A. Lesson Name or Topic B. Goals and Objectives

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Bustos Campus
College of Education
S.Y. 2020-2021

Lesson Plan in Homeroom Guidance

Educational Development

A. Lesson Name or Topic

Time Management Strategies
B. Goals and Objectives

At the end of the lesson, student must able to:

 assist students in managing time effectively in order to balance

activities and studying as well as reduce stress
 explore solution for prioitizing activities
 apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school

C. Materials Needed

Audio-visual Aids
Copies of activity worksheet
Time management assessment

D. Time Allotment: 1 Hour

E. Classroom Activities

 Ask students to individually

1. How do you spend each hour of the day? How would you like to spend a
typical day? Why/how are these answers different? How do you spend your
hours overall during the week? How would you like to spend a typical week?
Why/how are these answers different?

2. What are your top three priorities on a day-to-day basis? What should they be?

3. How much time do you spend “giving back” to others (including your family,
school, or community)? Do you think you spend too much time caring for
others? Do you feel like you spend the right amount of time? If you don’t feel
like you spend enough time caring for others, how might you spend more time?

4. When/how do you practice self-care? Is this enough time? Too little? Too

5. If you could do anything with your time, what would it be?

F. Introduction Review
Before proceed to discussion, I prepared a presentation video about to our lesson

Source: (18) A Powerful Lesson on Time Management - Golden Nugget #128 - YouTube
G. Lesson Proper

Through class discussion, students will explore the amount of time needed each day
to complete the following: sleep, meals, school time, transportation to and from school.
This will be then subtracted from 24 hours. The balance then needs to be divided by
students individually according to the appropriate topics: study time/homework; sports
practice; music/dance lessons; chores; etc. Discuss the following with students: the
need to prioritize each activity and that each day's schedule may be different
according to lessons, practices, etc. Explore solutions for "too much to do/too little
time" and the related stress. Invite student input.

H. Processing

Now that you’re fully understand about the lesson we were going to make an activity


Part I. Think back over the last 24 hours and calculate how time you have spent on the
following activities. Blanks are provided for you to add other categories if needed.
I spent:

__________ minutes on sleeping.

__________ minutes with my family.
__________ minutes eating
__________ minutes on TV or video games.
__________ minutes talking to my friends
__________ minutes on ___________________
__________ minutes on activities __________ minutes on ___________________

I. Homework/ In – Between Lesson Activity (If Applicable)

For assignment, the student will make a pencil and paper task about their
future self they will write a paragraph about what they think should happened
in their self 10 years from now.

J. Closing
Have students volunteer to share some of the decisions they made in order to
adapt their schedules. What priorities did they set? Did they have to give
anything up or move it to the weekends? Do they think these schedules can
work as a guide for managing their time?
Do you have a routine? Routines are a great way to help you get everything done on
time. Before doing anything, plan it and what you have to do first according to its
importance. And no matter what happens; do not allow these distractions to become
your priority.

How do you establish a routine?

1. Write down the things you need to accomplish

2. Every item written on your list must be given a time frame
3. Organize every item written according to its importance.
4. Make a plan on how to achieve your goals in the given time frame
5. Focus. This will help you accomplish every little thing you have to do.

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