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Rose Marie (Maisie) Porter | 443-465-9477 |

University of Delaware (February 2019 - Present)
Newark, DE
College of Health Sciences
May 2021
Bachelor of Science
Major: Nutrition and Dietetics
GPA: 3.61/4.0
Dean’s List: Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020
University of Kentucky (August 2017 – December 2018)
Lexington, Kentucky
GPA: 3.39/4.0
Awarded Bluegrass Spirit Scholarship (2017)

Shadow for St. Francis Hospital Dietitian Jennifer Vattimo Newark, Delaware
Volunteer February 2020, September 2020 – Present
• Enhance communication and leadership skills by interacting with pre- and post-operative bariatric surgery patients at the
St. Francis Hospital’s Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence in an outpatient setting by greeting them, obtaining their
current weights, and assisting in education sessions
• Continue practice with obtaining usual intakes and increasing confidence in my ability to communicate with patients
through calling elderly patients from St. Francis Hospital LIFE Center to obtain information for their annual nutrition
assessments, as well as provide them with nutritional education
• Gain experience with nutrition documentation by assisting with comprehensive dietary assessments for patients through

Create Handouts for St. Francis Hospital Dietitian Jennifer Vattimo Newark, Delaware
Volunteer February 2019 – Present
• Create and update handouts for clients about various topics related to nutrition and nutrition education
• Expand knowledge about effective ways to communicate information with clients
• Increase ability to find reliable resources and translate the information in a manner clients can easily comprehend

Nanny Parkton, Maryland

Caretaker May 2020 – August 2020
• Strengthened leadership and organizational skills by caring for three children, 2-3 days a week
• Prepared meals for children, assisted them with school Zoom calls and homework, and planned outdoor and technology-
free activities

Nanny Reisterstown, Maryland

Caretaker June 2018 – August 2018, June 2019 – August 2019, June 2020 – August 2020
• Heightened creativity, patience, and problem-solving skills through caring for two children, four days a week
• Planned the children’s day, organized activities, prepared meals, and provided transportation

Volunteer at Chesapeake Down Syndrome Association Christmas Party Baltimore, Maryland

December 2017, 2018, 2019
• Amplified communication and creativity skills by working with children with Down Syndrome and their families at the
Chesapeake Down Syndrome Association Christmas Party
• Assisted participants with creating crafts and ensured activities went smoothly and as planned
Non-traditional Careers in Nutrition Seminar Newark, Delaware
Attendee October 2020
• Broadened understanding and knowledge of careers in the field of nutrition and dietetics
Foltyn Seminar Newark, Delaware
Attendee October 2020
• Increased awareness of the effects that low and very-low-carbohydrate diets can have on weight loss, dyslipidemia, and
other cardiometabolic risk factors
Application in Clinical Practice Newark, Delaware
Student Spring Semester 2020
• Integrated the theories and principles of medical nutrition therapy into clinical practice by using critical thinking skills to
evaluate social, anthropometric, nutritional, medical, laboratory, pharmacologic, and other relevant patient information for
assigned case studies and care plans
• Developed understanding for use of medical terminology and appropriate documentation styles to communicate patient
status with other healthcare professionals
• Observed interdisciplinary rounds to gain understanding of the importance of communication among multidisciplinary

Onsite Food Production Newark, Delaware

Student Spring Semester 2020
• Acquired knowledge about the development of food production design considering material flow, functional areas, and
utility requirements by working alongside dining hall employees
• Applied critical thinking skills, identified, and described the work of the interprofessional teams and the roles of others with
whom the registered dietitian nutritionist collaborates in the delivery of food and nutrition services
• Obtained ServSafe Certification

Food Service Sanitation Lexington, Kentucky

Student Spring Semester 2018
• Deepened knowledge and understanding of appropriate and safe practices in the foodservice business
• Received ServSafe Certification

Nutrition and Dietetics Club Newark, Delaware
Member September 2020 - Present
• Participate in virtual events, such as Coffee and Correlations, to build interpersonal skills
• Expand knowledge in the field of nutrition by listening to and interacting with various guest speakers

Nutrition for Disabilities Club Newark, Delaware

Member February 2020 - Present
• Collaborate with club members to create a “booklet” with recipes and nutrition information distributed to the members of
• Increase knowledge and ability to communicate nutritional information effectively to those with disabilities

University of Delaware Equestrian Club Newark, Delaware

Member February 2019 – September 2019
• Built relationships with other University of Delaware students by participating in riding lessons
• Practiced organization and leadership skills by working with other club members to help the “Home Horse Show” run

Pi Beta Phi Sorority Lexington, Kentucky

Member August 2017 – December 2018
• Worked cooperatively to promote the values of the sorority and gained time management skills while participating in
weekly events
• Enhanced communication skills when collaborating with members on projects to promote the sorority’s philanthropy

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