113 (E/1- 2p) where: K= bulk modulus E= modulus of elasticity = Poisson's Ratio 7. Dilatation eo - 3(1-2p) PIE Dilatation = change of volume per unit volume Ductile Material rupture = is one having a relatively large tensile strain up to the point of Brittle Material = is one having a relatively small tensile strain up to the point of rupture ‘Tangent Modulus = the rate of change of stress with respect to strain Specific Strength = the ratio of the ultimate or tensile strength to specific weight that is ‘the weight per unit volume ‘Specific modulus = ratio of the Young's Modulus to the specific weight Homogeneous Material =one with the same elastic properties Isotropic Material = one having the same elastic properties in all directions at any one point of the body Anisotropic or Aeolotropic = a material which does not possess any kind of elastic symmetry COrthotropic = a material which has three mutually perpendicular planes of elastic symmetry Effective Modulus of Elasticity= E1(1- 4?) where: E= modulus of elasticity = Poisson's Ratio Effective value of Poisson's Ratio = \l(1-p) Bulk Modulus = E/3(1-2p) Additional Formulas For Spherical Pressure Vessels Ctrin- walled) E= LO (V-A) |_y Normal stein of outer surpoce 4bE oF tank where; P= alr pressure in Ba foun jaz Poissons Ratio Ee Modulus of Posticty Ez norma chain ok ote © swrpnce oF TH tan

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