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Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

Academic Session 2020-2021

Middle School

Ref No. PISJES/MS/PA/ 20-03

Date: 7th September, 2020
Dear Parents,

At PISJ-ES, co-curricular activities go hand in hand with the academics. In this connection, the
school organizes such events that are necessary for the holistic personality grooming of our
students. The Spelling Bee, scheduled to be held on 10th March 2021, is one of such events
which enables students not only to enhance their spelling skills, but also improves their
vocabulary in the competitive environment.

The students’ participation will be highly appreciated. The absenteeism on that day (without
an approved leave) may result in affecting students’ grades.

Kindly follow the given rules while preparing your child for the competition.

Rules and Procedure:

 Students need to say the word, spell it and say the word again.
 American spellings of any word during the competition will be declared incorrect.
Kindly get your child prepared from the British dictionary only. For example, colour
will be considered correct while color will be considered incorrect.
 Clarity and intonation of each word is important: must be fluent; pauses between the
alphabets should not be more than 3 seconds.
 No double alphabets to be mentioned. For example, butter, b-u-double t -e-r. this
method will not be acceptable. Each alphabet must be said separately. i.e. butter, b-u-
t-t-e-r, butter.
 For a proper noun, students need to mention that the word has a capital letter. For
example, June, capital J-u-n-e, June.
 The student may ask the teacher to repeat the word, tell its word class, give its
meaning or use it in a sentence if he/she does not understand any given word.
 In-class tie-breaker list will comprise of unseen words, selected according to their
grade level standard.
 In order to shortlist the best spellers across the grade level, the tie-breaker list
comprising of unseen words taken from their syllabi will be used in the final
elimination round, scheduled to be held from 28th Feb to 4th March 2021. There is no
limit to students’ selection at grade level.
 For the final competition, another tie-breaker list of unseen words will be used to
find the three best spellers per grade level.

All the best!

[This is an electronic document therefore, does not require any signature or stamp]

Tel : +966 1 26738670|Fax : +966 1 26745654 | Website:| Social Media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

Spelling Bee List

Year 7
1. acetylene (n) 26. debris (n) 51. impede(v) 76. replete (adj)

2. acquiescent (adj) 27. despondent (adj) 52. incinerated (v) 77. Pennsylvania (pn)

3. alveoli (n) 28. domineer (v) 53. incompressibility(n) 78. rhetorical (adj)
4. ambidextrous (adj) 29. easel (n) 54. indomitable (adj) 79. rheumatism (n)
5. anomalous (adj) 30. Einstein (n) 55. iniquitous (adj) 80. scavenger (n)
6. anorexic (adj) 31. ellipsis (n) 56. insidious (adj) 81. schematic (adj)(n)
7. antique (n) (adj) 32. ephemeral(adj)( n) 57. intoxicate (v) 82. shrapnel (n)
8. appliqué (n) 33. erroneous (adj) 58. luxuriant (adj) 83. shrewd (adj)
9. ardent (adj) 34. estuary (n) 59. millennium (n) 84. squinted (v)
10. Artemis (pn) 35. exhale (v) 60. miraculously (adv) 85. subjugate (v)
11. benevolent (adj) 36. excruciating (adj) 61. mischief (n) 86. surveillance (n)
12. beryllium (n) 37. explicit (adj ) 62. monarchy (n) 87. swooped (v)

13. besotted (adj) 38. facsimile (n) 63. naive (adj) 88. syncopation (n)
14. bewilderment (n) 39. frenzied (adj) 64. nebulae (n) 89. syndicate (n)
15. bronchiole (n) 40. feud (n) 65. oscilloscope (n) 90. synopsis (n)
16. chasm (n) 41. frantically (adv) 66. prostrate (adj) 91. synovial (adj)
17. cautiously (adv) 42. garrulous (adj) 67. palanquin (n) 92. tenacious (adj)
18. cogent (adj) 43. gibbous (adj) 68. pamphlet (n) 93. tertiary (adj)
19. consecrate (adj) 44. glacier (n) 69. perversely (adv) 94. turquoise (n)
20. cormorant (n) 45. grudgingly (adv) 70. phytoplankton (n) 95. tyrannical (adj)
21. countenance (n) (v) 46. guinea (n) 71. precipice (n) 96. unconventional (adj)
22. Caribbean (pn) 47. gesticulated (v) 72. precocious (adj) 97. vanquish (v)
23. devour (v) 48. heinous (adj) 73. preposterous (adj) 98. wizened (adj)
24. disbursement (n) 49. humongous (adj) 74. procrastinate (v) 99. wraith (n)
25. distraught (adj) 50. immobility (n) 75. prophecies (n) 100. zealous (adj)
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

100 Spelling Bee Words / Meanings

Academic session 2020-2021

1. acetylene (n): a colourless gaseous hydrocarbon.

2. acquiescent (adj): flexible, ready to accept something without protest, or to do what someone else
3. alveoli(n): any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.
4. ambidextrous (adj): able to use both hands equally well.
5. anomalous (adj): something abnormal or deviating from the usual method.
6. anorexic (adj): a person suffering from anorexia (a loss of appetite).
7. antique (n)(adj): a collectable object that has a high value because of its age and quality.
8. appliqué (n): a cut out design that is sewn on to a piece of material.
9. ardent (adj): very enthusiastic or passionate.
10. artemisinin (n): a compound that is used to treat malaria, usually in combination with other drugs.
11. benevolent (adj): kind-hearted, warm-hearted, big-hearted, good-natured, gracious, tolerant.
12. beryllium (n): a high-melting, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, rigid, steel-gray metallic element
used as an aerospace structural material
13. besotted (v): intoxicated; drunk.
14. bewilderment (n): a feeling of being perplexed and confused.
15. bronchiole (n): any of the fine, thin-walled, tubular extensions of a bronchus.
16. chasm(n): a very deep, narrow opening in rock, ice, or the ground:
17. cautiously (adv): in a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers.
18. cogent (adj): valid, reasonable.
19. consecrate (adj): holy.
20. cormorant (n): any of several large, widely distributed marine diving birds
21. countenance (n) (v): a person's face or facial expression, admit as acceptable or possible.
22. Caribbean (pn) the sea that is east of Central America
23. devour (v): to swallow or eat up hungrily.
24. disbursement (n): money spent; expenditure.
25. distraught (adj): very worried and upset.
26. debris (n): the remains of something broken, thrown away or destroyed.
27. despondent (adj): in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
28. domineer (v): assert one's will over another in an arrogant way.
29. easel (n): a stand or frame for supporting or displaying an artist's canvas.
30. Einstein (n): German-born American theoretical physicist whose theories of Special Relativity and
General Relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time.
31. ellipsis (n): the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to
be understood from contextual clues shown as (…)
32. ephemeral (adj) (n): lasting for a very short time or a name of a plant.
33. erroneous (adj): mistaken, incorrect, wrong.
34. estuary (n): an arm or inlet of the sea at the lower end of a river.
35. exhale(v): to send air out of your lungs
36. excruciating (adj): intensely painful.
37. explicit (adj): stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
38. facsimile (n): an exact copy, as of a book, painting or manuscript.
39. frenzied (adj): excited
40. feud (n): a bitter quarrel.
41. frantically (adv): in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
42. garrulous (adj): excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

43. gibbous (adj): a moon in between a half-moon but less than a full moon, or something that protrudes
or creates an obvious bulge.
44. glacier (n): a slowly moving mass of ice formed by the accumulation of snow.
45. grudgingly (adv): in a reluctant or resentful manner.
46. guinea (n): a former British gold coin issued from 1663 to 1813, worth one pound and one shilling.
47. gesticulated (v): to make movements with your hands or arms, to express something
48. heinous (adj): a wrongful act.
49. humongous (adj): huge; enormous.
50. immobility (n): the state of not moving; motionless.
51. impede (v): to block or temporarily keep something from going forward.
52. incinerated (v): to burn up and reduce to ashes.
53. incompressibility (n): the quality of being incompressible, of not compressing under pressure.
54. indomitable (adj): impossible to subdue or defeat.
55. iniquitous (adj): morally wrong or grossly unfair.
56. insidious (adj): proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
57. intoxicate (v): to cause a loss of control of someone’s behaviour or faculties (usually due to drugs).
58. luxuriant (adj): rich and profuse in growth; lush.
59. millennium (n): a period of thousand years.
60. miraculously (adv): in a way that suggests or resembles a miracle.
61. mischief (n): playfulness that is intended to tease or create trouble.
62. monarchy (n): the monarch and royal family of a country.
63. naive (adj): showing lack of experience, wisdom or judgment.
64. nebulae (n): a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct
bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.
65. oscilloscope (n): an electronic instrument that produces an instantaneous trace on the screen of a
cathode-ray tube corresponding to oscillations of voltage and current.
66. prostrate (adj): lying with the face down and arms stretched out, especially as
a sign of respect or worship
67. palanquin (n): (in India and the East) a covered litter for one passenger, consisting of a large box
carried on two horizontal poles by four or six bearers.
68. pamphlet (n): a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject.
69. perversely (adv): in a wicked or depraved way; contrary to what is right and good.
70. phytoplankton (n): very small plants that float near the surface of water and on which sea creatures
71. precipice (n): a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
72. precocious (adj): interests considered advanced for a given age.
73. preposterous (adj): contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
74. procrastinate (v): delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
75. prophecies (n): (plural of prophecy) a prediction of what will happen in the future.
76. replete (adj): abundantly supplied or filled.
77. Pennsylvania (pn): a state in the northeastern US
78. rhetorical (adj): relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric, stylistic, oratorical, linguistic,
79. rheumatism (n): any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles or fibrous
80. scavenger (adj)(n): an animal that feeds on dead plant materials.
81. schematic (adj): showing the main form and features of something, usually in the form of a
diagram, in a way that helps people to understand it.
82. shrapnel (n): fragments of a bomb, shell, or other object thrown out by an explosion.
83. shrewd (adj): piercing, artful, tricky.
84. squinted (v): look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see
more clearly or as a reaction to strong light.
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

85. subjugate(v): bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.

86. surveillance (n): attentive observation.
87. swooped (v): move rapidly downwards through the air.
88. syncopation (n): a rhythm or a passage of music.
89. syndicate (n): a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote a common interest.
90. synopsis (n): a brief summary or general survey of something.
91. synovial (adj): relating to or denoting a type of joint which is surrounded by a thick flexible
membrane forming a sac into which is secreted a viscous fluid that lubricates the joint.
92. tenacious (adj): persistent, stubborn.
93. tertiary (adj): third in order or level.
94. turquoise (n): a greenish-blue colour.
95. tyrannical (adj): exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way.
96. unconventional (adj): not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
97. vanquish (v): defeat thoroughly.
98. wizened (adj): wrinkled due to old age.
99. wraith (n): a visible spirit, the ghost of a dead person.
100. zealous (adj): enthusiastic, eager.

100 Spelling Bee Words / Sentences

Academic session 2020-2021

1. acetylene (n): The properties of liquid and solid acetylene have been investigated to get the results of the
2. acquiescent (adj): The duchess would only allow those servants to remain in her service who were totally
acquiescent to her authority.
3. alveoli(n): The alveoli in the smoker’s lungs were so coated in tar from years of cigarettes that they barely
output air.
4. ambidextrous (adj): She could only sign the document with her right hand because she was
not ambidextrous.
5. anomalous (adj): A person with 50 piercings and tattoos is an example of someone who is anomalous.
6. anorexic (adj): In the case of an anorexic patient, the guardian would approve psychiatric interventions.
7. antique (n)(adj): Officers found an antique piece of art which they have placed in display to give a
distinctive appearance.
8. appliqué (n): The queen’s robe, with delicate designs of golden applique looked amazing as she walked out
of the castle to wave at the cheering crowd.
9. ardent (adj): Your ardent and enthusiastic manner finds favour and could propel you to success.
10. artemisinin (n): At present artemisinin is expensive and in short supply because its only source is sweet
wormwood, a Chinese medicinal plant.
11. benevolent (adj): His kind and benevolent, nature made him very well known to everyone in the area.
12. beryllium (n): Company products are mainly divided into three categories: Explosion tools, aluminum
bronze, the two Beryllium Bronze material.
13. besotted (v): The besotted warriors either passed out or crawled away as the torches guttered and smoked
into mere embers.
14. bewilderment (n): Her hand paused as she stared in bewilderment at what sat in the bottom of the bath tub.
15. bronchiole (n): An asthma attack affects the bronchi and bronchioles in the lungs.
16. chasm (n): They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below
17. cautiously (adv.): The old man walked over the frozen lake cautiously, you might not have ended
up being soaking wet in the freezing waters of the lake.
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

18. cogent (adj): Only a cogent argument will help you convince the authorities to modify the set rules of the
19. consecrate (adj): A person may consecrate his or her life in an act of devotion.
20. cormorant (n): A cormorant can catch 15kg of fish a day, but only after three to five years of training.
21. countenance (n) (v): His sad countenance as he waved goodbye from his cabin window when the train
crawled out of the station, remained imprinted on my mind for a long time.
22. Caribbean: They’re holidaying somewhere in the Caribbean.
23. devour (v): When she is writing poetry she will devour novels, biographies and short stories.
24. disbursement (n): There are absolutely no conditions for disbursement of these funds to the government.
25. distraught (adj): The children were distraught and restless, and things went wrong.
26. debris (n): Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion.
27. despondent (adj): The jobless man left the company’s office with a despondent look on his face, convinced
that he won’t get a call from them again.
28. domineer (v): A tyrant’s goal is to dictate and domineer in a way that gives him total control.
29. easel (n): She set up the easel and went to work.
30. Einstein (n): Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.
31. ellipsis (n): The story ended in an ellipsis which made me anxiously wait for the next series.
32. ephemeral (adj) (n): New words are constantly being coined, some will prove ephemeral, others are here to
33. erroneous (adj): There is an erroneous perception that high-profile players make good managers.
34. estuary (n): There are huge concentrations of people on the great river estuaries.
35. Take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece..
36. excruciating (adj): She was weak and the pain was excruciating, but she was determined to go home.
37. explicit (adj): Police found out that they had hundreds of texts and explicit pictures as evidence against the
38. facsimile (n): A brochure handed to guests includes a facsimile of the original menu.
39. As the evening wore on the dancing got more and more frenzied.
40. feud (n):They had a long-running feud over money.
41. frantically (adv.): She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
42. garrulous (adj): My garrulous neighbour had given away the secret.
43. gibbous (adj): The gibbous moon and planet Mars can be seen in the eastern sky at nightfall tonight.
44. glacier (n): The huge glacier dislocated great stones.
45. grudgingly (adv.): The employee grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake.
46. guinea (n): They paid him five guineas for the work to be done.
47. There was a man outside the window gesticulating wildly.
48. heinous (adj): The gang admitted to the most heinous crimes.
49. humongous (adj): An active galaxy is a star system with a humongous black hole at its centre.
50. immobility (n): Standing in immobility, the child seemed to make a silent protest.
51. impede (v): He had no torch, but darkness did not impede his progress.
52. incinerated (v): Waste packaging is to be incinerated rather than buried in landfill.
53. incompressibility (n): The primary reason for this action is the higher viscosity and incompressibility of
water compared with gas.
54. indomitable (adj): The indomitable lady said she would continue to fight for justice.
55. iniquitous (adj): It is an iniquitous system that allows a person to die because they have no money to pay
for medicine.
56. insidious (adj): He experienced the insidious influence of the corporate culture.
57. intoxicate (v): They seem to have become intoxicated by their success.
58. luxuriant (adj): We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our drawing room.
59. millennium (n): As we start the new millennium the only certainty is change, and lots of it.
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

60. miraculously (adv.): He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
61. mischief (n): Her eyes twinkled with irrepressible mischief.
62. monarchy (n): The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives.
63. naïve (adj): Andy had a sweet, naïve look when she smiled.
64. nebulae (pl. n): According to present-day ideas, stars begin their career by condensing out of clouds of dust
and gases known as a nebulae.
65. oscilloscope (n): The oscilloscope graph of both voices was flattened in the lower register: tension was
restricting the movement of their vocal chords.
66. A woman, prostrate with grief, lay wailing on the ground.
67. palanquin (n): It was an open palanquin, V-shaped in cross section, slung from a pole which rested on the
shoulders of two bearers.
68. pamphlet (n): This last pamphlet about the government policy brought him into a controversy.
69. perversely (adv.):. She seemed perversely proud of her criminal record.
70. phytoplankton (n): The plants are the phytoplankton, and the floating animals are the zooplankton.
71. precipice (n): A slight carelessness on this precipice could cost a man his life.
72. precocious (adj): From an early age she displayed a precocious talent for music.
73. preposterous (adj): The whole idea sounds absolutely preposterous.
74. procrastinate (v): Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do.
75. prophecies (n): The old woman's prophecies of disaster were soon fulfilled.
76. replete (adj): Literature is replete with tales of power.
77. I live near the University of Pennsylvania.
78. rhetorical (adj): He was the author of numerous rhetorical and theological works.
79. rheumatism (n): From the towns which yield over 500,000 gallons daily, are restored to for the cure of
rheumatism and skin disease.
80. scavenger (n): Students had hands on learning experience of the local ecology by touching tide pool animals,
turning over rock reviling California Newt and a beach scavenger hunt.
81. schematic (adj): His business card had a small schematic map on the back.
82. shrapnel (n): Large pieces of shrapnel were stuck inside.
83. shrewd (adj): He is a very shrewd and garrulous fellow.
84. squinted (v): Turning to the tree, he squinted and looked up.
85. subjugate(v): The government had to disarm citizens in order to subjugate them.
86. surveillance (n): Before leaving, the robbers take videotapes from the surveillance cameras.
87. swooped (v): Suddenly, the pigeons swooped down and landed on his rooftop.
88. syncopation (n): John’s use of syncopations was outstanding and his intensity sometimes overwhelming.
89. syndicate (n)(v): They want to own the outlets and syndicate their own shows.
90. synopsis (n): Sam sent the synopsis of the book and the first three chapters.
91. synovial (adj): Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder of the synovial joints that is characterized by joint
pain, stiffness and limited range of movement.
92. tenacious (adj): He has a tenacious attitude on both ends of the court.
93. tertiary (adj): It was a tertiary stage of the disease.
94. turquoise (n): He dived effortlessly into the turquoise water.
95. tyrannical (adj): His tyrannical rule, however, led to his quick downfall.
96. unconventional (adj): Many of the new publications are unconventional in their business approach.
97. vanquish (v): England won, with its archers using longbows to vanquish the French.
98. wizened (adj): The door was opened by a wizened old man clutching a walking stick.
99. wraith (n): The wraith lord is a master of Death magic.
100. zealous (adj): The shop assistant is very zealous.

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