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Received: 4 June 2020 Revised: 16 July 2020 Accepted: 19 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pa.2318


Intelligence quotient, job satisfaction, and job performance:

The moderating role of personality type

Muhammad Hamid Murtza1 | Shahzad Ali Gill2 | Hassan Danial Aslam1 |

Amna Noor1

School of Business Management &
Administrative Sciences, The Islamia University The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the intelligence quotient (IQ) of
of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
employees is associated with their job satisfaction and performance. The moderating
Department of Political Science, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, effect of personality type has also been explored. Drawing on trait theory, a concep-
Pakistan tual model has been developed, which links personality dimensions to job perfor-

Correspondence mance through satisfaction. Primary data were collected from 378 respondents from
Muhammad Hamid Murtza, School of Business 10 Universities situated in Lahore, Pakistan, for empirically testing our model. Find-
Management & Administrative Sciences, The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Baghdad ul ings reveal that IQ is a predictor of employee's job performance and job satisfaction.
Jadeed Campus, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Moreover, this relationship is also moderated by the personality type (A/B) of the
Email:, hamid. respondents. The study outcomes will be helpful for the management of the institu-
tions to frame policy guidelines for hiring employees and have more informed deci-
sions in terms of personality types and IQ of employees.

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N defined as intelligence and denoted as IQ (Reynolds, Chastain, Kauf-

man, & McLean, 1987). In simple words, IQ is a yardstick to check the
Human resource is of pivotal importance in organizations for gaining academic ability of an individual regarding rational usage of informa-
competitive advantage nowadays. Organizations tend to hire the most tion for answering a particular question. IQ score is denoted numeri-
competent people as they want to achieve their goals by adding effi- cally, which bares how consistently a person is capable in attaining,
ciency in their operations. Undoubtedly, the management of organiza- examining, and making use of any organized information. The impor-
tions must take into consideration the subjective qualities of tance of IQ amplifies due to the reason that it helps in identifying per-
employees. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness in today's competi- sonal cognitive abilities. It does not merely identify the capacity to
tive environment, organizations should evaluate the idiosyncratic tackle the information or its interpretation by someone, it reveals the
capabilities of their human resource. The impact of technological cognitive capacity developed by suitable preparation, thoughtful rea-
advancements is undeniable but, in some way or the other, its usage soning, and thinking and taking care of issues.
is dependent on the cognitive abilities of human resource profiting Allport and Odbert (1936) believed that the identity of an individ-
from it. Acquiring technological or financial resources may not be that ual can be described by individual traits. Personality is a set of human
challenging for organizations as developing human resource might be characteristics that can also be termed as personal attributes associ-
for bringing change or gaining and sustaining the competitive advan- ated with various behavioral aspects. Each individual possesses a par-
tage. Organizations, therefore, must focus on uplifting the systematic ticular set of characteristics, which can be classified into repetitive
knowledge and intelligence quotient (IQ) level of their staff members. behavioral, rational, and sentimental patterns. Trait theory puts
The industrial psychologists have reached a consensus that indi- emphasis on quantifying these characteristics. All these models of per-
viduals with higher intelligence have been found to assimilate job- sonal attributes and characteristics are named as “Personality Traits.”
related expertise exceptionally well resulting into greater learning People with varied set of characteristics react in a different way
experiences, various work-related developments, and improvised task whenever they encounter particular circumstances (Ashill, Semaan,
performance individually, as well as at the group level. The personal Gibbs, & Gazley, 2020). Human behavior is a product of personality
ability to perceive, indoctrinate, and conclude a particular situation is attributes resulting from interaction between various cognitive

J Public Affairs. 2020;e2318. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 of 12
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models (Kamdar & Van Dyne, 2007). Cattell (1973) has developed var- Wechsler (1958) described IQ as something that is used to assess the
ious personality factor models and found that each person can be capability of an individual to perceive, analyze, and explain a particular
characterized as a unique combination of expression of these traits. situation. It is a cognitive ability of an individual that can be measured
However, the studies have revealed that individual differences exist in and indicated in numerical terms. Sternberg (1985) termed IQ as a
response to similar work conditions and situations, and these differ- capacity of one's mind that requires understanding and adaptation of
ences may be styled as the personality of individuals. These differ- the context in which one exists. IQ is the cognizant brainpower of an
ences particularly refer to their type of personality. It may also be individual that empowers him/her to understand and examine logical
defined as one's behavior toward a specific situation or circumstance. and hypothetical problems. From a wider perspective, it is an ability to
It includes everything about an individual, particularly the prediction think rationally, which is widely applicable in some areas of daily life.
of how s/he will react to a given circumstance. Eysenck (1991) It also represents a consistent capability for almost all types of assign-
suggested that personality traits are the product of the brain. Current ments, operations, and jobs. This is why higher intelligence can be so
research studies have divided individuals into these two basic types of useful. It is not just the diverse knowledge that these individuals have
personality first—“Type A Personality” and “Type B Personality”. The acquired. In fact, it demonstrates the ability to acquire the right skills
individuals who belong to “Type A Personality” possess the qualities for training, thinking, and problem solving. Advanced intelligence can
of being ambitious, determined, relatively more intimidate, and sensi- be useful in almost any area. We all need to learn and solve problems,
tized very quickly over minor issues. They often exhibit impulsiveness especially when there are so many technological and social changes
and inflexibility, resulting into frustration and anger. Stress, along with are happening. A recent study on smartphone usage suggested that
achievement-driven mentality, also constitutes the salient attributes appropriate utilization of smart devices can enhance the flexibility in
of “Type A Personality.” According to this theory, the individuals hav- learning (Nand, Pitafi, Kanwal, Pitafi, & Rasheed, 2020). Smart people
ing “Type B Personality,” in general, experience reduced level of anxi- are more beneficial for organizations, compared to individuals having
ety by normally working calmly, enjoy making progress toward their lower IQ, because they can learn and plan better.
goals, and in case they fail to achieve the desired objective they do An individual's IQ is determined by multiple factors. These factors
not experience stressful situations. include specialized knowledge, memorizing and vocabulary skills,
This study reveals that no matter what type of organization you understanding of illustrations, and perceptual skills. Individuals with
are dealing with, whether academic institutions or business organiza- good knowledge, reasoning ability, understanding of graphical repre-
tions, the performance of individuals has become the fundamental sentations, and remembrance can get higher score in IQ tests. In addi-
element for achieving a competitive advantage. The study contributes tion to the genetic vulnerability, there are some other environmental
to the literature by testing whether the IQ of employees predicts their factors that play a pivotal role in this connection. These factors
job performance via satisfaction. It further explains the differences in include education, training, nutrition, mental weakness, or illness.
personalities of individuals, which may result into greater inspiration Intelligence has been widely perceived as a major driver of aptitude
and solid desire for achievement. The findings of this study may help and skills (Pomerantz & Saxon, 2001). Therefore, the managers are
the management of organizations to frame policy guidelines regarding always concerned about the IQ level of their employees while
hiring of employees and have more informed decisions in terms of selecting them for higher-level responsibilities. The performance of an
personality types and IQ of employees. employee is considered to be a substantial measure that is related to
Figure 1 explains the theoretical model of our study: managerial accomplishments and organizational success (Mahlamäki,
Rintamäki, & Rajah, 2019). Measuring employees' performance is
important to achieve the goals set by an organization. The analysis of
2 | I N T EL L I GE N C E Q U O TI EN T , J O B employees' skills and measuring their productivity, in order to manage
SATISFACTION, AND JOB PERFORMANCE effectively, improves the standards of an organization (Mero,
Motowidlo, & Anna, 2003) as the productivity and success of an orga-
IQ is defined as “a total score derived from a set of standardized tests nization is directly proportional to its employees' performance and
designed to assess human intelligence” (Neisser et al., 1996). success. A successful employee will certainly produce great results.

F I G U R E 1 Theoretical background
and hypotheses
MURTZA ET AL. 3 of 12

This mainly involves their interaction, quality, and commitment with exponential impact between the two. These results showed more
their organization. Schmidt and Hunter (2000) have described that impact than already reported. Whetzel and McDaniel (2006) studied
employees' performance can be very precisely measured by intelli- this relationship by enhancing the period of analysis till 2002 and
gence. Therefore, it has been observed that hiring on the basis of came up with more convincing results, cutting the IQ score to 90 by
intelligence has brought great developments and subsequently con- applying a curvilinear model.
tributed to value addition for organizations. Individuals with high IQ Intelligence of individuals is associated with better performance
tend to be more intelligent and can improvise quickly followed by bet- and ultimately resulting in financial wellbeing of the nations, Stanley
ter job performance (I. W. Hunter & Korenberg, 1986; Ree, Carretta, & and Danko (1996) have argued in their most popular book titled “The
Teachout, 1995). Jobs generally vary depending on the different IQ Millionaire Next Door” that mere IQ is not the only predictor of the
ranges of the employees. Individuals with IQ ranging from 120 and financial well-being. It further says that “It is seldom luck or inheri-
above are considered to be competitively proficient in almost all occu- tance or advanced degree or even intelligence that enables individuals
pations. It accounts for 10% of the population. On the other hand, to perform better to amass fortune”. However, it is worth mentioning
individuals with an IQ below 80 have less competitive job options. In that this is merely a statement and no evidence has been given to sup-
some countries, such as the United States of America (USA), there are port this idea.
laws that prohibit anyone with an IQ below 80 from serving in the mil- IQ is considered to be a renowned forecaster of educational and
itary because of insufficient training capacity. But private employers work-related success globally (Neisser et al., 1996). It is evident from
hire them for those jobs which that less cognitive ability. Individuals the past research that the relationship between intelligence and
having lower IQ level generally need a specific environment for socio- acquiring a job is proven; however, the youth struggling to get a job
economic growth. Contrary to this, individuals having higher IQ are has overlooked it (Rehermann & Mortensen, 2010). Most of the indi-
only subject to failure under abnormal circumstances. Empirical stud- viduals consider non-cognitive elements, for example, family back-
ies have validated that various personality characteristics like intelli- ground and social status, as a barrier to success in their educational
gence and critical thinking resulted in higher performance at work. and professional careers (Rustin, 2015). Caspi, Wright, Moffitt, and
However, it is hard to specify particular attributes that anticipate Silva (1998) found that low IQ level is substantially related to lower
higher performance in every occupation. Generally, hypothesizing qualifications and greater risk of remaining unemployed. All countries
which personal characteristics or patterns of behavior may result in have particular contextual factors related to education system plus
performance in most of the professions is not judicious (Stewart & elasticity in the job market, which can modify the function of intelli-
Barrick, 2004). Personality characteristics of human beings differenti- gence in forecasting educational and professional achievements
ate them from one another in a way that individuals with rich cogni- (Zagorsky, 2007). The countries where free education is provided to
tive resources outperform in various occupations those who lack students of all grades, the state provides finances for research and
these resources. Personality characteristics are of ultimate importance development, and comparatively high attention is provided to the stu-
for anticipating person–job fit and other behavioral attributes dents to fulfil their unique educational requirement, IQ could play a
(Fretwell, Lewis, & Hannay, 2013). greater role for educational and professional achievements in compar-
Is there any importance of being intelligent to be successful in ison to socioeconomic issues. Strenze (2007) reported that IQ is a
life? Research in the past has found the relationship between IQ and consistent forecaster for educational and professional achievements
occupational achievement (Zagorsky, 2007). Brown and Reyn- and low IQ is related with the greater risk of unemployment.
olds' (1975) examination of association among general aptitude and Byington and Felps (2010) suggest that IQ facilitates individuals
earnings showed positive results. Nyborg and Jensen (2001) investi- to enhance their learning capabilities while attending work-related
gated the relationship between IQ and work performance, and rev- training programs. Schmidt and Hunter (2004) have studied general
ealed that having equal scores of IQ, no difference was found mental ability in practical life. This study reveals that generally cogni-
between the performance of black fellows to white. tive capabilities of individuals anticipate occupational achievements
Lynn, Vanhanen, and Stuart (2002) penned a book titled “IQ and and work accomplishments. Furthermore, these findings endorse pre-
the Wealth of Nations” that takes GDP as representation of national vious recommendations by Spearman regarding significance of “gen-
treasure. This book presented a detailed analysis of the national eral mental abilities” in predicting undertakings of the individuals. Ree
wealth of 185 nations for the period from 1820 to 1998, representing and Earles (1992) have also pointed out the significance of adopting
“the intelligence quotient of populations has been a major factor for intelligence-based criteria for hiring individuals in order to ensure
the national difference in the economic growth for the gap in per- maximum performance in academia and industrial sector.
capita income between rich and poor nations.” Barber (2005) further Schmidt (2002) while introducing performance appraisal mechanism
extended the investigation by incorporating individual-level intelli- emphasized that the cognitive capabilities of individuals are critically
gence and education parameter to infer that individual-level education associated with their performance at the workplace.
increases critical thinking and decision making, ultimately contributing Gottfredson (2002) reported cognitive intelligence to be a signifi-
not only to the performance of an individual but to the economy of cant predictor of job performance, explaining 25% of variance.
that nation as well. Dickerson (2006) added by investigating the rela- Schmidt and Hunter (2004) have also reported the same finding that
tionship between IQ and gross domestic product (GDP) and found an correlation between general intelligence and job performance ranged
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from 0.31 to 0.73, showing a positive relationship. They have also various methodologies have been used so far to assess the link
considered intelligence as an excellent predictor of performance at between the two (Brody, 1945). Scholars have argued that “a happy
workplace. Kuncel, Ones, and Sackett (2010) found IQ forecast job worker is a productive worker; however, evidence is not conclusive in
performance much better than talent, personality trait, and disposi- this regard” (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992). Researchers have devel-
tion, which have been experienced. According to the results reported oped various scales to measure job satisfaction; some have adapted
by J. E. Hunter and Hunter (1984), cognitive intelligence is of signifi- the already established measures. Studies have been conducted by
cant importance for calculating the work performance of individuals. using self-reported evaluations to measure job performance, and, in
Spector (1997) found job satisfaction as a sign of subjective qual- contrast, some research evaluated the same by using supervisor and
ity of life of a professional. It is equally good for the employees' well- peer reports (Davar & Bala, 2012). Vroom (1964) supported the idea
being and organizational productivity. It is argued that job satisfaction that improved job performance is the ultimate result of job satisfac-
comprises both environmental and personal characteristics (Judge & tion since this belief is supported by the natural instinct of human
Larsen, 2001). In addition to the contextual elements, personality fea- behavior. Strauss (1968) mentioned that the early human relationists
tures are also related to job satisfaction. For better understanding of viewed the morale–productivity relationship quite simple: higher
particular circumstances and personal characteristics, Akkerman, Kef, morale would lead to improved productivity. Manjunath and
and Meininger (2018) studied job satisfaction among people with vul- Shashidahra (2011) studied job satisfaction among agrarian scientists
nerable intellectual capacity and found negative relationship between and discovered substantial correlations with their scientific productiv-
low intelligence and job performance. This discussion leads us to ity. Petty, McGee, and Cavender (1984) conducted a meta-analysis on
assume the following hypotheses: the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. They
included 16 published studies from five journals for the period
Hypothesis 1 There is a positive relationship between IQ and job 1964–1983. The result indicated consistent and higher correlations
performance. between job satisfaction and job performance as compared with the
results of the previous studies. Iaffaldano and Muchinsky (1985) fur-
Hypothesis 2 There is a positive relationship between IQ and job ther analyzed 74 published studies on job satisfaction and job perfor-
satisfaction. mance and found a significant positive relationship.
Bateman and Organ (1983) theoretically explained the relation-
ship between job satisfaction and job performance using social
exchange theory. Organ and Ryan (1995) explored job satisfaction as
2.1 | Mediating role of job satisfaction an antecedent of job performance. Their research also indicated that
contextual job performance (OCB) is also predicted by job satisfaction.
In terms of definition, satisfaction is “a state in which a person feels Various researchers have emphasized that often work productivity of
glad, happy, and good or wherein someone achieves some specified task performance is increased when employees like their job most and
goal or when something occurs which a person wanted to occur” feel satisfied (Edwards, Bell, Arthur, Winfred, & Decuir, 2008). Keep-
(Dinham & Scott, 1998). Judge, Cable, Boudreau, and Bretz Jr (1995) ing in view the robustness of the relationship between job satisfaction
explain that various factors determine an employee's attitude, which and job performance, organizations have opted to make strategies
lead to inner satisfaction. Loi and Ngo (2010) also contend that satis- that influence both and result into more pleased and productive work-
faction is of immense importance for workers and an organization for force (Judge, Thoresen, Bono, & Patton, 2001). Job satisfaction was
sustainable competitive advantage in every profession. Organizational found to have significant contributions for workers' well-being, as well
objectives are easy to achieve when human resource is satisfied with as organizational effectiveness (Lim, 2008). Peng (2014) studied the
their job. Studies in the past report an association between work sat- relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction with task
isfaction and overall performance of an organization (Edmans, 2012; and contextual job performance. The results of the study revealed
Maharani, Troena, & Noermijati, 2013). Various evidence exists to that intrinsic as well as extrinsic satisfaction has significant contribu-
substantiate the argument that job dissatisfaction has led to the loss tion for improvising task and contextual performance. Job satisfaction
of skilled labor (Aydogdu & Asikgil, 2011; Chen, Zhao, Liu, & and performance of workers have also been critically evaluated in var-
Wu, 2012; Delobelle et al., 2011; Mobley, Horner, & ious organizational settings. Cummings (1970) pointed out three most
Hollingsworth, 1978). The findings of meta-analysis have revealed important perspectives regarding this relationship. Job performance is
that unsatisfied employees tend to remain absent and there is a caused by satisfaction, job satisfaction is caused by performance, and
greater likelihood that they may quit their jobs (Anderson & reward is of both, that is, satisfaction and performance. Mirvis (1980)
Geldenhuys, 2011). In particular circumstances, more experienced and provided resounding results regarding the relationship between job
satisfied individuals have shown more commitment toward their job satisfaction and performance of bank cashiers. Interestingly, more sat-
and performed better as compared to less satisfied individuals isfied cashiers never came up with showing shortage of cash and they
(Singh & Das, 2013). also showed fewer turnover intentions. Kornhanuser and Sharp (1976)
Researchers have established the significance of satisfied work- carried out various studies to find out the relationship between satis-
force with regard to their performance since as early as 1940s, and faction and performance in different industries. They found a positive
MURTZA ET AL. 5 of 12

relationship between these variables in almost 30 studies. Currall, marked with “more contemplation and a will to take time to ponder
Towler, Judge, and Kohn (2005) found that productivity and output of alternatives. They usually feel there is plenty of time” (Frost &
organizations are measured through the performance of its Wilson, 1983). The literature suggests that there are three attributes
employees. Satisfied worker makes great output, which leads to the of “Type A Personality”: (a) Competitive and achievement-oriented,
ultimate performance of the organizations. Sousa-Poza and Sousa- (b) hurried and timebound, and (c) aggressive and assertive. Evidence
Poza (2000) studied the antecedents and outcomes of well-being of has shown that “Type A” individuals have better work performance,
workers and found that higher job satisfaction leads toward better professional attitude, and better quality of work as compared with
performance at the workplace. Nanda and Browne (1977) while “Type B” individuals (Helmreich, Spence, & Pred, 1988). Carver and
studying job satisfaction and productivity of employees reported vari- Glass (1978) found that “Type A Personality” has further two dimen-
ous employee performance pointers and established that employee sions, which include success-endeavor and impatience. Al-
productivity is significantly affected by motivation and job satisfac- Mashaan (2003) reported that “Type A Personality” exhibited high sat-
tion. Those who perform better will be more demanding in terms of isfaction with their job. The cause of low satisfaction is considered to
financial emoluments and other benefits. Retaining the high-performing be due to environmental factors. However, individual characteristics
resource is becoming more difficult for the management of organiza- also play an important role in satisfaction within the same environ-
tions (Rai, 2004). Those employees that show low satisfaction are less ment (Omundson, Schroeder, & Stevens, 1996). Omundson
committed to their job and, therefore, affect organizational objective et al. (1996) also found that “Type A Personality” has a significant pos-
achievement, resulting in reduced performance (Meyer, 2002). itive relationship with job satisfaction. Gondal and Husain (2013) con-
Yoke and Panatik (2016) studied the role of occupational satisfac- ducted comparative analysis between IQ scores and emotional
tion as a mediator in the relationship between emotional intelligence perspective of intelligence for predicting achievements at the work-
and job performance in education sector. The result of the study pro- place. The results reveal insignificant correlations between IQ and
vided significant support to the notion that the premeditated relation- performance in comparison to emotional intelligence. This study
ship between emotional intelligence and job performance is mediated emphasized the need to create an emotionally intelligent workforce
by satisfaction. The intrinsic factors demonstrated more support in rather than depending upon intelligence test scores for creating a
comparison to extrinsic factors of job satisfaction. Nisar and competitive advantage in the industry's high growth rate.
Rasheed (2020) studied that job satisfaction mediates the relationship Wolfe and Kim (2013) conducted another study to work out the
between stressful situation at workplace and performance. Fishbein potential association among emotional intelligence (EI) and length of ser-
and Ajzen (1981) found that the behavior of an individual is a product vice as determinants of satisfaction at workplace. The results disclosed
of attitude, which is based upon his well-being. Higher level of human that various determining factors of satisfaction were predicted by the EI.
intelligence develops the capacities of an individual, which ultimately Watson and Humrichouse (2006) maintain that the concept of
result in positive attitude (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). The mediating role “Type A Personality” has developed over the years, associating very
of satisfaction among the relationship between IQ and job perfor- distinctive personality characteristics toward it. These characteristics
mance is possible because the study of job satisfaction around nomo- include but not limited to crave for maximizing achievements, due dili-
logical network proved its function as a mediator in the association gence in time scheduling, being logical, and using resentment while
between several antecedents and behavior at workplace (Crede, dealing with stressful situation. Carver and Glass (1978) while study-
Chernyshenko, Stark, Dalal, & Bashshur, 2007). Here, we assume the ing the antecedents of anger and vexation established that personal
following hypotheses; attributes take charge of the various situations observed in individuals
with personality type A.
Hypothesis 3 There is a positive relationship between job satisfaction Individuals having the characteristics of type A personality gen-
and job performance. erally exhibit forceful determination toward their lifestyle and rou-
tine behavior (Watson & Humrichouse, 2006). Personality A
Hypothesis 4 Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between IQ individuals are considered more dynamic, aggressive, industrious,
and job performance. goal oriented, conscientious, and extraordinarily devoted to their
professional life (Nahavandi, Mizzi, & Malekzadeh, 1992). Some of
the other attributes associated with them are that they go the extra
2.2 | Moderating role of personality types mile to achieve their self-established, relatively uncompromising, and
hard-hitting goals by giving maximum output with minimum possible
The significance of personality traits cannot be ignored while studying resources. Nahavandi et al. (1992), after studying the behavioral
the performance of individuals (Owens, Irwing, & Clarke, 2019), since aspects of various executives, opined that type A individuals out-
specific attributes of personality are associated with certain jobs. perform others in various occupations. Talking about the aspirations
“Type A Personality” is attributed with “a cluster of behaviors which of higher ranks in professional life, this study discovered type A indi-
include increased competitiveness, strife for achievement, aggression, viduals to be more passionate and rational. However, it was also rev-
impatience, restlessness, hyper alertness, explosive speech stylistics ealed that in case they do not achieve their desired objective they
and chronic sense of urgency” (Rose, 1987). “Type B Personality” is also become violent.
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Mahajan and Rastogi (2011) argued regarding personality differ- the relationship is stronger for personality Type A than for person-
ences with a view that both personality characteristics of A and B are ality Type B.
contrasting, and generally type B individuals are found to be relaxed
and serene. They do not like to cause agitation or hassle—whether it
is a matter of time management or their professional conduct. As far 3 | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
as setting goals and achievement of work-related objective are con-
cerned, they put their utmost energy to accomplish the task with a 3.1 | Procedures and participants
balanced approach rather than become relentless or extraordinarily
conscious about meeting deadlines as type A do (Mahajan & We collected the data required for this study through a survey con-
Rastogi, 2011). Watson and Humrichouse (2006) distinguished both ducted in Lahore city, Pakistan. We distributed 500 questionnaires
types of personalities by arguing that individuals possessing type A among the faculty members of universities in Lahore, the provincial
characteristics show unwavering leadership qualities that enable them capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan during 2019, and received
to take up administrative assignments in an effective manner. Con- 378 (75.6% response rate) useable responses.
versely, type B individuals perceive things from different perspective, Participants of the study consisted of five age groups. The first
taking lenient view over governing people preferring collaborative group included participants of age below 30, which are 02%. The sec-
decision making. Spector and O'Connell (1994) identified two signifi- ond group included participants of age between 31 and 35, which are
cant attributes associated with type A personality that segregate them 39.7%. The third group included participants of age between 36 and
from others. The element of intolerance in their personality often 40, which are 27.3%. The fourth group included participants of age
results in impatience, and the element of achievement results in moti- 41–45, which are 24%, and the fifth group included participants
vation to achieve their objective. A study on personality differences above 46 years, which are 7% of the sample size. The number of male
and leadership style found that there is a significant impact of person- respondents was 326, which is 86.2% and female respondents are
ality differences of a leader on the performance of employees (Akhtar, 52, which is 13.8%. The average tenure/work experience of the par-
Maik, Butt, Ishfaq, & ur Rehman, 2019). ticipants was 4.5 years.
There exists inconsistency in the findings regarding the relation-
ship between IQ and employees' satisfaction. In this regard, some
writers (Liu & Jung, 1980; Pike, 1994) found support for association 3.2 | Measures
between IQ and satisfaction at workplace; however, (Bean &
Bradley, 1986) some have not found such association altogether. On 3.2.1 | Intelligence quotient
the other hand, Centra and Rock (1971) relate their finding to those
who validate that IQ is associated with better performance and We used a standardized IQ test designed by Carter (2014), asking
rewards ultimately resulting in satisfied labor. Likewise, some 10 questions from each employee to identify the IQ score. The respon-
researchers discovered various demographical and socioeconomic dents were asked MCQs relating to the measurement of IQ and their
parameters also contributing majorly toward satisfaction (Rienzi, Allen, score was calculated by keeping in view the correct answers.
Sarmiento, & McMillin, 1993) in particular occupations. Motlagh and
Abbaspour (2013) studied satisfaction among university employees
and reported significant associations among academic achievement, 3.2.2 | Personality type
satisfaction, and performance. Okpara, Squillace, and Erondu (2005)
stated that there exists a relationship among the attempts of teaching We used a questionnaire consisting of 20 items to assess the person-
staff, for their improvised performance, and satisfaction at workplace. ality type of the employees who comprised the subjects of the study.
The academic background of teachers and professional development This questionnaire was adopted from the book titled “Executive
contributed toward better learning, performance, and satisfaction. Health” composed by Dr. Howard Glazer. This questionnaire con-
The fundamental concept of that studied model shows that advance- tained two columns of opposite behaviors and the respondents were
ment in acumen contributed in better performance, which leads asked to rate themselves according to their opinion about themselves.
toward higher satisfaction of teachers. Paul and Phua (2011) while The respondents who scored 80 and above were grouped in column
studying various parameters related to satisfaction among teachers of “Type-A” and the respondents whose score was below 80 were
public establishment determined that the satisfaction level of partici- grouped in column “Type-B.”
pants varied according to age, gender, socioeconomic status, and the
number of years a worker spent in the institution. These arguments
helped us to assume the following hypotheses: 3.2.3 | Employee performance

Hypothesis 5 Personality type moderates the indirect relationship The five-point Likert scale (Goe, Holdheide, & Miller, 2011) question-
between IQ and job performance (via job satisfaction) such that naire has been adopted for measuring the employees' performance.
MURTZA ET AL. 7 of 12

The respondents were given five options from Unacceptable = 1 to and 2. These results are consistent with our preliminary analysis, as IQ
Outstanding = 5. For this study, the internal reliability of this ques- has shown a positive relationship with job satisfaction (B = 0.03,
tionnaire was 0.77. t = 17.42, p = .001) and employee performance (B = 0.01, t = 2.67,
p = .053). Similarly, job satisfaction (B = 0.83, t = 9.30, p = .001) has
shown a positive association with employee performance. These
3.2.4 | Job satisfaction results confirm our hypotheses, H1, H2, and H3.
We also calculated the indirect effects of IQ on employee perfor-
For measuring job satisfaction, five-point Likert scale questionnaire mance through job satisfaction. The results demonstrate that there is
was adopted (Spector, 1985). The respondents were given five a mediation role of job satisfaction in the indirect relationships
options from strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 5. For this between IQ (estimate of indirect effect = 0.0021, 95%, CI [0.004,
study, the internal reliability of this questionnaire was 0.70. 0.01]) and employee performance. Thus, our hypothesis H4 is
For moderated mediation model, we further calculated the condi-
3.2.5 | Control variables tional indirect effects of IQ on employee performance through job
satisfaction across the levels of our moderator, that is, personality
Age, gender, and average tenure/work experience were used as con- type. As reported in Table 1, we have found that the conditional indi-
trol variables of the study. These control variables have contributed rect effects of IQ on employee performance through job satisfaction
toward explaining the performance and satisfaction of employees in is strong (magnitude indirect effect = 0.031, 95% CI [0.024, 0.037])
various studies, previously. when personality level is high (at +1 SD), that is, “Personality Type A”
than when it is low (at -1SD), i.e., “Personality Type is B” (magnitude
indirect effect = 0.024, 95% CI [0.015, 0.31]). This supports our H5.

SPSS PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2015; Rockwood & Hayes, 2017) was 5 | DI SCU SSION
applied to test our conceptual research model. In carrying out the
analysis of the results of this study, we followed the suggestion of The instant research was conducted to investigate whether IQ of
Aiken, West, and Reno (1991) in this regard. employees is associated with their job satisfaction and performance,
keeping in view their personality dimensions, IQ in the universities of
provincial capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan. A theoretical
4.1 | Descriptive statistics model was established to have an understanding of the association
between IQ with job satisfaction and performance. It was further pro-
Table 1 exhibits mean, SD, and inter-correlation among the constructs posed that the personality types of employees have a moderating
used in this study. IQ is positively associated with job satisfaction effect on job satisfaction and performance. Based on the analysis of
(r = 0.637, p = .01) and employee performance (r = 0.460, p = .01). this study, it has been disclosed that the hypothesized theoretical
Similarly, job satisfaction is positively associated with employee per- model has found support. The result of moderated-mediation analysis
formance (r = 0.471, p = .01). Demographic variables were not signifi- proved that participants having higher IQ perform better than those
cantly associated to any of the study variables. Therefore, they were with lower IQ. These findings are similar to the outcomes of the previ-
not included in any analysis. ous study conducted by Byington and Felps (2010) and Schmidt and
Hunter (2004). The institutional learning and knowledge help the
human resource of organizations to enhance their analytical and
4.2 | Hypothesis testing problem-solving skills. The employees with higher IQ levels get more
benefits in terms of capacity building as they have the tendency to
For testing our fully hypothesized research model, we utilized SPSS learn more. The opportunities for growth and capacity building in an
PROCESS macro Model 14. PROCESS results are given in Tables 1 organization are provided on the basis of IQ reflective criteria. It is

TABLE 1 Mean, SDs, and inter-correlations

Variable Mean SD 1 2 3
1. IQ 85.27 12.81
2. Personality 3.63 1.59 .30**
3. Employee performance 3.49 1.11 .46** .41**
4. Job satisfaction 3.34 .67 .63** .47** .63**

Note: N = 378. Significant at*p < .05(two-tailed) and **p < .01 (two-tailed).
8 of 12 MURTZA ET AL.

TABLE 2 Results of moderated mediation

Mediator Dependent variable

Job satisfaction Employee performance

B SE T R B SE t R2
Constant .41 .43
IQ −2.85 0.17 17.01*** 2.20 .38 7.42***
.03 .00 17.42*** .01 .00 2.67**
Job satisfaction — — — .83 .09 9.30***
Indirect effects Effect SE LLCI ULCI
IQ to job satisfaction through employee performance .0021 .0015 .004 .01

Conditional indirect effects at specific value of moderator (SS) at ± 1 SD

95% CI

Dependent variable Effect SE Lower limit CI Upper limit CI

IQ? Job satisfaction? (-1SD) .024 .004 .015 0.031
Employee performance (+1SD) .031 .004 .024 .037

Note: N = 378. Significant at *p < .05 and **p < .01.

hereby argued that individuals having higher IQ possess greater personality individuals are less responsive to stressful situations at
problem-solving skills, which enable them to perform their jobs in a job. Consistent with these findings, this study is of the view that Type
better way. This research provides the evidence that workers having A personality individuals perform better than personality B employees
superior IQ perform better compared with workers with lower level of in normal conditions. The organizations can hold emotional intelli-
IQ. Based upon the results of the performance reports of the gence trainings for the employees to make them more emotionally
employees in educational institutions, it is further argued that perfor- stable so that they can perform better. This study holds implications
mance is strongly predicted by IQ of the employees. The organizations for human resource managers to identify the personality complica-
do recognize the importance of intelligence test scores in anticipating tions in the employees and by providing them suitable trainings they
subjective qualities of employees for hiring at various positions. make them productive employees.
Therefore, it is emphasized that in order to achieve competitive
advantage of human resource, hiring policies should be made by tak-
ing into consideration the subjective attributes regarding mental 5.1 | Limitations and future directions of the study
capacity of the applicants.
The results of this study also exhibit that the intelligence attri- Like other empirical studies, there are some limitations associated
butes help individuals to better learn, understand, and resolve job with this research. The research design to take up this study was
related-problems, which lead to better performance, and ultimately cross-sectional; therefore, generalizations of the results may be made
resulting in satisfied worker. Previous research also came up with the carefully. It is also recommended to go for a longitudinal design to
same findings (Liu & Jung, 1980). In other words, it can be interpreted understand the phenomenon more clearly. Time- and finance-related
that better IQ may become the source of satisfaction at particular constraints restricted researchers to collect data beyond a certain
organizations where learning contributes toward achieving objectives. number of higher educational institutes. A more vastly randomized
Evidence also exists where researchers have already identified satis- sample may bring varied findings. Participants of the study also lack
faction of individuals result into innovative ideas, better teamwork, female representation, which was almost about 14%. Increased female
and increased profitability (Eskildsen & Dahlgaard, 2000; Li-Ping Tang, representation may also have different implications regarding gender.
Kim, & Shin-Hsiung Tang, 2000). Personality types A/B have got sub- The measures of this study also brought a particular contextual factor
stantial importance in the literature related to stress. This research with them. Replacement of these measures with more robust tools
study has also examined Type A/B individuals regarding the relation- may also produce new insights.
ship between personality and performance. Glass and Carver (1980) In future, researchers could investigate the relationship between
found that individuals with Type A personality are hyperreactive to IQ and job performance for workers of different ages in the regions
the stressful situations that are not under their control. However, where there have been major shifts toward or away from stratification
under the routine circumstances being more competitive, they out- of educational or workplace resources based on IQ. The implications
perform Personality B employees. Ganster, Fusilier, and Mayes (1986) of the phenomenon under consideration of intelligence and perfor-
also found same correlations in their study, as it states that Type B mance are not limited to the particular field, or division, or
MURTZA ET AL. 9 of 12

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Zagorsky, J. L. (2007). Do you have to be smart to be rich? The impact of IQ

on wealth, income and financial distress. Intelligence, 35(5), 489–501. in international refereed journals which include the critical areas
of performance evaluation & development of teachers in higher
education of Pakistan. He has been working as education consul-
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHI ES tant and human resource advisor in various institutes of Asia and
Mr. Muhammad Hamid Murtza is Assistant Professor in School of
Dr. Amna Noor is the Head of the Finance Department at School
Business Management & Administrative Sciences, Islamia Univer-
of Business, Management & Administrative Sciences. She joined
sity of Bahawalpur. He has served leading public and private Uni-
the Islaima University of Bahwalpur in 2005 as a lecturer in
versities of Pakistan on various administrative positions for more
Finance. She was awarded with Faculty development scholarship
than 10 years. He is PhD scholar and his area of interest include
to support her higher studies. She holds MSc in Investment and
organizational behavior and project management.
Finance from Queen Mary University of London and PhD in
Mr. Shahzad Ali Gill is Assistant Professor (Public Administration) finance from University of Glasgow. Her research interests
in the Department of Political Science, the Islamia University of include corporate finance, especially within the sub-field of
Bahawalpur. He is also enrolled in PhD (Management) in School Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Structure as well as Behav-
of Business, Management & Administrative Sciences. His areas of ioral Finance.
interest include public policy management, public administration,
organizational behavior, project management, organizational
resource planning & development, youth policies, youth empow-
erment, sustainable development and strategic communication. How to cite this article: Murtza MH, Gill SA, Aslam HD,
Noor A. Intelligence quotient, job satisfaction, and job
Dr. Hassan Danial Aslam, an Asian scholar and Management Con-
performance: The moderating role of personality type. J Public
sultant, is serving as Assistant Professor in The Islamia University
Affairs. 2020;e2318.
of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. He is author of various research papers

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