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Finding Microaggressions in the Wild:

A Case for Locating Elusive Phenomena in Social Media Posts

Luke M. Breitfeller♠ Emily Ahn♠ David Jurgens♦ Yulia Tsvetkov♠

Carnegie Mellon University ♦ University of Michigan
{mbreitfe, eahn1, ytsvetko},

Microaggressions are subtle, often veiled,
manifestations of human biases. These un-
civil interactions can have a powerful negative
impact on people by marginalizing minorities
and disadvantaged groups. The linguistic sub-
tlety of microaggressions in communication
has made it difficult for researchers to analyze
their exact nature, and to quantify and extract
microaggressions automatically. Specifically,
the lack of a corpus of real-world microag- Figure 1: Existing state-of-the-art tools for hate speech de-
gressions and well-defined criteria for annotat- tection and sentiment analysis cannot identify the veiled of-
fensiveness of microaggressions (MA S) like the one in this
ing them have prevented researchers from ad- real comment, because in many cases, the framing of a MA
dressing these problems at scale. In this pa- includes stylistic markers of positive language. This moti-
per, we devise a general but nuanced, com- vates the need for a corpus and new tools for detecting MA S.
putationally operationalizable typology of mi-
croaggressions based on a small subset of mi- subtly or often unconsciously expresses a preju-
croaggression data that we have. We then cre- diced attitude toward a member of a marginalized
ate two datasets: one with examples of di- group such as a racial minority.” Though sub-
verse types of microaggressions recollected by tle, MA S have been shown to have lasting harm-
their targets, and another with gender-based
ful impacts on their targets. Qualitative interviews
microaggressions in public conversations on
social media. We introduce a new, more ob- suggest that the subtlety of MA S may cause even
jective criterion for annotation and an active- greater levels of situational stress than overt ag-
learning based procedure that increases the gression (Sue, 2010; Nadal et al., 2014).
likelihood of surfacing posts containing mi- Despite a public effort to recognize and
croaggressions. Finally, we analyze the trends reduce—if not eliminate—their occurrence (Kim,
that emerge from these new datasets.
2013; Neff, 2015), there has been no computa-
tional work to detect and analyze MA S at scale.
1 Introduction
Instead, much of the recent work has focused
Toxicity and offensiveness are not always ex- on explicitly toxic language (e.g., Waseem et al.,
pressed with toxic language. While a substantial 2017), with surveys of the area also overlooking
community effort has rightfully focused on iden- this important and challenging task of recognizing
tifying, preventing, and mitigating overtly toxic, this subtle toxicity (van Aken et al., 2018; Salmi-
profane, and hateful language (Schmidt and Wie- nen et al., 2018; Fortuna and Nunes, 2018). In-
gand, 2017), offensiveness spans a far larger spec- deed, as Figure 1 suggests, current popular tools
trum that includes comments with more implicit for toxic language detection do not recognize the
and subtle signals that are no less offensive (Ju- toxicity of MA S and further, sentiment tools can
rgens et al., 2019). One significant class of label these comments as being positive. As a re-
subtle-but-offensive comments includes microag- sult, applications using such techniques to pro-
gressions (Sue et al., 2007, MA S), defined in mote inoffensive content may potentially promote
Merriam-Webster as “a comment or action that MA S. Such biased online content is then used

Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 1664–1674,
Hong Kong, China, November 3–7, 2019. 2019c Association for Computational Linguistics
as training data in NLP tools—dialogue systems, cial gap in existing MA S research is the lack of
question answering, and others—thereby perpetu- systematic analysis of reports (Lilienfeld, 2017),
ating and amplifying biases (Zhao et al., 2017). which has contributed to the difficulty of under-
Computational modeling of MA S is challeng- standing what constitutes a microagression. Here,
ing for many reasons. MA S are subjective, we aim to address this gap by introducing a new
context-sensitive, and expressed subtly in lan- dataset of MA S and then use this data and prior
guage (as shown in Figure 1); there are no well- qualitative research to construct a new typology of
defined annotation guidelines, no corpus of MA S MA S. This new typology enables us to ground the
for training and evaluating a model, and prior com- notion of what is a microagression, which also ad-
putational approaches to detecting overtly offen- dresses criticism that the concept is too slippery.
sive speech are likely not suitable for classifying The typology is critical for downstream analyses
MA S. Moreover, they are diluted in the ocean of of determining who is affected and how they are
social media content, and it would be infeasible to being targeted. Further, we use the typology as a
create a corpus of diverse types of MA S just by practical heuristic for identifying which types of
crowdsourcing annotations of randomly sampled MA S are the highest impact for computational ap-
social media posts. This paper makes a first step proaches. As a test, we develop a classifier using
towards closing this gap, providing (i) a typology the typology and show that different types of MA S
of MA S, (ii) a corpus, and (iii) a first computa- are readily distinguished.
tional model to surfacing MA S.
2.1 S ELF MA: Dataset
Here, we introduce the first computational anal-
ysis of MA S with three main contributions. First, The Tumblr website
we create a seed corpus through collecting self- curates a collection of self-reported accounts of
reported accounts of MA S online; we analyze this MA S. They were collected by asking people to fill
data using prior research in social science on MA S out an online form with three questions: the story
in order to derive an operationalizable classifica- of the microaggression, the context, and how the
tion scheme (§2.2), which we show can be used microaggression made them feel. As such, the mi-
as training data to classify types of MA S (§2.4). croaggression accounts in this corpus come from
Second, we develop a new active-learning based individuals who self-report the incident, and who,
crowdsourcing technique to identify candidate mi- presumably, are at least familiar with the term “mi-
croaggression messages for annotation (§3). In a croaggressions.”
large-scale study of gender-based MA S on Red- From this website, we collected 2,934 accounts
dit, we show that our method is effective at surfac- of MA S (henceforth, posts). Most posts are
ing MA S. Our novel approach surfaces MA S not manifestations of bias, targeting social groups
found through simply looking for offensive posts frequently discriminated against, including gen-
(§3.3). Finally, we compare the types of MA S der (1,314 posts), race (1,278 posts), sexuality
from self-reported accounts and those observed in (461 posts), and religion (88 posts), among oth-
social media comments, and we draw new conclu- ers. Some are formatted to show the conversation
sions about how MA S behave and may be identi- structure of the recollection of the incidents, while
fied in online settings (§4). 1 some others are shown as plain narratives. We re-
fer to this dataset as S ELF MA.
2 A Corpus of Microaggression Classes
2.2 A New Typology of Microaggressions
Previous examinations of MA S have typically fo- As originally specified in Sue et al. (2007), MA S
cused on small scale studies with interviews, sur- were categorized into 13 themes across specific
veys, or discussions with clinicians (e.g., Shel- axes of discrimination such as racism and sexism.
ton and Delgado-Romero, 2013; Campbell and These themes were developed qualitatively from
Manning, 2014; Forrest-Bank and Jenson, 2015), transcripts with therapists. However, while they
aiming at understanding the causes and effects of were comprehensive in the clinical domain, here,
MA S on their targets (Wong et al., 2014). A cru- we aim to create a more general framework for
classifying MA S in online interactions. Specifi-
All data and code produced through this work is available
at This study was approved by the cally, our new typology builds upon the work of
Institutional Review Board (IRB). Sue et al. (2007) with three goals in mind: the ty-

pology should be (1) generalizable across different
axes of discrimination, (2) sufficiently represented
in our corpus, and (3) comprehensive over all dis-
tinct microaggression types in the corpus.
Four key themes were identified in our analy-
sis of the MA S data: Attributive, Institutionalized,
Teaming, and Othering (see Table 1). We discuss
each of these next.2
The Attributive theme covers instances where
a microaggression attributes a stereotype to an in-
dividual based on their identity. These stereo-
types may have inherently negative connotations Figure 2: The distribution of four axes of discrimination
(“lazy”), but may also be neutral (“liking pink”) (gender, race, sexuality, and other) in each subtheme.
or positive (“strong”), which complements recent
ues as low as 0.59, and Word Sense Disambigua-
work on benevolent sexism (Jha and Mamidi,
tion (Passonneau et al., 2012), which reported α
2017). The Institutionalized theme reflects larger
values for some words below 0.30 at determining
institutionalized biases, such as in employment or
law enforcement. The Teaming theme is derived
The final dataset was determined by first retain-
from the term forced teaming, coined by de Becker
ing all posts where at least two annotators agreed
(1997) to describe a strategy of abuse where the
(183 posts). And where there were no agree-
abusers frames themselves as being on the same
ment (17 posts), the annotators determine the la-
team as the victim. The Othering theme covers
bels through a follow-up adjudication process.3
MA S which revolve around framing the target in
After this process, another 1,100 posts were singly
relation to some “othered” group. This theme of-
annotated, distributed across the three annotators,
ten co-exists with “Attribution of Stereotype,” but
for a total of 1,300 posts. Relative percentages of
is distinct in that its focus is on redefining the tar-
each theme and examples comments are shown in
get’s sense of identity.
Table 3. We also show the distribution of differ-
2.3 Annotation Results ent axes of discrimination among the subthemes
in Figure 2.
Three annotators familiar with the theoretical
background and prior research on microagressions 2.4 Classifying Types of Microaggressions
performed an open coding procedure after exam- As a further examination of the typology, we per-
ining the S ELF MA data to codify the typology and form a study where a model is trained to classify a
determine annotation guidelines. All three labeled comment into one of the four themes. Linear SVM
200 instances of the dataset to estimate agreement. classifiers were trained in a one-versus-rest setup
Despite the difficulty of the task, annotators had using (i) word unigrams and bigrams on the tok-
moderate agreement, as shown in Table 2. While enized version of the posts,4 (ii) categories in the
lower than what is considered high agreement 2015 LIWC lexicon (Pennebaker et al., 2015), (iii)
(Artstein and Poesio, 2008), given the potentially- sentiment lexicons, and (iv) the topic distribution
subjective nature of MA S and criticism for lack for a 40-topic LDA model (Blei et al., 2003). They
of objectivity (Lilienfeld, 2017), we view this re- were trained on 1,000 posts and evaluated using a
sult as a strongly positive sign that reliable annota- held-out test set of 300 posts.
tion is possible despite the challenge. This moder- Classifier performance, measured as F1, was on
ate agreement is on-par with other difficult anno-
tation tasks, such as those for connotation frames There were 26 posts deemed to be exclusively overt ag-
gressions (which could be detected using existing hate speech
(Rashkin et al., 2016), which had 0.52 percentage classifiers), and these occurred only in the training set. We re-
agreement for rating the polarity of the sentence moved them from our corpus.
towards a target, dimensions of social relation- We used NLTK wordpunct tokenize on the con-
catenated texts from the structured and unstructured format of
ships (Rashid and Blanco, 2017), which had κ val- the posts, normalizing two or more repeated characters into
two. We only take those unigram and bigram features which
The full description of themes, sub-themes, and exam- appear in at least two posts as our feature set. This gives us
ples can be found in Supplementary Material §2. 8,853 distinct features in the training data.

Sub-theme Definition and Example
Link some attributes to an individual based on their identity.
Attribution of Stereotype
“Girls just aren’t good at math.”

Marginalized individuals are foreign.

Alien in Own Land
“But where are you from, originally?”
Marginalized individuals are abnormal.
“Why do we need the word cisgender? That’s just normal people.”
Diminish the humanity of marginalized individuals.

“If you don’t want to get hit on, wear a longer skirt.”
Link a persons identity to criminality, danger, or illness.
Criminal Status
“You look like a terrorist with that beard.”
Marginalized individuals belong to low-status positions in society.
Second-Class Citizen
“Oh, you work at an office? I bet you’re a secretary.”
Differences in treatment are due to ones merit.
Forced Teaming

Myth of Meritocracy
“They just cast actors who are best for it. Why does it matter if they’re all white?”
Minimize the experiences of a marginalized individuals.
Denial of Lived Experience
“It was just a joke! You’re too sensitive.”
Anyone can have some claim to a marginalized groups experiences.
“Why is it offensive for a white person to wear a bindi? It’s just jewelry.”
All members of a marginalized group are identical.

“My gay friend doesn’t have a problem with this show. I don’t get why you’re mad.”
Anyone can claim that an individual does not belong to that group.
“Your mom is white, so it’s not like you’re really black, though.”
Table 1: Sub-themes that we developed based on the data from, and short excerpts that show the
main claim or assumption of each sub-theme. Examples demonstrate that MA S can harm and invalidate in a subtle way, typi-
cally targeting disadvantaged populations. The phenomenon is complex, different from overt profanity or negative sentiment.

Theme Fleiss’ κ versus how it was recalled, and (ii) biases in which
Attributive 0.4156 kinds of microaggression comments are recalled.
Institutionalized 0.5058 These make future computational attempts at de-
Teaming 0.5048 tecting MA S more difficult by skewing a model
Othering 0.4300 away from linguistic signals used in real-world—
Overall 0.4641 rather than recalled—behavior.
A natural solution is to collect and annotate
Table 2: Inter-annotator agreement across three annotators
on the four themes of microaggressions. examples of MA S, scaling this process by using
crowdsourcing. There are, however, two critical
par with annotator agreement at 44.25. However,
obstacles to using the straightforward approach
individual themes varied substantially in their per-
of asking crowdworkers to identify random social
formance, indicating not all were easily recog-
media posts as MA S: (1) untrained crowdworkers
nizable. Attributive and Institutionalized had the
are unlikely to reliably identify these posts due to
highest performance at 58.33 and 44.76, respec-
the potential subjectivity of MA S, and (2) a naive
tively; in contrast, Teaming and Othering had far
random sampling of social media posts is unlikely
lower F1 scores at 32.69 and 15.87, respectively.
to uncover MA S due to their sparsity, and since
Both Teaming and Othering were the least fre-
MA S are veiled manifestations of biases, it is also
quent themes in the corpus, increasing the diffi-
not clear how to use lexicons as a sieve for a strat-
culty of recognizing them from limited data.
ified selection of posts to annotate.
3 Locating Microaggressions in the Wild In this second part of the paper, we devise a
novel methodology to address the two challenges
The vast majority of microaggression data comes to curate microaggression corpora from social me-
from self-reported recollections, including the dia posts with a two-pronged approach: opera-
MA S corpus that we collected. Self-reported data tionalizing and surfacing MA S.
is crucial for studying the phenomenon and its ef-
fects, but is arguably not suitable for training clas- Operationalizing Microaggressions As the
sifiers, due to two critical limitations: (i) biases in first study to crowdsource MA S, we focus on find-
how the offending comment was originally made ing examples of gender-based MA S. By focusing

Category % Examples Toxicity
Attributive 50 For a female, you’ve got backbone. .12
There’s fighting, for you boys, and romance, for you ladies .10
Institutionalized 28 So you make the coffee and he does the work? .07
Summer’s coming! Gotta fit into that tight swimsuit. .23
Teaming 23 Most workplace harassment is an example of women being oversensitive to advances of men .27
So were you good enough to get in or did you get in through a women’s quota? .19
Othering 17 I don’t want another woman boss. Already have one and she has me running around all the time .17
Table 3: The final microaggression typology after analyzing 1,300 self-reported microaggressions in S ELF MA dataset. As
shown by the percentages of instances covered each category, this typology effectively summarizes the broad themes (note that
one instance may be labeled with multiple categories). For each category, the overall toxicity score (measured in [0,1] using
the Google Perspective API) is low, indicating that currently none are reliably recognized as being offensive.

on gender-based MA S, the dominant group (male follows. We first select a random sample of Red-
annotators) and the marginalized groups (women dit posts from relevant subreddits. These posts are
and non-binary annotators)5 are easily elicited then given to crowdworkers to be annotated for
from the annotators through self-reporting. Since perceived offensiveness. This first round of anno-
training crowdworkers to directly identify MA S tations is then used to train a classifier for a MA-
is infeasible, we look for a more objective proxy relavent task. The classifier’s ratings are used to
that can identify, or at least help surface, posts pick the next batch of Reddit posts to be anno-
containing MA S. A key property of MA S is that tated, in order to surface more instances than ran-
they often result from different lived experience dom sampling.
between the individuals in the dominant group
and those in the marginalized groups. Thus, our Task Crowdworkers are shown comments in the
hypothesis is: there will be a discrepancy of context of an internet forum discussion. Crowd-
perceived offensiveness between the dominant workers are asked to imagine they have written the
group and the marginalized groups for MA S. If displayed post, and then after a button click, we
true, we can then ask annotators to annotate the reveal how someone (a replier) has commented to
perceived offensiveness of a statement, and use that post. They are then asked rate if they found
this as a proxy to surface MA S from social media the response offensive and if so, to what degree
posts. Based on Figure 2, we pick gender as the was it offensive on a seven-point Likert scale. This
discrimination axis for this work, since it covers a scale of offensiveness allows us to capture cases
large number of our posts. where a microaggression is perceived as offensive
by both annotator groups (genders), but to differ-
Surfacing Microaggressions To alleviate the ent degrees. To test our hypothesis and quantify
sparsity issue, we treat the annotation process as how certain posts could be perceived differently
an active learning procedure, where batches of by annotators of different genders, each annota-
posts to be annotated are provided by a classi- tion task includes a demographic question.6
fier that is trained to predict the discrepancy of
perceived offensiveness of a post, which we have Data To focus the data on interactions where
claimed above to be a proxy to MA S. This clas- gender may be a salient variable, Reddit data was
sifier can then be iteratively updated using the re- drawn from RtGender (Voigt et al., 2018), which
sults of all previous batches. Assuming the clas- has a post-and-reply interactions where the gender
sifier is good enough in predicting the proxy, the of each author has been inferred with high confi-
classifier will help surface the most likely candi- dence. After preliminary analyses, the initial data
dates of posts that contain MA S. In what follows, was randomly selected from 28 subreddits based
we describe the annotation process in detail and on their focus around gender issues (e.g,. Rela-
the resulting crowdsourced dataset. tionships, AskWomen).7
For the first round of annotation, we used
3.1 Crowdsourcing Microaggressions
these four subsets of posts to be annotated for of-
The full data collection process is set-up using
a multi-round annotation scheme, summarized as Following best practices in gender elicitation
(Jaroszewski et al., 2018), we include a third option of
5 “nonbinary, genderqueer, or otherwise”, which has a free-
Even this interpretation of gender is limited, as women
and nonbinary individuals experience gendered discrimina- form text box. We opted not to ask about cis or trans status
tion in different ways, and transgender men also have a in the demographic survey.
marginalized gender identity. See Supplementary Material §1 for the complete list.

fensiveness by the crowdworkers: 3.2 Experimental Setup
1. (S ELF MA) Posts from our MA S corpus (§2) We designed the annotation task with two pur-
that contain gender-based MA S (n = 59); poses in mind: (1) We want to test our hypothesis
2. (N ON -O FFENSIVE) Posts manually picked that there is discrepancy in how annotators of dif-
from the Reddit dataset that should quite ferent genders perceive MA S. By comparing the
clearly be perceived as not offensive by ev- distribution of discrepancy of perceived offensive-
eryone (n = 36); ness in S ELF MA, which consists solely of MA S,
3. (O FFENSIVE) Posts manually picked from and of that in O FFENSIVE, which consists solely
the Reddit dataset, filtering by profane lexi- of offensive posts, we can see whether the discrep-
cons targeting women, and a corpus of Twit- ancy test actually is an operationalizable criteria
ter hate speech (Davidson et al., 2017) that to distinguish MA S from offensive posts in gen-
should quite clearly be perceived as offensive eral. (2) We want to test our hypothesis that the
(n = 21); discrepancy can be used to surface MA S, bet-
4. (R ANDOM) Posts randomly selected from the ter than the alternatives. For the purpose of this
28 subreddits (n = 1007). experiment, we also trained a classifier to predict
The first three sets of posts serve as controls the offensiveness level of a post, and use that to
both to verify the soundness of our hypothesis provide a batch of posts to be annotated as well.
(S ELF MA) and to filter out untrusted crowdwork- By comparing the actual number of MA S by these
ers (N ON -O FFENSIVE and O FFENSIVE). two classifiers, we can test whether discrepancy
can be used to surface more MA S compared to of-
fensiveness in general.
Adaptive Data Selection As described previ-
Platform Setup Data was crowdsourced using
ously, after the first round of annotations, we use
Figure Eight with only Level 3 workers, a small
a classifier trained to predict discrepancy in per-
“group of most experienced, highest accuracy con-
ceived offensiveness to pick the next batch of posts
tributors”. Workers were shown 10 posts and
for the second round of annotation. The classi-
replies per page, one of which was a test question.
fier was given, as positive examples, posts with
Workers whose ratings were substantially outside
≥ 0.25 discrepancy8 between the averaged per-
of the rating range of our ground truth annotations
ceived offensiveness of the dominant group and
in more than 60% of cases were removed. Workers
the marginalized groups. Other posts are con-
were paid $0.40 per page. To control for language
sidered negative examples. The feature sets that
and cultural norms, workers were restricted to be-
we used are motivated by prior work on gender
ing from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
bias and power dynamics. The following seven
Much like Mechanical Turk (Hara et al.,
feature categories are used: (1) unigram and bi-
2019), Figure Eight has substantial representation
gram features to capture lexical patterns, (2) two
of female-identifying individuals (Posch et al.,
categories of formal and informal words derived
2018), with slightly more than 60% of users in
from the formality corpus of Pavlick and Tetreault
the US identifying as female on both platforms (a
(2016), (3) the gendered occupations lexicon of
higher rate than other countries). Studying gender-
Bolukbasi et al. (2016), grouped across defini-
based MA S on these platforms means we are more
tional and stereotypical gender (male, female, neu-
likely to get a gender-balanced sample than com-
tral), (4) the gender stereotype lexicon of Fast et al.
pared with other social categories subject to mi-
(2016), (5) the gender lexicon for social media
croaggressions such as religion, age, or sexual ori-
from (Sap et al., 2014), (6) a manually-compiled
entation, which would likely require targeted re-
corpus of gendered words, extended from seed list
cruiting of respondents or a massive collection of
from and
responses in order to achieve a balanced sample.
(7) a manually-compiled sentiment lexicon, in-
spired by LIWC. To facilitate reproducibility, all 3.3 Results
lexicons will be available in the software release. For the first experiment, Figure 3 shows the
distribution of perceived offensiveness discrep-
The threshold was chosen empirically to ensure enough ancy between the dominant group (men) and the
number of positive examples. marginalized group (women and non-binary) an-

surfacing MA S.

Gender Discrepancy
in Annotations 4 Reported vs Observed Themes
How do self-reported and passively-observed
0.5 MA S differ in thematic frequencies? Here, we use
our thematic classifier (§2.4) to label all the mi-
SelfMA Offensive croaggression data in Reddit. Analyzing the the-
matic differences reveals substantial differences
Figure 3: Difference in perceived offensiveness between an-
notator genders show that MA S in the S ELF MA were per- between the two datasets. The Stereotype theme
ceived as substantially more offensive by annotators identify- was by far the most common in our S ELF MA
ing as women (shown through a positive rating discrepancy
on y-axis) than offensive comments in O FFENSIVE. Differ-
data (53%), but it rarely occurs in our Reddit
ence is significant under t-test (p < 0.001). (3%). Instead, Objectification is the most com-
mon, as shown through the Institutionalized cate-
notators, which supports our hypothesis that MA S gory (79%). Analyzing where the MA S occurred
in S ELF MA are perceived as substantially more in Reddit, we observed that of the 19 instances
offensive by annotators identifying as women and of MA S identified by our annotators, many came
non-binary. from strongly male-focused subreddits (e.g., Men-
For the second experiment, we asked crowd- sRights, Tinder, seduction, justneckbeardthings),
workers to annotate 2,000 posts with the highest where it would be expected that one male poster is
scores as predicted by the classifier, and then we talking to another. These online settings mirror of-
took the top 6% of Reddit posts with the highest fline highly-gendered settings where casually sex-
discrepancies scores and manually annotated them ist language is known to happen, e.g., “locker
for MA S. We predicted that these posts contain a room talk” (Katz, 1995). This is embodied in our
higher percentage of MA posts than those selected Institutionalized category (specifically the subcat-
randomly, and this hypothesis is supported: Out of egory “Objectification”) having a much stronger
these aggregate 120 posts, 13 are MA S (10.8%),9 presence in the Reddit MA S than the S ELF MA
compared to a manually annotated 200 random ones in Table 5. While such language may not be
posts from the R ANDOM batch, where only 6 of perceived as offensive in the original dialog con-
them (3%) were MA S. Examples are given in Ta- text, other readers who encounter it would likely
ble 4. feel offended and potentially marginalized.
A potential next hypothesis suggested by our Our work further points to two potential limi-
original hypothesis is that the classifiers trained on tation of self-reported statements. First, the base-
annotator discrepancy (with a higher level of of- line rates of MA S may not be reliably estimated
fense for female and non-binary annotators) would since the offensive comments are made elsewhere
be more successful in locating MA S than the clas- (outside of direct experience) and would only be
sifiers trained on pure offensiveness. However, we discovered to through observational analysis. Sec-
did find equal performance or slight gains in mi- ond, the difference in baseline rates suggests that
croaggression location when using the offensive- the relative differences in perceived offensiveness
ness classifier. Based on analysis of the S ELF MA by theme may result in different reported quanti-
data, we believe the cause may be that gender- ties of microagressions; as not all comments and
based MA S were not always annotated as being themes are equally offensive, people are more
more offensive to female annotators–many had likely to recall the extremes of events (Tversky and
strong discrepancies with male annotators being Kahneman, 1973), potentially contributing to the
more offended. As our annotator discrepancy clas- difference in thematic rates in our two datasets.
sifier was trained on samples more offensive to
women, these types of MA S would be filtered out 5 Discussion and Limitations
and decrease the model’s overall effectiveness at As a first computational study of MA S, our work
The 2,000 posts were selected by taking the top 500 posts comes with some notable limitations that each pro-
from the discrepancy and offensiveness classifiers on two dif- vide clear avenues for future work. First, the
ferent subsets of the Reddit data. Out of the 13 MA S, 6 come
from the discrepancy classifiers, and 7 come from the offen- current dataset contains just over 6.5K instances.
siveness classifier. While useful, this corpus does is likely not fully

Classifier Category Subreddit : Examples
Discrepancy Institutionalized r/skateboarding: “this isn’t a real competitor though. She’s just a gross bimbo looking for
attention [...]”
Discrepancy Teaming r/changemyview: “[...] Don’t you think you ignored the real points I was making? Puting
him in a ”pro”-molester group, when he maybe just be pro tolerance?”
Offensive Institutionalized r/Tinder: “I’d f*** a stupid girl, but I definitely won’t date or marry her. Other intelligent
men are the same.”
Offensive Teaming r/MensRights: “[...] I myself don’t want to get the police involved over some girl saying she’ll
dump a guy or have an affair if he doesn’t meet her sexual standards.”
Table 4: Examples of MA S surfaced by the discrepancy/offensiveness classifiers, with corresponding manually-annotated
labels of their typology category.

Percentage [Non-Offensive] [Offensive]

Category S ELF MA (§2.1) Reddit 6 6

Attributive 53 3

4 4
Institutionalized 59 79
Teaming 10 21 2 2

Othering 7 10
Table 5: Gender-based MA S crawled in S ELF MA (n = 59) 0
-4 -2 0 2 4
-4 -2 0 2 4

and found in Reddit (n = 19) after the second round of anno- Discrepancy Discrepancy

tation, according to their category from our proposed typol- [SelfMA] [Random]
ogy (§2.2). 6



representative of all types of MA S. However, our 2


crowdsourcing approach does provide an effec-


tive way to surface MA S and our dual objective -4 -2 0

2 4 0
-4 -2 0 2 4

approach, which uses both annotator discrepancy
Figure 4: Offensiveness (y-axis) vs Discrepancy (x-axis)
and offensiveness, provides complementary views of perceived offensiveness between annotator gender. for
into what statements could be perceived as MA S. the four sets of posts (§3.1). Note that compared to clearly
offensive data [O FFENSIVE] and clearly non-offensive data
Additional iterations of this procedure are likely [N ON -O FFENSIVE], the S ELF MA data (§2.1) identified as
to improve microaggression recognition and sub- gendered MA S are annotated as somewhat offensive (indi-
stantially increase the seize of the corpus. We note cated by the distribution around the middle of the y-axis), and
having more discrepancy in perceived offensiveness between
that one option is to have workers generate ex- annotator genders (indicated by the higher degree of spread
amples, rather than rate (e.g., Xu et al., 2013; Su on the +x-axis). R ANDOM data collected from Reddit sit all
et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2018); however, such a along the two axes of offensiveness and discrepancy.
process raises ethical concerns of having crowd-
workers generate toxic statements towards others. and readily amenable to other societal dimensions
Second, our current focus is on gender-based of MA S.
MA S. This choice was motivated by the obser- Third, performance could still be improved even
vation that gender-based MA S are the largest cat- for the targeted case of gender-based MA S. For
egory in the S ELF MA data and, given that prior example, Figure 4 plots the distribution of posts
studies have shown substantial gender disparity according to the averaged perceived offensiveness
online, with women receiving more negative be- (y-axis) and the discrepancy between the domi-
haviors (Duggan, 2017), this choice has the po- nant group and the marginalized groups (x-axis).
tential for highest impact. Our work builds upon This shows that offensiveness and discrepancy in
a growing body of literature focused on identify- conjunction are better features than using just dis-
ing and mitigating gender disparity through com- crepancy in separating MA S from simply offen-
putational means (e.g., Magno and Weber, 2014; sive and non-offensive posts. A possible future di-
Garimella and Mihalcea, 2016; Li et al., 2018; rection could be to train a multi-task classifier to
Field et al., 2019; Field and Tsvetkov, 2019). Fur- predict both features in order to choose posts to
ther, our focus on gender also allows us to reli- annotate.
ably recruit crowdworkers across the gender spec- A final concern is that our approach may not
trum, whereas other social categories such as race truly be an ”objective” replacement to current
or religion are more difficult to recruit in a bal- MA Identification, as annotator bias is still present
anced proportion through traditional mechanisms. in this process. By choosing perceived offen-
However, despite this current focus, both the ty- siveness and discrepancies in perception as proxy
pology and annotation approach are designed for measures for MA S, we hope to shift studies of

MA S from a judgment call on an individual’s in- Acknowledgments
tent to a description of how it affects its targets,
The authors would like to thank the three review-
which can be described as an objective measure
ers for their very helpful and insightful feedback,
of human behavior that can be validated through
Figure Eight for providing funding as a part of
study. However, it is true that without that vali-
their AI for Everyone project, and the Washing-
dation, it is difficult to prove the behavior of our
ton Post data science team for data used during
crowdsourced annotators represents inherent, ob-
initial pilot studies of this project. YT gratefully
jective truths about how groups react to MA S.
acknowledges the support of the Okawa Foun-
dation and of the NSF grant no. IIS1812327.
6 Conclusion
EA was supported by NSF GRFP under grant
Offensive language can take many forms: seem- no. DGE1745016. The authors would also like
ingly positive comments can in reality be dismis- to acknowledge the people who helped with the
sive of the experiences and validity of other per- pilot study: Gayatri Bhat, Alexander Coda, An-
sons. MA S, everyday comments that marginalize jalie Field, Shirley Anugrah Hayati, Arnav Ku-
others on the basis of their identity, are a com- mar, Sachin Kumar, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Qinlan
mon form of this linguistically subtle offensive Shen, Sumeet Singh, Craig Stewart, Michael Yo-
language. While prior work in NLP has largely fo- der, Yiheng Zhou.
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