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Information Management in Sports

Dr. Mohamed Montash

2020 – 2021 2nd Semester

Chapter 2-1

Information and Decision Making

Planning Ahead — Chapter 2-1 and 2-2 Study

Ø How is information technology changing the workplace?

Ø What in the role of information in the management


Ø How do managers use information to make decisions?

Ø What are the steps in the decision-making process?

Ø What are the current issues in managerial decision

Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?
Ø Information and knowledge — basic linkages:
– Knowledge and knowledge workers provide a
decisive competitive factor in today’s economy.
– Knowledge worker.
• Someone whose value to the organization rests with
intellect, not physical capabilities.
– Intellectual capital.
• Shared knowledge of a workforce that can be used
to create wealth.
Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?
Ø Information and knowledge — basic linkages
– Knowledge and intellectual capital are
irreplaceable organizational resources.
– The productivity of knowledge and knowledge
workers depends on:
• Computer competency.
• Information competency.

Management - Chapter 7 5
Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?
Ø Electronic commerce.
– The process of buying and selling goods and services
electronically through use of the Internet.
• B2C e-commerce.
• B2B e-commerce.
– Stages of development in e-commerce:
• Secure an online identity.
• Establish a Web presence.
• Enable e-commerce.
• Provide e-commerce and customer relationship management.
• Utilize a service application model.

Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?

Ø Implications of IT within organizations:

– Facilitation of communication and information
– Operating with fewer middle managers.
– Flattening of organizational structures.
– Faster decision making.
– Increased coordination and control.

Figure 7.1 Information technology is
breaking barriers and changing organizations.

Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?

Ø Implications of IT for relationships with

external environment:
– Helps with customer relationship management.
– Helps organizations with supply chain
– Helps in monitoring outsourcing and other
business contracts.
Management - Chapter 7 9
Study Question 1: How is information
technology changing the workplace?

Ø How IT is changing the office …

– Progressive organizations actively use IT to help
achieve high performance in uncertain environments.
– IT has dramatically changed nature of offices.

– Key developments in networked offices:

• Instant messaging.

• Peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P).

Management - Chapter 7 10
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?
Ø What is useful information?
– Data.
• Raw facts and observations.
– Information.
• Data made useful for decision making.
– Information drives management functions.
– Characteristics of useful information:
• Timely.
• High quality.
• Complete.
• Relevant.
• Understandable.
Management - Chapter 7 11
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Information needs of organizations.

– Information exchanges with the external
• Gather intelligence information
• Provide public information
– Information exchanges within the organization:
• Facilitate decision making.
• Facilitate problem solving.

Management - Chapter 7 12
Figure 7.2 External and internal
information needs of organizations.

Management - Chapter 7 13
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Basic information system concepts:

– Information system.
• Use of the latest IT to collect, organize, and
distribute data for use in decision making.
– Management information system (MIS).
• Specifically designed to meet the information needs
of managers in daily decision making.

Management - Chapter 7 14
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Basic information system concepts (cont.):

– Decision support system (DSS).
• An interactive information system that allows users
to organize and analyze data for solving complex
and sometimes unstructured problems.
• Group decision support system (GDSS) facilitates
group efforts to solve complex and unstructured
• GDSSs use groupware.

Management - Chapter 7 15
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Basic information system concepts (cont.):

– Artificial intelligence (AI)
• Computer systems with the capacity to reason the
way people do.
– Expert systems (ES).
• Software systems that use AI to mimic the thinking
of human experts.

Management - Chapter 7 16
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Basic information system concepts (cont.):

– Intranets and corporate portals.
• Allow employees, by password access, to share databases and
communicate electronically.
– Extranets and enterprise portals.
• Allow communication and data sharing between the
organization and the external environment.
– Electronic data interchange (EDI).
• Uses controlled access to enterprise portals and supporting
software to enable electronic transactions between businesses.
Management - Chapter 7 17
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?

Ø Managerial advantages of IT utilization:

– Planning advantages.
• Better and more timely access to useful information.
• Involving more people in planning.
– Organizing advantages.
• More ongoing and informed communication among
all parts of the organization.
• Improved coordination and integration.

Management - Chapter 7 18
Study Question 2: What is the role of
information in the management process?
Ø Managerial advantages of IT utilization
– Leading advantages.
• Improved communication with staff and
• Keeping objectives clear.
– Controlling advantages.
• More immediate measures of performance results.
• Allows real-time solutions to performance problems.

Management - Chapter 7 19
Figure 7.3 The manager as an
information-processing nerve center.

Management - Chapter 7 20

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