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The possibility of meeting you across the universe.

Have you ever imagined being able to travel across the universe on a tiny, colorful and shiny
skateboard? Can you imagine the kind of transport that will exist in 50 years and how well
you might spend your holidays? Everyone could have a whale of time with the predictions
for the next future! 

For beginning, people will be traveling in space in small vehicles that will be called Tiny
Rockets. Tiny Rockets will have been created in fifty years and each person will have their
own vehicle that will be made up of their old bikes, skates or rollers. This recycling idea will
make the trip cheaper. In adittion, two extra functions will be applied, one of them is a
striking button that will serve to graduate speed and strength to get out of space, also a
computerized medical system will easily regulate the human body in an unknown and new
space.  This product is being created from now on, thinking that it is cheap and above all,

Other than that, you will always live a refreshing holiday. Why? Because you’ll be able to
choose which planet you prefer to visit at the vast universe for just the price that it takes you
to recharge your Tiny Rocket. The way I see it, this will allow us to travel to places never
before inhabited, which will let us to expand our knowledge about life itself.   

In my view, this enormous invent will be a very good possibility for humanity to understand
the secret of our own existence.  

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