Coke Dream Pack Contest Mechanics

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Do you think you’re creative? Do you dream of making up new designs? Improve existing ones?

Here’s how you can do all of that and get the chance to win an iTouch! Just answer the following
questions in 150 words or less and submit them to

1. If you had a dream Coke pack/bottle, what would it look like? How would you make
it portable? How many mL/oz.? What would you call it and why? (e.g. in the same way
we call the small Coke bottle Coke “Sakto”).

2. It’s fun to make up nicknames. How would you call a new Coke pack/bottle if it had
the following characteristics and why?

“It's a new handy and re-sealable bottle which I can drink to go with my snacks,
anytime, anywhere, whenever the need strikes. It is convenient, instant
refreshment whenever, and wherever I go: be it travel, trip to the mall, gimmick, or
just simply when I'm on- the-go. Truly a great companion for my mobile lifestyle.”

You have from February 18 to February 28, 2011 to submit your answers to with the following information:
• Subject: Coke Dream Pack Contest Entry
• Your First and Last Name
• Your Age
• Your Contact No.
• Your Email Address

Easy, right? So what are you waiting for? Get those creative juices flowing now!

The Coca-Cola Export Corporation T +632 811 2085

10th Floor King’s Court Building 1 F +632 849 4371
2129 Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City
Terms and Conditions

1) You may send as many unique and valid entries as you want to increase your chances of
winning provided that these entries fall within the duration of the promo period
2) You waive any and all rights to your entries to this contest (winning and non-winning).
Coca-Cola is free to use the entries/suggested names/nicknames you submitted (whether
or not the name/nickname was chosen as a winning entry) in any way it deems fit without
need of or obligation to pay or compensate you thereof
3) You grant Coca-Cola the right to use your name and entry details for advertising and
promotional purposes related to this contest
4) Entries will be judged solely by The Coca-Cola Export Corporation’s (TCCEC) and its
agency based on creativity and originality of ideas
5) Should duplicate answers arise, the winning entry will be determined based on how well
participant defends his/her answers
6) Winner will be notified via official email and verified through a phone call by The Coca-Cola
Export Corporation’s (TCCEC) Third Party Supplier. Winner will be acknowledged on the
official Coca-Cola Facebook Fan Page at on March 7, 2011
7) Winner shall receive one 4th Generation 64GB iTouch 4Gen with Philips Headphone
SHM7110 as his/her prize
a. Winner should present a print out of the notification email sent and at least 2 valid
IDs to claim the prize. Details of how to claim the prize will be indicated in the
official email sent
b. If the winner is (1) a minor (18 years old and below) he/she must be accompanied
by legal guardian, or legal guardian claims on his/her behalf (presenting all
necessary documents); and, if the winner is (2) unable to claim the prize
him/herself, a representative must present the necessary documents:
i. A letter of authorization duly signed by the winner, nominating the
parent/legal guardian, or representative as the acknowledged recipient of the
prize on the winners behalf
ii. Two (2) original IDs of the winner with picture (acceptable/valid ID’s are SSS,
TIN, Passport, Office or School I.D.)
iii. Two (2) original IDs of the representative/legal guardian
iv. Print out of notification email
8) Employees of TCCEC and McCann Worldgroup Philippines, including those of their parent
companies, affiliates, their third party suppliers, FDA and their relatives up to the second
degree of consanguinity and affinity are disqualified from joining this promotion

The Coca-Cola Export Corporation T +632 811 2085

10th Floor King’s Court Building 1 F +632 849 4371
2129 Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City

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