Managerial Ethics GMT-8704 Case Study Assignment MBA Semester 3

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GMT- 8704



Dr. Swati Sisodia
Assistant Professor (SOM)

Vikash kumar
ENR: 190010301104

In 1949, the youthful Michael Obi is named director of the unevolved school, Ndume
Central School, by the Mission specialists (a pioneer strict body). A "youthful and fiery
man" with heaps of huge thoughts for the school, Obi joyfully acknowledges the offer.
Michael Obi and his significant other, Nancy, promptly will work making the school into a
spot where "current" thoughts will be drilled. They are enthusiastic about this task and they
disdain anybody and any thought that they feel doesn't cling to their reformist qualities,
including despising more seasoned instructors. Energized by the possibility of the school
and respectful of her better half's thoughts, Nancy starts to consider herself "the sovereign
of the school" who will be profoundly begrudged and appreciated by the other educators'
spouses. Nonetheless, she is squashed when Obi discloses to her that different educators
don't have spouses. She recuperates from her mistake, however, on the grounds that "her
little close to home mishap couldn't visually impaired her to her better half's cheerful

Nancy considers her better half. In spite of the fact that Obi is "stoop-carried" and looks
frail, he is known for his "unexpected explosions of actual energy." He additionally looks
genuinely old—he's twentysix, however seems to be at any rate thirty years of age. Obi
enlightens his significant other that he's energized regarding his opportunity to run the
school since it will permit him "to show these individuals how a school should be run.

At the school, Obi and Nancy emphasize a “high standard of teaching” and work together to
make the school grounds beautiful with the rich and carefully-tended gardens of Nancy’s
dreams. The flowering hedges of the gardens eventually demarcate the school compound
from the nearby village, which is outlined by “rank” shrubs. One day, Obi sees an old
woman cross the school compound, wander through the gardens, and walk down an “almost
disused path.” Obi becomes angry and confronts a teacher about the path’s use. The teacher,
“apologetically,” explains the path’s cultural importance: how it links the village shrine to
the villagers’ “place of burial.” Obi challenges him by asking about the path’s usefulness to
the school, but the teacher responds by warning Obi of the “big row” that occurred when
others attempted to close the path a while ago. Obi, nonetheless, is scandalized by the
thought of the Government Education Officer witnessing signs of the “pagan ritual” during
his inspection in a week’s time. Thus, Obi promptly shuts the path with a fence, prohibiting
its use.
The village priest, an elderly man who “walks with a slight stoop,” visits Obi a few days
after the path’s closing. He attempts to get Obi to change his mind and recognize and
respect the deep significance the path has in the community, their lives, and their identity as
people now and for generations to come: “Our dead relatives depart by it and our ancestors
visit us by it. But most important, it is the path of children coming in to be born…”
With a “satisfied smile,” Obi refuses the old village priest’s request and declares that he
would like to not just eliminate such pagan ideas and traditions from the students at his
school, but also encourage the students to actively ridicule them. Preparing to leave, the
priest says that they must “let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch.” Obi reiterates that
allowing the villagers to use the school path is “against our regulations,” but he suggests
that the village make another path outside of school grounds, claiming that the ancestors
won’t “find the little detour too burdensome.” Speechless, the old priest leaves. A woman in
the village dies two days later while giving birth. A diviner is called, and he prescribes that
the village complete “heavy sacrifices” to satisfy the ancestors, who, he suggests, let the
woman die because they were insulted by the prohibitions on their path.
Obi wakes up the next morning and sees the school in shambles: the gardens, the hedges of
the school, and even a school building have been destroyed
Shortly afterwards, a white government Supervisor arrives to inspect the school. He pens a
“nasty report” about Obi, the dilapidated school grounds, and the “tribal-war situation” that
Obi had unwittingly started because of his “misguided zeal.”

1. Describe the ethical issues that Daniel is encountering.

Daniel landed at a job of copywriter at YOLO advertising. Daniel is assigned to work with
Gloria Kunies as a celebrity endorser. His job in this account is to write a copy of
commercials using Gloria’s product testimonials. The script should feature her testifying to
quality, value and tastiness of bacon but Daniel has read a post on Facebook that Ms. Gloria
Kunies, the celebrity spokesperson is a vegetarian even though she is meant to endorse
Bacon, a meat product. Daniel is aware that it would be dishonest of him to write this
advertisement knowing that Ms.Kunies is lying. Daniel’s boss, Chloe, has put a lot of trust in
him to the extent of letting him run such an account on his own even though he is a new
employee. He is faced with a dilemma of whether he should mask the contradiction of the
advertisement using humour or if he should decline this job given that he is aware of
Ms.Kunies’ lies.

2. Does this situation in any way violate the concepts of honesty, fairness and
The situation that Daniel is facing violates the concepts of honesty, integrity and fairness
as Ms. Kunies has identified herself as a vegetarian on Facebook while she seeks to
promote Bacon. Chloe advises Daniel that it is okay to add a spin to the message while
advertising but doing so would amount to being dishonest on the part of Daniel. Moreover,
lying to customers that one consumes bacon while claiming to be a vegetarian is an
indication of lack of integrity.

3. If the advertisement does not violate any laws, then why should Daniel be
concerned? What are the possible consequences of the advertisement?

The advertising violates the laws of integrity against consumers, according to me. The
potential implications may be that if consumers hear that uber bacon leads to higher
cholesterol, it may result in misleading about the product to the customers, it may also lose
the company's reputation as well as the product in the mind of the consumer and the brand
will not become famous on the marketplace. Also if people recalls that Ms. Kunies has
become vegetarian, then this commercial will be contradictory as news, gossips, facts and
information are easy to access and spread through media like wildfire, particularly social
websites such as Facebook. There can be implication of the company's untrustworthiness and
losing customer loyalty as well. Before going forward and having an agreement with Mrs.
Kunies, the business must be very cautious and weigh all the choices and repercussions.

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