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lnsights make a brand, but locating_a needle in a haystack of

data is also a business

opportunity, says pranesh Misra of Brandscapes

O TRATEGtCptanningina age Mis-

|htt into long, short and medium term investment
\-, to
ra says, is supposed ial i ents.
The company also uses its competencies to understand
While copious amounts gen the
were di rtipre brands from a c'mpany
vqry Iittle insights for clients. "S0 there was an opportunity
to work
wiilt the data and apply the knowledge of brandirig and niarketing
in says M isra. 'perating
r of {10.5 crore last yeat and an estimate
tgr brands", says M isra. About four years back, Misra bid adieu
t6 of {16 crore lor 2011 , Brandscapes is scaling up its otfeirngs for
the world of advertiliLg and plunged headlong into insights, qual-
its lndian clients as well. But where marketing nbf meiiurement
itative, quantitative
analysis by launching
ts concerned, Misra
says that lndian clients
Brandscapes World-
are quite wary about
And Misra was not taking that up, even
unfam iliar with the though their g lobal
world of analytics. For
clients use Brand-
scapes for the same.
he founded Pathfind-
They've partnered with
ers, the market research
and consu ltancy d ivi- M-factol a global R0l
measurement agency.
sion of Lowe, But, he
"The main issue with ln-
says the task of winding
up the division also fell
dian clients when it
comes to marketing R0l
on him as the service
cou ldn't f it into . the measurement is that
they don't have the his-
overall scheme of
torical data thats need-
things, "Be it any big
od", says Misra. Adds
agency, their current
Parvati Mahadev, in-
business is so strong clockwise from
! to!: Aparna_lle-hra, Shaile_sh. Shah, Satyendra Singh, parvati
Mahadev, Radha Arakkal, pranesh Misra a swiiim Mishra sight consulting part-
that even though they
ner, "When it comes to a
d ivers ify, it sti I I doesn't
get the necessary attention." But at Brandscapes,
lot of the younger mar-
Misra and his heads, they don't want to tell us that they oon;t"rrlve
ing only provide holistic offerings
historical data and the 0nus of collecting that dala falls

andre so innovate. Analytics is oniy

on them.

routes winning insights. Our wholir

hey're growing at such a great

is arou h for insights',, iays Misra.

the bottomline doesn't really
onvinced that this service will
The first client to come on board was coca-coia and he
says their lndian clients, At IiE (Ihe
acquiring an international client for a fledgling start up was im-
Eltrepreneurs) this year, the company was able to add
portant to build credentials. Today, Brandscapes' fndry. a
rostei consists fewSMEs to its client listtoo. "SMEs don;t reillywanitheprgon.
and its even spread its wings They want s0meone to hold their hands through tne
p with DesignBridge. An inter-
iirit tew
ye{s and help them", says Mahadev.
pany based in Singapore, De- The freedom to innovate is the fuel that is driving
from defining the scapes. "l lived.allmy life in an agencyand enjoyed itwhile
. Brandscapes as- lasted. And if I've done something fbr the orginisation
sists them in understanding va for this puipose. many times and delivered it successfully, then *nv can't

when a client was looking develop a2020plah, Brand- so independently?" asks Misra.
I do

scapes analysed its presenie across'60 countries and put

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