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SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa Sahaja

Pemeriksa 1
No Soalan Markah





2 0 2 0 1 2 2 3 4 0 2 7 9
Pemeriksa 2

No Soalan Markah
NO. 0 0 0 1 0 7 - 0 4 - 0 2 6 5



TARIKH 20th December 2020




1. Isikan butiran yang dikehendaki dengan jelas.

2. Semua jawapan calon hendaklah ditaip dalam perisian Microsoft Words menggunakan font Arial 12, serta langkau 1.5 baris. Setiap helaian
jawapan hendaklah dilabelkan dengan nombor angka giliran di sebelah kanan “header” .

3. Mulakan jawapan anda bagi setiap soalan pada muka surat baharu.

4. Tuliskan nombor soalan pada ruang atas setiap muka surat jawapan.

5. Calon yang tidak menghantar skrip jawapan dalam tempoh masa menjawab akan dikira GAGAL dalam peperiksaan ini.
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279


Literacy involves more than a set of conventions to be learned, either through print or
technological formats. Rather, literacy enables people to negotiate meaning. These discussions
often occurring in technological settings and engaging students’ values and identities have
proposed the concept of multiliteracies, which indicates literacy as continual or modifying
established literacy teaching and learning rather than replacing traditional practices. Multiliteracies
recognise both the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the new globalised society and the
new variety of text forms from multiple communicative technologies. The need for acquiring new
skills is important to successfully change literacy and increasingly diversified social environment

Linguists proffered an expanded conceptualisation of the resources readers utilise when

reading and the roles readers adopt during the act of reading and its associated four roles of the
reader, expanded the definition of reading from a simple model of decoding printed texts to a
model of constructing meaning and analysing texts in sociocultural contexts. The four resources
model emphasises the importance of critical literacy, that involves a theoretical and practical
‘attitude’ towards texts and the social world. To achieve this, there are four straight-forward roles
of the reader that allow for the social and textual realms to merge and make meaning.
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279

The first model is the codebreaker. The role of this model is dealing with the sill of coding
competency to break codes of written text by recognising and utilising fundamental features that
include alphabets, spellings, sounds of the words and many more. Relating this model to the
stimulus given, the English teacher provides discussions that lead the students to acknowledge
and identify the devices and conventions of poetry such as verses, rhetorical repetitions as well as
the specific conventions of song lyrics such as the repeated chorus.

The second model is the mean maker that mainly focuses on the skills of semantic
competency. This helps to provide such understanding from written, visual or spoken texts. Also
taking into account the interior’s meaning behind the text is important to create relations between
the cultural discourses. In the text, the teacher asks the students to predict the kind of imagery that
might be in the accompanying video clip based on the lyrics of the song.

The third model is the text user that the skill involves is pragmatic competence. This aids to
acknowledge the diverse social relations and cultures around them. This leads to further
understanding of the textual content based on the tone or the shape of the texts are structured.
Based on the stimulus, the teacher asks the students to imagine the sound of the song based on
the lyrics as it provides textual information of relation and cultures of it.

The last model is the text critic that mainly helps to enhance the critical competency. It
requires the readers to critically analyse the texts by acting on the knowledge that texts are not
ideologically natural. They represent particular views by silencing other people’s ideas. Referring
to the stimulus, the students relate to the music, timbre of voice and its relation to the lyrics, the
changing volume, and genre or style that enable them to critically voice out their opinions about
the song lyrics.

In conclusion, the teacher has successfully achieved the main goal of ‘what’ in
multiliteracies and its relations to the four resources models. Teachers are responsible to enhance
the students’ potential to fulfil the requirements of possessing the models as it cannot be gained
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279


Digital media is a major concern in contemporary education. The usage of all forms of media
integrated in our daily lives has become a major component of education. Educators must look
upon the process of media used in curriculum and therefore adapt it in their learnings. Although
the traditional education system was certainly a very good way of learning before but globalization
has changed the ways of doing things in every area, especially the education sector. This has
made the application of the new media in the learning and teaching process necessary.

Communication technology can be a blessing and a curse for the educational system.
Technology improves productivity, but at the same time makes it harder for the use of education.
In schools, students are more literate in media compared to older generations of educators.
Hence, younger students are more likely to communicate with different and newly-established
slangs and informal words that they gained on media through technology. The usage of the latest
technology for the betterment of the school requires a carefully thought out communication
strategy fed by acquired skills in strategic communication and media communication for formal
education purposes.

Digital citizenship is defined to a person who participates in society, politics, and the world
via digital media. Students within the practices of digital media must consider the issues of
personal and social identity, the complexity between private and public personas, and other ethical
and legal concerns. Internet and digital technology highly impact our lives, and we have developed
new habits of reading and thinking. Thus, students are more vocal about their opinions that can be
beneficial in their learning. They are more exposed to the world compared to students in the early
2000s as they are prone to form groups based on similar interests. In some schools, for example,
these students are divided into groups based on the level of media exposure ones had. This will
create a gap and culture indifference that supplemented each of them for the betterment of their

Lastly, in the course of the pandemic of Covid-19, a wide variety of technology is used for
educational purposes as physical classes were not suitable for at this point of time. Teachers from
different school’s backgrounds have taken the same technological approach by using media
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020122340279

platforms to continue the students’ learning progress throughout the semester. On the other hand,
students might have different reactions towards this newly-introduced method as some are having
connectivity issues with the connection. Some students might struggle to participate during the
class as they lean towards physical classes. Hence, it is safe to be said that this challenge has
both pros and cons.

In conclusion, educators should adapt and practice the new media on the daily basis. This
helps them to provide such suitable facilities that aid students in the 21-century era whereby
technology is widely used in the educational system.


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