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Module # 1
Schedule: Thursday (10:30AM-12:00NN)

I. Lesson/Module Objectives:
a. Familiarize students with the basic principles and techniques of human resource
b. Appreciate the importance of human resource management as a field of study and
as a central management function.
c. Identify the elements of the HR functions and be familiar with each element’s key
concepts and terms.

II. Overview:
Human Resource Management is a significant function and an integral part in any
organization. A substantial amount, perhaps 50 percent or more of an organizations
operating budget is allotted to pay the people who work in there. HR management can
be defined as the effective use of human capital in an organization through the
management of people-related activities. It involved leadership, values, employment
planning, recruiting and selecting employees. Training them and compensating them,
as well as managing and evaluating their performance is also part of HR
Not everyone who takes this subject will be an HR professional, but you will
surely learn about the role of HR Management in organizations. Although you are
trained to be engineers, your future employment conditions will be significantly
utilizing HR management. This course is therefore helpful for you. In the future, you
may be managers, business owners, and employees. So no matter your specialization,
HR will play an integral role in your career.
A key objective of SOCSCI 41E is to make you see that HR management is
more than just accepting employment applications and keeping records; it is a central
and strategic organizational activity of increasing complexity and importance.


Human Resource Management is a set of interrelated functions and process whose
goal is to attract, socialize, motivate, maintain and retain an organization’s employees.

According to Milkovich & Boudreau, “Human Resource Management is a series

of decisions that affect the relationship between employees and employers; it affects
many constituencies and is intended to influences the effectiveness of employees and
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According to Jucious (American Management Association) “Human Resource

Management is that field of Management which has to do with planning, organizing, and
controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and
utilizing a work force in order that
• The objective for which the company is established are attained as efficiently and
economically possible
• The objective of all levels of personnel are served to the highest degree and
• The objectives of the community are duly considered and served”

Human Resource Management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the
procurement, development, compensation, integration, and maintenance of people for the
purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals.


• It is concerned with the optimum utilization of the Human Resources within an
• It is concerned with the creation of conditions in which each employee is encouraged to
make best possible contribution
• It is also concerned with the development of the sense of mutual respect and trust between
Management and workers through sound relations
• It endeavors to increase the productive efficiency to the workers through training,
guidance and counseling; and
• It tries to raise the morale of the employee.


• Service is delivered by people
• Low quality HR leads to low quality customer service
• In the 21st century knowledge management translates into competitive advantage and profits
• Knowledge comes from a firm’s people.

B. Functions of Human Resource Management

Functions of HRM are the key activities and activities that are integrated in this
discipline. Basically, these are the things that HR professionals are concerned about, or a
person who is employed in the HR Department of a company. The following are the basic
functions of HRM:

It is the first operative functions of HRM. Procurement is concerned with securing and
employing the people possessing required kind and level of human resources necessity to
achieve the organizational objectives. It includes:
• HR Planning - is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs
for an organization to achieve its goals. Human resource planning should serve as a
link between human resource management and the overall strategic plan of an
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• Job Analysis - process of identifying and determining the duties, responsibilities,

and specifications of a given job. This process is important in deciding how much to
pay a certain job, based on the tasks of this job, and the qualifications of the person
doing the job. It includes Job analysis includes Job description & Job specification

• Liaison with sources of labor – an HR professional needs to be updated with

everything about the Labor Code, DOLE advisories, employee relations, resolving
conflicts among employees, implementing discipline and sanctions for employee
infractions or violations.

• Recruitment & Selection – is not just limited with interviewing applicants.

• Reference investigation (Reference checks or background investigation)
• Employee Socialization & Induction (Orientation)
• Job changes – may include transfers and promotions.
• Separation – procedures involving resignation, retrenchment, termination,
• Exit Interview


Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by a
person to perform a given task or job adequately. Development is growth of the individual in
terms of ability, understanding and awareness. From time to time meet special needs arising from
technical, legislative and knowledge need changes. Meeting these needs is achieved through
training and development. It includes:
• Assessing Training Needs (TNA)
• Liaison with Training Institutes for External Courses
• Organizing Courses for Supervisor, Officers & Managers
• Career Planning & Development

To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention
to the financial and psychological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise.
It includes:
• Job Design
• Performance Appraisal – performance management and evaluation
• Job evaluation – may be a basis for promotions.
• Wages & Salary Administration – also called Compensation and Benefits
􀂃 Wages & Salary Survey
􀂃 Wages Schedule Preparation
􀂃 Assists Accounts Department in the preparation of Wage & Salary Bills
􀂃 Advices on formulation of Individual / Group Incentive Plans
􀂃 Advices on Formulation of Benefits Plans
􀂃 Observance of Statutory Requirement
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Attention to the mental and physical well-being of employees is normal in many organizations as
a means of keeping good staff and attracting others. It Includes:

• Health & Safety – Work-life balance.

􀂃 Pre-Placement Examination 􀂃 Protection from Occupational
􀂃 Periodic Physical Examination Hazards & Safety Hazards
􀂃 First Aid 􀂃 Safety Education & Training
􀂃 Health Education 􀂃 Investigation of Accidents
􀂃 Sanitation 􀂃 Safety Rules & Safety Regulations
􀂃 Studies of the Causes & Methods of 􀂃 Safety Committee
Eliminating of Job stress & Occupational 􀂃 Safety Equipment & Clothing
􀂃 Observation of Statutory Rules

• Employee Relations:
a.a. Assists in Negotiation with Unions
a.b. Advices on Formulations of Industrial Policies & Procedures
a.c. Assist Management in Setting Employee Grievances and Handling Disciplinary
a.d. Maintain Contact with Labor Directors
a.e. Employee Communication / publications
• Formulate & Review HR Policy
• Employee Services
a. Observance of Statutory Requirements (SSS/GSIS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG,
TIN, 13th month pay, and other related benefits)
b. Supervises other Welfare Activities like:
i. Fair prices shops
ii. Corporate dealings
iii. Ration shops
iv. Cooperative Shops
c. Organizes Sports & Cultural Events
d. Legal Assistance
e. Employee Counseling
f. Welfare Committee
• Record Maintenance
• Leave Administration
• HR Research
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III. Summary:
The focus of the first module is on identifying what the personnel and human
resource function is all about. It explores the typical responsibilities of HR departments.
It also introduces the topics of strategic and employment planning.
IV. Evaluation Activities / Assessments
a. Read the following article entitled Roles and Responsibilities of HR in a
Construction Company by Darren Perucci. To access, click
After reading the article, answer the following questions:
a.i. What are the 7 basic responsibilities of HR in construction? Describe each
in 1 or 2 sentences.
a.ii. What are the challenges experienced by HR professionals in construction?
Enumerate the challenges identified by the author.
a.iii. In the stated challenges, which among these are prevalent in construction
projects in the Philippines? Cite 3 and explain why you chose these
a.iv. As a future engineer, whether as an employee, manager, or business
owner, how can the study of Human Resource Management be helpful in
your career? Make an acrostic using your first name. Give a brief
description for each.
D – developer of people
A – agent of change in the organization
V – value co-employees and colleagues
E – exemplify good practices and attitude in the organization

a.VI. References:
• Ahsan, A. PhD. Introduction to Human Resource Management. Retrieved from

• Perucci, D. Roles and Responsibilities of HR in a Construction Company. Retrieved


Prepared by:

SOCSCI 41E Instructor

Reviewed by: Approved:


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