01-Ten Ways To Improve

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I r Careers

@ Oiscuss these questions in pairs.

Ten ways to What helps when trying to move ahead Ín your career?
improve your career Think about personal factors (e.g. ambition, motivation, etc.) and workplace
factors (e.9. promotion opportunities, etc.).
What practical advice cou[d you give to someone who wants to get ahead in
their career? Make a list of three to five points.
a vocabulary filepage 157

@ S..n the artide quickly to find out if any of the po¡nts you have tisted in
Exercise A arc mentioaed.

Ten ways to improve

your career
Aiilon Fh¡¡cc" e lceding
it¡fñng .¡d rccnritirg
setwiccs ftir, offcr tñc
followirg üps for gcdting
.hc.d h ¡rcr c¡rrGer-
1 f ake a t'st o{ ¡orr prixnrcs
ar¡d or¡fine ¡our tasls for
the day. Write down your
short- and long-term goals.
evaluate your progress fre-
qtrcndy and stay focused, You're in line.for.a promot¡on.
2 Are you really present? You Unfortunately, the line is six
may physically be at work. miles long.'
but are you there mentally?
8 Be clear about what you want.
3 Learn how to work through
lf you believe you deserve a
others. Delegating tasks is promotion, ask for one.
an important skill to master
level. , ¡,n?:|,y/
at any 9 Take time off' and relax.
4 Always look fú opportuni- Attending to your. personal
life and doing things that make
tíes to hlpaégn your skills.
For example, you can attend
you happy will help y'our
performance at work.
professional development
seminars. 10 Seek satisfaction. .lf you're
disappointed by your current
5 Socialise with colleagues.
career, look for ' ways to
This will help you learn transform your job into more of
about what's happening in
what you want. lf this does not
other departments.
solve the problem, maybe it's
6 Create your own goals. time to look for a new position.
Determine where you want 'lf you follow this advice, you
to be professionally and
will significantly increase your
what skills you need to reach
opportunities to earn more money,
that goal. get promoted sooner and move
7 Be comfortable with being ahead faster,' says Mr Lebovits,
uncomfortable. Accept chal- President and Chief Opérating
lenges that force you to try Officer of Ajilon Finance.
something new.

From Business Wire


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