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danelec ccna ns mem HAR INE Please answer the following questions, fin some cases more than 1 earrect answer fs possible) User Interface 4. Where can you see whether the chart shows North up or other diraction (course up, heading up, track up}? A) Inthe lower left comer of the chart view. fo) In the icon bar in the upper right comer of the chart view ¢)_ Inthe sensor information panel. 2. How do you pan or shift the contor pesition en the chart? a) By moving the pointer to the left or right fast Vb} By holding the eerter buttan and moving the pointer or clicking the aft the pointer. Move the painter to the side, wait for it to turn into an arrow, and then | °) 3. What are the coordinates in the status bar showing? 'a) The position of the ship. b) The next destination of the ship. Ye) The position under the cursor. «an icon RM cacae ng wt dni) eben th screen and disappears. when the indicator is pressed. What '9) itis used fo acknowledge warning when own vessal is on @ b) Itis used to hide all radar and AIS targets. c) tis used to acknowledge a warning when another vessel is vd) It is used to locate own vessel position when own vessel! followed autornatically. 5, When an object is highlighted by pressing the ‘go to-4eon| panel, a small broom ican appears in the right corner of ti window icon. What is that for? Wa) tis used to remove highlight of object(s) on the chart, b) tis used to delete the object from the chart. ¢)_ Itis used to set the chart to basic configuration. 6. The graphical index of a database is tuned on in # Va) It displays the coverage boundary of the ENCs in a pal )_ It switches on the database for viewing purpose. )_ Itdigplays the edition number of the dataset. | danelec none mm AINE GWOrteas-13 7._How do you turn on or off the EBLIVRM tool? (ESLIVRM = electronic bearing line and variable range marker) 9) Goto Tools menu and tum the EBLIVRM switch on in Navigation calculator Vd) Gato the Shortcuts" mony and tum the EBLIVRM switch on. Vic) Click on the rater icon (ih in the icon ber. d) Click the middie trackball button or just click the X icon, ©). Glick the right trackbal button, 8 Anteon Ba (circle with anchor} is shown in the top right icon bar. What Is It for? a) Its used to show or hide anchored or passive AIS ships. |b) tis a tool to make water-referenced versus ground-raferences EBLIVRM measurements with. Ve) [tis used to set an anchor watch. 9) It's used to set a waypaint for the anchor. Cs fete A coerce Default” tox) itor? ) It sets the default colors on the chart according to time & position (¢ b) ltsets parameters such as safety contour, safety depth, cross: ©) It selects the defeuit user (instead of e.g. the master). ‘ Ve) I¢Gets he chart to a default mode (.9. range Sam) and light lines). 10. There is a continuous or dotted black line with a d Which does not show up in the “Object ° Va) A parallel index line, b) A hidden chart ebject. ¢) Anedited char line. d) Aradar target index line ECDIS Setup 14. Where do you install the Scheme Administrator Va) By going to “Settings” -+ “System” and clicking on *SA Gor ) Get the update from sacertificate, 6) Call the ECDIS manufacturer to get.a new root certifies 12. What Is the backup arrangement in the Tool Va) To synchronize SENC gecdatabases, mariner obj between several ECDIS units so they are present and b) To synchronize SENC geodatabases, marine object, \Navbox or planning computer. c) To backup SENC geodalabases, marine object, extemal USB stick. Installing Data >. 43, You have installed a new database. How can. CTT = 4a) Tum on the “Display” switch for the new databa EEO b) Tum on the Graphical Index switch for the new 6) Click view in “Chart catalog" for the new danelec conieieg genes cm AE Gw011643-13 14, You have received the call permits and chart data, Which one should you install first? Va)" instal coll pormits first folowed by data, b) Install data frst followed by cell permits, ¢) Either one can be installed frst. 15. You have received a chart update. How do you apply the update? Va) Select the intended existing destination chart database and apply update, b) Create a new database for the update. ©) Open chars library and update history, 16, Where can you view the update log of a chart? wa). Go ta the “Chart library’, click an "Undate history” of target database. b) Go to the “Install Charts’, click on “Update history” of target database. c) Right click on a chart to view the update log. * 47. Where do you view whethar there is a valid pormit for a chart? Va) Inthe “Chart ibrary’, open the chart database, select the type Of rf report button. b) Right click on the chart to view validty date. ¢) Goto chart layers and tum on Admiralty information overlay 18. What can be added and edited in all manual update ol Va) Geomeiry and attributes. b) Slaves objects. ¢) All the above. 19. What are “slaves” objects, available in some manual obje via) Objects serving as aids to navigation for an object such as lig b) Objects serving as text notices to navigation. 7 ) Objects serving as points on the charts. 20, You tried to plot a manual object on a dataset but the EC is likely to be the problem? va) The object is plotted outside the selected dataset. b) The object is of wrong geometry and attributes. ¢) The object chosen is invalid 24. You are told to submit a user permit of the ECDIS for you find it? xf a) Go to "System information” in “Settings” where you can Sa __ stick. i - b) Go to “Install charts” in “Nav data’, look for list of i ©) Call the ECDIS supplier to ask for the user permit. —— { VL) danelec ccna mE AE 22, An officer obtained anew PERMIT.TXT for a new route from Capenhagen to Dublin from AVCS for his USERPERMIT. He loaded the ENC from a DVD to the ECDIS database named “AVGS Base 3”. He switched on the “Display” for previous installed AVCS database and the newly installed “AVCS Base 3” database. What did he do wrong? 2) He should obtain a certificate, not a permit fe to actually read the charis, b) He should only switch on “Display” for the updated database, Vc) He should not divide the base and update inte two different databases in the ECDIS. Chart Display 23. What is the difference betwen ‘safety contour’ and ‘safety depth’ ? \Vla) Safety contour is used for anti-grounding alarms and is shown as @ line. The safety depth determines the color of soundings displayed. Safely contour determines the area colored as safe waters for the ship. The safety depth is the additonal depth necessary beneath the keel. ‘Salety depth is used to determine and generate grounding alarms. Safety *) ‘color the chart grey at safe areas. 4) Safety depth is the maximum depth, that the ship can sail safely in (| safety contour is the contour of the ship on the chart Safety depth is the draft of the ship when loading at 4 maximum. maximum ship beam (with) >) ®) What is the difference between ‘deep contaur’ and ‘shall ‘The deep contour is the draft of the ship, The shallow eontour atlight loads. Deep contour is where the ship beam (width) is okay, the narrow for the ship. ‘The shallow contour shows where It is too shallow forthe: shows areas with very safe depths. Vid) The shallow contour is between medium shallow and very determines deep water areas. ‘Shallow contour indicates shallow waters, deep contour ° enough for the ship to sail 25, What does the ‘shallow pattern’ depth setting option do? a) Displays a special pattern in areas deeper than the safely \/b). Displays a tilted square pattern aver areas with depth less night viewing. ¢) Makes depth soundings contour lines in shallow areas. d) It should not be used on this ECDIS. Voyage Preparation 26. Where do you view whether there are any outdated ¢l Va) Goto ‘Routes’, click on a route, and press “Chart re b) Go to “Nay Data ~ Charts library” and click “Update ¢) Goto “Nav Data ~ Charts library" and turn on "Graphical charts. VEL ‘ danelec mene a MARNE 27, Mow do you check a route for dangers, cautions and chart notes? MV a). By opening up “Routes” panel, select the target reute and click on “Grounding check”. b) By showing the route on the chart and scanning the route visually. ©) By showing the route on the chart and right click to select “Grounding check”. V4) [tis done automatically during route editing. 28. You are to make a first manual update of an existing object, a buoy, on a chart, How do you start making the update? V2) By opening “Manual update” in “Nav data” panel. select “Modify objec” and night click in the chart to pick up the abject. b) By loading an update CD. } By pressing the Ctr-’U" key on the keyboard. 29. How do you add a waypoint on a leg of an existing route? xa) Call up the route in edit mode. Mave the mouse pointer to the p want to insert a way-point and lef click on it b) Call up the route in edit mode. Add waypoint latitude and lang parameter in the waypoint table, ¢) Plot a new route as itis not possible to add waypoints after ar 3) Not possible a8 you can enly add a waypoint to the end oft 30. You need to call for a pilot and pick the pilot up ata can you remind yourself? Va) Add event mark on the route where the event is planned tot b) Set an alarm clock to remind the crew on watch to call, ¢) Add a mariner object on the route where the event is p 31. You have added an event mark to a route. Whats the dif and distance to event Va) Time to event gives an alarm at a certain time before or aff while distance to event gives an alarm at a certain distance f reaches the event. i b) Time to event gives an alarm at a certain time before own’ distance to event gives an alarm at a certain distance af ¢) Time to event gives an alarm ata certain time after own. distance to event gives an alarm at a certain distance Vb) Display “Chart 1" database, find the same object shaj panel with a right-click in the chart view, select the d information” field. 6) Refer to the “Software Manual" for answers. — d) Use your colleague's experience to understand the ; ) OLE gf am danelec cain aS mm ARTE Navigation 33. You observed that data from some sensors are displayed in white, while data from ‘ther sensors are displayed in yellow color. What could be the reason? \V.a)_ Data from primary sensors are displayed in white unless cautionary oF unsafe, while data from secondary sensors or data calculated from Dead reckoning are displayed in yellow. b) Data from primary sensors are displayed in yellow while data from Secondary sansocs are Gisplay in white, Dead reckoning calculated data is displayed on red background. ¢) The colors are there to make the display mare appealing. 34. How can you turn off radar and AIS targets on a cluttered screen? via) Tum off the radar targets and AIS in Layer menu, Vb) Tum off the radar targets and AIS by clicking on the targets display indicator icon in the icon bar in the top right comer of the chart view. ¢) Tum off the AIS and radar equipment. {d) Unplug the sensor wires. 35. Aship Is sailing in a straight line in an area with a constant ‘and constant engine power. The own ship velocity vector( statement is true? a) The velocity vector will show the future pasition of the ship 2) The velocity veeter will show the future position ofthe ship On yc) The ‘prediction’ vector will show the future position, d) The route will show the future position. 36. How do you acknowledge a alert? ee, Va) Press on the “Alert indicator’ icon in the upper right comer button of the alert in the selected alert group. b) Press “Settings” and select “Alerts” panel. Press “Ack” alerts. ‘¢) Press the “Ack all alerts” button d) No acknowledgment is necessary: 37. You have set a grounding check zone. Which type problem with grounding? ‘’ a) The Alerts indicator. b) The Display mode indicator. Jc) The Grounding Cheek indicator. d) Avoice will say "Danger - grounding* repeatedly. 38. In the early morning you start your shift. The ECDIS mode. With the morning sun, itis hard to see 4a) Change to “Day mode" palette in “Shortouts: {1b}. Display mode under ‘System’ menu in “Settings ©) Chango to ‘Day mode" palette using the ships d) Tum up the brightness on the monitor. e) Pull down the curtains. f) Wear sunglasses. danelec ma GwO1 1643.13 em MAIN 38. What are the grounding checks available? 2) Under kee! clearance, safety distance and guard zone. b). Safety contour and quard zane. .c) Under keel clearance, beam clearance, safety distance and guard zone. 'é) Under kee! clearance, height clearance, predicition time and sector guard zone. 40. How can you get an alarm for an AIS target which Is lost on the ECDIS? 8) Suiteh off lost AIS target alert in “Alert” menu in the “Settings” panel. 'b) Switch on the target lost on the AIS equipment so that it reports to the ECDIS when it happens. Vc) Switeh on lost Als target alert in “Alert” manu in the “Settings” panel. ) Set lost target in “AIS” menu in the Settings panel, 41. You are given a position coordinate. Haw can you quickly go to the exact location ¢ the chart? =e 1) inthe “Settings” panel, select “Vessel” and entor the coordinates Cn b) Press CLT + ALT + left click on the keyboard to caill up the coord Yc). In the status bar, left click the coordinate indicator tg open up: @) Inthe Shortcut panel, click “Ge te pasition”. 42. You have started on a route. The route monitoring indicate? ¥ Va) Distance from own ship to the next wheet-over ling: b) Distance from own ship to the last way point on the ro ¢) Distance from the current wheel-over line to the next 43. You have started on a route. The route monitoring ‘ever XTD. What does it mean? q a) This is a waming that the heading is off course. J) This is a waming that own ship has deviated too muct ¢) This is @ waming that waypoint is out of place. 44, You find it very diffcult to read the AIS target list often. What can you do? va) Change the update frequency manually on AIS m b) Switch some of the targets off by clicking on the t ¢) Switch off AIS on the chart overlays menu inlLa 45. What do you do when own ship is moving Va) Avoid the object at all cast as ignoring it can lead t b) Exercise caution as the object is part of special ¢) Proceed with caution if you do not see or Sense 46. In case of an alert, the alert indicator you do to silence it? v/a) Acknowledge the alert to silence it b) Do nothing about it as the ECDIS will 2 to ¢) Mute the audio so that the ECDIS is in silent mo nelec Examination c mE MARINE cw 47. a) Nb) c) d) e) Anti-Collision Tool 48. a) b) vo) a) 49, a) b) vo) 4) While navigating in “Show vessel mode the ship stays at the upper left corner of the view to your dismay. What can you do to fix it to the center? ‘Change to ship motion true mode. Select navigation area as fixed position under “Chart” menu in “Settings” panel. Change the ship redraw area. Restart the ECDIS. Click on “Keep best scale” in “Shortcuts” panel. You wish to show all AIS targets 5 nm You change AIS distance to activation to 5 You change AIS distance to dangerous to 51 You change AIS targets visibility range to Adjust your AIS equipment to only show Al You wish to show approaching radar ta own ship on the chart. How? You change radar target TCPA to 120 sece You change radar target CPA to 3 nm. You change radar targets as dangerous to Adjust your radar equipment to report da

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