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rd kesÀ Jele&ceeve meom³e
Annual Report

Þeer Sce. Deej. JegÀceej, DeO³e#e

Shri M.R. Kumar, Chairman

Þeerr osyeeMeerøe Heeb[e Þeer jepesMe Jecee&

Shri Debasish Panda Shri Rajesh Verma

Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© Þeer osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee Þeer ìer meer megMeerue JegÀceej
Smt. Padmaja Chunduru Shri Devesh Srivastava Shri T C Suseel Kumar

Þeer efJeefHeve Deevevo Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee Þeer jepe kegÀceej
Shri Vipin Anand Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta Shri Raj Kumar

Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea Þeer Deej. Sve. ®elegJe&soer Þeer Deej. ®ebêMesKejve
Shri Bimalendu Chakrabarti Shri R.N. Chaturvedi Shri R. Chandrasekaran
JeeefJeer<e&kb eÀ efjHeesì&
6363Annual rd Jeeef<e&kReport
eÀ efjHeesì&

veeieefjkeÀ Iees<eCee-he$e
nceeje keÀuhevee oMe&ve
Debleje&ä^er³e mlej keÀer SkeÀ he´eflemheOeea, efJeMeeue efJeÊeer³e mecetn, pees efJeefYeVe meceepeeW kesÀ efueS cenlJehetCe& nes SJeb Yeejle keÀe ieewjJe nes~

nceeje ue#³e
DeekeÀeb#ee kesÀ Devegªhe Glheeo SJeb mesJeeDeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mecegef®ele ueeYe kesÀ meeLe efJeÊeer³e megj#ee he´oeve keÀj meYeer kesÀ peerJeve mlej keÀes efvejeheo jKevee SJeb GVele keÀjvee
leLee Deee|LekeÀ efJekeÀeme kesÀ efueS mebmeeOeve megefveeq½ele keÀjvee~
nceejs cetu³e nceejer mebmke=Àefle
DeefYej#eCe Je efMeäe®eej o#elee
DeefYe¬eÀce Je veJeervelee DevegketÀuelee
mel³eefveÿe Je heejoe|Melee men³eesie
iegCeJeÊee Je ueeYe he´efleye×lee
menYeeefielee Je mebyebOe DevegMeemeve
efJeéemeveer³elee Je Yejesmee DeefOeke=Àle keÀjvee


To transform ourselves into a transnationally competitive financial conglomerate of significance to societies and the Pride of India.

To ensure and enhance the quality of life of people through financial security by providing products and services of aspired attributes with
competitive returns and by rendering resources for economic development.


Caring and courtesy Agility
Initiatives and Innovation Adaptability
Integrity and Transparency Collaboration
Quality and Returns Commitment
Participation and Relationship Discipline
Trustworthiness and Reliability Empowerment

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
efJe<e³e met®eer
1. DeecegKe 7
2. efveiece SJeb meefceefle³eeW kesÀ meom³e, efveiece kesÀ Jeefjÿ he´MeemekeÀ, cegK³e yeerceebkeÀkeÀ, SJeb #es$eer³e 7
meueenkeÀej yees[& SJeb Hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀ heefj<eo kesÀ meom³e
3. Deee|LekeÀ heefjJesMe Deewj peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e hej meceeqä Deee|LekeÀ heefjJesMe keÀe he´YeeJe 7
4. keÀe³e& heefjCeece : 13
1) veJe J³eJemee³e : J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee, meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer, heWMeve, vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe, ³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e,
mecetn yeercee J³eJemee³e, meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeSb, he´Lece yeercee, ie´eceerCe yeercee,
2) efJeefYeVe #es$eeW ceW ®eeuet J³eJemee³e : J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee, meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer, heWMeve, vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe,
³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e, mecetn yeercee J³eJemee³e
5. hetbpeer cees®eve leLee efveeq½ele Jeee|<ekeÀer J³eJemee³e 15
6. hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ meebefJeefOekeÀ efJeJejCe 15
7. mebieþvepev³e {eb®ee 15
8. peerJeve efveefOe, DeefOeMes<e leLee he´oÊe keÀj 15
9. efJeheCeve ieefleefJeefOe³eeb :
1) efJeefYeVe ®ewveueeW Üeje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee veJe J³eJemee³e : yeQkesÀM³eesjsvme SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ ®ewveume, he´l³e#e efJeheCeve, 16
mJeemL³e yeercee, met#ce yeercee, Glheeo efJekeÀeme Deewj Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer
2) DeefYekeÀlee& : DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer mebK³ee, DeefYekeÀlee& keÌueye meom³elee, Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer ³eespevee, 19
cegK³e peerJeve yeercee meueenkeÀej SJeb he´eefOeke=Àle DeefYekeÀlee&
3) efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020-2021 kesÀ efueS ³eespevee 20
10. efJeosMe he´®eeueve : efJeosMeer MeeKeeSb, efJeosMeer meb³egÊeÀ GhekebÀheefve³eeb SJeb he´efleefveefOe keÀe³ee&ue³e, 20
11. ie´enkeÀ mebyebOe he´yevOeve : oeJeeW keÀe efveheìeve, he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve JesÀ efueS JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece, ie´enkeÀ efMekeÀe³ele efvekeejCe 21
12. efveieefcele mebhe´s<eCe 26
13. met®evee DeefOekeÀej DeefOeefve³ece, 2005 27
14. keÀee|cekeÀ/keÀce&®eejer mebyebOe 28
keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee, keÀce&®eejer mebyebOe, ceefnueeDeeW keÀe meMeefÊeÀkeÀjCe
Deej#eCe : jeä^er³e veerefle keÀe³ee&vJe³eve, Devegmetef®ele peeefle/pevepeeefle³eeW SJeb Dev³e efheí[s JeieeX kesÀ efueS Deej#eCe,
efok³eebiepeve, YetlehetJe& mewefvekeÀ, DeefYeJeÀlee&Deesb JeÀes Deekeemeer³e $eÝCe, JeÀe³ee&ue³e meskee
15. ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeÀeme : mebieþve efJekeÀeme/he´efMe#eCe, KesueketÀo, hegmleJeÀeue³e 30
16. he´yebOe efJekeÀeme kesÀvê 33
17. jepeYee<ee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve 33
18. DeefYe³eebef$ekeÀer keÀe³e&keÀueehe 33
19. mebheoe/meeceefjkeÀ J³eJemee³e FkeÀeF& - mebheoe 33
20. met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer 34
21. DeebleefjkeÀ DebkesÀ#eCe 35
22. efvejer#eCe 35
23. veJe J³eJemee³e SJeb hegveyeeacee 36
24. meleke&Àlee 36
25. efveieefcele meeceeefpekeÀ GÊejoeef³elke : mecetn yeercee ³eespeveSb SJeb Dev³e meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee, 37
meeceeefpekeÀ #es$e ceW efveJesMe SJeb mJeCe&pe³ebefle HeÀeTb[sMeve
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
26. keÀeheexjsì DeefYeMeemeve
1) yees[& DeefYeMeemeve mebj®evee 39
2) yees[& keÀer yewþkeWÀ 47
3) kesÀvêer³e he´yebOeve meefceefle 47
4) #es$eer³e meueenkeÀej yees[& 47
5) hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀ heefj<eo 47
6) peerJeve yeercee efveiece DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ Debleie&le efveoxMe 47
7) uesKee hejer#ekeÀ 47
8) veeefcele efveosMekeÀ 47
27. efJeefJeOe JeÀe³e&JeÀueehe ieefleefJeefOe³eeb: Sue.DeeF&.meer. neTeEmeie HeÀeF&veevme efueefceìs[, Sue.DeeF&.meer. c³et®³egDeue HeÀC[ Smesì
cewvespeceWì kebÀheveer efue., Sue.DeeF&.meer. heWMeve HeÀC[ efueefceìs[, SueDeeF&meer keÀe[& mee|Jemesme efueefceìs[, DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQJeÀ 49
28. DeeYeej he´oMe&ve 54
• heefjCeeceeW keÀe meejebMe 55
• meejCeer 59
• heefjefMeä – I 73
efveiece kesÀ keefj÷ DeefOeJeÀejer, #es$eer³e meueenkeÀej yees[& SJeb hee@efuemeerOeejJeÀ heefj<eo kesÀ meom³eieCe
• heefjefMeä – II 83
meebefJeefOekeÀ (kesÀvêer³e) uesKee hejer#ekeÀ
• uesKee : uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW keÀer efjheesì& 1 161
• peerJeve J³eJemee³e : 174
• efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe (KeC[er³e)
â legueve-he$e : Yeejle SJeb Yeejle kesÀ yeenj mebye× SJeb Demebye× J³eJemee³e mes mebyebefOele 174
â jepemJe uesKee : Yeejle SJeb Yeejle kesÀ yeenj mebye× SJeb Demebye× J³eJemee³e mes mebyebefOele 178
(menYeeieer SJeb iewjmenYeeieer)
â ueeYe-neefve Keelee : Yeejle SJeb Yeejle kesÀ yeenj mebye× SJeb Demebye× J³eJemee³e mes mebyebefOele 214
â Devegmetef®e³eeb pees efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ DebieYetle nQ (Devegmetef®e³eeb 1 mes 15 lekeÀ) 218
â efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀe meejebMe 316
â Devegheele 318
â he´eeqhle SJeb Yegieleeve uesKee (vekeÀo he´Jeen efJeJejCe) 325

• hetbpeer cees®eve (efveOee&efjle meefnle) yeercee J³eJemee³e :

â legueve he$e 328
â jepemJe uesKee 330
â ueeYe neefve uesKee 332
â Devegmetef®e³eeb pees efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ DebieYetle nQ (Devegmetef®e³eeb 1 mes 4,6,8 Deewj 11 mes 14 lekeÀ) 334
â he´yebOeve efjheesì& 344

6363 Jeeef<e&Report
Annual keÀ efjHeesReport
I. New Business - Individual Assurance, General Annuities, Pensions, Non Linked Health,
Unit Linked Business, Group Insurance Business, Social Security Schemes,
First Insurance, Rural Thrust
II. Business in Force in Various Segments — Individual Assurance, General Annuities, Pensions,
Non Linked Health, Unit Linked Business, Group Insurance Business
1) New Business procured during 2017-18 Channel wise, Bancassurance & Alternate Channels, 94
Direct Marketing, Health Insurance, Micro Insurance, Product Development, and SBA.
2) AGENTS : Agency Strength, Agent’s Club Membership, Career Agents Scheme 96
Chief Life Insurance Advisor Scheme and Authorised Agents
3) BUSINESS PLANS FOR 2020-21 97
10. OVERSEAS OPERATIONS – Foreign Branches, Foreign Joint Venture Companies and Foreign
Wholly Owned Subsidiary 98
Settlement of Claims, Alternate Channels of Premium Payments, Offline Payment Channels,
Online Payment Channels and Customer’s Grievances Redressal
Staff Strength, Employee Relations, Empowerment of Women, Reservation and National Policy
Implementation - Housing Loan to Agents, Office Services
Group Schemes and Social Security, Investment in social sector and Golden Jubilee Foundation

63 Annual
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHees ì&
LIC Housing Finance Ltd., LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Company Ltd., LIC Pension Fund Ltd.
LIC Cards Services Ltd. And IDBI Bank
• TABLES 136
• APPENDIX - I 149
Senior Executives and Appointed Actuary,
Members of Zonal Advisory Boards and Policyholders’ Council.
Statutory (Central) Auditors
• ACCOUNTS: Auditor’s Report 161
• Financial Statement (Segmental)
â Balance Sheet: Non Linked and Linked in respect of Business in India and Out of India. 174
â Revenue Account: Non Linked and Linked in respect of Business in India and Out of India 178
(Participating and Non Participating)
â Profit and Loss Account: Non Linked and Linked in respect of Business in India and Out of India 214
â Schedules forming a part of the Financial Statements (Schedule 1 to 15) 218
â Summary of Financial Statements 316
â Ratios 318
â Receipt and Payment Account (Cash Flow Statement) 325
â Balance Sheet 328
â Revenue Account 330
â Profit & Loss Account 332
â Schedules forming part of the Financial Statements (Schedules 1 to 4, 6, 8 & 11 to 13) 334
â Management Report 344

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
1. DeecegKe :
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀes 31.03.2020 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ efueS peerJeve yeercee efveiece DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 keÀer Oeeje 27 kesÀ Devleie&le Deheveer 63Jeer
Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& he´mlegle keÀjves ceW n<e& nes jne nw ~
2. efveiece SJeb meefceefle³eeW kesÀ meom³e:
efveiece kesÀ meom³eeW leLee Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve FmekeÀer efJeefYeve meefceefle³eeW kesÀ meom³eeW kesÀ veece keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve ceW (he=ÿ mebK³ee 39 mes 48 lekeÀ),
efveiece kesÀ Jeefjÿ DeefOekeÀejer, efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ, #es$eer³e meueenkeÀej yees[& SJeb hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ heefj<eo meom³eeW kesÀ veece heefjefMeä I ceW nQ~ (he=ÿ mebK³ee 73 mes
82 lekeÀ)
3. Deee|LekeÀ heefjJesMe Deewj peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e hej meceeqä Deee|LekeÀ keÀejkeÀ keÀe he´YeeJe
Yeejleer³e Deee|LekeÀ heefj¢M³e
Je<e& 2019-20 ceW mejkeÀej Üeje keÀF¥ cenÊJehetCe& keÀoce GþeS ieS nQ; pewmes efkeÀ, jep³e kesÀ mJeeefcelJeJeeues ome yeQkeÀeW keÀe ®eej mebmLeeDeeW ceW efJeue³e, yeQkeÀeW
kesÀ efue³es ` 700 efyeefue³eve keÀe hetbpeeriele he´s<eCe, heesì&HeÀesefue³ees efveJesMe hej DeefOeYeej keÀe nìevee, keÀe@heexjsì keÀjeW ceW cenlJehetCe& keÀìewleer (DeeOeej oj keÀes
30% mes IeìekeÀj 22% keÀj efo³ee ie³ee), he´Oeeveceb$eer efkeÀmeeve ceeveOeve ³eespevee keÀe he´cees®eve, Deewj Deble ceW, Deieues heeb®e Je<eeX ceW FvHe´Àemì^keÌ®ej ceW 102
ueeKe keÀjesæ[ (ueieYeie DecesefjkeÀer $ 1,450 Dejye) keÀe efveJesMe hewkesÀpe~ DeLe&J³eJemLee ceW efvee|cele efJeÊeer³e leveeJeeW keÀe ³eLeesef®ele meb%eeve uesles ngS, mejkeÀej ves
Fvemee@uJeWmeer Sb[ yeQkeÀjhmeer keÀes[ (Yeejleer³e oerJeeuee Deewj MeesOeve De#ecelee keÀes[) (IBC) kesÀ lenle Fvemee@uJeWmeer efjpee@u³etMeve he´esmesme (efoJeeefue³eeheve
meceeOeeve he´ef¬eÀ³ee) keÀes lespe keÀjves Deewj ¬esÀef[ì keÀes Deemeeve yeveeves keÀer efoMee ceW cenlJehetCe& keÀoce GþeS nQ, KeemekeÀj leveeJeie´mle efj³eue Smìsì Deewj
vee@ve-yeQeEkeÀie HeÀeFveWefMe³eue kebÀheveerpe (NBFCs) kesÀ #es$eeW kesÀ efue³es~ ueeskeÀ he´Meemeve, j#ee Deewj Dev³e mesJeeDeeW ves efvejblej (2011-12) keÀerceleeW kesÀ mekeÀue cetu³e
Jee|Oele (peerJeerS) ceW 10% keÀer Je=ef× oj ope& keÀer~ Yeejle ves Je<e& 2019 ceW F&pe Dee@HeÀ [tFbie efyepevesme (keÀejesyeej ceW megiecelee) efjheesì& ceW JeweféekeÀ yeQkeÀ Üeje cee@
cee@efveìj keÀer peeves Jeeueer iueesyeue F&pe Dee@HeÀ [tFbie efyepevesme jQeEkeÀie ceW Deheveer jQeEkeÀie ceW 14 mLeeveeW keÀe megOeej keÀj 63JeW mLeeve hej Deheveer peien yevee³eer nw~
efjheesì& ves Yeejle keÀes Gve ome DeLe&J³eJemLeeDeeW ceW mes SkeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW Yeer ceev³elee oer nw,efpevneWves meyemes DeefOekeÀ megOeej efkeÀ³ee nw~
Yeejleer³e DeLe&J³eJemLee kesÀ efue³es ®egveewefle³eeW kesÀ leewj hej, peneB ueieeleej íë efleceeefn³eeW kesÀ efue³es efmelebyej 2019 lekeÀ osMe keÀer mekeÀue Iejsuet Glheeo
(peer[erheer) ceboer ceW jner nw, JeneR, mekeÀejelcekeÀ he#e ceW, mebmeo ceW jKee ie³ee Deee|LekeÀ meJex#eCe 2019-20 ³en oMee&lee nw efkeÀ efJeefvecee&Ce ieefleefJeefOe Deewj JeweféekeÀ
J³eeheej ceW ceboer mes yeenj Deeves kesÀ DemLee³eer mebkesÀle nQ, efpemekeÀe Deieues Je<e& ceW efJekeÀeme hej J³eehekeÀ he´YeeJe nesvee ®eeefn³es~ mejkeÀej Deeves Jeeues Je<eeX ceW
peer[erheer ceW Je=ef× keÀes lespe keÀjves kesÀ GÎsM³e mes efkeÀHeÀe³eleer DeeJeeme, ceskeÀ Fve Fbef[³ee hee@efuemeer (DeelceefveYe&jlee), keÀe@heexjsì ìwkeÌme ojeW ceW keÀceer Deewj
Deemeeveer mes keÀejesyeej keÀjves (F&pe Dee@HeÀ [tFbie efyepevesme) kesÀ met®ekeÀebkeÀ kesÀ megOeej hej peesj os jner nw~
¬etÀ[ Dee@³eue keÀer Deblejjeä^er³e keÀerceleeW ceW efiejeJeì Deewj GYejles yeepeejeW (F&Scemed) kesÀ he´efle mekeÀejelcekeÀ efveJesMekeÀ YeeJevee kesÀ meeLe,Yeejleer³e DeLe&J³eJemLee
ceW Oeerjs-Oeerjs megOeej ngDee, peye lekeÀ efkeÀ ogYee&i³ehetCe& keÀesefJe[-19 ceneceejer Megª veneR ngF&~ Fmeves J³eehekeÀ Deee|LekeÀ ¢eqäkeÀesCe hej Demej efkeÀ³ee nw; ueieYeie
hetjer DeLe&J³eJemLee meefnle JeweféekeÀ Deehete|le Þe=bKeueeDeeW, J³eeheej, he³e&ìve,efJeceeve Jenve, nesìue GÐeesie Deewj keÀF& Dev³e iebYeerj ªhe mes he´YeeefJele nes jns nQ~
keÀ) mekeÀue Iejsuet Glheeo (peer[erheer)
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efue³es efj³eue peer[erheer efJeÊe Je<e& 2018-19 ceW ngF& 6.10% keÀer Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW 4.20% yeæ{ves keÀe Devegceeve nw~ peerJeerS ceW efJeÊe Je<e&
2018-19 ceW 6.00% Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efue³es 3.90% keÀer Je=ef× oj ope& ngF& nw~
ueeskeÀ he´Meemeve, j#ee Deewj Dev³e mesJeeDeeW ves efvejblej (2011-12) keÀerceleeW hej peerJeerS ceW 10.00% keÀer Je=ef× oj ope& keÀer nw~ Oeeleg Keefvepe ÞesCeer ves 14.30%
keÀer Je=ef× oj ope& keÀer~
`ke=Àef<e, JeeefvekeÀer Deewj celm³e heeueve', `efyepeueer, iewme, peue Deehete|le Deewj Dev³e Ghe³eesieer mesJeeSb' Deewj `efJeÊeer³e, efj³eue Smìsì Deewj J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ mesJeeSb'
#es$eeW ceW efJekeÀeme, ¬eÀceMeë 4.00%, 4.10% Deewj 4.60% jne nw~ `Keveve Deewj GlKeveve', Deewj `J³eeheej, nesìue, heefjJenve, meb®eej Deewj
ye´e@[-keÀeeÅmìie mes mebyebefOele mesJeeSB' ceW Je=ef× 3.10% Deewj 3.60% nesves keÀe Devegceeve nw, peye efkeÀ `efvecee&Ce' kesÀJeue 1.30% keÀer oj mes yeæ{e
Deewj 'efJeefvecee&Ce' leguevee ceW meheeì jne~
efheíues efJeÊe Je<e& ceW 3.80% keÀer Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 keÀer DeJeefOe ceW DeewÐeesefiekeÀ Glheeove 0.70% mes Ieìe~ DeewÐeesefiekeÀ
Glheeove (pees efkeÀ keÀesefJe[-19 kesÀ he´meej mes henues ner keÀcepeesj Lee Deewj efpemeves Deee|LekeÀ ieefleefJeefOe³eeW keÀes yeeefOele efkeÀ³ee Lee), Fme ceneceejer kesÀ oewjeve
jeä^er³e (leeueeyeboer) uee@keÀ[eGve kesÀ keÀejCe Deewj lespeer mes efiej ie³ee~ peye efkeÀ efJeefvecee&Ce #es$e ceW meeue-oj-meeue 1.10% keÀer keÀceer osKeer ieF&, Keveve
#es$e meeue-oj-meeue 1.70% hej yeæ{e Deewj efyepeueer #es$e meeue-oj-meeue 0.80% hej meheeì jne~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, efvepeer Debeflece GheYeesie J³e³e (heerSHeÀmeerF&) 5.30% (efheíues Je<e& keÀer 7.20% keÀer Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW ) mes yeæ{e pees efkeÀ peer[erheer keÀe
57.20% efnmmee nw~ mejkeÀejer Debeflece GheYeesie J³e³e (peerSHeÀmeerF&) ceW (efheíues Je<e& kesÀ 10.10% keÀer Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW) 11.80% keÀer Je=ef× ngF&~ mekeÀue
efHeÀkeÌm[ kewÀefheìue HeÀe@cexMeve (peerSHeÀmeerSHeÀ) ves efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW 2.80% (efHeíues Je<e& 9.80% Je=ef× keÀer leguevee ceW) keÀer vekeÀejelcekeÀ Je=ef×
ope& keÀer~ Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efue³es efveJesMe oj peer[erheer keÀe 29.80% jne~
Ke) mekeÀue Iejsuet ye®ele (peer[erSme)
mekeÀue Iejsueg ye®ele keÀe yeepeej YeeJe keÀe efJeJejCe peer[erHeer kesÀ He´efleMele kesÀ ©He ces veer®es efo³ee ie³ee nwë
Iejsuet #es$e efvepeer keÀe@heexjsì meeJe&peefvekeÀ mekeÀue Iejsuet
efJeÊeer³e ye®ele YeeweflekeÀ ye®ele kegÀue ye®ele #es$e #es$e ye®ele
2018-19 @ 6.48% 11.50% 18.17% 10.44% 1.50% 30.11%
2017-18 # 7.73% 11.19% 19.17% 11.57% 1.65% 32.39%
2016-17* 7.45% 10.36% 18.11% 11.51% 1.73% 31.35%
@ he´Lece
mebMeesefOele Devegceeve # otmeje mebMeesefOele Devegceeve * le=leer³e mebMeesefOele Devegceeve
(ñeesle: meebeqK³ekeÀer Deewj keÀe³e&¬eÀce keÀe³ee&vJe³eve ceb$eeue³e (MOSPI) he´sme efJe%eeqhle)
ie) efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle
jepekeÀes<eer³e Ieeìe peer[erheer kesÀ he´efleMele kesÀ ªhe ceW veer®es oer ieF& leeefuekeÀe ceW he´mlegle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw: -
Je<e& keWÀê Deewj jep³e (meb³egÊeÀ) kesÀJeue keWÀê
2019-20 yeerF& 5.90 3.30
2018-19 6.20 (DeejF&) 3.40 (heerS)
2017-18 5.80 3.50
2016-17 6.90 3.50
2015-16 6.90 3.90
yeerF&-yepeì Devegceeve; DeejF&-mebMeesefOele Devegceeve; heerS-Devebeflece JeemleefJekeÀ
(ñeesle: meebeqK³ekeÀer³e heefjefMeä: Deee|LekeÀ meJex#eCe 2019-20)
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efue³es mekeÀue peerSmeìer jepemJe mebie´n ₹ 9,44,414 keÀjesæ[ Lee, efpememes efheíues Je<e& kesÀ peerSmeìer jepemJe ceW 4.00% keÀer Je=ef× ope&
keÀer ieF&~ ceneuesKeekeÀej (CGA) Üeje peejer efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ Devebeflece DeebkeÀæ[eW kesÀ Devegmeej,efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW mekeÀue keÀj jepemJe mebMeesefOele
Devegceeve, ₹ 20,09,882 keÀjesæ[ mes 7.10% keÀce Lee~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW jepekeÀes<eer³e Ieeìe ₹ 9,35,635 keÀjesæ[ kesÀ mebMeesefOele Devegceeve mes 22.00% DeefOekeÀ
Lee (pees mekeÀue Iejsuet Glheeo kesÀ 4.60% kesÀ yejeyej nw) pees peer[erheer kesÀ 3.80% kesÀ he´ejbefYekeÀ Devegceeve mes DeefOekeÀ nw~ he´l³e#e keÀj mebie´n oes oMekeÀeW ceW henueer
yeej J³eehekeÀ ceboer kesÀ ªhe ceW efiej ie³ee~ he´l³e#e keÀj mebie´n 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀer meceeeqhle Je<e& ceW ₹ 10.27 ueeKe keÀjesæ[ kesÀ Deemeheeme Lee (pees efJeÊe Je<e&
2019 ceW SkeÀ$e efkeÀ³es ie³es ₹ 11.17 ueeKe keÀjesæ[ mes 8.00% keÀce Lee)~
Ie) ceewefêkeÀ eqmLeefle³eeb
Je<e& keÀer Meg©Deele, DeejyeerDeeF& kesÀ, jshees oj keÀes 25 yeerheerSme mes IeìekeÀj 6.25% mes 6.00% keÀjves mes ngF&~ hetjs Je<e& ³en efmeueefmeuee ®euelee jne Deewj Je<e&
kesÀ oewjeve efJekeÀeme keÀer ieefle keÀes meceLe&ve oskeÀj hetJee&JemLee ceW ueeves kesÀ efue³es jshees keÀer ojeW ceW 185 DeeOeej DebkeÀeW keÀer efiejeJeì uee³eer ieF& SJeb yeQkeÀ keÀer oj
6.50% mes IeìekeÀj 4.65%, Deewj efjJeme& jshees oj (DeejDeejDeej) Yeer Fmeer lepe& hej 6.00% mes IeìekeÀj 4.00% keÀj oer ieF&~ petve 2015 kesÀ yeeo henueer
yeej, kewÀMe efj]peJe& jsì(meerDeejDeej) cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ 4.00% mes IeìekeÀj 3.00% keÀj efo³ee ie³ee~ cee®e& 2020 ceW ceesvesìjer hee@efuemeer keÀcesìer (Sceheermeer)
keÀer Dee@HeÀ-meeFkeÀue ceereEìie kesÀ meeLe keÀesefJe[-19 keÀer meJe&J³eeheer ceneceejer keÀer íe³ee ceW Je<e& meceehle ngDee~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Sceheermeer keÀer efleefLe jshees oj he´efleJeleea jshees oj *meerDeejDeej
04-04-2019 6.00 5.75 4.00
06-06-2019 5.75 5.50 4.00
07-08-2019 5.40 5.15 4.00
04-10-2019 5.15 4.90 4.00
27-03-2020 4.40 4.00 3.00
jshees jsì ceW efve³eefcele efiejeJeì osKeer pee jner nw~ petve 2019 keÀer yewþkeÀ ceW ceewefêkeÀ veerefle kesÀ ©Ke keÀes `v³etì^ue' mes `SkeÀesceesæ[sefìJe' ceW yeoue efo³ee ie³ee Lee
Deewj Fmes hetjs Je<e& yeveeS jKee ie³ee nw~
*meWì^ue yeQkeÀ (DeejyeerDeeF&) ves 28.03.2020 mes Megª keÀjkesÀ kewÀMe efjpeJe& jsMes keÀes SkeÀ Je<e& kesÀ efue³es 100 yeerheerSme keÀce keÀj efo³ee~ JewOeeefvekeÀ lejuelee
Devegheele (SmeSueDeej) keÀes ®eej ®ejCeeW ceW 19.20% mes 18.25% lekeÀ uee³ee ie³ee Lee (4.1.2020 lekeÀ)~
æ[) cegêemHeÀerefle
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e GheYeesÊeÀe cetu³e cegêemHeÀerefle (meeceev³e) ceW Jeee|<ekeÀ yeoueeJe efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW efheíues Je<e& kesÀ 3.40% keÀer leguevee ceW 4.80% Lee~ meeue-
oj-meeue keÀer Je=ef× oj kesÀ DeeOeej hej KeeÐe Deewj hes³e heoeLeeX keÀer cenbieeF& oj ceW, heeve, lebyeeketÀ Deewj veMeerueer oJeeDeeW keÀer cegêemHeÀerefle keÀer oj ceW Deewj
F¥Oeve Deewj nukeÀer cegêemHeÀerefle keÀer oj ceW Je=ef× ves efheíues Je<e& keÀer leguevee ceW GheYeesÊeÀe cetu³e met®ekeÀebkeÀ (meerheerDeeF&) ceW Je=ef× keÀe he´cegKe ³eesieoeve efo³ee~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ Deble ceW ie´eceerCe cegêemHeÀerefle oj 6.09 % Leer Deewj Menjer cegêemHeÀerefle keÀer oj 5.59% jner~
LeeskeÀ cetu³e met®ekeÀebkeÀ ([yuetheerDeeF&) kesÀ efueS cegêemHeÀerefle keÀer Jeee|<ekeÀ oj cee®e&, 2020 kesÀ efueS 1.00% (Devebeflece) Leer, pees efheíues Je<e& kesÀ Fmeer cenerves
kesÀ oewjeve leguevee ceW 3.10% Leer~

Annual rate of Inflation (y-o-y in %) based on WPI (2011-12)

20 20 20

J³eeheej Deewj efJeosMeer cegêe

efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, Yeejle keÀer kegÀue efve³ee&le ³etSme $ 528.45 efyeefue³eve nesves keÀe Devegceeve nw, pees efheíues Je<e& keÀer Fmeer DeJeefOe ceW 1.36 %
keÀer vekeÀejelcekeÀ Je=ef× he´oe|Mele keÀjleer nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW kegÀue efceueekeÀj Dee³eele ³etSme $ 598.61 efyeefue³eve nesves keÀe Devegceeve nw, pees efheíues Je<e&
keÀer Fmeer DeJeefOe ceW 6.33% keÀer vekeÀejelcekeÀ Je=ef× he´oe|Mele keÀjleer nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efue³es meceie´ J³eeheej Ieeìe efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2018-19 ceW
³etSme $ 103.32 efyeefue³eve keÀer leguevee ceW ³etSme $ 70.16 efyeefue³eve Devegceeefvele nw (ceeue Deewj mesJeeDeeW keÀes SkeÀef$ele keÀj)~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW Yeejle keÀe kegÀue SHeÀ[erDeeF& he´Jeen ³etSme $ 73.46 efyeefue³eve Lee efpemeceW Yeejle keÀer meeqcceefuele efvekeÀe³eeW ceW FeqkeÌJeìer keÀe
SHeÀ[erDeeF& ³etSme $ 49.98 efyeefue³eve Lee (efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2018-19 ceW 16.00% keÀer Je=ef×) Deewj iewj-meeqcceefuele efvekeÀe³eeW, ceW ³etSme $ 1.23 efyeefue³eve nesves
keÀe Devegceeve nw~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 keÀer meceeeqhle ₹ 27,528 keÀjesæ[ kesÀ Meg× yeefnJee&n kesÀ meeLe, Yeejle keÀe efJeosMeer heesì&HeÀesefue³ees efveJesMe vekeÀejelcekeÀ Lee~
osMe keÀe efJeosMeer cegêe Yeb[ej 27 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes yeæ{keÀj ₹ 35,57,630 keÀjesæ[ nes ie³ee (³etSme $ 475.56 efyeefue³eve), pees efkeÀ efheíues Je<e& ₹ 28,12,180
keÀjesæ[ Lee (³etSme $ 405.64 efyeefue³eve)~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
keWÀêer³e yepeì 2020-21 kesÀ Devegmeej, Yeejle mejkeÀej keÀe yekeÀe³ee yeenjer $eÝCe 31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ ₹ 2.92 ueeKe keÀjesæ[ nw~ efomebyej 2019 kesÀ Deble lekeÀ,
efheíues Je<e& kesÀ meceeve yeenjer $eÝCe- peer[erheer Devegheele 20.10% Lee~
FeqkeÌJeìer Deewj $eÝCe yeepeej
ogefve³ee Yej ceW yeæ{les keÀesefJe[-19 ceneceejer keÀer he=ÿYetefce ceW, SmeSb[heer yeerSmeF& mesvmeskeÌme 31 cee®e& 2020 keÀes 29,468 hej efiejeJeì efoKeekeÀj yebo ngDee, peye
efkeÀ 29 cee®e&, 2019 keÀes ³en 38,673 kesÀ DeebkeÀæ[eW hej yebo ngDee Lee~ neueebefkeÀ Fme Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve SmeSb[heer yeerSmeF& mesvmeskeÌme 35,988 Deewj 42,784 kesÀ yeer®e
ceW Lee~ Fmeer lejn, cee®e& 31, 2020 keÀes efveHeÌìer-50, 8,598 hej yebo ngDee peye keÀer 29 cee®e&, 2019 keÀes ³en 11,624 kesÀ DeebkeÀæ[s kesÀ meeLe yebo ngDee Lee~ Je<e&
kesÀ oewjeve ³en 8,037 Deewj 12,431 kesÀ yeer®e ceW Lee~
cee®e&, 2020 kesÀ Deble ceW, SmeSb[heer yeerSmeF& mesvmeskeÌme Deewj efveHeÌìer-50 keÀe heer/F& Devegheele (cetu³e-Dee³e Devegheele) (SkeÀ Je<e& hetJe& kesÀ 23.71 Deewj 29.01 keÀer
leguevee ceW) ¬eÀceMeë 19.55 Deewj 19.38 Lee~
iewj-mejkeÀejer meeJe&peefvekeÀ efueefceìs[ kebÀheefve³eeW Üeje v³et kewÀefheìue FM³etpe keÀer mebK³ee Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 154 mes IeìkeÀj 106 nes ieF&~ neueebefkeÀ, pegìeF& ieF&
jeefMe efheíues efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve ₹ 53,433 keÀjesæ[ keÀer leguevee ceW yeæ{keÀj ₹ 79,910 keÀjesæ[ nes ieF&~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve c³et®egDeue HebÀ[med keÀe Meg× he´Jeen ₹ 87,300 keÀjesæ[ Lee~
®e) Yeejle ceW yeercee #es$e:
Yeejleer³e yeercee yeepeej ceW 24 peerJeve yeercee, 34 iewj-peerJeve yeercee kebÀheefve³eeb (mìQ[Deueesve mJeemL³e yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW meefnle) Deewj SkeÀ hegveyeeacee kebÀheveer nQ
(IRDAI Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& 2018-19)~
peerJeve yeercee #es$e ceW, yeepeej efnmmesoejer keÀe ueieYeie 69% efnmmee Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ heeme nw, pees efkeÀ mejkeÀej kesÀ hetCe& mJeeefcelJe ceW nw Deewj
efpemekeÀe J³eehekeÀ efJelejCe vesìJeke&À Deewj efJeéemeveer³e ye´eb[ íefJe nw~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2018 kesÀ Devegmeej, Yeejle ogefve³ee keÀe 11JeeB meyemes yeæ[e yeercee yeepeej nw Deewj kegÀue he´erefce³ece kesÀ ceeceues ceW peerJeve yeercee Keb[ ceW Gmeves 10JeeB
mLeeve he´ehle efkeÀ³ee nw (IRDAI Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& 2018-19)~
Yeejle ceW yeercee IevelJe Deewj hewbþ:
FbM³eesjWme hewþb he´erefce³ece keÀes peer[erheer kesÀ he´efleMele kesÀ ªhe ceW ceehelee nw, peye efkeÀ yeercee IevelJe he´efle J³eefÊeÀ he´erefce³ece kesÀ ªhe ceW ceehee peelee nw~ FvnW
DeLe&J³eJemLee ceW yeercee efJekeÀeme keÀe meyemes cenlJehetCe& mebkesÀle ceevee peelee nw~
Yeejle ceW, peerJeve yeercee IevelJe 2001 ceW 9.1 DeceefjkeÀer [e@uej mes yeæ{keÀj 2010 ceW 55.7 DeceefjkeÀer [e@uej nes ie³ee Lee; uesefkeÀve Ghejeble kesÀ Je<eeX ceW efiejeJeì
osKeer ieF&~ 2013 ceW 41 DeceefjkeÀer [e@uej lekeÀ keÀer efiejeJeì kesÀ yeeo, ³en efHeÀj mes þerkeÀ nes ie³ee Deewj 2018 ceW 55 DeceefjkeÀer [e@uej kesÀ mlej lekeÀ hengb®e
ie³ee~ Gmeer lejn peerJeve yeercee hewþ Yeer 2001 ceW 2.15% mes yeæ{keÀj 2009 ceW 4.60% nes ieF&, Deewj efHeÀj mes ueæ[Keæ[e ieF&~ Fmes 2018 ceW 2.74% ceehee ie³ee
Lee (IRDAI Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& 2018-19)~ #es$e kesÀ Kegueves kesÀ yeeo mes yeercee IevelJe SJeb yeercee HeQþ ceW nue®eue efvecveevegmeej nw:
Penetration Density (USD)
Years Life Non-Life Total Life Non-Life Total
2001 2.15 0.56 2.71 9.1 2.4 11.5
2002 2.59 0.67 3.26 11.7 3.0 14.7
2003 2.26 0.62 2.88 12.9 3.5 16.4
2004 2.53 0.64 3.17 15.7 4.0 19.7
2005 2.53 0.61 3.14 18.3 4.4 22.7
2006 4.10 0.60 4.80 33.2 5.2 38.4
2007 4.00 0.60 4.70 40.4 6.2 46.6
2008 4.00 0.60 4.60 41.2 6.2 47.4
2009 4.60 0.60 5.20 47.7 6.7 54.3
2010 4.40 0.70 5.10 55.7 8.7 64.4
2011 3.40 0.70 4.10 49.0 10.0 59.0
2012 3.17 0.78 3.96 42.7 10.5 53.2
2013 3.10 0.80 3.90 41.0 11.0 52.0

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Penetration Density (USD)
Years Life Non-Life Total Life Non-Life Total
2014 2.60 0.70 3.30 44.0 11.0 55.0
2015 2.70 0.70 3.40 43.0 12.0 55.0
2016 2.72 0.77 3.49 46.5 13.2 59.7
2017 2.76 0.93 3.69 55.0 18.0 73.0
2018 2.74 0.97 3.70 55.0 19.0 74.0

peerJeve yeercee GÐeesie efJekeÀeme keÀer GcceeroW, DeJemej Deewj YeefJe<³e ceW ®egveewefle³eeb
Yeejle ogefve³ee kesÀ kegÀue yeercee he´erefce³ece keÀe kesÀJeue 2.61% efnmmee nw, pees ³en oMee&lee nw efkeÀ yeercee #es$e ceW Je=ef× keÀer Deheej mebYeeJevee nw (IRDAI Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì&
2018-19)~ SkeÀ keÀce-he´JesefMele yeepeej Deewj ³egJee Deeyeeoer, keÀe³e&Meerue Dee³egJeie& ceW Je=ef×, Dee³e kesÀ mlej ceW Je=ef×, yeercee kesÀ yeejs ceW yeæ{er ngF& peeieªkeÀlee,
efveYe&jlee Devegheele ceW Dehesef#ele Je=ef×, pewmes keÀejkeÀeW keÀer Jepen mes #es$e ceW efJekeÀeme keÀer Gcceero nw~ neueebefkeÀ, Yeejleer³e yeercee GÐeesie ceW efheíues SkeÀ oMekeÀ
ceW keÀeHeÀer yeæ{esÊejer ngF& nw; FmekesÀ Deewj Deeies yeæ{ves kesÀ DeJemej nQ~ ³eÐeefhe meeJe&YeewefcekeÀ ªhe mes mJeerke=Àle hewþ keÀe met®ekeÀebkeÀ he´erefce³ece/peer[erheer Devegheele nw,
efpemes 2009 kesÀ yeeo efiejlee ngDee osKee ie³ee nw; yeerefcele ueesieeW keÀer mebK³ee ceW keÀeHeÀer Je=ef× ngF& nw; efpeme efJeÊeer³e meceeJesMeve kesÀ efue³es mejkeÀej kesÀ efvejblej
he´³eemeeW kesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe, ueieYeie 40 keÀjesæ[ peve Oeve Keeles Keesues ie³es nQ, efpeveceW mes OeejkeÀ kegÀí he´keÀej kesÀ yeercee keÀJej keÀe ueeYe uesles nQ~ he´Oeeveceb$eer
peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee ³eespevee kesÀ 6 keÀjesæ[ mes DeefOekeÀ, Deewj he´Oeeveceb$eer megj#ee yeercee ³eespevee kesÀ 16 keÀjesæ[ ueeYeeLeea nQ (neueebefkeÀ ³es DeebkeÀæ[s DeeJeM³ekeÀ
ªhe mes Devev³e veneR nQ) ³eefo nce Devegceeve ueieeles nQ lees yeercee³eesi³e Deeyeeoer ueieYeie 75 keÀjesæ[ nw, pees efkeÀ yeercee kesÀ efkeÀmeer Yeer ªhe ceW Meeefceue ueesieeW keÀe
SkeÀ cenlJehetCe& he´efleMele nw~
Iejsuet ye®ele keÀes efoMee osvee
Yeejleer³e heefjJeejeW keÀer Meg× efJeÊeer³e mebheefÊe 2019-20 ceW Gme mlej hej hengb®e ie³eer nw pees 2017-18 ceW Leer, DeLee&le; peer[erheer keÀe 7.70%~ heefjJeejeW ves Deheveer
efJeÊeer³e mebheefÊe Deewj osveoeefj³eeW keÀes efJeefYeVe GhekeÀjCeeW kesÀ yeer®e Deeyebefìle efkeÀ³ee efpemeceW yeoueles mlej keÀer lejuelee Deewj peesefKece Meeefceue nQ~ cee®e&, 2020
lekeÀ, ³en ueieYeie 66.00% cegêe Deewj pecee Oeve ceW Lee, peye efkeÀ 23.20% peerJeve yeercee keÀes<e Lee (DeejyeerDeeF& yeguesefìve petve 2020) ~ Meg× efJeÊeer³e heefjmebheefÊe³eeW
ceW Je=ef× SkeÀ DeJemej nw, peye efkeÀ pecee Oeve Deewj cegêe ceW efJeÊeer³e heefjmebheefÊe³eeW keÀe SkeÀ yeæ[e efnmmee, SkeÀ ®egveewleer kesÀ meeLe-meeLe yeerceekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ
efue³es SkeÀ DeJemej Yeer nw~ yeerceekeÀlee& Fme ye®ele keÀes Deheveer efJeÊeer³e heefjmebheefÊe³eeW keÀe SkeÀ yeæ[e efnmmee yeveevee ®eenles nQ~ c³et®egDeue HebÀ[dme ves, pees efkeÀ
ncesMee yeercee kesÀ he´eflemheOeea jns nQ, keÀesefJe[-19 mes mebyebefOele Deefveeq½eleleeDeeW kesÀ keÀejCe, neue ner ceW ®eue jns lejuelee mebkeÀì Deewj meeceev³e peesefKece mes ye®eves
keÀer Je=Êeer kesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe yeefnJee&n (outflow) keÀe DevegYeJe efkeÀ³ee nw~
peeseKf ece Gþeves Deewj DeefOekeÀ efJeÊeer³e peeieªkeÀlee kesÀ efue³es SkeÀ mebYeeefJele keÀoce keÀes Gþles osKeles ngS, yeercee GÐeesie meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keÀ DeeMeeJeeoer nes mekeÀlee nw~
ef[efpeìe³epesMeve Deewj [eìe keÀe Ghe³eesie
peerJeve kesÀ nj #es$e ceW ef[efpeìe³epesMeve keÀer efoMee ceW yeæ{lee PegkeÀeJe DeefYeveJe J³eJeOeeve uee jne nw~ peerJeve yeercee GÐeesie Yeer ³ener DevegYeJe keÀj jne nw~
GheYeesÊeÀeDeeW keÀer ef[efpeìue mee#ejlee yeæ{ jner nw~ FvMegDejìskeÀ, pees SkeÀ JeweféekeÀ heefjIeìvee Leer, lespeer mes Yeejleer³e yeercee GÐeesie kesÀ meceie´ veJee®eej
heeefjeqmLeefle kesÀ leb$e keÀe efnmmee yeve jner nw~ FvMegDejìskeÀ kesÀ Ghe³eesie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he³ee&hle efJekeÀeme kesÀ DeJemej nQ, meeLe ner, efvejblej DeÐeleve keÀer
DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw, Deewj [eìe ieesheveer³elee Deewj [eìe ke̳etjsMeve mes mebyebefOele cegÎeW kesÀ meboYe& ceW Yeer ®egveewefle³eeb nQ~
SkeÀ eqmJeme-jer efjheesì& kesÀ Devegmeej, ve³es [sìe ñeesleeW keÀes Meeefceue keÀjves mes peesefKece cetu³eebkeÀve ceW ueieves Jeeuee mece³e keÀce nes mekeÀlee nw Deewj peesefKece
®e³eve ceW Yeer megOeej nes mekeÀlee nw~ leLeeefhe, [sìe ke̳etjsMeve keÀjkesÀ FmekeÀer MeefÊeÀ keÀe Ghe³eesie J³eJemee³e keÀer Je=ef× kesÀ efue³es keÀj, cetu³e efveOee&jCe Deewj he´ef¬eÀ³ee
keÀes DeefOekeÀ ®egmle yeveevee SkeÀ ®egveewleer nw~
keÀesefJe[-19 ceneceejer keÀer Jepen mes, neue ner ceW Dee³es J³eJeOeeve ves yeercee Ghe³eesiekeÀlee& Deewj he´oelee oesveeW kesÀ J³eJenej keÀes Del³eefOekeÀ he´YeeefJele efkeÀ³ee nw~ efpememes
cetu³e Þe=bKeuee kesÀ nj mebYeeefJele henuet ceW ef[efpeìe³epesMeve keÀer efoMee ceW lespeer mes keÀoce yeæ{s nw Deewj Deeies ye{ves keÀer Dehes#ee nw~
ie´enkeÀeW keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW kesÀ yeer®e GYejles ©Peeve
Deepe kesÀ ie´enkeÀeW ves megefJeOee, Ghe³eesie ceW Deemeeveer Deewj cetu³e kesÀ ve³es ceevekeÀ efveOee&efjle efkeÀ³es nQ~ heejbheefjkeÀ yeercee J³eJemee³e cee@[ue pees Deye lekeÀ ue®eeruee
meeefyele nes jne Lee Deye ef[efpeìue peeieªkeÀlee Deewj yeepeej ceW GheueyOe efJekeÀuheeW mes he´YeeefJele nesves ueiee nw~
yeerceekeÀlee& cegK³e ªhe mes jesyeesefìkeÌme Deewj Dee@ìescesMeve kesÀ ceeO³ece mes cegK³e yeercee he´ef¬eÀ³ee o#elee ceW megOeej keÀjkesÀ, yeer2yeer Deewj yeer2meer huesìHeÀeceeX kesÀ ceeO³ece
mes DeefOekeÀ kegÀMeue efJelejCe he´³eeme keÀes me#ece keÀjkesÀ, Deewj efJeefJeOe Deeyeeoer keÀes J³eehekeÀ GlheeoeW keÀer hesMekeÀMe keÀjkesÀ, ve³es ³egie kesÀ ie´enkeÀeW keÀer
DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW keÀes mejue Deewj kegÀMeue he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW mes hetje keÀj mekeÀles nQ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Glheeo efceÞeCe, veJee®eej Deewj efJelejCe ®ewveue
Je<eeX mes, yeercee GÐeesie ve³es ie´enkeÀeW keÀes DeekeÀe|<ele keÀjves, meeLe ner yeepeej ceW yeercee hewþ yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS ceuìer-he´es[keÌì, ceuìer-®ewveueme Deewj ceuìer-mesieceWì
ceeieeX keÀe SkeÀ DeefYeveJe efceÞeCe hesMe keÀj jne nw~ GoejerkeÀjCe kesÀ yeeo mes, ³etefveì eEuekeÌ[ yeercee GlheeoeW keÀes ULIP mes Deeves Jeeues J³eJemee³e kesÀ cenlJehetCe&
Devegheele kesÀ meeLe DeefOekeÀebMe efvepeer efKeueeefæ[³eeW Üeje yes®ee peevee peejer nw~ heejbheefjkeÀ hee@efuemeer, pewmes, ìce&-DeeOeeefjle Glheeo Deewj Sb[esceWì-DeeOeeefjle
Glheeo Dehes#eeke=Àle íesìs Devegheele ceW nQ~ neueebefkeÀ, neue kesÀ Je<eeX ceW ³egJee hesMesJejeW keÀer ìce& SM³eesjWme GlheeoeW ceW efoue®emheer yeæ{er nw~ efpemekesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe
peerJeve yeercee he´oeleeDeeW kesÀ yeer®e cetu³e (price) hej leerJe´ he´eflemheOee& yeæ{er nw~
SkeÀ Deesj J³eJemee³e kesÀ efue³es GlheeoeW keÀe mener efceÞeCe he´mlegle keÀjvee Deewj otmejer Deesj yeepeej peesefKece Deewj heejbheefjkeÀ IeìkeÀ keÀe mener efceÞeCe, ueeYehe´olee
Deewj yeepeej efnmmesoejer yeæ{eves kesÀ efue³es DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw~ FmekesÀ meeLe-meeLe ie´enkeÀ keÀer JeHeÀeoejer keÀes yevee³es jKevee,Fme Del³eefOekeÀ he´eflemheOeea yeepeej
ceW yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ efue³es SkeÀ yeæ[er ®egveewleer yeveer ngF& nw~ heejbheefjkeÀ efJelejCe ®ewveue, pewmes, yeercee SpeWìeW ves yeercee efJeheCeve HeÀceeX kesÀ efue³es SkeÀ jen yevee
ueer nw, Deewj ye´eseEkeÀie Deewj keÀe@heexjsì SpeWmeer ueeFmeWme he´ehle keÀjves Jeeueer mebmLeeSB, hJeeFbì Dee@HeÀ mesume-heme&ve, meeLe ner ceekexÀeEìie kesÀ he´l³e#e cees[, kesÀ
meeLe meePesoejer keÀj jns efpememes ie´enkeÀ Dee@veueeFve hee@efuemeer Kejero mekeÀles nQ, Deewj Fve meYeer ves DeefOekeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ yeercee efye¬eÀer ceW ³eesieoeve efo³ee nw~
hewþ Deewj ef[efpeìue yegefve³eeoer {eb®es keÀes yeæ{eJee osves kesÀ efue³es, yeerceekeÀlee& Yegieleeve yeQkeÀeW Deewj mebmLeeDeeW kesÀ meeLe Sshe-DeeOeeefjle mesJeeSb he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ
efue³es meePesoejer keÀj jns nQ~
y³eepe keÀer efiejleer ojW
Fme Je<e&, meYeer heefjmebheefÊe JeieeX ceW DeeqmLejlee keÀe mlej yeæ{e ngDee osKee ie³ee Lee~ y³eepe ojeW ceW GuuesKeveer³e efiejeJeì DeeF& Leer ~ pewmee efkeÀ Thej osKee
ie³ee nw, jshees ojeW ceW meeue Yej ceW 185 DeeOeej DebkeÀeW keÀer keÀceer DeeF& nw, peye efkeÀ efveHeÌìer ceW 23% mes DeefOekeÀ keÀer efiejeJeì osKeer ieF& nw~ peerJeve yeercee Glheeo
uebyeer DeJeefOe kesÀ efue³es nesles nQ pees Deeceleewj hej yeepeej ceW GheueyOe heefjmebheefÊe³eeW mes DeefOekeÀ uebyes nesles nQ~ heejbheefjkeÀ GlheeoeW ceW Deblee|veefnle ieejbìer Yeer
nesleer nw pees yeerceekeÀlee& keÀes efiejles y³eepe heefj¢M³e ceW keÀcepeesj yeveeleer nw; efpemekesÀ keÀejCe, Gef®ele mebheefÊe he´ehle keÀjvee Deewj heefjmebheefÊe³eeW keÀe he´yebOeve
keÀjvee Deewj meeLe ner meeLe yeerceeOeejkeÀ (oesveeW, ceewpetoe Deewj YeefJe<³e kesÀ) keÀer Dehes#eeDeeW keÀes hetje keÀjvee, SkeÀ ®egveewleer nw~
mejkeÀej Deewj efJeefve³eecekeÀ henue
mejkeÀej ves yeercee efye®eewefue³eeW hej efJeosMeer efveJesMe keÀer meercee keÀes 49% mes yeæ{ekeÀj 100% keÀj efo³ee nw~ Fme efveCe&³e mes he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer meceeOeeveeW ceW efveJesMe keÀjves
Jeeueer kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ efue³es hetbpeer ueeves keÀer Gcceero nw~ Fmemes efJeosMeer ye´eskeÀjspe kebÀheefve³eeb Yeejleer³e kebÀheefve³eeW ceW efnmmesoejer Kejero mekeWÀieer Deewj Fme he´ef¬eÀ³ee
ceW osMe ceW JeweféekeÀ he´LeeDeeW keÀes uee³ee pee mekesÀiee, efpemeceW ve³es yeercee Glheeo Deewj efye¬eÀer jCeveerefle Meeefceue nesieer~ Fme keÀoce keÀe GÎsM³e Yeejleer³e yeercee #es$e
keÀes yesnlej hewþ oj neefmeue keÀjves ceW ceoo keÀjves keÀe nw~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, Yeejle mejkeÀej ves he´Oeeveceb$eer efkeÀmeeve ceeveOeve ³eespevee Megª keÀer nw, efpemeceW efkeÀmeeveeW keÀes GvekeÀer Je=×eJemLee ceW heWMeve
GheueyOe nesieer~ Fme ³eespevee keÀe meb®eeueve Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ meeLe ke=Àef<e, menkeÀeefjlee Deewj efkeÀmeeve keÀu³eeCe efJeYeeie, ke=Àef<e Deewj efkeÀmeeve
keÀu³eeCe ceb$eeue³e, Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje efceuekeÀj efkeÀ³ee pee³esiee~ heWMeve Yegieleeve kesÀ efue³es Sue.DeeF&.meer heWMeve HebÀ[ he´yevOekeÀ keÀer efpeccesoejer mebYeeuesiee~
FmekesÀ DeueeJee, ie´eceerCe Yeejle ceW yeercee hewþ yeæ{eves kesÀ efue³es, IRDAI ves SkeÀ ve³ee yeercee efJelejCe ®ewveue hesMe efkeÀ³ee nw efpemekeÀe veece nw keÀe@ceve heeqyuekeÀ mee|Jeme
meWìjmed-mhesMeue hehe&me JnerkeÀue (meerheerSmemeer-meerheerJner)~ yeercee #es$e keÀes yeæ{eJee osves kesÀ efue³es mejkeÀej Üeje keÀF¥ he´cegKe ³eespeveeSb Megª keÀer ieF& nQ~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2021 kesÀ yepeì ceW mejkeÀej ves IPO ueekeÀj Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀes met®eerye× keÀjves keÀe he´mleeJe efo³ee nw~ mejkeÀej Fme he´ef¬eÀ³ee ceW
Deheveer efnmmesoejer keÀe SkeÀ efnmmee yes®eves keÀer ³eespevee yevee jner nw~
peerJeve yeercee #es$e keÀe he´oMe&ve
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, peerJeve yeerceekeÀlee&DeeW keÀe kegÀue he´Lece Je<e& keÀe he´erefce³ece GuuesKeveer³e 20.60% yeæ{keÀj ` 2,58,896.49 keÀjesæ[ nes ie³ee pees keÀer
efheíues efJeÊeer³e Je<e& keÀer leguevee ceW ` 2,14,672.86 keÀjesæ[ Lee~ veF& hee@efuemeer keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ meboYe& ceW, efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ` 2.89 keÀjesæ[ ³eeveer 0.69% keÀer
ceecetueer Je=ef× ope& keÀer ieF&, pees keÀer efJeÊe Je<e& 2018-19 ceW ` 2.87 keÀjesæ[ Leer~
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀe yeepeej efnmmee (ceekexÀì Mes³ej) kegÀue he´Lece Je<e& kesÀ he´erefce³ece kesÀ efuenepe mes 68.74% Deewj veF& hee@efuemeer³eeB kesÀ meboYe& ceW
75.90% Lee~ efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW efveiece ves Deheves mecetn ve³ee J³eJemee³e he´erefce³ece (ie´ghe v³et efyepevesme he´erefce³ece) ceW ueieYeie 39.01% keÀer Je=ef× ope& keÀer,
³eeveer ` 1.27 ueeKe keÀjesæ[ mes kegÀí DeefOekeÀ, pees efkeÀ efJeÊe Je<e& 2018-19 keÀer leguevee ceW ` 0.91 ueeKe keÀjesæ[ mes kegÀí DeefOekeÀ nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
peerJeve yeercee GÐeesie mes mebyebefOele peerJeve yeercee keÀeTbefmeue keÀer JesyemeeF&ì mes he´ehle DeeBkeÀæ[s efvecveevegmeej nQ:
(DeebkeÀæ[s Devebeflece Deewj DeveeefOeke=Àle)
¬eÀce [sìe efJeJejCe 31.3.2019 31.3.2020 efJekeÀeme oj (%)
1. hetbpeer efve³eesefpele* (Mes³ej he´erefce³ece ³eefo keÀesF& nes,meefnle) (` keÀjesæ[) 37,116 37,789 1.02
2. MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀer mebK³ee 11,280 11,311 1.00
3. SpeWìeW keÀer mebK³ee (J³eefÊeÀiele) 21,94,747 22,78,466 1.04
4. he´l³e#e keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee 2,85,019 2,93,262 1.03
5. kegÀue mebheefÊe (` keÀjesæ[) (FeqkeÌJeìer meefnle) 36,65,743 37,75,690 1.03
6. FeqkeÌJeìer (yeepeej cetu³e hej) 9,00,733 6,63,637 0.74
7. DeJemebj®evee efveJesMe (` keÀjesæ[) 3,84,262 4,27,870 1.11
8. veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece (` keÀjesæ[) 2,93,741 3,09,513 1.05
*(Jen jeefMe pees efkeÀmeer kebÀHeveer Üeje mìe@keÀ FM³et kesÀ efue³es He´eHle keÀer ie³eer jeMeer kesÀ DebefkeÀle cetu³e mes DeefOekeÀ nes)
í) JeweféekeÀ yeercee heefj¢M³e
hetjs efJeée ceW Jele&ceeve eqmLeefle keÀes osKeles ngS, iueesyeue FbM³eesjWme DeeGìuegkeÀ 2020 ves efJeMues<eCe efkeÀ³ee nw efkeÀ, hetjer ogefve³ee ceW yeerceekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes he´emebefiekeÀ
jnves kesÀ efue³es ve³es J³eJemee³e cee@[ue, ve³es cetu³e he´mleeJe Deewj ve³es Glheeo efJekeÀefmele keÀjves nsleg efJeIeìvekeÀejer he´ewÐeesefieefkeÀ³eeW Deewj yeæ[s [sìe keÀes ieues ueieevee
nesiee, pees efkeÀ efJelejCe, Glheeo efJekeÀeme Deewj mesJee jCeveerefle³eeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efHeÀj mes Je=eqOo keÀes ye{eJee osves kesÀ efue³es DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw~ menpe Deewj J³eefÊeÀke=Àle
DevegYeJe keÀer Dehes#ee keÀjves Jeeues GheYeesÊeÀeDeeW kesÀ efue³es, meeLe ner DeefOeie´nCe keÀer ueeiele keÀes keÀce keÀjves, o#elee yeæ{eves Deewj Debleleë DeefOekeÀ Glheeo yes®eves
kesÀ efue³es SkeÀ cepeyetle ef[efpeìue efJelejCe ceb®e DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw~
ñeesle: Yeejleer³e yeercee efve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe, Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee heefj<eo, Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ, Yeejle keÀe Deee|LekeÀ meJex#eCe 2019-20,
Deee|LekeÀ ceeceueeW kesÀ efJeYeeie Üeje he´cegKe Deee|LekeÀ mebkesÀlekeÀ, meebeqK³ekeÀer Deewj keÀe³e&¬eÀce keÀe³ee&vJe³eve/keWÀêer³e meebeqK³ekeÀer keÀe³ee&ue³e, vesMeveue
mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe, Yeejleer³e he´efleYetefle Deewj efJeefvece³e yees[&, Debleje&ä^er³e cegêe keÀes<e, yee@cyes mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe, meWì^ue ef[hee@efpeìjer mee|Jemespe efueefceìs[,
vesMeveue efmeke̳eesefjìerpe ef[hee@efpeìjer efueefceìs[, ³etefve³eve yepeì 2020-21, efJeée Deee|LekeÀ DeeGìuegkeÀ, iueesyeue FbM³eesjWme DeeGìuegkeÀ 2020,
efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e, mJeerme-jer, efJeueerme ìeJeme& Je@ìmeve Üeje efvejer#eCe (Insights), heer[yu³etmeer.Fve (keÀcheerìeRie Fve De v³et Spe Dee@HeÀ FvMegjvme), Leerefmeme
DeO³ee³e 1-5 (peerJeve yeercee kesÀ J³eJemee³e hej GoejerkeÀjCe keÀe he´YeeJe)]
4. keÀe³e& heefjCeece :
I) veJe J³eJemee³e :
keÀ) J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee :
J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 1S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
Ke) meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer :
meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 1S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
ie) hesvMeve :
hesvMeve heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 1S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
Ie) vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe :
vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 1S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
æ[) ³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e :
³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 1S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
®e) mecetn yeercee J³eJemee³e :
mecetn yeercee ³etefveì meb³egÊeÀ J³eJemee³e meefnle ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Devleie&le 3 Je<eeX kesÀ oewjeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee veJe J³eJemee³e meejCeer ¬eÀ.1yeer ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
í) meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeSb :
he´Oeeveceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee ³eespevee
keWÀê mejkeÀej ves 09 ceF&, 2015 keÀes efJeÊeer³e meceeJesMeve kesÀ Yeeie kesÀ ªhe ceW oes SsefleneefmekeÀ yeercee ³eespeveeDeeW veecele: he´Oeeveceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee
³eespevee (heerScepespesyeerJeeF&) Deewj he´Oeeveceb$eer megj#ee yeercee ³eespevee (heerSceSmeyeerJeeF&) keÀe MegYeejbYe efkeÀ³ee Lee~ Fve ³eespeveeDeeW keÀe GÎsM³e, keÀce
ueeiele hej yeQkeÀeW kesÀ KeeleeOeejkeÀeW keÀes yeercee mebj#eCe GheueyOe keÀjevee nw~ heerScepespesyeerJeeF& ` 2 ueeKe keÀe peerJeve yeercee megj#ee GheueyOe keÀjeleer
nw, peyeefkeÀ heerSceSmeyeerJeeF& ` 2 ueeKe keÀe ogIe&ìvee Deewj efJekeÀueebielee yeercee GheueyOe keÀjeleer nw~ 18 Je<e& (hetjs keÀj efueS ieS) Deewj 50 Je<e&
(efvekeÀìlece pevce efove keÀes Dee³eg) kesÀ yeer®e kesÀ, menYeeieer yeQkeÀeW kesÀ ye®ele yeQkeÀ KeeleeOeejkeÀ, ` 330/- he´efle Je<e& kesÀ he´erefce³ece hej heerScepespesyeerJeeF&
kesÀ Debleie&le megj#ee kesÀ hee$e nQ~ peyeefkeÀ 18 Je<e& mes 70 Je<e& kesÀ Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ yeQkeÀ KeeleeOeejkeÀ, meeOeejCe yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ peefjS ` 12/- he´efle
Je<e& kesÀ he´erefce³ece hej heerSceSmeyeerJeeF& kesÀ Debleie&le megj#ee kesÀ hee$e nQ~ heerScepespesyeerJeeF& Deewj heerSceSmeyeerJeeF& kesÀ Debleie&le, yeercee megj#ee SkeÀ efkeÀHeÀe³eleer
he´erefce³ece hej pevelee kesÀ meYeer JeieeX keÀes GheueyOe keÀje³ee ie³ee nw~ Fve ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le he´erefce³ece, mJe³eb KeeleeOeejkeÀeW Üeje Jenve efkeÀ³ee peelee
nw Deewj FmekeÀer he´erefce³ece jeefMe DebMeoelee Üeje efo³es ie³es ceW[sì (mJeIees<eCee) kesÀ DeeOeej hej GvekesÀ yeQkeÀ Keelee mes keÀeì ueer peeleer nw~
ªheebleefjle he´Oeeveceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee ³eespevee
veF& ³eespeveeDeeW he´Oeeveceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee ³eespevee Deewj he´Oeeveceb$eer megj#ee yeercee ³eespevee kesÀ MegYeejbYe kesÀ meeLe Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje ³en
efveCe&³e efue³ee ie³ee nw efkeÀ 01.06.2017 mes Deece Deeoceer yeercee ³eespevee (SSyeerJeeF&) keÀer meYeer ceewpetoe ³eespeveeDeeW keÀes he´Oeeveceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee
³eespevee (heerScepespesyeerJeeF&)/ he´Oeeveceb$eer megj#ee yeercee ³eespevee (heerSceSmeyeerJeeF&) ceW ªheebleefjle keÀj efo³ee peeS~
SSyeerJeeF& kesÀ ceewpetoe meom³eeW keÀes oes YeeieeW ceW efJeYeeefpele keÀj efo³ee ie³ee nw DeLee&led 18 mes 50 Je<e& Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ meom³e Deewj 51 Je<e& mes 59 Je<e&
Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ meom³e~ 18 Je<e& mes 50 Je<e& Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ meom³eeW Jeeuee Yeeie heerScepespesyeerJeeF&/ heerSceSmeyeerJeeF& ceW ªheebleefjle keÀj efo³ee ie³ee nw~
51 Je<e& mes 59 Je<e& Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ meom³eeW Jeeuee Yeeie, SSyeerJeeF& kesÀ ceewpetoe HeÀecexì ceW peejer jnsiee~
18 mes 50 Je<e& kesÀ Dee³eg mecetn kesÀ meom³eeW keÀes ` 330/- he´efle Je<e& kesÀ he´erefce³ece hej heerScepespesyeerJeeF& kesÀ Debleie&le ` 2 ueeKe keÀe yeercee peesefKece
GheueyOe keÀje³ee peelee nw~ ³es meom³e ` 12/- he´efle Je<e& kesÀ he´erefce³ece hej ogIe&ìvee Deewj efJekeÀueebielee yeercee kesÀ efueS heerSceSmeyeerJeeF& kesÀ Debleie&le
Yeer yeerefcele efkeÀS peeSbies~ Fme ³eespevee keÀes, kesÀJeue ` 342/- kesÀ Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece kesÀ meeLe 'ªheebleefjle heerScepespesyeerJeeF&/ heerSceSmeyeerJeeF&' keÀe
veece efo³ee ie³ee nw~
51 Je<e& mes 59 Je<e& kesÀ Dee³eg mecetn ceW SSyeerJeeF& kesÀ ceewpetoe ueeYeie´ener, ªheebleefjle SSyeerJeeF& ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le ` 200/- keÀer Jele&ceeve he´erefce³ece
oj kesÀ meeLe ceewpetoe yeercee ueeYe he´ehle keÀjles jnWies~
ªheebleefjle heerScepespesyeerJeeF& ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le he´erefce³ece keÀe 50% DeLee&le ` 171/- jep³e mejkeÀej/ SpeWmeer/ menkeÀejer meefceefle Üeje
Jenve efkeÀ³ee peelee nw Deewj Mes<e 50 % DeLee&le ` 171/- Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Üeje jKeer ieF& meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee efveefOe kesÀ peefjS keWÀê mejkeÀej
Üeje Jenve efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~
meYeer Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le kegÀue 3.68 keÀjesæ[ J³eefÊeÀ yeerefcele efkeÀS ieS nQ~ meYeer meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ
Debleie&le kegÀue 68,352 oeJeeW kesÀ Debleie&le ` 901.95 keÀjesæ[ keÀe OevejeMeer keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
heerScepes[erJeeF& ³eespevee
he´Oeeveceb$eer peve Oeve ³eespevee keÀe MegYeejbYe 28.08.2014 keÀes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee pees Megª ces heeB®e Je<e& kesÀ efueS Lee~ Fme ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le yeQkeÀ Keeles
Keesues ieS Les Deewj KeeleeOeejkeÀeW keÀes ueeYe efoS ieS Les~ Fve ueeYeeW ceW mes SkeÀ nw Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efkeÀmeer Yeer keÀejCe mes
ce=l³eg nesves hej ` 30,000/- keÀe peerJeve yeercee peesefKece GheueyOe keÀjevee~ Fme ³eespevee ces meeOeejCe yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mejkeÀej Üeje
` 1 ueeKe keÀe ogIe&ìvee yeercee peesefKece Yeer GheueyOe keÀje³ee ie³ee nw ~
efkeÀmeer Yeer keÀejCe mes ce=l³eg nesves hej ` 30,000/*- keÀe peerJeve yeercee peesefKece keÀe ueeYe he´ehle keÀjves kesÀ efue³es yeerefcele keÀer Dee³eg 18 mes 59 Je<e& kesÀ
yeer®e nesveer ®eeefnS Deewj Jen 15.08.2014 mes 31.01.2015 kesÀ yeer®e heerScepes[erJeeF& ³eespevee ces Meeefceue nesvee/nesveer ®eeefnS leLee Gmes SkeÀ JewOe Deewj
he´®eefuele ªhes keÀe[& OeejkeÀ nesvee ®eeefnS~ Fmeces yeerefcele keÀe peesefKece 31.03.2020 lekeÀ GheueyOe nw ~
(*mejkeÀejer efoMeeefveoxMeeW Deewj GheyebefOele hee$elee ceeheob[eW keÀer Mele& kesÀ DeOeerve)
pe) he´Lece yeercee :
 efveiece keÀer veerefle³eeW kesÀ lenle DeefOekeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ ueesieeW keÀes yeercee megj#ee he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ heefjhes#³e ceW Ssmes ueesieeW hej p³eeoe O³eeve efo³ee peelee nw
efpevekeÀe hetJe& ceW keÀesF& Yeer yeercee veneR nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW 185.53 ueeKe J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀe henueer yeej yeercee keÀje³ee ie³ee, efpevekeÀer kegÀue yeercee
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
jeefMe ` 5,15,975.10 keÀjesæ[ Leer peyeefkeÀ FmekesÀ henues Je<e& 2018-19 ceW 189.99 ueeKe hee@efuemeer³eeW kesÀ Devleie&le kegÀue yeercee jeefMe ` 4,86,599.39
keÀjesæ[ Leer~ kegÀue yeercee kesÀ Devegheele ceW he´Lece yeercee keÀe Devegheele hee@efuemeer ceW 84.73… leLee yeercee jeefMe ceW 79.95… nw~
Pe) ie´eceerCe yeercee hej efJeMes<e he´³eeme :
peerJeve yeercee keÀe mebosMe ie´eceerCe #es$e, efJeMes<eleë efheíæ[s SJeb otjmLe #es$eeW ceW he´meeefjle keÀjves kesÀ efvejblej SJeb me®esle he´³eeme efkeÀS pee jns nw~ FmekesÀ
heefjCeece mJeªhe Fve #es$eeW ceW veJe J³eJemee³e ceW ueieeleej Je=ef× nes jner nw~ DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& keÀer Devegceesefole ie´eceerCe/ meeceeefpekeÀ #es$e keÀer heefjYee<ee
kesÀ Devleie&le, efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ie´eceerCe #es$e mes kegÀue 46,85,358 hee@efuemeer³eeb peejer keÀj kegÀue ©. 94,803.17 keÀjesæ[ yeercee jeefMe keÀe J³eJemee³e
efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, pees kegÀue hee@efuemeer mebK³ee SJeb yeercee jeefMe kesÀ ¬eÀceMe: 21.40… SJeb 14.69… efnmmes keÀes oMee&lee nw~
II) efJeefYeVe ÞesefCe³eeW ceW ®eeuet J³eJemee³e :
(keÀ) J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee :
J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
(Ke) meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer :
meeceev³e Jeee|<ekeÀer heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
(ie) hesvMeve :
hesvMeve heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
(Ie) vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe :
vee@ve eEuekeÀ nsuLe J³eJemee³e kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
([) ³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e :
³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3S ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
(®e) mecetn yeercee J³eJemee³e :
³etefveì eEuekeÀ J³eJemee³e meefnle mecetn yeercee heesì&HeÀesefue³ees kesÀ Debleie&le efheíues 3 Je<eeX keÀe ®eeuet J³eJemee³e meejCeer meb. 3yeer ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw ~
5. hetbpeer cees®eve leLee efveeq½ele Jeee|<ekeÀer J³eJemee³e :
31 cee®e& 2020 lekeÀ 405 efveeq½ele Jeee|<ekeÀer hee@efueefme³eeB ` 119.88 ueeKe Jeee|<ekeÀ Jeee|<ekeÀer kesÀ efueS ®eeuet Leer~ 7,177 hetBpeer efJecees®eve hee@efueefme³eeB ` 17286.82 ueeKe
yeercee Oeve kesÀ efueS ®eeuet Leer ~
6. hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ meebefJeefOekeÀ efJeJejCe :
yeercee DeefOeefve³ece, 1938 kesÀ Debleie&le efo³es ie³es he´he$e `[er[er' kesÀ Devegmeej efJeJejCe meejCeer meb. 4 ceW meeqcceefuele efkeÀS ieS nQ ~
7. mebieþveelceJeÀ {eb®ee :
Yeejle ceW eqmLele keÀe³ee&ue³e :
31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes cegbyeF&, efouueer, keÀesuekeÀelee, ®esVeF&, nwojeyeeo, keÀevehegj, Yeesheeue leLee heìvee eqmLele 8 #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e nQ ~ 113 ceC[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e leLee
2,048 MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³e 1,526 mewìsueeF&ì keÀe³ee&ue³e leLee 1,178 efceveer keÀe³ee&ue³e nQ ~ ceC[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e ieefleefJeefOe³eeW keÀes ceeefveìj SJeb efve³ebef$ele keÀjles nQ~
MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³e J³eJemee³e he´ehle keÀjles nQ Deewj meYeer ie´enkeÀ FvìjHesÀme uesve osve kesÀ efueS GÊejoe³eer nesles nQ ~ mewìsueeF&ì keÀe³ee&ue³e Yeer J³eJemee³e he´ehle keÀjles
nQ leLee DeeJeM³ekeÀ MeerIe´ ie´enkeÀ mesJee kesÀ efueS GÊejoe³eer nesles nQ ~ efceveer keÀe³ee&ue³e yeercee peeieªkeÀlee Deewj he´JesMe kesÀ he´meej kesÀ GÎsM³e mes 10,000 ³ee DeefOekeÀ
keÀer Deeyeeoer kesÀ meeLe Yeejle kesÀ meYeer MenjeW ceW efJeÊeceb$eer kesÀ yepeì 2013-14 kesÀ Devegmeej Keesues ieS nQ ~ efceveer keÀe³ee&ue³e DeeJeM³ekeÀ lelkeÀeue ie´enkeÀ mesJeeDeeW kesÀ
efueS efpeccesoej nQ~
8. peerJeve efveefOe, DeefOeMes<e leLee he´oÊe keÀj :

peerJeve efveefOe, cetu³e efveOee&jCe DeefOeMes<e leLee kesÀvê mejkeÀej kesÀ efnmmes ceW nj Je<e& meIeveleehetJe&keÀ Je=eqOo nes jner nw ~ Je<e& 2017-18, 2018-19 leLee 2019-20 mes
mebyebefOele DeebkeÀæ[s meejCeer meb. 5 ceW efoS ieS nQ ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
9. efJeheCeve ieefleefJeefOe³eeb
1) efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW efveiece Üeje J³eefÊeÀiele veJe J³eJemee³e ceW 2,18,96,220 hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ Debleie&le ` 51,227.83 keÀjesæ[ jeefMe keÀer he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece
Dee³e hetefjle keÀer ieF& ~ hee@efuemeer mebK³ee ceW 87.58… leLee he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece Dee³e ceW 90.67… yepeì ue#³e keÀer he´eeqhle ngF&~ he´Oeeve ceb$eer Je³e Jebovee ³eespevee
kesÀ Debleie&le 1,68,779 hee@efueefme³eeW hej ` 13,202.35 keÀjesæ[ keÀer he´erefce³ece Dee|pele keÀer ieF& ~ DeefYekeÀjCe Yeleea ceW efveiece Üeje 29,597 DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer
Meg× Je=ef× ope& keÀer ieF&~
2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve ®ewveue- Devegmeej J³eefÊeÀiele veJe J³eJemee³e keÀe efJeJejCe
J³eJemee³e hee@efueefme³eeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKe ces) he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece Dee³e ( ` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
heejbheefjkeÀ 176.08 41,869.45
yeQeEkeÀie SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece 2.45 1,518.23
he´cegKe peerJeve yeercee meueenkeÀej (meerSueDeeF&S) 30.97 6,629.74
he´l³e#e efJeheCeve 0.87 972.63
met#ce yeercee 8.59 237.78
kegÀue 218.96 51,227.83
keÀ) yeQkesÀM³eesjsvme SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ he´Ceeueer :
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, yeQkeÀSM³eesjWme SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ he´Ceeueer kesÀ ceeO³ece mes nceves 2,45,475 hee@efueefme³eeB leLee ` 1,534.88 keÀjesæ[ he´Lece Je<eea³e
he´erefce³ece Dee³e (he´.Je.he´er.Dee³e) hetCe& efkeÀ³ee~ kegÀue henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e (J³eefÊeÀiele yeercee) kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀSM³eesjWme SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ he´Ceeueer he´erefce³ece
keÀer he´efleMele efnmmesoejer Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 3.73… Leer ~
Jele&ceeve ceW, ®ewveue keÀe 10 meeJe&peefvekeÀ #es$e yeQkeÀes, 6 efvepeer yeQkeÀes, 16 #es$eer³e ie´eceerCe yeQkeÀes, 43 menkeÀejer yeQkeÀes Deewj 1 efJeosMeer yeQkeÀ kesÀ meeLe ieþ peesæ[
nw~ leLee 69 keÀe@heexjsì SpeWì SJeb 115 yeercee efJeheCeve HeÀce& (DeeF&.Sce.SHeÀ.) Yeer jesue hej nQ~ 4 veS yeQkeÀ, 7 keÀe@heexjsì SpeWì leLee 38 yeercee efJeheCeve HeÀce&
(DeeF&.Sce.SHeÀ.) Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀS ieS nQ ~
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve yeQkeÀes ves 2,14,447 hee@efueefme³eeB Deewj ` 1,449.98 keÀjesæ[ He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e hetCe& keÀjkesÀ kegÀue yeQkeÀSM³eesjWme SJeb JewkeÀequhekeÀ
he´Ceeueer kesÀ hee@efueefme³eeB ces 87.36… Deewj He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e ces 94.77… keÀe ³eesieoeve efo³ee~ Dev³e keÀe@heexjsì SpeWìes ves 24,555 hee@efueefme³eeB
kesÀ meeLe ` 40.65 keÀjesæ[ He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e keÀe ve³ee J³eJemee³e hetCe& efkeÀ³ee~ ye´eskeÀjeW ves 1,418 hee@efueefme³eeB kesÀ meeLe ` 27.60 keÀjesæ[ He´Lece
Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e keÀe ve³ee J³eJemee³e hetCe& efkeÀ³ee~ DeeF&.Sce.SHeÀ. ves 5,055 hee@efueefme³eeB kesÀ meeLe ` 16.65 keÀjesæ[ He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e keÀe ve³ee
J³eJemee³e hetCe& efkeÀ³ee ~
DeeF& [er yeer DeeF& (IDBI) yeQkeÀ ves 66,751 hee@efueefme³eeB Deewj ` 699.03 keÀjesæ[ He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e hetCe& keÀjkesÀ hee@efueefme³eeB Deewj he´erefce³ece ces Deie´Ceer
jne~ 242 yeQkeÀ MeeKeeDeeW ves ` 1 keÀjesæ[ ³ee Gmemes p³eeoe He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e keÀe ve³ee J³eJemee³e hetCe& efkeÀ³ee~ 387 yeQkeÀ MeeKeeDeeW ves, Je<e& kesÀ
oewjeve, ` 50 ueeKe mes ` 99 ueeKe lekeÀ He´Lece Je<e& efHe´efce³ece Dee³e keÀe ve³ee J³eJemee³e hetCe& efkeÀ³ee~
Ke) he´l³e#e efJeheCeve :
he´l³e#e efJeheCeve ®ewveue keÀer mLeehevee Deiemle 2009 ceW ngF& ~ Fme ®ewveue keÀer Meg©Deele 6 FkeÀeF&³eeW kesÀ meeLe ng³eer Leer ~ Jele&ceeve ceW ®ewveue 119 FkeÀeF&³eeW kesÀ
meeLe mechetCe& osMe ceW keÀe³e&jle nw~
Fme ceeO³ece keÀes Megª keÀjves keÀe GÎsM³e veF& he´Ceeefue³eeW kesÀ Üeje J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ Glheeove, efJe¬eÀ³e he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀer efveiejeveer Deewj J³eeheej he´ef¬eÀ³ee nsleg
Dehe´YeeefJele yeepeej lekeÀ hengB®eves Deewj ie´enkeÀeW, efJeMes<ele³ee lekeÀveerkeÀer ªhe mes DeÐeleve ³egJee Jeie& Deewj G®®e Dee³e Jeie& J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀes yesnlej ¬eÀ³e DevegYeJe
he´oeve mes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ®ewveue ves 86,865 hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ Debleie&le ` 972.63 keÀjesæ[ he´Lece Je<eea³e he´erefce³ece Dee³e keÀe J³eJemee³e efkeÀ³ee ~
®ewveue kesÀ efJeues heeuex eqmLele ef[mìvme ceekexÀeEìie keWÀê Üeje Dee@veueeFve kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW SveheerSme SJeb Dev³e Dee@veueeFve GlheeoeW kesÀ
Debleie&le 23,570 hee@efueefme³eeW leLee ` 392.12 keÀjesæ[ he´Lece he´erefce³ece Dee³e keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e efkeÀ³ee~
Jele&ceeve ceW SueDeeF&meer keÀer ìskeÀ-ìce& (Dee@veueeFve ìce& hueeve), SueDeeF&meer keQÀmej keÀJnj (keQÀmej kesÀ efueS megj#ee), SueDeeF&meer keÀer peerJeve Meebefle
(lelkeÀeue SJece efJeueeqcyele Jeee|<ekeÀer ³eespevee), efveJesMe hueme (³etefveì eEuekeÌ[ SkeÀue he´erefce³ece hueeve ) Deewj SueDeeF&meer keÀer meerHe (³etefveì eEuekeÌ[ iewj
SkeÀue he´erefce³ece hueeve Fl³eeefo) Glheeo Dee@veueeFve Kejero kesÀ efueS GheueyOe nQ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Fme ®ewveue kesÀ GoosMeeW keÀes Deeies yeæ{eves nsleg efoveebkeÀ 01.04.2015 mes ``o ®eer]HeÀ Dee@ie&veeFmej (SueDeeF&meer [e³ejskeÌì) ³eespevee, 2015'' keÀe MegYeejbYe
efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~ 2019-20 kesÀ Deble ceW kegÀue 1,055 ®eer]HeÀ Dee@ie&veeFmej keÀe³e&jle Les~
2019-20 kesÀ Deble ceW kegÀue 5,599 [eFjwkeÌì mesume S[JeeFmej ([erSmeS) keÀe³e&jle Les~
®eer]HeÀ Dee@ie&veeFmej Deewj [erSmeS Üeje 63,295 hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ Debleie&le kegÀue ` 553.47 keÀjesæ[ he´Lece he´erefce³ece Dee³e keÀe ³eesieoeve efo³ee ~
ie) mJeemL³e yeercee :
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, mJeemL³e yeercee #es$e ceW 2,82,563 mJeemL³e yeercee hee@efueefme³eeB efJe¬eÀ³e keÀeR, efpevemes ` 91.00 keÀjesæ[ keÀer he´Lece he´erefce³ece Dee³e
Dee|pele keÀer nw ~ Fme meeue ces kegÀue he´Lece meeue he´erefce³ece Dee³e ` 104.04 keÀjesæ[ Dee|pele keÀer nw ~
mJeemL³e yeercee efJeYeeie ves HeÀjJejer 2008 mes, nwojeyeeo ceW Dehevee keÀe³e& he´ejcYe efkeÀ³ee Lee, efpemekeÀe GÎsM³e Lee - mJeemL³e yeercee kesÀ efJeMeeue yeepeej ceW
Deheveer hee@efueefme³eeW leLee mesJeeDeeW kesÀ peefjS Dehevee efJemleej keÀjvee~ Jele&ceeve ceW nce oes mJeemL³e yeercee Glheeo -``peerJeve Deejesi³e'' (leeefuekeÀe mebK³ee 904)
pees efoveebkeÀ 16.11.2013 keÀes he´ejbYe keÀer ieF& leLee ``keQÀmej keÀJej'' (leeefuekeÀe mebK³ee 905) pees efoveebkeÀ 14.11.2017 keÀes he´ejbYe keÀer ieF&, keÀe efJeheCeve keÀj
jns nQ~ oesveeW ner ³eespeveeSb, J³eefÊeÀ³eeW keÀes efveeq½ele efnleueeYe he´oeve keÀjleer nQ ~
Fme Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 14,314 mJeemL³e oeJeeW hej efveCe&³e efoS ieS Deewj ` 50.12 keÀjesæ[ keÀer OevejeefMe keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ 4,208 heefjhekeÌJelee
oeJeeW kesÀ efveheìeve kesÀ efueS ` 36.92 keÀjes[ keÀer OevejeefMe keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~
Ie) met#ce yeercee :
met#ce yeercee J³eJemee³e efJeOee Üeje efJele Je<e& 2019-20 ces kegÀue 8,59,375 hee@efueefme³eeB ` 212.62 keÀjesæ[ he´Lece he´erefce³ece Dee³e kesÀ meeLe hetCe& keÀer ieF& ~ Fme
efJeOee kesÀ mLeehevee kesÀ yeeo mes Deye lekeÀ 2.12 keÀjesæ[ hee@efueefme³eeW keÀe megj#ee mebj#eCe he´oeve keÀj meceepe kesÀ Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes keÀcepeesj Je Deuhe Dee³e Jeeues
keÀes ueeYeeeqvJele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~ efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW hee@efueefme³eeW keÀer mebK³ee efkeÀ ¢eqä mes ³en Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ kegÀue veJe J³eJemee³e keÀe
3.92… nw~
met#ce yeercee hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀe efJe¬eÀ³e efJelejCe Jeeefnveer kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efkeÀ³ee peelee nw efpemeces iewj-mejkeÀejer mebieþve (Sve.peer.Dees.),mJe³eb mesJeer mebieþve(Sme.
S®e.peer.), met#ce efJeÊe mebmLee (Sce.SHeÀ.DeeF), efveiee|cekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee&, ®e³eefvele heejbheefjkeÀ DeefYekeÀlee&, ye´eskeÀme&, efpeuee menkeÀejer yeQkeÌme ([er.meer.yeer.),
Deeb®eefuekeÀ ie´eceerCe yeQkeÌme (Deej.Deej.yeer.), Menjer menkeÀejer yeQkeÀ (³et.meer.yeer), he´eLeefcekeÀ ke=Àef<e menkeÀejer meefceefle³eeb (heer.S.meer.Sme.), Dev³e menkeÀejer
meefceefle³eeb (meer.Sme.), yeQeEkeÀie mecheke&ÀkeÀlee&(yeer.meer.) Deewj efkeÀmeeve GlheeokeÀ kebÀheefve³eeb (SHeÀ.heer.meer.) Meeefceue nQ ~ efoveebkeÀ 31.03.2020 keÀes 20,908
met#ce yeercee DeefYekeÀlee& ef¬eÀ³eeMeerue nQ~
met#ce yeercee J³eJemee³e efJeOee Üeje efoveebkeÀ 05 DekeÌìtyej 2019 kesÀ efove SueDeeF&meer keÀer ceeF¬eÀes ye®ele ³eespevee kesÀ efJe¬eÀ³e keÀes MeeKee mlejeW hej
efJekeWÀêerke=Àle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve MeeKee mlejeW hej kegÀue 44,039 hee@efueefme³eeb hetCe& keÀer ieF¥, leLee Fvemes kegÀue ` 11.73 keÀjesæ[ keÀer
SHeÀheerDeeF& he´ehle ngF¥~
meceepe kesÀ Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes keÀcepeesj JeieeX lekeÀ Deheveer ef[efpeìue hengb®e yeæ{eves Deewj Fve JeieeX kesÀ efJeÊeer³e meceeJesMeve keÀes yeæ{eJee osves kesÀ GÎsM³e mes efoveebkeÀ
6 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes met#ce yeercee efJeYeeie ves ceeEnêe FbM³eesjWme ye´eskeÀme& efueefceìs[ (MIBL) kesÀ meeLe meePesoejer mes hee@efuemeer hetCe& keÀjves keÀer Dee@veueeFve SJeb
heshejuesme he´ef¬eÀ³ee Megª keÀer nw~ Fme henue mes nces ye´eskeÀme& efveiee|cekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& Deewj Deece ueeskeÀ mesJee keWÀê kesÀ DeOeerve keÀe³e&jle hee@Fbì Dee@]HeÀ mesue heme&veme
(POSP) kesÀ SkeÀ yeæ[s vesìJeke&À keÀe Ghe³eesie keÀjves keÀe DeJemej he´ehle nesiee~
met#ce yeercee J³eJemee³e efJeOee kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve pees Glheeo efye¬eÀer kesÀ efueS GheueyOe Les, GveceW ìce& SM³eesjWme hueeve SueDeeF&meer
keÀer Yeei³e ue#ceer Deewj SueDeeF&meer keÀer v³et peerJeve cebieue leLee Sb[e@ceWì hueeve SueDeeF&meer keÀer ceeF¬eÀes ye®ele Meeefceue nQ~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW 409 ie´ecees keÀes ``Sce DeeF& yeercee ie´ece / mecegoe³e'' ³eespevee kesÀ lenle ``met#ce yeercee ie´ece'' Ieesef<ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~ Fme ³eespevee kesÀ
Debleie&le efkeÀmeer ie´ece Üeje efveOee&efjle hee@efueefme³eeb hetCe& nesves hej Gme ie´ece keÀes efJekeÀemeesvcegKe ieefleefJeefOe³eeW kesÀ efueS Deee|LekeÀ he´eslmeenve jeefMe he´oeve keÀer
peeleer nw ~
met#ce yeercee hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ efjv³etJeue he´erefce³ece keÀes efveOee&efjle he´erefce³ece hee@Fbìdme Deewj meerSmemeer DeeGìuesìdme hej pecee keÀje mekeÀles nQ~ efoveebkeÀ
31.03.2020 lekeÀ, 4,147 he´erefce³ece hee@Fbì nQ pees efveiece kesÀ meYeer MeeKee #es$eeW keÀes keÀJej keÀjles nQ~
efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 ceW he´erefce³ece hee@Fbìdme Deewj meerSmemeer heesì&ue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes kegÀue ` 36.91 keÀjesæ[ efjv³etJeue he´erefce³ece mebie´n ngDee pees efkeÀ met#ce
yeercee efJeOee kesÀ kegÀue efjv³etJeue he´erefce³ece uesveosve keÀe 60.12… nw ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
æ[) Glheeo efJekeÀeme :
efveiece, meceepe kesÀ efJeefYeVe ie´enkeÀ #es$eeW keÀer peªjleeW keÀes hetje keÀjves kesÀ efueS efJeefYeVe he´keÀej kesÀ Glheeo peejer keÀjlee nw~
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve, efveiece ves 7 Glheeo hesMe efkeÀS~ FveceW 4 J³eefÊeÀiele Glheeo Meeefceue nQ~ ³es nQ Sue DeeF& meer efveJesMe hueme, Sue DeeF& meer SmeDeeFDeeFheer,
Sue DeeF& meer ìskeÀ-ìce&, Sue DeeF& meer peerJeve Decej, mejkeÀej he´e³eesefpele 2 mecetn ³eespeveeSB, he´Oeeveceb$eer efkeÀmeeve ceeve-Oeve ³eespevee, he´Oeeveceb$eer ueIeg
J³eeheejer ceeve-Oeve ³eespevee Deewj SkeÀ mecetn Glheeo DeLee&le SueDeeF&meer keÀer SkeÀ meeue keÀer De#e³e mecetn met#ce DeJeefOe yeercee ³eespevee~
FmekesÀ DeueeJee efveiece ves efJeÊeer³e Je<e& ceW yeercee efve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe Üeje hesMe efkeÀS ieS veS Glheeo efJeefve³ece, 2019 kesÀ Devegheeueve kesÀ efueS 22
J³eefÊeÀiele GlheeoeW, 3 mecetn kesÀ GlheeoeW Deewj 2 jeF[me& kesÀ mebMeesefOele mebmkeÀjCe Yeer hesMe efkeÀS~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ Deble ceW, efveiece kesÀ heeme 27 J³eefÊeÀiele Glheeo, 15 mecetn Glheeo Deewj 7 jeF[me& efye¬eÀer kesÀ efueS GheueyOe Les~
Pe) Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer (SmeyeerS)
Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer ³eespevee keÀe MegYeejcYe Je<e& 2009 ceW Jewmes efJekeÀeme DeefOekeÀejer³eeW keÀes he´sefjle keÀjves kesÀ GÎsM³e mes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee efpevneWves yeercee
J³eJemee³e kesÀ #es$e ceW melele Glke=Àä he´oMe&ve efkeÀ³ee Lee~ Fme ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer keÀes heeefuemeer mesJee mes mecyebefOele kegÀí
efJeÊeer³e leLee iewj efJeÊeer³e DeefOekeÀej efoS ieS nw ~ Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer (Sme yeer S) Deheves `` ueeFHeÀ hueme'' keÀe³ee&ue³e hej veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece
keÀe mebie´nCe keÀj mekeÀlee nw leLee Jen Deheves DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW mes veS he´mleeJe hej Yeer pecee jeefMe he´ehle keÀj mekeÀlee nw ~ Jes E2E kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ve³es
he´mleeJe keÀes mJeerkeÀej keÀj mekeÀles nw leLee heeefuemeer mesJee mebyebOeer kegÀí cetue mesJeeDeeW keÀes he´oeve keÀj mekeÀles nw ~
efJeiele meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 31.03.2020 keÀes Sme yeer S keÀer mebK³ee 3,806 Leer leLee GvekesÀ mebieþve ceW 2,85,401 DeefYekeÀlee& keÀe³e&jle Les ~
Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer ®ewveue keÀe Je<e& 2019-20 keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e efJeJejCe:-
Hee@efuemeer he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece Dee³e
mekeÀue 59,78,393 ` 14,244.25 keÀjesæ[
kegÀue J³eJemee³e ceW efnmmesoejer 27.30… 27.83…
Deewmele GlheeokeÀlee 1571 ` 3.74 keÀjesæ[
Sme yeer S ®ewveue ves Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ``ueeFHeÀ hueme'' keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW 3.03 keÀjesæ[ uesve osve kesÀ lenle ` 16,221.86 keÀjesæ[ keÀer jeefMe keÀe mebie´nCe
efkeÀ³ee~ Je<e& 2019-20 ceW 421 Sme yeer S ves E2E megefJeOee keÀe Ghe³eesie keÀjles ngS 92,655 Hee@efuemeer hetCe& keÀer~ Je<e& 2019-20 ceW Sme yeer S mebieþve kesÀ
Debleie&le 4,479 DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW ves MDRT (meom³elee Je<e& 2020) keÀer Denlee& he´ehle keÀer efpevekeÀer mebK³ee 2018-19 (meom³elee Je<e& 2019) ceW 3,624 Leer~
iele meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& ceW 111 Sme yeer S Ssmes Les efpevekesÀ mebieþve ceW keÀe³e&jle 5 ³ee DeefOekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW ves MDRT keÀer Denlee& he´ehle keÀer ~
peerJeve yeercee efveiece men³eesieer ³eespevee (LICA)
peerJeve yeercee efveiece men³eesieer ³eespevee(LICA) keÀer Meg©Deele 01.04.2016 keÀes SkeÀ veS efJeheCeve ®ewveue kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀer ie³eer efpemekeÀe cegK³e GÎsM³e
mesJeeefveJe=Êe Sme yeer S kesÀ efJeheCeve keÀewMeue keÀe Ghe³eesie keÀj efJeefYeVe efJeheCeve mlebYeeW keÀes Deewj meMeÊeÀ keÀjvee leLee mesJeeefveJe=efÊe kesÀ Ghejeble GvnW
Dee³ehejkeÀ jespeieej he´oeve keÀjvee nw~ peerJeve yeercee efveiece men³eesieer (LICA) veS DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ leLee efJeÐeceeve DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ he´efMe#eCe kesÀ
efueS DeefOeke=Àle nw~ FmekesÀ meeLe ner Jees DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ Gef®ele ceeie&oMe&ve Deewj veJe J³eJemee³e keÀer he´eeqhle kesÀ efueS Yeer efpeccesJeej nw~ LICA Deheves
"BIMA CONNECT" keÀe³ee&ue³e hej veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece Deewj Deheves DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW mes veS he´mleeJeeW hej pecee jeMeer uesves kesÀ efueS DeefOeke=Àle nw ~
31.03.2020 keÀes meceehle Je<e& ceW peerJeve yeercee efveiece men³eesieer (LICA) keÀer mebK³ee 204 leLee GvekesÀ mebieþve ceW DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer
mebK³eeb 15,419 Leer~
LICA ®ewveue keÀe Je<e& 2019-20 keÀe veJe J³eJemee³e efJeJejCe :-
Hee@efuemeer he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece Dee³e
mekeÀue 2,57,774 ` 613.95 keÀjesæ[
kegÀue J³eJemee³e ceW efnmmesoejer 1.18… 1.20.…
Deewmele GlheeokeÀlee 1,264 ` 3.01 keÀjesæ[
peerJeve yeercee efveiece men³eesieer (LICA) ®ewveue ves 2019-20 ceW Deheves "BIMA CONNECT" keÀe³ee&ue³e hej 15.46 ueeKe uesve osve kesÀ meeLe 790.84
keÀjesæ[ keÀer jeefMe keÀes mebie´efnle efkeÀ³ee ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
2. DeefYekeÀlee& :
keÀ) DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer mebK³ee :
nceejs kegÀue DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer mebK³ee 31.03.2020 keÀes 12,08,826 nw pees efkeÀ iele Je<e& 31.03.2019 keÀes 11,79,229 Leer~ efveiece kesÀ 31.03.2020 keÀes meef¬eÀ³e
DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer mebK³ee 10,80,809 nw efpemekeÀer leguevee ceW iele Je<e& 31.03.2019 keÀes meef¬eÀ³e DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer mebK³ee 10,69,816 Leer~
Ke) DeefYekeÀlee& keÌueye meom³elee :
G®®e mlej hej keÀe³e& keÀjves Jeeues DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes Glmeeefnle keÀjves leLee ceev³elee he´oeve keÀjves nsleg efJeefYeVe keÌueyeeW keÀe efvecee&Ce efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
efJeefYeVe keÌueyeeW keÀer meom³elee keÀe efJeJejCe DeOeesefueefKele leeefuekeÀe ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw :
efJeefYeVe keÌueye mlejeW kesÀ meom³e
keÌueye kesÀ veece meom³elee Je<e&
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
keÀe@heexjsì 287 243 191
iewuekeÌmeer 1,124 953 623
DeO³e#e 40,932 40,245 39,411
#es$eer³e he´yebOekeÀ 32,363 31,854 31,562
ceC[ue he´yebOekeÀ 54,358 53,524 53,504
MeeKee he´yebOekeÀ 42,524 42,565 45,380
efJeefMeä DeefYekeÀlee& 16,335 18,117 13,078
kegÀue 1,87,923 1,87,501 1,83,749
ie) Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& ³eespevee :
efveiece ceW DeefYekeÀlee& yeue kesÀ J³eJemee³eerkeÀjCe keÀes GVele keÀjeves nsleg veiejer³e Je=efÊekeÀ Deewj ie´eceerCe Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& ³eespevee nw~ J³eJemee³e ceW
eqmLejlee he´ehle keÀjeves nsleg keÀefj³ej keÀer Meg©Deele ceW Gvns Je=efÊekeÀe oer peeleer nw~ 31 cee®e& 2020 keÀes efveiece ceW 1,642 veiejer³e Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& Deewj
57,643 ie´eceerCe Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& nw~
meYeer efJekeÀeme DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀes Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& Yeleea keÀjves keÀe DeJemej osves kesÀ efueS Je<e& 2010 ceW Menjer Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& ³eespevee keÀe DeejcYe
efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ 31 cee®e& 2020 keÀes efveiece ceW 23,305 Menjer Je=efÊekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee& nw~
Ie) cegK³e peerJeve yeercee meueenkeÀej ³eespevee, 2008 :
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece ves mebieþveelcekeÀ Je=eqOo nsleg efJeÐeceeve G®®emlej keÀe keÀe³e& keÀjvesJeeues DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer #eceleeDeeW keÀes Ghe³eesie ceW ueeles
ngS DeefOekeÀeefOekeÀ DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes Yeleea keÀj yeepeej ceW Deheves cenlJe keÀes Je=eÅOoiele keÀjves kesÀ GÎsMe mes efoveebkeÀ 12.04.2008 keÀes cegK³e peerJeve yeercee
meueenkeÀej ³eespevee, 2008 keÀe DeejbYe efkeÀ³ee~ efveiece ves ³eespevee kesÀ yeejnJes Je<e& 2019-20 ceW 22,987 ef¬eÀ³eeMeerue cegK³e peerJeve yeercee meueeÔkeÀejeW
kesÀ he³e&Jes#eCe ceW jns~ 1,93,950 met®eeryeOo DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ peefj³es 30,96,631 (13.89… Je=eqOo) Hee@efueefme³eeW hej ` 6629.74 keÀjesæ[ (7.61… Je=eqOo)
kesÀ he´Lece Je<e& he´erefce³ece keÀe meie´n efkeÀ³ee~ ®ewveue keÀe Mes³ej Hee@efuemeer ceW iele Je<e& 31.03.2019 kesÀ 12.70… keÀer leguevee ceW Fme Je<e& 14.14…Deewj he´erefce³ece
ceW iele Je<e& 31.03.2019 kesÀ 12.07… keÀer leguevee ceW Fme Je<e& 12.95… jne~
cegK³e peerJeve yeercee meueenkeÀejeW keÀer ieefjcee yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS Deewj GvekesÀ yeer®e J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀlee ueeves kesÀ efueS meerSueDeeF&S efye´ies[ kesÀ ®eej mlej hesMe
efkeÀS ieS Les~ meom³elee Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS 1,621 jpele efye´ies[ kesÀ meom³e, 1,125 mJeCe& efye´ies[ kesÀ meom³e, 1,100 [e³eceb[ efye´ies[ meom³e Deewj
282 huewefìvece efye´ies[ kesÀ meom³e nQ~ kegÀue efye´ies[ meom³e 4,128 nQ~
[) he´eefOeke=Àle DeefYekeÀlee& :
he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve SJeb mesJee ceW DeefOekeÀ megefJeOeeDeeW kesÀ efueS ie´eÔkeÀeW keÀer yeæ{leer ngF& Dehes#eeDeeW kesÀ Deveg©he, he´erefce³ece hee@F¥ìme kesÀ peefjS veefJekeÀjCe
he´erefce³ece keÀer Jemegueer keÀjves nsleg, efveiece ves ®egefvevoe DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes he´eefOeke=Àle efkeÀ³ee nw~ 31.03.2020 lekeÀ osMeYej ceW Ssmes ``he´erefce³ece hee@F¥ìme'' keÀer
meb]K³ee 31,382 nw~ Fve he´eefOeke=Àle DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW Üeje ` 44,099.15 keÀjesæ[ kesÀ veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece pecee efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, efpevneWves Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee
efveiece kesÀ ie´eÔkeÀeW keÀes 8.62 keÀjesæ[ veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece jmeeroW peejer keÀeR~ Fve he´erefce³ece hee@F¥ìme kesÀ ceeO³ece mes kegÀue mebie´efnle he´erefce³ece keÀe 23.46…
he´erefce³ece mebef®ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
3. efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020-21 kesÀ efueS ³eespevee :
efveiece keÀer efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020-21 kesÀ efueS J³eefÊeÀiele veJe J³eJemee³e keÀer ³eespevee efvecveevegmeej nw:
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020-21 kesÀ efueS yepeì
kegÀue hee@efueefme³eeb (keÀjesæ[ ceW) 2.20
eEmeieue he´erefce³ece (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) 22,000
vee@ve eEmeieue he´erefce³ece (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) 18,600
he´Lece Je<e& efjv³egDeue he´erefce³ece (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) 10,700
he´Lece Je<eea³e he´erefce³ece Dee³e (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) 51,300
10. efJeosMeer he´®eeueve :
keÀ) efJeosMeer MeeKeeSB :
efveiece Dehevee yeercee J³eJemee³e efHeÀpeer (megJee SJeb ueewìgkeÀe) leLee ceesjerMeme (heesì& uetF&) Deewj ³et.kesÀ.(Jescyues) eqmLele MeeKeeDeeW Üeje keÀj jne nw~
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve efveiece keÀer Fve leerve efJeosMeer MeeKeeDeeW ves kegÀue efceueekeÀj 12,313 Hee@efueefme³eeb peejer keÀer, efpevekeÀer he´Lece he´erefce³ece Dee³e ` 94.31
keÀjesæ[ Leer~
Ke) efJeosMeer meb³egÊeÀ kebÀheveer :
Sue DeeF& meer (FbìjvewMeveue) yeer.Sme.meer.(meer), yenjerve:-
peerJeve yeercee efveiece (Debleje&ä^er³e) B.S.C. (c), keÀes yenjerve ceW SkeÀ meb³egÊeÀ GÐece kebÀheveer kesÀ ªhe ceW mLeeefhele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ 23 pegueeF&, 1989 keÀes
heefj®eeueve Megª ngDee Deewj Megª ceW iewj-efveJeemeer Yeejleer³eeW (SveDeejDeeF&) keÀer peerJeve yeercee peªjleeW keÀes hetje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Deewj yeeo ceW ³etSme [e@uej ceW
peerJeve yeercee hee@efuemeer peejer keÀjles ngS Keeæ[er ceW mLeeveer³e efveJeemeer lekeÀ yeæ{e efo³ee ie³ee~ kebÀheveer yenjerve, kegÀJewle, ³eg.S.F&. (ogyeF& Deewj Deyeg Oeeyeer) keÀleej
SJeb Deesceeve Fve heeB®e Keeæ[er osMeesceW keÀe³e&jle nw ~ kebÀheveer ves 31.12.2019 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 9,616 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW ` 1,756.50 keÀjesæ[
keÀer henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
Sue DeeF& meer (vesheeue) efueefceìs[,vesheeue :-
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (vesheeue) efueefceìs[, Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Deewj efJeMeeue mecetn kesÀ yeer®e SkeÀ meb³egÊeÀ GÐece kebÀheveer nw, efpemeceW vesheeue
keÀer meeJe&peefvekeÀ efnmmesoejer Meeefceue nw Deewj FmekeÀer mLeehevee 1 efmelebyej 2001 keÀes ngF& Leer~ ³en SkeÀ met®eerye× kebÀheveer nw efpemekesÀ Mes³ej vesheeue mìe@keÀ
SkeÌme®eWpe ceW keÀejesyeej keÀjles nQ~ kebÀheveer ves 15.07.2019 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 1,88,422 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW ` 264.37 keÀjesæ[ keÀer henueer
he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
Sue DeeF& meer (uebkeÀe) efueefceìs[, uebkeÀe :-
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (uebkeÀe) efueefceìs[, Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Deewj yeeì&uesì ì^ebmekewÀefheìue efueefceìs[ kesÀ yeer®e SkeÀ meb³egÊeÀ GÐece kebÀheveer
nw Deewj Fmes 7 DekeÌìtyej 2002 keÀes mLeeefhele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ kebÀheveer ves 31.12.2019 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 6,263 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW
` 11.58 keÀjesæ[ keÀer henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
kesÀve Feqv[³ee SM³eeWjsvme kebÀheveer efueefceìs[,kesÀv³ee :-
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece, meeOeejCe yeercee efveiece SJeb Dev³e kesÀ menYeeefielee ceW meb³egÊeÀ yeercee GÐece - kesÀve Feqv[³ee SM³eeWjsvme kebÀheveer efueefceìs[ keÀer
mLeehevee efoveebkeÀ 06 efomecyej 1978 keÀes keÀer ieF& kesÀve Feqv[³ee kebÀheveer peerJeve Deewj meeOeejCe yeercee oesveeW kesÀ J³eeheej ceW keÀe³e&jle nw ~ kebÀheveer ves 31.12.2019
keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 5,625 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW ` 190.43 keÀjesæ[ keÀer henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
meToer Fbef[³eve kebÀheveer ]HeÀe@j keÀesDee@hejsefìJe FvM³eesjsvme,meToer Dejye :-
meToer Fbef[³eve kebÀheveer HeÀe@j keÀes-Dee@hejsefìJe FbM³eesjWme (SICCI) (Jee]HeÀe FbM³eesjWme) 7 Deiemle, 2007 keÀes mLeeefhele SkeÀ meToer pee@Fbì mìe@keÀ kebÀheveer
nw~ Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Deewj ueeFHeÀ FbM³eesjWme keÀe@jheesjsMeve (FbìjvesMeveue) BSC (c) yenjerve, kebÀheveer ceW Jele&ceeve ceW he´l³eskeÀ 4.98% Mes³ej
jKeleer nw Deewj Mes<e Mes³ej v³et Fbef[³ee SM³eesjWme kebÀheveer, Dev³e Deewj meToer Dejye jep³e keÀer pevelee kesÀ heeme nw~ kebÀheveer mLeeveer³e keÀevetveeW kesÀ Devegmeej
efJeÊeer³e hegve: mebieþve hej efJe®eej keÀj jner nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
peerJeve yeercee efveiece (Sue DeeF& meer) yeebiueeosMe efueefceìs[, yeebiueeosMe :-
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (LIC) yeebiueeosMe efueefceìs[, Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece, mì^wìsefpekeÀ FeqkeÌJeìer cewvespeceWì efueefceìs[ Deewj c³et®egDeue ì^mì
yeQkeÀ efueefceìs[ kesÀ yeer®e SkeÀ meb³egÊeÀ GÐece kebÀheveer nw Deewj 14.12.2015 keÀes yeebiueeosMe kesÀ 1994 kesÀ kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece (DeefOeefve³ece XVIII) kesÀ lenle
efveieefcele nw~ kebÀheveer ves 31.12.2019 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 2,256 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW ` 5.43 keÀjesæ[ keÀer henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
efJeosMeer hetCe& mJeeefcelJe Jeeueer mene³ekeÀ kebÀheveer:
peerJeve yeercee efveiece (eEmeieehegj) he´eFJesì efueefceìs[, eEmeieehegj:-
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀer hetCe& mJeeefcelJe Jeeueer mene³ekeÀ kebÀheveer, peerJeve yeercee efveiece (eEmeieehegj) he´eFJesì efueefceìs[ keÀer mLeehevee efoveebkeÀ 30.4.2012
keÀes keÀer ieF& ~ kebÀheveer ves 31.12.2019 keÀes meceehle efJeÊeer³e Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 131 hee@efuemeer yes®eeR, efpemeceW ` 43.72 keÀjesæ[ keÀer henueer he´erefce³ece Dee³e Leer~
11. ie´enkeÀ mebyebOe he´yebOeve (ie´e.meb.he´.)
oeJeeW keÀe efveheìeve :
ie´enkeÀ keWÀefêle mebieþve kesÀ ªhe ceW, nceeje ncesMee mes ³en he´³eeme jne nw efkeÀ nce Deheves oeJee efveheìeve efve<heeove kesÀ ceevekeÀ ceW yeæ{eslejer keÀjW ~
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve, efveiece ves ` 1,59,770.32 keÀjesæ[ kesÀ efueS 215.98 ueeKe oeJeeW keÀe (met#ce yeercee Deewj heWMeve SJeb mecetn ³eespeveeDeeW meefnle) efveheìeve efkeÀ³ee~
efheíues leerve Je<eeX kesÀ efueS oeJeeW kesÀ efveheìeve mebyebOeer DeebkeÀæ[s veer®es efoS ieS nQ:
Je<e& efveheìeS ieS heefjhekeÌJelee oeJes efveheìeS ieS ce=l³eg oeJes
mebK³ee jeefMe He´olle he´efleMele mebK³ee jeefMe He´olle he´efleMele
(ueeKe ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (mebK³ee ceW) (ueeKe ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (mebK³ee ceW)
2017-18 267.36 1,17,888.30 95.50 10.09 14,283.15 98.55
2018-19 249.62 1,45,636.06 92.95 09.92 17,468.43 98.27
2019-20 206.66 1,42,350.76 87.66 9.32 1,74,19.57 95.44
Deeieeceer Je<eeX ceW nceeje O³eeve oeJeeW kesÀ ³eLeemece³e efveheìeve SJeb oeJee mebyebOeer ceeBieeW kesÀ Dee@veueeFve he´mlegleerkeÀjCe hej keWÀefêle jnsiee ~
SveF&SHeÀìer (vesHeÌì) kesÀ ceeO³ece mes hee@efuemeer Yegieleeve :
2019-20 oewjeve, SueDeeF&meer ves ` 1,60,414.17 keÀjesæ[ keÀer jeefMe kesÀ efueS 3.37 keÀjesæ[ hee@efueefme³eeW keÀe Yegieleeve vesHeÌì (vesMeveue FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ HebÀ[ ì^ebmeHeÀj)
Üeje efkeÀ³ee, pees kegÀue Yegieleeve keÀe 98.43… nw ~
Jeee|<ekeÀer Yegieleeve :
Jeee|<ekeÀer Hee@efueefme³eeB Je==×eJemLee ceW megjef#ele Deewj ieejbìerke=Àle ueeYe kesÀ GÎsM³e keÀes hetje keÀjleer nQ ~ nceejs heeme 36.38 ueeKe mes DeefOekeÀ Hee@efueefme³eeB nQ,
efpeveceW Jeee|<eefkeÀ³ee keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw ~ Fve Jeee|<ekeÀer hee@efueefme³eeW keÀer mesJee keÀe O³eeve jKeves kesÀ efueS 8 #es$eer³e cegK³eeue³eeW Deewj 3 ceb[ue
keÀe³ee&ue³eeW, DeLee&le Denceoeyeeo, yeWieuegª Deewj keÀesuekeÀelee ceW mecee|hele J³eefÊeÀiele heWMeve (DeeF&heerheer) keÀ#eeW keÀer mLeehevee keÀer ieF& nw ~ Jeee|<eefkeÀ³eeW keÀe Yegieleeve
vesHeÌì/F&meerSme kesÀ ceeO³ece mes - meerOes Jeee|<ekeÀerie´ener kesÀ yeQkeÀ Keeles ceW efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~
oeJee efJeJeeo efveJeejCe meefceefle
efveiece Üeje he´efle Je<e& yeæ[er mebK³ee ceW ce=l³eg oeJeeW keÀe efveheìeve efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ kesÀJeue cenlJehetCe& SJeb DeeJeM³ekeÀ peevekeÀejer kesÀ keÀheìhetCe& oceve kesÀ ceeceues ceW oeJes
keÀes DemJeerkeÀej efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~ DemJeerke=Àle ce=l³eg oeJeeW keÀe he´efleMele yengle keÀce nw ~ Ssmes ceeceueeW ceW Yeer, oeJesoej keÀes efveJesove keÀjves keÀe DeJemej he´oeve efkeÀ³ee
peelee nw, efpeme hej #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e Deewj keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e keÀer oeJee efJeJeeo efveJeejCe meefceefle³eeW Üeje efJe®eej efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~ Ssmeer meceer#ee kesÀ heefjCeece
mJeªhe, he´l³eskeÀ ceeceues keÀer ³eesi³elee kesÀ DeeOeej hej, Gef®ele efveCe&³e efue³ee peeles nw~ keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e SJeb #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW eqmLele oeJee efJeJeeo efveJeejCe
meefceefle³eeW kesÀ Dev³e meom³eeW ceW G®®e v³ee³eeue³e / efpeuee v³ee³eeue³e kesÀ SkeÀ mesJeeefveJe=Êe v³ee³eeOeerMe nesles nQ~
ie´enkeÀ efMekeÀe³ele efveJeejCe :
efveiece ceW ie´enkeÀeW keÀer efMekeÀe³eleeW kesÀ efveJeejCe kesÀ efueS MeeKee / ceb[ue / #es$eer³e / keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW efMekeÀe³ele efveJeejCe DeefOekeÀejer efve³egÊeÀ nQ ~ GvekesÀ veece
Deewj GheueyOelee kesÀ mece³e keÀes J³eehekeÀ Kehele Jeeues mecee®eej-he$eeW ceW mece³e-mece³e hej he´keÀeefMele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw Deewj Jes nceejer JesyemeeFì hej Yeer GheueyOe nQ~
nceejer efMekeÀe³ele efveJeejCe he´Ceeueer ceW ie´enkeÀ mebyebOe Deewj ie´enkeÀ mesJee keÀer cetue YeeJevee Deblee|veefnle nw, efpemeceW ie´enkeÀeW kesÀ meeLe mebheke&À kesÀ meYeer efyevogDeeW hej
ie´enkeÀ GvcegKe keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes efve³egÊeÀ keÀjves hej ]peesj efo³ee ie³ee nw ~ cewvegDeue nmle#esheeW keÀes Ieìeves Deewj efMekeÀe³eleeW keÀer mebK³ee keÀes v³etvelece keÀjves kesÀ efueS

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
DeeF&ìer mecee|Lele meheesì& efmemìce meb®eeefuele keÀer ieF& nw ~
hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ/oeJesoej efMekeÀe³eleeW kesÀ efveJeejCe kesÀ efueS yeercee ueeskeÀheeue mes mebheke&À keÀj mekeÀles nQ ~ ueeskeÀheeue efveOee&efjle YeewieesefuekeÀ #es$eeefOekeÀej kesÀ Debleie&le
keÀe³e& keÀjles nQ Deewj Jes oeJeeW keÀer DeebefMekeÀ / hetCe& DemJeerke=Àefle, oeJeeW kesÀ efveheìeve ceW efJeuebye, oeJeeW mes mebyebefOele efJeJeeoeW kesÀ ceeceues ceW hee@efueefme³eeW keÀer efJeefOekeÀ
J³eeK³ee hej keÀesF& efJeJeeo, hee@efuemeer mes mebyebefOele he´oÊe DeLeJee os³e he´erefce³ece mebyebOeer Deewj yeercee omleeJespeeW keÀes he´oeve ve efkeÀS peeves mebyebOeer efJeJeeoeW hej O³eeve osles
nQ~ ueeskeÀheeue keÀe³ee&ue³e Denceoeyeeo, yeWieuegª, Yeesheeue, YegJeveséej, ®eb[erie{, ®esVeF&, efouueer, iegJeeneìer, nwojeyeeo, pe³ehegj, keÀes®®eer, keÀesuekeÀelee, ueKeveT,
cegbyeF&, veesS[e, heìvee Deewj hegCes ceW eqmLele nQ ~
ie´enkeÀeW keÀer efMekeÀe³eleeW keÀe MeerIe´ efveJeejCe megefveeq½ele keÀjves kesÀ efueS efveiece ves `LIC's e-services' kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ie´enkeÀ-DevegketÀue Dee@veueeFve he´Ceeueer
'Integrated Complaint Management System' (DeeF&meerSceSme) mLeeefhele keÀer nw, pees nceejer JesyemeeFì hej GheueyOe
nw, peneb hebpeerke=Àle hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ meerOes efMekeÀe³ele ope& keÀj mekeÀlee nw Deewj efMekeÀe³ele keÀer eqmLeefle keÀes osKe Yeer mekeÀlee nw ~ ie´enkeÀ efkeÀmeer Yeer efMekeÀe³ele kesÀ
efveJeejCe kesÀ efueS F&-cesue DeeF&[er hej Yeer mebheke&À keÀj mekeÀles nQ ~
keÀe@ue meWìj mesJeeSb :
SueDeeF&meer keÀe keWÀêerke=Àle keÀe@ue meWìj 29 efmelebyej, 2018 mes keÀe³e&jle nw~ ³en SkeÀ ner vebyej 022-68276827 mes he´³eesie neslee nw pees 24x7 eEnoer Deewj Debie´speer
ceW GheueyOe nw~ Fme hej Je<e& 2019-2020 ceW kegÀue 52 ueeKe keÀe@ue DeeS~ FveceW mes, 62… keÀe@ue DeeF&JeerDeejSme kesÀ ceeO³ece mes hetjer keÀer ieF¥ Deewj 38… keÀe@ue
meWìj SpeWìdme Üeje he´ehle efkeÀS ieS~ 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS 1-5 kesÀ hewceeves hej ie´enkeÀ meblegeqä jseEìie 4.40 Leer~ 92… keÀe@ume keÀe@ue-meWìj
DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW Üeje ner meblegä keÀj oer ieF&, kesÀJeue 8… keÀe@ume SueDeeF&meer nsuhe[smkeÀ keÀes Deie´sef<ele keÀer ieF&~
keÀmìcej peesve :
kegÀue 74 keÀmìcej peesve hetjs Yeejle ceW meb®eeefuele nQ pees iegCeJeÊeehetCe& DevegYeJe hej efJeMes<e yeue osves kesÀ meeLe ie´enkeÀ keÀer meYeer mesJeeDeeW Je efMekeÀe³eleeW kesÀ meceeOeeve
kesÀ efueS `Jeve-mìe@he meWìj' kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀece keÀjlee nw~
SueDeeF&meer nsuhe :
SueDeeF&meer nwuhe keÀer Fme henue ves neue kesÀ efoveeW ceW ueeskeÀefhe´³elee neefmeue keÀer nw~ hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ "SueDeeF&meer nwuhe <hee@efuemeer vebyej>" mes "9222492224" hej
eqkeÌuekeÀ keÀjkesÀ SmeSceSme Yespe mekeÀles nQ~ SkeÀ meboYe& mebK³ee kesÀ meeLe SkeÀ heeJeleer SmeSceSme hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ keÀes Yespee peelee nw Deewj keÀmìcej ]peesve kesÀ SkeÀ
DeefOekeÀejer keÀes hee@efuemeer keÀer mee|JeeEmeie MeeKee mes cewhe efkeÀ³ee peelee nw pees efMekeÀe³ele / keÌJesjer kesÀ meceeOeeve kesÀ efueS ie´enkeÀ mes mebheke&À keÀjlee nw~ efMekeÀe³ele meceeOeeve
kesÀ he´l³eskeÀ ®ejCe ceW, hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ keÀes SmeSceSme / F&-cesue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Dehe[sì efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW kegÀue 2,81,440 SmeSceSme he´ehle
ngS efpevekesÀ he´MveeW keÀe legjble meceeOeeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
ie´enkeÀeW kesÀ efueS meb®eej J³eJemLee:
160 mes DeefOekeÀ he´keÀej kesÀ SmeSceSme Gve hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀes Yespes pee jns nQ efpevekesÀ ceesyeeFue vebyej Sue.DeeF&.meer. kesÀ efjkeÀe@[& ceW GheueyOe nQ~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e&
2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve ie´enkeÀeW keÀes ueieYeie 120 keÀjesæ[ SmeSceSme Yespes ieS nQ~
cegefêle he´erefce³ece veesefìme keÀe meceeheve:
1 Dehe´wue 2019 mes he´erefce³ece kesÀ Yegieleeve kesÀ efueS SmeSceSme Deueì& Gve hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀes Yespes pee jns nQ, efpevekesÀ ceesyeeFue vebyej Sue.DeeF&.meer kesÀ efjkeÀe@[&
ceW GheueyOe nQ~
he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve kesÀ ®ewveue:
SueDeeF&meer kesÀ heeme ie´enkeÀ keÀer megefJeOee kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀYeer Yeer Deewj keÀneR Yeer efJeefYeVe ®ewveueeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve keÀer megefJeOee nw~ JewkeÀequhekeÀ lejerkeÀeW
mes he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve Gve hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ efueS efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw, pees JesleveYeesieer ye®ele ³eespevee (SSS) kesÀ Debleie&le veneR nQ~ Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS,
61.93… uesveosve Deewj efveiece kesÀ kegÀue veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece keÀe 54.79… JewkeÀequhekeÀ ®ewveue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes SkeÀ$e efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~
he´erefce³ece mebie´n kesÀ efueS efvecve JewkeÀequhekeÀ ®ewveue GheueyOe nQ:
De. Dee@HeÀueeFve Yegieleeve ®ewveue:
³es Jes ®ewveue nQ pees efyeue DeeOeeefjle mecee³eespeve he×efle ceW ie´enkeÀ Üeje DeefOeke=Àle he´ceeCeerkeÀjCe kesÀ DeeOeej hej ie´enkeÀeW kesÀ KeeleeW mes FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ [sefyeì keÀer
megefJeOee osles nQ:-
1. jeä^er³e mJe®eeefuele eqkeÌue³eeEjie neGme (NACH): 8 veJebyej 2016 mes SueDeeF&meer ceW ueeiet keÀer ieF& ³en megefJeOee yeQkeÀeW Üeje FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ [sefyeì
kesÀ efueS ceev³e mLee³eer efveoxMeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀesj yeQeEkeÀie kesÀ SveheermeerDeeF& huesìHeÀe@ce& hej mebhetCe& Yeejle ceW GheueyOe nw~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
2. FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ efyeue he´mlegefle Deewj Yegieleeve (F&yeerheerheer): he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve keÀe@heexjsMeve yeQkeÀ, DeeF&meerDeeF&meerDeeF& yeQkeÀ, HesÀ[jue yeQkeÀ Deewj
SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ keÀer JesyemeeFìeW hej hebpeerkeÀjCe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~ Dev³e yeQkeÀeW kesÀ efueS, ³en megefJeOee mesJee he´oeleeDeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes
GheueyOe nw: efyeue [smkeÀ Deewj FvepesefvekeÀesie´ghe (ìskeÀ he´ef¬eÀ³ee) pees hetjs osMe ceW ueieYeie meYeer yeQkeÀeW keÀes keÀJej keÀjleer nw~ SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[
efveJesMekeÀ Deewj SueDeeF&meer ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& OeejkeÀ mebyebefOele keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀes peveeosMe HeÀece& pecee keÀjkesÀ he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve keÀj mekeÀles nQ~ F&yeerheerheer
kesÀ lenle meYeer ®eeuet hee@efueefme³eeW (³etefuehe, nsuLe Deewj F&-ìce& FbM³eesjWme keÀes íesæ[keÀj) kesÀ efueS he´erefce³ece mebie´n GheueyOe nw~
ye. Dee@veueeFve Yegieleeve ®ewveue:
1. ef[efpeìue Yegieleeve
keÀ) ie´enkeÀ heesì&ue hesceWì iesìJes: veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece, hee@efuemeer $eÝCe / y³eepe Deewj Deefie´ce he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve SueDeeF&meer
JesyemeeFì ( hej vesì yeQeEkeÀie, F& Jee@uesìdme, [sefyeì / ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& Deewj ³etheerDeeF& kesÀ ceeO³ece mes efve:MegukeÀ efkeÀ³ee pee
mekeÀlee nw~
Ke) Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀe MyLIC ceesyeeFue SeqhuekesÀMeve
ie) he´erefce³ece mebie´n efvecveefueefKele leermejs he#e kesÀ ef[efpeìue Sshe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Yeer efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw:-
hesìerSce Paytm
HeÀesve hes PhonePe
iegieue hes GooglePay
2. men³eesieer yeQkeÀeW ceW he´erefce³ece mebie´n:
³etefuehe Deewj mJeemL³e yeercee ³eespeveeDeeW keÀes íesæ[keÀj meYeer hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ efueS veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece mebie´n keÀer megefJeOee he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS leerve
yeQkeÀ-SM³eesjWme men³eesieer yeQkeÀeW keÀer met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer he´Ceeefue³eeW keÀes SkeÀerke=Àle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw:
• SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ : he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀmeer Yeer yeQkeÀ keÀer MeeKee ³ee SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ kesÀ SkeÌmeìWMeve keÀeGbìj hej vekeÀo ³ee SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ kesÀ veece
®eskeÀ Üeje efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~
• efmeìer ³etefve³eve yeQkeÀ : he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀmeer Yeer yeQkeÀ MeeKee ³ee efmeìer ³etefve³eve yeQkeÀ kesÀ SkeÌmeìWMeve keÀeGbìj hej efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~
• DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ : he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀmeer Yeer yeQkeÀ MeeKee ³ee DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ kesÀ SkeÌmeìWMeve keÀeGbìj hej efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~
3. He´WÀ®eeFpeer kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´erefce³ece mebie´n:
efvecveefueefKele He´WÀ®eeFpeer keÀes kesÀJeue vekeÀo ceW veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece FkeÀùe keÀjves kesÀ efueS Devegceesefole efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw:
• Sheer Dee@ve ueeFve : DeebOe´ he´osMe Deewj lesuebieevee mejkeÀej kesÀ efueS SkeÀ ef[efpeìue iesìJes (
• SceheerDee@veueeFve : ceO³e he´osMe mejkeÀej kesÀ efueS SkeÀ ef[efpeìue iesìJes~(
• megefJeOee FbHeÀesHeÀesme& he´e.efueefceìs[ : efyeue mebie´n kesÀ efueS SkeÀ mebie´n keWÀê hetjs Yeejle ceW nw~ ìesue He´Àer nsuheueeFve vebyej: 9223225225
• ieJeveXme mee|Jeme Fbef[³ee efueefceìs[ kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meerSmemeer keWÀê: keÀe@ceve mee|Jemespe meWìj (CSC) ³eespevee jeä^er³e F&-ieJeveXme ³eespevee
(Sve F&peerheer) keÀe SkeÀ efnmmee nw~ osMe Yej ceW 3.15 ueeKe mes DeefOekeÀ meerSmemeer keWÀê nQ efpeveceW mes ueieYeie 65,000 SueDeeF&meer he´erefce³ece
mebie´n kesÀ efueS meef¬eÀ³e efkeÀS ieS nQ~ Dev³e mebie´n keWÀê Yeer Oeerjs-Oeerjs he´erefce³ece mebie´n kesÀ efueS me#ece efkeÀS pee jns nQ~
³etefuehe Deewj nsuLe FbM³eesjWme keÀes íesæ[keÀj meYeer ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ efueS SkeÀ ner uesve-osve ceW DeefOekeÀlece ` 50000 lekeÀ he´erefce³ece kesÀJeue kewÀMe ceW
SkeÀ$e efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~ ceev³e jmeeroW mebie´n keWÀêeW Üeje legjble peejer keÀer peeleer nQ~
4. 'ce®eXìdme' kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´erefce³ece mebie´n : efveiece keÀer efJekeÀeme Jeeefnveer kesÀ ®e³eefvele meom³eeW keÀes vekeÀo, ®eskeÀ Deewj [sefyeì keÀe[& (peneb
Yeer heerDeesSme ef[JeeFme GheueyOe nw) mes hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀeW mes veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece FkeÀùe keÀjves keÀe DeefOekeÀej nw~ ³es mebie´n keWÀê Fme he´keÀej nQ:-
ueeF&HeÀ hueme keWÀê : Jeefjÿ J³eJemee³e men³eesieer (meerefve³ej efye]pevesme SmeesefmeSìdme) kesÀ ªhe ceW ®e³eefvele efJekeÀeme DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW Üeje meb®eeefuele~
he´erefce³ece hee@F¥ì : DeefOeke=Àle SpeWìeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mebie´n~ 31,680 he´eefOeke=Àle SpeWì, pees hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀeW mes he´erefce³ece eEyeogDeeW hej veJeerveerkeÀjCe
he´erefce³ece uesves kesÀ efueS DeefOeke=Àle nQ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
mesJeeefveJe=Êe keÀce&®eejer : ueieYeie 233 mesJeeefveJe=Êe SueDeeF&meer keÀce&®eejer SueDeeF&meer he´erefce³ece pecee keÀjves kesÀ efueS DeefOeke=Àle nQ~
yeercee keÀveskeÌì : ³es mebie´n keWÀê Sue DeeF&.meer. SmeesefmeSìdme Üeje meb®eeefuele efkeÀS peeles nQ pees mesJeeefveJe=Êe efJekeÀeme DeefOekeÀejer nQ SJeb Dee@veueeFve
he´erefce³ece pecee keÀjves kesÀ efueS DeefOeke=Àle nQ~
cegK³e Dee³eespekeÀ : cegK³e Dee³eespekeÀ (he´l³e#e efJeheCeve SpeWì) Yeer he´erefce³ece pecee keÀjves kesÀ efueS DeefOeke=Àle nQ~
JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³eceeW Üeje he´erefce³ece mebie´nCe
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS JewkeÀequhekeÀ ®ewveue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´erefce³ece mebie´n, hee@efueefme³eeW keÀe 61.93… Deewj efveiece kesÀ kegÀue veJeerveerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece mebie´n
keÀe 54.79… Lee~
31-03-2020 31-03-2019 Hee@efuemeer
ef[efpeìue Hee@efuemeer mebK³ee jeefMe Hee@efuemeer mebK³ee jeefMe mebK³ee ceW
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) Je=ef× …
heesìdue& 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 2,40,51,743 18,200.95 14.89
hesìerSce 75,77,580 3,806.49 40,66,654 2,037.20 86.33
HeÀesve hes 28,89,621 1,460.77 0 0.00 0
iegieue hes 2,64,449 132.37 0 0.00 0
Fbmìe hes 21,019 11.21 321 0.27 6447.98
kegÀue Dee@veueeFve 3,83,86,510 27,530.97 2,81,18,718 20,238.42 36.52
efyeue hes 29,54,521 1,837.67 28,83,766 1,746.60 2.45
vew®e 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 6,89,46,524 9,701.28 18.89
FueskeÌì^eefvekeÀ [sefyeì 8,49,21,618 14,167.49 7,18,30,290 11,447.88 18.23
kegÀue ef[efpeìue 12,33,08,128 41,698.46 9,99,49,008 31,686.31 23.37
vee@ve ef[efpeìue
ce®eXì 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 11,91,76,603 59,414.69 -2.24
He´dÀb®eeFme /yewkeÀ 25,43,037 982.09 21,56,506 766.40 17.92
kegÀue vee@ve ef[efpeìue 11,90,52,743 61,303.10 12,13,33,109 60,181.09 -1.88
kegÀue JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece mebie´nCe 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 22,12,82,117 91,867.40 9.53
kegÀue mebie´nCe 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 39,21,83,322 1,84,021.42 -0.21
ef[efpeìue mes JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece 50.88 40.48 45.17 34.49 12.64
mebie´nCe keÀe …
kegÀue mebie´nCe mes ef[efpeìue keÀe … 31.51 22.18 25.49 17.22 23.63
kegÀue mebie´nCe mes JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece 61.93 54.79 56.42 49.92 9.76
keÀe efnmmee …

Dee@ve ueeFve $eÝCe mebie´nCe 12,39,434 1,654.78 7,30,319 927.33 69.71

Dee@ve ueeFve Deefie´ce he´erefce³ece 4,53,634 397.88 4,12,366 344.87 10.01

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
®ewveue Devegmeej he´erefce³ece mebie´nCe efoveebkeÀ 31.03.2020
®ewveue Hee@efuemeer keÀer mebK³ee jeefMe (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) Hee@efuemeer keÀe … jeefMe keÀe …
ce®eXì 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 29.77 32.09
vew®e [e³ejskeÌì [sefyeì 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 20.94 6.56
heesìdue& 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 7.06 11.77
yewkeÀ /He´bÀ®eeFme 1,32,95,706 6,392.93 3.40 3.40
F&.yeer.heer.heer/efyeue hes 29,54,521 1,837.67 0.75 0.98
kegÀue JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 61.93 54.79
kewÀMe keÀeGbìj 14,89,85,479 84,995.13 38.07 45.21
kegÀue : 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 100.00 100.00

®ewveue kesÀ Devegmeej Mes³ej 31.03.2020 (61.93%)


veQ®e/[e³ejskeÌì [sefyeì



efyeue Hes

®ewveue Devegmeej he´erefce³ece mebie´nCe 31/03/2020

®ewveue Hee@efuemeer keÀer mebK³ee jeefMe (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) % Hee@efuemeerr keÀe. % jeefMe keÀe
ce®eXì 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 29.77 32.09
ce®eXì SJeb [e³ejskeÌì [sefyeì 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 20.94 6.56
heesì&ue 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 7.06 11.77
hesìerSce 75,77,580 3,806.49 1.94 2.02
F&.yeer.heer.heer /efyeue hes 29,54,521 1,837.67 0.75 0.98
HeÀesve hes 28,89,621 1,460.77 0.74 0.78
meerSmemeer 19,39,783 710.43 0.50 0.38
Sceheer Dee@ve ueeFve 2,89,683 93.37 0.07 0.05
iegieue hes 2,64,449 132.37 0.07 0.07
S.heer. Dee@ve ueeFve 1,57,641 51.28 0.04 0.03
DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yewkeÀ 66,384 48.94 0.02 0.03
SeqkeÌmeme yewkeÀ 42,778 58.74 0.01 0.03
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
megefJeOee 37,978 12.63 0.01 0.01
Fbmìe hes 21,019 11.21 0.01 0.01
efmeìer ³egefve³eve yewkeÀ 8,790 6.70 0.00 0.00
kegÀue JewkeÀequhekeÀ ceeO³ece 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 61.93 54.79
kewÀMe keÀeGbìj 14,89,85,479 84,995.13 38.07 45.21
kegÀue : 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 100.00 100.00

31.03.2020 Hej FkeÀeF& Jeej Mes³ej (AI-61.93%)




e He

e He








e ye


F& y










eer D


r ³e






Sbìjhe´eFpe [e@ke̳etceWì cewvespeceWì efmemìce (EDMS)

F&[erSceSme heefj³eespevee keÀes 2007 ceW SueDeeF&meer Üeje meYeer Hee@efuemeer [e@kesÀìdme kesÀ meeLe-meeLe he´MeemeefvekeÀ Deewj SpeWmeer omleeJespeeW keÀer SkeÀ cepeyetle
íefJe-mebie´nCe keÀjves kesÀ Fjeos mes DeejbYe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee, pees efJeefYeVe mLeeveeW hej SkeÀ mes DeefOekeÀ DeefOeke=Àle Ghe³eesiekeÀlee& lekeÀ SkeÀ meeLe hengb®e kesÀ
meeLe keÀneR mes Yeer íefJe³eeW keÀes osKeves keÀer megefJeOee he´oeve keÀjlee nw~
31.03.2020 lekeÀ ueieYeie 53 keÀjesæ[ hee@efuemeer [e@kesÀìdme Deewj 29 keÀjesæ[ Fb¬eÀerceWìue [e@ke̳etceWì, ³eeveer 94.68… hee@efuemeer [e@kesÀìdme Deewj 94.93…
Fb¬eÀerceWìue [e@ke̳etceWìdme mkewÀve efkeÀS ieS nQ~
ie´enkeÀ heesì&ue keÀe he´erefce³ej mesJee Ghe³eesiekeÀlee& ie´enkeÀ heesì&ue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Deheveer Hee@efueefme³eeW keÀer F[erSceSme íefJe³eeb osKe mekeÀlee nw~
cesì^eshee@efueìve Sefj³ee mee\Jeie nye (MASH):
cewMe keWÀê yeukeÀ eEhe´eEìie Deewj vew®e he´Meemeve pewmes yew®e he´mebmkeÀjCe keÀe³eeX kesÀ efueS SkeÀ yewkeÀ Dee@efHeÀme Dee@hejsMeveue ³etefveì nw, efpemes ie´enkeÀeW keÀer
YeeweflekeÀ GheeqmLeefle SJeb menYeeefielee keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee veneR nesleer nw~
cewMe keWÀê kesÀ cegK³e GÎsM³e nQ
1. mebye× MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀe cegêCe Yeej keÀce keÀjkesÀ ie´enkeÀ osKeYeeue kesÀ efueS DeefOekeÀ mece³e Deewj mLeeve keÀe DeeJebìve megefveeq½ele keÀjvee~
2. yew®e he´mebmkeÀjCe kesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe cegêCe Deewj he´s<eCe keÀe keWÀefêle Deewj kegÀMeue he´yebOeve~
3. 25 cewMe keWÀê Jele&ceeve ceW osMe Yej ceW ®eeuet nQ~
12. efveieefcele mebhe´s<eCe :
Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, efveieefcele mebhe´s<eCe keÀer jCeveerefle keÀe peesj ye´eb[ SueDeeF&meer keÀes cepeyetle keÀjves hej Lee, efpememes ³en meceepe kesÀ meYeer JeieeX kesÀ efueS DeefOekeÀ
mecemeeceef³ekeÀ SJeb DeekeÀ<e&keÀ nes mekesÀ~ nceejs ye´eb[ Deewj nceejs GlheeoeW Deewj mesJeeDeeW keÀe efJe%eeheve meYeer ceeO³eceeW pewmes ìsueerefJepeve, eEhe´ì, jsef[³ees, ef[efpeìue
ceeref[³ee, keÀe³e&¬eÀceeW keÀe he´e³eespeve, nese\[ime ³ee Dev³e DeeGì[esj ceeref[³ee Deeefo ceW yeæ[s peesMe kesÀ meeLe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ Deepe kesÀ ³egJeeDeeW kesÀ meeLe mebheke&À ceW jnves
kesÀ efueS me®esle keÀoce GþeS ieS Deewj GvekesÀ meeLe pegæ[ves kesÀ he´³eeme efkeÀS ieS~
nceejer GheeqmLeefle 120 mes DeefOekeÀ he´keÀeMeveeW Deewj 55 heef$ekeÀeDeeW ceW ueieeleej jner nw Deewj nceves 27 efveefJeoe efJe%eeheveeW kesÀ DeueeJee DeKeyeejeW ceW 34 DeefYe³eeve
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
®eueeS~ cenlJehetCe& vesle=lJe keÀe³e&¬eÀce he´e³eesefpele efkeÀS ieS, efpemeves nceW J³eehekeÀ he´®eej efo³ee Deewj nceejer GheeqmLeefle O³eeve osves ³eesi³e Leer~ he´cegKe DeKeyeejeW ceW
he´sme efjueerpe kesÀ meeLe 4 veS GlheeoeW kesÀ efueS veF& ³eespevee kesÀ MegYeejbYe Deewj he´®eej keÀe DeefYe³eeve ®euee³ee ie³ee~ efJe%eeheve Deewj DeekeÀ<e&keÀ keÀe@efcekeÌme kesÀ ceeO³ece
mes peerJeve yeercee Deewj SpeWmeer kesÀ efJeefYeVe henuegDeeW Deewj Ghe³eesefieleeDeeW keÀes ueeskeÀefhe´³e yeveeves kesÀ efueS efJeefYeVe heef$ekeÀeDeeW ceW ie´enkeÀ efMe#ee Þe=bKeuee ueeF& ieF& ~ Fme
Je<e& Yeer nceves yeercee efve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe Üeje efveOee&efjle mece³e meercee kesÀ Yeerlej jeF[me& kesÀ meeLe-meeLe eEuekeÌ[ Deewj vee@ve-eEuekeÌ[ hueevme hej yeercee
efve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe ieeF[ueeFve kesÀ Devegmeej 23 ceewpetoe GlheeoeW kesÀ mebMeesOeveeW keÀes meHeÀueleehetJe&keÀ efkeÀ³ee nw~
nce 16 SHeÀSce jsef[³ees ®ewveueeW kesÀ 173 jsef[³ees mìsMeveeW Deewj DeefYe³eeveeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Dee@ue Fbef[³ee jsef[³ees kesÀ 141 mìsMeveeW hej meef¬eÀ³e Les, ueeskeÀefhe´³e keÀe³e&¬eÀceeW
kesÀ he´e³eespeve Deewj peve peeieªkeÀlee ueIeg veeìkeÀ Þe=bKeuee efpemeves nceW ÞeesleeDeeW mes J³eehekeÀ he´®eej Deewj he´YeeJeMeeueer he´efleef¬eÀ³ee efceueer~ veS keÀe@jheesjsì jsef[³ees
eEpeieume kesÀ meeLe yeercee peeieªkeÀlee jsef[³ees eEpeieume ®eueeS ieS Deewj ceewpetoe eEpeieume kesÀ meeLe DeefYe³eeveeW kesÀ oewjeve ®ewveueeW hej ®eueeS ieS~
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve, nceejer ye´eb[ GheeqmLeefle jeä^er³e Deewj #es$eer³e ìerJeer mecee®eej ®ewveueeW hej FCT Deewj, he´e³eespeve Deewj mhee@ì y³ee@³e kesÀ ceeO³ece mes jeä^er³e meeceev³e
ceveesjbpeve ®ewveue, Kesue ®ewveue, FvHeÀesìsveceWì ®ewveue Deewj otjoMe&ve hej efoKeeF& osleer Leer~ nceves J³eehekeÀ oMe&keÀeW kesÀ meeLe Del³eefOekeÀ ueeskeÀefhe´³e keÀe³e&¬eÀceeW keÀes
he´e³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee Deewj efJeMeeue oMe&keÀeW keÀes DeekeÀe|<ele keÀjves Jeeueer IeìveeDeeW hej nceejer Yeeieeroejer ves nceW J³eehekeÀ he´®eej keÀe ueeYe efo³ee~
hewve Fbef[³ee efmevescee m¬eÀerve ye´ebeE[ie, S³ej ¬eÀeHeÌì yeguekeÀns[ ye´ebeE[ie Deewj S³ej¬eÀeHeÌì hej meerìyewkeÀ ye´ebeE[ie, efJeefYeVe mLeeveeW hej jsueJes efìkeÀì Deej#eCe keÀeGbìj
hej ceeref[³ee m¬eÀerve Deeefo hej ye´ebeE[ie hetjs YeejleJe<e& ceW efkeÀS ieS Les~ meeue kesÀ oewjeve cegbyeF&, hegCes, ®esVeF&, yeWieueg© Deewj keÀesuekeÀelee ceW ef¬eÀkesÀì cew®eeW keÀer ye´ebeE[ie
keÀer ieF&~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee, efMe#ee, Kesue, meeefnl³e Deewj mebieerle, meebmke=ÀeflekeÀ keÀe³e&¬eÀce, yeercee efMeKej meccesueve, hegjmkeÀej Deewj meccesueve pewmes efJeefYeVe ÞesefCe³eeW
ceW peceerveer IeìveeDeeW kesÀ he´e³eespeve ye´eb[ meMeefÊeÀkeÀjCe keÀer Deesj efkeÀS ieS~
nceejer pevemebheke&À ieefleefJeefOe³eeW ves nceejs he´®eej he´³eemeeW keÀes hetje efkeÀ³ee~ he´sme efJe%eeqhle, he´sme ceerì, he´sme mee#eelkeÀej peejer keÀjvee veS GlheeoeW, cenlJehetCe& IeìveeDeeW
Deewj ie´enkeÀeW keÀer henueeW kesÀ he´#esheCe keÀes megefveeq½ele keÀjlee nw~
efJeMes<e henue DeLee&le SueDeeF&meer-mìt[Wì Dee@HeÀ o F&³ej 10,171 mketÀueeW ceW Dee³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee, keÀe@uespe keQÀheme SeqkeÌìefJeìer kesÀ lenle 4,023 keÀe@uespeeW
keÀes keÀJej efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee, 21,619 efoveeW kesÀ efueS ceesyeeFue Jewve SeqkeÌìefJeìerpe keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ nceves mJe®í Yeejle mJe®í Yeejle DeefYe³eeve kesÀ
jeä^J³eeheer Deeboesueve kesÀ meeLe Yeer peejer jKee, efpemeceW 8,965 heekeÀeX / meæ[keÀeW / keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW meHeÀeF& ieefleefJeefOe³eeb keÀer ieF¥ Deewj Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 7,920 ef®eefkeÀlmee
efMeefJej Dee³eesefpele efkeÀS ieS~
efveiece ves Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 19 he´efleeqÿle hegjmkeÀej peerles~ nceejs Üeje peerles ieS efJeefYeVe GuuesKeveer³e hegjmkeÀejeW ceW ceveer ìg[s HeÀeFveWefMe³eue DeJee[dme& 2020,
DeeGìuegkeÀ ceveer DeJee[& 2019, efHeÀkeÌkeÀer FbM³eesjWme Fb[mì^er DeJee[dme& -2019, Fbef[³eve De®eerJeme& HeÀesjce DeJee[&, [ve Sb[ ye´w[mì^erì Fbef[³ee kesÀ ìe@he heerSme³et
DeJee[dme&, ceekexÀeEìie Glke=Àälee kesÀ efueS yeerìerJeer vesMeveue DeJee[&, meerSceDees kebÀHeÌuegSbme DeJee[dme&, IAA ueer[jefMehe DeJee[dme&, IBC ceeref[³ee-Fbef[³eepe ceesmì
ì^mìs[ ye´eb[ DeJee[&, WPP ye´eb[dme- cetu³eJeeve Yeejleer³e ye´eb[ 2019, SkeÌJee HeÀeGb[sMeve DeJee[dme& Deewj jepeYee<ee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve kesÀ efueS DeeMeerJee&o hegjmkeÀej
Meeefceue nQ~
efveiece keÀer ef[efpeìue ceeref[³ee ieefleefJeefOe³eeW keÀes Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve ef[efpeìue ceeref[³ee, he´oMe&ve efJeheCeve, osMeer uesKeeW Deewj he´oMe&ve DeefYe³eeveeW kesÀ ceeO³ece
mes yeercee peeieªkeÀlee hewoe keÀjves Deewj meeceeefpekeÀ ceeref[³ee GheeqmLeefle kesÀ efueS Jeeref[³ees DeefYe³eeveeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mebJee|Oele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ he´cegKe JesyemeeFìeW
ceW ef[efpeìue ef[mhues DeefYe³eeve ®euee³ee ie³ee~ ³egJee Jeie& kesÀ meeLe keÀveskeÌì kesÀ efueS ef[efpeìue keÀe³e&¬eÀce he´e³eesefpele efkeÀS ieS Les ~ ye´eb[ SueDeeF&meer kesÀ meeLe
efjkeÀe@ue Deewj pegæ[eJe yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS kewÀh®ee SbiespeceWì DeefYe³eeve ®euee³ee ie³ee~ osMeer uesKeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meeceie´er efJeheCeve Yeer efkeÀS ieS Les~ 2019-20 keÀer DeJeefOe
kesÀ efueS kegÀue 20 JesyemeeFìW ef[efpeìue DeefYe³eeve keÀe efnmmee LeeR~ efveiece kesÀ yenghe´leeref#ele ìce& FbM³eesjWme he´es[keÌì, peerJeve Decej Deewj ìskeÀ ìce& keÀer uee@eÅv®eie
keÀes ®eej Jeeref[³ees efHeÀuceeW keÀer efjueerpe kesÀ peefjS ®euee³ee ie³ee Lee~ peerJeve yeercee heefj<eo kesÀ yeercee peeieªkeÀlee DeefYe³eeve kesÀ hetjkeÀ kesÀ efueS, efveiece kesÀ DeefYe³eeve
henues SueDeeF&meer keÀes SkeÀ mebieerle Jeeref[³ees Deewj leerve Jeeref[³ees efJe%eeheveeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Deueie-Deueie ie´enkeÀ Keb[eW keÀes mebyeesefOele keÀjves kesÀ ceeO³ece mes yeæ{eJee
efo³ee ie³ee Lee~ SueDeeF&meer keÀer meesMeue ceeref[³ee ieefleefJeefOe³eeW ves Yeer Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve SkeÀ íueebie ueieeF&~ YouTube kesÀ ie´enkeÀeW keÀer mebK³ee ceW GuuesKeveer³e Je=ef×
ngF& nw Deewj ³en 28 n]peej keÀes heej keÀj ie³ee nw~ nceejs eqìdJeìj nQ[ue Deveg%eeqhleOeejer kesÀ HeÀe@ueesDeme& yeæ{keÀj 52 npeej nes ieS~ HesÀmeyegkeÀ keÀer he´MebmekeÀ mebK³ee
6.3 efceefue³eve mes DeefOekeÀ nw~
13. met®evee DeefOekeÀej DeefOeefve³ece, 2005 :
kegÀue keWÀêer³e ueeskeÀ met®evee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee : 130
kegÀue JewkeÀequhekeÀ keWÀêer³e ueeskeÀ met®evee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee : 244
kegÀue Deheerueer³e he´eefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee : 130
kegÀue keWÀêer³e mene³ekeÀ ueeskeÀ met®evee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee : 3,660
keWÀêer³e ueeskeÀ met®evee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW SJeb keWÀêer³e mene³ekeÀ ueeskeÀ met®evee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀe efJeJejCe hej Deej ìer DeeF& meWìj ceW GheueyOe nw ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
met®evee DeefOekeÀej he´keÀìerkeÀjCe :
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece ves met®evee DeefOekeÀej DeefOeefve³ece keÀer Oeeje 4(1) keÀe Devegheeuevee keÀer nw SJeb keWÀêer³e met®evee Dee³eesie ves heejoe|Melee DebkesÀ#eCe ceW “A”
ÞesCeer he´oeve keÀer nw~
Deej ìer DeeF& Dee@veueeFve cee@[îetue :
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW met®evee DeefOekeÀej kesÀ Debleie&le he´ehle mecemle DeeJesoveeW SJeb DeheerueeW keÀes Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ Dee@veueeFve heesì&ue ceW
he´ef¬eÀ³eeiele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw SJeb FmekeÀe eEuekeÀ>>RTIcentre>>RTI online hej Yeer GheueyOe nw~
he´ejcYe mes met®evee DeefOekeÀej mecebkeÀ
Je<e& DeeJesove Deheerues meer DeeF& meer keÀejCe yeleeDees hesveuìer #eeflehete|le ceeceueeW keÀer mebK³ee
2005-06 187 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL

2006-07 1,311 9 2 NIL NIL NIL

2007-08 2,616 394 96 27 NIL 4

2008-09 4,555 982 174 13 1 2
2009-10 6,897 1,473 108 13 1 3
2010-11 9,553 1,919 384 20 NIL 5
2011-12 12,350 2,242 160 14 1 3
2012-13 13,536 2,425 619 13 2 6
2013-14 14,665 2,474 283 5 3 3
2014-15 15,047 2,281 303 NIL NIL NIL

2015-16 16,424 2,784 462 NIL NIL NIL

2016-17 14,358 2,479 356 2 NIL NIL

2017-18 12,937 2,242 292 NIL NIL NIL

2018-19 12,653 2,184 347 NIL NIL NIL

2019-20 16,605 1,987 318 NIL NIL NIL

14. keÀee|cekeÀ/keÀce&®eejer mebyebOe :

keÀ) keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee: 31.03.2020 keÀes efveiece ceW keÀe³e&jle DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW SJeb keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀer kegÀue mebK³ee 1,14,498 nw peye efkeÀ efheíues efJeÊeer³e Je<e&
kesÀ Deble ces ³en 1,08,684 Leer ~
Ke) keÀce&®eejer mebyebOe : efveiece SJeb efveiece kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ ceO³e meoYeeJehetCe& SJeb meecepem³ehetCe& mebyebOe jns leLee yeercee GÐeesie kesÀ ®egveewefle³eeW keÀe cegkeÀeyeuee
keÀjves kesÀ efueS keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀe ceveesyeue keÀe³ece jne~
ie) ceefnueeDeeW keÀe meMeefÊeÀkeÀjCe : efveiece ceW he´l³eskeÀ mlej hej ceefnuee DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW SJeb keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀe ³eesieoeve yengle cenlJehetCe& jne nw ~ efJeefYeVe ÞesefCe³eeW
ceW ceefnuee keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀer mebK³ee efvecveevegmeej nw~
ÞesCeer kegÀue ceefnueeDeeW keÀer mebK³ee
he´Lece ÞesCeer DeefOekeÀejer 32,433 7,202
efJekeÀeme DeefOekeÀejer 24,388 1,458
le=leer³e SJeb ®elegLe& ÞesCeer keÀce&®eejer 57,677 16,942
]kegÀue 1,14,498 25,602
efveiece kesÀ keÀe³e&mLeue hej ceefnueeDeeW kesÀ ueQefiekeÀ Glheeræ[ve efveJeejCe nsleg meefceefle³ee@ kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e, #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e SJeb ceb[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e mlej hej
me#ecelee mes keÀe³e&jle nw~
Ie) Deej#eCe–-jeä^er³e veerefle keÀe Devegheeueve
Devegmetef®ele peeefle, Devegmetef®ele pevepeeefle SJeb Dev³e efheí[e Jeie&
Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje Deej#eCe mebyebOeer efveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegmeej, efveiece ceW Depee / Depepee /Dev³e efheíæ[s JeieeX kesÀ efnle ceW efve³egÊeÀ leLee heÎesveefle ceW Deej#eCe,
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
veerefle mes mebyebefOele efJeefJeOe ceeceuees kesÀ efJe<e³e ceW ®e®ee& keÀjves nsleg leLee Devegmetef®ele peeefle, pevepeeefle, efheíæ[s Jeie& kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeWkeÀer efMekeÀe³eleeW keÀe he´YeeJeer
lejerkesÀ mes efveJeejCe keÀjves nsleg efveiece kesÀ ceb[ue, #es$eer³e leLee keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeWceW keÀu³eeCe he´keÀesÿ meef¬eÀ³e ªhe mes keÀe³e&jle nw ~ efveiece ceW Depee /
Depepee / YetlehetJe& mewefvekeÀ SJeb efoJ³eebiepeve keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS SJeb Dev³e efheíæ[s Jeie& / Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes keÀcepeesj Jeie& kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS keWÀêer³e
keÀe³ee&ue³e mlej hej Deueie mes cegK³e mebheke&À DeefOekeÀejer³eeW keÀe ®e³eve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw leLee efveiece kesÀ meYeer Deeþ #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW Depee/Depepee/YetlehetJe&
mewefvekeÀ SJeb efoJ³eebiepeve keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS SJeb Dev³e efheíæ[s Jeie& / Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes keÀcepeesj Jeie& kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS Deueie mes #es$eer³e mebheke&À
DeefOekeÀejer³ees keÀes veeefcele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~ keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e mlej hej Depee /Depepee /YetlehetJe& mewefvekeÀ /efoJ³eebiepeve keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS efve³egÊeÀ meYeer
mebheke&À DeefOekeÀeefj³ees keÀer GheeqmLeefle ceW Depee / Depepee keÀu³eeCe mebIe kesÀ DeeefKeue Yeejleer³e heoeefOekeÀeefj³ees kesÀ meeLe mece³e-mece³e hej yewþkesÀ Dee³eesefpele
keÀer peeleer nw efpemeces Devegmetef®ele peeleer SJeb pevepeeefle kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW mes mebyeefOele ceeceuees hej ®e®ee& keÀer peeleer nw~ keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e mlej hej Dev³e efheíæ[s
Jeie& kesÀ DeefKeue Yeejleer³e heoeefOekeÀeefj³eeW kesÀ meeLe Yeer yewþkeÀ Dee³eesefpele keÀer peeleer nw ~
Deej#eCe mes mebyebefOele keÀe³e& keÀjvesJeeues keÀce&®eeefj³eeW/DeefOekeÀeefj³ees, meYeer mebheke&À DeefOekeÀeefj³ees SJeb Depee /Depepee keÀu³eeCe mebIe kesÀ heoeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀes
Deej#eCe mebyebefOele efJe<e³e hej veJeervelece efveoxMe / peevekeÀejer osves nsleg keÀe³e&Meeuee keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee nw ~ Depee /Depepee kesÀ GcceeroJeejeW kesÀ efueS heoesVeefle
hetJe& he´efMe#eCe keÀe³e&¬eÀceeW keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw ~
 efoJ³eebiepeve :-
Yeejle mejkeÀej Fme efJe<e³e ceW peejer efveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegheeueve SJeb efJekeÀueebie J³eefÊeÀ³eeW kesÀ hegveëmLeeheve ceW men³eesie kesÀ ¢eqäkeÀesve kesÀ meeLe efveiece ves efJekeÀueebie
J³eefÊeÀ efpemeces YeeweflekeÀ, ÞeJ³e Deewj ¢M³e efoJ³eebieleeDees keÀe, efve³egefÊeÀ kesÀ efueS heoeW keÀer hen®eeve keÀer nw ~ meerOeer Yeleea ceW, ÞesCeer I, III SJeb IV ceW
hen®eeve efkeÀ³es ieS heoeW mes mebyebefOele meerOeer Yeleea keÀer kegÀue efjefÊeÀ³eeW ceW mes 4 % Deej#eCe keÀe he´eJeOeeve nw ~ DeefYeuesKe efueefhekeÀ leLee G®®e ÞesCeer mene³ekeÀ
heoeW kesÀ efueS heoesVeefle ceW Deej#eCe keÀe he´eJeOeeve nw ~
efoJ³eebiepeve DeefOekeÀej efve³ece, 2017 kesÀ Devegmeej yevee³eeR ie³eer Sue. DeeF& .meer. keÀer meceeve DeJemej veerefle keÀes efveiece kesÀ yees[& ves cebpetjer oer nw SJeb Jen veerefle
Sue. DeeF& .meer.kesÀ Fbìjvesì Deewj Fbì^evesì meeFì hej he´oe|Mele keÀer ie³eer nw ~
YetlehetJe& mewefvekeÀ :-
Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ efveoxMevegmeej efveiece YetlehetJe& mewefvekeÀes keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ kesÀ efueS he´eJeOeeve keÀjlee nw ~
Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes keÀcepeesj Jeie& kesÀ efueS Deej#eCe (F&.[yuet.Sme.)
pees J³eefÊeÀ Devegmetef®ele peeefle (Sme.meer.), Devegmetef®ele pevepeeefle ( Sme.ìer.) Deewj meeceeefpekeÀ ³ee Deee|LekeÀ ªhe mes efheíæ[s Jeie& (Dees.yeer.meer.) kesÀ efkeÀmeer
Yeer ceewpetoe Deej#eCe ³eespevee ceW Meeefceue veneR nw Deewj efpemekesÀ heefjJeej keÀer kegÀue meeueevee Dee³e ` 8.00 ueeKe mes keÀce nw, Ssmes J³eefÊeÀ F&.[yuet.Sme. kesÀ
Debleie&le Deej#eCe kesÀ hee$e nw, efpevns meerOeer Yeleea ceW, 01.02.2019 ³ee yeeo ceW DeefOemetef®ele, kegÀue efjefÊeÀ³eeW ceW 10% Deej#eCe ueeieg nw ~
[) DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes DeeJeemeer³e $eÝCe (keÌueye meom³e):
efveiece kesÀ DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes DeeJeemeer³e $eÝCe ³eespevee kesÀ Devleie&le Devebeflece (he´esefJeMeveue) jeefMe ` 33.66 keÀjes[ 31.03.2020 lekeÀ cebpetj efkeÀS ieS nw~
efveiece kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efJeefJeOe DeeJeemeer³e $eÝCe ³eespevee³esB peerJeve yeercee efveiece ie=n efJeÊe efueefceìs[ keÀes mLeeveebleefjle efkeÀ³es pee ®egkesÀ nw~
®e) keÀe³ee&ue³e mesJee :
Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ "mJe®í Yeejle" DeefYe³eeve kesÀ SkeÀ Yeeie kesÀ ªhe ceW DeeoMe& MeeKee mebkeÀuhevee keÀer De®íer he´efleef¬eÀ³ee hej, he³ee&JejCe keÀer mJe®ílee Deewj
yesnlej ceenewue kesÀ efueS keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ yeer®e peeieªkeÀlee yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS DeeoMe& ceC[ue he´efle³eesefielee efheíues meeue Megª keÀer ieF& Leer ~ GhejesÊeÀ
he´efle³eesefieleeDeeW kesÀ DeueeJee, nj efleceener ceW Dee³eesefpele nesves Jeeues Seqcye³ebme heesue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW meeHeÀ-meHeÀeF& keÀer efve³eefcele ªhe mes efveiejeveer
Deewj megOeej efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw~
mJe®í JeeleeJejCe, yesnlej mesJee Deewj cesnceeveeW keÀes yesnlej DeeefleL³e he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS cegbyeF& ceW kegÀí DeefleefLe ie=neW keÀe jKejKeeJe DeeGìmeesme& efkeÀ³ee
ie³ee nw ~ Fme he´³eesie keÀes ®ejCeye× lejerkesÀ mes hetjs osMe kesÀ DeefleefLe ie=neW ceW Yeer yeæ{e³ee peeSiee~ Deeies Yeer osMeYej kesÀ meYeer DeefleefLe ie=n ceW Smeer ueieeves kesÀ
efveoxMe peejer efkeÀS ieS nQ~
mejkeÀejer F&-ceekexÀìhuesme (GeM) keÀer Yeejle mejkeÀej keÀer henue kesÀ meeLe, efveiece keÀe³ee&ue³e Deye GeM heesì&ue hej hebpeerke=Àle nQ ~ JemlegDeeW Deewj mesJeeDeeW
keÀer Kejero efve³eefcele ªhe mes GeM kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀer pee jner nw pees ueeiele he´YeeJeMeeruelee Deewj heejoe|Melee megefveeq½ele keÀjleer nw~
keWÀêer³e meleke&Àlee Dee³eesie kesÀ efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegmeej, mJeleb$e yeenjer cee@efveìme& (IEM) keÀer $ewceeefmekeÀ yewþkeÀ Dee³eesefpele keÀer ieF&~ 50 keÀjesæ[ ©he³es mes
DeefOekeÀ kesÀ meYeer DevegyebOeeW hej ®e®ee& keÀer ieF& Deewj Þeer keÀeìe ®ebêneme Deewj Þeer peerJeer ke=À<Cee jeT Üeje meceer#ee keÀer ieF& ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
SkeÀ Deewj heWMeve efJekeÀuhe (OMPO)( 23.04.2019 mes he´YeeJeer) Megª efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ osMe ceW meYeer 12,143 ceewpetoe keÀce&®eeefj³eeW Deewj 2,227 mesJeeefveJe=Êe ueesieeW
ves SkeÀ Deewj heWMeve efJekeÀuhe kesÀ lenle heWMeve keÀe efJekeÀuhe ®egvee nw ~
megj#ee hegeqmlekeÀe keÀes yees[& Üeje 20.03.2020 keÀes Dee³eesefpele yewþkeÀ ceW Devegceesefole efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw Deewj peerJeve meb®eej hej Deheuees[ efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece, SueDeeF&meer ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& mee|Jemespe efueefceìs[ Deewj DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& kesÀ men³eesie mes megefJeOee ceuìer-³etefìefueìer kewÀMe keÀe[&
keÀes DeO³e#e ceneso³e Üeje 31 DekeÌìtyej, 2019 keÀes lelkeÀeueerve DeefleefjÊeÀ meef®eJe, [erSHeÀSme / SceDeesSHeÀ, Þeer osyeeMeer<e heeb[e Deewj DeO³e#e,
DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& Þeer jekesÀMe Mecee& keÀer GheeqmLeefle ceW uee@v®e efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~
15. ceeveJe mebmeeOeve SJeb mebieþveelcekeÀ efJekeÀeme Deewj he´efMe#eCe ieefleefJeefOe³eeB
Debleje&ä^er³e ceevekeÀerkeÀjCe mebieþve mes he´ceeCeerkeÀjCe(DeeF&SmeDees mee|ìefHeÀkesÀMeve)
ceeveJe mebmeeOeve SJeb mebieþveelcekeÀ efJekeÀeme efJeYeeie, keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e (meYeer ®eejeW DevegYeeieeW DeLee&le he´efMe#eCe, hegmlekeÀeue³e, Kesue Deewj
jepeYee<ee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve), he´yebOeve efJekeÀeme keWÀê, 08 #es$eer³e he´efMe#eCe keWÀê DeeF&SmeDees he´ceeefCele nQ~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ceeveJe mebmeeOeve SJeb mebieþveelcekeÀ efJekeÀeme efJeYeeie keÀe O³eeve keWÀefêle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw:
• keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ %eeve, keÀewMeue Deewj ¢eqäkeÀesCe keÀes GVele keÀjkesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes DeeJeM³ekeÀ he´efMe#eCe he´oeve keÀjkesÀ ceeveJe mebmeeOeve keÀer he´efleYee hetue keÀe
efvecee&Ce, hees<eCe Deewj efJekeÀeme keÀjvee~
• he´efMe#eCe DeeJeM³ekeÀlee efJeMues<eCe (TNA) cee@[îetue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´Lece ÞesCeer kesÀ DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer he´efMe#eCe DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW keÀes ope& keÀj efue³ee ie³ee~
• he´efMe#eCe ieefleefJeefOe³eeB nceejs Fve-neGme he´efMe#eCe keWÀêeW, he´yebOe efJekeÀeme keWÀê Deewj 08 #es$eer³e he´efMe#eCe keWÀêeW kesÀ meeLe-meeLe he´efleeqÿle yeenjer he´efMe#eCe
mebmLeeveeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes keÀer ieF¥~
• nceejs keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes GÐeesie ceW meJe&Þesÿ JeweféekeÀ he´LeeDeeW mes DeÐeleve keÀjves kesÀ efueS 09 DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀes efJeosMeer he´efMe#eCe kesÀ efueS Yespee ie³ee Lee~
• met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer kesÀ #es$e ceW %eeve Deewj #ecelee efvecee&Ce keÀes GVele keÀjves kesÀ efueS efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW [sìe megj#ee, yeerceebefkeÀkeÀ efJe%eeve Deewj vesle=lJe
efJekeÀeme Deeefo efJe<e³eeW hej DevegketÀefuele / Deesheve keÀe³e&¬eÀce kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´efMe#eCe me$e, he´efleeqÿle yeenjer he´efMe#eCe mebmLeeve ³eLee Sme meer DeeF&, DeeF& Sme yeer,
ìer DeeF& Sme Sme, DeeF& [er Deej yeer ìer, meer Sme DeeF& Deeefo mes DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW kesÀ efJeefYeVe mebJeieeX kesÀ efueS Dee³eesefpele efkeÀS ieS~
yeenjer he´efMe#eCe
efJeosMeer he´efMe#eCe 09
yeenjer he´efMe#eCe mebmLeeve (Keguee keÀe³e&¬eÀce) 467
yeenjer he´efMe#eCe mebmLeeve (kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ efueS DevegketÀefuele) 549
yeenjer he´efMe#eCe mebmLeeve (#es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW kesÀ efueS DevegketÀefuele) 1,829
jeä^er³e yeercee DekeÀeoceer (SveDeeF&S) 2,547
mJe³eb kesÀ he´efMe#eCe keWÀê
He´yebOe efJekeÀeme keWÀê/#es$eer³e He´efMe#eCe keWÀê (ÞesCeer I, III Deewj IV) 59,251 (Jeermeer DeeOeeefjle ì^seEveie - 25,658 meefnle)
He´yebOe efJekeÀeme keWÀê /#es$eer³e He´efMe#eCe keWÀê Üeje F&-uee\veie me$e 25,658 keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes he´efMeef#ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee
he´l³e#e Yeleea DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS he´sjCe he´efMe#eCe cewmetj ceW 12 mehleen kesÀ efueS 433
efoJ³eebieeW Üeje veJe Yeleea mene³ekeÀeW kesÀ efueS he´sjCe he´efMe#eCe 15 efoveeW kesÀ efueS 4,335
le=leer³e ÞesCeer keÀee|cekeÀeW keÀes #es$eeW Üeje F&ìermeer/meerìermeer ceW he´efMeef#ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee 23,665
#es$eeW Üeje he´efMeef#ele ®elegLe& ÞesCeer 1,108
yeercee efve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe efJeefve³eceeW hej keÀe³e&Meeuee 15,394
kegÀue keÀce&®eejer he´efMeef#ele 89,858
veeceebkeÀve Devegheele ceW GheeqmLeefle 95.79…

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
keÀce&®eejer mebye×lee keÀe³e&¬eÀce( Schuees³eer SbiespeceWì he´esie´ece)
keÀce&®eejer mebye×lee keÀe³e&¬eÀce (F&F&heer), SkeÀ jCeveereflekeÀ ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeÀeme henue nw, pees keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes cepeyetle men³eesie keÀer YeeJevee kesÀ meeLe,
mebieþveelcekeÀ ue#³eeW keÀer efoMee ceW keÀece keÀjves kesÀ efueS SueDeeF&meer kesÀ efJeefYeVe efJeYeeieeW Üeje keÀer ie³eer efveiece mes mebyebOeer veF& henueeW keÀes meePee keÀjves Deewj ie´enkeÀ
mesJee keÀer iegCeJeÊee ceW megOeej keÀjves kesÀ efueS he´sefjle keÀjlee nw~
• efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, SkeÀ efoJemeer³e F&F&heer keÀe³e&¬eÀce "mecehe&Ce" osMe Yej ceW Dee³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee efpemeceW 82,023 (mekeÀue keÀe 89.42…)
keÀce&®eeefj³eeW ves Yeeie efue³ee ~
• S®eDeej[er eqkeÌJepe cee@[îetue - nceejs keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ %eeve mlej keÀe hejer#eCe Deewj megOeej keÀjves kesÀ efueS, 7 pegueeF&, 2019 keÀes DeO³e#e ceneso³e Üeje
S®eDeej[er eqkeÌJepe cee@[îetue keÀe GodIeeìve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ S®eDeej[er eqkeÌJepe cee@[îetue ceW Je<e& 2019-20 ceW kegÀue 30,007 keÀce&®eeefj³eeW ves Yeeie efue³ee nw~
KesueketÀo :
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer iescme 2019-20:
efveiece kesÀ Je<e& keÀe meyemes yeæ[e Kesue Dee³eespeve, "Dee@ue Fbef[³ee SueDeeF&meer iescme 2019-20" keÀe Dee³eespeve 12.10.2019 mes 15.10.2019 lekeÀ, iegJeeneìer kesÀ
megjmepeeF& mheesìdme& keÀe@chueskeÌme ceW meHeÀueleehetJe&keÀ efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~
SueDeeF&meer ìerceeW / mheesìd&meheme&ve keÀer he´cegKe GheueeqyOe³eeb:
Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, SueDeeF&meer kesÀ efKeueeefæ[³eeW ves 15 mes DeefOekeÀ jeä^er³e / Debleje&ä^er³e mlej kesÀ Kesue Dee³eespeveeW ceW Yeeie efue³ee Deewj efveiece kesÀ efueS heokeÀ peerles~
heokeÀ efJepesleeDeeW keÀe efJeJejCe Fme he´keÀej nw -
SLeueerì keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì / ceerì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
ceesefvekeÀe DeLeejs keÀebm³e heokeÀ cegbyeF& neHeÀ cewjeLeve cegbyeF&,peveJejer, 2020
mJeCe& heokeÀ efouueer neHeÀ cewjeLeve veF& efouueer,HeÀjJejer, 2020
keÀeefueoeme efnjJes mJeCe& heokeÀ - 5000 ceer
jpele heokeÀ - 10000 ceerìj
heg©<eeW keÀer yesmì SLeueerì Dee@HeÀ ceerì
meghe´erle jepe mJeCe& heokeÀ - Tb®eer ketÀo
efjlesMe kegÀceej jpele heokeÀ - Tb®eer ketÀo
Oeerjpe efceÞee mJeCe& heokeÀ - efì^heue pebhe
jpele heokeÀ - uebyeer ketÀo
megveerue ieesmJeeceer keÀebm³e heokeÀ - pesJeefueve Le´es
peeefvemeej DeKlej jpele heokeÀ - nwcej Le´es
ceesefvekeÀe DeLeejs mJeCe& heokeÀ - 1500 ceer
mJeCe& heokeÀ - 5000 ceer
ne|<eveer kegÀceejer jpele heokeÀ - Tb®eer ketÀo Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj keÀesuekeÀelee,
keÀebm³e heokeÀ - efì^heue pebhe SLeuesefìkeÌme ceerì 2019 HeÀjJejer, 2020
pee@³eueeFve cegjueer ueesyees mJeCe& heokeÀ - efì^heue pebhe
mJeCe& heokeÀ - uebyeer ketÀo
ceefnueeDeeW keÀer yesmì SLeueerì Dee@HeÀ ceerì
iegjceerle keÀewj mJeCe& heokeÀ - pesJeefueve Le´es
keÀebm³e heokeÀ - Mee@ì hegì
Jeer Jeemegceefle mJeCe& heokeÀ - ef[mkeÀme Le´es
jpele heokeÀ - Mee@ì hegì
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e Sue DeeF& meer SLeuesefìkeÌme keÀebm³e heokeÀ - 4x100 ceefnuee efjues
ìerce efJepeslee - HeÀeru[ FJeWìdme Heg©<e
efJepeslee - HeÀeru[ FJeWì ceefnueeSB
GheefJepeslee - heg©<e Deewj ceefnuee ìerce ®eweqche³eveefMehe
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
kewÀjce :
efKeueeæ[er keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
megÞeer Sme DehetJee& mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) Fb[es-ceeueoerJe ìsmì meerjerpe ceeues, ceeueoerJe,
mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) jeä^heefle³eeW kewÀjce ueerie DekeÌìtyej, 2019
mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) meerefve³ej vesMeveue Deewj Fbìj-mìsì kewÀjce peueieebJe, HeÀjJejer, 2020
®eweqche³eveefMehe 2019
mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj kewÀjce ìtvee&ceWì 2018 cegbyeF&, petve, 2019
mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) 8 JeW kewÀjce DeeF&meerSHeÀ keÀhe Fbef[³ee 2019 hegCes efomebyej, 2019
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer keÀebm³e heokeÀ (ceefnuee ìerce) meerefve³ej vesMeveue Deewj Fbìj-mìsì kewÀjce peueieebJe, HeÀjJejer, 2020
kewÀjce ìerce ®eweqche³eveefMehe 2019
mJeCe& heokeÀ (ceefnuee ìerce) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj kewÀjce ìtvee&ceWì 2018 cegbyeF&, petve, 2019
jpele heokeÀ (ceefnuee ³egieue)
yew[eEceìve :
efKeueeæ[er keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
efme×eLe& mJeCe& heokeÀ (heg©<e SkeÀue) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee Fbìj FbmìerìîetMeveue yew[eEceìve iegJeeneìer, efmelebyej, 2019
efme×eLe& Deewj ueervee Oeehejs jpele heokeÀ (efceefÞele ³egieue) ®eQefhe³eveefMehe 2019
efme×eLe& jpele heokeÀ (heg©<e SkeÀue) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj yew[eEceìve efmekebÀojeyeeo, pegueeF&, 2019
ìtvee&ceWì 2018
ueervee Oeehejs jpele heokeÀ (ceefnuee SkeÀue) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj yew[eEceìve efmekebÀojeyeeo, pegueeF&, 2019
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer jpele heokeÀ (ceefnuee [yeume) ìtvee&ceWì 2018
yew[eEceìve ìerce keÀebm³e heokeÀ (heg©<e ³egieue)
keÀebm³e heokeÀ (heg©<e ìerce)
efme×eLe& jpele heokeÀ (heg©<e SkeÀue) Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj yew[eEceìve pe³ehegj, HeÀjJejer, 2020
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer keÀebm³e heokeÀ (heg©<e ìerce) ìtvee&ceWì 2019
yew[eEceìve ìerce
efKeueeæ[er keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
ie´Q[ ceemìj Þeerjece Pee yees[& hegjmkeÀej vesMeveue ìerce Melejbpe ®eQefhe³eveefMehe 2019 Denceoeyeeo,
FbìjvesMeveue ceemìj efovesMe kegÀceej yees[& hegjmkeÀej HeÀjJejer, 2020
ìsyeue ìsefveme:
efKeueeæ[er keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer ìsyeue keÀebm³e heokeÀ Fbìj FbmìerìîetMeveue ìsyeue ìsefveme ìtvee&ceWì 2019 pe³ehegj, veJebyej, 2019
ìsefveme ìerce (heg©<e ìerce)
meewieele mejkeÀej mesceer-HeÀeFveefuemì Dee@ue Fbef[³ee heeqyuekeÀ meskeÌìj ìsyeue ìsefveme ìtvee&ceWì 2019 efle©Jeveblehegjce, veJebyej, 2019
DeefKeue Yeejleer³e SueDeeF&meer ìsyeue mesceer-HeÀeFveefuemì (heg©<e ³egieue
ìsevf eme ìerce Deewj heg©<e ìerce)

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Jee@ueeryee@ue :
efKeueeæ[er keÀe veece heokeÀ ìtvee&ceWì mLeeve Deewj efoveebkeÀ
vekegÀue osJe Deewj mJeCe& heokeÀ (keÀvee&ìkeÀ mìsì HesÀ[jsMeve keÀhe Jee@ueeryee@ue ®eweqche³eveefMehe 2020 ef®eÊeewæ[ieæ{, HeÀjJejer, 2020
heJeve jcesMe ìerce)
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve 320 efkeÀleeyeW (63 eEnoer hegmlekeÀeW meefnle ) keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e ueeFye´sjer ceW peesæ[ oer ieF& nw efpememes efkeÀleeyeeW keÀer kegÀue mebK³ee 85,945
nes ieF& nw~
16. he´yevOe efJekeÀeme kesÀvê :
ceeveJeMeefÊeÀ keÀe DeefYeveJe He´efMe#eCe mebieþve keÀes ³eLeeeqmLeefle keÀes YebiekeÀj he´efle³eesefielee keÀes ®egveewleer osves kesÀ efueS meMeÊeÀ keÀjlee nw~ he´yebOe efJekeÀeme kesÀvê keÀes efveiece
kesÀ ceO³ece Deewj Jeefjÿ mlej kesÀ DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer o#elee yeæ{eves keÀe keÀece meeQhee ie³ee nw~ FmeefueS, he´efJekesÀ, pees SkeÀ DeeF&Sme / DeeF&SmeDees 9001: 2015 he´ceeefCele
he´efMe#eCe mebmLeeve nw, he´efMe#eg DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer Dehes#eeDeeW kesÀ meeLe-meeLe keÀe@heexjsì GÎsM³eeW keÀes hetje keÀjves kesÀ efueS DeeJeM³ekeÀ Yetceb[ueerke=Àle he´eflemheOee&lcekeÀ
JeeleeJejCe oesveeW keÀes O³eeve ceW jKeles ngS Deheveer ieefleefJeefOe³eeW keÀe meb®eeueve keÀj jne nw~
Fme Je<e& he´efMe#eCe 5,991 he´efleYeeefie³eeW (3,832 Fve-neGme Deewj 2,159 Jeeref[³ees keÀe@vHe´WÀeEmeie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes) keÀes he´oeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~
17. jepeYee<ee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve :
efveiece keÀes jepeYee<ee kesÀ #es$e ceW Glke=Àä keÀe³e& keÀjves nsleg `DeeMeerJee&o' meeefneql³ekeÀ,meeceeefpekeÀ SJeb meebmke=ÀeflekeÀ mebmLee Üeje ueieeleej heeB®eJeer yeej DeefKeue
Yeejleer³e mlej hej hegjmkeÀej mes mecceeefvele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
• efveiece kesÀ 39 keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀes Yeejle mejkeÀej, ie=n ceb$eeue³e SJeb veiej jepeYee<ee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve meefceefle³eeW Üeje efJeefYeVe hegjmkeÀejeW mes mecceeefvele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~
• efveiece kesÀ keÀee|cekeÀeW kesÀ he´³eesie kesÀ efueS jepeYee<ee efve³ece-DeefOeefve³ece Je mebmeoer³e jepeYee<ee meefceefle keÀer he´MveeJeueer kesÀ efveoxMeeW mes mebyeefvOele `jepeYee<ee
efveoxefMekeÀe' lew³eej keÀer ieF& ~
• mebhetCe& Yeejle Je<e& ceW 359 keÀe³e&MeeueeDeeW keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Deewj kegÀue 9,997 keÀee|cekeÀeW keÀes he´efMeef#ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~
• ``keÀ'' #es$e kesÀ 3.5 keÀjesæ[ mes DeefOekeÀ ie´enkeÀeW keÀes eEnoer Sme.Sce.Sme. Yespes ieS ~
• kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e jepeYee<ee efJeYeeie Üeje ``melhe´sjCee'' veecekeÀ F&-heef$ekeÀe keÀe he´keÀeMeve DeejcYe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
• kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e jepeYee<ee efJeYeeie Üeje he´efle ceen he´sjCeemheo 'DeeuesKe' keÀe he´keÀeMeve efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw~
18. DeefYe³eebef$ekeÀer keÀe³e&keÀueehe:
Fme Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve efveiece ves 3 ceC[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e (melevee, Þeerveiej Deewj pe³ehegj-II), 9 MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³e, 29 DeeJeeme FkeÀeF&³eeW keÀe efvecee&Ce osMe Yej ces efkeÀ³ee~
efveiece ves efveefJeOee kesÀ oJeeje Deecebef$ele efkeÀ³ee ye{s efveJesMe YeJeve pees efkeÀ uegefOe³eevee, efieHeÌì efmeefì ieebOeerveiej Deewj keÀesuekeÀelee ces nw~ efveefJeOee kesÀ Üeje Deecebef$ele
efkeÀ³ee hegvee|JekeÀeme keÀe³e& Sce.[er.meer yeesefjJeueer Deewj peerJeve Meebefle keÀe@ueesveer, efJeues heeuex, cegcyeF& ceW nw~ efveiece ves Fme Je<e& SskegÀDee ]HeÀeGb[sMeve hegjmkeÀej GlkeÌälee
keÀe³e& pees efkeÀ jwve Jee@ìj neJexeÅmìie efkeÀ mLeehevee kesÀ efue³ee hejehle efkeÀ³ee~ efJeefYevve YeJeve efvecee&Ce keÀe³ex ceC[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e Yetyeveséej, Smeìermeer Jeejbieue, 10 MeeKee
keÀe³ee&ue³e Deewj 44 DeefOekeÀejer DeeJeeme efJeefYeve mLeeveeW ces he´ieefle hej nw~ efoveebkeÀ 31.03.2019 lekeÀ ª]HeÀìeshe meesuej heerJeer keÀer mLeeefhele #ecelee 2014 KWp nes
ieF& nw Deewj efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ces 50 KWp Deewj peesæ[e ie³ee~ 1415 KWp kesÀ efueS keÀe³e& he´ieefle hej nw~
meYeer #es$eer³e DeefYe³eebef$ekeÀer efJeYeeie Deewj keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e DeefYe³eebef$ekeÀer efJeYeeie DeeF&SmeDees 9001: 2015 he´ceeefCele nw ~
19. mecheoe/mee.J³e.F&. :
Fme Je<e& efoveebkeÀ 31.03.2020 keÀes efveiece keÀer mecheoe mes jepemJe ` 360.25 keÀjesæ[ jne, efpemeceW iele Je<e& kesÀ jepemJe keÀer leguevee ceW 6.53… yeæ{eslejer nw~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, 4 YetKeb[ Kejeros ieS, efpeveceW mes 3 oef#eCe #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e Üeje Kejeros ieS leLee 1 hetJe& #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e Üeje Kejeroe ie³ee~ Fve
YetKeb[eW keÀe kegÀue #es$eHeÀue 66,856.97 Jeie& HetÀì nw Deewj kegÀue ueeiele ` 12.50 keÀjesæ[ nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
20. met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer :
SueDeeF&meer ves efvecveefueefKele keÀe keÀe³ee&vJe³eve efkeÀ³ee nwë
1. Jeeref[³ees keÀe@vHe´WÀeEmeie meceeOeeve nsleg keÀ#e DeeOeeefjle, meceeveevlej SJeb efJeefYeVe yewþkeÀeW kesÀ efueS Fbìjvesì ceeO³ece mes megefJeOee ~
2. vesìJeke&À ceW ieefle yevee³es jKeves kesÀ efueS osMe Yej ceW meYeer mLeeveeW nsleg yeerSmeSveSue/SceìerSveSue kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ Dev³e JewkeÀequhekeÀ mesJee he´oelee mes SceheerSueSme
eEuekeÀeW keÀer he´eeqhle~
3. keWÀefê³e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ meeceev³e he´³eespeve kesÀ De@bhueerkesÀMevme nsleg efvepeer keÌueeG[ SJeb ³etefuehe ³eespeveeDeesB nsleg SkeÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ keÌueeG[~
4. DeebleefjkeÀ (Fve-neGme) De@bhueerkesÀMevme kesÀ heefj®eeueve nsleg nceejs keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS SkeÀ megjef#ele keÀe³e&-heefjJesMe GheueyOe keÀjeles ngS oes IeìkeÀeW Jeeueer
yee³eescesefì^keÀ eEHeÀiejeEhe´ì he´ceeCeerkeÀjCe he´Ceeueer keÀe efJemleejCe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
5. [sìe Jes³ejneGme pees meYeer efJeefve³eecekeÀ SJeb he´yebOe met®evee efjheesìeX kesÀ efueS met®evee keÀe SkeÀue ñeesle nw~ ³en Deie´lee Glheeove Deewj ie´enkeÀ mebheke&À kesÀ mebyebOe
ceW SJeb yengefJeOe heeefueefme³eeB Oeeefjle keÀjvesJeeues ie´enkeÀeW keÀes SkeÀue he´erefce³ece veesefìme pewmeer henueeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ueeiele keÀer ye®ele keÀjvesJeeuee SkeÀ cetu³eJeeve
ñeesle jne nw~
6. SkeÀerke=Àle SveDeeF&heerSme/SveDeeF&[erSme/[erSueheer/mheeF&Jes³ej efvejesOeer/Ssvìer-yeeì efJeMes<eleeDeeW mes ³egÊeÀ HeÀe³ejJeeue~
7. ueeie he´yebOe, menmebyebOe Deewj ®esleeJeefve³eeW kesÀ efueS SmeDeeF&F&Sce meceeOeeve~
8. Jele&ceeve yeerSmeSveSue ueer]pe eEuekeÀeW keÀes SceheerSueSme kesÀ ªhe ceW Deheie´s[ keÀjvee~
9. meb®eej ceeO³ece keÀes cepeyetle keÀjves kesÀ efueS vesìJeke&À mlejer³e keÀes[erkeÀjCe (peerF&ìerJeerheerSve/ DeeF&heerSmeF&meer)~
10. nceejer Fbìjvesì ueerp[ ueeFveeW hej mesJee kesÀ efJeleefjle DemJeerkeÀjCe (Devegceeheer Dee¬eÀceCe) kesÀ efueS efveJeejCe J³eJemLee~
11. ueeFvekeÌme Deewj eEJe[es]pe he´Ceeefue³eeW kesÀ efueS Ssvìer-Jee³ejme, F&-cesue iesìJes megj#ee, Jesye iesìJes megj#ee leLee owefvekeÀ DeeOeej hej Demegjef#eleleeDeeW kesÀ efueS
JesyemeeFìeW keÀe DeeveueeFve mkewÀeEveie~
SueDeeF&meer ves efvecveefueefKele kesÀ efueS keÀoce Gþe³es nQ :
1) SkeÀ efvejblej DeeOeej hej DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& keÀer Dehes#eeDeeW kesÀ Deveg©he ,DeblejeueeW keÀer hen®eeve keÀjvee Deewj GvnW otj keÀjvee leLee mebªheCe (keÀeeqvHeÀiejsMeve)
keÀe mebhejer#eCe (Deeef[ì), Demegjef#elelee keÀe efveOee&jCe, J³eeheve hejer#eCe, vesìJeke&À mebj®evee hegvejer#eCe keÀer he´eeqhle, Deveghe´³eesie megj#eeDeewj ketÀì meceer#ee keÀer
he´eeqhle meb®eeefuele keÀjvee~
2) efceveer heermeer pewmeer efkeÀHeÀe³eleer JewkeÀequhekeÀ he´ewÐeesefieefkeÀ³eeW keÀe DevJes<eCe keÀjvee~
SueDeeF&meer ves efvecve keÀes ueeiet efkeÀ³ee nw :
mee@HeÌìJes³ej efJekeÀeme
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Deheves efJe¬eÀ³e Deewj mesJee keÀe³eeX keÀes men³eesie osves kesÀ efueS he´esÐeesefiekeÀer kesÀ meeLe he´³eesie Deewj Gmes Deheveeves kesÀ efueS ncesMee lelhej
jne nw ~ yeoueles mece³e kesÀ meeLe, nceeje O³eeve Dee@veueeFve Deewj ef[efpeìue ceeO³ece hej keWÀefêle ngDee nw~ Yeejle mejkeÀej Üeje efveOee&efjle ef[efpeìue he´³eemeeW keÀes
Deeies yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece he´efleye× nw pees F&-GheeqmLeefle Deewj F&-efJelejCe (e-presence and e-delivery) #eceleeDeeW keÀes yeæ{eves
Deewj Ghe³eesiekeÀlee&DeeW keÀer Dehes#ee kesÀ Devegmeej ceewpetoe met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer he´Ceeueer keÀes yeoueves kesÀ efueS keÀece keÀjsiee~
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve GþeS ieS Deewj hetjs efkeÀS ieS kegÀí GuuesKeveer³e he´³eeme efvecve nQ:
• F& -hee@efuemeer keÀe hetjs Yeejle ces keÀe³ee&vJe³eve~
• ®ewìyeesì ’SueDeeF&meer efce$e“ keÀe MegYeejbYe, pees DeeJeepe mes Yeer meb®eeueve ³eesi³e nw~
• hetJe&Jeleea he´e@eqhmevees (Prosino) he´Ceeueer keÀer peien v³et Deb[jjeFeEìie ShueerkesÀMeve (NUA) keÀe MegYeejbYe pees yeercee he´mleeJeeW keÀes G®®e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ efveCe&³e kesÀ
efueS Yespeves ces me#ece nw ~ NUA he´Ceeueer hej omleeJes]pe Deheuees[ keÀjves kesÀ efueS SkeÀ ceesyeeFue SeqhuekesÀMeve Yeer peejer efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
• SpeWìeW keÀer Yeleea kesÀ efueS he´er efj¬etÀìdcevì Sshe uee@v®e keÀjvee~ SkeÀ [smkeÀìe@he mebmkeÀjCe Yeer Gve DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS GheueyOe nw pees Deheves efvepeer kebÀh³etìj
³ee uewheìe@he hej keÀece keÀjvee hemebo keÀjles nQ~
• Sue.DeeF&.meer. Dee@veueeFve JA Deewj JS efmemìce kesÀ meeLe NSDL/NPS keÀe SkeÀerkeÀjCe~
• met#ce yeercee hee@efuemeer kesÀ Dee@veueeFve efJe¬eÀ³e keÀes GheueyOe keÀjvee~
• ³etefuehe hee@efueefme³eeW keÀe keWÀêerkeÀjCe~
• FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve kesÀ efueS efJeefYeVe ef[efpeìue ceeO³eceeW keÀe ueeYe Gþevee Deewj GvekeÀe SkeÀerkeÀjCe keÀj ie´enkeÀeW keÀes efveyee&Oe DevegYeJe he´oeve
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
keÀjvee~ hesìerSce (meerOes), HeÀesvehes Deewj ietieuehes (efyeue[smkeÀ kesÀ ceeO³ece mes) kegÀí veJeervelece Dee³eece nQ~
• nceejs Deblejjeä^er³e meb®eeueve kesÀ Debleie&le FueskeÌì^e@efvekeÀ HebÀ[ ì^ebmeHeÀj cee@[îetue (yeebiueeosMe, efHeÀpeer, cee@jerMeme Deewj kesÀv³ee meb®eeueve kesÀ efueS) Deewj
Jeee|<ekeÀer cee@[îetue (cee@jerMeme meb®eeueve kesÀ efueS) keÀe keÀe³ee&vJe³eve ~
SueDeeF&meer kesÀ Fve-neGme keÀesj FbM³eesjWme hewkesÀpe eFEAP ves veJe J³eJemee³e he´eeqhle mes ueskeÀj oeJee efveheìeve lekeÀ kesÀ DeebleefjkeÀ meb®eeueve keÀes hetjer lejn ef[efpeìue
keÀj efo³ee nw~ ³en mee@HeÌìJes³ej ie´enkeÀeW kesÀ efueS mee|JeeEmeie Deewj met®evee efJelejCe keÀer megefJeOee kesÀ efueS SmeSceSme (SMS), F&cesue iesìJes (E-mail Gateway)
Deewj Sbìjhe´eFpe omleeJes]pe he´yebOeve he´Ceeueer (EDMS) kesÀ meeLe SkeÀerke=Àle nw~ ve³ee J³eJemee³e kesÀ DeebkeÀæ[s, uesKee meej efve<keÀ<e&Ce, keÀceerMeve he´esmeseEmeie, Mes[îetue
efvecee&Ce Deeefo pewmeer he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW keÀes keÀesj efmemìce ceW mJe®eeefuele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ he´yebOekeÀer³e efveCe&³eeW keÀer mene³elee kesÀ efueS Fve-neGme COMIS he´Ceeueer JeemleefJekeÀ
mece³e ceW MIS Deewj [sìe efJeMues<eCe he´oeve keÀjleer nw~
eFEAP meceskeÀve ieefleefJeefOe kesÀ efueS G®®e mlej kesÀ ne[&Jes³ej keÀer Kejero kesÀ efueS keÀe³e& he´ieefle hej nw~ FmekesÀ meeLe ner, mee@HeÌìJes³ej mìwkeÀ kesÀ he´ieefle keÀer
ieefleefJeefOe³eeB Yeer ®eue jner nQ~
ef[efpeìue DevegYeJe keÀes yeæ{eves Deewj ie´enkeÀeW keÀes Dee@veueeFve mesJeeSb he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS Megª efkeÀS ieS, LIC kesÀ ie´enkeÀ heesì&ue he´Ceeueer ceW 1.40 keÀjesæ[ mes
DeefOekeÀ hebpeerke=Àle Ghe³eesiekeÀlee& nQ~ heesì&ue Deewj Dee@veueeFve efJe¬eÀ³e ceb®e kesÀ ceeO³ece mes met®eveelcekeÀ Deewj uesve-osve mesJeeDeeW kesÀ meeLe-meeLe mJe³eb-mesJee megefJeOeeSB
Yeer GheueyOe nQ~ Dee@veueeFve hee@efuemeer efye¬eÀer kesÀ efueS SkeÀ ceesyeeFue meceªhe Jesye heesì&ue GheueyOe nw~ ³en heesì&ue hee@efueefme³eeW kesÀ Dee@veueeFve hebpeerkeÀjCe Deewj
keÀcheueerMeve kesÀ efueS yeQkeÀSM³eesjWme ®ewveue keÀe Yeer meceLe&ve keÀjlee nw~
Sb[^e@³e[ (Android) Deewj DeeF&.DeesS.Sme (iOS) oesveeW huesìHeÀe@ce& hej GheueyOe ie´enkeÀ ceesyeeFue Sshe kesÀ 35 ueeKe mes DeefOekeÀ Ghe³eesiekeÀlee& nQ~ ce®eXì heesì&ue
he´Ceeueer 35,000 mes DeefOekeÀ he´erefce³ece hee@Fbìdme Deewj ueeFHeÀ hueme keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀes mene³elee keÀjleer nw peneB ie´enkeÀ he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve keÀj mekeÀles nQ Deewj hee@efuemeer
mebyebOeer peevekeÀejer Yeer he´ehle keÀj mekeÀles nQ~ keÀe@ue meWìj mesJeeSb Deewj SMS -me#ece mesJeeSb pewmes LICHELP Deewj ASKLIC Yeer nceejs ie´enkeÀeW keÀer megefJeOee
kesÀ efueS GheueyOe nQ~
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀe he´³eeme ie´enkeÀeW keÀes Ssmeer he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer keÀe DevegYetefle keÀjevee nw pees GvekeÀer peªjleeW kesÀ efueS DeefOekeÀ les]pe, DeefOekeÀ DeekeÀ<e&keÀ,
menpe Deewj DevegketÀue nes~ efveiece ves Fmes he´ehle keÀjves kesÀ efueS, he´efle³eesefielee ceW Deeies yeæ{ves, nceejs mecceeefvele efnleOeejkeÀeW keÀes mesJeeSb he´oeve keÀjves Deewj ef[efpeìue
yeæ{le neefmeue keÀjves kesÀ efueS keÀF& henue keÀer nQ~
21. DeebleefjkeÀ DebkesÀ#eCe:
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS efveiece keÀer meYeer MeeKeeDeeW / Gheie´n keÀe³ee&ue³eeW/ ceb[ue keÀe³ee&ue³e /#es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW leLee keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e efJeYeeieeW kesÀ uesKee heefj#eCe
keÀes 31 cee®e& 2020 lekeÀ efJeefOeJele hetje keÀj efue³ee ie³ee nw~
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve Del³eefOekeÀ Deewj ieuele YegieleeveeW keÀes keÀce keÀjves nsleg DeeJeM³ekeÀ he´³eeme efkeÀS ieS, efpememes Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve Fme meboYe& ceW ueieYeie 75…
keÀer keÀceer DeeF&, leLee Fme he´keÀej mes MegªDeeleer Mes<e jeefMe ceW 50… keÀer keÀceer DeeF&~ Fme Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve Kegueer efjheesìeX ceW Yeer 20… keÀer keÀìewleer hee³eer ieF& nw~
met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer kesÀ Ghe³eesie kesÀ ceeO³ece mes nceejer he´Ceeefue³eeW leLee he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW keÀes yesnlej yeveeves keÀer nceejer he´Lee keÀes O³eeve ceW jKeles ngS, Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve "efjceesì
Dee@ef[ì" kesÀ oe³ejs keÀes Deewj DeefOekeÀ efJemleeefjle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, pees efkeÀ Jele&ceeve ceW he´MveeJeueer kesÀ ueieYeie 50… keÀes keÀJej keÀjlee nw~ v³etvelece ³ee$eeDeeW kesÀ efueS leLee
MeeKee ³ee$eeDeeW hej efveYe&jlee keÀes keÀce keÀjves kesÀ efueS, “Dee@HeÀmeeFì Dee@ef[ì“ keÀes me#ece keÀjves nsleg, DeeF&ìer ìerce kesÀ meeLe Ieefveÿ mecevJe³e efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw~
22. efvejer#eCe :
efvejer#eCe efJeYeeie he´emebefiekeÀ keÀevetveeW,DeefOeefve³eceeW, efve³eceeW, efoMeeefveoxMeeW / heefjhe$eeW, efoMeeefveoxMeeW, ceevekeÀeW Deeefo kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ efueS GvekesÀ Devegheeueve kesÀ
mebyebOe ceW uesKeebkeÀve FkeÀeF³eeW keÀe he³e&Jes#eCe keÀjlee nw~ he´emebefiekeÀ efjkeÀe@[& keÀer peeb®e Üeje GvekesÀ keÀe³e&-mebheeove kesÀ DeekeÀueve kesÀ efueS J³eehekeÀ Deewj O³eeve keWÀefêle
efvejer#eCe efkeÀS peeles nQ~
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve efJeMes<e O³eeve meYeer ceeceueeW hej efveiece kesÀ efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ mekeÀue Devegheeueve kesÀ DeJeueeskeÀve hej Lee~ he´Ceeueer ceW $egefì³eeW keÀer SkeÀ hetJe&-
jeskeÀLeece kesÀ Ghee³e kesÀ ªhe ceW efvejer#eCe he´ef¬eÀ³ee efveiece kesÀ meYeer keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW mebheeefole keÀer ieF& Deewj Fme ¬eÀce ces 69.80… MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³e leLee 84.07… ceb[ue
keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀes Glke=Àä ÞesCeer (Deefle Glke=Àä, Glke=Àä Deewj GVele Glke=Àä) ceW jKee ie³ee nw~ Jeee|<ekeÀ efvejer#eCe kesÀ DeueeJee, Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve veJe J³eJemee³e Keelee
yeboer kesÀ yeeo 25… MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³eeW keÀe efJeMes<e efvejer#eCe Yeer efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ ieesu[ve pegyeueer HeÀeGb[sMeve kesÀ lenle Yeer heefj³eespeveeDeeW keÀe efvejer#eCe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~
efvejer#eCe DeY³eeme kesÀ DeeOeej hej peejer efvejer#eCe efjheesì& keÀe efJeMues<eCe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Deewj Devegheeueve ceebiee ie³ee~ Devegheeueve keÀer mJeerke=Àefle kesÀJeue leYeer ngF& peye
GÊej J³eehekeÀ, efveeq½ele Deewj he³ee&hle mene³ekeÀ DeebkeÀæ[eW kesÀ meeLe Lee~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
efvejer#eCe efJeYeeie kesÀ efueS SkeÀ veerefle keÀes yees[& Üeje 03.01.2020 keÀes Dee³eesefpele Deheveer 591JeeR yees[& keÀer yewþkeÀ ceW Devegceesefole efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, pees keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes
GvekeÀer YetefcekeÀeDeeW Deewj efpeccesoeefj³eeW keÀes mecePeves ceW mene³elee keÀjsiee, efpemeceW efueefKele veerefle Deewj he´ef¬eÀ³eeSb Meeefceue nQ ®etbefkeÀ efueefKele veerefle Deewj he´ef¬eÀ³eeSb
mebieþve kesÀ cetu³eeW kesÀ meeLe megmebiele nQ Deewj mebieþve kesÀ he´YeeJeer Deewj megmebiele meb®eej kesÀ efueS DeeJeM³ekeÀ nQ~
23. veJe J³eJemee³e SJeb hegveyeeacee
veJe J³eJemee³e SJeb hegveyeeacee efJeYeeie keÀe ue#³e, efJeefve³eecekeÀ {eb®es leLee efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ lenle keÀe³e& keÀjles ngS, yeerceeuesKeve keÀe G®®elece o]pee& yeveeS jKevee leLee
efnleeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀes G®®e mesJeeSB he´oeve keÀjvee nw~
yeerceeuesKeve hee@efuemeer
nceejer yees[& Devegceesefole yeerceeuesKeve veerefle ces GuuesefKele GÎsM³eeW keÀes O³eeve ces jKekeÀj, yeerceeuesKeve SkeÀ efJeJeskeÀhetCe& Deewj ie´enkeÀesvcegKeer lejerkesÀ mes
efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~
%eeve / keÀewMeu³e GVe³eve
nceejs keÀe³ee&ue³e ces yeerceeuesKekeÀeW kesÀ %eeve / keÀewMeu³e GVe³eve keÀjves keÀer ¢eqä mes, yeerceeuesKekeÀeW keÀes efJeefYeVe mesceerveejeW, keÀe³e&MeeueeDeeW Deewj he´efMe#eCe me$eeW ceW
Yespee peelee nw~ kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ yeerceeuesKekeÀeW keÀes hegveyeeacee kebÀheefve³ees leLee SmeesefmeSMeve Dee@HeÀ FbM³eesjbme Deb[jje³eìme& Üeje Dee³eesefpele mesceerveejeW kesÀ efueS
he´efMe#eCe nsleg veeefcele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw efpememes Gvns yeerceeuesKeve ceW veJeervelece efve³eceeW leLee he´Je=efÊe³eeW keÀer peevekeÀejer nes mekesÀ~
yeerceeuesKeve efoMeeefveoxMeeW ces mebMeesOeve
JeweféekeÀ heefjJele&ve kesÀ meeLe leeuecesue jKeles ngS, nceves yeerceeuesKeve efve³eceeW keÀer meceer#ee keÀer Deewj DeeJeM³ekeÀ he´leerle nesves hej ef®eefkeÀlmekeÀer³e Deewj efJeÊeer³e
yeerceeuesKeve efoMeeefveoxMeeW ceW leovegmeej ítì he´oeve keÀer ieF&~
ef[efpeìue henue
veJe-J³eJemee³e keÀer he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀes mejue SJeb megiece yeveeves nsleg, lekeÀveerkeÀer GVeefle keÀes O³eeve ces jKeles ngS veJe-J³eJemee³e SJeb hegveyeeacee efJeYeeie Üeje efJeefYeVe ef[efpeìue
henue keÀer ieF& nw~
meYeer Hegveyeeacee DevegyebOeeW keÀes Hegveyeeacee efve³eceeW Deewj mebefOe³eeW kesÀ Devegmeej efJeefYevve HegveyeeaceekeÀlee&DeeW kesÀ meeLe He´Meeefmele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~ Hegveyeer&cee keÀer He´efke´À³ee
Hegveyeeacee cee@[³etue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes He´yebefOele efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~
24. meleke&Àlee :
meleke&Àlee efJeYeeie keÀe GÎsM³e SkeÀ Ye´äe®eej cegÊeÀ Deewj heejoMeea mebieþve megefveeq½ele keÀjvee nw leeefkeÀ efJeefYeVe efnleOeejkeÀeW kesÀ yeer®e he´sjCeeoe³ekeÀ efJeéeeme keÀe³ece
jns~ Fme GÎsM³e keÀes yeæ{eJee osves kesÀ efueS Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve, efveJeejkeÀ meleke&Àlee kesÀ efJeefYeVe henuegDeeW hej he´efMe#eCe me$e Dee³eesefpele efkeÀS ieS~ he´Ceeueeriele cegÎeW keÀer
hen®eeve keWÀêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e ceW mebyebefOele efve³eb$ekeÀ efJeYeeieeW keÀes megOeejelcekeÀ Ghee³eeW kesÀ efueS megPeeJe efoS ieS~
Jele&ceeve Je<e& ceW mebyebefOele keÀe³ee&ue³eeW kesÀ meeLe he´YeeJeer DevegJeleea keÀej&JeeF& keÀj, oes meeue mes DeefOekeÀ uebefyele ceeceueeW leLee yekeÀe³ee DeekeÀeqmcekeÀ meleke&Àlee keÀer peeB®e
efjheesìeX keÀes yebo keÀjves hej efJeMes<e peesj efo³ee ie³ee~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee Fme Je<e& kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW Üeje Deew®ekeÀ meleke&Àlee peeb®e kesÀ efueS ®egeEveoe
MeeKee keÀe³ee&ue³eeW kesÀ oewjeW kesÀ meeLe-meeLe #es$eer³e meleke&Àlee efJeYeeieeW kesÀ iegCeJeÊee he´yebOeve oewjeW keÀe keÀe³e& Yeer Megª efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ meleke&Àlee peeieªkeÀlee mehleen
keÀe Dee³eespeve efveiece kesÀ meYeer keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW OetceOeece mes GlmeenhetJe&keÀ efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~
keWÀêer³e meleke&Àlee Dee³eesie Üeje oer ieF& ceewpetoe Je<e& keÀer efJe<e³eJemleg "F&ceeveoejer – SkeÀ peerJeve Mewueer" keÀes peve mecegoe³e kesÀ yeer®e efJeMes<e ªhe mes íe$e mecegoe³e kesÀ
yeer®e, efJeefYeVe ieefleefJeefOe³eeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes pewmes mketÀueeW Deewj keÀe@uespeeW ceW efveyebOe he´efle³eesefieleeSb, efveJeejkeÀ meleke&Àlee hej keÀe³e&MeeueeSb, Jee@keÀLee@ve, Je<e& kesÀ efJe<e³eJemleg
keÀe ef®e$eCe keÀjves Jeeues jes[-Mees Deewj ie´enkeÀeW kesÀ efueS efMekeÀe³ele efveJeejCe efMeefJejeW keÀe Dee³eespeve kesÀ ceeO³ece mes he´®eeefjle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ osMe kesÀ efJeefYeVe efnmmeeW
ceW yeæ[s hewceeves hej pevelee kesÀ yeer®e meleke&Àlee peeieªkeÀlee HewÀueeves kesÀ efueS ie´ece meYeeDeeW meefnle keÀF& Dev³e ieefleefJeefOe³eeW keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ meleke&Àlee
peeieªkeÀlee mehleen kesÀ DeJemej hej SkeÀ F&-heef$ekeÀe "meleke&Àlee ohe&Ce" efpemekeÀe efJecees®eve Þeer osyeeMeer<e heeb[e, lelkeÀeueerve DeefleefjÊeÀ meef®eJe, efJeÊeer³e mesJeeSb
efJeYeeie, Yeejle mejkeÀej SJeb efveiece kesÀ yees[& meom³e Üeje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ F&-he´efle%ee uesves keÀer SkeÀ keÀæ[er kesÀ meeLe-meeLe "F&ceeveoejer - SkeÀ peerJeve Mewueer'' kesÀ
mebosMe keÀes HewÀueeves kesÀ efueS ueieYeie 8 keÀjesæ[ hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ, DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW Deewj efveiece kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes SmeSceSme Yespes ieS~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
25. efveieefcele meeceeefpekeÀ GÊejoeef³elJe
I) mecetn ³eespeveeSb SJeb meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee :
efJeefYeVe meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le oeJes
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, veer®es efoS ieS y³eesjeW kesÀ Devegmeej, meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le ` 901.95 keÀjesæ[ keÀer OevejeefMe mes oeJeeW
keÀe Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~
efJeefYeVe meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le oeJes
mebK³ee OevejeefMe ` (000)
heerScepes[erJeeF& 408 122400
ªheebleefjle heerScepespesyeerJeeF& 40786 8154600
ªheebleefjle SSyeerJeeF& 20545 637600
SSyeerJeeF& 6613 215000
peesæ[ 68352 9019440
efJeefYeVe meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ veece
mebef#ehleerkeÀjCe ³eespevee keÀe veece
heerScepes[erJeeF& he´Oeeve ceb$eer peve Oeve ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le yeercee peerJeve keÀJej
ªheebleefjle heerScepespesyeerJeeF& ªheebleefjle he´Oeeve ceb$eer peerJeve p³eesefle yeercee ³eespevee
ªheebleefjle SSyeerJeeF& ªheebleefjle Deece Deeoceer yeercee ³eespevee
SSyeerJeeF& Deece Deeoceer yeercee ³eespevee
SmeSmepeerSme meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee mecetn ³eespevee
meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee keÀJej (heerScepes[erJeeF& meefnle)
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve efJeefYeVe meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le kegÀue 3.68 keÀjesæ[ J³eefÊeÀ yeerefcele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~
II) efveJesMe Deewj meeceeefpekeÀ GÊejoeef³elJe
31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes efveiece kesÀ kegÀue efveJesMe ` 30,69,941.67 keÀjes[ jeefMe kesÀ Les~ efoveebkeÀ 31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ efveiece kesÀ efveJesMe keÀe efJemle=le JeieeakeÀjCe
meejCeer 6 ceW efo³ee ie³ee nw~
Je<e& 20-2019 kesÀ oewjeve efveiece ves Yeejle mejkeÀej keÀer he´efleYetefle³eeW kesÀ ve³es efveie&ce Deewj efJeefYeVe jep³e mejkeÀejes Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS $eÝCe efveie&ceeW ceW
(Dev³e Devegceesefole he´efleYetefle kesÀ meeLe) ¬eÀceMeë ` 1,78,717.61 keÀjes[ (hegmlekeÀ cetu³e) Deewj ` 1,28,483.62 keÀjes[ (hegmlekeÀ cetu³e) keÀer jeefMe keÀe
DeefYeoeve efkeÀ³ee~
meeceeefpekeÀ GÊejoeef³elJe –
DeefOekeÀeefOekeÀ ueesieeW keÀes megj#ee he´oeve keÀjvee SJeb mebkeÀefuele ye®eleeW keÀes pevekeÀu³eeCe kesÀ keÀe³e& ceW ueieevee efveiece keÀe efvejblej he´³eeme jne nw~
Fme ue#³e keÀer he´eeqhle kesÀ efueS efveiece efvecveefueefKele DeeOeejYetle mebj®evee Deewj meceepeesvcegKeer efveJesMeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meceepe keÀu³eeCe keÀe keÀe³e& keÀj jne nw~
* efyepeueer Glheeove Deewj efJelejCe keÀer heefj³eespeveeSb / ³eespeveeSb
* DeeJeeme #es$e
* peueehete|le Deewj ceueefvemleejCe #es$e / ³eespeveeSb
* me[keÀ, hegue, me[keÀ heefjJenve SJeb jsueJes keÀe efJekeÀeme
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve Ghej kesÀ #es$eeW ces efveJesMe keÀer kegÀue jeefMe ` 52,297.79 keÀjes[ nw Jen meejCeer 7 ces oer ieF& nw~ kesÀvêer³e, jep³e SJeb Dev³e mejkeÀejer
ieejbìer³egÊeÀ efJeheCeve ³eesi³e he´efleYetefle³eeW Deewj DeeOeejYetle mebj®evee leLee meceepeesvcegKeer #es$eeW ceW Mes³ej, $eÝCe Deewj $eÝCehe$e kesÀ ©he ces kegÀue efveJesMe 31 cee®e&,
2020 keÀes ` 24,01,456.50 keÀjes[ nw~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
III) Sue DeeF& meer mJeCe&pe³ebleer HeÀeGb[sMeve :
Sue.DeeF&.meer. ieesu[ve p³egyeueer HeÀeGb[sMeve keÀer mLeehevee Sue.DeeF&.meer keÀer meecegoeef³ekeÀ mesJee henue kesÀ SkeÀ Yeeie kesÀ mJeªhe ceW, Je<e& 2006 ceW ngF&~
HeÀeGb[sMeve kesÀ GÎsM³e iejeryeer DeLeJee heer[e mes jenle, Mew#eefCekeÀ GVeefle, ef®eefkeÀlmeer³e jenle leLee Deece pevelee kesÀ efnleeLe& Dev³e efkeÀmeer efJe<e³e ceW megOeej
nw~ efo. 31.03.2020 lekeÀ peerJeve yeercee efveiece ves `Sue.DeeF&.meer. ieesu[ve p³egyeueer HeÀeGb[@Meve ìdmì& keÀes ` 224 keÀjes[ kesÀ keÀe@he&me keÀer Deehege|le keÀer Deewj
Dee|pele y³eepe keÀes HeÀeGb[@Meve Üeje efJeefYeVe hejeshekeÀejer he´³eespeveeW kesÀ efueS oeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ mLeehevee mes Deye lekeÀ HeÀeGb[sMeve ves GÊeÀ GÎsM³eeW keÀes
mecee|hele iewj-mejkeÀejer mebieþveeW keÀes hegjs osMeYej ces eqmLele 543 heefj³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ ceeO³ece mes mene³elee he´oeve keÀer nw~ GÊeÀ #es$eeW ceW GheueyOe mebj®eveelcekeÀ
mene³elee kesÀ ceeO³ece mes HeÀeGb[sMeve meceepe kesÀ keÀF& Jebef®ele JeieeX lekeÀ hengb®ee nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW HeÀeGb[sMeve ves 44 heefj³eespeveeDeeW keÀes ` 15.13
keÀjesæ[ keÀer cebpetjer oer nw, efpeveceW mes ` 5 keÀjesæ[ keÀe ³eesieoeve heerSce kesÀ³ej HebÀ[ ceW nw~ cegK³eceb$eer jenle keÀes<e ceW ` 1 keÀjesæ[ Deewj ceeveJe cetu³e Deeheoe
jenle keÀes<e kesÀ Debleje&ä^er³e mebIe keÀes ` 50 ueeKe COVID-19 jenle kesÀ efueS efo³ee nw~
Sue.DeeF&.meer. ieesu[ve p³egefyeueer íe$eJe=efÊe ³eespevee, HeÀeGb[sMeve efkeÀ SkeÀ Deewj henue nw pees meceepe kesÀ Deee|LekeÀ ¢eqä mes keÀcepeesj JeieeX kesÀ ye®®eeW keÀes
GvekesÀ mveelekeÀ/J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ heeþîe¬eÀce lekeÀ keÀer G®®e efMe#ee he´ehle keÀjves nsleg he´efle Je<e& íe$eJe=efÊe³eeb he´oeve keÀjleer nw~ HeÀeGb[sMeve ves íe$eJe=efÊe ³eespevee
keÀes LIC GJF íe$eJe=efÊe 2019 kesÀ ªhe ceW efHeÀj mes Megª efkeÀ³ee nw Deewj íe$eJe=efÊe jeefMe yeæ{ekeÀj ` 20,000 he´efle íe$e keÀj oer ieF& nw Deewj meeLe ner
yeeefuekeÀeDeeW kesÀ efueS ` 10,000 keÀer efJeMes<e íe$eJe=efÊe 10 + 2 efMe#ee kesÀ efueS Megª keÀer ieF& nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW, 2,048 veS íe$eeW Deewj 1,914
veJeerkeÀjCe íe$eeW kesÀ efueS ` 2.38 keÀjesæ[ keÀer íe$eJe=efÊe he´oeve keÀer ie³eer nw~ Fme ³eespevee mes, 31.03.2020 lekeÀ, 17,244 íe$e ueeYeeeqvJele ngS nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
26. keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve
De®ís keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve ceW efveÿe efveiece kesÀ J³eJemee³e DeeOeej kesÀ oMe&ve keÀe SkeÀ DeefYeVe Debie nw~ De®ís keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve keÀer he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW kesÀ mebmLeeveelcekeÀ
he´®eueveeW kesÀ heerís ®eeuekeÀ yeue kesÀ ªhe ceW mejkeÀej, efveiece kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW leLee DeefYekeÀlee& yeue Deewj Ghe meefceefle De®íe keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve meYeer mlej hej
cetu³eeOeeefjle veerefle³eeW Deewj keÀe³e&he´Ceeefue³eeW kesÀ met$eerkeÀjCe kesÀ DeueeJee heefj®eeueveelcekeÀ heejoe|Melee, met®evee kesÀ Deeoeve-he´oeve leLee meYeer Mes³ejOeejkeÀeW kesÀ meeLe
ueieeleej mebJeeo kesÀ efueS ncesMee he´sefjle keÀjlee nw~ De®ís keÀe@heexjsì DeefYeMeemeve kesÀ efueS J³eJenej ves nceW Deheves ye´eb[ FeqkeÌJeìer, mìskeÀnesu[j kesÀ efJeéeeme keÀer MeefÊeÀ
keÀes yeæ{eves ceW meceLe& efkeÀ³ee nw SJeb mebmLee ceW SkeÀ mJemLe DeewÐeesefiekeÀ ceenewue keÀes yeveeS jKee nw~ Deheves ie´enkeÀ kesÀ he´efle mebmLeeiele kesÀvêerkeÀjCe keÀer Je®eveye×lee
SJeb GvekesÀ ³eesieoeve kesÀ HeÀuemJeªhe nceejs J³eJemee³e ceW efjkeÀe@[& Je=ef× ngF& nw~
DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& (yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW keÀer efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW Deewj uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW keÀer efjheesì& lew³eej keÀjvee) efJeefve³ece, 2002 ves efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW kegÀí he´keÀìerkeÀjCe
efveOee&efjle efkeÀS nQ~
1. yees[& DeefYeMeemeve mebj®evee kesÀ yeejs ceW he´keÀìerkeÀjCe kesÀ ªhe ceW Meeefceue nw
JeÀ. efJeÊeer³e Je<e& ceW Dee³eesefpele yees[& Deewj efkeefYevve meefceefle³eeW keÀer yewþkeÀeW keÀer mebK³ee
Ke. yees[& keÀer mebj®evee DeefOeosefMele meefceefle³eeW keÀe efJeJejCe, efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ veece, efveosMekeÀ heo keÀer efJeMes<e%elee keÀe #es$e Deeefo meefnle
ie. efveosMekeÀeW Deewj meefceefle kesÀ meom³eeW Üeje GheefmLele yewþkeÀ keÀer mebK³ee
Ie. mJeleb$e efveosMekeÀeW keÀes Yegieleeve efkeÀS ieS heeefjÞeefcekeÀ keÀe efJeJejCe
Ghe³eg&ÊeÀ DeebkeÀæ[s veer®es efoS ieS nQ
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve efveiece kesÀ meom³e
veece Je heoveece Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³elee efJeMes<e%elee efveosMekeÀeefjlee kegÀue yewþkeÀ ceW kegÀue yewþkeÀ
keÀe #es$e keÀe heo GheeqmLeefle MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej, DeO³e#e yeer.Smemeer, uee³emeWefMeSsì yeercee meom³e 06 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ Sce S (DeLe&Meem$e) yeercee meom³e 02 ueeiet vener
(mesJeeefveJe=Êe 31.07.2019 mes )
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.keÀe@ce yeercee meom³e 01 ueeiet vener
(mesJeeefveJe=Êe 31.05.2019 mes )
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej, he´yebOe Sce S (DeLe&Meem$e) yeercee meom³e 06 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.Smemeer yeercee meom³e 05 ueeiet vener
(01.04.2019 mes)
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej ieghlee, he´yebOe yeer.Smemeer, Sce yeer S (S®eDeejSce) yeercee meom³e 02 ueeiet vener
efveosMekeÀ (01.11.2019 mes)
Þeer jepe kegÀceej, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.Smemeer yeercee meom³e 02 ueeiet vener
(01.11.2019 mes)
Þeer efiejerMe ®evê cegcet&, meef®eJe, J³e³e yeer. S. (Deeveme&), Sce.S.(jepeveerefle DeLe&Meem$e meom³e 02 ueeiet vener
efJeYeeie, efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e, Yeejle Meem$e), SceyeerS (heeqyuekeÀ mesJee - Deewj ueeskeÀ
mejkeÀej (27.12.2019 lekeÀ) FbìjvesMeveue) he´Meemeve
Þeer osyeeMeer<e heeb[e, meef®eJe, heesmì ie´spegSì, Sce efHeÀue yeercee meom³e 01 ueeiet vener
efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e, Yeejle mejkeÀej
(11.09.2019 mes)
Þeer Fbpesìer Þeerevf eJeeme, meef®eJe, yeer. S. (Deeveme&), DeLe&Meem$e, Sce. DeLe&Meem$e meom³e 00 ueeiet vener
keÀe@heexjìs keÀe³e& ceb$eeue³e yeer. S. Deewj ueeskeÀ
(27.12.2019 mes) he´Meemeve

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve, DeO³e#e heerpeer (Debie´speer), SHeÀDeeF&DeeF&DeeF& yeercee heosve meom³e 03 ueeiet vener
SJeb he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, peerDeeF&meer js
(31.07.2019 lekeÀ)
Þeerceleer heodcepee ®egb[g©, DeO³e#e SJeb Sce. keÀe@ce, meerSDeeF&DeeF&yeer jeä^er³e Deewj meom³e 05 ueeiet vener
he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, Fbef[³eve yeBkeÀ Deeblejjeä^er³e
Þeer osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee, DeO³e#e SJeb yeer.Smemeer (Deeveme&) YeeweflekeÀ Meem$e, yeercee heosve meom³e 00 ueeiet vener
he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, peerDeeF&meer js Sce Smemeer, (YeeweflekeÀ Meem$e),
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea yeer.keÀe@ce., SmeerS yeercee iewj mejkeÀejer 06 140000
Þeer jJeervê veeLe ®elegJexoer yeer.keÀe@ce., SHeÀmeerS, [erDeeFSmeS efJeÊe SJeb uesKee iewj mejkeÀejer 06 140000
Deewj DebkesÀ#eCe meom³e
Þeer Deej. ®ebêMesKejve yeer.keÀe@ce., [erSceSme, meerSDeeF&DeeF&yeer, yeercee iewj mejkeÀejer 04 100000
DeeFmeer[yuetS (DeeF&), mee|ìefHeÀkesÀì meom³e
Fve keÀch³etìj mee@HeÌìJes³ej,
SHeÀDeeF&DeeF&DeeF&, SmeerDeeF&DeeF&
(³etkesÀ), SDeeF&DeejSce (³etkesÀ)
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve ín yees[& keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
efveiece kesÀ Jele&ceeve meom³e*
efJeMes<e%elee keÀe efveosMekeÀeefjlee keÀe
veece Je heoveece Mew#eefCekeÀ ³eesi³elee
#es$e heo
Þeer Sce. Deej. kegÀceej DeO³e#e yeer.Smemeer uee³emeWefMeSsì yeercee meom³e
Þeer ìer. meer. megMeerue kegÀceej, He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ Sce S yeercee meom³e
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.Smemeer yeercee meom³e
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej ieghlee, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.Smemeer, Sce yeer S (S®eDeejSce) yeercee meom³e
Þeer jepe kegÀceej, he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ yeer.Smemeer yeercee meom³e
Þeer osyeeMeer<e heeb[e, meef®eJe, efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e, heesmì ie´spegSì Sce efHeÀue yeercee meom³e
Yeejle mejkeÀej
Þeer jepesMe Jecee&, meef®eJe , keÀe@heexjsì keÀe³e& ceb$eeue³e yeer. ìskeÀ (efJeÐegle Fbpeerefve³ej) DeeF& S Sme meom³e
Þeerceleer heodcepee ®egb[g©, DeO³e#e SJeb he´yebOe Sce. keÀe@ce, meerSDeeF&DeeF&yeer jeä^er³e Deewj meom³e
efveosMekeÀ, Fbef[³eve yeBkeÀ Deeblejjeä^er³e yeQeEkeÀie
Þeer osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee, DeO³e#e SJeb he´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, yeer.Smemeer (Deeveme&),YeeweflekeÀ Meem$e, Sce.Smemeer, yeercee heosve meom³e
peerDeeF&meer js (YeeweflekeÀ Meem$e), heerpeer[eryeerSce he´vyeOe
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea yeer. keÀe@ce., SmeerS yeercee iewj mejkeÀejer meom³e
Þeer jJeervê veeLe ®elegJexoer yeer. keÀe@ce., SHeÀmeerS, [erDeeFSmeS efJeÊe SJeb uesKee iewj mejkeÀejer meom³e
Deewj DebkesÀ#eCe
Þeer Deej. ®ebêMesKejve yeer. keÀe@ce., [erSceSme, meerSDeeF&DeeF&yeer, yeercee iewj mejkeÀejer meom³e
DeeFmeer[yuetS (DeeF&), mee|ìefHeÀkesÀì Fve
keÀch³egìj mee@HeÌìJesj, SHeÀDeeF&DeeF&DeeF&,
SmeerDeeF&DeeF& (³etkesÀ), SDeeF&DeejSce (³etkesÀ)
*efoveebkeÀ 17/09/2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve efJeefYeVe meefceefle³eeW kesÀ meom³e
keÀe³e&keÀejer meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej (01.04.2019 mes) 07 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 02 ueeiet vener
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 06 ueeiet vener
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 01.04.2019 mes 05.06.2019 Deewj 06.06.2019 06 ueeiet vener
mes meom³e)
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 01.04.2019 mes 31.08.2019 lekeÀ Deewj 01.09.2019 07 ueeiet vener
mes meom³e)
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej ieghlee (07.12.2019 mes) 04 ueeiet vener
Þeer jepe kegÀceej (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 07.12.2019 mes) 04 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve meele keÀe³e&keÀejer meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
efveJesMe meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej 09 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 02 ueeiet vener
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer efiejerMe ®evê cegcet& (27.12.2019 lekeÀ) 05 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 02 ueeiet vener
Þeer osyeeMeer<e heeb[e (14.10.2019 mes 06.12.2019) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer Fbpesìer ÞeerefveJeeme (03.01.2020 mes) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea 09 1,00,000
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 03.04.2019 lekeÀ Deewj 04.04.2019 mes meom³e) 08 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 04.04.2019 mes 05.06.2019 Deewj 06.06.2019 08 ueeiet vener
mes meom³e)
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej ieghlee (07.12.2019 mes) 04 ueeiet vener
Þeer jepe kegÀceej (07.12.2019 mes) 04 ueeiet vener
Þeer efovesMe heble 08 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve veew efveJesMe meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
uesKee hejer#eCe meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 03 ueeiet vener
Þeer jJeervê veeLe ®elegJexoer 05 65,000
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (06.06.2019 mes 06.12.2019 lekeÀ) 03 ueeiet vener
Þeer jepe kegÀceej (07.12.2019 mes) 03 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve heeb®e uesKee hejer#eCe meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
peesefKece he´yebOeve meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea 3 30,000
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 0 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 1 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 1 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (06.06.2019 mes 06.12.2019 lekeÀ) 2 ueeiet vener
Þeer jepe kegÀceej ( 07.12.2019 mes) 1 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve leerve peesefKece he´yebOeve meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ mebj#eCe meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Deej ®ebêMesKejve 03 30,000
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
[e@ mvesnuelee osMecegKe 02 20,000
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes) 03 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (06.06.2019 mes) 03 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve leerve hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ mebj#eCe meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
YeJeve meueenkeÀej meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes) 02 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (03.04.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea 02 20,000
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer S yeer JewÐe 02 20,000
Þeer meewefJekeÀ ye@vepeea 01 10,000
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe) (04.04.2019 mes 31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (efJeMes<e DeefleefLe 06.06.2019 mes ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (04.04.2019 mes 06.12.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer jepe kegÀceej (07.12.2019 mes) 01 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve oes YeJeve meueenkeÀej meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
heeefjÞeefcekeÀ meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer efiejerMe ®evê cegcet& (27.12.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 01 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve SkeÀ heeefjÞeefcekeÀ meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀ keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
ueeYe meefnle meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (03.04.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer Deej ®ebêMesKejve 01 10,000
Þeer Sve Sce ieesJeOe&ve 01 10,000
Þeer efovesMe heble 01 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve SkeÀ ueeYe meefnle meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀ keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer jCeveerefle meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (31.05.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer jJeervê veeLe ®elegJexoer 02 20,000
Þeer efyeceueWog ®e¬eÀyeleea 00 -
he´esHeÀ ([e@) Deesce oceeveer 02 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (04.04.2019 mes) 02 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve oes met®evee he´ewÐeesefiekeÀer jCeveerefle meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀes keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
efJeueHegÀue ef[HeÀuìj meceer#ee meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (03.04.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Heodcepee ®egb[g© 00 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve SkeÀ Yeer efJeueHegÀue ef[HeÀuìj meceer#ee meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀ keÀe Dee³eespeve vener efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~
Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ ®egveeJe meefceefle kesÀ meom³e
meom³e kesÀ veece yewþkeÀeW ceW GheeqmLeefle kegÀue yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ he´oÊe
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer nsceble Yeeie&Je (03.04.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeerceleer Sefueme peer Jewod³eve (31.07.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer yeer JesCetieesheeue (03.04.2019 lekeÀ) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer ìer meer megMeerue kegÀceej (04.04.2019 mes 06.12.2019 lekeÀ) 01 ueeiet vener
Þeer efJeefheve Deevevo (01.09.2019 mes) 00 ueeiet vener
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej ieghlee (07.12.2019 mes) 00 ueeiet vener
Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve SkeÀ Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ ®egveeJe meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀ keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
keÀ. yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ efJeÊeer³e Deewj heefj®eeueve Devegheele hej cee$eelcekeÀ Deewj iegCeelcekeÀ peevekeÀejer DeLee&led keÀceerMeve Deewj J³e³e Devegheele
yeercee kebÀheveer kesÀ efJeÊeer³e Deewj he´®eeueve Devegheele hej cee$eelcekeÀ Deewj iegCeelcekeÀ oesveeW met®eveeJeeoer efjheesì& Deewj mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW he´yebOeve efjheesì&
ceW he´mlegle keÀer ieF& nw - Devegmet®eer 15 keÀ osKeW~
Ke. JeemleefJekeÀ mee@uJeWme ceee|peve efJeJejCe DeeJeM³ekeÀ ceee|peve keÀer leguevee ceW
MeesOeve #ecelee Devegheele keÀe efJeJejCe veer®es efoS ieS nQ :
efJeJejCe efJeÊe Je<e& 2019-2020 efJeÊe Je<e& 2018-2019
JeemleefJekeÀ meceeOeeve Devegheele /DeeJeM³ekeÀ meceeOeeve Devegheele 1.55 1.60
ie. peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e ceW ueies yeerceekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes GvekesÀ Üeje yes®eer ie³eer hee@efuemeer³eeW kesÀ melele Devegheele keÀe Kegueemee keÀjvee nesiee
¬eÀceebkeÀ. efJeJejCe 31.03.2020 31.03.2019
1 13 JeW cenerves kesÀ efueS
hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ Üeje 61.00… 66.00…
Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece Üeje 72.00… 77.00…
2. 25 JeW cenerves kesÀ efueS
hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ Üeje 56.00… 60.00…
Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece Üeje 67.00… 71.00…
3. 37 JeW cenerves kesÀ efueS
hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ Üeje 52.00… 54.00…
Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece Üeje 63.00… 65.00…
4. 49 JeW cenerves kesÀ efueS
hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ Üeje 48.00… 50.00…
Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece Üeje 58.00… 60.00…
5. 61 JeW cenerves kesÀ efueS
hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ Üeje 44.00… 51.00…
Jeee|<ekeÀ he´erefce³ece Üeje 54.00… 63.00…
Ie. efJekeÀeme oj Deewj yeercee kebÀheveer keÀer Jele&ceeve efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle meefnle efJeÊeer³e he´oMe&ve
efJekeÀeme oj Deewj Jele&ceeve efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle meefnle efJeÊeer³e efve<heeove Jeeef<e&keÀ efjheesì& keÀer mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& ceW he´mlegle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
›. peesefKece he´yebOeve JeemlegkeÀuee keÀe efJeJejCe
SueDeeF&meer Yeejleer³e efJeÊeer³e yeepeejeW ceW SkeÀ cegK³e mebmLeeiele efveJesMekeÀ nw~ FmekesÀ Hetbpeer keÀes DeeF&.Deej.[er.S.DeeF&. efveJesMe efJeefve³ece (2016) kesÀ
Devegmeej HeefjmebHeÊeer Jeieex ceW efveJesMe efkeÀ³ee peelee nw Deewj yeepeej peesefKece, ke´sÀef[ì peesefKece, y³eepe oj peesefKece, lejuelee peesefKece Deewj he´eflehe#e
peesefKece pewmes kegÀí veece mes efJeefYeVe peesefKeceeW mes he´YeeefJele neslee nw~ efJeÊeer³e yeepeejeW ceW Fme lejn kesÀ efJeefJeOe efveJesMees mes GlheVe nesves Jeeues Fve
peesefKeceeW keÀes ueieeleej efveiejeveer, ceeheves Deewj keÀce keÀjves kesÀ efueS SkeÀ cepeyetle peesefKece he´yebOeve mebj®evee keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw~ efveJesMe peesefKeceeW keÀes
efvejblej DeeOeej hej J³eJeeqmLele ªhe mes hen®eeve efkeÀ³ee peelee nw Deewj Fve peesefKeceeW keÀes mebyeesefOele keÀjves kesÀ efueS he´eCeeefue³eeW Deewj he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW keÀes
ueeiet efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw leeefkeÀ ve kesÀJeue hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀe HebÀ[ mebjef#ele jns yeequkeÀ GvekeÀer Gef®ele he´efleHeÀue keÀer Gcceeros Yeer hetjer keÀer pee mekesÀ ~
efveiece peesefKece he´yebOeve hej efvejblej mebieþveelcekeÀ O³eeve jKeves kesÀ efueS he´efleye× nw Deewj peesefKece ¢eqäkeÀjCe, peesefKece he´Meemeve, peesefKece hen®eeve,
peesefKece ceehe, peesefKece he´yebOeve, peesefKece efveiejeveer Deewj peesefKece efjheese\ìie pewmes #es$eeW keÀe meceeJesMeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS SkeÀ peesefKece he´yebOeve veerefle
efveiece kesÀ heeme nw~
efveJesMe meb®eeueve efJeYeeie keÀes he´eLeefcekeÀ / efÜleer³ekeÀ FeqkeÌJeìer yeepeejeW ceW Gef®ele efveJesMe efveCe&³e uesves kesÀ efue³es me#ece yeveeves nsleg DeeefLe&keÀ, #es$eeW Deewj
kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ efJekeÀeme keÀes FeqkeÌJeìer DevegmebOeeve efjheesì& kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ueieeleej DeO³e³eve efkeÀ³ee peelee nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
®e. DeJeefOe kesÀ efJeJejCe kesÀ meeLe metef®ele, efveheìeve Deewj uebefyele oeJeeW keÀer mebK³ee keÀe efJeJejCe
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ efueS oeJee efveheìeve Fme he´keÀej nw
31.03.2020 keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS Yegieleeve efkeÀS ieS oeJeeW keÀer mebK³ee
kegÀue Yegieleeve efkeÀS
oeJeeW kesÀ heefjhekeÌJelee 1 Je<e& oeJeeW keÀe ieS oeJeeW keÀer
¬eÀceebkeÀ 6 cenerves
hej ³ee 1-3 3-6 Deewj Yegieleeve kegÀue jeefMe
he´keÀej 1 cenervee -
Gmemes cenerves cenerves Gmemes (mebK³ee) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
1 Je<e&
henues DeefOekeÀ
1. heefjhekeÌJelee oeJes 5129688 2514413 972182 372345 7189 9099 9004916 116808.76
2. GÊejpeerefJelee ueeYe 10077028 978616 411614 165270 6526 21858 11660912 25542.00
3. Jeee|<ekeÀer heWMeve kesÀ efueS 22886914 3532122 191021 161658 160213 242823 27174751 16279.88
4. DeY³ehe&Ce kesÀ efueS
(DevegjesOe keÀer leejerKe 0 719978 4608125 0 0 0 5328103 70069.53
5. Dev³e ueeYe (DevegjesOe
0 18 0 0 0 0 18 0.21
keÀer leejerKe mes)

1. ce=l³eg oeJes (met®evee keÀer

138401 741895 42044 9981 16 4 932341 17419.57
leejerKe mes)
31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ oeJeeW keÀer Gce´ Fme he´keÀej Leer:
ce=l³eg kesÀ heefjhekeÌJelee GÊejpeerefJelee Jeee|<ekeÀer heWMeve DeY³ehe&Ce kesÀ
¬eÀceebkeÀ oeJee DevegYeJe Dev³e ueeYe
efueS kesÀ efueS ueeYe kesÀ efueS efueS
DeJeefOe keÀer Meg©Deele ceW yekeÀe³ee
1. 1579 752553 2594 111752 0 0
Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve efjheesì&
2. 975321 10330759 12488503 6539334 5328103 18
efkeÀS ieS oeJes
Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve efveheìeS
3. 932341 9004916 11660912 6474966 5328103 18
ieS oeJes
Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve oeJeeW keÀe
4. 8678 0 0 2221 0 0
Keb[ve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee
peesefKece keÀer mJeerke=Àefle keÀer
keÀ 8587 0 0 2221 0 0
leejerKe mes keÀce mes keÀce 3 meeue
peesefKece keÀer mJeerke=Àefle keÀer
Ke 91 0 0 0 0 0
leejerKe mes 3 Je<e& mes DeefOekeÀ
5. oeJee he´efleuesKeve 10936 718453 252739 541 0 0
DeJeefOe kesÀ Deble ceW yekeÀe³ee oeJes 24945 1359943 577446 173358 2 0
3 cenerves mes keÀce 17801 1056601 440685 56394 2 0
6. 3 mes 6 cenerves 7035 303342 136761 116964 0 0
6 cenerves mes 1 Je<e& 109 0 0 0 0 0
1 Je<e& Deewj Gmemes DeefOekeÀ 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2018-2019 kesÀ efueS oeJee efveheìeve Fme he´keÀej nw
31.03.2019 keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS Yegieleeve efkeÀS ieS oeJeeW keÀer
mebK³ee kegÀue Yegieleeve efkeÀS
oeJeeW keÀe ieS oeJeeW keÀer
¬eÀceebkeÀ oeJeeW kesÀ he´keÀej heefjhekeÌJelee 6 cenerves 1 Je<e& Deewj
1 1-3 3-6 Yegieleeve kegÀue jeefMe
hej ³ee - Gmemes (mebK³ee) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
cenervee cenerves cenerves
Gmemes henues 1 Je<e& DeefOekeÀ
1. heefjhekeÌJelee oeJes 5332371 3530149 1562950 600879 55757 36335 11118441 112965.34
2. GÊejpeerefJelee ueeYe 11156746 1285330 809328 420665 78937 92621 13843627 32670.72
3. Jeee|<ekeÀer heWMeve kesÀ efueS 21791403 2399405 226950 150903 131200 229321 24929182 106113.27
4. DeY³ehe&Ce kesÀ efueS
4119 5077236 156198 18454 446 0 5256453 69163.18
(DevegjesOe keÀer leejerKe mes)
5. Dev³e ueeYe (DevegjesOe keÀer
27798 54 0 0 0 0 27852 5.26
leejerKe mes)

1. ce=l³eg oeJes (met®evee keÀer

0 946389 32334 13459 250 45 992477 17468.43
leejerKe mes)
31 cee®e&, 2019 lekeÀ oeJeeW keÀer Gce´ Fme he´keÀej Leer:
ce=l³eg kesÀ heefjhekeÌJelee GÊejpeerefJele Jeee|<ekeÀer DeY³ehe&Ce kesÀ
¬eÀceebkeÀ oeJee DevegYeJe Dev³e ueeYe
efueS kesÀ efueS ueeYe heWMeve kesÀ efueS efueS
1. DeJeefOe keÀer Meg©Deele ceW yekeÀe³ee oeJes 929 433349 40 105184 0 0
2. Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve efjheesì& efkeÀS ieS oeJes 1008999 12267561 14155551 6072583 5256453 27852
3. Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve efveheìeS ieS oeJes 992477 11118441 13843627 6063792 5256453 27852

Fme DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve oeJeeW keÀe Keb[ve 6682 0 0 1606 0 0
efkeÀ³ee ie³ee
peesefKece keÀer mJeerke=Àefle keÀer leejerKe mes keÀce 5613 0 0 1606 0 0
mes keÀce 3 meeue
peesefKece keÀer mJeerke=Àefle keÀer leejerKe mes 3 Je<e& 1069 0 0 0 0 0
mes DeefOekeÀ
5. oeJee he´efleuesKeve 9190 829916 309370 617 0 0

DeJeefOe kesÀ Deble ceW yekeÀe³ee oeJes 1579 752553 2594 111752 0 0

3 cenerves mes keÀce 909 539850 1832 29195 0 0

6. 3 mes 6 cenerves 316 162606 569 6130 0 0

6 cenerves mes 1 Je<e& 119 13953 102 7268 0 0

1 Je<e& Deewj Gmemes DeefOekeÀ 235 36144 91 69159 0 0

í. iewj-keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ kesÀ meYeer Deee|LekeÀ mebyebOe ³ee uesveosve

iewj-keÀe³e&keÀejer Deewj mJeleb$e (iewj-mejkeÀejer meom³e) efveosMekeÀes kesÀ heeme Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve yees[& Deewj meefceefle keÀer yewþkeÀeW ceW Yeeie uesves kesÀ efueS GvnW oer ieF&
yewþkeÀ MegukeÀ keÀes íesæ[keÀj kebÀheveer kesÀ meeLe keÀesF& Deewj Deee|LekeÀ mebyebOe ³ee uesveosve veneR nw~
pe. Sce[er Deewj meerF&Dees Deewj Dev³e meYeer efveosMekeÀeW Deewj he´cegKe he´yebOeve J³eefÊeÀ³eeW kesÀ heeefjÞeefcekeÀ hewkesÀpe (he´eslmeenve meefnle) kesÀ lelJe
DeO³e#e Deewj he´yebOe efveosMekeÀes kesÀ heeefjÞeefcekeÀ keÀe y³eewje efjheesì& keÀer mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW keÀer Devegmet®eer 15 keÀ ceW he´keÀì efkeÀS peeles nQ~
(he=ÿ mebK³ee 268)
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Pe. hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ HebÀ[ mes mecetn mebmLeeDeeW keÀes efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Yegieleeve
kebÀheveer Üeje mecetn mebmLeeDees (mebyebefOele heeìea he´keÀìerkeÀjCe) keÀes efkeÀS ieS Yegieleeve keÀe efJeJejCe efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe kesÀ SkeÀ Yeeie kesÀ ªhe ceW Meeefceue efkeÀ³ee
ie³ee nw - Devegmet®eer 15 keÀ kesÀ (mebyebefOele he#e he´keÀìerkeÀjCe) Keb[ keÀe meboYe& ueW~
ì. keÀesF& Dev³e ceeceuee, pees efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle hej meeceie´er he´YeeJe keÀjlee nw
Ssmee keÀesF& ceeceuee veneR nw efpemekeÀe efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe ceW he´keÀì efkeÀS ieS ceeceueeW keÀes íesæ[keÀj efJeÊeer³e eqmLeefle hej YeeweflekeÀ he´YeeJe nes~
2) yees[& keÀer yewþkeWÀ :
efJeefve³eceveeW kesÀ Devegmeej, nj efleceener ceW keÀce mes keÀce SkeÀ yees[& keÀer yewþkeÀ Dee³eesefpele keÀer peeveer ®eeefnS ~ ³eÐeefhe Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve 6 yees[& keÀer yewþkeWÀ ngF&~
yees[& J³eJemLeeheve keÀer veerefleiele ceeceueeW kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ efveiece kesÀ efJekeÀeme, Glke=Àälee, keÀeheexjsì DeefYe³eeve leLee yeerceeOeejkeÀeW SJeb mìskeÀnesu[jeW kesÀ efnleeW
keÀe mebj#eCe nsleg he´yebOeve keÀe oeef³elJe Deeefo kesÀ efueS ceeie&oMe&ve GheueyOe keÀjlee nw ~
peerJeve yeercee DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 keÀer Oeeje 19 kesÀ Devegmeej, keÀe³e&keÀejer meefceefle Deewj efveJesMe meefceefle yees[& Üeje ieefþle keÀer nw ~ DeeF&.Deej.[er.S.DeeF&. kesÀ
mebMeesefOele keÀeheexjsì efoMeeefveoxMe 2016 kesÀ Devegmeej yees[& keÀer meefceefle³eeb nw veeceleë - DebkesÀ#eCe meefceefle, peesefKece he´yebOeve meefceefle, hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ mebj#eCe
meefceefle, ueeYe- meefnle meefceefle, [erSHeÀSme, efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e Joeje peejer heefjhe$e F.No-110112/01/2007-Ins III efoveebkeÀ 20 pegueeF&, 2007 kesÀ Devegmeej
heefjÞeefcekeÀ meefceefle keÀe ieþve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee YeJeve meueenkeÀej meefceefle,Mes³ejOeejkeÀ meefceefle, efJeueHegÀue ef[³eeHeÀe@ìj hej meceer#ee meefceefle
SJeb he´ewOeesefiekeÀer meceer#ee meefceleer ieþve Yeer efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw ~
3) kesÀvêer³e he´yevOeve meefceefle :
kesÀvêer³e he´yebOeve meefceefle keÀer yewþkeWÀ nj ceen Dee³eesefpele keÀer peeleer nw efpemeceW efveiece kesÀ J³eJemee³e keÀer meceer#ee, ³eespeveeDeeW keÀe meb©heCe leLee keÀe³ee&vJe³eve
Deewj efJeefYeVe cenlJehetCe& ceeceueeW hej ®e®ee& keÀer peeleer nw ~ #es$eer³e he´yebOekeÀ leLee kesÀvêer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ efJeYeeieeO³e#e mebmLee mebyebOeer efJeefYeVe ceeceueeW hej efJe®eej
heefJeceMe& keÀjles nw ~
4) #es$eer³e meueenkeÀej yees[& ë
he´l³eskeÀ #es$e kesÀ efueS #es$eer³e meueenkeÀej yees[& ieefþle efkeÀS ieS nw, pees #es$e keÀer meerceeDeeW kesÀ Yeerlej efveiece kesÀ mecegef®ele efJekeÀeme keÀes he´YeeefJele keÀjves Jeeues
meYeer ceeceueeW Deewj veerefle meceer#ee keÀjves, Gve hej ®e®ee& keÀjves leLee Gve hej Deheveer mebmlegefle osves kesÀ efueS me#ece nQ ~
5) hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ heefj<eo ë
ceC[ueeW ceW hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀer heefj<eoW ieefþle keÀer ieF& nw ~ ceC[ue he´yebOekeÀeW Üeje Yespes ieS meYeer ceeceueeW hej hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀeW keÀer heefj<eoW ®e®ee& keÀjleer
nw~ ®e®ee& efkeÀS ieS cegÎeW ceW hee@efuemeer keÀer mesJee, yekeÀe³ee oeJes, ceC[ue ceW veJe J³eJemee³e keÀer he´ieefle Deewj he´®eej ieefleefJeefOe³eeb Deeefo nQ ~
6) peerJeve yeercee efveiece DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ Devleie&le efveoxMe ë
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve yeercee DeefOeefve³ece 1956 keÀer Oeeje 21 kesÀ Debleie&le Yeejle mejkeÀej mes keÀesF& efveoxMe he´ehle veneR ngDee ~
7) uesKee hejer#ekeÀ ë
Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ hetJee&vegceesove mes ome HeÀeceeX keÀes Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ efueS JewOeeefvekeÀ uesKee hejer#ekeÀ efve³egÊeÀ efkeÀ³ee ie³ee ~ HeÀceeX kesÀ meePesoejeW kesÀ veece
leLee heles heefjefMeä II ceW oMee&S ieS nQ (he=ÿ mebK³ee 83)
8) veeefcele efveosMekeÀ :
efveiece efJeefYeVe kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ yees[& ceW, efpeveceW $eÝCe ³ee/Deewj F&eqkeÌJeìer kesÀ DeeOeej hej nceeje he³ee&hle Yeeieeroejer nw, efveosMekeÀeW keÀes veeceebefkeÀle keÀjlee nw~
veeefcele J³eefÊeÀ efveiece kesÀ mesJeejle DeLeJee mesJeeefveJe=Êe DeefOekeÀejer nesles nQ ~ veeefcele efveosMekeÀeW kesÀ ceeie&oMe&ve Je GvekesÀ keÀe³e& keÀer meceer#ee nsleg mecegef®ele
J³eJemLee ceewpeto nw ~ veeefcele efveosMekeÀeW keÀer efve³egefÊeÀ keÀer mece³e-mece³e hej meceer#ee keÀer peeleer nw ~ veeefcele efveosMekeÀ kebÀheveer kesÀ heefj®eeueve mecem³eeDeeW,
mebYeeJeveeDeeW Je keÀe@heexjsì ieJevexvme ceevekeÀeW Deeefo kesÀ mebyebOe ceW peevekeÀejer GheueyOe keÀjles nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
27. efJeefJeOe keÀe³e&keÀueehe ieefleefJeefOe³eeb
keÀ) SueDeeF&meer neTeEmeie HeÀeFveWme efueefceìs[ :
cegbyeF& ceW Deheves keÀe@jheesjsì Dee@efHeÀme kesÀ meeLe LIC neGeEmeie HeÀeFveWme efueefceìs[ kesÀ osMe ceW 9 #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³e, 24 yewkeÀ Dee@efHeÀme, 282 ceekexÀeEìie Dee@efHeÀme
Deewj 1 ie´enkeÀ mesJee eEyeog nQ~ FmekesÀ ogyeF& Deewj kegÀJewle ceW he´efleefveefOe keÀe³ee&ue³e Yeer nQ~ kebÀheveer kesÀ Mes³ej yee@cyes mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe Deewj vesMeveue mìe@keÀ
SkeÌme®eWpe Deewj FmekesÀ iueesyeue ef[hee@efpeìjer Mes³ej (peer[erSme) uekeÌ]peceyeie& mìe@keÀ SkeÌme®eWpe ceW met®eeryeodOe nQ~ kebÀheveer keÀes CRISIL Deewj CARE Üeje
'AAA' jsì efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ CRISIL Üeje kebÀheveer kesÀ efHeÀkeÌm[ ef[hee@efpeì he´esie´ece keÀes ``FAAA Stable'' keÀe opee& efo³ee ie³ee nw, pees megj#ee kesÀ
G®®elece mlej keÀes oMee&lee nw~
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS ie´esLe CAGR 5 meeue
31.03.2020 keÀes yekeÀe³ee $eÝCe - ` 2,10,578 keÀjesæ[ 8… 14…
Je<e& 2019 - 20 kesÀ efueS kegÀue Dee³e - ` 19,669.76 keÀjesæ[ 13… 12…
Je<e& 2019 - 20 kesÀ efueS Meg× ueeYe - ` 2,401.83 keÀjesæ[ (1…) 15…
31.03.2020 keÀes kegÀue mebheefÊe 18,193.09 keÀjesæ[
ueeYeebMe Ieesef<ele 400…
SueDeeF&meer S®eSHeÀSue kesÀ³ej nescme efueefceìs[
SueDeeF&meer S®eSHeÀSue kesÀ³ej nescme efueefceìs[, SueDeeF&meer neTeEmeie HeÀeFveWme efueefceìs[ kesÀ hetCe&le: mJeeefcelJe keÀe mene³ekeÀ Ghe¬eÀce nw efpemekeÀer mLeehevee
11 efmelecyej, 2001 keÀes keÀer ieF& Leer~ Deepe keÀer leejerKe ceW kebÀheveer keÀer he´eefOeke=Àle hetbpeer ` 75 keÀjesæ[ nw I kebÀheveer keÀer mLeehevee keÀe cetue GÎsM³e Jeefjÿ
veeieefjkeÀeW kesÀ efueS mene³ekeÀ meecegoeef³ekeÀ efjne³emeer kesÀvêeW keÀer mLeehevee SJeb he´®eeueve Lee ~
kebÀheveer ves efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW ` 437.31 ueeKe keÀj osves mes hetJe& ueeYe (heeryeerìer) leLee ` 261.24 ueeKe ©he³es keÀj kesÀ yeeo ueeYe (heerSìer)
Dee|pele efkeÀ³ee~
kebÀheveer ves yeQieueesj ceW SkeÀ hetCe& heefj³eespevee oes ®ejCeeW (®ejCe – I SJeb ®ejCe – II) ceW efJekeÀefmele keÀer nw efpemes 10 SkeÀæ[ Yetefce hej efJekeÀefmele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee
Lee I kebÀheveer ves YegJeveséej ceW 5 SkeÀæ[ Yetefce hej SkeÀ Deewj heefj³eespevee hetjer keÀj ueer nw Deewj DeeJebefì³eeW keÀes meeQheves keÀer he´ef¬eÀ³ee ceW nw~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee, kebÀheveer
ves pe³ehegj (jepe.) Deewj DeuegJee (kesÀjue) ceW ¬eÀceMeë 5.5 SkeÀæ[ Deewj 3.35 SkeÀæ[ kesÀ Yetefce heeme&ue Yeer Kejeros nQ, leeefkeÀ Fve oesveeW mLeeveeW hej mene³ekeÀ
efjne³emeer heefj³eespevee efJekeÀefmele keÀer pee mekesÀ I kebÀheveer jep³e pevemeebeqK³ekeÀer³e Deewj meebmke=ÀeflekeÀ mebYeeJeveeDeeW ceW ceebie, he´®eefuele efve³eceeW Deewj efJeefve³eceeW
hej efJe®eej keÀjves hej Ghe³egÊeÀ cee@[ue kesÀ Devegmeej heefj³eespevee efJekeÀefmele keÀjsieer~
kebÀheveer efJeefYeVe mLeeveeW hej kesÀ³ej nescme heefj³eespevee kesÀ efJekeÀeme kesÀ efueS veS Yetefce heeme&ue keÀer Kejero kesÀ efueS Yeer he´³eeme keÀj jner nw I
Ke) SueDeeF&meer c³et®³egDeue HeÀb[ Smesì cewvespeceWì keÀcheveer efueefceìs[:
SueDeeF&meer c³eg®egDeue HebÀ[ (“c³eg®egDeue HebÀ[“) 20.04.1989 keÀes he´e³eespekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW SueDeeF&meer Dee@HeÀ Fbef[³ee kesÀ meeLe Yeejleer³e ì^mì DeefOeefve³ece
kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ Devegmeej SkeÀ ì^mì kesÀ ªhe ceW ieþve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee, efpemeceW SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ ì^mìer he´eFJesì efue. ì^mìer kesÀ ªhe ceW Deewj SueDeeF&meer
c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ Smesì cewvespeceWì efue. SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ ceW efveJesMe he´yebOekeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW Les~ SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ Smesì cewvespeceWì kesÀ
Mes³ejOeejkeÀ SueDeeF&meer Dee@HeÀ Fbef[³ee, SueDeeF&meer neGeEmeie HeÀeFveWme efue., peerDeeF&meer neGeEmeie HeÀeFveWme efue. Deewj keÀe@heexjsMeve yeQkeÀ nQ~
31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ 25 ³eespeveeDeeW keÀe he´yebOeve keÀj jne Lee~ Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, SScemeer ves meYeer ®eeuet ³eespeveeDeeW mes
` 3,01,184 keÀjesæ[ keÀer mekeÀue efye¬eÀer pegìeF&~ 31.03.2020 keÀes kegÀue efveJesMekeÀeW keÀer mebK³ee 3,88,758 Leer~ 2019-20 keÀer Debeflece efleceener kesÀ efueS
he´yebOeve kesÀ lenle Deewmele mebheefÊe (SS³etSce) ` 16,605 keÀjesæ[ Leer Deewj ³en SS³etSce kesÀ ceeceues ceW 20 JeW mLeeve hej Leer~
202 efveJesMekeÀ mesJee keWÀêeW, 28 ye´eb®e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW Deewj 126 efye¬eÀer ìerce kesÀ vesìJeke&À kesÀ meeLe, SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ osMe kesÀ keÀesves keÀesves ceW HewÀues 200 mes DeefOekeÀ
mLeeveeW hej ceewpeto nw~ SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ keÀe SkeÀ J³eehekeÀ efJelejCe vesìJeke&À nw efpemeceW Meeefceue nw DeeFS]HeÀS, vesMeveue ef[mì^ery³etìme&, JesuLe cewvespeceWìdme
ìercme, yeQkeÌme Deewj keÀer efye]pevesme heeì&veme&~
SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ ceW “SheerheerSme“ (Dee@ìes he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve he´Ceeueer) veecekeÀ SkeÀ DeefYeveJe Glheeo HeÀer®ej nw, efpemekesÀ lenle ie´enkeÀ Deheves hewmes keÀes
lejue keÀj ³ee DeuhekeÀeefuekeÀ ³eespeveeDeeW ceW efveJesMe keÀj mekeÀles nQ Deewj GvekesÀ SueDeeF&meer he´erefce³ece keÀe Yegieleeve c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ Keeles mes efkeÀ³ee peelee
nw~ ³en SkeÀ Devetþer efJeMes<elee nw pees GÐeesie ceW kesÀJeue SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ Üeje hesMe keÀer ieF& nw~ Fmeer lejn, SueDeeF&meer c³et®egDeue HebÀ[, SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ
peerSmeF&meer uee@vie ìce& F&ìerSHeÀ kesÀ meeLe [syì efJemleej ceW F&ìerSHeÀ keÀer hesMekeÀMe keÀjves Jeeues henues c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ ceW mes SkeÀ nw~ ³en Glheeo Kegoje
efveJesMekeÀeW keÀes yengle ner he´eflemheOeea ueeiele hej yengle íesìs efìkeÀì DeekeÀej kesÀ meeLe peerSmeF&meer ceW efveJesMe keÀjves oslee nw~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ keÀer ³eespeveeSb ueieeleej yesnlej he´oMe&ve keÀj jner nQ Deewj SueDeeF&meer SceSHeÀ mkeÀerceeW keÀe he´oMe&ve jseEìie SpeWefme³eeW Üeje De®íer lejn
mes keÀJej efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
ie) SueDeeF&meer heWMeve efveefOe efueefceìs[ :
SueDeeF&meer heWMeve HebÀ[ efueefceì@[ Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece kesÀ Üeje he´e³eesefpele kebÀheveer nw pees efkeÀ 1 peveJejer 2004 kesÀ HeM®eele kesÀvê mejkeÀej ces Yeleea
keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efue³es (meMem$e yeueeW keÀes íes[keÀj) heWMeve efveefOe efJeefve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe kesÀ Üeje he´ejbYe keÀer ieF& heWMeve ³eespevee ceW efveefOe³eeW kesÀ
he´yebOeve keÀe keÀe³e& keÀjleer nw~ ³en ³eespevee jep³e mejkeÀej kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efue³es mebyebefOele jep³eeW Üeje Dehevee³es peeves hej ueeiet ng³eer ~
SueDeeF&meer heWMeve HebÀ[ efue. SkeÀ efveefOe he´yebOeve kebÀheveer nw, pees efkeÀ vesMeveue heWMeve ³eespevee keÀer mejkeÀej Üeje efveOee&efjle heeb®e efveJesMe ³eespeveeDees keÀe
he´yebOeve keÀjleer nw :-
a) 02.04.2008 mes kesÀvê mejkeÀej ³eespevee (kesÀvê mejkeÀej kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efue³es)
b) 25.06.2009 mes jep³e mejkeÀej ³eespevee (jep³e mejkeÀej kesÀ keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efue³es)
c) 04.10.2010 mes Sve. heer. Sme ueeF&ì (Govt. Pattern) Deewj
d) 04.11.2012 mes keÀesheexjsì ³eespevee (Corporate CG)
e) 01.06.2015 mes Deìue heWMeve ³eespevee (APY)

efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2012-13 kesÀ oewjeve SueDeeF&meer heWMeve HebÀ[ efueefceì@[ ves efvepeer #es$e keÀer heWMeve efveefOe³ees kesÀ yeev[ J³eJemee³e ces hebpeerkeÀjCe kesÀ efue³es Yeer DeeJesove
efkeÀ³ee Lee efpemes efve³eecekeÀ (PFRDA) ves meve 2013-14 ces mJeerke=Àle keÀj efue³ee nw~ efvepeer #es$e kesÀ Debleie&le Deeþ ³eespeveeDeeWkeÀe he´yevOeve efkeÀ³ee peelee
nw pewmes keÀer F& efì³ej - I, meer efì³ej – I, peer efì³ej – I,F& efì³ej - II, meer efì³ej – II, peer efì³ej –II, S efì³ej – I Deewj S efì³ej – II (efoveebkeÀ 10.10.2016
keÀes peejer keÀer ie³eer nw)~ efì³ej – I ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le heWMeve efveefOe mesJeeefveJe=efÊe kesÀ he½eele ner efvekeÀeueer pee mekeÀleer nw, peye efkeÀ efì³ej - II ³eespeveeDeeW
ceW nj meeue efveefOe efvekeÀeueves keÀer megefJeOee nw~ kegÀue efceueekeÀj Sue Dee³e meer heWMeve HebÀ[ efueefceì@[ 13 ³eespeveeDeeW keÀe he´yebOeve keÀjleer nw ~ yeeo ceW S
efì³ej - II, 8 ceF&, 2017 mes he´YeeJeer ªhe mes Jeeheme ues ueer ieF& ~
efJeleer³e Je<e& 2019-2020 kesÀ oewjeve SueDeeF&meer heWMeve HebÀ[ efueefceìs[ ves 12 ³eespeveeDeeW ceW efceueekeÀj ` 22,172.82 keÀjesæ[ keÀer jeefMe efveefOe kesÀ ©he ceW he´ehle
keÀer~ 31 cee®e& 2019 keÀes he´yebOe kesÀ DeOeerve heefjmecheefle ` 92,719.22 keÀjesæ[ Leer pees 31.3.2020 ceW ye{keÀj ` 1,21,027.68 keÀjesæ[ nes ie³eer nw~ GhejesÊeÀ
heefjmecheefle ceW ` 1,18,728.20 keÀjesæ[ heeb®e mejkeÀejer ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le Deewj ` 2,299.48 keÀjesæ[ efvepeer #es$e keÀer meele ³eespeveDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le he´yebefOele nw~
he´yebOe kesÀ DeOeerve heefjmecheefle kesÀ ³eesie (AUM) ceW ye{eslejer SJeb he´ole hetbpeer hej J³eepe keÀer Dee³e ye{ves mes Sue.DeeF&.meer. heWMeve HebÀ[ keÀer kegÀue Dee³e iele
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2018-2019 kesÀ ` 11.51 keÀjesæ[ mes ye{keÀj Je<e& 2019-20 ces ` 14.52 keÀjesæ[ nes ieF& nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-2020 ces kebÀheveer keÀe MegodOe ueeYe
` 1.43 keÀjesæ[ jne nw~
31-03-2020 keÀes SueDeeF&meer heWMeve HebÀ[ keÀer ³eespeveeDeeW keÀe vesì Smesì Jewu³et (Net Asset value) leLee mLeehevee kesÀ yeeo mes Jeehemeer keÀer oj Fme he´keÀej Leer:
¬eÀ. ³eespeveeSb vesì Smesì Jewu³et mLeehevee kesÀ yeeo mes he´efleHeÀue keÀer oj (…)
®e¬eÀJe=ef× Jeee|<ekeÀ Je=ef× oj (meer S peer Deej)
1. kesÀvê mejkeÀej ³eespevee 29.3820 9.39…
2. jep³e mejkeÀej ³eespevee 26.2501 9.37…
3. Sve. heer. Sme ueeF&ì 24.2637 9.78…
4. keÀesheexjsì ³eespevee 19.4193 9.38…
5. Deìue heWMeve ³eespevee 15.0667 8.86…

¬eÀ. ³eespeveeSb vesì Smesì Jewu³et mLeehevee kesÀ yeeo mes he´efleHeÀue keÀer oj (…)
®e¬eÀJe=ef× Jeee|<ekeÀ Je=ef× oj (meer S peer Deej)
6. F& efì³ej – I 13.8050 4.93…
7. meer efì³ej – I 19.0823 10.14…
8. peer efì³ej – I 21.1813 11.87…
9. F& efì³ej – II 11.5025 2.13…
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
10. meer efì³ej – II 17.8035 9.08…
11. peer efì³ej – II 21.5789 12.28…
12. S - efì³ej– I 12.8312 7.46…
®eeuet Je<e& kesÀ keWÀêer³e yepeì kesÀ lenle he´eJeOeeve
Sve. heer. Sme. keÀer ³eespevee ceW J³eefÊeÀiele ©he mes efveJesMe keÀer ieF& jeefMe hej FvekeÀce ìskeÌme SkeÌì kesÀ meskeÌMeve 80meer meer [er (1 yeer) kesÀ Debleie&le ` 50,000
lekeÀ kesÀ DeefOekeÀlece keÀj ceW ítì oer ieF& nw~ ³en ítì he´ehle kegÀue ` 1,50,000/- keÀer meskeÌMeve 80C kesÀ Debleie&le mecesefkeÀle keÀj ítì kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ nw~
SveheerSme (heefjhekeÌJelee hej) mes efvekeÀemeer kegÀue mebef®ele keÀes<e jeefMe keÀe 40… lekeÀ keÀj-cegÊeÀ nw~
SveheerSme kesÀ yeejs ceW peeieªkeÀlee yeæ{ves kesÀ keÀejCe YeefJe<³e ceW Deewj S³etSce Deeies yeæ{ves keÀer Gcceero nw~
Ie) SueDeeF&meer keÀe[& mee|Jemes]pe efueefceìs[ :
SueDeeF&meer keÀe[& mee|Jemespe efueefceìs[, (SueDeeF&meer meerSmeSue) keÀes 11 veJebyej 2008 keÀes Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece keÀer hetCe& mJeeefcelJe Jeeueer mene³ekeÀ
kebÀheveer kesÀ ªhe ceW, ` 1 keÀjesæ[ keÀer hetbpeer kesÀ meeLe mLeeefhele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ kebÀheveer keÀe GÎsM³e SueDeeF&meer keÀce&®eeefj³eeW, keÌueye meom³e DeefYekeÀlee&
Deewj hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀes ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& mesJeeSb he´oeve keÀjvee nw~ SueDeeF&meer meerSmeSue keÀe Dehevee keÀe@heexjsì keÀe³ee&ue³e efouueer ceW nw Deewj Jele&ceeve ceW
Denceoeyeeo, yeWieueg©, Yeesheeue, ®eb[erieæ{, ®esVeF&, efouueer (yeenj), efouueer (mLeeveer³e), nwojeyeeo, keÀesuekeÀelee, cegbyeF&, ueKeveT ceW #es$eer³e keÀe³ee&ue³eeW
kesÀ ceeO³ece mes Yeejle ceW SueDeeF&meer kesÀ 100 keWÀêeW ceW keÀe³e&jle nw~ 199 veiej efJe¬eÀ³e he´yebOekeÀ Deewj 17,243 efJe¬eÀ³e he´efleefveefOe nceejs ie´enkeÀeW keÀes ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[&
mesJeeSb he´oeve keÀjves ceW keÀe³e&jle nQ~
Jele&ceeve ceW kebÀheveer ves keÀes-ye´eb[s[ / JneFì uesyeue mecePeewles kesÀ Debleie&le ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& peejer keÀjves kesÀ efueS SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ Deewj ³etefveDeve yeQkeÀ DeesHeÀ Fbef[³ee
kesÀ meeLe mecePeewlee efkeÀ³ee nw~ SueDeeF&meer meerSmeSue yengle meejs DeekeÀ<e&keÀ ueeYe kesÀ meeLe DeepeerJele efveMegukeÀ ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& he´oeve keÀjlee nw~ keÀe[&
“ef®ehe-Sb[-efheve“ mebmkeÀjCe nQ pees keÀe[& OeejkeÀeW keÀes DeefOekeÀlece megj#ee megefveeq½ele keÀjlee nQ~ SueDeeF&meer keÀe[& `ueeFHeÀ ìeFce He´Àer' nQ Deewj peejer efkeÀS
ieS keÀe[&dme hej keÀesF& `pJeeFeEveie HeÀerme', `SvegDeue HeÀer' Deewj `efjv³etDeue HeÀer' veneR nw~ SueDeeF&meer ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[&, [yeue efjJee@[& hee@Fbì Deewj efveue megefJeOee
MegukeÀ kesÀ meeLe he´erefce³ece Yegieleeve keÀe SkeÀ megefJeOeepevekeÀ Deewj JewkeÀequhekeÀ lejerkeÀe he´oeve keÀjlee nw~ SueDeeF&meer keÀe[& keÀer kegÀí cegK³e efJeMes<eleeSb Fme
he´keÀej nQ:
1. ` 5 ueeKe keÀe cegHeÌle ogIe&ìvee yeercee (SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ Üeje meb®eeefuele `efmeives®ej' keÀe[& ceW), ` 3 ueeKe (SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ Üeje meb®eeefuele huesefìvece
keÀe[& ceW) Deewj ` 2.5 ueeKe (keÀe@heexjsMeve yeQkeÀ Üeje meb®eeefuele huesefìvece keÀe[& ceW)
2. ` 100 / - kesÀ he´l³eskeÀ Ke®e& hej DeekeÀ<e&keÀ efjJee[& hee@Fbìdme

3. meYeer Debleje&ä^er³e Ke®eeX hej [yeue efjJee[& hee@Fbìdme

4. efyevee efkeÀmeer megefJeOee MegukeÀ kesÀ SueDeeF&meer he´erefce³ece kesÀ Yegieleeve hej [yeue efjJee[& hee@Fbì
5. `efmeives®ej' keÀe[&OeejkeÀeW kesÀ efueS ` 2 keÀer ìeskeÀve jeefMe kesÀ Yegieleeve hej nJeeF& De[d[e ueeGbpe keÀer megefJeOee (he´l³eskeÀ keÌJeeì&j ceW oes yeej)
6. y³eepe cegÊeÀ ¬esÀef[ì DeJeefOe 20 - 50 efove
FmekesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ kebÀheveer ves SueDeeF&meer kesÀ keÀce&®eejer, SpeWì, mene³ekeÀ keÀcheefve³eeW, mecetn yeercee ceemìj hee@efuemeernesu[me& keÀes efieHeÌì keÀe[& peejer keÀjves kesÀ
efueS SeqkeÌmeme yeQkeÀ kesÀ meeLe SkeÀ mecePeewlee efkeÀ³ee nw~
kegÀue ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[& heesì&HeÀesefue³ees efheídues Je<e& kesÀ 2,55,271 mes ye{keÀj Fme Je<e& 3,24,057 nes ie³ee~ Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve, kebÀheveer ves 68,786 ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[&
peejer efkeÀS nQ pees efkeÀ mLeehevee kesÀ yeeo mes efkeÀmeer Yeer Je<e& ceW meyemes DeefOekeÀ Les~ efJeefYevve ðeesle mes kebÀHeveer keÀe ue#³e ` 13.38 keÀjesæ[ keÀer Dee³e keÀe Lee,
efpemekesÀ He´efleketÀue kebÀHeveer ves ` 14.87 keÀjesæ[ keÀer Dee³e He´eHle keÀer peer efHeíues Je<e& keÀer leguevee ceW 77.02% keÀer meceie´ efJekeÀeme oj nw~ Fme meeue kebÀHeveer keÀe
Meg× ueeYe ` 3.62 keÀjesæ[ jne pees efHeíues Je<e& ` 1.26 keÀjesæ[ Meg× ueeYe keÀer leguevee ceW 187% mes DeefOekeÀ keÀer Je=ef× oMee&lee nw~
*) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ :
DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ³etefveJeme&ue yeQkeÀ kesÀ ªhe ceW efjìsue Deewj keÀe@jheesjsì ie´enkeÀeW keÀes efJeÊeer³e GlheeoeW SJeb mesJeeDeeW keÀer mebhetCe& Þe=bKeuee GheueyOe keÀjelee nw~
Fme hesMekeÀMe ceW efjìsue yeQeEkeÀie GlheeoeW kesÀ efJeefYeVe he´keÀej pewmes ye®ele Keelee, ®eeuet Keelee, meeJeefOe pecee, DeeJeeme $eÝCe, Dee@ìes $eÝCe, efMe#ee $eÝCe,
Jew³eefkeÌlekeÀ $eÝCe; ke=Àef<e leLee met#ce, ueIeg Deewj ceO³ece GÐece (SceSmeSceF&) ie´enkeÀeW keÀes efJeÊeer³e mene³elee; efveefOe DeeOeeefjle leLee iewj-efveefOe DeeOeeefjle
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
mene³elee meefnle keÀe@jheesjsì yeQeEkeÀie Glheeo; ì^spejer SJeb hetbpeer yeepeej Glheeo Meeefceue nQ~ yeQkeÀ efJeefYeVe he´keÀej kesÀ [sefyeì-hueme-SìerSce keÀe[&, ¬esÀef[ì
keÀe[& leLee efhe´hes[ keÀe[& Yeer GheueyOe keÀjelee nw~ Deheves ie´enkeÀeW keÀer peesefKece ªhejsKee Deewj efJeÊeer³e ue#³eeW keÀes O³eeve ceW jKeles ngS yeQkeÀ Deheveer MegukeÀ
DeeOeeefjle Dee³e keÀes yeæ{eves kesÀ efueS efJeefYeVe Dev³e he#e GlheeoeW Deewj mesJeeDeeW keÀer he´efle efye¬eÀer Yeer keÀjlee nw~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee yeQkeÀ kesÀ heeme Fbìjvesì leLee
ceesyeeFue yeQeEkeÀie pewmeer ef[efpeìue megefJeOeeDeeW keÀer J³eehekeÀ Þe=bKeuee Yeer nw pees GmekesÀ ie´enkeÀeW keÀes efkeÀmeer Yeer mece³e Deewj efkeÀmeer Yeer mLeeve mes yeQeEkeÀie mebJ³enej
keÀjves keÀer megefJeOee he´oeve keÀjleer nw~
DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ves heje-yeQeEkeÀie Deewj efJeÊeer³e he´Ceeueer kesÀ efJeefYeVe #es$eeW ceW mene³ekeÀ mebmLeeSb Deewj meb³egÊeÀ GÐece yeveeS nQ leeefkeÀ GmekesÀ ie´enkeÀeW
keÀes GlheeoeW Deewj mesJeeDeeW keÀer J³eehekeÀ Þe=bKeuee GheueyOe keÀjeF& pee mekesÀ~ yeQkeÀ keÀer heeB®e mene³ekeÀ mebmLeeSb Fme he´keÀej nQ, (i) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& kewÀefheìue
ceekexÀìdme Sb[ efmeke̳etefjìerpe efueefceìs[ (DeeF&meerSceSme) - ye´eseEkeÀie SJeb efJelejCe kebÀheveer; (ii) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& FbìskeÀ efueefceìs[ (DeeF&DeeF&Sue) - DeeF&ìer
kebÀheveer; (iii) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& Demesì cewvespeceWì efueefceìs[ (DeeF&SSceSue) - DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ Üeje he´ejbYe keÀer ieF& ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ efveJesMe
he´yebOekeÀ; (iv) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& SceSHeÀ ì^mìer kebÀheveer efueefceìs[ (DeeF&SceìermeerSue) - DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& c³et®egDeue HebÀ[ kesÀ ì^mìer; Deewj (v) DeeF&[eryeerDeeF&
ì^mìerefMehe mee|Jemesme efue. (DeeF&ìerSmeSue) v³eemeOeeefjlee leLee Gmemes pegæ[s Dev³e mebyeodOe keÀejesyeej keÀjves kesÀ efueS yeveeF& ieF& kebÀheveer~ yeQkeÀ ves peerJeve yeercee
keÀejesyeej keÀjves kesÀ efueS HesÀ[jue yeQkeÀ efue. Deewj Sefpeme FbM³eesjWme FbìjvesMeveue (Sefpeme) kesÀ meeLe efceuekeÀj DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& HesÀ[jue ueeFHeÀ FbM³eesjWme
kebÀheveer efueefceìs[ (DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& HesÀ[jue) veecekeÀ meb³egÊeÀ GÐece Yeer yevee³ee nw~
peveJejer 2019 ceW Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (SueDeeF&meer) ves DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ceW yengueebMe efnmmesoejer Dee|pele keÀer. lelhe½eele Yeejleer³e efj]peJe& yeQkeÀ
(DeejyeerDeeF&) ves efJeefve³eecekeÀer³e he´³eespeve mes yeQkeÀ keÀes `efvepeer #es$e kesÀ yeQkeÀ' kesÀ ªhe ceW hegveë Jeieeake=Àle efkeÀ³ee~ SueDeeF&meer Üeje DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ceW
jCeveereflekeÀ efnmmesoejer keÀe Depe&ve veerefleiele ªhe mes oesveeW mebmLeeDeeW kesÀ efueS ner ueeYeoe³ekeÀ nesiee leLee Deehemeer leeuecesue kesÀ ceeO³ece mes SkeÀ ner íle kesÀ
veer®es yeQeEkeÀie Deewj yeercee mesJeeSB he´oeve keÀj oesveeW mebmLeeDeeW kesÀ DebMeOeejkeÀeW, ie´enkeÀeW Deewj keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ efueS yengcetu³e DeJemej me=efpele efkeÀS pee mekeWÀies~
yeQkeÀ keÀe keÀe@jheesjsì keÀe³ee&ue³e cegbyeF& ceW eqmLele nw Deewj ³en 12 Deb®eueeW SJeb 61 #es$eeW mes heefj®eeueve keÀjlee nw~
31 cee®e& 2020 keÀes 4 keWÀêer³e meceeMeesOeve FkeÀeF³eeW (meermeer³et) Je 75 Kegoje Deeeqmle kesÀvêeW (DeejSmeer) meefnle yeQkeÀ keÀer 1,892 MeeKeeSB LeeR. yeQkeÀ kesÀ kegÀue
MeeKee vesìJeke&À ceW ogyeF& Debleje&ä^er³e efJeÊeer³e keWÀê ([erDeeF&S]HeÀmeer) ceW eqmLele SkeÀ efJeosMeer MeeKee Deewj iegpejele Debleje&ä^er³e efJeÊeer³e ìskeÀ efmeìer (efieHeÌì) ceW
eqmLele SkeÀ Debleje&ä^er³e yeQeEkeÀie FkeÀeF& (DeeF&yeer³et) Yeer Meeefceue nw~ yeQkeÀ kesÀ 23 keÀjWmeer ®esmì Yeer nQ~ JewkeÀequhekeÀ ef[ueerJejer ®ewveueeW ceW yeQkeÀ kesÀ 3,683 SìerSce
Deewj 58 F&-ueeGbpe nQ~
efoveebkeÀ 31 cee®e& 2020 keÀes DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ kesÀ legueve he$e keÀe DeekeÀej ` 2,99,942 keÀjesæ[ Deewj kegÀue keÀejesyeej ` 3,52,266 keÀjesæ[ Lee. yeQkeÀ keÀer
cegK³e efJeÊeer³e efJeMes<eleeSB veer®es oer ieF& nQ:
keÀejesyeej efJeMes<eleeSB
³eLee 31 cee®e& 2020 (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
peceejeefMe³eeB 2,22,424
- keÀemee peceejeefMe³eeB 1,06,188
- keÀemee keÀe efnmmee (…) 47.74…
Deefie´ce 1,71,690
- keÀe@jheesjsì 75,493
- efjìsue 96,197
- keÀe@jheesjsì : efjìsue (…) 44:56

ueeYe SJeb neefve

2019-20 (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS
kegÀue Dee³e 25,295
- y³eepe Dee³e 20,825
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
- Dev³e Dee³e 4,470
kegÀue J³e³e (he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ DeueeJee) 20,183
- y³eepe J³e³e 13,847
- Heefj®eeueve J³e³e 6,336
efveJeue y³eepe Dee³e 6,978
heefj®eeueveiele ueeYe 5,112
he´eJeOeeve SJeb DeekeÀeqmcekeÀ J³e³e (17,999)
keÀj he½eele ueeYe/ (neefve) (12,887)

hetbpeer Devegheele
³eLee 31 cee®e& 2020
meerDeejSDeej 13.31…
efì³ej 1 Devegheele 10.57…
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 ceW DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ kesÀ keÀe³e&-efve<heeove keÀer he´cegKe efJeMes<eleeSB efvecveevegmeej nQ:
yeQkeÀ ves efheíueer 13 efleceeefn³eeW kesÀ efueS efveJeue neefve ope& keÀjves kesÀ yeeo efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020 keÀer ®eewLeer efleceener ceW ` 135 keÀjesæ[ keÀe keÀj-he½eeled ueeYe (hewì)
ope& efkeÀ³ee nw~ DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ves hetjs Je<e& kesÀ efueS Deeeqmle hej he´efleueeYe keÀes íesæ[keÀj efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020 keÀer ®eewLeer efleceener kesÀ efueS lJeefjle megOeejelcekeÀ
keÀej&JeeF& mebyebOeer meYeer ceeveob[eW keÀes hetje efkeÀ³ee nw~ he´eJeOeeve keÀJejspe Devegheele 93.74… jne nw pees efkeÀ yeQeEkeÀie GÐeesie ceW meyemes DeefOekeÀ nw~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020 kesÀ oewjeve DeeF&[eryeerDeeF&-SueDeeF&meer leeuecesue:
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020 kesÀ oewjeve SueDeeF&meer Üeje DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ceW yengueebMe efnmmesoejer Dee|pele keÀjves kesÀ yeeo DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ves SueDeeF&meer kesÀ efueS
` 800 keÀjesæ[ keÀer yeercee he´erefce³ece keÀer Jemetueer keÀer nw efpememes Gmes ` 40 keÀjesæ[ keÀer efveJeue MegukeÀ Dee³e he´ehle ngF& nw~ DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ves SueDeeF&meer
he´erefce³ece hes he´ejbYe efkeÀ³ee nw pees DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ MeeKee ®ewveue kesÀ peefjS SueDeeF&meer kesÀ hee@efuemeer OeejkeÀeW mes vekeÀo leLee ®eskeÀ Deewj ce®e¥ì FvJeeFme
(vekeÀo ceW) ceW SueDeeF&meer veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece Jemetueer kesÀ efueS megefJeOee he´oeve keÀjlee nw~ efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2020 kesÀ oewjeve 63000 mes DeefOekeÀ uesveosve hetjs efkeÀS
ieS nQ~ DeeF&[eryeerDeeF& yeQkeÀ ves ³etheerDeeF& iesìJes kesÀ peefjS veJeerkeÀjCe he´erefce³ece Jemetueer keÀer megefJeOee GheueyOe keÀjeF& nw Deewj veJebyej 2019 ceW efieHeÌì keÀe[eX,
kewÀMe keÀe[eX leLee ¬esÀef[ì keÀe[eX keÀer men-ye´ebeE[ie Yeer DeejbYe keÀer nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
28. DeeYeej he´oMe&ve
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece, Deheves keÀe³ee&ue³eeW ceW oewjs hej Dee³eer efJeefYeVe mebmeoer³e meefceefle³eeW, kesÀvêer³e efJeÊe ceb$eer (J³e³e, yeweEkeÀie SJeb yeercee), kesÀvêer³e efJeÊe
jep³eceb$eer, efJeÊe ceb$eeue³e kesÀ yeercee efJeYeeie, Deee|LekeÀ keÀe³e& efJeYeeie SJeb Yeejleer³e yeercee efJeefve³eecekeÀ efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe keÀes efJeefYeVe cegÎeW hej GvekesÀ meef¬eÀ³e
meceLe&ve, meueen SJeb men³eesie kesÀ efueS nee|okeÀ Oev³eJeeo %eeefhele keÀjlee nw ~
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece, yees[& kesÀ meom³eeW, keÀe³e&keÀejer meefceefle, efveJesMe meefceefle, YeJeve meueenkeÀej meefceefle, uesKee hejer#eCe meefceefle, hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀ mebj#eCe
meefceefle, peesefKece he´yebOeve meefceefle, Mes³ejOeejkeÀ efveosMekeÀ ®egveeJe meefceefle, efJeuHegÀue ef[HeÀeuìj meceer#ee meefceefle, met®evee He´ewÐeesefiekeÀer jCeveerefle meefceleer SJeb
heefjÞeefcekeÀ meefceefle kesÀ he´efle ke=Àle%e nw, efpevneWves Decetu³e efoMee-efveoxMe SJeb ceeie&oMe&ve efo³ee~
efJeÊeer³e Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve efpeve yees[& kesÀ meom³eeW keÀe keÀe³e&keÀeue meceehle ngDee nw, Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece GvekesÀ ³eesieoeve keÀer mejenvee keÀjlee nw
Deewj efveÿehetJe&keÀ Oev³eJeeo J³eÊeÀ keÀjlee nw~
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Deheves ueeKeeW heeefuemeerOeejkeÀeW kesÀ he´efle Yeer ke=Àle%elee J³eÊeÀ keÀjlee nw, efpevneWves nce hej hegveë Yejesmee efkeÀ³ee leLee mebieþve keÀes Dehevee
meceLe&ve peejer jKee ~
efveiece kesÀ mecemle DeefOekeÀeefjieCe, keÀce&®eejerieCe SJeb DeefYekeÀlee&ieCe efpevneWves mebmLee kesÀ efJekeÀeme leLee íefye keÀer mebJe=eqOo ceW Dehevee ³eesieoeve efo³ee nw, he´Mebmee kesÀ
hee$e nQ ~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
HeefjCeeceeW keÀe meejebMe
veJe J³eJemee³e 2019-2020 2018-2019
Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
J³eeqkeÌleiele yeercee
yeercee Oeve/SvemeerDees/Sce Sme yeer
keÀ) yeerces 617659.13 550187.71
Ke) Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB* 14851.18 6990.76
ie) HeWMeve* 361.90 449.16
Ie) iewj mebye× mJeemLe*** 26468.61 24563.17
*) mebye× 829.72 290.90
Hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKe ceW)
keÀ) yeerces 213.62 208.10
Ke) Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB 2.34 3.30
ie) HeWMeve 0.07 0.09
Ie) iewj mebye× mJeemL³e 2.83 2.62
*) mebye× 0.24 0.07
mecetn ³eespeveeSB
yeercee Oeve (mebye× J³eJemee³e meefnlee) 186579.95 499085.63
Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB keÀe Yegieleeve 78884.50 709.84
Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeW kes efueS ÒeefleHeue # 77532.97 42083.58
³eespeveeDeeW keÀer mebK³ee
mecetn yeercee (mebJeeo J³eJemee³e mebefnle) 28,741 29111
meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee mecetn ³eespeveeSB - 23
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=efÊe 145 217
peerJeveeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKe ceW)
mecetn yeercee (mebye× J³eJemee³e meefnle) 296.04 376.74
mecetn yeercee meecefpekeÀ megj#ee mecetn ³eespeveeSB 94.20 179.61
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=eflle 15.06 6.66
®eeuet J³eJemee³e
Je<e& keÀer meceeefHle Hej
J³eeqkeÌleiele yeercee
yeercee Oeve SJeb yeesveme / SHeerSs / Sce Sme yeer
keÀ) yeerces 5686035.01 5309500.67
Ke) Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB** 6367.13 5206.99
ie) HeWMeve** 2118.52 2078.12
Ie) iewj mebye× mJeemL³e*** 51465.02 39445.24
*) mebye× 28917.29 40082.35
Hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKe ceW)
keÀ) yeerces 2817.63 2822.43
Ke) Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB 20.44 18.21
ie) HeWMeve 15.16 15.42
Ie) iewj mebye× mJeemL³e 6.34 5.71
*) mebye× 33.38 47.93
mecetn ³eespeveeSB
yeercee Oeve (mebye× J³eJemee³e meefnle) 1881026.32 2014919.30
Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB keÀe Yegieleeve 8834.55 7183.98
Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB kesÀ efueS ÒeefleHeÀue # 360677.23 299940.45
³eespeveeDeeW keÀer mebK³ee
mecetn yeercee (mebyeOo J³eJemee³e mebefnle) 141343 139642
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=efle 23702 23426
peerJeveeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKe ceW)
mecetn yeercee (mebye× J³eJemee³e meefnle) 1042.90 1071.16
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=eflle 92.58 89.64
*Sve meer Dees Jesu³et - veesMeveue ke@ÀMe Dee@HMeve, **S Heer S Jesu³et - ÒeefleJe<e& Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB, ***Sce Sme yeer - cespej meefpe&keÀue yesefveefHeÀì # ³en jkeÀce YeefJe<³e Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeB kesÀ efueS GHeueyOe nw

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Dee³e keÀe efJeMues<eCe
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
J³eefkeÌleiele yeercee
J³eefkeÌleiele HesMevme ³eespevee
mecetn ³eespevee
efuebkeÌ[ J³eJemee³e Òeerefce³ece
efveJesMe mes Dee³e


Gef®ele cetu³e ceW yeoueeJe kesÀ ®eueles Devlej
efuebkeÌ[ J³eJemee³e (³etefveì HebÀ[)

2019-20 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 220000 240000

HeefjCeeceeW keÀe meejebMe (peejer)

Dee³e 2019-2020 2018-2019
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
J³eeqkeÌleiele yeercee
ÒeLece Je<eea³e Òeerefce³ece 29356.08 26587.02
efHeíues Je<e& Hej ÒeefleMele Je=ef× 10.42 5.93
HejJeleer& Òeerefce³ece 192738.91 186505.07
SkeÀue Òeerefce³ece SJeb cebpetj Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS ÒeefleHeÀue 22021.02 24470.47
J³eefkeÌleiele HeWMeve ³eespeveeSB
ÒeLece Je<eea³e Òeerefce³ece 23.71 22.15
HejJeleer& Òeerefce³ece 620.26 676.66
cebpetj Jeeef<ee|keÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS ÒeefleHeÀue 8.48 8.92
mecetn ³eespeveeSB
mecetn yeercee Òeerefce³ece 31833.56 42215.62
mecetn mesJee - efveJe=Êeer Òeerefce³ece 101711.44 55898.70
mebyebOo J³eJemee³e Òeerefce³ece 749.10 800.79
kegÀue efÒeceer³ece Dee³e 379062.56 337185.40
efHeíues Je<e& Hej ÒeefleMele Je=ef× 12.42 6.08
HejJeleer& Òeerefce³ece 234187.31 221573.72
efJeefJeOe 1468.98 841.26
kegÀue Dee³e 614718.85 559600.38
Gef®ele cetu³e ceW yeoueeJe kesÀ ®eueles Deblej (³egefveì HebÀ[) 1164.09 1184.01
Meg× kegÀue Dee³e 615882.94 560784.39
veesì: *efHeíues Je<e& kesÀ DeeBkeÀæ[eW keÀes DeeJeM³ekeÀlee Devegmeej Hegve: mebûeefnle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Hee@efuemeer YegieleeDeeW keÀe efJeJejCe
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

160000 152602 152886

2019-20 2018-19



80000 71052 70011


17553 17125
20000 13015 10914
HeefjHekeÌJelee oeJes ce=l³eg oeJes Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeB DeY³eHe&Ce

ÒeyebOeve J³e³e keÀe efJeJejCe

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

2019-20 2018-19

20450 19872

15000 14853

10000 9310

2698 2661

DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀe keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀe Dev³e ÒeyebOeve J³e³e Dev³e J³e³e (keÀj meb®e³e ceW keWÀê mejkeÀej keÀes
keÀefceMeve Deeefo Jesleve SJeb Dev³e ueeYe DeblejCe Deeefo) (5… cetu³eve keÀe DeefOeMes<e)

HeefjCeeceeW keÀe meejebMe (peejer)

J³e³e 2019-2020 2018-2019
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
yeercee OeejkeÀeW keÀes Yegieleeve
HeefjHekeÌJelee oeJes 152601.78 152885.88

ce=l³et oeJes 17552.70 17124.88

Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeB (jeefMe) 13015.29 10914.30

DeY³ebHeCe& Deeefo (jeefMe) 71052.49 70011.17

kegÀue jeefMe 254222.26 250936.23

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
HeefjCeeceeW keÀe meejebMe (peejer)
ÒeyebOeve J³e³e 2019-2020 2018-2019
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes keÀceerMeve Deeefo 20450.30 19311.19
keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀes Jesleve leLee Dev³e ueeYe 25089.77 19871.89
Dev³e ÒeyebOeve J³e³e 10055.08 9310.13

kegÀue 55595.15 48493.21

Dev³e J³e³e
Dev³e J³e³e (keÀj, meb®e³e keÀes DevlejCe, Deeefo) 17188.37 14853.25
kesÀvê mejkeÀej keÀes ÒeoÊe cetu³eve DeefOeMes<e keÀe 5 ÒeefleMele 2697.74 2660.60
kegÀue 19886.11 17513.85
kegÀue J³e³e 329703.52 316943.29
* efHeíues Je<e& kesÀ DeebkeÀ[es keÀes DeeJeM³ekeÀlee Devegmeej SkeÀef$ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~

Hee@efuemeer os³eleeSb 2019-2020 2018-2019

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
Demebye× J³eJemee³e
Je<e& kesÀ ÒeejcYe ceW Hee@efuemeer os³eleeSb 2786712.13 2533564.65
pees[ : J³eJe mes Dee³e keÀe DeeefOeke̳e 295286.27 253147.48
Je<e& kesÀ Devle ceW Hee@efuemeer os³elee 3081998.40 2786712.13
efHeíues Je<e& Hej ÒeefleMele Je=×er 10.60% 9.99%
mebye× J³eJemee³e
Je<e& kesÀ ÒeejcYe ceW Hee@efuemeer os³eleeSb 41607.99 50920.27
pees[ : J³eJe mes Dee³e keÀe DeeefOeke̳e -9110.34 -9312.28
Je<e& kesÀ Devle ceW Hee@efuemeer os³elee 32497.65 41607.99
efHeíues Je<e& Hej ÒeefleMele Je=×er -21.90% -18.29%

Je<e& keÀer meceeefHle Hej yekeÀe³ee oeJes 2019-2020 2018-2019

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
HeefjHekeÌJelee 9057.51 4291.57
ce=l³et 342.78 143.40
kegÀue 9400.29 4434.97

ÒeyebOeve J³e³e keÀe kegÀue Òeerefce³ece Dee³e mes DevegHeele

DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes keÀefceMeve Deeefo 5.39% 5.73%
keÀce&®eeefj³eeW keÀe Jesleve leLee Dev³e ueeYe 6.62% 5.89%
ÒeyebOeve kesÀ Dev³e J³e³e 2.65% 2.76%
mekeÀue J³e³e DevegHeele 14.67% 14.38%

yekeÀe³ee oeJeeW keÀe os³e oeJeeW mes DevegHeele 5.52 2.61

Deewmele peerJeve yeercee efveefOe Hej ÒeeHle y³eepe keÀer oj 7.54 7.59

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
veJe J³eJemee³e 2017-18 mes 2019-20

2.5 2.19
2.14 Hee@efuemeer³eeB (keÀjesæ[ ceW)


2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

700000 660170
35000 33145
yeercee Oeve / SvemeerDees Jeeef<e&keÀ Òeerefce³ece ÒeeH³e
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) 29056 (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
650000 30000 27837

600000 25000

550000 20000

500000 15000

2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

veJe J³eJemee³e (J³eeqkeÌleiele)

meejCeer meb 1 S
Yeejle ceW J³eJemee³e Yeejle kesÀ yeenj J³eJemee³e kegÀue veJe J³eJemee³e
Je<e& Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ
keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece
SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
J³eeqkeÌleiele yeercee
2017-2018 20711779 531992.11 27579.78 15376 905.37 47.11 20727155 532897 27627
2018-2019 20795524 549210.97 28835.54 14472 976.74 47.55 20809996 550188 28880
2019-2020 21349725 616751.32 32886.65 12502 907.81 46.19 21362227 617659 32933
meeceev³e Jeeef<e&keÀer
2017-2018 363756 0.00 0.00 - - - 363756 0.00 0.00
2018-2019 330260 6990.76 0.00 - - - 330260 6990.76 0.00
2019-2020 233720 14851.18 0.00 - - - 233720 14851.18 0.00
2017-2018 10635 562.10 29.95 - - - 10635 562.10 29.95
2018-2019 8849 449.16 24.31 - - - 8849 449.16 24.31
2019-2020 6547 361.90 18.56 - - - 6547 361.90 18.56

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
veJe J³eJemee³e (J³eeqkeÌleiele) (peejer)
meejCeer meb 1 S
Yeejle ceW J³eJemee³e Yeejle kesÀ yeenj J³eJemee³e kegÀue veJe J³eJemee³e
Je<e& Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ
keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/ Òeerefce³ece
SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
iewj-mebye× mJeemLe peerJeve Deejesi³e*
2017-2018 200214 14959.65 100.43 - - - 200214 14959.65 100.43
2018-2019 262498 24563.17 122.68 - - - 262498 24563.17 122.68
2019-2020 282505 26468.61 117.78 - - - 282505 26468.61 117.78
³egefveì mebyebOeer veJe Sb[ewceWvì Hueme (Huee@ve ve. 835)
2017-2018 24316 795.03 79.50 - - - 24316 795.03 79.50
2018-2019 6774 287.93 28.79 - - - 6774 287.93 28.79
2019-2020 17532 591.70 59.17 - - - 17532 591.70 59.17
v³et Sb[esceWì Hueme (Huee@ve ve. 935)
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 522 19.23 1.92 - - - 522 19.23 1.92
efveJesMe Hueme
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2694 68.69 - - - - 2694 68.69 -
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2,975 148.00 15.00 - - - 2975 148.00 15.00
³et.kesÀ. mebyeOo
2017-2018 - - - 10 1.41 0.00 10 1.41 0.00
2018-2019 - - - 10 2.97 0.00 10 2.97 0.00
2019-2020 - - - 10 2.09 0.00 10 2.09 0.00
*peerJeve Deejesi³e kesÀ Debleie&le yeerceeOeve kesÀ keÀe@uece ceW cespej ceW meeefpe&keÀue ueeYe oMee&³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
veJe J³eJemee³e mecetn yeercee (meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee meefnle)

³eespeveeDeesb keÀer mebK³ee

30500 29134 28741




28000 27249



2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

meom³eeW keÀer mebK³ee (ueeKees ceW) yeerceeOeve / Jeeef<e&keÀ ÒeefleJe<e&

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
700 683601
500 390 500000

300 300000
200 200000

100 100000

0 0
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

veJe J³eJemee³e (mecetn)

meejCeer meb 1 yeer
Je<e& ³eespeveeDeeW keÀer mebK³ee meom³eeW keÀer mebK³ee yeercee Oeve Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW yeeef<e&keÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS
(ueeKeeW ceW) keÀe Yegileeve ÒeefleHeÀue
(` keÀjeWæ[ ceW) (` keÀjeWæ[ ceW)
mecetn yeercee (meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee meefnle)
2017-2018 27249 601.15 683601.40 0
2018-2019 29134 556.34 499085.63 0
2019-2020 28741 390.23 186579.95 0
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=efle
2017-2018 229 4.27 789.38 47421.94
2018-2019 217 6.66 709.84 42083.58
2019-2020 145 15.06 78884.50 77532.97

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
gmaUr g§. 2
amÁ`-dma gm_m{OH$ gwajm H$daoO Am¡a Xmdo 2019-20
EZO~r OrdZ EgEgEg nwZéÁOdrZ amÁ` - dma {d{^ÝZ Eg Eg Eg Xmdm AXm`Jr
amÁ` H$m Zm_ (ê$nm§V[aV nrE_ (ê$nm§V[aV nrE_ Hw$b H$daoO YZam{e
ny~© EE~rdmB g§»`m
Oo~rdmB©+EE~rdmB©) OoOo~rdmB© Ed§ EE~rdmB©) (` H$amoS _o§>)
1 2 3 5 6 7
A§S>_mZ Ed§ {ZH$mo~ma Ûrn g_yh 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Am§Y« àXoe 0 22565863 22565863 56 57497 817.10
AéUmMb àXoe 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Ag_ 0 0 0 1 0 0.01
{~hma 1152174 935461 2087635 60 1179 23.29
M§S>rJ‹T> 0 0 0 47 3 0.26
N>ËVrgJ‹T> 0 0 0 1351 926 15.65
XmXa Ed§ ZJa hdobr 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
X_Z Am¡a Xrd 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Jmodm 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
JwOamV 0 0 0 31 0 0.13
h[a`mUm 0 0 0 0 29 0.15
{h_mMb àXoe 6120 0 6120 0 4 0.08
Oå_y Ed§ H$í_ra 0 0 0 72 1 0.45
PmaI§S> 3450 0 3450 3 75 1.46
H$Zm©Q>H$ 0 354609 354609 544 407 9.80
Ho$ab 510 385270 385780 148 193 3.88
bjÛrn 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
_Ü` àXoe 0 0 0 744 0 3.26
_hmamîQ´> 0 0 0 369 0 1.32
_{Unwa 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
_oKmb` 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
{_Omoa_ 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
ZmJmb¢S> 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
{Xëbr 0 0 0 2 0 0.01
C‹S>rgm 0 1231949 1231949 249 28 1.39
nwÔþMoar 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
n§Om~ 0 0 0 16 0 0.12
amOñWmZ 12850 5250 18100 87 156 3.20
{g{¸$_ 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
V{_bZmSw> 0 0 0 303 0 0.23
Vob§JmZm 0 0 0 63 0 0.21
{Ìnwam 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
CËVa àXoe 0 0 0 2455 104 10.36
CËVam§Mb 0 0 0 7 0 0.02
npíM_ ~§Jmb 0 0 0 5 0 0.03
Omo‹S> 1175104 25478402 26653506 6613 60602 892.39
Ho¨ Ðr` _¨Ímmb` H r `moOZmE 244657 1976861 2221518 0 729 8.33
nrE_OoSrdm` Xmdo 8000000 0 0 0 408 1.22
Omo‹S 9419761 27455263 28875024 6613 61739 901.95
AXm H r JB© Xmdm am[e.
i) nwd© EE~rdmB©, énm§V[aV EE~rdmB© Ed¨ nrE_OoSrdm` @ ` 30,000/-
ii) énm§V[aV nrE_OoO~ o rdm` @ ` 2,00,000/-
iii) Eg²Eg²OrEg² - `moOZm Ho AZwgma [d[eï bm^

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
J³eefkeÌleiele yeercee kesÀ Debleie&le kegÀue ®eeuet J³eJemee³e

Hee@efuemeer³eeW keÀer mebK³ee (keÀjesæ[ ceW)

28.24 28.22 28.18




2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

yeercee Oeve / SHeerS yeeef<e&keÀ Òeerefce³ece ÒeeH³e

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
4809739 225880
5000000.00 230000
4255523 220000
4500000.00 211548
4000000.00 198743

3000000.00 180000
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

®eeuet J³eJemee³e (J³eeqkeÌleiele)

meejCeer meb. 3 S
Yeejle ceW ®eeuet J³eJemee³e Yeejle kesÀ yeenj ®eeuet J³eJemee³e ketÀue ®eeuet J³eJemee³e
Je<e& Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ
keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

J³eeqkeÌleiele yeercee
2017-2018 282245330 4250255.66 198474.33 106223 5267.45 268.68 282351553 4255523.11 198743.01
2018-2019 282137112 4503861.81 211259.75 106225 5796.42 288.25 282243337 4509658.22 211548.00
2019-2020 281658312 4803768.44 225581.08 104207 5970.28 299.20 281762519 4809738.72 225880.28
meeceev³e Jeeef<e&keÀer
2017-2018 1504249 4046.96 10.57 1 0.00 0.00 1504250 4046.96 10.57
2018-2019 1820911 5206.99 9.31 1 0.00 0.00 1820912 5206.99 9.31
2019-2020 2043879 6367.13 7.91 1 0.00 0.00 2043880 6367.13 7.91
2017-2018 1564651 2034.92 770.43 171 1.56 0.12 1564822 2036.48 770.55
2018-2019 1541649 2076.60 720.58 171 1.52 0.11 1541820 2078.12 720.69
2019-2020 1515607 2117.06 662.73 170 1.46 0.10 1515777 2118.52 662.83
iewj mebye× mJeemLe peerJeve Deejesi³e *
2017-2018 461845 22224.98 251.03 - - - 461845 22224.98 251.03
2018-2019 570669 39445.24 305.63 - - - 570669 39445.24 305.63
2019-2020 633545 51465.02 331.72 - - - 633545 51465.02 331.72
³etefveì mebJeOeer He̳et®ej Hueme
2017-2018 76820 46.03 10.10 - - - 76820 46.03 10.10
2018-2019 66562 42.05 9.13 - - - 66562 42.05 9.13
2019-2020 53440 35.31 7.75 - - - 53440 35.31 7.75

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
®eeuet J³eJemee³e (J³eeqkeÌleiele) (peejer)
meejCeer meb. 3 S
Yeejle ceW ®eeuet J³eJemee³e Yeejle kesÀ yeenj ®eeuet J³eJemee³e ketÀue ®eeuet J³eJemee³e
Je<e& Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ
keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

peerJeve Hueme
2017-2018 74740 1402.79 153.01 - - - 74740 1402.79 153.01
2018-2019 69347 1306.58 151.12 - - - 69347 1306.58 151.12
2019-2020 64863 1220.43 148.89 - - - 64863 1220.43 148.89
ceveer Hueme
2017-2018 199991 2135.87 168.44 - - - 199991 2135.87 168.44
2018-2019 178986 1912.11 152.50 - - - 178986 1912.11 152.50
2019-2020 163785 1750.45 138.48 - - - 163785 1750.45 138.48
ceekexÀì Hueme
2017-2018 553581 167.94 60.61 - - - 553581 167.94 60.61
2018-2019 483847 147.75 56.22 - - - 483847 147.75 56.22
2019-2020 432559 132.47 51.43 - - - 432559 132.47 51.43
HeÀe@®³e&tve Hueme
2017-2018 20140 507.69 0.00 - - - 20140 507.69 0.00
2018-2019 13992 391.12 0.00 - - - 13992 391.12 0.00
2019-2020 12802 359.49 0.00 - - - 12802 359.49 0.00
Òee@efHeÀì Hueme
2017-2018 286953 3225.43 0.00 - - - 286953 3225.43 0.00
2018-2019 232597 2735.65 0.00 - - - 232597 2735.65 0.00
2019-2020 203239 2424.43 0.00 - - - 203239 2424.43 0.00
ceveer Hueme-1
2017-2018 26212 264.82 27.19 - - - 26212 264.82 27.19
2018-2019 18598 200.28 20.85 - - - 18598 200.28 20.85
2019-2020 14618 157.44 16.59 - - - 14618 157.44 16.59
®eeFu[ HeÀe@®³et&ve Hueme
2017-2018 16537 336.75 17.68 - - - 16537 336.75 17.68
2018-2019 15250 312.48 16.22 - - - 15250 312.48 16.22
2019-2020 14083 289.31 14.66 - - - 14083 289.31 14.66
ceekexÀì Hueme 1
2017-2018 1249746 267.18 134.52 - - - 1249746 267.18 134.52
2018-2019 992099 224.57 113.20 - - - 992099 224.57 113.20
2019-2020 649867 180.52 81.38 - - - 649867 180.52 81.38
nsuLe Hueme *
2017-2018 88350 3653.43 89.99 - - - 88350 3653.43 89.99
2018-2019 79747 3320.53 81.01 - - - 79747 3320.53 81.01
2019-2020 71721 3001.78 71.64 - - - 71721 3001.78 71.64
nsuLe ÒeeìskeÌMeve Hueme *
2017-2018 95695 3812.82 49.42 - - - 95695 3812.82 49.42
2018-2019 93020 3716.49 44.62 - - - 93020 3716.49 44.62
2019-2020 90206 3607.98 39.58 - - - 90206 3607.98 39.58
peerJeve meeLeer Hueme
2017-2018 2803 41.35 2.97 - - - 2803 41.35 2.97
2018-2019 2577 37.51 2.72 - - - 2577 37.51 2.72
2019-2020 1632 26.63 1.88 - - - 1632 26.63 1.88
JewuLe Hueme
2017-2018 1299666 13924.18 0.00 - - - 1299666 13924.18 0.00
2018-2019 1291930 13842.10 0.00 - - - 1291930 13842.10 0.00
2019-2020 385305 3934.59 0.00 - - - 385305 3934.59 0.00
Sb[escesì Hueme
2017-2018 664958 5859.97 126.97 - - - 664958 5859.97 126.97
2018-2019 580609 5086.71 109.56 - - - 580609 5086.71 109.56
2019-2020 525560 4572.12 97.17 - - - 525560 4572.12 97.17

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
®eeuet J³eJemee³e (J³eeqkeÌleiele) (peejer)
meejCeer meb. 3 S
Yeejle ceW ®eeuet J³eJemee³e Yeejle kesÀ yeenj ®eeuet J³eJemee³e ketÀue ®eeuet J³eJemee³e
Je<e& Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ Hee@efuemeer³eeW yeercee Oeve/ ÒeeHle Jeeef<e&keÀ
keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece keÀer mebK³ee SvemeerDees/SHeerS Òeerefce³ece
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

HesvMeve Hueme
2017-2018 68704 0.00 75.85 - - - 68704 0.00 75.85
2018-2019 62925 0.00 70.90 - - - 62925 0.00 70.90
2019-2020 58545 0.00 66.43 - - - 58545 0.00 66.43
mece=×er Hueme
2017-2018 626486 5781.81 39.73 - - - 626486 5781.81 39.73
2018-2019 566451 5213.35 32.76 - - - 566451 5213.35 32.76
2019-2020 527989 4832.43 29.03 - - - 527989 4832.43 29.03
HeÌueskeÌmeer Hueme
2017-2018 1282 29.90 2.99 - - - 1282 29.90 2.99
2018-2019 1005 23.13 2.31 - - - 1005 23.13 2.31
2019-2020 889 20.31 2.03 - - - 889 20.31 2.03
v³et Sb[escesì Hueme (Huee@ve ve. 835)
2017-2018 39155 1315.25 131.52 - - - 39155 1315.25 131.52
2018-2019 43314 1515.68 151.56 - - - 43314 1515.68 151.56
2019-2020 60133 2079.04 207.90 - - - 60133 2079.04 207.90
v³et Sb[esceWì Hueme (Huee@ve ve. 935)
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 522 19.23 1.92 - - - 522 19.23 1.92
efveJesMe Hueme
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2694 68.69 0.00 - - - 2694 68.69 0.00
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2975 148.00 15.00 - - - 2975 148.00 15.00
³et.kesÀ. mebye×
2017-2018 - - - 313 49.80 4.59 313 49.80 4.59
2018-2019 - - - 300 54.25 4.86 300 54.25 4.86
2019-2020 - - - 292 56.65 3.89 292 56.65 3.89
* peerJeve Deejesi³e, nsuLe ÒeesìskeÌMeve Hueme ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ Debleie&le yeerceeOeve kesÀ keÀe@uece ceW cespej meeefpe&keÀue ueeYe oMee&³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

®eeuet J³eJemee³e (mecetn)

Òeerefce³ece (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) yeercee Oeve / SvemeerDees/ SHeerS (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)

150000 2100000 2022103
140000 133552 2000000 1890101
130000 1900000
120000 1800000 1695143
110000 98199
100000 89204
80000 1300000
70000 1200000
60000 1100000
50000 1000000
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

mecetn ³eespevee meom³e (ueeKeeW ceWW)

180000 163068 165045 1300
170000 160951 1179 1161
1200 1136
150000 1100
130000 1000
100000 800
80000 700
50000 500
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

®eeuet J³eJemee³e (mecetn)

meejCeer meb 3 yeer
³eespeveeDeeW keÀer meom³eeW keÀer yeercee Oeve/mew. ve.efJe./ Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW yeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS Òeerefce³ece Dee³e
Je<e& mebK³ee mebK³ee keÀe Yegileeve ÒeefleHeÀue * (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
(ueeKeeW ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW) (` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
mecetn yeercee (meeceeefpekeÀ megj#ee meefnle)
2017-2018 137978 1091.55 1688731.03 0 31010.28
2018-2019 139610 1070.86 2014670.17 0 42290.60
2019-2020 141312 1042.90 1881026.32 0 31833.57
mecetn mesJeeefveJe=efle
2017-2018 22938 86.63 6053.71 276649.71 58181.46
2018-2019 23426 89.64 7183.98 299940.45 55898.70
2019-2020 23702 92.58 8834.55 360677.23 101711.44
meyebOo J³eJemee³e - peer Hueme
2017-2018 35 0.39 357.79 0 11.79
2018-2019 32 0.31 249.13 0 9.60
2019-2020 31 0.29 240.10 0 7.30
* ³en jkeÀce YeeefJe<³e Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS GHeueyOe nw~

meejCeer meb 4 ÒeHe$e [er[er
Hee@efuemeer kesÀ yeejs ceW meebefJeefOekeÀ efJeJejCe

veJe peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e efpemekeÀe efÒeceer³ece 2019-20 Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve Deoe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw 31.03.2020 Je<e& keÀer meceeefÊe Hej kegÀue ®eeuet yeercee J³eJemee³e
Hee@efuemeer³eeB keÀer yeercee-jeefMe leLee Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS SkeÀue Òeerefce³ece Jeeef<e&keÀ HejJeleer& Hee@efuemeer³eeB keÀer yeesveme efmenle yeercee jeefMe Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS ÒeefleHeÀue Òeerefce³ece Dee³e pees jepemJe
mebK³ee Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW ÒeefleHeÀue ÒeefleHeÀue Òeerefce³ece mebK³ee leLee Jeeef<e&keÀer³eeW Òeefle Je<e& uesKes ceW efoKeeF& ieF& nw
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
meeOeejCe Hee@efuemeer³eeB **
Yeejle ceW 21349725 6167513218000 - 66993173127 328866460395 281658312 56791365876814 - 2284157680042
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

Yeejle kesÀ yeenj 12502 9078059207 - 848191467 461882486 104207 68984227296 - 3724085318
ketÀue 21362227 6176591277207 - 67841364594 329328342881 281762519 56860350104109 - 2287881765360
Jeeef<e&keÀer mebefJeoe³eW, Deeefo
Yeejle ceW 233720 148511843957 - 152368799199 0 2043879 63671290514 - 152452838021
Yeejle kesÀ yeenj - - 1 11257 - -
ketÀue 233720 148511843957 152368799199 0 2043880 63671301771 - 152452838021
iewj-mebyeOo mJeemL³e -peerJeve Deejesi³e #
Yeejle ceW 282505 264686100000 - - 1177817303 633545 514650200000 - 3148795824
ketÀue 282505 264686100000 - - 1177817303 633545 514650200000 - 3148795824
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-He̳et®ej Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 53440 353106360 - 47067500
ketÀue - - - - - 53440 353106360 - 47067500
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-peerJeve Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 64863 12204260000 - 279106134
ketÀue - - - - - 64863 12204260000 - 279106134
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-ceveer Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 163785 17504491250 - 1312152040
ketÀue - - - - - 163785 17504491250 - 1312152040
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-ceekexÀì Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 432559 1324705000 - 290870246
ketÀue - - - - - 432559 1324705000 - 290870246
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-HeÀe@®³e&tve Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 12802 3594900000 - -
ketÀue - - - - - 12802 3594900000 - -
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-Òee@HeÀerì Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 203239 24244345000 - -
ketÀue - - - - - 203239 24244345000 - -
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-ceveer Hueme 1
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 14618 1574390000 - 180093500
ketÀue - - - - - 14618 1574390000 - 180093500
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-®eeF&u[ HeÀe@®³e&tve Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 14083 2893140000 - 160010663
ketÀue - - - - - 14083 2893140000 - 160010663
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-ceekexÀì Hueme 1
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 649867 1805163000 - 939230148
ketÀue - - - - - 649867 1805163000 - 939230148
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-HeÌueskeÌmeer Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 889 203070000 - 14560750
ketÀue - - - - - 889 203070000 14560750
meejCeer meb 4 ÒeHe$e [er[er
Hee@efuemeer kesÀ yeejs ceW meebefJeefOekeÀ efJeJejCe
veJe peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e efpemekeÀe efÒeceer³ece 2019-20 Je<e& kesÀ oewjeve Deoe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw 31.03.2020 Je<e& keÀer meceeefÊe Hej kegÀue ®eeuet yeercee J³eJemee³e
Hee@efuemeer³eeB keÀer yeercee-jeefMe leLee Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS SkeÀue Òeerefce³ece Jeeef<e&keÀ HejJeleer& Hee@efuemeer³eeB keÀer yeesveme efmenle yeercee jeefMe Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW kesÀ efueS ÒeefleHeÀue Òeerefce³ece Dee³e pees jepemJe
mebK³ee Jeeef<e&efkeÀ³eeW ÒeefleHeÀue ÒeefleHeÀue Òeerefce³ece mebK³ee leLee Jeeef<e&keÀer³eeW Òeefle Je<e& uesKes ceW efoKeeF& ieF& nw
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-nsuLe Hueme #
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 71721 30017770000 - 701657927
ketÀue - - - - - 71721 30017770000 - 701657927
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-nsuLe ÒeesìskeÌMeve Hueme #
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 90206 36079754000 - 387789556
ketÀue - - - - - 90206 36079754000 - 387789556
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve peerJeve meeLeer Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 1632 266300000 - 21797403
ketÀue - - - - - 1632 266300000 - 21797403
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-JesuLe Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 385305 39345913000 - -
ketÀue - - - - - 385305 39345913000 - -
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-Sv[esceWì Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 525560 45721175000 - 717029989
ketÀue - - - - - 525560 45721175000 - 717029989
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-HesvMeve Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 58545 - - 520476169
ketÀue - - - - - 58545 - - 520476169
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-mece=×er Hueme
Yeejle ceW - - - - - 527989 48324255000 - 730800
ketÀue - - - - - 527989 48324255000 - 730800
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve- v³et Sv[escesvì Hueme
Yeejle ceW 18054 6109330000 - 6109330000 60655 20982720000 - 1471073841
ketÀue 18054 6109330000 - 6109330000 60655 20982720000 - 1471073841
efuebkeÌ[ Hueeve-efveJesMe Hueme/meerHe
Yeejle ceW 5669 2166897500 - 386400000 149986000 5669 2166897500 - 440661000
ketÀue 5669 2166897500 - 386400000 149986000 5669 2166897500 - 440661000
³et. kesÀ. mebye×
Yeejle kesÀ yeenj 10 20936679 - 21238243 - 292 566546619 - 58502523
ketÀue 10 20936679 - 21238243 - 292 566546619 - 58502523
Yeejle ceW 6547 3619035000 - 84818426 185596147 1515607 21170616941 - 6507033671
Yeejle kesÀ yeenj - - - - - 170 14578767 - -
ketÀue 6547 3619035000 - 84818426 185596147 1515777 21185195707 - 6507033671
mecetn yeercee Hee@efueefme³eeB (meeceeefpekeÀ 28741 1865799509976 - 262945581560 45516686152 141312 18807862167843 775329748973 319175288307
megj#ee meefnle)
ketÀue 28741 1865799509976 - 262945581560 45516686152 141312 18807862167843 775329748973 319175288307

mecetn Jeeef<e&keÀ meefJeoe³eW Deeefo 145 13515245773.06 775329748973 719526600775 275128041798 23702 88345505573.14 3606772257956.95 1017114441562
ketÀue 145 13515245773.06 775329748973 719526600775 275128041798 23702 88345505573.14 3606772257956.95 1017114441562
mebye× J³eJemee³e (peer Hueme) - - - - - 31 2401022402 - 73016729
ketÀue - - - - - 31 2401022402 - 73016729
** meeOeejCe Hee@efuemeer³eeB qJ³eeqkeÌleiele yeerceeW keÀe mebkesÀle keÀjleer nw~
# peerJeve Deejesi³e, nsuLe Hueme SJeb nsuLe ÒeesìskeÌMeve Hueme ³eespevee kesÀ Debleie&le yeerceeOeve kesÀ keÀe@uece ceW cespej meefpe&keÀue ueeYe oMee&³ee ie³ee nw~
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
peerJeve efveefOe
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
3300000 2828320








2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

keWÀê mejkeÀej keÀes ÒeoÊe 5… efnmmee (peerJeve J³eJemee³e)

(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)







2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

peerJeve efveefOe, kegÀue DeefOeMes<e, kesÀvê mejkeÀej keÀes ÒeoÊe efnmmee SJeb ÒeoÊe keÀj
meejCeer meb. 5 ( ` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
Je<e& peerJeve efveefOe cetu³eebkeÀve jeskeÀe ie³ee kesÀvê mejkeÀej keÀes kesÀvê mejkeÀej keÀes mejkeÀej keÀes ÒeoÊe keÀj
DeefOeMes<e DeefOeMes<e ÒeoÊe 5… efnmmee 100… efnmmee HetBpeer keÀer jeefMe mesJee keÀj /
(peerJeve) peerJeve J³eJemee³e cees®eve SJeb efve. Jee. peer. Sme.ìer. meefnle
J³eJemee³e (peerJeve)
2017-2018 2584484.92 48436.45 - 2421.82 8.37 10674.11

2018-2019 2828320.12 53211.91 - 2660.60 2.50 10923.19

2019-2020 3114496.05 53954.86 - 2697.74 1.99 10225.24

* efHeíues Je<e& kesÀ DeeBkeÀæ[eW keÀe DeeJeM³ekeÀlee Devegmeej Hegve:mebûeefnle efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
kegÀue efveJesMe : 2019-20

` 2928727.30 keÀjesæ[

$eÝCe Dev³e eqveJesMe

` 120369.51 keÀjesæ[ ` 20844.85 keÀjesæ[
(3.92%) (0.68%)

ÒeefleYetefle³ee@ $eÝCe Dev³e eqveJesMe

31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes efveJesMe

meejCeer meb. 6
31.03.2020 ( ` keÀjesæ[ ceWs)
Yeejle ceW efveJesMe
I $eÝCe 120186.78

II he´efleYetefle³eeb 2924864.73

III cegêe yeepeej efveJesMe 20816.40

kegÀue (Yeejle ces) 3065867.92

Yeejle kesÀ yeenj efveJesMe
I $eÝCe 182.73

II he´efleYetefle³eeb 3862.57

III cegêe yeepeej efveJesMe 28.45

kegÀue (Yeejle kesÀ yeenj) 4073.75

kegÀue peesæ[ (Yeejle ceW SJeb Yeejle kesÀ yeenj) mekeÀue] 3069941.67

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
yegefve³eeoer{eb®es SJeb meeceeefpekeÀ #es$eeW ceW efveJesMe 2019-20

` 24803.21 keÀjesæ[
Dev³e yegefve³eeoer megefJeOeeSb (47.43%)
` 18253.28 keÀjesæ[
` 9241.30 keÀjesæ[

kegÀue efveJesMe
` 52297.79 keÀjesæ[

DeeOeejYetle mebj®evee leLee meceepeesvcegKe #es$eeW keÀer efJeefYeVe mebmLeeDeeW keÀes Deefie´ce efoS ieS $eÝCe, $eÝCe he$e Deewj FeqkeÌJeìer
meejCeer meb. 7
2019-20 Je<e& ces oer
#es$e ieF& Deefie´ce jeefMe
(` keÀjesæ[ ceW)
1. heeJej ( efJeÐegle) 24803.21
2. DeeJeeme
De) DeeJeeme ³eespeveeDeeW kesÀ efueS jep³e mejkeÀejeW kesÀ efo³es ie³es $eÝCe
ye) efMeKej menkeÀejer DeeJeeme efJeÊe meefceefle³eeB Deewj Dev³e keÀes efo³es ie³es $eÝCe
Ke) DeeJeeme efJele kebÀHeefve³eeW keÀes efoS ie³es $eÝCe, $eÝCe He$e Fl³eeefo 9241.30
3. eEme®eeF& /peueehete|le / ceueefvekeÀeme ³eespeveeS -
4. meæ[keÀ Deewj HegueeW / Sme Deej ìer meer 13515.43
5. Dev³e yegefve³eeefo megefJeOeeSb 4737.85
kegÀue 52297.79

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
heefjefMeä - 1
Je<e& 31.03.2020 keÀes efveiece kesÀ Jeefj<þ DeefOekeÀejer
Þeer JegÀceej Sce Deej
Þeer megMeerue JegÀceej ìer meer Þeer Deevevo efkeefheve
ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ
Þeer ieghlee cegJesÀMe JegÀceej Þeer jepe JegÀceej
ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ

Þeer megoMe&ve Deej Þeer veeiev³eeue JesÀ Sme

JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve/Òeef¬eÀ³ee), JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee),
JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer MeeqMe JegÀceej S®e.Sme. Þeer veuueeJegÀÆeueced Sme.
ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer (S®eSScemeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ®esVeF&.
Þeer ®eewOejer jefke Þeer efkeJeÀeme jeke meer
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efve.³ees./ve.Òe.), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer JegÀceej jeJesÀMe Þeer ye@vepeea [er JesÀ
efveosMeJeÀ, Òe.efke.JesÀ., cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer pewve heer JesÀ Þeer hebieleer efovesMe JesÀ
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ(efvekesMe/pees.Òe.DevegmebOeeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer (SScemeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer ceesnvleer [er heer Þeer ®eekeuee peer Sme
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (DeebleefjJeÀ uesKee hejer#eCe), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efvejer#eCe/Deej.ìer.DeeF&), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeerceleer jvlece veequeveer Sce. Þeer vee³ej jepeerkeve JesÀ
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (veke k³ekemee³e Skeb hegveyeeacee/ceemebefke/efmeefke/efve³ees), JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ ( mebÒes<eCe),
JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeerceleer pewve jsCeg Þeer kecee& Sce Sce Sue
efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ieg[ieebke cenemeef®eke (F&.meer.Dees.DeeF&), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer ceesnvleer Sme. Þeerceleer DeeF&he efceveer
ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwojeyeeo.
Þeer efmevne Sve.heer. Þeer JegÀceej jeJesÀMe
#es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehetj. ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer (JeÀe[&), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer JegÀceej censvê Þeer ceefmeue pes³ee ceesnve heer.
#es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efvekesMe/heefj®eeueve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer ieghlee Deefveue Þeerceleer jsvegJeÀe Sme.
DeefleefjÊeÀ efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ieg[ieebke efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, hegves-DeeJetÀ[ea
Þeer peesMeer [er.Sve. Þeer JegÀceej Deveghe
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efkeheCeve/Glheeove efkeJeÀeme/Sme.yeer.S), #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer JeÀefojsmeve JesÀ. Þeer heìveeF&JeÀ yeer.meer.
#es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF&. efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, Deeieje
Þeer Yeiele efovesMe JesÀ. Þeer yesnsje Sme.
#es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee. efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, peceMesohegj
Þeer ceesJeÀeMeer Sme.Sve. Þeer Kesj Sme.heer.
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve/ Yegieleeve), ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer (S®eSHeÀSmeue),
JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Þeer oeme JeÀ©vee JesÀ. Þeer Deevebo S.JesÀ.
mebJeÀe³e meom³e, jeä£er³e yeercee SJesÀ[ceer, hegves. JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efvekesMe : cee@efve/DeJeÀeQìdme), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer JegÀceej ÒekeerCe Þeer veboe S®e.
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (yew.SMeîeg./kewJeÀequheJeÀ ÒeCeeueer), JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (met®evee ÒeewÐeesefieJeÀer/mebmeeOeJeÀ efkeJeÀeme),
JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e,cegbyeF&
Þeer cegKepeea S. Þeerceleer hevekeej Òeerefle
efveosMeJeÀ (Yee.yeer.mebmLeeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer (heWMeve HebÀ[), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer je@³e heer.yeer. Þeer vee[JeÀCeea Sme.Sme.
efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, JeÀesueJeÀelee JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.) JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeerceleer ®ebêe efveªhecee megÞeer mes" Fvee
mebJeÀe³e meom³e, jeä£er³e yeercee SJesÀ[ceer, hegves. efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, Yeesheeue
Þeer kecee& mebpe³e megÞeer JeÀewue vekeerve
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (met#edce yeercee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (efkeOeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeerceleer efkeveesoeJegÀceejer heer. Þeer Depeerle JegÀceej Sue.
efveosMeJeÀ, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, nwojeyeeo JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ(Òel³e#e efkeheCeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeerceleer Kesj heer. Þeerceleer ieie& meefjlee
JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (JeÀeefce&JeÀ), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& JeÀe³e&JeÀejer efveosMeJeÀ (DeeF&.ìer./yeerheerDeej), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer ®ebo ÒeJeÀeMe Þeer meJeÌmesvee keer.JesÀ.
#es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ÒeYeejer) #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue. ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer) (JesÀDej), JesÀvê JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer oeme Sme.JesÀ. Þeer JegÀceej Deefveue pes.
ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/pees.Òe.DevegmebOeeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. Ghe. Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ®esVeF&.
Þeer mebiece heer JesÀ Þeer efceÞee heer.JesÀ.
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeerceleer ®e¬eÀyeefle& Deefhe&lee Sme. Þeer mesve p³eesleer JegÀceej
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee. mebJeÀe³e meom³e, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ®esVeF&
Þeer Fueebiees Sme. Þeerceleer kecee& efkeOeg
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF&. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer heeueveermkeeceer Deej Þeer JegÀjerue efkeveeso
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF&. Ghe. Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê Deeieje
Þeer ieghlee jepeerke Þeer jmleesieer mebpe³e
ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer (JesÀDej), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer cegjueerOejve heer Þeer yeeueeieesheeue keer
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. mebJeÀe³e meom³e, jeä£er³e yeercee SJesÀ[ceer, hegves.
Þeer efceÞee yeer Sme Þeerceleer Iees<e heeschee
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee. ÒecegKe (mebheJe&À), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer oemeieghlee heer Þeer Deeqpe]pegÎerve Sce [er
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe (Deeblejjeä£er³e Òe®eeueve ), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer eEmen jefleJeÀeblee Þeer veeiesMe Sme
Ghe. Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, JeÀesueJeÀelee ÒecegKe (ÒeYeejer)(nsuLe yeercee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwojeyeeo.
Þeer veeieejepee jeke heer keer Sme Þeer pewve Sme Sce
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwojeyeeo. ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve HebÀ[), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeerceleer jecee jeke meeefke$eer Þeerceleer meesceCe Sme Sme
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwêeyeeo. ÒecegKe (efkeÊe Skeb uesKee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer Þeerkeemleke S Þeer eEmen ³eesieWê
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehegj ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Þeerceleer heoceekeleer kee³e keer Þeer Mecee& Ss JesÀ
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (SScemeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee
Þeer kevekej peer Sme Þeer JesÀccet Sce JesÀ
ÒecegKe (JeÀeefce&JeÀ), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee),
#es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee
Þeer oeref#ele mebpe³e Þeer efceÊeue Sve JesÀ
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee. ÒecegKe (efkeÊe Skeb uesKee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer hee@ue Sme Þeer mesve pes
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue. ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
megÞeer ieewyee njueerve Þeer ogyes Deej JesÀ
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe (F& Deej-DevegMeemeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer "eJegÀj Sme JesÀ Þeer DejbOeje leheve
ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ Skeb ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer, yenjerve. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer Meecemegboj Sue JesÀ Þeer ieew[ efkemkeveeLee keeF&
mebJeÀe³e meom³e, jeä£er³e yeercee SJesÀ[ceer, hegves. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwêeyeeo.
Þeer GvnsueJeÀj yeer JesÀ Þeer JegÀceej JeÀceue
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee.
Þeer ueeefnjer S Þeer eEmen Deej heer
ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/cee@efve.), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒecegKe (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer ûeeskej S Þeer efÜkesoer heer
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSScemeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve HebÀ[), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer ieghlee Deej heer Þeer mecesue heer
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve) #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee. ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer ceef}ÁJeÌJeÀ Òekele JegÀceej Þeer megceve Deej JesÀ
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeerceleer pesccee yesjueer Þeer Pee JesÀ JesÀ
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe (Deej.ìer.DeeF&), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer jeceJe=À<Ceve ìer Sme Þeer ®e¬eÀheeCeer pes
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve) #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF&
Þeerceleer jbieejepeve Sve Þeer heeC[s leyeuesMe
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe yeerceebJeÀve (yeerceebJeÀve/Smeerpeermeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer IeF& Deéeveer Þeerceleer MebJeÀj ef®e$ee
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve) #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehegj ÒecegKe (veke k³ekemee³e Skeb hegveyeeacee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeerceleer ogiieue S Þeer JeÀewue meefleMe
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb/JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehegj
Þeer eEmen pemeheeue megÞeer Òemeeo ceueerJeÀe
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee
Þeer ®elegkexoer Sce meer Þeer ceerCee Sue meer
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee ÒecegKe (JesÀDej), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer efceÞee heer Deej Þeer JeÀVeve Sce
ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/Òe®eeueve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. Ghe. Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, hegves-DeeJetÀ[ea
Þeer JegÀceej oerheJeÀ Þeerceleer jeke Gcee
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ, yenjerve. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ ( JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer peieVeeLe Sce Þeerceleer heg©<eesÊece Debpet
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, yeWieeueg©. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwêeyeeo

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Þeer Pee keer Þeer cenehee$ee Deej
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, yeWieeueg©. mebJeÀe³e meom³e, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, JeÀesueJeÀelee
Þeer yeejoesueesF& efoheJeÀ JegÀceej Þeer ÒeOeeve yeer
meeceev³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehegj
Þeer veeje³eCe Sme Þeer vee³eJeÀ Sme
ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/Smeerpeermeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee.
Þeer yesnje yeer Þeer JegbÀ[g Deªhe
Ghe. Òee®ee³e&, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, peceMesohegj ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue
Þeer vekeeveer Go³eJegÀceej Þeer "eJegÀj Sme
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF& cegKed³e DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwêeyeeo.
Þeer JegÀceejsmeve heer megÞeer ÒeYeeJeÀjve peer
ÒecegKe (efkeheCeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒecegKe (yees[& meef®ekeeue³e./peer.pes.SHeÀ.), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer JegÀceej DeMeesJeÀ Þeer efLe©keWJeÀì®eejer Sme
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee ÒecegKe (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve/Yegieleeve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer [esjeFmkeeceer Deej megÞeer ÞeerOej meercee
ÒecegKe (DeeF&ìer/Sme[ermeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/cee@efve.), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer keWJeÀlejeceveve peer Þeer efmeÎerJegÀF& S Sce
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue.
Þeer jpeveerJeÀevle Deej Þeer efkeéeveeLe Sme
mebJeÀe³e meom³e, jeä£er³e yeercee SJesÀ[ceer, hegves. ÒecegKe (mebheoe), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer me®eoske Deej Þeer JegÀceej efiejerMe
ÒecegKe (JeÀe.mes), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer vesieer heer Sme megÞeer MesKej Òeefceuee
ÒecegKe (DeeF&ìer/Sme[ermeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer.
Þeer JegÀceej jefke megÞeer Kejs j®evee
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer. ÒecegKe (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve/Òeef¬eÀ³ee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer yeg®e S®e Sce Þeer Oej heer
ÒecegKe (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe Skeb JeÀe.mes.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ®esVeF&
Þeer Yeevet mele heeue Þeer JegÀceej heer
ÒecegKe (efkeheCeve/Sme.yeer.S), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (ûeenJeÀ mebyebOe ÒeyebOeve), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue.
Þeer ceef}ÁJeÀepe&vee jeke heer Þeer eEmen efieue iepejepe
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, nwêeyeeo. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSue.), ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ JeÀe³ee&ue³e, ueKeveT
Þeer HeìdìveeFJeÀ [er heer Þeer JegÀceej Depe³e
ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (S®eSHeÀSmeSue), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF& ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (efkeheCeve) #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, Yeesheeue.
Þeer oemeieghlee S Þeer Pee Deej JesÀ
ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ Skeb ÒecegKe JeÀe³e&JeÀejer DeefOeJeÀejer, yeebiueeosMe ceneÒeyebOeJeÀ (SScemeer), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer efceÞee jyeerveeje³eve Þeer ceef}ÁJeÌJeÀ ìer Deej
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee. ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heWMeve Skeb mecetn ³eespevee), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
Þeer Dee®ee³e& yeer Þeer JegÀceej ÞeekeCe
ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, heìvee ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (JeÀe. Skeb Deew.meb.), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀesueJeÀelee.
Þeer JegÀceej iegueMeve Þeer pe³ehegefj³ee heer
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee (DeefYe³eebef$eJeÀer), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, JeÀevehegj ÒeeoseqMeJeÀ ÒeyebOeJeÀ (mebheoe), #es$eer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, efo}Áer
Þeer heueeveer yeer Þeer megOeeJeÀj Deej
ÒecegKe DeefYe³eblee, #es$eer³e ÒeeqMe#eCe JesÀvê, ®esVeF& ÒecegKe (efvekesMe/Òe®eeueve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&.
Þeer heble efovesMe
ÒecegKe Skeb efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebJeÀve (yeerceebJeÀve), JesÀvêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e, cegbyeF&
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
#esef$e³e meueenJeÀej yees[& JesÀ meom³e (31.03.2020 JeÀes)
ceO³e #es$e GÊejer #es$e
Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e
Þeer Sme JesÀ eflekeejer Þeer efkeve³e knesje
Þeer meboerhe cegKepeea Þeer efoueerhe eEmen
Sj ceeqCe jece efvejeuee [e@ he¨epee Mecee&
Þeer efye´pesMe iees³eue Þeer megefcele leuegpee
megÞeer kewMeeueer censéejer Þeer ceveespe JegÀceej cegbpeeue
[e@ pe³ebleerueeue Yeb[ejer Þeer ÒeJeÀeMe ®ebo "eJegÀj
Þeer efnceebMeg Kejs Þeer meF&o efJeÀHeÀe³ele ngmewve jPeJeer
[e@. mebO³ee kecee& [e@ jpeveerMe meJeÌmesvee
Þeer megOeerj pewve Þeer jepeerke Keesmeuee
Þeer JeÀceuesMe JegÀceej Deûekeeue Þeer megveerue oÊe k³eeme
Þeer ÒeJeÀeMe ®ebo, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e) Þeer Devethe JegÀceej, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e)
hetkeea #es$e oef#eCe ceO³e #es$e
Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e
[e@ (megÞeer) hejefcelee je@³e megÞeer G<ee ÒeYee vee³eJeÀ
Þeer leerLe& MebJeÀj nbmeoe Þeer JesÀ eqMekejece JegÀceej
Þeer megjpeerle oÊee Þeer Sme L³eeiejepeve
Þeer Oeerjpe ceesnve Iees<e Þeer Deej jepeieesheeueve
Þeer efkeJeÀeMe legkeeveer Þeer [er Deej Òemeeo jepet
[e@ MebJeÀj Òemeeo YeÆe®ee³e& Þeer JesÀ peer pe³ejece
Þeer megpeerle JegÀceej Iees<e Þeer [er keer Oeeoesleer
Þeer FJeÀyeeue ngmewve [e@ Sme oskemesvee
Þeer ieewlece meen Þeer [er Þeernefj
[e@ efye<Ceg Òemeeo mejceen Þeer keer jepeemesKej jeke
Þeer efovesMe JesÀ Yeiele , #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e) megÞeer efceveer DeeF&He, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e)
hetke& ceO³e #es$e oef#eCe #es$e
Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e
Þeer eqpeleWê JegÀceej Deûekeeue Þeer yeer ceove ceesnve
[e@. Meebefle mkeªhe Mecee& Þeer meer S kesueceg©ieve
Þeer Devethe JegÀceej efmevne Þeer megveerue JegÀceej keer
[e@. oeceesoj JesÀpejerkeeue [e@ meerleeue#eceer Decceue Sce
[e@. Sve JesÀ yesnje eEÒeme LesJeÌJeÀve
megÞeer ceveer<ee JegÀceejer Þeer JesÀ ue#ceCe JegÀceej
Þeer megveerue JegÀceej oeªJeÀe [e@ Sve MeCecegie megbojce
Þeer megYee<e cenehee$ee Þeer Sce JeÀveiee meyeeheefle
Þeer JeÀevnt ®ejCe heeb[e Þeer Sme Sve jeOeg®ebêve vee³ej
[e@ megveerlee mene³e Þeer keer heer DeVeeogjeF&
Þeer cenWê JegÀceej, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e) Þeer JesÀ JeÀefojsmeve, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e)
GÊej ceO³e #es$e heefM®eceer #es$e
Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e Þeer Sce Deej JegÀceej, DeO³e#e
Þeer efvelesMe JegÀceej ieghlee Þeer Yejle yeer heìsue
[e@ meeefIej Denceo [e@ jesMeveJegÀceej Sce efYeieeefve³ee
Þeer Ëo³ee vejleve heeC[s³e Òees efiejerMe Yeerceeveer
[e@ heteqCe&cee Deefveue [e@ (megÞeer) efkeÀleea heer JegÀueJeÀCeea
[e@ Sme Sve Gefve³eeue meerS Deevebo Sve mebJeÀheeue
[e@ Fbêesveerue ye@vepeea Þeer efyeefheveYeeF& Sce Meen
[e@ DeeMeglees<e JegÀceej oeref#ele megÞeer ef®e$ee heer #eerjmeeiej
Þeer YetheWê eEmen hebieleer Þeer cegveer<e Deej Mecee&
megÞeer megefvelee eflenejer Þeer ÒeMeeble ceeueer
Þeer hebJeÀpe jmleesieer Þeer GheWê Sue Keehejs
Þeer Sve heer efmevne, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e) Þeer meer efkeJeÀeme jeke, #es$eer³e ÒeyebOeJeÀ (heosve meom³e)
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
heeequemeer OeejJeÀeW JesÀ heefj<eo JesÀ meom³e
ceO³e Þes$e melevee ceC[ue neke[e ceC[ue JeÀesueJeÀelee Gheveiej ceC[ue
Yeesheeue ceC[ue Þeer Deej JesÀ eEmen,Òe. Þeer [er JesÀ ceeW[ue,Òe. Þeer ieewjye ®ebo,Òe.
Þeer [s osyeeeqMeme,Òe. Þeer MebJeÀj oÊee MegJeÌ}e megÞeer ÒesjCee [esJeÀeefve³ee [e@ osyeueervee Yeencee
[e@ Decejpeerle eEmen Keeuemee [e@ (megÞeer) ÒeefleYee ogyes megÞeer Debleje vemJeÀj (mejJeÀej) Þeer Deevebo ceesnve ceb[ue
Þeer Deeefol³e jepe ceesoer Þeer Òeoerhe leece´eJeÀj Þeer megye´le ceeW[ue Þeer megYee<e ®e je@³e
megÞeer Òeereflecee Þeerkeemleke Þeer Sme Sue Òepeeheleer Þeer Deefcele hee®eeue Þeer Deefjpeerle heeue
Þeer Meîeece jeke Decyes[JeÀj Þeer ceveesnj efoiekeeveer Þeer Deevebo ÒeJeÀeMe heeb[s Þeer Debpeve JegÀceej JeÀce&JeÀej
Þeer Deej Sve ®elegkexoer Men[esue ceC[ue peueheeFiegæ[er ceC[ue efmeue®ej ceC[ue
efyeueemehegj ceC[ue Þeer peefj³eeue jesmeve ueeue,Òe. Þeer Sve Yegefle³ee,Òe. Þeer ìer JesÀ ueeJeÀje,Òe.
Þeer JegbÀleue JegÀceej,Òe. Þeer met³e& ÒeJeÀeMe ieghlee Þeer Òeesmebeqpele efce$ee Þeer YeemJeÀj mesveieghlee
Þeer DeMeesJeÀ jeke JeÀoce Þeer heg<hesvê JegÀceej ieewlece megÞeer efÒe³ee ìesHevees megÞeer Seque]peeyesLe eEmeiemeve
Þeer vejsMe JegÀceej Dejesæ[e Þeer jepeieesheeue jepesMkej Þeer megye´lee hee@ue Þeer efyemkeeeqpele hee@ue
Þeer ªhe ®ebo ®eewOejer megÞeer mehevee efÜkesoer [e@ Meîeeceue meene Þeer heyeve ®ebê osye
megÞeer megefcelee Keeb[s Þeer GceeMebJeÀj JeÀesue Þeer p³eesefle&cee@³e Peeceheì Þeer hetCeXot YeÆe®eepeea
Þeer efoueerhe Deûekeeue hetke& Þes$e peesjneì ceC[ue hetkeea ceO³e Þes$e
ikeeeque³ej ceC[ue Deemevemeesue ceC[ue Þeer heer efceÞee,Òe. yesietmeje³e ceC[ue
Þeer peer JesÀ pesvee,Òe. Þeer DeeMeglees<e JegÀceej,Òe. megÞeer ®eboeveeveer ye©Dee Þeer yeer heer oeMe,Òe.
Þeer Depe³e JegÀceej DemLeevee megÞeer yeveeveer leeuegJeÀoej Þeer meescesMkej yejnesF& Þeer eqMeke ÒeJeÀeMe Yeejkoepe
Þeer Deefveue JegÀceej cesnWosues Þeer cegjueer ceesnve nbmeoe [e@ efheveeJeÀer mesveieghlee [e@ cegjejer ceb[ue
megÞeer Meeryeer jmleesieer Þeer meceerj JeÀeblees oÊee Þeer hejsMe HegÀJeÀesve Þeer efye¬eÀce JegÀceej
Þeer njer<e MeeJe̳e Þeer ce=l³egbpees³e je@³e Þeer mevees³e oeme Þeer De©Ce JegÀceej efceÞee
Þeer veefkeve levespee Þeer megpeerle Iees<e Keæ[iehegj ceC[ue megÞeer eqpeHmeer JegÀceejer
Fboewj ceC[ue yeOe&ceeve ceC[ue Þeer oskeJeÀeblee heeOeer,Òe. yejnecehegj ceC[ue
Þeer Sme yeer efceÞee,Òe. Þeer pe³ee ÒeJeÀeMe yeeyet [er,Òe. Þeerceleer yejveeueer Iees<e Þeer Sme heer heeefjíe,Òe.
megÞeer p³eesefle eflekeejer Þeer Sce cegKeesheeO³ee³e Þeer leerLe& mebJeÀj nbmeoe Þeer efyejpee Òemeeo hee$ee
Þeer F&Mkej Mecee& Þeer DeeEjoce efmevne Þeer heeLe& Òeeflece yemeJeÀ Þeer ceveespe JegÀceej Deûekeeue
Þeer ceveer<e JegÀceej meebKeuee [e@ MeefceJeÀ [s megÞeer leeefve³ee cegKeesheO³ee³e Þeer megyee<e ®ebê heeuees
[e@ jepeWê JeÀeues megÞeer vesne Deûekeeue Þeer megjpeerle oÊee megÞeer ìer ef®ejbpeerkeer
Þeer Oece&jepe pejkeeue Þeer ®ebove nueoj JeÀesueJeÀelee cesì£es ceC[ue- Ä Þeer De¬etÀj yesnsje
yeeWieF&ieebke ceC[ue Þeer efmeyee Òemeeo heìveeFJeÀ,Òe.
peyeuehegj ceC[ue Yeeieuehegj ceC[ue
Þeer efyepe³e JegÀceej heeb[e,Òe. megÞeer p³eesleer yepeuee
Þeer DeMeesJeÀ JegÀceej,Òe. Þeer Sce heeb[e,Òe.
Þeer JeÀevet ueeue oeme Þeer JeÀeweqMeJeÀ efce$ee
megÞeer Òeerefle Fjves LebieogjeF& Þeer JeÀecejeve Keeve
Þeer Deyogue nefkeÀce megÞeer meg<ecee ye©Dee
[e@ levecees³e efmejJeÀj Þeer efovesMe heemekeeve
Þeer meceerj JegÀceej mejJeÀej Þeer Deye´ej Denceo
Þeer meewjYe pewve megÞeer jeveer JegÀceejer
megÞeer efceveleer ieesmkeeceer ®eewOegjer Þeer pe³eblee YeÆe®eepeea
Þeer Deeefol³e veeje³eCe Mecee& Þeer DejeEkeo Pee
Þeer leerLe& eEmen ceejkeer Þeer Deyogue ceVeve JeÀesueJeÀelee cesì£es ceC[ue -ÄÄ Þeer JeÀceue JegÀceej efmevne
iegkeeneìer ceC[ue Þeer Sve yeesme,Òe.
je³ehegj ceC[ue Yegkeveséej ceC[ue
Þeer Sce Deej meent,Òe. Þeer efyejsvê Mee@
Þeer ÒeJeÀeMe efmevne,Òe. Þeer De#e³e JegÀceej meent,Òe.
Þeer hebJeÀpe mejcee megÞeer FbêeCeer efce$ee
[e@ uegefveJeÀ ³eog Þeer megye´le jeGle
megÞeer ®evovee oeme Þeer meewcesve oÊee
Þeer ªhesMe pewve megÞeer mesnuelee jeGle
Þeer DeeMeer<e ®ewìpeea [e@ Gppkeue cegKepeea
Þeer peer JesÀ íbieeCeer Þeer meewceWê oeme
Þeer jeJesÀMe ogOeeefj³ee Þeer DeeEjoce je@³e
megÞeer cebpeguee equeeEkeiemìesve Þeer ÒeHegÀ}Á JegÀceej meejbieer
Þeer Deceve Deûekeeue Þeer ceveer JeÀ®eejer Þeer Òeoerhe JegÀceej vee³eJeÀ

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
JeÀìJeÀ ceC[ue mebyeuehegj ceC[ue pe³ehegj ceC[ue- II efo}Áer ceC[ue- II
Þeer S JesÀ jew$e³e,Òe. Þeer Sce JesÀ heeb[e,Òe. Þeer peer heer ceerCee,Òe. Þeer keer JesÀ Oej,Òe.
megÞeer pe³eÞeer mes"er Þeer DeMeesJeÀ JegÀceej heeeqCeûener Þeer yemeble yenej Þeer cegJesÀMe ®ebo keeqMeÿ
Þeer efiejerMe heejerpee [e@ vejWê JegÀceej yesnsje [e@ #eerCeg pewve Þeer Þeer®ebo
Þeer mebpe³e hee$ee megÞeer Yeekevee ueLe Þeer DeMeesJeÀ JegÀceej MegJeÌ}e Þeer De©Ce ieghlee
Þeer mecej eEmen Òees. [e@ Decej efceÞee Þeer efkepe³e JegÀceej ieghlee Þeer peieoerMe ®eboj kecee&
Þeer veewMeeo n]peejer Þeer [esueeceveer JeÀebOesj Þeer jepet Deûekeeue megÞeer MeeqMe Yeeìer
npeejer yeeie ceC[ue GÊejer Þes$e peeuebOej ceC[ue efo}Áer ceC[ue-III
Þeer Sme Sve heeb[e,Òe. Depecesj ceC[ue Þeer JesÀ eEmen,Òe. Þeer meboerhe JegÀceej,Òe.
Þeer meesceveeLe he="er Þeer Sme Sme ®eheueesì,Òe. [e@ Depe³e mejerve Þeer Depe³e HeÀle³eeue
megÞeer cecelee JegÀceejer ieghlee Þeer DeefYe<esJeÀ yejces®ee Þeer Dekeveerhe oskeje Þeer le©Ce ieebOeer
[e@ mepeue cegKepeea [e@ jepeerke pewve [e@ oseEkeoj JeÀewj Þeer meveer JegÀceej
Þeer megpees³e meeceblee megÞeer jsCeg Mecee& Þeer jepesMe KeVee megÞeer ue#ceer Je=À<Ceve
megÞeer efmecee ieesjsleer efìJeÀea Þeer Sve Sue hekeve Þeer Òeerleheeue eEmen Þeer F&Mkej oeme
peceMesohegj ceC[ue Þeer jesefnle ®eewOejer peesOehegj ceC[ue jesnleJeÀ ceC[ue
Þeer Sce Sce Debmeejer,Òe. Dece=lemej ceC[ue Þeer Sme Sce efceÞee,Òe. Þeer Sme peguJeÀe,Òe.
megÞeer efmecee Meebefle efìJeÀea Þeer njefkeboj eEmen,Òe. [e@ Mkeslee Pee Þeer efke¬eÀce ÒeYeeJeÀj
[e@ ©cee ®ewìpeea megÞeer ªefnvee Mecee& [e@ Yeeveg Òeleehe ef$ekesoer Þeer vejsMe YeejÜepe
Þeer efHeÀjespe Keeve Þeer metjpe ieghlee Þeer DebefJeÀle pewve Þeer Sce Sue ûeeskej
Þeer ÞeekeCe JegÀceej DeesPee Þeer oerheJeÀ ogiieue Þeer JeÀceuesMe je"ewj megÞeer jsCet Mecee&
Þeer pe³eble JegÀceej ceesnbleer Þeer cenWoj heeue Þeer efkeveeso JegÀceej peesnjer Þeer pe³e Yeiekeeve meesuebJeÀer Mecee&
cegpeHeÌHeÀjhegj ceC[ue Þeer Deej JesÀ cenepeve JeÀjveeue ceC[ue eqMeceuee ceC[ue
Þeer hejceXê njer,Òe. yeerJeÀevesj ceC[ue Þeer pes JegÀceej,Òe. Þeer S je]Peoeve,Òe.
Þeer ieCekeble JegÀceej ceef}ÁJeÀ Þeer heer meer. efceÞee,Òe. Þeer meboerhe JegÀceej Yeejleer Þeer megveerue veeieheeue
megÞeer megveerlee meje]HeÀ [e@ (megÞeer) pe³ee veeie Þeer Deesce heeue eEmen megÞeer ye=boguee JeÀjesue
Þeer mejespe JegÀceej Þeer pemekeble eEmen OeeRieje Þeer efke¬eÀeble Deûekeeue Þeer Deefol³ee JeÀjerj
Þeer efkepe³e JegÀceej ®eewOejer Þeer JeÀvnew³ee ueeue meeWieeje Þeer DejeEkeo ieie& Þeer oerkeeve eEmen
megÞeer ceervee oskeer Þeer efkeJeÀeme JegÀceej Yeeuesjerkeeuee megÞeer ke<ee& Þeer nbme jepe
heìvee ceC[ue- I Þeer yeeyet ueeue Òepeehele uegefOe³eevee ceC[ue Þeerveiej ceC[ue
Þeer Sme ieghlee,Òe. ®eb[erieæ{ ceC[ue Þeer peer ueeue,Òe. Þeer mele hee@ue,Òe.
megÞeer megefcelee pewmekeeue Þeer jpele cegKepeea,Òe. Þeer ceesefnle ûeeskej megÞeer Demecele ³eemeerve
megÞeer meefkelee eEmen Þeer ieewlece pewve Þeer cegveerMe Leehej Þeer JeÀjleej ®ebo
Þeer veerjpe JegÀceej heHhet megÞeer ceervee ueKeveheeue megÞeer hetpee ®esìueer Þeer ®ejCepeerle eEmen
megÞeer DePeje jsef]JeÀye [e@ iegbpeve cesnlee Þeer jefke oerhe eEmen Þeer vepeceg meeJeÀerye
Þeer Deefcele JegÀceej Þeer ceveceesnve eEmen [e@ DeeoMe& JegÀceej Þeer Depeg&ve eEmen kepeerj
heìvee ceC[ue- II Þeer mebpeerke Yeeefì³ee efo}Áer ceC[ue- I Go³ehegj ceC[ue
Þeer Sme JesÀ meeceblejs,Òe. pe³ehegj ceC[ue- I Þeer Sue meer efheheerue,Òe. Þeer Dees heer eqpeueeskee,Òe.
Þeer megyeesOe JegÀceej vebove Þeer Sme Deej ceerrCee,Òe. Þeer Deej JesÀ efceÞee megÞeer ceOeg mejerve
[e@ nscee ve]JeÌkeer Þeer Deefcele DeiejJeeue Þeer efovesMe Òemeeo JeÀes"ejer Þeer jepe ceue Deesmlekeeue
Þeer Deefcele JegÀceej Pee [e@ jece ueeue hegefve³ee hebef[le efkeMkeveeLe Þeer jepeerke cegefo&³ee
Þeer efkeMeeue pewve [e@ (megÞeer) ceveer<ee Heìveer [e@ ye´pe keerj eEmen Þeer hekeve jesle
Þeer JegÀMesMkej oeme Þeer ÒeMeeble ceb$eer megÞeer melveece jÊeer JeÀhetj Þeer jeJesÀMe Pebkej
Þeer nefj jece meesieve

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
GÊej ceO³e Þes$e ieesjKehegj ceC[ue oef#eCeer Þes$e ceogjF& ceC[ue
Deeieje ceC[ue Þeer [er Sce efceleue,Òe. ®esVeF& ceC[ue - I Þeer Sue ®eWotjveeLeve,Òe.
Þeer DeeEjêeqpele efmeJeÀoej,Òe. megÞeer jeOee ®ebOee Þeer S. metmeeF& ceCeerJeÌJeÀce,Òe. [e@. Deej ®ebêceesnve
megÞeer meerS oerefheJeÀe efceÊeue Þeer ceesncceo Snmeeve ngmewve [e@ S oskejepe Þeer heer efkepe³ee JegÀceej
Þeer cegJesÀMe JegÀceej ieghlee Þeer meboerhe JegÀceej pewmekeeue Þeer Deej eqMekeeJegÀceej Þeer Deej efJeÀ©yeeJeÀjCe
[e@ DeeMeer<e JegÀceej ieie& Þeer jece ojeMe Òemeeo megÞeer ³et De®e&vee Þeer heer JebÀ[kesuet
Þeer megjWê JegÀceej Þeer MeMeer ÒeJeÀeMe [e@. JesÀ Sme ieewjerMebJeÀj megÞeer JesÀ Je=À<CekesCeer
Þeer "eJegÀjWê eEmen Þeerkeemlekee megÞeer Deej jpeerveer megjWojveeLe meuesce ceC[ue
Deueerieæ{ ceC[ue nuokeeveer ceC[ue ®esVeF& ceC[ue - II Þeer HeÀpeuetue S jsnceeve,Òe.
Þeer De©Ce heeue,Òe. Þeer Sve Sme jekele,Òe. Þeer Sce JesÀ JeÀ©HheF&³een,Òe. Þeer keer Mes<eeêer
Þeer efke<Ceg o³eeue mesJeÌmesvee megÞeer ieerlee yeuegefle³ee Þeer YekeOeeefjCeer Deveblejeceve megÞeer JesÀ JeÀefkeLee
[e@ veerlee Þeer efJeÀMeesj JegÀceej pebieheebieer megÞeer ceesnvee ìer Þeer Sce ceg©iesmeve
[e@. efkejsvê JegÀceej Þeer DebMegue ieie& [e@ Sme jepe JeÀVee Þeer JesÀ jefke
Þeer jCekeerj eEmen JeÀMeîehe Þeer ®ebê ÒeJeÀeMe ³eeoke Þeer jepemesJeÀj JesÀ Þeer heer ceiesMeJegÀceej
Þeer ®ebêsMe JegÀceej ieie& Þeer Je=ÀMeve ®ebê ieg©jeCeer megÞeer Sce MeefÊeÀ efÒe³ee lebpeeketj ceC[ue
Fueeneyeeo ceC[ue JeÀeveghej ceC[ue JeÀes³ebyeìtj ceC[ue Þeer JesÀ keWJeÀìjeceve,Òe.
Þeer efkekesJeÀ Mecee&,Òe. Þeer efkeveeso Gefve³eeue,Òe. Þeer heer peer efveJeÀesumeve,Òe. megÞeer Sve jepejepesmkejer
Þeer efnceebMeg heeC[s Þeer Òeceeso meJeÌmesvee [e@ keer efLe³eeiejepeve Þeer Sve Deej veojepeve
Þeer "eJegÀj Dee]peeo eEmen [e@ ceesefveJeÀe MegJeÌ}e Þeer heer JesÀ megye´ceeqCe³eve Þeer JesÀ efkemeenve
megÞeer jervee JesÀMejer [e@ megOeerj JeÀevle Þeer S MeCcegiece megÞeer S ceervee#eer
Þeer ceove ueeue Þeer Debyejer<e ìb[ve [e@ Sue pe³ebleer [e@ JesÀ Debyegpece
[e@ efjlesMe KeVee Þeer efkeceue JegÀceej MegJeÌ}e Þeer Sve Sve heejmejece efleªDeveblehegjce ceC[ue
yejsueer ceC[ue ueKeveT ceC[ue Svee&JegÀuece ceC[ue megÞeer oerhee meerkeoemeve,Òe.
Þeer ³ebiepeesj,Òe. Þeer jepekeerj eEmen,Òe. Þeer heer jeOeeJe=À<Ceve,Òe. Þeer De@ueskeÌme JegÀefj³eeJeÀesme
Þeer mebpeerke JegÀceej meesF& megÞeer DeeYee keeuìme& megÞeer yeervee yeerieesce keer JesÀ Þeer keer Sme yesvesef[JeÌì Devegûen
Þeer jepesMe Deûekeeue [e@ keerjWê yeneogj eEmen Þeer S keer peesme [e@. jervee
[e@ meleerMe JegÀceej [e@ Devethe Deûekeeue [e@ (megÞeer) mejespee S Sme ÒeesHeÀ ([e@) Deye´ence peesmesHeÀ
[e@ ef$eueesJeÀ Dejesje Þeer keieeame JegÀefj³eve [e@ mesyeer keieeame Þeer efkeMkesMkejve peer
[e@ Devegpee eEmen Þeer jepesMe JegÀceej Þeer ÒeoerheJegÀceej Sve efLe´metj ceC[ue
osnjeotve ceC[ue cesj" ceC[ue JeÀesÆe³ece ceC[ue megÞeer MeebLee JekeÀea,Òe.
Þeer heer JesÀ meJeÌmesvee,Òe. Þeer Yeiekeeve eEmen,Òe. Þeer Sme Þeerefvekeemee jeke,Òe. Þeer heer keer megjsvêve
Þeer ÒeesÐeesle JegÀceej eEmeIeue [e@. megYee<e eEmen [e@ efkeveeso efkeéeveeLeve [e@ pe³ee ®esefj³eve
Þeer ue#ceer JesÀ ieesefæ[³eeue Þeer jepeerke JegÀceej Þeer heer JesÀ efkeveesoJegÀceej Þeer meeLeermeve ìer
Þeer Depe³e KeÆJeÀ megÞeer jsKee Mecee& [e@ ÞeerJeÀeble JesÀ Sve S@[ meercee cesveve
Þeer Deej JesÀ Yeejleer Þeer oerheJeÀ Mecee& [e@ Yeeveg DeMeesJeÀ Þeer nefjoeme JesÀ
megÞeer meercee jeCeer Þeer eqpeleWê ceesnve Þeer jengue Sme efleªvesukesueer ceC[ue
HewÀpeeyeeo ceC[ue keejeCemeer ceC[ue JeÀeseqpeJeÀes[ ceC[ue Þeer JesÀ kemeble JegÀceej,Òe.
Þeer Sce De$eer<eer,Òe. Þeer S JesÀ efceÊeue,Òe. Þeer keer Sme ceOeg,Òe. [e@ JesÀ LeeefveJeÀmeeuece
[e@ mebpe³e eflekeejer Þeer Je=À<Cee ceesnve Þeerkeemleke yeef}Á³ee megÞeer efÒe³ee ÞeerJeÀevle Þeer meer mesukejepe
Þeer jece heueìCe Þeer cegMleeJeÀ Denceo Þeer hee@ue keieeame Þeer Sme DecegLeve
[e@ Deej JesÀ efÜkesoer [e@ (megÞeer) JebÀ®eve eEmen Þeer Meîeece megboj megÞeer pesefveLee ªyesve
Þeer KegMeeao Denceo Þeer meleerMe JegÀceej eEmen [e@ heer yeer meblees<eJegÀceej Þeer Sme efmekee met³ee& veeje³eCeve
megÞeer SJeÀlee ef$ehee"er [e@. otOe veeLe Þeer De©CeJegÀceej JesÀ

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
kes}Áesj ceC[ue JeÀæ[hee ceC[ue je³e®etj ceC[ue heefM®ece Þes$e
Þeer Sve jeceeJe=À<Ceve,Òe. Þeer [er Deej JesÀ Deej Sce Þeer JesÀ Deej JeWkeÀìsMee Òemeeo,Òe. Denceoeyeeo ceC[ue
Þeer heer ÒemebLe JegÀceej efmekeejce,Òe. [e@ peieVeeLe nsyyeues Þeer Deej efyemkeemeÒe.
megÞeer Deej ceeueleer Þeer peer JeÀveJeÀe jepet Þeer jcesMe S®e cesnjkee[s megÞeer ª]peve KecyeeÊee
megÞeer Deej efkemeeue#eer megÞeer cewefLeueer Yetheefle Þeer F&MeHhee Þeer meboerhe ceesoer
Þeer JesÀ JeÀ©CeeefveLeer Þeer ce]JeÀece megjsMe yeeyet Þeer S®e [es[Hhee Þeer vejWê meer legbef[³ee
[e@ S JeÀefyeueve Þeer keer Sme Deuelee]HeÀ ngmewve Þeerceleer [er ueequelee [e@ meboYe& heer heìsue
oef#eCe ceO³e Þes$e Þeer efkeÆe meleerMe JegÀceej efmeJebÀojeyeeo ceC[ue [e@ pe³ebleer Yeejleer
yeWieueesj ceC[ue-I JeÀjerceveiej ceC[ue Þeer Òeoerhe MesCee@³e,Òe. Decejekeleer ceC[ue
Þeer DeeMeerme JegÀceej,Òe. Þeer keer Sce keer jecee meem$eer,Òe. Þeer ceb®euee i³eeveWê ieghlee Þeer megpe³e oÊee,Òe.
[e@ keer DevegjeOee hejcesMe JewÀhìve [e@ yeer ceOegmetove js[d[er Þeer [e[d[er DeMeesJeÀ S@[ meg<ecee heer peesMeer
Þeer F& veeieWêHhee [e@ Deej JeÀveJeÀ³³ee Þeer meer jepeWê JegÀceej [e@. mebef®elee efkepe³e veiejeues
[e@ Sme meer Mecee& Þeer ketìgJetÀjer jeEkeoj js[d[er Þeer YegJe̳ee meeFotueg Þeer oeceesoj ÜejJeÀeÒemeeo Keb[suekeeue
Þeer ìer Sme efiejer [e@ DeJetÀuee Mewuepee megÞeer Sce jceeoskeer Þeer ÒeJeÀeMe cegjueerOejpeer ueæ{d{e
Þeer peer He´sÀ[er ®eeume& Þeer [er efvejbpevee ®eejer eqMeceesiee ceC[ue Þeer Meebleveg Mejo®ebê peesMeer
yeWieueesj ceC[ue-Ä Ä cemeueerheÆvece ceC[ue Þeer peer S jeceJe=À<Cee,Òe. Deewjbieeyeeo ceC[ue
Þeer pes peieoerMe,Òe. Þeer heer met³e&veeje³evee jeke,Òe. Þeer yeer peer eqMekecetLeea Þeer JegÀueYeg<eCe Mecee&,Òe.
[e@ JesÀ keer yeeueemegye´ceC³e Þeer efvecceueeheg[er keWJeÀìe ogiee& jeke megÞeer [e@ mebO³eeJeÀekesjer Þeer ([e@) jeceoeme meerleejece keevejs
Þeer Deej De©Cee®euece Þeer Sue keer keer Sve Yeeveg efÒe³ee Þeer GcesMe MesÆer Þeer ([e@) Deveble ceeOekejeke jepeceeves
megÞeer SequePeeyesLe peesmesHeÀ Þeer JesÀ jefke lespee Þeer efkeeque³ece [er'metPee Þeer efveefleve ceeeqCeJeÀ®eble JeÀesìs®ee
Þeer peer keer cebpetveeLee [e@ heesue³³een yeesppee Þeer Sce peer JesÀ cetleea Þeer Deevebo ceejeseflejeke ceeefceÜej
megÞeer iee³e$eer JesÀ meer Þeer JeÀesLee njer JegÀceej Gef[]heer ceC[ue megÞeer mebieerlee veerueJebÀ" peeOeke
yesueiee@ke ceC[ue cewmetj ceC[ue Þeer JesÀ DevebLee he¨eveeYee,Òe. Yeekeveiej ceC[ue
megÞeer heer heer iee³eleeW[s,Òe. Þeer heer efkeéeséej jeT,Òe. Þeer Sme he¨eveeYee JesÀ[ue³ee Þeer S JesÀ efceÞee,Òe.
Þeer yemekejepe Sce JeÀueyegieea megÞeer kewMeeueer nvegceble Þeer JesÀ Lecce³³ee veeF&JeÀ Þeer meboerhe Sce cesnlee
[e@ S®e Sme cesequeveceveer [e@ Òeoerhe JegÀceej nsye´er [e@ S®e S efkeMkesMkeje Þeer nscetYeeF& peer iesef[³ee
megÞeer efkeveerlee heer iesppeer Þeer JesÀMekee [eWiejs Þeer JesÀ Deej JesÀMekee Þeer ([e@) megjsMe meekeeveer
Þeer mebpeerke Deej osMeheeb[s Þeer meer F& keWJeÀìsMe megÞeer ceeOekeer Sme YeC[ejer [e@ njsMeYeeF& S Meen
Þeer jece JesÀ ceeveieesueer Þeer Sce jefke JegÀceej efkemeeKeeheÆveced ceC[ue megÞeer ceelebieer heer heeC[îee
Oeejkeeæ[ ceC[ue ves}Áesj ceC[ue Þeer heer peer JegÀceejkewÐeequebiece,Òe. ieebOeerveiej ceC[ue
Þeer S®e JesÀ jefke efJeÀjCe,Òe. Þeer megboje jepeve peieVeeLe,Òe. Þeer DeefÊeueer Sce jepe Þeer JesÀ Deej yeeuemegye´ceeefve³eve,
[e@ ceesncceo FJeÀyeeue S MesKe Þeer jeceerjs[d[er ³egiebOej js[d[er [e@ [er.keer.peer. MebJeÀj jekeÒe.
megÞeer heeke&leer jbieemkeeceer Þeer keer Je=À<Cee megYeeve megÞeer eEmeefiejs[d[er megpeeLee Þeer MeecepeerYeeF& heer ieesj
Þeer cevegveeLe ³es³e}ÁHhee ieceveieÆer megÞeer oeefcemesÆer megYeeef<eveer Þeer legeqcceef[ Þeer peerlesve [er heìsue
Þeer ÒeJeÀeMe Sme GoerJesÀjer [e@ ìer megJe=ÀLeer Þeerefvekeeme heg}Áe JegÀceej [e@. efkekesJeÀ Yeekes
Þeer JesÀ Sme heeìerue Þeer Sce yeeueJe=À<Cee Þeer heer DejeEkeo [e@ (megÞeer) p³eesefle meeOet
nwojeyeeo ceC[ue jepeecegbêer ceC[ue keejbieue ceC[ue Þeer JeÀjceoskeeEmen keeIesuee
Þeer leheve JegÀceej heÆveeF&JeÀ,Òe. Þeer peer yeer keer jcee³³een,Òe. Þeer F& S efJeéeªhe,Òe. ieeskee ceC[ue
megÞeer cebpet<ee IeesefìJeÀj Þeer pebiece megyyeejeke Þeer keWJeÀì mkeeceer Þeer mebpe³e o³eeue,Òe.
Þeer yeer Oeesue³ee ceesncceo Fêerme Keeve Þeer pes Oecee& veeF&JeÀ megÞeer ueequelee JeÀesefj³ee DeHeÀeWmees
Þeer Sce mel³ee js[d[er Þeer ceevesheeueer keWJeÀìs YeemJeÀje megÞeer iegb[t jeveer Þeer efkeYeke heer vee³eJeÀ
megÞeer MeeqMeJeÀuee js[d[er mesMee meeF&yeeyee Þeer JeÀesoce Þeerefvekeeme megÞeer ÞeIoe [er meekeble
[e@ DeJeÀyej Deuelee]HeÀ megÞeer S iebiee metef®eeqmcelee Þeer yeeefLeveer ceesnevee jeke Þeer Oevebpe³e js[JeÀj
Þeer JebÀyeuee keWJeÀìe mel³eÒeJeÀeMe megÞeer Meebefle ceeefj³ee HegbÀmesJeÀe

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
JeÀesunehegj ceC[ue cegbyeF& ceC[ue -IV veeeqMeJeÀ ceC[ue jepeJeÀesì ceC[ue
Þeer Sme yeer ceesIes,Òe. Þeer Deeveboe ®ewìpeea,Òe. Þeer ìer [er ie[heeF&ues,Òe. Þeer pes JesÀ Dejesje,Òe.
megÞeer ³eesefielee Òemeeo ieguekeeveer [e@ efiejerMe jeTle Þeer jepeWê meer Meen [e@ efyeceue S kemeeveer
megÞeer Fbefoje Sme heeìJeÀj Þeer vejWê pes"eroeve efPeyee
ÒeesHeÀ DeMeesJeÀ Je=À<Cee ®eesJeÀJeÌJeÀj Þeer megveerue keer Dece=leJeÀj Þeer ceveer<e efkeve³eJeÀevle oesMeer
Þeer meblees<e meoeeqMeke leemes megÞeer mce=efle heesoej Þeer megjsMe pes pewve
[e@ (megÞeer) ke<ee& osiekesJeÀj megÞeer he}Ákeer heer k³eeme
Þeer pe³eble ceOegJeÀj HeÀ[JesÀ [e@ ceneoske yegkeepeer JeÀebyeues Þeer efvejueesJeÀ hejceej
Þeer DeefveueJegÀceej yeer eflekeejer megÞeer MeesYee Òemeeo ieesmeekeer
[e@ Go³e efyevogjeke meebieke[sJeÀj meeleeje ceC[ue
veeef[³eeo ceC[ue Þeer Sce pes iees[yeesues,Òe.
cegbyeF& ceC[ue I hegCes ceC[ue- I
Þeer mebpe³e Deevebo,Òe. Þeer nveceble efke"gyee [ekejs
Þeer efvenej jbpeve ef$ehee"er,Òe. Þeer OevesMeJegÀceej Sve ef¬eÀefM®e³eve Þeer ye©ve JegÀceej Keeve,Òe. Þeer veeruesMe ÞeerJeÀeble ueesJeÀjs
ÞeerDeefveue keer efleueJeÀ [e@ heueJeÀ kecee& ef$ekesCeer Þeer DeMeesJeÀ oÊee$e³e ie[e[s Þeer efkeveeso yeuekeble iees[yeesues
Þeer jece efJeÀMeesj ojJeÀ Þeer efiejerMeJegÀceej yeueoskeYeeF& heìsue megÞeer ieerlee efmekeeJegÀceej [e@ (megÞeer) kewpe³ebleer keer efMebosieer
megÞeer meeefve³ee megkex [e@ ÒeMeeble S ®ekneCe Þeer hejeie Deefveue JeÀeìojs
Þeer njsMe IeveMeîeeceYeeF& peesMeer
Þeer MesKe ce]JeÀyetue ngmewve Þeer JewÀueeme Þeerefvekeeme meesceeveer metjle ceC[ue
Þeer efJeÀjCeJegÀceej ®elegjYeeF&& Þeer Mejo ef$ehee"er,Òe.
Þeer heeb[gjbie Depeyejeke Dekemejceesue cee³eekebMeer Þeer ueng JeÀ®e© iee³eJeÀkeeæ[
[e@ (megÞeer) De®e&vee heìsue
cegbyeF& ceC[ue -II veeiehegj ceC[ue hegCes ceC[ue- II Þeer ceOegYeeF& KeesoYeeF& Yeespe
Þeer Sme jcesMe mejkeCee,Òe. Þeer Sce meer peesMeer,Òe. Þeer veerjpe ieghlee,Òe. Þeer eqpeivesMe ceOeekepeerYeeF& heìsue
megÞeer cegiOee efceequebo jepeeO³e#e Þeer jkeerê peekeueJeÀj [e@. jekemeensye jece®evê heeìerue Þeer hejsMe nerjeueeue heueeTkeeuee
Þeer keerjWê eqMeke eEmen [e@ Mebleveg Òeceeso peesie [e@ (megÞeer) p³eesefle YeeJeÀjs [e@ cesngue Deefveue heìsue
Þeer Deefcele ueeheefme³ee megÞeer meercee ieceveJegÀceej uee[s [e@ efiejerMe Sve JegbÀce"sJeÀj "eCes ceC[ue
Þeer meblees<e DeHhee heW{ejJeÀej Þeer meef®eve oÊee$e³e eE®eleekeej Þeer Sme cesnlee,Òe.
Þeer hekeve JegÀueJeÀCeea megÞeer mesueerve
megÞeer cebeqpejer ceove veeF&JeÀ megÞeer cebieuee Deefveue legbogjkeej [e@ megjsvê yeW[s Þeer meef®eve heeefìue
cegbyeF& ceC[ue- III veebos[ ceC[ue SmeSmeSme ceC[ue, cegbyeF& Þeer pe³eble HeÀeueJesÀ
[e@.(megÞeer) levetpee Deej. JegÀceej,Òe. Þeer pes peer ueecelegjs,Òe. Þeer oskeeseqpele mev³eeue,Òe. Þeer efkeéeveeLe JeÀjuee[
Þeer efyeefheve efceÞee [e@ (megÞeer) ®ee©Meeruee ceOegJeÀj iegpej Þeer ieCesMe ieesheeue peesMeer
[e@ Debpeueer S ÒeOeeve
Þeer efveefleve JewÀueeeqMebie hejosMeer ke[esoje ceC[ue
Þeer megveerue JeÀoce Þeer jepeerke Je=À<Cee mkeeceer
Þeer jceeJeÀeble Þeerefvekeemejeke IeesCe- Þeer jceCe JegÀceej,Òe.
[e@ [er ÒemebLe vee³ej meerJeÀj Þeer ÒeLecesMe S®e uee[ies [e@ Oe´gefcele Sve ieesefnue
megÞeer efkeÐee efleueJeÀjepe ye}Áeue Þeer veboJegÀceej OeeW[erjece JeÀebyeues Þeer cebiesMe oskeOej Þeer heeLe& hee"JeÀ
Þeer n<e&o ceveesnj ceesjs Þeer heoceeJeÀj ÞeerOejjeke peeWOeues Þeer kewYeke heer peesMeer Þeer censMe Sve heìsue
megÞeer Meerleue S Meen
Þeer JegÀueoerhe meer heeb®eeue

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
HeefjefMeä -II
Je<e& 2019-20 kesÀ efueS efveiece kesÀ meebefJeefOekeÀ (kesÀvêer³e) uesKee Hejer#ekeÀ
HeÀce& keÀe veece Helee

1 cesmeme& ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. 602, ueJe kegÀMe ìe@Jej,

F&Deej0043 FkeÌmeerefyemeve jes[,
Heìvee 800001, efyenej

2 cesmeme& S Deej. Sb[ kebÀ. S 403, iee³e$eer DeHeeì&ceWì

meer Deej 3997 Hueeì veb. 27, meskeÌìj-10,
S³ejueeFbme ie´gHe neefmebie meesmeeF&ìer, veF& efouueer-110075
veF& efouueer

3 cesmeme& [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. efveefnue neTme, 11,

meerS 0162 Deej.Sve. cegKejpeer jes[, ie´eTb[ HeÀueesj,
keÀesuekeÀelee- 700001, heeq½ece yebieeue

4 Gceecenséeje jeJe Sb[ kebÀ HeÌuewì veb. 5-S®e, [er yuee@keÀ, 8-3-324,
S®eJee³e0235 ³esuueej[[er ieg[e uesve,
Deceerjhesì SJeÌme jes[dme,
nwojeyeeo- 500073, lesuebieevee

5 Sme kesÀ keÀhetj Sb[ kebÀ 16/98, SueDeeF&meer efyeeÅu[ie

meerDeej0029 efo cee@ue,
keÀevehetj- 208001, GÊej he´osMe.

6 Keb[sueJeeue pewve Sb[ kebÀ 12-yeer, yeueoeslee YeJeve, 5Jeer cebefpeue 117,
yeerDees0090 cene|<e keÀJex ceeie&,
®e®e&iesì, cegbyeF& 400020.

7 cesmeme& yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle otmejer cebefpeue vesMeveue Fbmeesjsvme efyeefu[bie,

yeerDees0004 204, oeoeYees³es veewjespeer jes[,
HeÀesì& cegbyeF&-400001 ceneje<ì^

8 S yeer Sce Sb[ SmeesefmeSìdme SueSueheer Dee@efHeÀme veb.1, DeefYe<eskeÀ efyeeÅu[ie,

yeerDees1440 yeer/72, meskeÌìj 23, nesìue Ssée³ee& kesÀ meeceves,
meerJeg[dme, ves©ue,

9 Sme Sue íepes[ Sb[ kebÀ SueSueheer Deej-12, cenejeCee he´leehe veiej peesve -I
meerDeej0100 Yeesheeue - 462011, ceO³e he´osMe

10 Deej peer Sve he´eFme Sb[ kebÀ efmechemeve efyeeÅu[ie 861, DeVee meueeF&,
Sce[er0018 ®esVeF&-600002, leefceuevee[g

63 Annual Report

63 Annual Report
The Life Insurance Corporation of India has pleasure in presenting its 63rd Annual Report as per section 27 of the Life Insurance
Corporation Act, 1956, for the financial year ending 31.03.2020.


The names of the members, various committees are given in Corporate Governance (Page No. 117 to 126), Senior Executive,
Appointed Actuaary, Members of Zonal Advisory Board and Policyholder’s Council during the year are given in Appendix - I (page
no. 149 to 158)

The year 2019-20 saw many significant moves by the Government, viz; the merger of ten state-owned banks into four entities,
a capital infusion of ₹ 700 bn. for banks, the removal of a surcharge on portfolio investments, a significant cut in corporate taxes
(reducing the base rate from 30% to 22%), the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana and, finally, an investment
package in infrastructure of ₹ 102 lakh crore (approx. US$ 1450 bn.) over the next five years. Taking due cognisance of the financial
stresses built up in the economy, the government has taken significant steps towards speeding up the insolvency resolution process
under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) and easing of credit, particularly for the stressed Real Estate and Non-Banking
Financial Companies (NBFCs) sectors. The Public Administration, Defence and other services registered a growth rate of 10 percent
in Gross Value Added (GVA) at constant (2011-12) prices. India also improved its ranking by 14 places to 63rd place in the year
2019 in the global Ease of Doing Business rankings monitored by World Bank in its Ease of Doing Business Report. The Report also
recognised India as one of the ten economies that have improved the most.

While there have been challenges for the Indian economy, a deceleration of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country for
six consecutive Quarters till September, 2019; on the positive side, the Economic Survey 2019-20 tabled in Parliament speaks of
tentative signs of bottoming out of slowdown in manufacturing activity and global trade, which should have a salubrious effect on
growth in the next year. The government has been laying stress on affordable housing, Make in India Policy, reduction in corporate
tax rates, and improvement in the indices of Ease of Doing Business with an aim to accelerate the growth in the GDP in the years

There was gradual improvement in the Indian Economy with the fall in the international prices of Crude Oil and the positive investor
sentiment towards Emerging Markets (EMs), till the unfortunate Covid-19 pandemic started. This has cast a shadow on the
macroeconomic outlook; with virtually the entire economy including the global supply chains, trade, tourism, aviation, hotel industry
and several others being severely affected.


The Real GDP for the F.Y 2019-20 is estimated to grow at 4.20% as compared to the 6.10% growth in 2018-19. The Gross
Value Added (GVA) has shown a growth rate of 3.90% for the F.Y 2019-20 as compared to a 6.00% growth in the F.Y 2018-19.

The Public Administration, Defence and other services has registered a growth rate of 10.00% in GVA at constant (2011-12)
prices. The Metallic Minerals category registered a growth rate of 14.30%.

The growth in the ‘Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing’, ‘Electricity, Gas, Water supply and Other Utility Services’ and 'Financial,
Real Estate and Professional Services' sectors has been 4.00%, 4.10% and 4.60%, respectively. The growth in ‘Mining and
Quarrying’, and ’Trade, Hotels, Transport, Communication and Services related to Broadcasting’ is estimated to be 3.10% and
3.60%, while ‘Construction’ grew at 1.30% and ‘Manufacturing’ remained relatively flat.

The Industrial output over the F.Y 2019–2020 contracted by 0.70% as compared to a growth of 3.80% in the
previous financial year. The Industrial production (which was weak even before the spread of Covid-19 disrupted the economic
activity) further fell sharply due to the national lockdown on account of the pandemic. While the Manufacturing sector saw a
contraction of 1.10% year-on-year, the Mining sector grew at 1.70% y-o-y and the Electricity sector remained flat at 0.80% y-o-y.

In the F.Y 2018-19, Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) grew at 5.30% (as compared to the 7.20% growth of last
year), accounting for 57.20% of the GDP. Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE) grew at 11.80% (higher than the
10.10% growth in the previous year). However, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) showed a negative growth of 2.80% in
2019-20 (as compared to 9.80% growth in the F.Y 2018-19). The investment rate for the year 2019-20 was at 29.80% of the GDP.

63 Annual Report
The details of Gross Domestic Savings at Market Prices as a percentage of GDP are given below:

Year Household Sector Private Public Gross

Financial Physical Total Corporate Sector Domestic
Savings Savings Savings Sector Savings
2018-19@ 6.48% 11.50% 18.17% 10.44% 1.50% 30.11%
2017-18 # 7.73% 11.19% 19.17% 11.57% 1.65% 32.39%
2016-17* 7.45% 10.36% 18.11% 11.51% 1.73% 31.35%
@ 1st Revised Estimates # 2nd Revised Estimates * 3rd Revised Estimates

(Source: Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOSPI) Press Release)


Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of GDP is furnished in the table below: –

Year Centre and State (combined) (%) Only Centre (%)

2019-20 BE 5.90 3.30
2018-19 6.20 (RE) 3.40 (PA)
2017-18 5.80 3.50
2016-17 6.90 3.50
2015-16 6.90 3.90
BE -–Budget Estimate; RE - Revised Estimate; PA - Provisional Actuals;

(Source: Statistical Appendix: Economic Survey 2019-20)

The Gross GST Revenue collections for the F.Y 2019-20 were ₹ 9,44,414 crore, a growth of 4.00% over last year’s GST
revenue. As per the provisional data for the F.Y 2019-20 released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), the gross
tax revenue in the F.Y 2019-20 was 7.10% lower than the revised estimate i.e. ₹ 20,09,882 Crore. The Fiscal deficit in the
F.Y 2019-20 was 22.00% higher than the revised estimate at ₹ 9,35,635 Crore. (equivalent to 4.60% of GDP) higher than the
initial estimate of 3.80% of the GDP. Direct tax collections fell for the first time in two decades. Direct tax collections were around
₹ 10.27 lakh crore in the year ended March 31, 2020 (8.00% lower than the ₹ 11.17 lakh Crore collected in the F.Y 2019).


The year started with the RBI reducing the Repo rate by 25 bps to 6.00% from 6.25%. The trend continued throughout the
year and in a bid to support/restore the growth momentum, the repo rates were slashed by 185 basis points during the year.
The Bank rate was reduced from 6.50% to 4.65% and the Reverse Repo rate (RRR) was also reduced from 6.00% to 4.00%
on the same lines. For the first time since June, 2015, the Cash Reserve Rate (CRR) was reduced from 4.00% to 3.00% as of
March, 2020.The year ended with an off-cycle meeting of MPC in March, 2020 under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Date of MPC Repo Rate Reverse Repo Rate *CRR

04-04-2019 6.00 5.75 4.00
06-06-2019 5.75 5.50 4.00
07-08-2019 5.40 5.15 4.00
04-10-2019 5.15 4.90 4.00
27-03-2020 4.40 4.00 3.00

A steady decline in the Repo rate has been observed. Monetary policy stance was changed from the initial ‘Neutral’ to
‘Accomodative’ in June, 2019 and the same was maintained throughout the year.

*The Central Bank (RBI) reduced Cash Reserve Ratio by 100bps starting from 28.03.2020 for one year. The Statutory Liquidity
Ratio (SLR) was brought down to 18.25% from 19% in four steps (as on 4.1.2020).

The annual change in All-India Consumer Price Inflation (General) was 4.80% in the F.Y 2019-20 as compared to 3.40% in
the previous year. Increase in Food & Beverages inflation rate, Pan, Tobacco and Intoxicants Inflation rate and Fuel and Light

63 Annual Report
Inflation rate, on y-o-y growth rate basis, majorly contributed to the spike in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the previous
year. Rural Inflation rate was 6.09% and the Urban Inflation rate stood at 5.59%, as at the end of the F.Y 2019-20.

The annual rate of inflation for Wholesale Price Index (WPI) stood at 1.00% (provisional) for the month of March, 2020 as
compared to 3.10% during the corresponding month of the previous year.

Annual rate of Inflation (y-o-y in %) based on WPI (2011-12)

20 20 20


During the F.Y 2019-20, India’s overall exports are estimated to be US$ 528.45 bn., exhibiting a negative growth of 1.36% over
the same period last year. Overall imports in F.Y 2019-20 are estimated to be US$ 598.61 bn., exhibiting a negative growth of
6.33% over the same period last year. The overall trade deficit for F.Y 2019-20 is estimated at US$ 70.16 bn. as compared to
US$ 103.32 bn. in F.Y 2018-19 (taking merchandise and services together).

The total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows in India in the F.Y 2019-20 were US$ 73.46 bn. with India's FDI in Equity in
incorporated bodies to the tune of US$ 49.98 bn. (a growth of 16% over the F.Y 2018-19) and that in un-incorporated bodies
estimated to be US$ 1.23 bn. India's Foreign Portfolio Investment was in negative, with the F.Y 2019-20 ending with a net
outflow of ₹ 27,528 Crore.

The country’s Foreign Exchange Reserves increased to ₹ 35,57,630 Crore (US$ 475.56 bn.) as on 27th March, 2020 from the
previous year’s ₹ 28,12,180 Crore (US$ 405.64 bn.)

As per the Union Budget 2020-21, the outstanding external debt of the Government of India is estimated to be ₹ 2.92 Lakh Crore
as on 31st March, 2020. As at the end of December 2019, the external debt to GDP ratio was 20.10%, the same as for the
previous year.


Though during the year the S&P BSE SENSEX was in the range of 35,988 to 42,784, against the backdrop of the growing
Covid-19 pandemic world-wide, the S&P BSE SENSEX closed at 29,468 on 31st March, 2020 as against the closing figure
of 38,673 as on 29th March, 2019, thus showing a downtrend. Similarly, though the NIFTY 50 moved in the range of 8,037 to
12,431 during the year, it closed at 8,598 as at 31st March, 2020, as against the closing figure of 11,624 as at 29th March, 2019.

At the end of March, 2020, the P/E Ratio (Price Earnings Ratio) of S&P BSE SENSEX and NIFTY 50 were 19.55 and 19.38,
respectively (as compared to 23.71 and 29.01, a year ago).

The number of New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies declined from 154 to 106 during the year.
The amount mobilised though, increased to ₹ 79,910 Crore as compared to ₹ 53,433 Crore during the previous financial year.

The net inflow of Mutual Funds was INR 87,300 Crore during the F.Y 2019-20.


There are 24 life insurance, 34 non-life insurance companies (including Standalone Health Insurance companies) and 1
Reinsurance company in the Indian insurance market (IRDAI Annual Report 2018-19). In the life insurance space, around

63 Annual Report
69.00% of the market share is held by the LIC which is wholly owned by the Government and has an extensive distribution
network and a trusted brand image.

As of F.Y 2018, India is the 11th largest insurance market in the world and has bagged the 10th position in the life insurance
segment in terms of the total premium (IRDAI Annual Report 2018-19).

Insurance Density and Penetration in India:

Insurance Penetration measures premium as a percentage of GDP while Insurance Density is expressed as premium per
capita. These are considered most important yardsticks of insurance development in an economy.

In India, Life insurance density had gone up from USD 9.1 in 2001 to USD 55.7 in 2010; but saw a downtrend in the years after.
After plummeting to 41 in 2013, it again recovered and reached the level of USD 55 in 2018. The life insurance penetration has
also gone through the same course and increased to 4.60% in 2009 from 2.15% in 2001, and again faltered. It was measured
as 2.74% in 2018 (IRDAI Annual Report 2018-19). The movement in the insurance density, as well as insurance penetration
since the opening of the sector has been as under:

Penetration Density (USD)

Years Life Non-Life Total Life Non-Life Total
2001 2.15 0.56 2.71 9.1 2.4 11.5
2002 2.59 0.67 3.26 11.7 3.0 14.7
2003 2.26 0.62 2.88 12.9 3.5 16.4
2004 2.53 0.64 3.17 15.7 4.0 19.7
2005 2.53 0.61 3.14 18.3 4.4 22.7
2006 4.10 0.60 4.80 33.2 5.2 38.4
2007 4.00 0.60 4.70 40.4 6.2 46.6
2008 4.00 0.60 4.60 41.2 6.2 47.4
2009 4.60 0.60 5.20 47.7 6.7 54.3
2010 4.40 0.70 5.10 55.7 8.7 64.4
2011 3.40 0.70 4.10 49.0 10.0 59.0
2012 3.17 0.78 3.96 42.7 10.5 53.2
2013 3.10 0.80 3.90 41.0 11.0 52.0
2014 2.60 0.70 3.30 44.0 11.0 55.0
2015 2.70 0.70 3.40 43.0 12.0 55.0
2016 2.72 0.77 3.49 46.5 13.2 59.7
2017 2.76 0.93 3.69 55.0 18.0 73.0
2018 2.74 0.97 3.70 55.0 19.0 74.0

Life Insurance Industry Growth Expectations, Opportunities, and Challenges Ahead

India accounts for merely 2.61% of the world’s total insurance premium, indicating that the potential of growth is immense
for the insurance sector (IRDAI Annual Report 2018-19). An under-penetrated market and factors such as young population,
growing working age group, rising income levels, increasing awareness about insurance, expected increase in dependency
ratio are expected to bring growth in the sector. Although the Indian insurance industry has grown significantly over the last
decade, there are opportunities for further growth. Though the universally accepted index of penetration is the premium to
GDP ratio which can be seen to have fallen after 2009, the numbers of insured have gone up significantly; thanks to the
Government’s sustained efforts at financial inclusion which have resulted in nearly 40 Crore Jan Dhan accounts, holders of
which enjoy some form of insurance cover. There are over 6 Crore Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana beneficiaries and
16 Crore Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana beneficiaries (however these figures are not necessarily mutually exclusive).
This implies a significant percentage of those covered under some form of insurance if we take one estimate which puts the
insurable population at around 75 Crore.

63 Annual Report
Channelising Household Savings

Net financial assets of Indian households have gathered pace in 2019-20 touching the levels reached in 2017-18, i.e; 7.7%
of the GDP. Households allocate their financial assets and liabilities among various instruments involving varying degrees of
liquidity and risk. As of March, 2020, around 66% of this was in currency and deposit, while 23.2% was Life Insurance Fund
(RBI Bulletin June, 2020). The increase in net financial assets is an opportunity, while a higher portion of financial assets in
deposits and currency is a challenge as well as an opportunity for Insurers. Insurers are eying a large portion of this savings
in financial assets. Mutual funds which are always competing with insurance have seen outflows due to recent liquidity crisis
faced by the sector and general risk aversion due to the Covid related uncertainties. The Insurance industry can be cautiously
optimistic, given a likely move towards risk aversion and greater financial awareness.

Digitisation and Data usage

Increased inclination towards digitisation in every sphere of life is bringing in innovative disruption. Life insurance industry is
also experiencing the same. The digital literacy of the consumers is on the rise. Insurtech which was a global phenomenon
is quickly becoming a part of the Indian insurance industry’s overall innovation ecosystem. There are ample development
opportunities through the use of Insurtech and also challenges in terms of need of continuous updation and the issues around
data privacy and data curation.

As per a Swiss-Re Report, incorporating new data sources can reduce the time taken in risk assessment and also improve risk
selection. As such, the challenge is to do data curation and use its power for the growth of business making the pricing and
process more agile.

The recent disruption brought in by the Covid pandemic has immensely affected behaviour of both the insurance user and the
provider. This has, and is further expected to, accelerate move towards digitisation in every possible aspect of the value chain.

Emerging Trends amongst Customers’ Needs

Today’s customers have set new standards of convenience, ease of use and value. The traditional insurance business model
which was hitherto proving to be resilient is now beginning to be impacted by digital awareness and options available in the

Insurers can cater to the new age customers mainly with simplified and efficient processes by improving core insurance
process efficiency through robotics and automation, enabling more efficient distribution effort through B2B and B2C platforms,
and by offering wider products to the diverse population.

Product Mix, Innovation and Distribution Channels

Over the years, the Insurance Industry has been continuously introducing an innovative mix of Multi-Product, Multi-Channels,
and Multi-Segment routes to attract new customers, as well as to increase the insurance penetration in the market. Since
liberalisation, unit linked insurance products continue to be sold by most private players with a significant proportion of business
coming in from ULIPs. Traditional policies, like, term-based products and endowment-based products form a relatively small
proportion. However, recent years have seen increased interest of young professionals in Term Assurance Products. This has
resulted in intense competition on price amongst Life Insurance Providers.

Introducing the products to have right mix for the business on the one hand and right mix of market exposure and traditional
component on the other is required to increase the profitability and market share. This along with retaining the customer loyalty
remains a major challenge to the Insurers in this highly competitive market. Traditional Distribution Channels, like, Insurance
Agents have made way for Insurance Marketing Firms, tie-ups along with entities obtaining broking and corporate agency
license, Point of Sale Persons, as well as for Direct modes of Marketing, whereby, the customer gets to purchase his or her
policy online, all of which have contributed to greater Insurance sales. To boost penetration and digital infrastructure, the
insurers are going for tie-ups by partnering with payment banks and entities providing app-based services, as well.

Falling Interest Rates

The year saw increased level of volatility in all the asset classes. There was a significant fall in interest rates. As seen above,
Repo rates have been reduced by 185 basis points over the year, while Nifty has seen a downfall of more than 23%. The
Life insurance products are for longer terms which are usually longer than the assets available in the market. The traditional
products also have inherent implied guarantees which make the insurer vulnerable in the falling interest scenario; as such,
getting appropriate assets and managing assets vis-a-vis liabilities and also managing policyholders’ (both existing and future)
expectations is a challenge.
63 Annual Report
Government and Regulatory Initiatives

The Government has increased the foreign investment limit on insurance intermediaries to 100% from 49%.The decision
is expected to bring in capital for companies investing in technology solutions. This will enable foreign brokerage companies
to buy stake in Indian companies and in the process, expected to bring in global practices in the country, which will include
new insurance products and selling strategy. The move is aimed at to help the Indian insurance sector achieve better
penetration rates.

During the F.Y 2019-20, the Government of India has launched the ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana’, wherein,
pension to the farmers shall be available in their old age. The scheme is to be administered by the Department of Agriculture,
Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, in partnership with the
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). LIC shall also be the Pension Fund Manager and responsible for the pension pay out.
Also, in order to increase insurance penetration in rural India, the IRDAI has introduced a new insurance distribution channel
called Common Public Service Centres-Special Purpose Vehicle (CPSC-SPV). Several flagship schemes have been launched
by the government to boost the insurance sector.

In the Budget for F.Y 2021 the Government has proposed to list LIC by bringing an IPO. The Government is planning to sell a
portion of its stake in the process.

Life Insurance Industry Performance

The Total First Year Premium of Life Insurers increased by a remarkable 20.60% to ₹ 2,58,896.49 Crore in the F.Y 2019-20, as
compared to the previous fiscal year’s Total First Year Premium of ₹ 2,14,672.86 Crore. In terms of number of New Policies, a
slight growth of 0.69% was registered from ₹ 2.87 Crore in the F.Y 2018-19 to ₹ 2.89 Crore in the F.Y 2019-20.

The Market Share of L.I.C. of India stood at 68.74% in terms of Total First Year Premium and 75.90% in terms of New Business
Policies. The Corporation reported an increase of around 39.01% in its Group New Business Premium in the F.Y 2019-20 i.e.
over ₹ 1.27 Lakh Crore as compared to over ₹ 0.91 Lakh Crore in the F.Y 2018-19.

The statistics pertaining to Life Insurance Industry sourced from the website of Life Insurance Council are as under:

(Figs. are Provisional & Unaudited)

Sr. No. Data Description 31.3.2019 31.3.2020 Growth Rate (%)

1. Capital Deployed* (including
37,116 37,789 1.02
Share Premium, if any) (₹ Crore)
2. No. of Branch Offices 11,280 11,311 1.00
3. No. of Agents (Individual) 21,94,747 22,78,466 1.04
4. No. of Direct Employees 2,85,019 2,93,262 1.03
5. Total Assets (₹ Crore) (incl. Equity) 36,65,743 37,75,690 1.03
6. Equity (at Market Value) 9,00,733 6,63,637 0.74
7. Infrastructure Investments (₹ Crore) 3,84,262 4,27,870 1.11
8. Renewal Premium (₹ Crore) 2,93,741 3,09,513 1.05
(*Amount by which the amount received by a company for a stock issue exceeds its face value)


Considering the current situation all over the world, the Global Insurance Outlook 2020 has analysed that the Insurers all over
the world, in order to stay relevant, must embrace disruptive technologies and big data to develop new business models, new
value propositions and new product offerings necessary to re-ignite growth through distribution, product development and
service strategies. A strong digital distribution platform is essential for delivering the intuitive and personalised experiences
consumers expect, as well as for reducing acquisition costs, increasing efficiency and ultimately selling more products.

[Source: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, Life Insurance Council, Reserve Bank of India,
Economic Survey of India 2019-20, Key Economic Indicators by Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation/Central Statistical Office, National Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Board of India,
International Monetary Fund, Bombay Stock Exchange, Central Depository Services Ltd., National Securities Depository Ltd.,
Union Budget 2020-21, World Economic Outlook, Global Insurance Outlook 2020, Ministry of Finance, Swiss Re. insights by
Willis Towers Watson, PWC. in (Competing in a new age of insurance), Thesis Chapter 1-5 (Impact of Liberalisation on the
business of Life Incuarnce)]
63 Annual Report
I. New Business

a) Individual Assurances:-
The New Business under Individual Assurance portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 1A

b) General Annuities:-
The New Business under General Annuity portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No.1A.

c) Pensions:-
The New Business under Pension portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 1A.

d) Non Linked Health:-

The New Business under Non Linked Health portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 1A.

e) Unit Linked Business:-

The New Business under Unit Linked portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 1A.

f) Group Insurance Business

The New Business under Group Insurance portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 1B.

g) Social Security Schemes

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna

The Central Government launched two landmark insurance schemes, namely, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(PMJJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) as a part of financial inclusion on 9th May 2015. The
purpose of these schemes is to provide insurance protection to accountholders of the Banks at a very reasonable cost.
PMJJBY provides Life Insurance Coverage of ₹ 2 lakhs whereas PMSBY provides Accidental and Disability insurance
upto ₹ 2 lakhs. The savings bank account holders of the participating banks aged between 18 years (completed) and
50 years (age nearer birthday) are eligible for cover under PMJJBY for the premium of ₹ 330/- per annum. Whereas
Accountholders of Bank in the age group 18 to 70 are eligible for cover under PMSBY for the premium of ₹ 12/- per
annum through Non Life Insurance Companies. Under PMJJBY and PMSBY, insurance cover is made available to a
cross section of population at an affordable premium. The premium under these schemes is borne by account holders
themselves and an amount for the same is deducted from the bank account of subscribers against a mandate.

Converged Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna

With the launch of new Schemes Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana,
it has been decided by Government of India to converge all existing schemes of Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY) to
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) / Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) with effect from

Existing members of AABY are divided in two parts, i.e. members in age group 18 to 50 and members in age group 51
to 59 years. The part with members in age group 18 to 50 years is converged with PMJJBY / PMSBY. The part with
members in age group 51 to 59 is to continue in existing format of AABY.

Members in age group 18 to 50 years are provided insurance cover of ₹ 2 lakh under PMJJBY for the premium of ₹
330/- per annum. These members are also covered under PMSBY for Accidental and Disability Insurance for premium of
₹ 12/- per annum. The Scheme is referred as Converged PMJJBY/ PMSBY with an annual premium of ₹ 342/-. 50% of
the premium i.e. ₹ 171/- under the Converged PMJJBY scheme is borne by State Government / Agency / Co-operative
Society and balance 50% i.e. ₹ 171/- is borne by Central Government through Social Security Fund maintained by LIC
of India.

Existing beneficiaries of AABY in age group 51 to 59 to continue to get the existing insurance benefits with current
premium rate of ₹ 200/- under Converged AABY Scheme. 50% of the premium i.e. ₹ 100/- under the Converged AABY
scheme is borne by State Government / Agency / Co-operative Society and balance 50% i.e. ₹ 100/- is borne by Central
Government through Social Security Fund maintained with LIC of India.

Total 3.68 Crore lives are covered under all the above Social Security Schemes (Including PMJDY). An amount of
₹ 901.95 Crore has been paid towards total number of 68,352 claims under all Social Security Schemes.
63 Annual Report

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna was launched on 28.08.2014, initially for a period of five years. Under this scheme Bank
accounts were opened and benefits are given to the account holders. One of the benefits was providing the Life Insurance
cover of ₹ 30,000/- on death due to any reason through Life Insurance Corporation of India. There is also a benefit of
Accident Insurance Cover of ₹ 1 Lakh, provided by Government through General Insurance Companies.

For availing the Life insurance coverage of ₹ 30,000/- * on death arising out of any cause under this scheme, a person
should be between 18 to 59 years of age and he/she should have been enrolled under PMJDY between 15.08.2014
to 31.01.2015 & should be holder of a valid and in force RuPay Card. Life cover under this policy is available upto

(* Subject to Govt guidelines and eligibility criteria)

h) First Insurance

In pursuance of the corporate objectives of providing insurance cover to more and more people, greater emphasis is laid
on covering individuals who have no previous insurance on their lives. During the financial year 2019-20, 185.53 Lakh
individuals were insured for the first time for a total Sum Assured of ₹ 5,15,975.10 Crore as against the previous year’s
figures of 189.99 Lakh Policies for Sum Assured of ₹ 4,86,599.39 crore. The ratio of First Insurance to total Business
completed for the year comes to 84.73% & 79.95 % in respect of Number of Policies and Sum Assured respectively.

i) Rural Thrust

Sustained and conscious efforts are made to carry the message of Life Insurance to the rural areas, especially the
backward and remote areas. As a result, there has been steady growth of New Business from these areas. The New
Business from rural areas amounts to Sum Assured of ₹ 94,803.17 Crore under 46,85,358 Policies representing 21.40
% and 14.69 % share of Policies and Sum Assured respectively, completed during the Financial Year 2019-20. The
definition of rural/social sector is as approved by IRDAI.


a) Individual Assurances:-

The business in-force under Individual Assurance portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 3A

b) General Annuities:-

The business in-force under General Annuity portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 3A.

c) Pensions:-

The business in-force under Pension portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No. 3A.

d) Non Linked Health:-

The business in-force under Non Linked Health portfolio for the current and last years is given in Table No.3A.

e) Unit Linked Business:-

The business in-force under Unit Linked portfolio for the last three years is given in Table No.3A.

f) Group Insurance Business:-

The business in force under Group Insurance Portfolio including Linked Business, for last three years is given in
Table No. 3B.


As on March 31, 2020, Annuity Certain Policies numbering 405 were in force for an amount of annuity per annum of ` 119.88 Lakh.
There were 7,177 Capital Redemption policies in force for a sum assured of ` 17286.82 Lakh


The statements in the form “DD” prescribed under Insurance Act, 1938 have been included in Table No. 4

63 Annual Report
Offices in India
As on 31.03.2020, there were 8 Zonal Offices located at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Bhopal and Patna.
There were 113 Divisional Offices, 2,048 Branch Offices, 1,526 Satellite Offices (SOs) and 1,178 Mini Offices.

Divisional Offices monitor and control the operations. Branch Offices procure business and are responsible for all customer interface
transactions. Satellite Offices also procure business and are responsible for immediate customer services required. Mini offices
are opened as per FM’s budget 2013-14 in all towns of India with a population of 10,000 or more with an objective of Spreading
Insurance Awareness and penetration. Mini offices are responsible for immediate customer services required.


The Life Fund, Valuation Surplus and the Share of Central Government are growing consistently every year. Figures pertaining to
the year 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 are given in Table No. 5.

63 Annual Report
1) During the year 2019-20, the Corporation under Individual New Business, has procured 2,18,96,220 Policies with a First Year
Premium Income of ₹ 51,227.83 Crore. The achievement to budget in NOP was 87.58 % and in FYPI 90.67 %. ₹ 13,202.35
crore premium earned under 1,68,779 policies of Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana. In Agency recruitment, the Corporation
registered a net addition of 29,597 agents.



CONVENTIONAL(TIED) 176.08 41,869.45
TOTAL 218.96 51,227.83


During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Bancassurance and Alternate Channel (B&AC) completed 2,45,475 policies and
garnered ₹ 1,534.88 Crore of First Year Premium Income (FYPI). The Percentage share of B&AC First Premium Income
to Total First Premium Income (Individual Assurance) was 3.73% during the year.

Currently, the channel has tie-ups with 10 Public Sector Banks, 6 Private Banks, 16 Regional Rural Banks, 43 Co-
operative Banks and 1 Foreign Bank. We also have 69 Other Corporate Agents & 115 Insurance Marketing Firms (IMFs)
on roll. During the year, 4 new Banks, 7 Other Corporate Agents & 38 Insurance Marketing Firms (IMFs) were appointed.

Bank partners contributed 87.36% of Policies and 94.77% of FYPI of the total Bancassurance and Alternate Channel
business by completing 2,14,447 policies and ₹ 1,449.98 Crore of FYPI. Other Corporate Agents completed 24,555
policies with ₹ 40.65 Crore of FYPI. Brokers completed 1,418 policies with ₹ 27.60 Crore FYPI. IMFs completed 5055
policies with ₹ 16.65 Crore of FYPI. IDBI bank was the Top bank on both policy and premium count with 66751 Policies
and 699.03 Crore TFPI with 242 Bank Branches procured ₹ 1 Crore and above TFPI, while 387 Bank Branches, procured
TFPI between ₹ 50 Lacs to ₹ 99 Lacs, during the year


Direct Marketing Channel, established in August, 2009 with 6 Units, has 119 Units spread across the country today.

The initiative was aimed at creating new systems for business generation, sales process monitoring and business process
with a view to reaching out to untapped Markets and providing a new and improved buying experience to the customers,
especially to todays’ young, tech savvy executives and High Net worth Individuals.

In the Financial Year 2019-20, the Channel has procured First Year Premium Income (FYPI) of ₹ 972.63 Crore on
86,865 Policies.

The Distance Marketing Centre of the Channel at Vile Parle processes NPS cases and various Online Products and has
procured a First Premium Income (FPI) of ₹ 392.12 Crore on 23,570 policies.

Currently 5 products viz., LIC’s Tech Term (Online Term plan), LIC’s Cancer Cover (Protection against cancer), LIC’s
Jeevan Shanti (Immediate and Deferred Annuity Plan), Nivesh Plus (Unit linked Single Premium Plan) LIC’s SIIP (Unit
linked Non Single Premium Plan) are now available for online purchase.

The Chief Organizer (LIC Direct) Scheme, 2015 was introduced w.e.f. 01.04.2015 to take forward the objectives of the
Channel. The number of Chief Organizers at the end of the year 2019-20 was 1,055.

There are 5,599 number of Direct Sales Advisors (DSAs) at the end of the year 2019-20.

The Chief Organizers and DSAs have contributed ₹ 553.47 Crore First Premium Income (FPI) on 63,295 policies.

63 Annual Report

During the year 2019-20, Health Insurance Division garnered a First Premium Income of ₹ 91.00 Crore procuring 2,82,563
Policies. The total First Year Premium Income collected for this Financial Year is ₹ 104.04 Crore.

Health Insurance Division started its operations at Hyderabad in February 2008 with an objective of tapping the vast Health
Insurance market through suitable Health Insurance products and services.

Currently, we are marketing two Health products viz., ‘Jeevan Arogya’ (Table No.904), and Cancer Cover Plan (Table
No.905) both non-linked Fixed Benefit Health Insurance Plans for Individuals which were launched on 16.11.2013 and
14.11.2017 respectively.

During the year 2019-20, 14,314 Health Claims were adjudicated for an amount of ₹ 50.12 Crore. 4,208 maturity
claim payments were made for an amount of ₹ 36.92 Crore.


Micro Insurance Business vertical completed 8,59,375 policies with ₹ 212.62 Crore First Premium Income in F.Y. 2019-
20. Total number of policies sold by the vertical since inception is 2.12 Crore, thus providing valuable insurance cover to
the underprivileged and low income segments of the society. The contribution of this vertical to LIC’s new business in
terms of number of policies for F.Y. 2019-20 was 3.92%.

Micro Insurance policies are sold through specialized distribution channels comprising of Non-Government Organizations
(NGOs), Self Help Groups (SHG), Micro Finance Institutions (MFI), Corporate Agents, select Conventional Agents, Brokers,
District Cooperative Banks (DCB), Regional Rural Banks (RRB), Urban Cooperative Banks (UCB), Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Societies (PACS), Other Cooperative Societies (CS), Banking Correspondents (BC) and Farmer Producer
Companies (FPCs). There are 20,908 MI Agents on roll as on 31.03.2020.

Completion of LIC’s Micro Bachat policies has been decentralized to Branch level with effect from 05.10.2019. During the
Financial Year 2019-20, 44,039 policies were completed at Branch level, fetching an FPI of ₹ 11.73 Crore.

On 6th March, 2020, Micro Insurance vertical has launched the process for paperless on-line completion of MI policies,
in partnership with Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd (MIBL). This new initiative of LIC is aimed at extending its digital reach
to the financially weaker sections of the society and ensuring their Financial Inclusion. This will enable us to use the large
network of POSPs available at All India level under various Brokers and Corporate Agents as also the Common Public
Service Centres(CPSC).

The products which were available for sale through this vertical during the Financial Year include the Term Assurance
Plans, LIC’s Bhagya Lakshmi, LIC’s New Jeevan Mangal, the Endowment Plan and LIC’s Micro Bachat.

In the F.Y. 2019-20, 409 villages were declared “Micro Insurance Bima Gram” under “Micro Insurance Bima Gram/
Community” Scheme. The scheme envisages providing a financial incentive to a village for development activities on
completion of a certain minimum number of new policies from that area, during any Financial Year.

MI policyholders can deposit their renewal premium at the designated Premium Points and CSC outlets. As at 31.03.2020,
there are 4,147 Premium Points which cover all Branch centres of the Corporation.

During the year 2019-20, Renewal Premium of ₹ 36.91 Crore was collected through these Premium Points and also CSC
portal which is 60.12% of the total Renewal Premium transactions of MI Channel.


LIC offers a wide variety of products, which fulfill the needs of different customer segments of the society.

During the year, the Corporation introduced 7 products. These include 4 individual products viz. LIC’s Nivesh Plus, LIC’s
SIIP, LIC’s Tech-Term, LIC’s Jeevan Amar, 2 Government sponsored Group schemes viz. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-
Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-Dhan Yojana and one Group product viz; LIC's One Year Renewable
Group Micro Term Assurance Plan.

In addition, the Corporation also introduced modified versions of 22 Individual products, 3 Group products and 2 Riders in
order to make them compliant with the New Product Regulations, 2019 introduced by IRDAI in the financial year.

As at the end of the financial year 2019-20, the Corporation had 27 Individual products, 15 Group Products and 7 riders
available for sale.
63 Annual Report

The SBA Scheme was introduced in the year 2009 to recognize high performing Development Officers and to empower
them with certain financial and non-financial functions. The SBAs are empowered to collect renewal premium and proposal
deposit through “LIFE PLUS” office run by them. They can also do completions of new proposals through E2E module and
provide basic servicing functions.

The number of SBAs as at 31st March, 2020 is 3,806 with 2,85,401 agents.

Data of New Business procured through SBAs during 2019-2020

Number of Policies First Year Premium Income

Absolute 59,78,393 ` 14,244.25 Crore
Share to Total Business 27.30% 27.83%
Average Productivity 1,571 ` 3.74 Crore

SBAs have collected ` 16,221.86 Crore through 3.03 Crore transactions in their Life Plus offices during FY 2019-2020. 421
SBAs have used E2E facility and completed 92,655 Policies during FY 2019-2020. 4,479 Agents under SBAs have qualified
as MDRT in Membership Year 2020 as against 3,624 in membership year 2019. There are 111 SBAs who got 5 or more
agents qualified as MDRT this year.

LIC Associates Scheme (LICA)

The LICA scheme was introduced from 01.04.2016 with an objective to introduce an innovative distribution channel
and strengthening the distribution system by gainfully redeploying the valuable marketing talent of retired Senior Business
Associates. The LICAs are empowered to appoint new agents and monitor the existing agents and procure new business
from these agents besides, collect renewal premium and proposal deposit through “BIMA CONNECT” offices run by them.

The number of LICAs as at 31st March, 2020 is 204 with 15,419 in-force agents.

Data of New Business procured through LICAs during 2019-2020

Number of Policies First Year Premium Income

Absolute 2,57,774 ` 613.95 Crore
Share to Total Business 1.18% 1.20%
Average Productivity 1,264 ` 3.01 Crore

LICAs have collected ` 790.84 Crore through 15.46 Lakh transactions in their Bima Connect offices during FY 2019-2020


a) Agency strength:

The total number of Agents on our Roll is 12,08,826 as at 31.03.2020 as against 11,79,229 as on 31.03.2019.
The number of Active Agents is 10,80,809 as at 31.03.2020 as compared to 10,69,816 as on 31.03.2019.

b) Agent’s Club Membership

In order to motivate and recognize high and consistent performers amongst the agency force various Clubs have been
formed. The details of membership strength of the Clubs are furnished in the Table below:

63 Annual Report

Name of Club Membership Year

2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
Corporate 287 243 191
Galaxy 1,124 953 623
Chairman 40,932 40,245 39,411
Zonal Manager 32,363 31,854 31,562
Divisional Manager 54,358 53,524 53,504
Branch Manager 42,524 42,565 45,380
Distinguished Agents Club 16,335 18,117 13,078
Total 1,87,923 1,87,501 1,83,749

c) Career Agents Scheme

The Corporation has a scheme for Urban Career Agents and Rural Career Agents to promote the cause of professionalizing
the Agency force. They are given stipends at the start of their career to enable them to settle down in the profession. As
on 31st March 2020, there are 1,642 Urban Career Agents and 57,643 Rural Career Agents.

City Career Agents Scheme was introduced in 2010 to provide all Development Officers an opportunity to recruit
stipendiary Agents. As on 31st March 2020 there are 23,305 City Career Agents.


LIC introduced the CLIA Scheme on 12.04.2008 with the objective of increasing its market presence by utilizing capabilities
of existing high performing agents for organisational growth.

In the twelfth year of the Scheme 2019-20, First Year Premium of ₹ 6,629.74 Crore (7.61% growth) on 30,96,631 Policies
(13.89% growth) was collected through 1,93,950 Agents on roll, supervised by 22,987 Active Chief Life Insurance
Advisors. The share of the channel in Policies is 14.14% as against 12.70% in the previous year and in FYPI the share
is 12.95% as against 12.07% last year.

Four types of CLIA Brigades were introduced to enhance the status of CLIAs and to bring about professionalism amongst
them. For Membership year 2019-20 there are 1,621 Silver Brigade members, 1,125 Gold Brigade members, 1,100
Diamond Brigade members and 282 Platinum Brigade members, total Brigade members being 4,128.


In view of the increasing customer expectations for more convenience in premium payments and servicing, the Corporation
has empowered select Agents to collect the renewal premium through “Premium Points”. As on 31.03.2020, number of
such “Premium Points” across the country is 31,382. An amount of ` 44,099.15 Crore. towards Renewal Premium was
collected by these empowered agents who have issued 8.62 Crore Renewal Premium Receipts to the LIC customers.
Premium collected through Premium Points stands at 23.46% of the Total Collections


The planning for Individual New Business for FY 2020-21 is as under:







63 Annual Report
a) Foreign Branches :

The Corporation directly operates through its branch offices in Fiji (Suva and Lautoka), Mauritius (Port Louis) and United
Kingdom (Wembley). During the year 2019-20, the foreign branches put together issued 12,313 policies with First Premium
Income of ₹ 94.31 Crore.

b) Foreign Joint Venture Companies :

Life Insurance Corporation (International) B.S.C. (c), Bahrain:

Life Insurance Corporation (International) B.S.C. (c), was established in Bahrain as a Joint Venture company. The operations
commenced on 23rd July, 1989 and initially catered to the life insurance needs of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and later extended
to the local population in the Gulf by issuing life insurance policies in US Dollars. The company operates in 5 GCC countries
of Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE (Dubai & Abu Dhabi), Qatar and Oman. The company sold 9616 policies during financial year ending
on 31.12.2019 with First Premium Income of ₹ 1,756.50 Crore.

Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal) Ltd:

Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal) Ltd. is a joint venture company between LIC of India and Vishal Group alongwith public
holding of Nepal and was established on 1st Sep 2001. It is a listed company whose shares are traded on the Nepal Stock
Exchange. The company sold 1,88,422 policies during financial year ending on 15.07.2019 with First Premium Income of
₹ 264.37 Crore.

Life Insurance Corporation (Lanka) Ltd.:

Life Insurance Corporation (Lanka) Ltd is a joint venture company between LIC of India and Bartleet Transcapital Ltd. and was
established on 7th Oct 2002. The company sold 6263 policies during financial year ending on 31.12.2019 with First Premium
Income of ₹ 11.58 Crore.

Kenindia Assurance Company. Ltd.:

Kenindia Assurance Company Ltd is a joint venture company between LIC of India, General Insurance Corporation of India and
others, was established on 6th December, 1978 in Kenya. The company transacts both life and non-life business. The company
sold 5625 policies during financial year ending on 31.12.2019 with First Premium Income of ₹ 190.43 Crore.

Saudi Indian Company for Co-operative Insurance:

Saudi Indian Company for Co-operative Insurance (SICCI) (Wafa Insurance) is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established on
7th August, 2007. LIC of India and Life Insurance Corporation (International) B.S.C.(c), Bahrain currently hold 4.98% share each
in the Company and the balance is held by New India Assurance Company, others and public from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The
Company is considering financial re-organisation as per the local laws.

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of Bangladesh Limited:

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Company between Life Insurance Corporation of India,
Strategic Equity Management Ltd and Mutual Trust Bank Ltd and is incorporated under the Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994 of
Bangladesh on 14.12.2015. The company sold 2,256 policies during financial year ending on 31.12.2019 with First Premium
Income of ₹ 5.43 Crore.

c) Foreign Wholly Owned Subsidiary :

Life Insurance Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.:

Life Insurance Corporation (Singapore) Pte Ltd., a Wholly Owned Subsidiary was incorporated on 30th April, 2012 in Singapore.
The company sold 131 policies during financial year ending on 31.12.2019 with First Premium Income of ₹ 43.72 Crore.

63 Annual Report

As a Customer Centric Organisarion, it has been our constant endeavour to raise the benchmark in our claim Setllement Performance.
During the year, the Corporation has settled 215.98 lakh claims for ₹ 1,59,770.32 Crore (Including Micro Insurance and Pension &
Group Schemes). The figures in respect of settlement of claims for the last three years are given below.

Year Maturity Claims Settled Death Claims Settled

No. Amount (Crore) Paid Nos No. Amount Paid Nos
(in Lakh) (in %) (in Lakh) (Crore) (in %)
2017-18 267.36 117888.30 95.50 10.09 14283.15 98.55
2018-19 249.62 145636.06 92.95 9.92 17468.43 98.27
2019-20 206.66 142350.76 87.66 9.32 17419.57 95.44

Timely settlement of claims will continue to be our focus in coming years too.

Policy payments through NEFT :

During 2019-20, LIC has settled 3.37 Crore policy payments by NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) for an amount of
₹ 1,60,414.17 Crore which is 98.43% of the total payment.

Annuity Payments:

Annuity policies serve the purpose of secured and guaranteed returns in old age. We have over 36.38 lakh policies where annuities
are being paid. Dedicated Individual Pension Plan (IPP) Cells have been set up in 8 Zonal Headquarters and 3 Divisional Offices
namely Ahmedabad, Bengaluru & Kolkata to take care of servicing of these annuity policies. Annuity payments are made through
NEFT/ ECS - direct to the Bank account of the annuitants.

Claims Dispute Redressal Committee:

The Corporation settles a large number of death claims every year claim is repudiated only in case of fraudulent suppression of
material information. The percentage of death claims repudiated is very small. Even in these cases, an opportunity is given to the
claimant to make a representation for consideration by the Claims Dispute Redressal Committees at Zonal Office and the Central
Office. As a result of such review, depending on the merits of each case, appropriate decisions are taken. The Claims Dispute
Redressal Committees at the Central and Zonal Offices have among other members a retired High Court / District Court Judge.

Customers’ Grievance Redressal :

The Corporation has Grievance Redressal Officers at Branch/ Divisional/ Zonal/ Central Office to redress grievances of customers.
Their names and time of availability are published in newspapers with wide circulation from time to time and also available on our
website. The spirit of customer relations and customer care has been ingrained in our complaint redressal system with emphasis
on placing customer oriented personnel at all touch points. IT enabled support system has been operationalised to reduce manual
interventions and minimize grievances.

For redressal of grievances, the policyholder / claimant can approach Insurance Ombudsman. The Ombudsman functions within
a set geographical jurisdiction and can entertain disputes relating to partial / total repudiation of claims, delay in settlement of
claims, any dispute on the legal construction of the policies in so far as such disputes relate to claims, disputes regarding premium
paid or payable in terms of the policy and non-issuance of insurance documents. Ombudsman Offices are located at Ahmedabad,
Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai,
Noida, Patna and Pune.

For ensuring quick redressal of customer grievances, the Corporation has in place Customer friendly online system- ‘Integrated
Complaint Management System’ (ICMS) through ‘LIC’s e-services’ available on our website, where a registered
policyholder can directly register complaint and track its status. Customers can also contact at e-mail id
for redressal of any grievances.

63 Annual Report
Call Center Services:

LIC’s Centralized Call Center became operational from 29th September, 2018. It uses a single number 022-68276827 which is
operational 24x7 in Hindi and English. A total of 52 lakh calls were received in 2019-20. Of these, 62% calls were completed through
IVRS and 38% were received by Call Center Agents.Customer Satisfaction Ratings on a scale of 1 – 5 for 2019-20 was at 4.40 on
31st March, 2020. Only 8% of Calls attended by Call Center Executives were escalated to LIC Helpdesk for further resolution, the
remaining 92% of the calls were closed at Call Center.

Customer Zones:

Total 74 Customer zones are operative across India which works as ‘one-stop centre’ for resolution of all servicing needs of a
customer, with special emphasis on ‘Quality Experience’.


This initiative of LICHELP has gained popularity in recent times. The policyholders can send SMS by keying “LICHELP <policy
no> to “9222492224”. An acknowledgement SMS with a reference number is received by the policyholder and an official from the
Customer Zone mapped to the servicing branch of the policy contacts the customer for resolution of complaint/query. At each stage
of complaint resolution, the policyholder is updated through SMS/e-mail. For F.Y. 2019–20, total 2,81,440 SMS were received and
queries were attended to promptly.

Communication to Customers:

More than 160 types of SMSs are being sent to policyholders whose Mobile Numbers are available in LIC records. Approximately
120 Crore SMSs have been sent to customers during the F.Y. 2019-20 .

Cessation of Printed Premium Notices:

With effect from 1st April 2019, SMS alerts for payment of premium due are being sent to those policyholders whose Mobile numbers
are available in LIC records.

Channels of Premium Payment:

LIC has facility of premium payment through various channels anytime and anywhere as a convenience to the customer.

Premiums can be paid through Alternate Channels for inforce policies which are not under Salary Savings Scheme (SSS).
For the year 2019-20, 61.93 % transactions and 54.79 % of the total renewal premium of the Corporation was collected
through Alternate Channels.

The available alternate channels for collection of premium are:

A. Offline payment channels:

These are channels which facilitate electronic debit to customers’ accounts based on a mandated authorization for an invoice
based process of adjustment :
1. National Automated Clearing House (NACH): This facility introduced in LIC with effect from 8th November 2016, is
available Pan India on the NPCI platform of core banking through standing instructions validated for electronic debit by

2. Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment (EBPP): Premium can be paid through registration on the websites of
Corporation Bank, ICICI Bank, Federal Bank and Axis Bank. For other banks, this facility is available through service
providers: Bill Desk and Ingenico Group (Tech Process) which cover almost all banks throughout the country. LIC Mutual
Fund investors and LIC Credit Card holders can pay premium by submitting mandate form to respective offices. Premium
collection for all in-force policies (excluding ULIP, Health and E-Term Insurance) is available under EBPP.

B. Online Payment Channels:


a) Customers’ Portal Payment Gateway: Renewal premium, Policy Loan/Interest and Advance Premium can be paid
online on the LIC Website ( through Net Banking, E Wallets, Debit / Credit cards and UPI free of

63 Annual Report
b) MyLIC mobile application of LIC Of India

c) Premium collection is enabled through the following third party digital apps




2. Premium Collection at partner Banks:

The IT systems of three Bancassurance partner banks have been integrated to provide the facility of renewal premium
collection for all policies except ULIP and Health Insurance plans

• Axis Bank: Premium can be paid at any bank branch or Extension Counter of Axis Bank in cash or by cheques
drawn on Axis Bank.

• City Union Bank: Premium can be paid at any bank branch or Extension Counter of City Union Bank in cash
or cheques drawn on City Union Bank.

• IDBI Bank: Premium can be paid at any bank branch or Extension Counter of IDBI Bank in cash or cheques
drawn on any Bank.

3. Premium collection through Franchisees:

The following Franchisees are approved to collect renewal premium in cash ONLY:

• APTOnline : a digital gateway for the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. (website :

• MPOnline: a digital gateway for the Government of Madhya Pradesh. (website :

• Suvidhaa Infoserve Pvt. Ltd. : is a collection center pan India for bill collection. Toll Free helpline number : 9223225225.

• CSC Centers through CSC e-Governance Service India Ltd: The Common Services Center(CSC) Scheme is a part
of the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). There are more than 3.15 Lakh CSC centers throughout the country out
of which approx 65,000 have been activated for LIC Premium collection. Other collection centers also are gradually
being enabled for premium collection.

Premium can be collected only in CASH for all plans except ULIP and health Insurance up to a maximum limit of ` 50000
in a single transaction. Valid Receipts are issued by the Collection Centres instantly.

4. Premium collection through “Merchants”: Selected members of the field force of the Corporation
are empowered to collect renewal premium from policy holders in cash, cheque and debit card
(wherever the POS device is available). The collection centers are designated as:

Life Plus centers: operated by selected Development officers called SBA (Senior Business Associates)

Premium points: collection through Empowered Agents. There are approx. 31680 authorized agents with access to
collect renewal premium from policy holders at premium points.

Retired Employees: around 233 retired LIC Employees are authorized to collect LIC premium.

BIMA connect: these collection centers are operated by LICAs (LIC Associates) who are retired Development Officers
authorized to collect premium online

Chief Organizers: Chief Organizers (direct marketing agents) are also authorized to collect premium.

63 Annual Report
Premium Collection through Alternate Channel

For the year 2019-20, Premium Collection through Alternate Channel was 61.93 % in policies and 54.79 % in
volume out of the total renewal premium collection of the Corporation.

31-03-2020 31-03-2019 Growth on

Digital No. of Amount No. of Amount no. of pol
Policies (in cr.) Policies (in cr.)
PORTAL 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 2,40,51,743 18,200.95 14.89
Paytm 75,77,580 3,806.49 40,66,654 2,037.20 86.33
PhonePe 28,89,621 1,460.77 0 0.00 0
GooglePay 2,64,449 132.37 0 0.00 0
INSTAPAY 21,019 11.21 321 0.27 6447.98
Total Online 3,83,86,510 27,530.97 2,81,18,718 20,238.42 36.52
Bill Pay 29,54,521 1,837.67 28,83,766 1,746.60 2.45
NACH 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 6,89,46,524 9,701.28 18.89
Electronic Debit 8,49,21,618 14,167.49 7,18,30,290 11,447.88 18.23
Total Digital 12,33,08,128 41,698.46 9,99,49,008 31,686.31 23.37
Non Digital
Merchant 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 11,91,76,603 59,414.69 -2.24
Franchisees/Banks 25,43,037 982.09 21,56,506 766.40 17.92
Total Non Digital 11,90,52,743 61,303.10 12,13,33,109 60,181.09 -1.88
Total Alt Channel Collection 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 22,12,82,117 91,867.40 9.53
Total Collection 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 39,21,83,322 1,84,021.42 -0.21
% of Digital to Alt Ch. Collec- 50.88 40.48 45.17 34.49 12.64
% of Digital to Total Collection 31.51 22.18 25.49 17.22 23.63
% share of Alt channel to Total 61.93 54.79 56.42 49.92 9.76

On Line Loan Collection 12,39,434 1,654.78 7,30,319 927.33 69.71

On Line Advance Premium 4,53,634 397.88 4,12,366 344.87 10.01

Channel Wise Premium collection as at 31/03/2020

Channel No. of Pol. Amt. (in Crores) % of Pol. % of Amt.

MERCHANT 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 29.77 32.09
NACH/Direct Debit 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 20.94 6.56
PORTAL 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 7.06 11.77
Banks/Franchisees 1,32,95,706 6,392.93 3.40 3.40
E.B.P.P./BILLPAY 29,54,521 1,837.67 0.75 0.98
TOTAL ALT CHANNEL 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 61.93 54.79
CASH COUNTER 14,89,85,479 84,995.13 38.07 45.21
Total : 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 100.00 100.00

63 Annual Report
Channel wise share as at 31/03/2020 (61.93%)
3.40 0.75

NACH/Direct Debit


Channel wise premium Collection as at 31/03/2020

Channel No. of Pol. Amt. (in Crores) % of Pol. % of Amt.
MERHANT 11,65,09,706 60,321.01 29.77 32.09
NACH & Direct Debit 8,19,67,097 12,329.82 20.94 6.56
PORTAL 2,76,33,841 22,120.13 7.06 11.77
PAYTM 75,77,580 3,806.49 1.94 2.02
E.B.P.P./BILLPAY 29,54,521 1,837.67 0.75 0.98
PhonePe 28,89,621 1,460.77 0.74 0.78
CSC 19,39,783 710.43 0.50 0.38
MP ONLINE 2,89,683 93.37 0.07 0.05
Google Pay 2,64,449 132.37 0.07 0.07
AP ONLINE 1,57,641 51.28 0.04 0.03
IDBI BANK 66,384 48.94 0.02 0.03
AXIS BANK 42,778 58.74 0.01 0.03
SUVIDHA 37,978 12.63 0.01 0.01
INSTAPAY 21,019 11.21 0.01 0.01
City Union Bank 8,790 6.70 0.00 0.00
TOTAL ALT CHANNEL 24,23,60,871 1,03,001.56 61.93 54.79
CASH COUNTER 14,89,85,479 84,995.13 38.07 45.21
Total : 39,13,46,350 1,87,996.69 100.00 100.00

63 Annual Report
Enty wise share as at 31/03/2020 (AI-61.93%)


1.94 0.75 0.74 0.50 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00

Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS)

The EDMS project was taken up in 2007 by LIC with an intention of providing a strong image repository of all policy dockets
as well as Administrative and Agency documents, which facilitates viewing of images from anywhere with simultaneous
access to more than one authorized user at different locations.

As on 31.03.2020, approx. 53 crore policy dockets and 29 crore Incremental documents have been scanned, i.e. 94.68%
of policy dockets and 94.93% of Incremental documents.

The Premiere service user of Customer Portal can view the EDMS images of his / her policies through customer portal

Metropolitan Area Servicing Hub (MASH):

MASH center is a back office operational unit for batch processing jobs like bulk printing and NACH administration, which
do not need interaction with or physical presence of customers.

The main objectives of MASH center are

1) Taking on the printing load for the attached Branch Offices, ensuring allocation of more time and space for
customer care.

2) Focused and efficient handling of printing and dispatch as an outcome of batch processing.

25 MASH Centers are presently operational across the country.


In the year 2019-20, the thrust of the Corporate Communications strategy was on strengthening “Brand LIC” making it more
contemporary and appealing to all segments of the society. Our brand and our products & services were advertised with great vigour
across all mediums be it Television, Print, Radio, Digital Media, Sponsorships of Ground Events, Hoardings or Other Outdoor Media.
Conscious steps were taken to be in touch with today’s youth and efforts were made to connect with them .

Our presence has been consistent in more than 120 publications and 55 magazines and we ran 34 campaigns in newspapers apart
from 27 tender advertisements. Important leadership events were sponsored, which gave us wide publicity and our presence was
noticeable. New plan launch events and publicity campaign for 4 new products were carried out along with press releases in major
newspapers. Customer education series has been brought in different magazines to popularize various aspects and utilities of life
insurance and Agency through advertorials and attractive comics. Also in this year we have successfully carried out modifications of
23 existing products as per IRDAI guideline's on linked and non-linked plans along with riders within the IRDAI defined time frame.

We were active on 173 Radio stations of 16 FM Radio channels and 141 stations of All India Radio through campaigns, sponsorships
of popular programs and public awareness short drama series which gave us extensive publicity and impressive response from the
listeners. Insurance Awareness radio jingles along with new Corporate radio jingles were done and run on the channels during the
campaigns along with existing jingles.
63 Annual Report
During the year, our brand presence was visible on National and Regional TV News Channels through FCT and, National General
Entertainment Channels, Sports Channels, Infotainment Channels and Doordarshan through Sponsorship and spot buys. We
sponsored highly popular programs with sizeable viewership and our participation on events attracting huge viewership gave us
wide publicity mileage.

Cinema Screen Branding Pan India, Air Craft Bulkhead Branding and Seatback Branding on Aircrafts , Branding on Media Screens
across Railway Ticket Reservation Counter at various locations pan India were done during the year. In-stadia branding for Cricket
matches at Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru and Kolkata were done during the year. Further, sponsorships of ground events in
various categories like education, sports, literature and music, cultural events, insurance summits, awards and Conferences were
undertaken towards brand empowerment.

Our PR activities complemented our publicity efforts. Issue of Press Releases, Press Meet, Press Interviews ensured communication
of launch of new products, important events and customer initiatives.

Special Initiatives viz. LIC-Student of the Year was conducted at 10,171 Schools, 4,023 colleges were covered under the College
Campus Activity, Mobile Van Activities for 21,619 days were organized. We also continued with the Nationwide Movement of Swachh
Bharat Swasth Bharat campaign wherein cleaning activities in 8,965 parks/streets/offices were undertaken and 7,920 Medical
camps were conducted during the year.

LIC won 19 prestigious awards during the year. Among the various notable awards we won are Money Today Financial Awards 2020,
Outlook Money Award 2019 ,FICCI Insurance Industry Awards -2019 , Indian Achievers Forum Award, Dun & Bradstreet India's Top
PSU Awards, BTV National award for Marketing Excellence, CMO Confluence Awards, IAA Leadership Awards, IBC Media-India’s
Most Trusted Brand Award, WPP Brands –Most valuable Indian Brand 2019, Aqua Foundation Awards and Ashirwaad Award for
Official Language Implementation

LIC’s Digital Media activities were further augmented during the year 2019-20 through display advertisements on digital media,
content marketing, native articles, and video campaigns for creating insurance awareness and through social media presence. The
digital display campaign were undertaken in leading websites including Yahoo, Indian Express, Financial Express, Times of India,
Economic Times, Hindustan Times, Business Standard, MSN, Money Control, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Aaj Tak and News
18. To establish connect with the youth segment, Kaun Banega Crorepati on digital with its play along and reality show, Indian Idol
were sponsored on Sony Liv. Captcha engagement campaigns were undertaken on IRCTC to increase recall and engagement
with brand LIC. Content marketing through native articles were undertaken on Times Group network and Indian Express Group.
A total of 20 websites were part of the digital campaign for the period 2019-20. Launch of LIC’s much awaited term insurance
product, Jeevan Amar and Tech Term was campaigned through release of four video films. To supplement Life Insurance Council’s
Insurance Awareness Campaign, LIC’s campaign Pehle LIC was promoted through release of a musical video and three video
commercials addressing different customer segments. The Social Media activities of LIC also took a leap during the year. The
YouTube subscribers substantially increased and crossed 28 thousand. The followers to our Twitter Handle licindiaforever increased
to 52 thousand. The fan count of Facebook is more than 6.3 million.

13. Right to Information Act, 2005-RTI

Total number of CPIOs: 130

Total number of Alternate CPIOs: 244

Total number of Appellate Authorities: 130

Total number of CAPIOs: 3,660

Details of CPIOs and CAPIOs are available in RTI Centre on

RTI disclosures:

LIC is compliant with section 4 (1) of the RTI Act, 2005 and CIC has adjudged LIC as Grade “A”, in Transparency audit.

RTI On-line Module:

All RTI applications and Appeals received by offices of LIC of India are processed through RTI On Line Portal maintained by the
Government of India and a link is also available in>>RTIcentre>>RTI online

63 Annual Report
RTI Statistics since inception

Year Applications Appeals CIC Show cause Penalty cases Compensation cases
2005-06 187 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL
2006-07 1,311 9 2 NIL NIL NIL
2007-08 2,616 394 96 27 NIL 4
2008-09 4,555 982 174 13 1 2
2009-10 6,897 1,473 108 13 1 3
2010-11 9,553 1,919 384 20 NIL 5
2011-12 12,350 2,242 160 14 1 3
2012-13 13,536 2,425 619 13 2 6
2013-14 14,665 2,474 283 5 3 3
2014-15 15,047 2,281 303 NIL NIL NIL
2015-16 16,424 2,784 462 NIL NIL NIL
2016-17 14,358 2,479 356 2 NIL NIL
2017-18 12,937 2,242 292 NIL NIL NIL
2018-19 12,653 2,184 347 NIL NIL NIL
2019-20 16,605 1,987 318 NIL NIL NIL



The number of employees of the Corporation as on 31.03.2020 is 1,14,498 as against 1,08,684 at the end of the previous
financial year.


Cordial and harmonious relations amongst employees were maintained throughout the year and the morale of the work force
was sustained to combat the challenges facing the industry.


At every stage in the Corporation, women officers/employees have contributed significantly. The strength of women employees
in the various categories as on 31.03.2020 is as under:

Category Total Number Female employees

Class-I Officers 32,433 7,202
Development Officers 24,388 1,458
Class III/IV employees 57,677 16,942
Total 1,14,498 25,602

In the Corporation, Committees for prevention of sexual harassment at workplace are functioning effectively at Central Office,
Zonal Office and Divisional Office level.


1. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

It is the endeavour of the Corporation to implement the instructions related to all reservation matters of SCs /STs /OBCs
issued by Government of India and to provide reservation in recruitment and promotions in accordance with the provisions.

In order to discuss issues related to reservation policy and to have effective redressal of the grievances of SC/ST/
OBC/XSM/PWD/EWS employees, Welfare Cells are actively functioning at Central Office, Zonal Office and Divisional
Office levels. Chief Liaison officers have been appointed for SC/ST/PWD/XSM employees and separately for OBC/EWS
employees at Central Office level. Zonal Liaison Officers for SC/ST/PWD/XSM and OBC/EWS employees separately
have been designated in all the eight Zones of the Corporation .Periodical meetings with All India office bearers of SC/
ST Welfare Association/s are organized at Central Office levels in presence of all Liaison Officers for SC/ST/XSM/PWD
and various issues related to SC/ST employees are being discussed during the said meetings. Periodical meeting with All
India office bearers of Welfare Association of OBCs are also held at Central Office.
63 Annual Report
Training on reservation policies are provided to impart up-to-date knowledge/latest instructions about the reservation
related areas to the official dealing with reservation matters, Liaison officers as well as to the office bearers of SC /ST /
OBC Welfare Associations. Pre-recruitment training programmes are being conducted at various levels for desirous SC/
ST/OBC candidates and pre-promotional training for SC/ST employees.

2. Persons with Disabilities: -

In accordance with the instructions issued by Government of India and with the view to help and support rehabilitation of
Persons with Disabilities, the Corporation has identified jobs for recruitment of differently abled (Physically challenged)
which include orthopaedically, hearing and visually handicapped. In case of Direct recruitment, 4 % (four percent) of the
total number of vacancies to be filled up by Direct Recruitment in the Class I, III and IV shall be reserved for persons with
Benchmark Disabilities. Reservation in promotion, is provided to the cadres of Record Clerk and Higher Grade Assistants.

Board approved, "Equal Opportunity Policy of LIC", prepared as per the provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Rules, 2017 and displayed on internet & intranet site of LIC.

3. Ex-Servicemen: -

The Corporation makes provisions for recruitment of Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.

4. Reservations for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs):-

Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled
Tribes (STs) and the Socially and educationally Backward Classes (OBCs) and whose family has gross annual income
below ₹ 8.00 Lakh are identified as EWSs for the benefit of reservation, will get 10 % reservation in direct recruitment in
respect of vacancies notified on or after 01.02.2019

e) Housing loan to Agents (Club Members)

Under the Agents Housing Scheme an amount of ₹ 33.66 (Provisional) Crore was sanctioned as at 31.03.2020 to agents of the
Corporation. The various staff housing Loan schemes of the Life Insurance Corporation have been transferred to LIC-HFL

f) Office Services :

• As part of the Swachh Bharat Initiative of the Government of India, and with the good response to the Model Branch
Concept, the Model Division Competition was launched last year to increase the awareness amongst employees for
cleanliness of the environment and better ambience. Apart from the above competitions, cleanliness in offices is being
regularly monitored and improved through the Ambience Poll conducted every quarter.

• Maintenance of some guest houses in Mumbai have been outsourced for providing cleaner environment, better service
and improved hospitality to the guests. This experiment will also be extended in a phased manner to guest houses across
the country. Further Instructions have also been issued to install ACs in all the guesthouses across the country.

• Continuing with the Government of India initiative of Government e-Marketplace (GeM), LIC offices are now registered
on the GeM portal. Procurement of goods and services are being done regularly through GeM which ensures cost
effectiveness and transparency.

• AS per CVC guidelines, quarterly meeting of Independent External Monitors (IEM) were held. All contracts above Rs 50
cr was discussed and reviewed by the IEMs Shri Kata Chandrahas and Shri GV Krishna Rau.

• One More Pension Option (OMPO) was introduced wef 23.04.2019. In all 12,143 existing employees and 2,227 Retirees
have opted for pension under OMPO in the country.

• Security Manual has been approved by the Board in their meeting held on 20.03.2020 and has been uploaded on Jeevan

• Suvidha Multi-Utility cash card in collaboration with LIC of India, LIC Credit Cards Services Ltd and IDBI was launched by
Chairman on 31st October, 2019 in the presence of the then Additional Secretary, DFS/MOF, Shri Debashish Panda and
Chairman,IDBI Shri Rakesh Sharma.

63 Annual Report

HRD/OD Department, Central Office (all four wings i.e. Training, Library, Sports and Official Language Implementation),
Management Development Centre, 08 Zonal Training Centres are ISO Certified

In the Financial Year 2019-2020, the focus of HRD/OD Department has been –

• To build, nurture and develop a talent pool of Human Resources by providing need based training to the employees by
upgrading the knowledge, skills and attitude of the Workforce.

• Training needs of Class-I officers were captured through Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Module.

• The training activities were carried out through our In-house Training Centres i.e. MDC, and 08 Zonal Training Centres as well
as through reputed External Training Institutes.

• In order to expose our employees to best global practices in Industry, 09 officers were sent for Foreign Training.

• To upgrade knowledge and capacity building in field of IT, Data Security, Actuarial Science, and Leadership Development,
training sessions were conducted for different cadre of officers through Customized/Open Programs by reputed External
Training Institutes (ETIs) i.e. ASCI, ISB, TISS IDRBT, CSI etc. during Financial Year 2019-20,

Foreign Training 09
ETI (open Program) 467
ETI (Customized - CO) 549
ETI (Customized – Zones) 1,829
NIA 2,547


MDC/ZTC (Class I, III & IV) 59,251 (Incl. VC Trg – 25,658)

E-learning Sessions by MDC/ZTCs 25,658 employees were trained
Induction Training for Direct Recruit Officers 433 for 12 weeks at Mysore
Induction Training for newly Recruited Assistants by Divisions 4,335 for 15 days
Class III trained in ETC/CTC by Zones 23,665
Class IV trained by Zones 1,108
Workshop on IRDAI Regulations 15,394


Total Employees Trained 89,858

Attendance to Nomination Ratio 95.79%


Employee Engagement Program (EEP) is a strategic HR Initiative to motivate employees to work towards organizational goals, with
the spirit of robust collaboration, to share corporate concerns and new initiatives undertaken by various departments of LIC and to
improve the quality of customer service

• During Financial Year 2019-2020, one-day EEP “SAMARPAN” was conducted across the Country in which 82,023
(89.42 % of TG) employees participated

• HRD Quiz Module – In order to test and improve the knowledge level of our employees, HRD Quiz Module was
inaugurated by the Chairman on 7th July, 2019. During F.Y. 2019-2020, 30,007 employees have participated in HRD
Quiz Module.

63 Annual Report

All India LIC Games 2019-2020:

The Corporation’s biggest sports event of the year, the “All India LIC Games 2019-2020” was successfully conducted at Sarusajai
Sports Complex, Guwahati from 12.10.2019 to 15.10.2019.

Major Achievements of LIC Teams/ Sportspersons:

In the year 2019-2020, LIC sportspersons participated in more than 15 National/International level sports events and won Medals
for the Corporation. The details of Medal winners are as follows –

Name of Athlete Medal Tournament/Meet Venue and Date

Monika Athare Bronze Medal Mumbai Half Mumbai,
Marathon January, 2020
Gold Medal Delhi Half New Delhi,
Marathon February, 2020
Kalidas Hirave Gold Medal – 5000 mts
Silver Medal – 10000 mts
Men’s Best Athlete of Meet
Supreeth Raj Gold Medal – High Jump
Ritesh Kumar Silver Medal – High Jump
Dhiraj Mishra Gold Medal – Triple Jump
Silver Medal – Long Jump
Sunil Goswami Bronze Medal – Javelin Throw
Janisar Akhtar Silver Medal – Hammer Throw
Monica Athare Gold Medal – 1500 mts
Gold Medal – 5000 mts All India Public Kolkata,
Harshini Kumari Silver Medal – High Jump Sector Athletics February, 2020
Bronze Medal – Triple Jump Meet 2019
Joyline Mural Lobo Gold Medal – Triple Jump
Gold Medal – Long Jump
Women’s Best Athlete of Meet
Gurmeet Kaur Gold Medal – Javelin Throw
Bronze Medal – Shot Put
V Vasumathy Gold Medal – Discus Throw
Silver Medal – Shot Put
All India LIC Athletics Bronze Medal – 4*100 Women Relay
Team Winner – Field Events Men
Winner – Field Events Women
Runner-up – Men’s and Women’s Team Championship


Name of Player Medal Tournament Venue and Date

Ms S Apporva Gold Medal Indo-Maldives Test series Male, Maldives, October,
(Women Singles) 2019
Gold Medal(Women Singles) Presidents Carrom League
Gold Medal (Women Singles) Sr. National & Inter-State Carrom Jalgaon, February, 2020
Championship 2019
Gold Medal (Women Singles) All India Public Sector Carrom Mumbai, June, 2019
Tournament 2018
Gold Medal (Women Singles) 8thCarrom ICF Cup India 2019 Pune in December, 2019

63 Annual Report
All India LIC Carrom Team Bronze Medal Sr. National & Inter-State Carrom Jalgaon, February, 2020
(Women Team) Championship 2019
Gold Medal(Women Team) All India Public Sector Carrom Mumbai, June, 2019
Silver Medal(Women doubles) Tournament 2018


Name of Player Medal Tournament Venue and Date

Siddharth Gold Medal (Men Singles) All India Inter Institutional Guwahati,
Siddharth & Leena Dhapre Silver Medal (Mixed Doubles) Badminton Championship 2019. September, 2019
Siddharth Silver Medal (Men Singles) All India Public Sector Badminton Secunderabad,
Tournament 2018 July, 2019
Leena Dhapre Silver Medal (Women Singles) All India Public Sector Badminton Secunderabad,
All India LIC Badminton Silver Medal (Women Doubles) Tournament 2018 July, 2019
Team Bronze Medal (Men Doubles)
Bronze Medal (Men Team)
Siddharth Silver Medal (Men Singles) All India Public Sector Badminton Jaipur,
All India LIC Badminton Bronze Medal (Men Team) Tournament 2019 February, 2020


Name of Player Medal Tournament Venue and Date

Grand Master Sriram Jha Board Prize National Team Chess Ahmedabad,
International Master Board Prize Championship 2019 February, 2020
Dinesh Kumar Sharma

Table Tennis:

Name of Player Medal Tournament Venue and Date

All India LIC Table Tennis Bronze Medal (Men Team) Inter Institutional Table Jaipur, November, 2019
Team Tennis Tournament 2019
Sougata Sarkar Semi-Finalist All India Public Sector Table Ten- Thiruvananthapuram,
All India LIC Table Tennis Semi-Finalist (Men Doubles & nis Tournament 2019 November, 2019
Team Men Team)


Name of Player Medal Tournament Venue and Date

Nakul Dev & Gold Medal Federation Cup Volleyball Chittorgarh, February, 2020
Pavan Ramesh (Karnataka State Team) Championship 2020

During the Financial Year 2019-20, 320 books (including 63 Hindi Books) have been added to Central Office Library bringing the total
number to 85,945.


Innovative Training of Manpower empowers the organization to challenge the competition by disrupting the status quo. MDC has
been tasked with augmenting the competencies of Middle and Senior level Officers of the Corporation. Hence, MDC, which is an IS/
ISO 9001:2015 certified training institution, has been conducting its activities keeping in mind both the Trainee Officers’ expectations
as well as the Globalised Competitive environment required to meet Corporate objectives.

This year training was imparted to 5,991 Participants (3,832 in-house and 2,159 through video conferencing)


• The corporation has been awarded at the All India level for the fifth consecutive time by the 'Ashirwad' literary, social and cultural
institution for its outstanding work in the field of Official Language.

63 Annual Report
• The Corporation's 35 offices were awarded various awards by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs and Town
Official Language Implementation Committees.

• For the use of the personnel of the Corporation, the Official Language Rules and the 'Official Language Directory' related to the
instructions of the questionnaire of the Parliamentary Official Language Committee was prepared.

• 359 workshops were conducted all over India and a total of 9,997 personnel were trained.

• Over 3.5 crore customers have been contacted through SMS in Hindi by offices located in "A" area.

• Publication of e-magazine named "Satprerna" was started by the Official Language Department.

• The Department of Official Language,Central Office is publishing inspirational 'articles' every month.


During the year the Corporation has completed construction of 3 Divisional Offices (Satna, Srinagar, Jaipur DO II), 9 Branch Offices,
29 Residential units across the Country. Corporation has invited the tenders for mega investment buildings at Ludhiana, GIFT City
Gandhinagar and Kolkata. Tender has also been invited for redevelopment of MDC Borivali and Jeevan Shanti colony, Vile Parle
Mumbai. Corporation has won Aqua Foundation’s Excellence Award for installation of rain water harvesting. Construction work is
in progress for Divisional Office building at Bhubaneswar, STC at Warangal, 10 Branch Offices and 44 Officer's Quarters in different
locations.The installed capacity of the rooftop solar PV till 31.03.2019 is 2014 KWp and in FY 19-20 50 KWp has been added &
work is in progress for 1415 KWp.

All Zonal Engineering departments and Central Office, Engineering Department are ISO 9001:2015 certified.


The rental income from the Estate portfolio of the Corporation for the year 2019-20 is ₹ 360.25 Crore which is an increase of 6.53%
over the rental income for the last year.

In the F.Y. 2019-20, 4 plots were purchased, of which 3 were purchased by the Southern Zonal Office and 1 by Eastern Zonal Office.
The total area is 66,856.97 sq. ft. and the total cost involved is ₹ 12.50 Crore.


LIC has implemented:
1. Video Conferencing Solution with facility for multiple simultaneous meetings using room based setup as well as through

2. Procurement of MPLS links from alternate service provider other than BSNL/MTNL is in progress for all locations across the
country to have redundancy in the network.

3. CO Private Cloud for general purpose applications and a separate cloud for ULIP Plans

4. Two Factor Biometric Fingerprint Authentication System has been rolled out in order to provide a secured working environment
for our employees, operating the in-house applications.

5. Data Warehouse which is the single source of information for all the Regulatory as well as Management Information Reports.
It has been a rich source of Lead Generation and Customer Contact as well as cost savings through initiatives like Single
Premium Notice to Customers holding multiple policies and is being used extensively.

6. Firewalls with Integrated NIPS/NIDS/DLP/Anti spyware/Anti-Bot features.

7. SIEM solution for log management, correlation and alerts.

8. Up gradation of existing BSNL Lease links to MPLS

9. Network level encryption (GETVPN/IPsec) to strengthen the communication channel.

10. Prevention Mechanism for Distributed Denial of Service (volumetric attacks) on our Internet leased lines.

11. Anti-virus for Linux and Windows Systems, Email Gateway Security, Web Gateway Security and online scanning of websites
for vulnerabilities on daily basis.

63 Annual Report
LIC has taken steps to:

1) Identify and plug the gaps vis-à-vis IRDAI’s requirements on a continuous basis and carrying out configuration audit, vulnerability
assessment, penetration testing, secure network architecture review, application security and secure code review.

2) Explore cost-effective alternative technologies like Mini PCs.

Software Development

LIC has always been quick to experiment with and embrace technology for supporting its sales and servicing functions. With the
changing times, the focus has shifted to the online and digital space. LIC is committed to carrying forward the digital initiatives laid
down by Government of India that will serve to enhance the e-presence and e-delivery capabilities and transform existing Enterprise
IT systems in sync with the expectation of the users.

Some of the notable initiatives taken up and completed during the year are:

• Implementation of Epolicy PAN India.

• Launch of the Chatbot “LIC Mitra”, which is also voice enabled.

• Launch of the New Underwriting Application (NUA) to replace the erstwhile Propsino application for referring proposals for
decision to higher office. A mobile application is also released for upload of documents to the NUA system.

• Launch of pre-recruitment App for agents recruitment. A desktop version is also available for officials who prefer working on
their personal computers or laptops.

• Integration of NSDL/NPS with LIC Online JA and JS Systems.

• Online sale of Micro Insurance policy has been enabled.

• Centralization of ULIP policies.

• Leveraging and integrating with various digital platforms for electronic premium payments to provide a seamless experience to
customers. PayTM (directly), PhonePe and GooglePay (through BillDesk) are some of the recent additions.

• Implementation of the Electronic Fund Transfer Module (for Bangladesh, Fiji, Mauritius & Kenya operations) and Annuity Module
(Mauritius operations) for our international operations.

LIC’s in-house Core Insurance Package eFEAP has fully digitized the internal operations from New Business procurement to Claim
Settlement. The Software is integrated with the SMS and Email Gateways and Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS)
to facilitate servicing and information delivery to the Customers. Processes like generation of new business figures, accounts
summary extraction, commission processing, generation of schedules etc. have been automated in the core system. The in-house
COMIS system provides near real-time MIS and data analytics for aiding managerial decisions.

Work is in progress for procurement of high-end hardware for the eFEAP consolidation activity. Simultaneously, activities for upgrade
of the software stack are also underway.

The Customer Portal system of LIC, designed to enhance the digital experience and provide online services to the customers, has
more than 1.40 crore registered users. Informational and transactional services as well as self-service features are available through
the Portal and Online Sale platforms. A mobile friendly web portal is available for online policy sale. This platform also supports the
bancassurance channel for online registration and completion of policies.

The Customer Mobile App, available on both Android and iOS platforms, has more than 35 Lakh users. The Merchant Portal
system supports more than 35,000 Premium Points and Life Plus Offices where customers can make premium payments and also
obtain policy related information. Call center services and SMS-enabled Services like LICHELP & ASKLIC are also available for the
convenience of our customers.

LIC's endeavour is to offer technology experiences that are faster, more engaging, intuitive and tailored to customer needs. In order
to achieve this, the corporation has launched several initiatives to steer ahead of the competition, provide services to our esteemed
stakeholders and in turn derive digital edge.

63 Annual Report
The Audit of Branch/ Satellite/Divisional office /Zonal offices and Central office Departments of the Corporation for the year 2019-20
has been duly completed as on 31st March 2020 .

During the year 2019-20 an intensive follow up of excess and wrong payments was done which brought about 75% reduction during
the year, thus bringing down opening balance by 50%.Also, during the year, a reduction of 20% is noted in open reports.

In keeping with our practice of improving our systems and procedures through the use of Information Technology, the scope of
“Remote Audit” was expanded further during the year, covering about 50% of the questionnaire at present. Close coordination with
IT team is being done for enabling “Offsite audit” to reduce dependency on BO visits to minimum.

Inspection Department pursues its supervision of the accounting units with regard to their observance of compliance to provisions
of relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines/Circulars, Directions, Standards etc. Comprehensive and focused inspections are
undertaken for assessment of their functioning by examination of relevant records, books of accounts and business activities on
sample basis.

The focus was on total observance of Corporation’s guidelines on all matters during the year 2019-20. The inspection exercise as
a pre-emptive measure against system lapses was conducted in all the offices of the Corporation and 69.80% of branch offices
and 84.07% of Divisional Offices have been rated in the excellent band i.e. (Super Excellent, Excellent and Upgraded Excellent). In
addition to yearly inspection, Special inspection of 25% of the Branch Offices after New Business closing was also conducted during
the year. Also inspection of all projects under Golden Jubilee Foundation was conducted.

The inspection reports issued on the basis of the inspection exercise were analyzed and compliances were called for. Acceptance
of compliance was done only when the reply was comprehensive, definite and with enough supporting data.

A board approved policy for Inspection department was approved by the board in its 591st board meeting held on 03.01.2020 which
will support the employees to understand their roles and responsibilities including fiduciary and governance responsibilities as
written policy and procedures provide tangible evidence of intended practices that are consistent with Organization’s values and
also essential for effective and consistent communication within the Organization.


The aim and purpose of New Business & Reinsurance department is to maintain high standards of underwriting with service to
stakeholders at all levels while keeping in mind regulatory framework and guidelines. Underwriting focuses at maintaining equity by
providing fair risk assessment in selection and pooling of risk and charging appropriate premium commensurate with the risk that
lives bring to the pool.

Underwriting Policy

Underwriting is done in a prudent and customer friendly manner, keeping in mind the objectives envisaged in the Board Approved
Underwriting Policy. The policy envisages proper selection and classification of risk to allow widespread availability and affordability
of insurance to meet the basic objectives of the Corporation.

Upgrading knowledge/ skills

With a view to upgrading the knowledge/ skills of the underwriters at our Offices, they are exposed to various seminars, workshops
and training sessions. The underwriters at Central Office are deputed for seminars conducted by our Reinsurers and the Association
of Insurance Underwriters to enable them to keep abreast of the latest trends in underwriting. An interactive module for enhancing
operational knowledge at grass root level is developed.

Revision in Underwriting Guidelines

Underwriting guidelines are reviewed from time to time on account of various factors such as environmental and regulatory;
technological and medical advances; our experiences of insured lives; market practices and feedback etc.

Digital Initiatives

New Business and Reinsurance Department has taken up various digital initiatives in keeping with the technological advancement,
for ease of doing business and customer convenience. Issuance of e- policy has been made operational on pan India basis.

63 Annual Report

All reinsurance contracts are administered as per the reinsurance regulations and treaties with various reinsurers. The processes of
reinsurance are managed through reinsurance module.

The objective of Vigilance Department is to ensure a corruption free & transparent Organization thus inspiring trust among the
various stakeholders. To foster this objective, training sessions were held during the year on various aspects of preventive vigilance.
Systemic issues were identified and feedbacks given to controlling Departments concerned at Central Office, for taking corrective

In the current year, special emphasis was given to closure of cases pending beyond two years and o/s surprise vigilance check
reports by making vigorous follow-up with Offices concerned. Besides, the practice of Quality Management visits to Zonal Vigilance
Departments along with visit to select Branch Offices for surprise vigilance check by C.O. Officials, was also initiated this year.

Vigilance Awareness Week was conducted in all offices of the Corporation with pomp and enthusiasm. The current year’s theme
“Integrity – A Way of Life”, given by CVC, was spread amongst the public particularly in students’ community through various activities
such as Essay Competitions in Schools and Colleges, Workshops on preventive vigilance, Walkathons, Road shows depicting the
theme of the year and Grievance Redressal camps for customers. Many other activities including Gram Sabhas to spread vigilance
awareness amongst the public at large were organized in different parts of the country. An e-magazine “Satarkta Darpan” was also
brought out on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week. It was released by Shri Debasish Panda, the then Secretary, DFS/GOI
and a Board Member of the Corporation.SMS messages were sent to approximately 8 Crore policyholders, agents and staff of the
Corporation, to spread the message of making ‘Integrity – A Way of Life” along with a link for taking e-pledge.

63 Annual Report

Claims under various Social Security Schemes:

During the F.Y 2019-20, 68,352 claims amounting to ₹ 901.95 Crore were paid under Social Security Schemes as per the
following details:


NO AMOUNT ₹ (000)
PMJDY 408 12240
Converge PMJJBY 40,786 81,54,600
Converge AABY 20,545 6,37,600
AABY 6,613 2,15,000
TOTAL 68,352 90,19,440

Name of Various Social Security Scheme

Abbreviation Scheme Name
PMJDY Life cover under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna
Converged PMJJBY Converged Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna
Converged AABY Converged Aam Admi Bima Yojna
AABY Aam Admi Bima Yojna

Social Security Cover (Including PMJDY)

Total 3.68 Crore lives were covered under various Social Security Scheme F.Y 2019-20


The total investments of the Corporation amounted to ₹ 30,69,941.67 Crore as at 31st March, 2020. Table 6 depicts a broad
classification of the investments of the Corporation as at 31st March, 2020.

The Corporation subscribed an amount of ₹ 1,78,717.61 Crore (Book Value) and ₹ 1,28,483.62 Crore (Book Value) to the
Securities of the Government of India and the new loan issues of the various State Governments (including other approved
securities) respectively during 2019-20.


It has been the constant endeavor of the Corporation to provide security to as many people as possible and to channelize
the savings mobilized for the welfare of the people at large.

To meet this end, the Corporation has been promoting Social Welfare through investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector
which includes:

* Projects/Schemes for generation and transmission of Power

* Housing Sector

* Water Supply and Sewerage Projects/Schemes

* Development of Roads, Bridges, Road Transport & Railways

The total Investment in these sectors during 2019-20 was ₹ 52,297.79 Crore as indicated in Table 7. The investments as at
31.03.2020 by way of Central, State and Other Government Guaranteed Marketable securities, Loans, Debentures & Equity
investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector amounts to ₹ 24,01,456.50 Crore.

63 Annual Report
III. LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation
“LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation was established in the year 2006 as a part of LIC’s Community Service initiatives. The
objectives of the Foundation are Relief of poverty or distress, Advancement of education, Medical relief and Advancement
of any other object of General public utility. As on 31.03.2020, LIC has provided a corpus of ₹ 224 Crore to the Foundation
and the interest earned is utilised for funding various projects for charitable purposes. Since inception, the Foundation has
supported NGOs dedicated to the above objectives through 543 projects which are located across the country. The Foundation
has reached out to many deprived sections of society through the infrastructural support provided in the above areas. In the
financial year 2019-20, the foundation has sanctioned 44 projects for ₹ 15.13 Crore, out of which ₹ 5 Crore is contributed
to PM CARES Fund, ₹ 1 Crore to Chief Ministers Relief Fund and ₹ 50 Lakhs to International Association of Human Values
Disaster Relief Fund for COVID-19 relief.

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme is another initiative of the Foundation, which provides scholarships to children
from economically weaker sections of the society to pursue higher education till they complete their graduation /professional
course. The Foundation has reintroduced the Scholarship Scheme as LIC GJF Scholarship 2019 and the scholarship amount
is increased to ₹ 20,000/ per student and also Special scholarship for Girl child of ₹ 10,000/- per student is introduced to girl
students for pursuing 10 + 2 education. In the financial year 2019-20, scholarship is disbursed to 2,048 new students and 1,914
renewal students for ₹ 2.38 Crore. As on 31.03.2020, 17,244 students have benefited from the scheme”.

63 Annual Report
Adherence to good Corporate Governance is an integral part of the philosophy of LIC’s business conduct. The driving forces behind
institutionalizing the practices of good Corporate Governance are various proactive measures, initiatives and guidance by the
Government, LIC Board and its Committees of Board alongwith LIC's Human Resources and Agents. Our practice of Operational
Transparency, Information Sharing, Accountability and ensuring Dialogue with all the Stakeholders in addition to formulation of value
based policies and practices at all levels made us to imbibe good Corporate Governance. This has enabled us to enhance our Brand
Equity, strengthen stake of shareholders and maintain a healthy environment within the organization. This has led to a committed
organizational focus on the customer service which in turn has contributed to a good growth in business.
The IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002, have prescribed
certain disclosures in the Financial Statements and the Authority is in the process of finalizing additional disclosures to be made by
insurers as below :

1. Disclosures regarding the Board Governance Structure These include

a. Number of Board and Sub Committee meetings held in the financial year

b. Details of composition of the Board and the Sub Committees mandated including the names of the Directors, their field of
specialization status of Directorship held, etc.

c. Number of meetings attended by the Directors and the Members of the Committee.

d. Details of remuneration paid, if any to the independent directors

The above data has been furnished as below


No of Total
Field of Status of
Name of Board Members Qualification Meetings Sitting
Specialization Directorship
Attended Fees Paid
Shri M.R. Kumar, Chairman B.Sc, Licentiate Insurance Member 6 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava, Managing
Director (Superannuated M.A. (Economics) Insurance Member 2 NA
on 31.07.2019)
Shri B. Venugopal, Managing
Director (Superannuated B. Com Insurance Member 1 NA
on 31.05.2019)
Shri T C Suseel Kumar, Managing
M.A. (Economics) Insurance Member 6 NA
Shri Vipin Anand, Managing Director
B. Sc Insurance Member 5 NA
(From 01.04.2019)
Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta,
B.Sc. MBA (HRM) Insurance Member 2 NA
Managing Director (From 01.11.2019)
Shri Raj Kumar, Managing Director
B. Sc Insurance Member 2 NA
(From 01.11.2019)
Shri Girish Chandra Murmu,
BA (Hons), MA (Political Economics
Secretary, Department of
Science), MBA (Public Service- & Public Member 2 NA
Expenditure, DFS, MOF, GOI (Till
International) Administration
Shri Debasish Panda, Secretary,
Department of Financial Services,
Post Graduate M Phil Insurance Member 1 NA
Ministry of Finance, GOI (From
Shri Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, Economics
Ministry of Corporate Affairs BA (Hons) Economics,, M.B.A & Public Member 0 NA
(From 27.12.2019) Administration

63 Annual Report
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan, CMD, GIC Ex-Officio
PG (English), FIII Insurance 3 NA
Re (Till 31.07.2019) Member
National &
Smt. Padmaja Chunduru, MD &
M.Com, CAIIB International Member 5 NA
CEO, Indian Bank
Shri Devesh Srivastava, CMD, GIC B. Sc (Hons) Physics, M. Sc Ex-Officio
Insurance 0 NA
Re (From 03.01.2020) (Physics), PGDBM Management Member
B. Com. (Hons), Chartered Non-Official
Shri Bimalendu Chakrabarti Insurance 6 140000
Accountant Director
B.Com., LLB, FCA, DISA Finance &
Shri Ravindra Nath Chaturvedi Certified Information System Accounting & 6 140000
Auditor (DISA) from the ICAI. Auditing
B Com, CAllB, ICWA (|), ACll
(UK) AIRM (UK) PGDMS Non-Official
Shri R. Chandrasekaran Insurance 4 100000
(Mumbai), Certificate in Director
Computer Software
During the year six board meetings were held.


Name of Board Members Qualification Field of Status of
Specialization Directorship
Shri M.R. Kumar, Chairman B.Sc, Licentiate Insurance Member
Shri T C Suseel Kumar, Managing Director M.A. (Economics) Insurance Member

Shri Vipin Anand, Managing Director B.Sc Insurance Member

Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Managing B.Sc. MBA (HRM)

Insurance Member
Shri Raj Kumar, Managing Director Insurance Member
Post Graduate M Phil
Shri Debasish Panda, Secretary, DFS Insurance Member
B Tech (Electrical Engg)
Shri Rajesh Verma, Secretary, MCA IAS Member

Smt. Padmaja Chunduru MD & CEO, M.Com, CAIIB National &

Indian Bank International Banking
B. Sc (Hons) Physics, M. Sc
Shri Devesh Srivastava, CMD, GIC Re (Physics), PGDBM Management Insurance Ex-Officio Member

B. Com. (Hons), Chartered

Shri Bimalendu Chakrabarti Insurance Non-Official Director
B.Com., LLB, FCA, DISA Certified Finance &
Shri Ravindra Nath Chaturvedi Information System Auditor (DISA) Accounting & Non-Official Director
from the ICAI Auditing
B Com, CAllB, ICWA (I), ACll (UK)
Shri R. Chandrasekaran AIRM (UK) PGDMS (Mumbai), Insurance Non-Official Director
Certificate in Computer Software
*As on 17/09/2020

63 Annual Report
Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid
Shri M R Kumar (From 01.04.2019) 7 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (Till 31.07.2019) 0 NA
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (Till 31.07.2019) 2 NA
Shri B. Venugopal (Till 31.05.2019) 1 NA
Smt Padmaja Chunduru 6 NA
Shri T C Suseel Kumar (Special Invitee From 01.04.2019 to
6 NA
05.06.2019) Member from 06.06.2019
Shri Vipin Anand (Special Invitee from 01.04.2019 to
7 NA
31.08.2019 & Member from 01.09.2019)
Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta (from 07.12.2019) 4 NA
Shri Raj Kumar (Special Invitee from 07.12.2019) 4 NA
Seven Executive Meetings were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of meetings attended Sitting Fees paid
Shri M R Kumar 9 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (Till 31.07.2019) 2 NA
Shri B.Venugopal (Till 31.05.2019) 1 NA
Shri Girish Chandra Murmu (Till 27.12.2019) 5 NA
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (Till 31.07.2019) 2 NA
Shri Debasish Panda (from 14.10.2019 to 06.12.2019) 0 NA
Shri Injeti Srinivas (From 03.01.2020) 1 NA
Shri B. Chakrabarti 9 1,00,000
Shri T.C.Suseel Kumar (Special Invitee Till 03.04.2019 & 8 NA
Member from 04.04.2019)
Shri Vipin Anand (Special Invitee from 04.04.2019 to 8 NA
05.06.2019 & Member from 06.06.2019)
Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta (from 07.12.2019) 4 NA
Shri Raj Kumar (from 07.12.2019) 4 NA
Shri Dinesh Pant 8 NA
Nine Investment Committee Meetings were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (Till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Shri B. Venugopal (Till 31.05.2019) 0 NA
Smt Padmaja Chunduru 3 NA
Shri Ravindra Nath Chaturvedi 5 65,000
Shri T C Suseel Kumar (from 06.06.2019 to 06.12.2019) 3 NA
Shri Raj Kumar (from 07.12.2019) 3 NA

Five Audit Committee Meetings were held during the year 2019-2020.

63 Annual Report
Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid
Shri B. Chakrabarti 3 30,000
Shri B. Venugopal (till 31.05.2019) 0 NA
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Smt Padmaja Chunduru 1 NA
Shri Vipin Anand (from 06.06.2019 to 06.12.2019) 2 NA
Shri Raj Kumar (from 07.12.2019) 1 NA

Three Risk Management Committee Meetings were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri R. Chandrasekharan 3 30,000
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Shri B. Venugopal (till 31.05.2019) 0 NA
Dr. Snehalata Deshmukh 2 20,000
Shri T C Suseel Kumar (from 04.04.2019) 3 NA
Shri Vipin Anand (from 06.06.2019) 3 NA

Three Policyholders' Protection Committee Meetings were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri M R Kumar (from 04.04.2019) 2 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (till 03.04.2019) 0 NA
Shri B. Chakrabarti 2 20,000
Smt Padmaja Chunduru 1 NA
Shri A.B. Vaidya 2 20,000
Shri Sauvik Banerjee 1 10,000
Shri B Venugopal (Special Invitee from 04.04.2019
0 NA
to 31.05.2019)
Shri T C Suseel Kumar (Special Invitee from 06.06.2019) 1 NA
Shri Vipin Anand (from 04.04.2019 to 06.12.2019) 1 NA
Shri Raj Kumar (from 07.12.2019) 1 NA

Two Building Advisory Committee Meeting were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri Girish Chandra Murmu (till 27.12.2019) 1 NA
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Ms. Padmaja Chunduru 1 NA

One Meeting of Remuneration Committee was held during the year 2019-2020.

63 Annual Report

Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri M R Kumar (from 04.04.2019) 1 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (till 03.04.2019) 0 NA
Smt Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Shri R. Chandrasekaran 1 10,000
Shri N.M. Govardhan 1 10,000
Shri Dinesh Pant 1 NA

One With Profit Committee Meeting were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid
Shri B. Venugopal (till 31.05.2019) 0 NA
Sri R. N. Chaturvedi 2 20,000
Shri B. Chakrabarti 0 --
Prof. (Dr.) Om Damani 2 NA
Shri Vipin Anand (from 04.04.2019) 2 NA

Two Information Technology Strategy Committee Meeting were held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri M R Kumar (from 04.04.2019) -- NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (till 03.04.2019) -- NA
Smt. Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) -- NA
Ms. Padmaja Chunduru -- NA

No Meeting of Review Committee on Wilful Defaulter was held during the year 2019-2020.


Name of Member No. of Meetings attended Sitting Fees paid

Shri M R Kumar (from 04.04.2019) 1 NA
Shri Hemant Bhargava (till 03.04.2019) -- NA
Smt Alice G. Vaidyan (till 31.07.2019) 1 NA
Shri B. Venugopal (till 03.04.2019) -- NA
Shri T C Suseel Kumar (from 04.04.2019 to 06.12.2019) 1 NA
Shri Vipin Anand (from 01.09.2019) -- NA
Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta (from 07.12.2019) --

One Meeting for Election of Shareholder Director was held during the year 2019-2020.

a. Quantitative and qualitative information on the insurance company’s financial and operating ratios, viz. incurred
claim, commission and expenses ratios

Information, both quantitative and qualitative on the insurer's financial and operating ratios have been furnished in the
Management Report of the Annual Report and the Independent Auditors’ Report – Refer Schedule 15A.

b. Actual Solvency margin details vis-à-vis the required margin

The details of the solvency ratio are as below :

Particulars FY 2019-2020 FY 2018-2019

Actual Solvency ratio/
Required Solvency ratio 1.55 1.60

63 Annual Report
c. Insurers engaged in life insurance business shall disclose persistency ratio of policies sold by them.

Sr. No. Particular 31.03.2020 31.03.2019

1 th
For 13 month
By no. of Policies 61.00% 66.00%
By annualized premiums 72.00% 77.00%
2 For 25th month
By no. of Policies 56.00% 60.00%
By annualized premiums 67.00% 71.00%
3 For 37th month
By no. of Policies 52.00% 54.00%
By annualized premiums 63.00% 65.00%
k For 49th month
By no. of Policies 48.00% 50.00%
By annualized premiums 58.00% 60.00%
5 st
For 61 month
By no. of Policies 44.00% 51.00%
By annualized premiums 54.00% 63.00%

d. Financial performance including growth rate and current financial position of the insurer.

Financial performance including growth rate and current financial position has been furnished in the Independent
Auditor's Report of the Annual Report.

e. Description of the risk management architecture

LIC is a premiere institutional investor in the Indian Financial Markets. Its funds are invested in asset classes in line with
the IRDAI Investment Regulations (2016) and are exposed to various risks like market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk,
liquidity risk and counterparty risk, to name a few. A robust Risk Management Structure is required to continuously
monitor, measure and mitigate these risks emanating from such a diverse exposure in the financial markets. The
investment risks are systematically identified and systems and procedures have been implemented to address these
risks so that not only are the policyholders’ funds protected but also their reasonable expectations are met. The Corporation
is committed to having a continuous organizational focus on Risk Management and has a Risk Management Policy
covering areas such as Risk Vision, Risk Governance, Risk Identification, Risk Measurement, Risk Monitoring &
Risk Reporting.

Developments across the economic sectors and companies are continuously tracked, through equity research reports,
to enable the Investment Operations Department to take investment decisions in the primary/ secondary equity markets.

f. Details of number of claims intimated, disposed of and pending with details of duration.

The Claims settlement for FY 2019-20 has been as follows :

No. of Claims paid for the period 31.03.2020 Total

Total No.
Sr. On or amount of
Types of Claims 1–3 3–6 of Claims
No. before 1 month
6 months
˃1 Year claims paid
months months – 1 year paid
(` In Crore)
1. Maturity Claims 5129688 2514413 972182 372345 7189 9099 9004916 116808.76
2. Survival Benefit 10077028 978616 411614 165270 6526 21858 11660912 25542.00
3. For Annuities / Pension 22886914 3532122 191021 161658 160213 242823 27174751 16279.88
4. For Surrender (from
0 719978 4608125 0 0 0 5328103 70069.53
date of request)
5. Other benefits (from
0 18 0 0 0 0 18 0.21
date of request)

1. Death Claims (from

138401 741895 42044 9981 16 4 932341 17419.57
date of intimation)

63 Annual Report
Ageing of claims as at March 31, 2020 was as follows:

Sr. Survival For Annuities For Other

Claims Experience For Death For Maturity
No., Benefit / Pension Surrender Benefits
Claims O/S at the begin-
1. 1579 752553 2594 111752 0 0
ning of the period
Claims reported during the
2. 975321 10330759 12488503 6539334 5328103 18
Claims settled during the
3. 932341 9004916 11660912 6474966 5328103 18
Claims Repudiated during
4. 8678 0 0 2221 0 0
the period
Less than 3 years from the
a. 8587 0 0 2221 0 0
date of acceptance of risk
Greater than 3 year from
b the date of acceptance of 91 0 0 0 0 0
5. Claims Written Back 10936 718453 252739 541 0 0
Claims O/S at End of the
24945 1359943 577446 173358 2 0
Less than 3 months 17801 1056601 440685 56394 2 0
3 months to 6 months 7035 303342 136761 116964 0 0
6 months to 1 year 109 0 0 0 0 0
1 year and above 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Claims settlement for FY 2018-2019 has been as follows :

No. of Claims paid for the period 31.03.2019 Total amount

Total No.
Sr. On or of claims
Types of Claims 1–3 3–6 6 months of Claims
No. before 1 month >1 Year paid
months months – 1 year paid
(` In Crore)
1. Maturity Claims 5332371 3530149 1562950 600879 55757 36335 11118441 112965.34
2. Survival Benefit 11156746 1285330 809328 420665 78937 92621 13843627 32670.72
3. For Annuities /
21791403 2399405 226950 150903 131200 229321 24929182 106113.27
4. For Surrender
(from date of 4119 5077236 156198 18454 446 0 5256453 69163.18
5. Other benefits
(from date of 27798 54 0 0 0 0 27852 5.26

1. Death Claims
(from date of 0 946389 32334 13459 250 45 992477 17468.43

63 Annual Report
Ageing of claims as at March 31, 2019 was as follows:

Sr. Survival For Annuities For Other

Claims Experience For Death For Maturity
No., Benefit / Pension Surrender Benefits
Claims O/S at the beginning
1. 929 433349 40 105184 0 0
of the period
Claims reported during the
2. 1008999 12267561 14155551 6072583 5256453 27852
Claims settled during the
3. 992477 11118441 13843627 6063792 5256453 27852
Claims Repudiated during
4. 6682 0 0 1606 0 0
the period
Less than 3, years from the
a. 5613 0 0 1606 0 0
date of acceptance of risk
Greater than 3, year from the
b 1069 0 0 0 0 0
date of acceptance of risk
5. Claims written Back 9190 829916 309370 617 0 0
Claims O/S at End of the
1579 752553 2594 111752 0 0
Less than 3 months 909 539850 1832 29195 0 0
6. 3 months to 6 months 316 162606 569 6130 0 0

6 months to 1 year 119 13953 102 7268 0 0

1 year and above 235 36144 91 69159 0 0

g. All pecuniary relationship or transactions of Non-executive Director

The non-executive and independent (Non-official Member) Director do not have pecuniary relationship or transactions
with the Company, except the sitting fees paid to them for attending Board and Committee Meetings during the year.

h. Elements of remuneration package (including incentives) of MD & CEO and all other directors and Key
Management Persons

The details of remuneration to Chairman and MD are disclosed in Schedule 15A of Independent Auditors’ Report of the
Annual Report. (Page No 269)

i. Payment made to group entities from the Policyholders Funds

Details of payment made to group entities (related party disclosure) by the Company are included as a part of the
Financial Statement – Refer “Related party Disclosure” section of Schedule 15A.

j. Any other matters, which have material impact on the Financial Position

There are no matters which have material impact on the financial position except those disclosed in the Financial


Board meetings as per regulations are generally held once in three months. During the year, Six Board Meetings were held. In
addition to policy matters, the Board provides strategic direction and execution, ensures financial discipline and accountability
to the policy holders and also ensures the interest of the policyholders and stakeholders.

As per section 19 of Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956, Executive Committee and Investment Committee are formed by
the Board. As per the IRDAI Corporate Governance Guidelines, 2016, we have Committees of the Board viz; Audit Committee,
Risk Management Committee, Policyholder Protection Committee and With Profit Committee. The Remuneration Committee
has been formed in accordance with circular reference F.No.11112/01/2007B Ins III dated 20th July 2007 issued by DFS, GOI.
Further, Building Advisory Committee, Election of Shareholders Directors Committee, Review on Wilful Defaulter Committee
and Information Technology (IT) Strategy Committee have also been formed.

63 Annual Report

Meetings of the Central Management Committee are held every month to review the Corporation business, formulation and
execution of strategies and various concerns are discussed. Zonal Managers and Heads of Department of Central Office,
interact on various issues of the organization.


ZABs are constituted for each Zone, which are competent to discuss and review all matters of policy affecting the proper
development of the life insurance business within the territorial limits of the Zone and make recommendations thereon.


Policyholders’ Councils are constituted in each division. PHCs discuss all the matters which relate to the servicing of the
policyholders like service to the Policyholders, Outstanding Claims, Progress of New Business, Publicity activities etc


No directives were received from the Government of India as per Section 21 of Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956
during the year.


With the previous approval of the Central Government, ten Audit Firms were appointed as Statutory Auditors for the year
2019-20. The names and address of firms are given in Appendix II (Page no. 159).


The Corporation appoints Nominee Directors on the Boards of the Companies where it has substantial stake by way of Debt
and/or Equity. Nominees are officials of the Corporation who are in service or retired. Adequate systems are in place to review
and guide the Nominee Directors from time to time. Appointment of Nominee Directors is periodically reviewed. Nominee
Directors provide feedback with regard to operations, problems, prospects and corporate governance standards etc.

63 Annual Report

63 Annual Report

LIC Housing Finance Limited with its Corporate Office in Mumbai has 9 Regional Offices, 24 Back Offices, 282 Marketing
Offices and 1 Customer Service Point in the country. It also has representative offices at Dubai and Kuwait. The Company’s
shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange and its Global Depository Shares (GDS)
listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The Company is rated ‘AAA’ by CRISIL & CARE. The Company’s Fixed Deposit
Program has been rated as ‘FAAA Stable’ by CRISIL indicating the highest degree of safety.

Growth for the year CAGR – 5 years

Outstanding Loan as on 31.03.2020 – 2,10,578 Crore + 8% 14%
Total Income for the year 2019-20 – 19,669.76 Crore + 13% 12%
Net Profit for the year 2019-20 – 2,401.83 Crore (1%) 15%
Net worth as on 31.03.2020 18,193.09 Crore
Dividend declared 400%

LIC HFL Care Homes Ltd.

LICHFL Care Homes Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of LIC Housing Finance Limited, was incorporated on 11th September,
2001. The Authorized Share Capital of the Company as on date is ₹ 75 Crore. The basic purpose of establishing the Company
was to establish & operate assisted community living centers for the senior citizens.

During the fiscal 2019 - 20, the Company earned a Profit Before Tax (PBT) of INR 437.31 Lakh and Profit After Tax (PAT) stood
at INR 261.24 Lakh.

The Company has one completed project in Bangalore developed in two Phases (Phase- I & Phase II) which were developed
on 10 acres of land. The Company has completed another project in Bhubaneswar on 5 acres of land and is in the process
of handing over to the allottees. Further, the company has also purchased land parcels in Jaipur (Raj.) and Aluva (Kerala)
admeasuring 5.5 acres and 3.35 acres respectively for the purpose of developing assisted living project in these two places.
The Company will develop the project as per suitable model considering the demand, prevailing rules & regulations in the state
and demographic & cultural perspective.

The Company has also been striving for the purchase of new land parcels for the development of Care Homes Project at
various places.


LIC Mutual Fund (the “Mutual Fund”) has been constituted as a trust on 20.04.1989 in accordance with the provisions of the
Indian Trusts Act with LIC of India as the Sponsor, the LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Private Ltd. as the Trustee and LIC Mutual
Fund Asset Management Ltd as the Investment Manager to LIC Mutual Fund. The shareholders of LIC Mutual Fund Asset
Management are LIC of India, LIC Housing Finance Ltd., GIC Housing Finance Ltd., and Union Bank of India.

As of 31st March, 2020 LIC Mutual Fund has been managing 25 schemes. During the year 2019-20, the AMC has mobilized
gross sales of ₹.3,01,184 Crore from all live schemes. The total number of investors as on 31.03.2020 stood at 3,88,758.
Average Assets under Management (AAUM) was ₹.16,605 Crore for the last quarter of 2019-20 and LIC MF is ranked 20th in
terms of AAUM.

With a network of 202 Investor service centers, 28 Area Offices and 126 Sales Team, LIC MF is present in more than 200
locations spread over length and breadth of the country. LIC MF has one of the widest distribution networks comprising IFAs,
National Distributors, Wealth Managements Teams, Banks and Key Business Partners.

LIC MF has an innovative product feature called “APPS” (Auto Premium Payment System) whereby the customers can invest
their money in liquid or short term schemes and their LIC premium is paid from the Mutual Fund account. This is a unique
feature offered only by LIC MF in the industry. Similarly, LIC Mutual Fund is among the 1st Mutual Fund to offer ETF in debt
space with LIC MF G-SEC Long Term ETF. The product allows retail investors to invest in G-SECs with a very small ticket size
at a very competitive cost.

Schemes of LIC MF have been consistently performing well and the performance of LIC MF Schemes have been well covered
by Rating Agencies.
63 Annual Report

LIC Pension Fund Ltd. has been promoted by LIC of India with a specific purpose of managing pension funds under National
Pension System, regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) for employees of Central
Govt. (excluding Defence Services) who have joined services w.e.f 1st January, 2004. For State Govt. employees, this scheme
is applicable, as and when it is adopted by the respective State Govt.

LIC Pension Fund Ltd. is a pension fund management Company. LIC Pension Fund Ltd. manages five Government pattern
schemes of National Pension System i.e Central Govt. Scheme w.e.f 02.04.2008, State Govt. Scheme w.e.f 25.06.2009, NPS
Lite (Govt. pattern) since 04.10.2010, Corporate CG Scheme (which was bifurcated from Central Government Scheme on
04.11.2012) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY) w.e.f 01.06.2015.

In 2013-14, LIC Pension Fund Ltd. was granted license to manage private sector pension funds. There are seven schemes
under the private sector pension funds viz. E Tier-I, C Tier-I, G-Tier I, A-Tier I, E Tier-II, C Tier-II and G Tier-II. (Tier-I Schemes
are non-withdrawal pension schemes whereas under Tier-II Schemes withdrawals are permitted). In all, LIC Pension Fund Ltd.
manages 12 Schemes under NPS.

During the year 2019-2020, LIC Pension Fund Ltd received an amount of ₹ 22,172.82 Crore under Twelve Schemes. The
total Assets under Management (AUM) was ₹ 92,719.22 Crore as on 31st March 2019 which rose to ₹ 1,21,027.68 Crore as on
31.3.2020. Of the above, ₹ 1,18,728.20 Crore are managed under five Government Pattern Schemes and ₹ 2,299.48 Crore
are managed under seven Private Sector Schemes. The total income of LIC Pension Fund Ltd. increased to ₹ 14.52 Crore in
2019-20 from ₹ 11.51 Crore in the previous year due to increase in AUM resulting in higher management fees and interest
income on paid up capital of the Company. The Company has recorded a net profit of ₹ 1.43 Crore for the year 2019-2020.

You Save, We Secure Peaceful Retirement

The net asset value of schemes managed by LIC Pension Fund Ltd. as at 31.3.2020 was as under:

Government Pattern NAV Rate of Return since inception

i) Central Government 29.3820 9.39%
ii) State Government 26.2501 9.37%
iii) NPS Lite 24.2637 9.78%
iv) Corporate CG 19.4193 9.38%
v) Atal Pension Yojana 15.0667 8.86%`

Private Sector NAV Rate of Return since inception

i) E Tier-I 13.8050 4.93%
ii) C Tier-I 19.0823 10.14%
iii) G Tier-I 21.1813 11.87%
iv) E Tier-II 11.5025 2.13%
v ) C Tier-II 17.8035 9.08%
vi) G Tier-II 21.5789 12.28%
vii) A Tier I 12.8312 7.46%

Tax Benefits for NPS :

An additional tax benefit of ₹ 50,000/- had been allowed for individuals, under sec 80CCD (1b) for investing in NPS. This
is in addition to the earlier consolidated tax relief of ₹1,50,000/- permissible under section 80C. Similarly, 40% of lumpsum
withdrawal at retirement has been exempted from tax.

As the awareness about NPS increases, total AUM under NPS is expected to grow further in the future. The Central Govt.
has permitted its employees to choose investment pattern and any Fund Manager (out of 8, Public & Private Fund Managers)
for their incremental contributions to NPS w.e.f. 1.4.2019. This is expected to increase the competition among Pension Fund
Managers to generate better risk adjusted returns.

63 Annual Report
d) LIC Cards Services Ltd.
LIC Cards Services Ltd., (LIC CSL) was incorporated on 11th November 2008 as a wholly owned subsidiary of LIC of India
with the capital of ₹ 1 Crore. The objective of the Company is to provide Credit Card services to LIC Employees, Club Member
Agents and Policyholders. LIC CSL is having its Corporate Office at Delhi and presently operational in 100 Centres of LIC of
India through Area Offices at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi(Outside), Delhi (Local), Hyderabad,
Kolkata, Mumbai, Lucknow and Patna. 199 City Sales Managers and 17,243 Sales Representatives are engaged in providing
Credit Card services to our customers.

Presently the Company has tie ups with Axis Bank and Union Bank of India for issuance of Credit Cards under Co-branded /
White Label Agreement. LIC CSL offers free Credit Cards with lots of attractive benefits embedded into it. The Cards are of “Chip-
and-Pin” variant which ensures maximum security to the Card holders. LIC Cards are Life Time Free i.e. there is no Joining Fee,
Annual Fee and Renewal Fee on the Cards issued. LIC Credit Card offers a convenient and Alternate mode of Premium Payment
with Double Reward Points and Nil Convenience Fee. Some of the salient features of LIC Cards are as follows:

1. Free Accidental Insurance of ₹ 5 Lacs (in Signature Card powered by Axis Bank), ₹ 3 Lacs (in Platinum Card
powered by Axis Bank) and ₹ 2.5 Lacs (in Platinum Card powered by Corporation Bank)

2. Attractive Reward Points on every spend of ₹ 100/-

3. Double Reward Points on all International Spends

4. Double Reward Points on payment of LIC premium without charging any convenience fee.

5. Airport Lounge facility on selected Airports for Signature Cardholders on payment of token amount of ₹ 2/- only (Twice
in each Quarter)

6. Interest Free Credit Period of 20 – 50 Days

The Company has also entered into an Agreement with Axis Bank for issuing Gift Cards to the Employees, Agents, Subsidiaries,
Group Insurance Master Policyholders of LIC.

As on 31.03.2020, the total Credit Card portfolio has increased to 3,24,057 from 2,55,271 as on 31.03.2019. During the year
2019-20, the Company has issued 68,786 Credit Cards which was the highest ever in any year since inception. The Company
had a target of ₹ 13.38 Crores of Income on different counts against which the Company achieved an income of ₹ 14.87 Crores
with an overall growth rate of 77.02% over last year. A net profit of ₹ 3.62 crores has been generated showing growth over than
187% over last year's profit of ₹ 1.26 Crores.

e) IDBI Bank
IDBI bank Ltd., as a universal bank, offers a complete suite of financial products, and services to retail and corporate clients.
The offerings include variants of retail banking products such as Savings account, Current account, Term deposit, Home
loan, Auto loan, Education loan, personal loan. Financial assistance to Agri. and MSME clients. Corporate banking products
including fund based and non-fund based assistance; treasury and capital market products. The bank also offers variants
of debit-plus-ATM card, credit card and prepaid card products. Keeping in view of the risk profile and financial goals of its
customers, the bank also cross-sells various third party products and services to augment its fee based income. Additionally,
the bank also has a wide range of digital offerings such as internet banking and mobile banking that extends the convenience
of transactions at any time and any place to its customers.
IDBI Bank has formed subsidiaries and joint ventures across diverse areas of Para-banking and financial system to offer a wide
range of products and services to its clients. The bank has five subsidiaries, viz. (i) IDBI Capital Market & Securities Limited
(ICMS)- a broking and distribution company; (ii) IDBI Intech Limited (IIL)- an IT Company; (iii) IDBI Asset Management Limited
(IAML)- the investment manager of schemes launched by IDBI Mutual Fund; (iv) IDBI MF Trustee Company Limited (IMTCL)-
the Trustee of IDBI Mutual Fund; and (v) IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd (ITSL)- a company to carry out trusteeship and other
related business. The bank also has a Joint Venture, viz. IDBI Federal Life Insurance Company Limited (IDBI Federal), with
Federal Bank limited and AGEAS Insurance International (Ageas) for carrying out life insurance business.
In January 2019, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had acquired majority stake in IDBI Bank. Subsequently the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) re-categorised the bank as a ‘Private sector Bank’ for regulatory purposes. The strategic stake acquisition
by LIC in IDBI Bank is envisaged as win-win situation for both the entities with an opportunity to create enormous value for their
shareholders, customers and employees through mutual synergies which has created one window for availing banking and
insurance services.
63 Annual Report
The bank’s corporate office is located in Mumbai and Operates from 12 Zones and 61 Regions.

As on March 31, 2020 bank had 1,892 branches, which includes 4 Central clearing units (CCUs), besides 75 Retail Asset
Centers (RACs). The total branch network of the Bank also includes one overseas branch in Dubai International Financial
Centre (DIFC) and one International Banking Unit (IBU) in Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT). The bank also has 23
Currency Chests. In terms of Alternate Delivery Channels, bank has 3,683 ATMs and 58 e-lounges.

As on March 31, 2020, IDBI Bank’s (standalone) balance sheet size was at ₹ 2,99,942 Crore and has a total business of
₹ 3,52,266 Crore. The bank’s key financial highlights are presented below:

Business Highlights
As on March 31, 2020 (` In Crore)
Deposits 2,22,424
- CASA Deposits 1,06,188
- CASA Share (%) 47.74%
Advances (Gross) 1,71,690
- Corporate 75,493
- Retail 96,197
- Corporate : Retail (%) 44:56

Profit & Loss

2019-20 (` In Crore)
For the period
Total Income 25,295
- Interest Income 20,825
- Other Income 4,470
Total Expenses (other than provisions) 20,183
- Interest Expenses 13,847
- Operating Expenses 6,336
Net Interest Income 6,978
Operating Profit 5,112
Provisions & Contingencies (17,999)
Profit/ (Loss) After Tax (12,887)

Capital Ratios
As on March 31, 2020
CRAR 13.31%
Tier 1 Ratio 10.57%

Major highlights of IDBI Banks performance in FY 2019-20 are as under

Bank has reported PAT of ₹ 135 Crore for Q4 FY 2020, after reporting Net Loss for last 13 quarters. IDBI Bank has achieved
all Prompt Corrective Action parameters for Q4 FY 2020 and except Return on Asset for full year. Provision Coverage Ratio
stood at 93.74%, which is highest in the banking industry.

IDBI-LIC Synergies during FY 2020:

Post-acquisition of majority stake in IDBI Bank by LIC, during FY 2020 IDBI Bank has collected insurance premium of ₹ 800
Crore in respect of LIC netting a fee income of ₹ 40 Crore in FY 2020. IDBI Bank has launched LIC Premium Pay which
facilitates LIC renewal premium collection through IDBI Bank branch channel from LIC policyholders in Cash and Cheques and
Merchant Invoices (in cash). More than 63,000 transactions have been executed in during FY 2020. IDBI Bank has enabled
renewal premium collection through UPI gateway and has also launched Co-branding of Gift Cards, Cash Cards and Credit
Cards commenced in November 2019.

63 Annual Report
The Life Insurance Corporation of India expresses its sincere thanks to the Hon’ble Parliamentary Committees which visited its
offices, the Hon’ble Union Finance Minister, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Finance (Expenditure, Banking and Insurance),
the Insurance Division of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs and the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India for their active support, advice and co-operation on various issues.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India thanks its Board Members, Executive Committee, Investment Committee, Building Advisory
Committee, Audit Committee, Policyholder Protection Committee, Risk Management Committee, Election of Shareholder Director
Committee, Committee on Wilful Defaulter, With Profit Committee, Information Technology Strategy Committee and Remuneration
Committee for their valuable direction and guidance.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India appreciates the contribution and expresses sincere thanks also to those Board Members
whose term came to an end during the FY 2019-20.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India is grateful to the millions of its Policyholders who have reposed their trust, confidence and
continued patronage to the Corporation.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India places on record the excellent contribution rendered by its Employees, Officers and Agents.

63 Annual Report

NEW BUSINESS for the year 2019-2020 2018-2019

Sum Assured/ NCO/ MSB (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
a) Assurances 617659.13 550187.71
b) Annuities* 14851.18 6990.76
c) Pension* 361.90 449.16
d) Non Linked Health*** 26468.61 24563.17
e) Linked*** 829.72 290.90
No. of Policies (in Lakh)
a) Assurances 213.62 208.10
b) Annuities 2.34 3.30
c) Pension 0.07 0.09
d) Non Linked Health 2.83 2.62
e) Linked 0.24 0.07
Sum Assured (incl Linked Business) 186579.95 499085.63
Annuities in Payment 78884.50 709.84
Consideration for Annuities # 77532.97 42083.58
No. of Schemes:
Group Insurance(incl Linked Business) 28741 29111
Social Security Group Schemes - 23
Group Superannuation 145 217
No. of lives (in Lakh)
Group Insurance (incl Linked Business) 296.04 376.74
Social Security Group Schemes 94.20 179.61
Group Superannuation 15.06 6.66
At the end of the year ;
Sum Assured & Bonus/ APA/ MSB
a) Assurances 5686035.01 5309500.67
b) Annuities** 6367.13 5206.99
c) Pension** 2118.52 2078.12
d) Non Linked Health*** 51465.02 39445.24
e) Linked*** 28917.29 40082.35
No. of Policies (in Lakh)
a) Assurances 2817.63 2822.43
b) Annuities 20.44 18.21
c) Pension 15.16 15.42
d) Non Linked Health 6.34 5.71
e) Linked 33.38 47.93
Sum Assured (incl. Linked Business) 1881026.32 2014919.30
Annuities in Payment 8834.55 7183.98
Consideration for Annuities # 360677.23 299940.45
No. of schemes:
Group Insurance (incl. Linked Business) 141343 139642
Group Superannuation 23702 23426
No of lives (in Lakhs)
Group Insurance (incl. Linked Business) 1042.90 1071.16
Group Superannuation 92.58 89.64
NCO-Notional Cash Option, APA- Annuity Per Annum, MSB-Major Surgical Benefit
* NCO Value ** APA Value
***In Case of Jeevan Arogya, Health Plus and Health Protection Plus plans figures in SA Column indicate Major Surgical Benefit (MSB).
# It represents the amount available for future annuitisation

63 Annual Report
Analysis of Income
(`in crore)


Individual Assurance

Individual Pension Scheme


Group Scheme

Linked Business Premium


Income from Investment



Variation due to change in Fair Value
of Linked Business (unit fund)

2019-20 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 220000 240000


2019-20 2018-19
(` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Individual Assurance
First Year Premium 29356.08 26587.02
Percentage Increase over Previous Year 10.42 5.93
Renewal Premium 192738.91 186505.07
Single Premium & Consideration for Annuities Granted 22021.02 24470.47
Individual Pension Schemes
First Year Premium 23.71 22.15
Renewal Premium 620.26 676.66
Consideration for Annuities Granted 8.48 8.92
Group Schemes
Group Insurance Premium 31833.56 42215.62
Group Superannuation Premium 101711.44 55898.70
Total Premium Income 379062.56 337185.40
Percentage Increase over Previous Year 12.42 6.08
Income from Investments (including capital gain) 234187.31 221573.72
Miscellaneous 1468.98 841.26
Total Income 614718.85 559600.38
Variation due to change in Fair Value of linked Business(unit fund) 1164.09 1184.01
Net Total Income 615882.94 560784.39
*Previous year figures regrouped wherever necessary.

63 Annual Report
Policy Payments
` in crore (1 crore = 10 million)


160000 152602 152886

2019-20 2018-19



80000 71052 70011


17553 17125
20000 13015 10914
Maturity Death Annuities Surrenders

Management Expenses
` in crore (1 crore = 10 million)


2019-20 2018-19

20450 19872

15000 14853

10000 9310

2698 2661

Commission etc. Salary and other Benefits Other Expenses Other Outgo (Taxes, Transfers 5% of Valuation Surplus
to Agents to Employees of Management to Reserves, etc.) paid to the Central Government


Outgo 2019-2020 2018-2019

(` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Payments to Policy-holders
Claims by Maturity 152601.78 152885.88
Claims by Death 17552.70 17124.88
Annuities 13015.29 10914.30
Surrenders, etc. 71052.49 70011.17
Total Amount 254222.26 250936.23

63 Annual Report
2019-20 2018-19
Expenses of Management
(` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Commission etc. to Agents 20450.30 19311.19
Salary and other Benefits to Employees 25089.77 19871.89
Other Expenses of Management 10055.08 9310.13

Total 55595.15 48493.21

Other Outgo
Other Outgo (Taxes, transfers to reserves,etc.) 17188.37 14853.25
5% of Valuation Surplus paid to the Central Government 2697.74 2660.60
Total 19886.11 17513.85
Total Outgo 329703.52 316943.29
*Previous year figures regrouped wherever necessary.

2019-20 2018-19
Policy Liabilities
(` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Non Linked Business
Policy Liabilities at the beginning of the year 2786712.13 2533564.65
Add : Excess of Income over Outgo 295286.27 253147.48
Policy liability at the end of the year 3081998.40 2786712.13
Percentage Increase over the previous year 10.60% 9.99%
Linked Business
Policy Liabilities at the beginning of the year 41607.99 50920.27
Add : Addition during the year -9110.34 -9312.28
Policy liability at the end of the year 32497.65 41607.99
Percentage Increase over the previous year -21.90% -18.29%

2019-20 2018-19
Outstanding Claims at the end of the year
(` in Croer) (` in Crore)
Maturity 9057.51 4291.57
Death 342.78 143.40
Total 9400.29 4434.97
Ratio of Expenses of Management To Total Premium Income
Commission etc. to Agents 5.39% 5.73%
Salary and other benefits to Employees 6.62% 5.89%
Other Expenses of Management 2.65% 2.76%
Overall Expenses Ratio 14.67% 14.38%

Ratio of Outstanding Claims To Claims payable 5.52 2.61

Rate of Interest realised on Mean Life Insurance Fund 7.54 7.59

63 Annual Report
NEW BUSINESS FIGURE 2017-18 TO 2019-20

2.5 2.19
2.14 Policies (in crore)


2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

700000 660170
35000 33145
Annual Premium
Sum Assured/NCO Receivable
(` in crore) 29056 (`in crore)
650000 30000 27837

600000 25000

550000 20000

500000 15000

2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020


Table No. 1 A


Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual

No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium
Policies NCO Receivable Policies NCO Receivable Policies NCO Receivable
(` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)

Individual Assurance
2017-2018 20711779 531992.11 27579.78 15376 905.37 47.11 20727155 532897 27627
2018-2019 20795524 549210.97 28832.54 14472 976.74 47.55 20809996 550188 28880
2019-2020 21349725 616751.32 32886.65 12502 907.81 46.19 21362227 617659 32933
General Annuity
2017-2018 363756 0.00 0.00 - - - 363756 0.00 0.00
2018-2019 330260 6990.76 0.00 - - - 330260 6990.76 0.00
2019-2020 233720 14851.18 0.00 - - - 233720 14851.18 0.00
2017-2018 10635 562.10 29.95 - - - 10635 562.10 29.95
2018-2019 8849 449.16 24.31 - - - 8849 449.16 24.31
2019-2020 6547 361.90 18.56 - - - 6547 361.90 18.56
Non Linked Health*
2017-2018 200214 14959.65 100.43 - - - 200214 14959.65 100.43
2018-2019 262498 24563.17 122.68 - - - 262498 24563.17 122.68
2019-2020 282505 26468.61 117.78 - - - 282505 26468.61 117.78

63 Annual Report
Table No. 1 A


Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual

No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium
Policies NCO Receivable Policies NCO Receivable Policies NCO Receivable
(` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Unit Linked
New Endowment plus (Plan-835)
2017-2018 24316 795.03 79.50 - - - 24316 795.03 79.50
2018-2019 6774 287.93 28.79 - - - 6774 287.93 28.79
2019-2020 17532 591.70 59.17 - - - 17532 591.70 59.17
New Endowment plus (Plan-935)
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 522 19.23 1.92 - - - 522 19.23 1.92
Nivesh Plus
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2694 68.69 - - - - 2694 68.69 -
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2,975 148.00 15.00 - - - 2975 148.00 15.00
UK - Linked
2017-2018 - - - 10 1.41 0.00 10 1.41 0.00
2018-2019 - - - 10 2.97 0.00 10 2.97 0.00
2019-2020 - - - 10 2.09 0.00 10 2.09 0.00
* In case of Jeevan Arogya plan figures in SA column indicate Major Surgical Benefit ( MSB)

63 Annual Report

Number of Schemes

30500 29134 28741





28000 27249



2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Number of Members (in Lakh) Sum Assured / Annuity Per Annum,

(` in Crore)
700 683601
500 390 500000

300 300000
200 200000

100 100000

0 0
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020


Table No. 1 B
No. of Sum Assured / Consideration
No. of Schemes
Year members Annuity per annum for Annuities
(in Lakh) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Group Insurance (incl. Social Security)
2017-2018 27249 601.15 683601.40 0
2018-2019 29134 556.34 499085.63 0
2019-2020 28741 390.23 186579.95 0
Group Superannuation
2017-2018 229 4.27 789.38 47421.94
2018-2019 217 6.66 709.84 42083.58
2019-2020 145 15.06 78884.50 77532.97

63 Annual Report

TABLE No. 2 State wise Various SSS Claim Payment

NB Lives Converged
SSS Renewal Erstwhile Total Claim
(Converged Total PMJJBY &
Name of the State (Converged AABY Amount
PMJJBY & AABY) (In ` Crore)
Converged AABY) No. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A&N ISLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
ANDHRA PRADESH 0 22565863 22565863 56 57497 817.10
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
ASSAM 0 0 0 1 0 0.01
BIHAR 1152174 935461 2087635 60 1179 23.29
CHANDIGARH 0 0 0 47 3 0.26
CHHATTISGARH 0 0 0 1351 926 15.65
DADRA & N HAVELI 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
DAMAN &DIU 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
GOA 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
GUJARAT 0 0 0 31 0 0.13
HARYANA 0 0 0 0 29 0.15
HIMACHAL PRADESH 6120 0 6120 0 4 0.08
J&K 0 0 0 72 1 0.45
JHARKHAND 3450 0 3450 3 75 1.46
KARNATAKA 0 354609 354609 544 407 9.80
KERALA 510 385270 385780 148 193 3.88
LAKSHDWEEP 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
MADHYA PRADESH 0 0 0 744 0 3.26
MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 369 0 1.32
MANIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
MEGHALAYA 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
MIZORAM 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
NAGALAND 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
DELHI 0 0 0 2 0 0.01
ORISSA 0 1231949 1231949 249 28 1.39
PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
PUNJAB 0 0 0 16 0 0.12
RAJASTHAN 12850 5250 18100 87 156 3.20
SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0.00
TAMIL NADU 0 0 0 303 0 0.23
TELANGANA 0 0 0 63 0 0.21
TRIPURA 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
UTTAR PRADESH 0 0 0 2455 104 10.36
UTTRANCHAL 0 0 0 7 0 0.02
WEST BENGAL 0 0 0 5 0 0.03
TOTAL 1175104 25478402 26653506 6613 60602 892.39
Central Ministry Schemes 244657 1976861 2221518 0 729 8.33
PMJDY 8000000 0 0 0 408 1.22
Total 9419761 27455263 28875024 6613 61739 901.95
Claim Amount paid
i) Erstwhile AABY, Converged AABY and PMJDY @ ` 30,000/-
ii) Converged PMJJBY @ ` 2,00,000/-
iii) SSGS - As per scheme specific benefits

63 Annual Report

Number of policies (in crore)

28.24 28.22 28.18





2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Sum Assured/APA Annual Premium Receivable

(` in crore) (` in crore)
4809739 225880
5000000.00 230000
4255523 220000
4500000.00 211548
4000000.00 198743.01

3000000.00 180000
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020


Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual
No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium
Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable
(` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Individual Assurance
2017-2018 282245330 4250255.66 198474.33 106223 5267.45 268.68 282351553 4255523.11 198743.01
2018-2019 282137112 4503861.81 211259.75 106225 5796.42 288.25 282243337 4509658.22 211548.00
2019-2020 281658312 4803768.44 225581.08 104207 5970.28 299.20 281762519 4809738.72 225880.28
General Annuity
2017-2018 1504249 4046.96 10.57 1 0.00 0.00 1504250 4046.96 10.57
2018-2019 1820911 5206.99 9.31 1 0.00 0.00 1820912 5206.99 9.31
2019-2020 2043879 6367.13 7.91 1 0.00 0.00 2043880 6367.13 7.91
2017-2018 1564651 2034.92 770.43 171 1.56 0.12 1564822 2036.48 770.55
2018-2019 1541649 2076.60 720.58 171 1.52 0.11 1541820 2078.12 720.69
2019-2020 1515607 2117.06 662.73 170 1.46 0.10 1515777 2118.52 662.83
Non Linked Health Jeevan Arogya*
2017-2018 461845 22224.98 251.03 - - - 461845 22224.98 251.03
2018-2019 570669 39445.24 305.63 - - - 570669 39445.24 305.63
2019-2020 633545 51465.02 331.72 - - - 633545 51465.02 331.72

63 Annual Report
Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual
No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium
Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable
(` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Unit Linked Future Plus
2017-2018 76820 46.03 10.10 - - - 76820 46.03 10.10
2018-2019 66562 42.05 9.13 - - - 66562 42.05 9.13
2019-2020 53440 35.31 7.75 - - - 53440 35.31 7.75
Jeevan Plus
2017-2018 74740 1402.79 153.01 - - - 74740 1402.79 153.01
2018-2019 69347 1306.58 151.12 - - - 69347 1306.58 151.12
2019-2020 64863 1220.43 148.89 - - - 64863 1220.43 148.89
Money Plus
2017-2018 199991 2135.87 168.44 - - - 199991 2135.87 168.44
2018-2019 178986 1912.11 152.50 - - - 178986 1912.11 152.50
2019-2020 163785 1750.45 138.48 - - - 163785 1750.45 138.48
Market Plus
2017-2018 553581 167.94 60.61 - - - 553581 167.94 60.61
2018-2019 483847 147.75 56.22 - - - 483847 147.75 56.22
2019-2020 432559 132.47 51.43 - - - 432559 132.47 51.43
Fortune Plus
2017-2018 20140 507.69 0.00 - - - 20140 507.69 0.00
2018-2019 13992 391.12 0.00 - - - 13992 391.12 0.00
2019-2020 12802 359.49 0.00 - - - 12802 359.49 0.00
Profit Plus
2017-2018 286953 3225.43 0.00 - - - 286953 3225.43 0.00
2018-2019 232597 2735.65 0.00 - - - 232597 2735.65 0.00
2019-2020 203239 2424.43 0.00 - - - 203239 2424.43 0.00
Money Plus-1
2017-2018 26212 264.82 27.19 - - - 26212 264.82 27.19
2018-2019 18598 200.28 20.85 - - - 18598 200.28 20.85
2019-2020 14618 157.44 16.59 - - - 14618 157.44 16.59
Child Fortune Plus
2017-2018 16537 336.75 17.68 - - - 16537 336.75 17.68
2018-2019 15250 312.48 16.22 - - - 15250 312.48 16.22
2019-2020 14083 289.31 14.66 - - - 14083 289.31 14.66
Market Plus-1
2017-2018 1249746 267.18 134.52 - - - 1249746 267.18 134.52
2018-2019 992099 224.57 113.20 - - - 992099 224.57 113.20
2019-2020 649867 180.52 81.38 - - - 649867 180.52 81.38
Health Plus*
2017-2018 88350 3653.43 89.99 - - - 88350 3653.43 89.99
2018-2019 79747 3320.53 81.01 - - - 79747 3320.53 81.01
2019-2020 71721 3001.78 71.64 - - - 71721 3001.78 71.64
Health Protection Plus*
2017-2018 95695 3812.82 49.42 - - - 95695 3812.82 49.42
2018-2019 93020 3716.49 44.62 - - - 93020 3716.49 44.62
2019-2020 90206 3607.98 39.58 - - - 90206 3607.98 39.58
Jeevan Sathi Plus
2017-2018 2803 41.35 2.97 - - - 2803 41.35 2.97
2018-2019 2577 37.51 2.72 - - - 2577 37.51 2.72
2019-2020 1632 26.63 1.88 - - - 1632 26.63 1.88

63 Annual Report
Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual
No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium No. of Assured/ Premium
Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable Policies APA Receivable
(` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
Wealth Plus
2017-2018 1299666 13924.18 0.00 - - - 1299666 13924.18 0.00
2018-2019 1291930 13842.10 0.00 - - - 1291930 13842.10 0.00
2019-2020 385305 3934.59 0.00 - - - 385305 3934.59 0.00
Endowment Plus
2017-2018 664958 5859.97 126.97 - - - 664958 5859.97 126.97
2018-2019 580609 5086.71 109.56 - - - 580609 5086.71 109.56
2019-2020 525560 4572.12 97.17 - - - 525560 4572.12 97.17
Pension Plus
2017-2018 68704 0.00 75.85 - - - 68704 0.00 75.85
2018-2019 62925 0.00 70.90 - - - 62925 0.00 70.90
2019-2020 58545 0.00 66.43 - - - 58545 0.00 66.43
Samridhi Plus
2017-2018 626486 5781.81 39.73 - - - 626486 5781.81 39.73
2018-2019 566451 5213.35 32.76 - - - 566451 5213.35 32.76
2019-2020 527989 4832.43 29.03 - - - 527989 4832.43 29.03
Flexi Plus
2017-2018 1282 29.90 2.99 - - - 1282 29.90 2.99
2018-2019 1005 23.13 2.31 - - - 1005 23.13 2.31
2019-2020 889 20.31 2.03 - - - 889 20.31 2.03
New Endowment plus (Plan-835)
2017-2018 39155 1315.25 131.52 - - - 39155 1315.25 131.52
2018-2019 43314 1515.68 151.56 - - - 43314 1515.68 151.56
2019-2020 60133 2079.04 207.90 - - - 60133 2079.04 207.90
New Endowment plus (Plan-935)
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 522 19.23 1.92 - - - 522 19.23 1.92
Nivesh Plus
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2694 68.69 0.00 - - - 2694 68.69 0.00
2017-2018 - - - - - - - - -
2018-2019 - - - - - - - - -
2019-2020 2975 148.00 15.00 - - - 2975 148.00 15.00
UK - Linked
2017-2018 - - - 313 49.80 4.59 313 49.80 4.59
2018-2019 - - - 300 54.25 4.86 300 54.25 4.86
2019-2020 - - - 292 56.65 3.89 292 56.65 3.89
* In case of Jeevan Arogya, Health Plus and Health Protection Plus plans figures in SA column indicate Major Surgical Benefit ( MSB)

63 Annual Report

Premium (`in crore) NCO/APA/SA (`in crore)

150000 2100000 2022103
140000 133552 2000000 1890101
130000 1900000
120000 1800000 1695143
110000 98199
100000 89204
80000 1300000
70000 1200000
60000 1100000
50000 1000000
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Group Schemes Members

180000 163068 165045 1300
170000 160951 1179 1161
1200 1136
150000 1100
130000 1000
100000 800
80000 700
50000 500
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020


Table No. 3 B
Year No. of No. of Sum Assured/ Consideration Premium
Schemes members NCO/ Annuites for Annuities * Income
(in Lakh) PA (` in Crore) (` in Crore)
(` in Crore)
Group Insurance (incl. Social Security)
2017-2018 137978 1091.55 1688731.03 0 31010.28
2018-2019 139610 1070.86 2014670.17 0 42290.60
2019-2020 141312 1042.90 1881026.32 0 31833.57
Group Superannuation
2017-2018 22938 86.63 6053.71 276649.71 58181.46
2018-2019 23426 89.64 7183.98 299940.45 55898.70
2019-2020 23702 92.58 8834.55 360677.23 101711.44
Linked Business G Plus
2017-2018 35 0.39 357.79 0 11.79
2018-2019 32 0.31 249.13 0 9.60
2019-2020 31 0.29 240.10 0 7.30
* It represents the amount available for future annuitisation
Table N0. 4 Form DD
New life insurance business in respect of which a premium has been paid during Total life insurance business in force at the end of the year 31.3.2020
the year 2019-2020

Number Sum insured and Consideration Single Yearly Number of Sum insured with Consideration for Premium income
of policies annuities per for Annuities Premiums Renewal Policies Bonuses and Annuities for which credit
annum Premium Annuities per has been taken
annum in the Revenue
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Ordinary Policies **
In India 21349725 6167513218000 - 66993173127 328866460395 281658312 56791365876814 - 2284157680042
Out of India 12502 9078059207 - 848191467 461882486 104207 68984227296 - 3724085318
63 Annual Report

Total 21362227 6176591277207 - 67841364594 329328342881 281762519 56860350104109 - 2287881765360

Annuty Contracts etc :
In India 233720 148511843957 - 152368799199 - 2043879 63671290514 - 152452838021
Out of India - - - - - 1 11257 - -
Total 233720 148511843957 - 152368799199 - 2043880 63671301771 - 152452838021
Non Linked Health #
In India 282505 264686100000 - - 1177817303 633545 514650200000 - 3148795824
Total 282505 264686100000 - - 1177817303 633545 514650200000 - 3148795824
Linked Plan - Future Plus
In India - - - - - 53440 353106360 - 47067500
Total - - - - - 53440 353106360 - 47067500
Linked Plan - Jeevan Plus
In India - - - - - 64863 12204260000 - 279106134
Total - - - - - 64863 12204260000 - 279106134
Linked Plan - Money Plus
In India - - - - - 163785 17504491250 - 1312152040
Total - - - - - 163785 17504491250 - 1312152040
Linked Plan - Market Plus
In India - - - - - 432559 1324705000 - 290870246
Total - - - - - 432559 1324705000 - 290870246
Linked Plan - Fortune Plus
In India - - - - - 12802 3594900000 - -
Total - - - - - 12802 3594900000 - -
Linked Plan - Profit Plus
In India - - - - - 203239 24244345000 - -
Total - - - - - 203239 24244345000 - -
Linked Plan - Money Plus 1
In India - - - - - 14618 1574390000 - 180093500
Total - - - - - 14618 1574390000 - 180093500
Linked Plan - Child Fortune Plus
In India - - - - - 14083 2893140000 - 160010663
Total - - - - - 14083 2893140000 - 160010663
Linked Plan - Market Plus 1
In India - - - - - 649867 1805163000 - 939230148
Total - - - - - 649867 1805163000 - 939230148
Linked Plan Flexi Plus
In India - - - - - 889 203070000 - 14560750
Total - - - - - 889 203070000 - 14560750
Table N0. 4 Form DD
New life insurance business in respect of which a premium has been paid during Total life insurance business in force at the end of the year 31.3.2020
the year 2019-2020
Number Sum insured and Consideration Single Yearly Number of Sum insured with Consideration for Premium income
of policies annuities per for Annuities Premiums Renewal Policies Bonuses and Annuities for which credit
annum Premium Annuities per has been taken
annum in the Revenue
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Linked Plan - Health Plus #
In India - - - - - 71721 30017770000 - 701657927
Total - - - - - 71721 30017770000 - 701657927
Linked Plan - Health Protection
Plus #
In India - - - - - 90206 36079754000 - 387789556
Total - - - - - 90206 36079754000 - 387789556
Linked Plan -Jeevan Sathi Plus
In India - - - - - 1632 266300000 - 21797403
Total - - - - - 1632 266300000 - 21797403
Linked Plan -Wealth Plus
In India - - - - - 385305 39345913000 - -
Total - - - - - 385305 39345913000 - -
Linked Plan - Endowment Plus
In India - - - - - 525560 45721175000 - 717029989
Total - - - - - 525560 45721175000 - 717029989
Linked Plan - Pension Plus
In India - - - - - 58545 - - 520476169
Total - - - - - 58545 - - 520476169
Linked Plan - Samridhi Plus
In India - - - - - 527989 48324255000 - 730800
Total - - - - - 527989 48324255000 - 730800
Linked Plan - New Endowment
In India 18054 6109330000 - - 6109330000 60655 20982720000 - 1471073841
Total 18054 6109330000 - - 6109330000 60655 20982720000 - 1471073841
Linked Plan - Nivesh Plus/SIIP
In India 5669 2166897500 - 386400000 149986000 5669 2166897500 - 440661000
Total 5669 2166897500 - 386400000 149986000 5669 2166897500 - 440661000
UK - Linked
Out of India 10 20936679 - 21238243 - 292 566546619 - 58502523
Total 10 20936679 - 21238243 - 292 566546619 - 58502523
In India 6547 3619035000 185596147 1515607 21170616941 - 6507033671

Out of India - - - 84818426 - 170 14578767 - -

Total 6547 3619035000 - 84818426 185596147 1515777 21185195707 - 6507033671
Group Insurance Policies (Incl
Social Security) 28741 1865799509976 - 262945581560 45516686152 141312 18807862167843 775329748973 319175288307
Total 28741 1865799509976.00 - 262945581560 45516686152 141312 18807862167843 775329748973 319175288307
Group Annuity Contracts etc. 145 13515245773.06 775329748973 719526600775 275128041798 23702 88345505573.14 3606772257956.95 1017114441562
Total 145 13515245773.06 775329748973 719526600775 275128041798 23702 88345505573.14 3606772257956.95 1017114441562
Linked Business (G+) - - - - - 31 2401022402 - 73016729
Total - - - - - 31 2401022402 - 73016729
63 Annual Report

63 Annual Report
Life Fund
Life Fund
(` in crore)
(` in crore)
3300000 2828320
3300000 2828320
2700000 2584485
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

5% Share (Life Business) paid to Central Government

5% Share (Life Business) paid to Central Government
(` in crore)
(` in crore) 2698
2661 2698
2422 2661
2700 2422






2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Table No. 5
(` in Crore)
Valuation 5% Share paid to 100% Share paid Taxes (incld. S.T.)Paid
Year Life Fund Surplus Central Govt. to Central Govt. to Government
(Life) Life Business CRAC Business (Life)
2017-2018 2584484.92 48436.45 - 2421.82 8.37 10674.11

2018-2019 2828320.12 53211.91 - 2660.60 2.50 10923.19

2019-2020 3114496.05 53954.86 - 2697.74 1.99 10225.24

* Previous year's figures are regrouped wherever necessary

63 Annual Report

` 2928727.30 Crore

Loan Other Investments

` 120369.51 Crore ` 20844.85 Crore
(3.92%) (0.68%)

Securities Loan Other Investments


Table No. 6 31.03.2020
(` in Crore)
Investment in India
I Loan* 120186.78
II Securities, etc. 2924864.73
III Money market investments 20816.40
TOTAL (in India) 3065867.92
Investment out of India
I Loan 182.73
II Securities, etc. 3862.57
III Money market investments 28.45
TOTAL (Outside India) 4073.75
TOTAL 3069941.67
* including Policy Loans & Mortgage Loans
63 Annual Report

` 24803.21 Crore
Other Infrastructure (47.43%)
` 18253.28 Crore
` 9241.30 Crore

Total Investments
` 52297.79 Crore



Table No. 7
Amount Advanced
Sector during 2019-2020
(` in Crore)
1. Power 24803.21
2. Housing
(a) Loans to State Governments for Housing Schemes
(b) Loans to Apex Co-operative Housing Finance Societies & others
(c) Debentures , Bonds etc. to Housing Finance Companies. 9241.30
3. Irrigation/ Water Supply /Sewerage Schemes -
4. Road & bridges/SRTC 13515.43
5. Other Infrastucture 4737.85

TOTAL 52297.79

63 Annual Report


Shri Sudarsan R Shri Nagnyal K S

ED (CRM / PROCESS), CO, Mumbai ED (P & GS), CO, Mumbai
Shri Shashikumar H S Shri Nallakuttalam S
CEO (HAMC), CO, Mumbai Director, ZTC, Chennai
Shri Chaudhary Ravi Shri Vikas Rao C
ED (CP/NPRJ), CO, Mumbai ZM (I/C), ZO, Mumbai
Shri Kumar Rakesh Shri Banerjee D K
Director, MDC, Mumbai ED (ENGG), CO, Mumbai
Shri Jain P K Shri Pangtey Dinesh K
ED (INVR), CO, Mumbai CEO (AMC), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mohanty D P Shri Chawla G S
ED (AUDIT), CO, Mumbai ED (INSP/RTI), CO, Mumbai
Smt Ratnam Nalini M Shri Nair Rajivan K
ED (NB & RI/HRD/OD), CO, Mumbai ED (CLIA/CC), CO, Mumbai
Smt Jain Renu Shri Verma M M L
Director, ZTC, Gurgaon Secy. Genl. (ECOI), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mohanty S Smt Ipe Mini
CEO (LICHFL), CO, Mumbai ZM (I/C), ZO, Hyderabad
Shri Sinha N P Shri Kumar Rakesh
ZM (I/C), ZO, Kanpur CEO (CARD), CO, Delhi
Shri Kumar Mahendra Shri Masil Jeyamohan P
ZM (I/C), ZO, Patna ED (INVO), CO, Mumbai
Shri Gupta Anil Smt Subramanian Renuka
Addl. Director, ZTC, Gurgaon Director, ZTC, Pune-Akurdi
Shri Joshi D N Shri Kumar Anoop
ED (MKTG/PDEV/SBA), CO, Mumbai ZM (I/C), ZO, Delhi
Shri Kadiresan K Shri Patnaik B C
ZM (I/C), ZO, Chennai Director, ZTC, Agra
Shri Bhagat Dinesh K Shri Behera S
ZM (I/C), ZO, Kolkata Director, ZTC, Jamshedpur
Shri Mokashi S N Shri Kher S P
ED (CRM/PAYMENT),CO,OMumbai Chief Exec.(LICHFSL), CO, Mumbai
Shri Das Karuna Kanto Shri Anand A K
FM, NIA, Pune ED (INVM), CO, Mumbai
Shri Kumar Praveen Shri Nanda H
ED (MBAC), CO, Mumbai ED (IT/SD), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mukherjee A Smt Panwar Priti
Director (COI), CO, Mumbai Chief Exec. (PNEF), CO, Mumbai
Shri Roy P B Shri Nadkarni S S
Director, ZTC, Kolkata ED (E&OS), CO, Mumbai

63 Annual Report
Smt Chandra Nirupma Kum Seth Ena
FM, NIA, Pune Director, ZTC, Bhopal
Shri Verma Sanjay Kum Koul Naveen
ED (MINS), CO, Mumbai ED (LEGAL), CO, Mumbai
Smt Vinodakumari P Shri Ajith Kumar L
Director, ZTC, Hyderabad ED (DMKT), CO, Mumbai
Smt Kher P Smt Garg Sarita
ED (PERS), CO, Mumbai ED (IT/BPR), CO, Mumbai
Shri Chand Parkash Shri Saxena V K
ZM (I/C), ZO, Bhopal GM (ENGG) (CARE), CO, Delhi
Shri Das S K Shri Kumar Anil J
Chief (INVR), CO, Mumbai Vice Principal, ZTC, Chennai
Shri Sangam P K Shri Mishra P K
CE (ENGG), ZO, Mumbai CE (ENGG), CO, Mumbai
Shri Chakraverti Saha Arpita Shri Sen Jyoti kumar
RM (OS), ZO, Kolkata FM, ZTC, Chennai
Shri Elango S Smt Verma Vidhu
CE (ENGG), ZO, Chennai RM (P&IR), ZO, Mumbai
Shri Palaniswamy R Shri Kureel Vinod
RM (P&IR), ZO, Chennai Vice Principal, ZTC, Agra
Shri Gupta Rajiv Shri Rastogi Sanjay
CEO (CARE), CO, Mumbai RM (MKTG), ZO, Delhi
Shri Muraleedharan P Shri Balagopal V
RM (MKTG), ZO, Mumbai FM, NIA, Pune
Shri Mishra B S Smt Ghosh Pompa
RM (MKTG), ZO, Kolkata Chief (LIASN), CO, Delhi
Shri Dasgupta P Shri Azeezuddin Md
RM (MKTG), ZO, Mumbai Chief(SBU-IO), CO, Mumbai
Shri Singh Ratikanta Shri Nagesh S
Vice Principal, ZTC, Kolkata Chief (I/C) (HINS), CO, Hyderabad
Shri Nagaraja Rao P V S Shri Jain S M
SRM (MKTG), ZO, Hyderabad Genl. Manager (PENF), CO, Mumbai
Smt Rama Rao Savithri Smt Soman S S
RM (E&OS), ZO, Hyderabad Chief (F&A), CO, Mumbai
Shri Srivastava A Shri Singh Yogendra
RM (E&OS), ZO, Kanpur RM (E&OS), ZO, Bhopal
Smt Padmavati Y V Shri Sharma A K
Genl. Manager (AMC), CO, Mumbai RM (CRM), ZO, Kolkata
Shri Wanwar G S Shri Kemmu M K
Chief (PERS), CO, Mumbai RM (P&GS), ZO, Kolkata
Shri Dixit Sanjay Shri Mittal N K
RM (HFL), RO, Patna Chief (F&A), CO, Mumbai
Shri Paul S Shri Sen J
RM (HFL), RO, Bhopal Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai
Ms. Gauba Harleen Shri Dubey R K
RM (EST), ZO, Mumbai Chief (ER-D), CO, Mumbai
Shri Thakur S K Shri Arandhara Tapan
MD & CEO (FGN), Bahrain RM (P&GS), ZO, Delhi
Shri Shamsunder L K Shri Gowd Viswanatha Y
FM, NIA, Pune RM (HFL), RO, Hyderabad
63 Annual Report
Shri Unhelkar B K Shri Kumar Kamal
Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai RM (CRM), ZO, Patna
Shri Lahiri A Shri Singh R P
Chief (INVM), CO, Mumbai Chief (P&GS), CO, Mumbai
Shri Grover A Shri Dwivedi P
Genl. Manager (HAMC), CO, Mumbai Genl. Manager (PENF), CO, Mumbai
Shri Gupta R P Shri Samal P
RM (MKTG), ZO, Patna Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mallick Pravat Kumar Shri Suman R K
CE (ENGG), CO, Mumbai CE (ENGG), ZO, Delhi
Smt Gemma Berly Shri Jha K K
RM (CRM), ZO, Mumbai Chief (RTI), CO, Mumbai
Shri Ramakrishnan T S Shri Chakrapani J
RM (HFL), RO, Mumbai RM (MKTG), ZO, Chennai
Smt Rangarajan N Shri Pandey Tablesh
Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai Chief Actuary (ACTL/ACGC), CO, Mumbai
Shri Ghai Ashwani Smt Shankar Chitra
RM (MKTG), ZO, Kanpur Chief (NB&RI), CO, Mumbai
Smt Duggal A Shri Kaul Satish
RM (HFL), RO, Delhi RM (P&IR), ZO, Kanpur
Shri Singh Jaspal Ms. Prasad Malika
Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai RM (E&OS), ZO, Patna
Shri Chaturvedi M C Shri Meena L C
RM (P&GS), ZO, Patna Chief (CARE), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mishra P R Shri Kannan M
Chief (INVO), CO, Mumbai Vice Principal, ZTC, Pune-Akurdi
Shri Kumar Deepak Smt Rao Uma
Genl. Manager (FGN), Bahrain RM (OS), ZO, Mumbai
Shri Jagannnath M Smt Purushottam Anju
RM (MKTG), ZO, Bangalore RM (CRM), ZO, Hyderabad
Shri Jha V Shri Mahapatra R
RM (HFL), RO, Bangalore FM, ZTC, Kolkata
Shri Bardoloi Dipak Kumar Shri Pradhan B
Genl. Manager (HFL), CO, Mumbai RM (CRM), ZO, Kanpur
Shri Narayan S Shri Nayak S
Chief (INVO/ACGC), CO, Mumbai RM (HFL), RO, Kolkata
Shri Behara B Shri Kundu Arup
Vice Principal, ZTC, Jamshedpur CE (ENGG), ZO, Bhopal
Shri Navani Udaykumar Shri Thakur S
RM (HFL), RO, Chennai CE (ENGG), ZO, Hyderabad
Shri Kumaresan P Kum Prabhakaran G
Chief (MKTG), CO, Mumbai Chief (BD/S/GJF), CO, Mumbai
Shri Kumar Ashok Shri Thiruvenkatachari S
CE (ENGG), ZO, Patna Chief (CRM/PAYMENT), CO, Mumbai
Shri Doraiswamy R Smt Sridhar Seema
Chief (IT/SD), CO, Mumbai Chief (INVM), CO, Mumbai
Shri Venkataramanan G Shri Siddiqui A M
RM (CRM), ZO, Chennai RM (P&IR), ZO, Bhopal
Shri Rajnikanth R Shri Vishwanath S
FM, NIA, Pune Chief (EST), CO, Mumbai
63 Annual Report
Shri Sachdev R Shri Kumar Girish
Chief (OS), CO, Mumbai RM(CRM), ZO Delhi
Shri Negi P S Ms. Shekhar Pramila
Chief (IT/SD), CO, Mumbai RM (P&IR), ZO, Delhi
Shri Kumar Ravi Kum Khare Rachna
RM (OS), ZO, Delhi Chief (CRM/PROCESS), CO, Mumbai
Shri Buch H M Shri Dhar P
Chief (P&GS), CO, Mumbai RM (E&OS), ZO,Chennai
Shri Bhanoo Sat Pal Shri Kumar P
Chief (MKTG/SBA), CO, Mumbai RM (CRM), ZO Bhopal
Shri Mallikarjana Rao P Shri Singh Gill Gajraj
RM (P&IR), ZO, Hyderabad RM (HFL), RO, Lucknow
Shri Pattanaik D P Shri Kumar Ajay
Genl. Manager (HFSL), CO, Mumbai RM (MKTG), ZO, Bhopal
Shri Dasgupta A Shri Jha R K
MD & CEO (FGN), LIC Of Bangladesh Limited Genl. Manager (AMC), CO, Mumbai
Shri Mishra Rabinarayan Shri Mallick T R
RM (EST), ZO, Kolkata RM (P&GS), ZO, Mumbai
Shri Acharya B Shri Kumar Shrawan
RM (P&IR), ZO, Patna RM (P&IR), ZO, Kolkata
Shri Kumar Gulshan Shri Jaipuria P
CE (ENGG), ZO, Kanpur RM (EST), ZO, Delhi
Shri Palani B Shri Sudhakar R
CE, ZTC, Chennai Chief (INVO), CO, Mumbai

Shri Pant Dinesh

Chief & Appointed Actuary, CO, Mumbai

63 Annual Report
Central Zone Northern Zone
Shri M R Kumar, Chairman Shri M R Kumar, Chairman
Shri S K Tiwari Shri Vinay Vohra
Shri Sandeep Mukherjee Shri Dilip Singh
Er. Mani Ram Nirala Dr. Padmja Sharma
Shri Brijesh Goyal Shri Sumit Taluja
Smt Vaishali Maheshwari Shri Manoj Kumar Munjal
Dr Jayantilal Bhandari Shri Prakash Chand Thakur
Shri Himanshu Khare Shri Syed Kifayat Hussin Razvi
Dr Sandhya Verma Dr Rajnish Saxena
Shri Sudhir Jain Shri Rajiv Khosla
Shri Kamlesh Kumar Agrawal Shri Sunil Dutt Vyas
Shri Prakash Chand, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member Shri Anoop Kumar, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member
Eastern Zone South Central Zone
Shri M R Kumar, Chairman Shri M R Kumar, Chairman
Dr Paramita Roy Ms. Usha Prabha Nayak
Shri Tirtha Sankar Hansda Shri K Sivarama Kumar
Shri Surajit Dutta Shri S Thiagarajan
Shri Dhiraj Mohan Ghosh Shri R Rajagopalan
Shri Vikash Tuwani Shri D R Prasada Raju
Dr. Sankar Prasad Bhattacharya Shri K G Jairam
Shri Sujit Kumar Ghosh Shri D V Dhadoti
Shri Iqbal Hussain Dr S Devasena
Shri Gautam Saha Shri D Srihari
Dr Bishnu Prasad Sarmah Shri V Rajasekhar Rao
Shri Dinesh K Bhagat, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member Smt Mini Ipe, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member
East Central Zone Southern Zone
Shri M R Kumar, Chairman Shri M R Kumar, Chairman
Shri Jitendra Kumar Agarwal Shri B Madan Mohan
Dr Shanti Swaroop Sharma Shri C A Velmurugan
Shri Anup Kumar Sinha Shri Sunil Kumar V
Dr. Damodar Kejriwal Dr. Seethalekshmi Ammal M
Dr. N. K. Behera Prince Thekkan
Ms. Manisha Kumari Shri K Lakshmana Kumar
Shri Sunil Kumar Daruka Dr. N. Shanmuga Sundaram
Shri Subhash Mahapatra Shri M Kanaga Sabapathy
Shri Kanhu Charan Panda Shri S N Radhuchandran Nair
Dr. Sunita Sahay Shri V P Annadurai
Shri Mahendra Kumar, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member Shri K Kadiresan, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member
North Central zone Western Zone
Shri M R Kumar, Chairman Shri M R Kumar, Chairman
Shri Nitesh Kumar Gupta Shri Bharat B Patel
Dr Saghir Ahmad Dr. Roshankumar M Bhigania
Shri Hridaya Naratan Pandey Prof. Girish Bhimani
Dr Purnima Anil Dr (Smt.) Kirtee P Kulkarni
Dr S N Uniyal CA Ananda N Sankpal
Dr Indroneel Banerjee Shri Bipinbhai M Shah
Dr Ashutosh Kumar Dixit Smt Chitra P Kshirsagar
Shri Bhupendra Singh Pangtey Shri Munish R Sharma
Ms Sunita Tilhari Shri Prashant Mali
Shri Pankaj Rastogi Shri Upendra L Khapare
Shri N P Sinha, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member Shri C Vikas Rao, Zonal Manager, Ex-Officio Member

63 Annual Report
Mr. De Debashis, SDM Mr. Surya Prakash Gupta Mr. Prosenjit Mitra Mr. B P Dash, SDM
Dr. Amarjeet Singh Khalsa Mr. Pushpendra Kumar Mrs. Priya Topno Mr. Shiv Prakash Bhardwaj
Mr. Aditya Raj Modi Gautam Mr. Subrata Paul Dr. Murari Mandal
Ms. Preetima Shrivastava Mr. Rajgopal Rajeshwar Dr. Shyamal Saha Mr. Bikram Kumar
Mr. Shyam Rao Ambedkar Mrs. Sapna Dwivedi Mr. Jyotirmoy Jhampat Mr. Arun Kumar Mishra
Mr. R N Chaturvedi Mr. Umashankar Kol JORHAT DIVISION Mrs. Jipsi Kumari
Mr. Kuntal Kumar, SDM ASANSOL DIVISION Mrs. Chandanani Barua Mr. S P Parichha, SDM
Mr. Ashok Rao Kadam Mr. Ashutosh Kumar, SDM Mr. Someswar Barhoi Mr. Biraja Prasad Patra
Mr. Naresh Kumar Arora Mrs. Banani Talukdar Dr. Pinaki Sengupta Mr. Manoj Kumar Agrawal
Mr. Roop Chand Choudhary Mr. Murli Mohan Hansda Mr. Paresh Phukon Mr. Subash Chandra Palo
Ms. Sumita Khande Mr. Samir Kanto Dutta Mr. Sanoy Das Mrs. T Chiranjeevi
Mr. Dilip Agrawal Mr. Mrityunjoy Roy KHARAGPUR Mr. Akrura Behera
Mr. G K Jena, SDM BARDHAMAN DIVISION Mrs. Barnali Ghosh Mr. M Panda, SDM
Mr. Ajay Kumar Asthana Mr. Jaya Prakash Babu D, Mr. Tirtha Sankar Hansda Mr. Kamran Khan
Mr. Anil Kumar Mehendele SDM Mr. Partha Pratim Basak Mr. Dinesh Paswan
Ms. Sheebi Rastogi Mr. M Mukhopadhyay Mrs. Tania Mukhopadhyay Ms. Rani Kumari
Mr. Harish Shakya Mr. Arindam Sinha Mr. Surajit Dutta Mr. Arvind Jha
Mr. NavinTaneja Dr. Shamik Dey KOLKATA METRO DIVISION I Mr. Kamal Kumar Sinha
Mr. S B Mishra, SDM Mr. Chandan Halder Mrs. Jyoti Bajla Mr. Akshay Kumar Sahoo,
Ms. Jyoti Tiwari BONGAIGAON DIVISION Mr. Kaushik Mitra SDM
Mr. Ishwar Sharma Mr. Bijay Kumar Panda, SDM Mrs. Sushama Barua Mr. Subrat Rout
Mr. Manish Kumar Sankhala Mr. Kanu Lal Das Mr. Abrar Ahmed Mrs. Snehalata Rout
Mr. Rajendra Kale Mr. Abdul Hakim Mr. Jayanta Bhattacharji Mr. Soumendra Das
Mr. Dharmraj Jarwal Mr. Samir Kumar Sarkar KOLKATA METRO DIVISION II Mr. Prafulla Ku. Sarangi
Mrs. Minati Goswami Mr. N Bose, SDM Mr. Pradeep Ku. Nayak
Mr. Ashok Kumar, SDM Choudhury Mr. Birendra Shaw CUTTACK DIVISION
Ms. Preeti Irene Thangadurai Mr. Abdul Mannan Mrs. Indrani Mitra Mr. A K Routray, SDM
Dr. Tanmoy Sircar GUWAHATI DIVISION Mr. Soumen Dutta Mrs. Jayashree Sethy
Mr. Sourabh Jain Mr. M R Sahoo, SDM Dr. Ujjwal Mukherjee Mr. Girish Parija
Mr. Aditya Narayan Sharma Mr. Pankaj Sarma Mr. Arindam Roy Mr. Sanjay Patra
Mr. Teerath Singh Maravi Mrs. Chandana Das KOLKATA SURBURBAN Mr. Samar Singh
Mr. Ashish Chatterjee DIVISION Mr. Naushad Hazari
Mr. Prakash Sinha, SDM Mr. Rakesh Dudharia Mr. Gaurab Chand, SDM HAZARIBAGH DIVISION
Dr. Lunic Yadu Mr. Mani Kachari Dr. Debalina Bhahma Mr. S N Panda, SDM
Mr. Rupesh Jain HOWRAH DIVISION Mr. Ananda Mohan Mandal Mr. Somnath Pruthi
Mr. G K Chhangani Mr. D K Mondal, SDM Dr. Subhash Ch. Roy Mrs. Mamta Kumari Gupta
Mrs. Manjula Livingstone Mrs. Prerana Dokania Mr. Arijit Pal Dr. Sajal Mukherjee
Mr. Aman Agrawal Mrs. Antara Naskar (Sarkar) Mr. Anjan Kr. Karmakar Dr. Sujoy Samanta
Mr. Subrata Mondal SILCHAR DIVISION Mrs. Sima Goreti Tirkey
Mr. R K Singh, SDM Mr. Amit Pachal Mr. T K Lakra, SDM
Mr. Shankar Dutta Shukla Mr. Anand Prakash Pandey Mr. Bhaskar Sengupta
Dr. (Mrs) Pratibha Dubey Mrs. Elizabeth Singson
Mr. Pradeep Tamrakar Mr. Biswajit Paul
Mr. S L Prajapati Mr. Paban Chandra Deb
Mr. Manohar Digwani Mr. Purnendu Bhattacharjee
63 Annual Report
Mr. M M Ansari, SDM Mr. P C Mishra, SDM Mr. G Lal, SDM Mr. O P Jilowa, SDM
Mrs. Sima Shanti Tirkey Dr. Ms Jaya Nag Mr. Mohit Grover Ms. Madhu Sareeen
Dr. Ruma Chatterjee Mr. Jaswant Singh Dhingra Mr. Munish Thapar Mr. Raj Mal Ostwal
Mr. Firoz Khan Mr. Kanhaya Lal Songara Ms. Pooja Chatly Mr. Rajiv Murdia
Mr. Shravan Kumar Ojha Mr. Vikas Kumar Bhaleriwala Mr. Ravi Deep Singh Mr. Pawan Roat
Mr. Jayant Kumar Mohanty Mr. Babu Lal Prajapat Dr. Adarsh Kumar Mr. Rakesh Jhanwar
Mr. Permendra Hari, SDM Mr. Rajat Mukherjee, SDM Mr. L P Pipil, SDM AGRA DIVISION
Mr. Ganwant Kumar Mallik Mr. Gautam Jain Mr. R K Mishra Mr. Arindrajit Sikdar, SDM
Mrs. Sunita Saraf Mrs. Meena Lakhanpal Mr. Dinesh Prasad Kothari Ms CA Deepika Mittal
Mr. Saroj Kumar Dr. Gunjan Mehta Pt. Vishwanath Mr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta
Mr. Vijay Kumar Chaudhary Mr. Manmohan Singh Dr. Braj Veer Singh Dr. Ashish Kumar Garg
Mrs. Meena Devi Mr. Sanjeev Bhatia Mrs. Satnam Ratti Kapoor Mr. Surendra Kumar
DELHI DIVISION II Mr. Thakurendra Singh
Mr. S Gupta, SDM Mr. S R Meena, SDM Mr. V K Dhar, SDM ALIGARH DIVISION
Mrs. Sumita Jaiswal Mr. Amit Aggarwal Mr. Mukesh Chand Vashisht Mr. Arun Pal, SDM
Mrs. Savita Singh Dr. Ram Lal Poonia Mr. Shrichand Mr. Vishnu Dayal Sexena
Mr. Niraj Kumar Pappu Dr. (Mrs) Manisha Patni Mr. Arun Gupta Dr. Neeta
Mrs. Azra Requib Mr. Prashant Mantri Mr. Jagdish Chander Verma Dr. Virendra Kumar
Mr. Amit Kumar Mr. Hari Ram Sogan Mrs. Shashi Bhati Mr. Ranveer Singh Kashyap
DELHI DIVISION III Mr. Chandresh Kumar Garg
Mr. S K Samantaray, SDM Mr. G P Meena, SDM Mr. Sandeep Kumar, SDM ALLAHABAD DIVISION
Mr. Subodh Kumar Nandan Mr. Basant Bahar Mr. Ajay Fatyal Mr. Vivek Sharma, SDM
Dr. Hema Naqvi Dr. Sheenu Jain Mr. Tarun Gandhi Mr. Himanshu Pandey
Mr. Amit Kumar Jha Mr. Ashok Kr. Shukla Mr. Sunny Kumar Mr. Thakur Azad Singh
Mr. Vishal Jain Mr. Vijay Kr. Gupta Ms. Lakshmi Krishnan Ms. Reena Keshari
Mr. Kusheshwar Das Mr. Raju Aggarwal Mr. Ishwar Dass Mr. Madan Lal
Mr. M K Panda, SDM Mr. K Singh, SDM Mr. S Julka, SDM BAREILLY DIVISION
Mr. Ashok Kumar Panigrahi Dr. Ajay Sareen Mr. Vikram Prabhakar Mr. Yangjor, SDM
Dr. Narendra Kumar Behera Mr. Avnip Deora Mr. Naresh Bhardwaj Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Soi
Mrs. Bhawana Lath Dr. Devinder Kaur Mr. M L Grover Mr. Rajesh Agarwal
Prof. Dr. Amar Mishra Mr. Rajesh Khanna Mrs. Renu Sharma Dr. Satish Kumar
Mr. Dolamani Kandher Mr. Pritpal Singh Mr. Jai Bhagwan Solanki Dr. Trilok Arora
Sharma Dr. Anuja Singh
Mr. S S Chaplot, SDM Dr. Shweta Jha Mr. A Razdan, SDM Mr. P K Saxena, SDM
Mr. Abhishek Bermecha Dr. Bhanu Partap Trivedi Mr. Sunil Nagpal Mr. Prodyot Kumar Singhal
Dr. Rajeev Jain Mr. Ankit Jain Ms. Brindula Karol Mr. Lakshmi K Godiyal
Ms. Renu Sharma Mr. Kamlesh Rathore Mr. Aditya Karir Mr. Ajay Khattak
Mr. N L Pawan Mr. Vinod Kr. Johri Mr. Diwan Singh Mr. R K Bharti
Mr. Rohit Choudhary Mr. Hans Raj Ms. Seema Rani
Mr. Harvinder Singh, SDM Mr. Sandeep Kumar Bharti Mr. Sat Paul, SDM Mr. M Atrishi, SDM
Mrs. Ruhina Sharma Mr. Om Pal Singh Mrs. Asmat Yaseen Dr. Sanjay Tiwari
Mr. Suraj Gupta Mr. Vikrant Aggrwal Mr. Kartar Chand Mr. Ram Paltan
Mr. Deepak Duggal Mr. Arvind Garg Mr. Charanjit Singh Dr. R K Dwivedi
Mr. Mahender Pal Ms. Versha Mr. Najmu Sakib Mr. Khurshid Ahmed
Mr. R K Mahajan Mr. Arjun Singh Wazir Ms. Ekta Tripathi

63 Annual Report
Mr. D M Mital, SDM Mr. M K Karuppaiah, SDM Mr. K Venkatraman, SDM Mrs. P P Gaitonde, SDM
Ms. Radha Chandha Ms. Bhavadhaarini Ananta- Mrs. N Raajarajeswari Mr. Basavaraj M Kalburgi
Mr. Mohd Ehhsan Husain rama Mr. N R Nadarajan Dr. H S Melinamani
Mr. Sandeep Kumar Jaiswal Mrs. Mohana T Mr. K Visahan Mrs. Vineeta P Gejji
Mr. Ram Darash Prasad Dr. S Raj Kanna Mrs. A Meenakshi Mr. Sanjeev R Deshpande
Mr. Shashi Prakash Srivastava Mr. Rajasekar K Dr. K Ambujam Mr. Ram K Managoli
Ms. Geeta Balutia Mr P J Nicholson, SDM Mrs. Deepa Sivadasan, SDM Dr. Mohammad Iqbal A Shaikh
Mr. Kishore Kumar Jangpangi Dr. V Thiyagarajan Mr. Alex Kuriakose Mrs. Parvathi Rangaswamy
Mr. Anshul Garg Mr. P K Subramanian Mr. V S Benedict Anugraha Mr. Manunath Yeallappa
Mr. Chandra Prakash Yadav Mr. A Shanmugam Dr. Reena Gamangatti
Mr. Krishan Chandra Gururani Dr. L Jayanthi Prof (Dr.) Abraham Joseph Mr. Prakash S Udikeri
Mr. N N Parasram Mr. Visweswaran G Mr. K S Patil
Mr. Pramod Saxena Mr. P Radhakrishnan, SDM Mrs Santha Verkey, SDM Mr. Tapan Kumar Pattanaik,
Dr. Monica Shukla Mrs. V K Beena Beegom Mr. P V Surendran SDM
Dr. Sudhir Kant Mr. A V Jose Dr. Jaya Cherian Mrs. Majusha Gotikar
Mr. Ambrish Tandon Dr. (Mrs) Saroja A S Mr. Satheesan T Mr. B Dholaya
Mr. Vimal Kumar Shukla Dr. Seby Varghese Adv Seema Menon Mr. M Satya Reddy
Mr. N Pradeep kumar Mr. Haridas Mrs. Sashikala Reddy
Mrs. Abha Walters Mr. S Srinivasa Rao, SDM Mr. K Vasant Kumar, SDM KADAPA DIVISION
Dr. Virendra Bahadur Singh Dr. Vinod Viswanathan Dr. K Thanikasalam Mr. D R K R M Sivaram, SDM
Dr. Anup Agrawal Mr. P K Vinodkumar Mr. C Selvaraj Mr. G Kanaka Raju
Mr. Varghese Kurian Dr. Sreekanth K N Mr. S Amuthan Mrs. Mythili Bhupathi
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Dr. Bhanu Ashok Mrs. Jenitha Ruben Mr. Makam Suresh Babu
Mr. Rahul S Mr. S Siva Surya Narayanan Mr. V S Altaf Hussain
Dr. Subhash Singh Mr. V S Madhu, SDM Mr. N Ramakrishnan, SDM KARIMNAGAR DIVISION
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Mrs Priya Sreekanth Mr. P Prasanth Kumar Mr. V M V Rama Sastry, SDM
Mrs. Rekha Sharma Mr. Paul Verghese Mrs. R Malathy Capt. Dr. B Madhusudhan
Mr. Deepak Sharma Mr. Shyam Sunder Mrs. R Visalakshi Reddy
Mr. Jitendra Mohan Dr. P B Santhoshkumar Mr. K Karunanithi Dr. R Kanakaiah
Mr. Arunkumar K Dr. A Kabilan Mr. Vootukuri Ravinder Reddy
Mr. Krishna Mohan Srivastav Mr L Chendurnathan, SDM BANGALORE DIVISION-I Mr. D Niranjana Chary
Ballia Dr. R Chandramohan Mr. Ashis Kumar, SDM MASULIPATNAM DIVISION
Mr. Mustaq Ahmad Mr. P Vijaya Kumar Dr. V Anuradha Paramesh Mr. P Suryanarayana Rao,
Dr. Kanchan Singh Mr. R Kirubakaran Mr. E Nagendrappa SDM
Mr. Satish Kr. Singh Mr. P Kandavelu Dr. S C Sharma Mr. Nimmalapudi Venkata
Dr. Dudh Nath Mrs. K Krishnaveni Mr. T S Giri Durga Rao
SALEM DIVISION Mr. G Freddy Charles Mr. L V V N Bhanu Priya
Mr. A Soosai Manicam, SDM Mr. V Seshadri Mr. J Jagadish, SDM Dr. Polaiah Bojja
Dr. A Devaraj Ms. K Kavitha Dr. K V Balasubramanya Mr. Kotha Hari Kumar
Mr. R Sivakumar Mr. M Murugesan Mr. R Arunachalam
Mrs. U Archana Mr. K Ravi Ms. Elizabeth Joseph
Dr. K S Gowrishankar Mr. P Mageshkumar Mr. G V Manjunatha
Mrs. R Rajini Surendarnath Mrs. Gayathri K C

63 Annual Report
Mr. P Vishveshwar Rau, SDM Mr. K Anantha Padmanabha, Mr. A K Mishra, SDM Dr. (Mrs) Tanuja R Kumar,
Ms. Vyshali Hanumanth SDM Mr. Sandip M Mehta SDM
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Hebri Mr. S Padmanabha Kedlaya Mr. Hemubhai G Gedia Mr. Bipin Mishra
Mr. Keshava Dongre Mr. K Thammayya Naik Mr.(Dr) Suresh Savani Mr. Sunil Kadam
Mr. C E Venkatesh Dr. H A Visweswara Dr. Hareshbhai A Shah Dr. D Prasanth Nair
Mr. M Ravi Kumar Mr. K R Keshava Mrs. Matangi P Pandya Ms. Vidya Tilakraj Ballal
Mrs. Madhavi S Bhandari GANDHINAGAR DIVISION Mr. Harshad Manohar More
Mr. Sundara Rajan Jagannath, VISAKHAPATNAM DIVISION Mr. K R Balasubramaniyan, MUMBAI DIVISION – IV
SDM Mr. P G Kumaravaidyalingam, SDM Mr. Ananda Chatterjee, SDM
Mr. Ramireddy Yugandhar SDM Mr. Shamjibhai P Gor Dr. Girish Raut
Reddy Mr. Attili M Raj Mr. Jiten D Patel Mrs. Indira S Patkar
Mr. V Krishna Subhan Dr. D V G Sanker Rao Dr. Vivek Bhave Mrs. Smriti Podar
Mrs. Damisetty Subhashini Mrs. Singireddi Sujatha Dr. (Ms) Jyoti Sadhu Dr. (Mrs) Varsha Degwekar
Dr. T Sukruthi Mr. Tummidi Srinivas Pulla Mr. Karmadevsinh Vaghela Mr. Anil kumar B Tiwari
RAJAHMUNDRY DIVISION Mr. P Aravind Mr. Sanjay Dayal, SDM Mr. Sanjay Anand, SDM
Mr. G B V Ramaiah, SDM WARANGAL DIVISION Mrs. Lalita Correia Afonso Mr. Dhaneshkumar N Chris-
Mr. Jangam Subbarao Mr. E A Viswaroop, SDM Mr. Vibhav P Nayak tian
Md. Idris Khan Mr. Venkata Swamy Mrs. Shradha D Sawant Dr. Palak Verma Triveni
Mr. Manepali V B S Saibaba Mr. J Dharma Naik Mr. Dhananjay Redkar Mr. Girishkumar Baldevbhai
Mrs. A Ganga SuchiSmita Mrs. Gundu Rani Ms. Shanti Maria Foonseca Patel
Mr. Kambala Venakata Mr. Kodam Srinivas KOLHAPUR DIVISION Mr. Haresh Ganshyambhai
Satyaprakash Mr. Bathini Mohana Rao Mr. S B Moghe, SDM Joshi
Mrs. Yogita Prasad Gulavani Mr. Kiran kumar Chaturbhai
Prof. Ashok Krishna Choka- Mayavanshi
Mr. K R Ventatesha Prasad, AHMEDABAD DIVISION
Dr. Jagannath Hebbale Ms. Ruzan Khambatta Mr. Santosh Sadashiv Tase Mr. M C Joshi, SDM
Mr. Ramesh H Meharwade Mr. Sandip Modi Mr. Jayant Madhukar Phadake Mr. Ravindra Jawalkar
Mr. Ishappa Mr. Narendra C Tundiya Dr. Uday Bindurao Sanga- Dr. Shantanu Pramod Jog
Mr. H Doddappa Dr. Sandarbh P Patel vadekar Mrs. Seema Gamankumar
Mrs. D Lalitha Dr. Jayanti Bharti MUMBAI DIVISION – I Lade
Mr. Nihar Ranjan Tripathy, Mr. Sachin Dattatraya
SDM Chintawar
Mr. Pradeep Shenoy, SDM Mr. Sujay Dutta, SDM
Mr. Anil V Tilak Mrs. Mangala Anil Tundurwar
Mr. Manchala Gyanender Adv. Sushama P Joshi
Gupta Dr. Sanchita Vijay Nagrale Mr. Ram Kishor Darak NANDED DIVISION
Mr. Doddi Ashok Mr. Damodar Dwarkaprasad Ms. Sania Surve Mr. J G Lamture, SDM
Mr. C Rajendra Kumar Khandelwal Mr. Shaikh Maqbool Husain Dr.(Mrs) Charusheela
Mr. Bhukya Saidulu Mr. Prakash Murlidharji Laddha Mr. Pandurang Ajabrao Madhukar Gujar
Mrs. M Ramadevi Mr. Shantanu Sharadchandra Awasarmol Mr. Nitin Kailashing Pardeshi
Joshi MUMBAI DIVISION – II Mr. Ramakant Shriniwasrao
Mr. S Ramesh Saravana, Ghonsikar
SDM Mr. Nandkumar Dhondiram
Mr. B G Shivamurthy Mr. Kul bhushan Sharma,
Mrs. Mugdha Milind Ra- Kamble
Mrs. (Dr) Sandhyakaveri SDM
jadhyaksha Mr. Padamakar Shridharrao
Mr. Umesh Shetty Mr. (Dr) Ramdas Sitaram
Mr. Virendra Shiv Singh Jondhale
Mr. William D’souza Wanare
Mr. M G K Murthy Mr. (Dr) Anant Madhavrao Mr. Amit Lapasiya
Rajmane Mr. Santosh Appa Pendharkar
Mr. Nitin Manikchant Kotecha Mrs. Manjiri Madan Naik
Mr. Anand Marotirao Mamidwar
Mrs. Sangita Nilkanth Jadhav

63 Annual Report
Mr. T D Gadpaile, SDM Mr. Niraj Gupta, SDM Mr. Sharad Tripathi, SDM
Mr. J K Arora, SDM
Dr.(Ms) Archana Patel
Mr. Rajendra C Shah Dr. Raosaheb Ramchandra Dr. Bimal A Vasani Mr. Madhubhai Khodabhai Bhoj
Mr. Sunil V Amrutkar Patil Mr. Narendra Jethidan Ziba Mr. Jignesh Madhavjibhai Patel
Mr. Suresh J Jain Dr. (Mrs) Jyoti Bhakare Mr. Manish Vinaykant Doshi Mr. Paresh Hiralal Palauwala
Dr. Mehul Anil Patel
Dr. Mahadeo Buwaji Kamble Dr. Girish N Kumthekar Mrs. Pallavi P Vyas
Ms. Shobha Prasad Gosavi Mr. Pawan Kulkarni Mr. Nirlok Parmar
Mr. S Mehta, SDM
PUNE DIVISION- I Dr. Surendra Bende SATARA DIVISION Mrs. Celline
Mr. Sachin Patil
Mr. Barun Kumar Khan, SDM SSS Division, Mumbai Mr. M J Godbole, SDM
Mr. Jayant Phalke
Mr. Ashok Dattatray Gadade Mr. Devojit Sanyal, SDM Mr. Hanmant Vithoba Daware Mr. Vishwanath Karlad
Mrs. Geeta Sivakumar Dr. Anjali A Pradhan Mr. Nilesh Shrikant Lokare Mr. Ganesh Gopal Joshi
Dr. Prashant A Chavhan Mr. Rajeev Krishna Swamy Mr. Vinod Balwant Godbole VADODARA DIVISION
Mr. Kailas Shrinivas Somani Mr. Prathamesh H Ladge Dr. (Mrs) Vaijayanti V Shindegi Mr. Raman Kumar, SDM
Dr. Dhrumit N Gohil
Mr. Lahu Kacharu Gaikwad Mr. Mangesh Deodhar Mr. Parag Anil Katdare Mr. Parth Pathak
Mr. Vaibhav P Joshi Mr. Mahesh N Patel
Ms. Sheetal A Shah
Mr. Kuldeep C Panchal

63 Annual Report
Statutory (Central) Auditor of the Corporation for 2019-20

S.No Name Of The Auditor/Audit Firm Location

1 M/S Todi Tulsyan & CO 602, Luv Kush Tower,

ER0043 Exhibition Road,
Patna - 800001, Bihar

2 M/S A R & CO A, 403, Gayatri Apartments,

CR3997 Plot No.27, Sector - 10,
Airlines Group Housing Society, New Delhi - 110075,
New Delhi

3 M/S D K Chhajer & CO Nilhat House, 11, R.N.Mukherjee Road,

CA0162 Ground Floor, Kolkata,
Kolkata-700001, West Bengal

4 Umamaheswara RAO & CO Flat No.5-H, D Block, 8-3-324,

HY0235 Yellareddyguda Lane,
Ameerpet X Road,
Hyderabad- 500073, Telangana

5 S K Kapoor & CO 16/98, Lic Building

CR0029 The Mall,
Kanpur- 208001, Uttar Pradesh

6 Khandelwal Jain & CO 12-B, Baldota Bhavan, 5Th Floor

BO0090 117, Maharshi Karve Road,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400020.

7 M/S Batliboi & Purohit 2Nd Floor, National Insurance Building,

BO0004 204, Dadabhoy Naoroji Road,
Fort, Mumbai - 400001 Maharashtra

8 A B M & Associates LLP Office No.1, Abhishek Building,

BO1440 B/72, Sector 23, Opp.Hotel Aaishwarya,
Seawoods, Nerul, Mumbai-400706

9 S L Chhajed & CO LLP R-12, Maharana Pratap Nagar Zone-I

CR0100 Bhopal - 462011, Madhya Pradesh

10 R G N Price & CO Simpson Building 861,

MD0018 Anna Salai, Chennai-600002, Tamil Nadu

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

63 Annual Report

31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceeHle

Je<e& kesÀ efueS efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe
Financial Statements
For the year ended 31st March, 2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
ñdV§Ì boIm - narjH$ H$s [anmoQ>©
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
mJe®eefuele (mìQ[-Deueesve) efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee hej efjheesì&
1 nceves 31 cee®e&, 2020 kesÀ Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (efveiece) kesÀ (mìQ[Deueesve) efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee keÀer nw, efpemeceW peerJeve yeercee
J³eJemee³e, nsuLe J³eJemee³e, heWMeve J³eJemee³e, hetbpeer cees®eve (efveOeeefjle Jeee|<ekeÀer meefnle) Jeee|<ekeÀer J³eJemee³e SJeb mebyebOo J³eJemee³e kesÀ legueveeHe$ees keÀer leLee
peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e, nsuLe J³eJemee³e, heWMeve J³eJemee³e, hetbpeer cees®eve (efveOeeefjle Jeee|<ekeÀer meefnle) Jeee|<ekeÀer J³eJemee³e SJeb mebyebOo J³eJemee³e mes mebyebefOele
jepemJe Keeles, mebyebefOele ueeYe neefve Keeles leLee He´eefHle SJeb Yegieleeve Keelee pees Gmeer leeefjKe keÀes meceeHle ngS Je<e& kesÀ efue³es nw, FmekesÀ meeLe mìQ[Deueesve
efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer efìHHeCeeer³eeb, FmekesÀ meeLe cenlJehetCe& uesKeebkeÀve efveefle³eeW SJeb Dev³e J³eeK³eelcekeÀ meg®evee keÀe SkeÀ meejebMe FmekesÀ meeLe mebueive nw, (FmekesÀ
yeeo Gmes ’mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe“ kesÀ ªhe ceW meboe|Yele efkeÀ³ee pee³esiee), efpemeceW Meeefceue nQ leerve efJeosMeer MeKeeSb cee@jerMeme, uebove SJeb efHeÀpeer MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ mebyebefOele
mLeeveer³e uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW Üeje efkeÀ³ee ie³ee uesKee efJeJejCe; 8 ceb[ue keÀe³ee&ue³ees, heWMeve SJeb mecetn ³eespeveeW keÀer 3 FkeÀeF³eeB Deewj 41 MeeKeeDeeW keÀe DebkesÀ#esCe
nceves efkeÀ³ee nw~ 105 ceC[ue keÀe³ee&ue³eesb, 68 HeWMeve SJeb mecegn ³eespevee keÀer FkeÀeF³eeB SJeb 642 MeeKeeDeeW keÀe efJeJejCe efveiece Üeje efve³egÊeÀ DebkesÀ#ekeÀes Üeje Dev³e
uesKee hejer#ee keÀer ieF& nw, leLee 1365 MeeKeeDeeW efpevekeÀe DebkesÀ#eCe vener ngDee nw GvekeÀer efJeJejCe He´yebOeve Üeje He´ceeefCele efkeÀ³es ie³es nQ~
2 nceejer je³e Deewj nceejer meJeexÊece peevekeÀejer Deewj nceW efo ie³es mhe<ìerkeÀjCe kesÀ Devegmeej, GhejesÊeÀ mìQ[-Deueesve, efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe pees Yeejle ceW meeceev³e
ªhe mes mJeerkeÀe³e& uesKee efme×ebleeW kesÀ Devegªhe mheä Deewj mener peevekeÀejer he´oeve keÀjlee nw -efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe peerJeve yeercee efveiece DeefOeefve³ece, 1956
(’SueDeeF&meer DeefOeefve³ece“), yeercee DeefOeefve³ece 1938, pees efkeÀ yeercee keÀevegve mebMeesOeve DeefOeefve³ece 2015 (’yeercee DeefOeefve³ece“) Üeje mebMeesefOele efkeÀ³ee
ie³ee nw, yeercee efJeefve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe DeefOeefve³ece, 1999 (1999 keÀe 41) (’DeeF&Deej[erS DeefOeefve³ece“), yeercee efJeefve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme
he´eefOekeÀjCe (efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer lew³eejer Deewj yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì&) efJeefve³ece, 2002 (’efJeefve³ece“): pees Yeejle ceW meeceev³e jÀHe
mes mkeerkeÀej efkeÀ³es peeves Jeeues uesKeekebÀve efmeOoeblees kesÀ Devegmeej efvecveefueefKele kesÀ mebyebOe ceW mener Deewj Tef®ele lemJeerj He´mlegle keÀjles nw~
i) 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes leLee efmLeefle efveiece kesÀ keÀjesyeej kesÀ peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e, HesvMeve J³eJemee³e, Hegbpeer cees®eve (efveOee&efjle Jeeef<e&keÀer meefnle), Jeeef<e&keÀer
J³eJemee³e leLee mecyeOo J³eJemee³e kesÀ legueveHe$eeW kesÀ ceeceues ceW;
ii) 31cee®e& 2020 keÀes meceeHle Je<e& kesÀ efueS peerJeve yeercee J³eJemee³e, nsuLe J³eJemee³e, HesvMeve J³eJemee³e, HetBpeer cees®eve (efveOee&efjle Jeeef<e&keÀer meefnle), Jeeef<e&keÀer
J³eJemee³e leLee mecyebOe J³eJemee³e kesÀ mebyebOe ceW DeefOeMes<e kesÀ jepemJe uesKes kesÀ ceeceues ces
iii) 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceehle Je<e& kesÀ efueS efveiece kesÀ ueeYe kesÀ ueeYe Sjeb neefve Keeles kesÀ ceeceues ceW Deewj

iv) 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceehle Je<e& kesÀ efueS He´eefHle³eeW Deewj YegieleeveeW kesÀ He´eefHle Skeb Yegieleeve uesKes kesÀ ceeceues ceW~
je³e kesÀ efueS DeeOeej
3 nceves Fbmìerìîetì Dee@HeÀ ®eeì&[& DekeÀeGbìWìdme Dee@HeÀ Fbef[³ee (DeeF&meerSDeeF&) Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS ceevekeÀeW (uesKee hejer#ee) kesÀ Devegmeej Deheveer uesKee hejer#ee
keÀer~ nceejer efjheesì& kesÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe DevegYeeie keÀer uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ efueS uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efpeccesoeefj³eeW ceW Gve ceevekeÀeW kesÀ lenle nceejer
efpeccesoeefj³eeW keÀe JeCe&ve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ nce DeeF&meerSDeeF& Üeje peejer veweflekeÀ Dee®eej mebefnlee kesÀ Devegmeej efveiece mes mJeleb$e nQ, pees SueDeeF&meer DeefOeefve³ece,
yeercee DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ lenle mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ nceejs uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ efueS he´emebefiekeÀ nQ; DeeF&Deej[erS DeefOeefve³ece; yeercee
efJeefve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe (’DeeF&Deej[erS“) Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS efJeefve³ece Deewj DeeosMe / heefjhe$e, Deewj nceves Fve DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW Deewj
Dee®eej mebefnlee kesÀ Devegmeej nceejer Dev³e veweflekeÀ efpeccesoeefj³eeW keÀes hetje efkeÀ³ee nw~ nce ceeveles nQ efkeÀ nceves pees uesKee hejer#ee mee#³e he´ehle efkeÀS nQ, Jes nceejer
je³e kesÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ efueS DeeOeej he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS he³ee&hle Deewj Ghe³egÊeÀ nQ~
ceeceues hej yeue oer peeleer nw
4 nce Fme Deesj O³eeve DeeJeÀef<e&le JeÀjles nQ:
(a) Yeejleer³e yeercee efve³eeceJeÀ Deewj efkeJeÀeme ÒeeefOeJeÀjCe JesÀ he$e meb. 101/2 / efke. Skeb ues.-peerkeve/SueDeeF&meer/2018-19/208 efoveebJeÀ 06-07-2020 JesÀ peefjS oer
ieF& mkeerJe=Àefle JesÀ Devegmeej heWMeve efveefOe JeÀer DeefleefjJeÌle ³eesieoeve peesJeÀer 8,89,973 ueeKe nw JesÀ equeS efveiece JeÀer 4/5keeR os³elee JesÀ DeemLeieve JesÀ yeejs ceW
mìQ[Deueesve efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer efìHheCe mebK³ee yeer (15 meer) (vii) JeÀer Devegmet®eer 15A ceW uesKe nw~
(b) efveiece JesÀ k³ekemee³e Deewj efkeÊeer³e efkekejCe hej keÀesefJe[-19 ceneceejer JesÀ meceûe ÒeYeeke JesÀ yeejs ceW mìQ[Deueesve efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer efìHheCemebK³ee C (25) JeÀer
Devegmet®eer 15A ceW uesKe nw~
Fve ceecuees JesÀ mecyebOe ceW ncejer je³e memebMeesefOele veneR nw~

63 Annual Report
To The Life Insurance Corporation of India
Report on the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
1 We have audited the accompanying Standalone Financial Statements of Life Insurance Corporation of India ("the Corporation")
which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2020 for Life Insurance Business, Health Business, Pension Business,
Capital Redemption (including Annuity Certain), Annuity Business and Linked Business, and related Revenue Accounts for the Life
Insurance Business, Health Business, Pension Business, Capital Redemption (including Annuity Certain), Annuity Business and
Linked Business, Profit & Loss Account and Receipts and Payments Account for the year then ended, and notes to the standalone
financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information annexed thereto
(hereafter referred to as "standalone financial statements"),in which are included the returns of 3 foreign branches (Mauritius,
London and Fiji), audited by respective local auditors; 8 Divisional Offices, 3 units of Pension & Group Schemes and 41 branches
audited by us, 105 Divisional Offices, 68 units of Pension & Group Schemes and 642 branches audited by other auditors appointed
by the Corporation and unaudited returns in respect of 1365 branches certified by the Management.
2. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid standalone financial
statements give the information required by the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 ("the LIC Act"), Insurance Act, 1938 as
amended by the Insurance Laws Amendment Act, 2015 ("the Insurance Act”), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) ("the IRDA Act"), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements
and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 ("the Regulations") in the manner so required and give a true and
fair view in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India:
i. of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Corporation including Life Insurance Business, Health Business, Pension
Business, Capital Redemption (including Annuity Certain), Annuity Business and Linked Business as at 31st March, 2020;
ii. In the case of the Revenue Accounts, Surplus of the Corporation including Life Insurance Business, Health Business, Pension
Business, Capital Redemption (including Annuity Certain), Annuity Business and Linked Business for the year
ended 31st March, 2020;
iii. In the case of the Profit & Loss Account, of the profit of the Corporation, for the year ended 31st March, 2020; and
iv. In the case of the Receipt and Payment Account, of the Receipts and Payments for the year ended 31st March, 2020.
Basis for Opinion
3 We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the standalone
financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Corporation in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the
ICAI together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the standalone financial statements under the provisions
of the LIC Act, Insurance Act; IRDA Act; Regulations and orders / circulars issued by Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (“IRDA”) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the
Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion
on standalone financial statements.
Emphasis of Matter
4 We invite attention to:
a Note No. B(15C)(vii) of Schedule 15A to the standalone financial statements regarding the deferment of 4/5th of the liability of
the Corporation towards additional contribution to pension fund amounting to Rs. 8,89,973 lakhs pursuant to the approval
granted by IRDAI vide its letter no. 101/2/F&A-Life/LIC/2018-19/208 dated 06-07-2020.
b Note No. C(25) of Schedule 15A to the standalone financial statements regarding the overall impact of COVID-19 pandemic on
the Corporation’s business and financial statements.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Dev³e met®evee
5 Dev³e met®eveeDeeW kesÀ efueS efveiece yees[& kesÀ meom³e efpeccesoej nQ~ Dev³e peevekeÀejer ceW Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& ceW Meeefceue peevekeÀejer Meeefceue nw, uesefkeÀve FmeceW efJeÊeer³e
efJeJejCe Deewj nceejs uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& Meeefceue veneR nw~ Fme uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& keÀer leejerKe kesÀ yeeo Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& nceW GheueyOe keÀjeS peeves
keÀer Gcceero nw~
efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW hej nceejer je³e Dev³e peevekeÀejer keÀes keÀJej veneR keÀjleer nw Deewj nce Deeéeemeve efve<keÀ<e& kesÀ efkeÀmeer Yeer ªhe keÀes J³eÊeÀ veneR keÀjWies~
efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ mebyebOe ceW, nceejer ef]peccesoejer nw efkeÀ peye ³en GheueyOe nes peelee nQ lees Thej yeleeF& ieF& Dev³e peevekeÀejer keÀes he{ves kesÀ
efueS Deewj Ssmee keÀjves ceW efJe®eej keÀjW efkeÀ ke̳ee efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ meeLe Dev³e peevekeÀejer YeeweflekeÀ ªhe mes Demebiele nw ³ee uesKee hejer#ee ceW he´ehle nceeje %eeve,
³ee Dev³eLee YeeweflekeÀ ªhe mes ieuele he´leerle neslee nw~
Jeee|<ekeÀ efjheesì& heæ{les ngS ³eefo nce ³en efve<keÀ<e& efvekeÀeueles nw efkeÀ Gmeces keÀesF& YeeweflekeÀ ieuele keÀLeve nw, lees nce Fme ceeceues keÀes mebyebefOele he´Meemeve keÀes DeJeiele
mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ efueS he´yebOeve keÀer efpeccesoeefj³eeb
6 efveiece kesÀ yees[& kesÀ meom³e Fve mìQ[-Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer lew³eejer kesÀ efueS efpeccesoej nQ, pees leguevee he$eeW, mebyebefOele jepemJe Keeles, ueeYe Deewj neefve
Keeles Deewj efveiece kesÀ Devegmeej he´eeqhle³eeW Deewj Yegieleeve KeeleeW keÀe mener Deewj efve<he#e ¢eqäkeÀesCe osles nQ~ pees Deeceleewj hej Yeejle ceW mJeerke=Àle uesKeebkeÀve
efme×eble, efpemeceW SueDeeF&meer DeefOeefve³ece, yeercee DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ he´eJeOeeve Meeefceue nQ; DeeF&Deej[erS DeefOeefve³ece; Fme mebyebOe ceW DeeF&Deej[erS Üeje peejer
efkeÀS ieS efJeefve³ece Deewj DeeosMe / heefjhe$e Deewj kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 2013 keÀer Oeeje 133 SJeb efvee|oä uesKee ceevekeÀ, kebÀheveer (uesKee) efve³ece, 2014 kesÀ efve³ece
7 kesÀ meeLe mebMeesOeve efve³ece 2016 Üeje mebMeesefOele efkeÀS ieS kebÀheveer (uesKee ceevekeÀ) nQ~
Fme efpeccesoejer ceW SueDeeF&meer DeefOeefve³ece, yeercee DeefOeefve³ece kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ Devegmeej he³ee&hle uesKee DeefYeuesKeeW keÀe jKejKeeJe Yeer Meeefceue nw; DeeF&Deej[erS
DeefOeefve³ece; DeeF&Deej[erS Üeje efveiece keÀer heefjmebheefÊe³eeW keÀer megj#ee Deewj OeesKeeOeæ[er Deewj Dev³e Deefve³eefceleleeDeeW keÀes jeskeÀves Deewj helee ueieeves kesÀ efueS
peejer efkeÀS ieS efve³ece Deewj DeeosMe / heefjhe$e; Gef®ele uesKeebkeÀve veerefle³eeW keÀe ®e³eve Deewj ueeieg keÀjves; efveCe&³e Deewj Devegceeve ueieevee pees Gef®ele Deewj
efJeJeskeÀhetCe& nQ; Deewj he³ee&hle DeebleefjkeÀ efJeÊeer³e efve³eb$eCeeW kesÀ ef[peeFve, keÀe³ee&vJe³eve Deewj jKejKeeJe, pees efkeÀ uesKee efjkeÀe@[& keÀer meìerkeÀlee Deewj hetCe&lee keÀes
megefveeq½ele keÀjves kesÀ efueS he´YeeJeer {bie mes keÀece keÀj jns Les, pees mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe keÀer lew³eejer Deewj he´mlegefle kesÀ efueS he´emebefiekeÀ nw pees SkeÀ mener
Deewj efve<he#e ¢eqäkeÀesCe osles nQ Deewj pees OeesKeeOeæ[er ³ee $egefì kesÀ keÀejCe YeweflekeÀ ieuele efJeJejCe mes cegkeÌle nesles nw~
mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe keÀes lew³eej keÀjves ceW, efveiece efvebjlejlee DeekeÀueve mes mebyebefOele ceeceues SJeb peg[er ngF& uesKeebkeÀve HeOole keÀe Kegueemee keÀjves keÀer
ef]peccesoej he´yebOeve keÀer nesieer peye lekeÀ keÀer efve³ece mJeb³e keÀes meceehle ³ee DeHeves meb®eeueve keÀes yebo keÀjvee vener ®eenlee ³ee FmeJesÀ DeefleefjkeÌle efveiece kesÀ Heeme
keÀesF& Dev³e efJekeÀuHe vee nse~
efveiece keÀer efJeÊeer³e efjheese\ìie he´ef¬eÀ³ee keÀer osKejsKe kesÀ efueS yees[& kesÀ meom³e Yeer efpeccesoej nQ~
mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ efueS uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efpeccesoeefj³eeb
7 nceeje GÎsM³e Fme yeejs ceW Gef®ele Deeéeemeve he´ehle keÀjvee nw efkeÀ ke̳ee mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe DeHeves DeeHe ceWW YeeweflekeÀ ieuele efJeJejCe mes cegÊeÀ nQ, ®eens
³es ieueefle³eeb OeesKeeOeæ[er ³ee $egefì kesÀ keÀejCe nWe, Deewj uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& peejer keÀjves ceWW nceejer je³e Yeer Meeefceue nw~ Gef®ele Deeéeemeve G®®e mlej keÀe
Deeéeemeve nw, uesefkeÀve ³en ieejbìer veneR nw efkeÀ SAs kesÀ Devegmeej efkeÀ³ee ie³ee uesKee hejer#ee ceewpeto YeweflekeÀ ieuele efJeJejCes mes cegkeÌle nw ³eefo Jees nw ieuele efJeJejCe
OeesKeeOeæ[er ³ee $egefì mes GlheVe nes mekeÀles nw SJeb Gvns leeeflJekeÀ leL³e ceevee pee³esiee ³eefo J³eefkeÌleiele jÀHe ceW ³ee kegÀue efceueekeÀj ³es Fve mìs[ Deueesve efJelleer³e
efJeJejCeeW kesÀ DeeOeej Hej efue³es ie³es GHe³eesie keÀlee&Dees kesÀ DeeefLe&keÀ efveCe&³ees keÀes Gef®ele jÀHe mes He´YeeefJele keÀj mekeÀlee nw~
8 SAs kesÀ Devegmeej SkeÀ uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ Yeeie kesÀ ªhe ceW, nce hesMesJej efveCe&³e uesles nQ Deewj hetjs uesKee hejer#ee ceW hesMesJej mebosn keÀes yeveeS jKeles nQ~ leLee nce
FmekesÀ meeLe meeLe:r
i) mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer meeceie´er kesÀ OeesKeeOeæ[er ³ee $egefì kesÀ keÀejCe ngS ieuele efJeJejCe kesÀ peesefKeceeW keÀes hen®eeveles nQ Deewj GvekeÀe DeekeÀueve
keÀjles nQ, Gve peesefKeceeW kesÀ efueS uesKee hejer#ee he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW keÀes ef[peeFve Deewj efve<heeefole keÀjles nQ, Deewj uesKee hejer#ee Ssmes mee#³e he´ehle keÀjles nQ pees nceejer
je³e kesÀ efueS DeeOeej he´oeve keÀjves kesÀ efueS he³ee&hle Deewj Gef®ele nQ~ OeesKeeOeæ[er kesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe nesves Jeeueer meeceie´er kesÀ ieuele efJeJejCe keÀe helee veneR ueieeves
keÀe peesefKece $egefì kesÀ heefjCeecemJeªhe nesves Jeeues peesefKece mes DeefOekeÀ nw, ke̳eeWefkeÀ OeesKeeOeæ[er ceW efceueerYeiele, peeuemeepeer, peeveyetPekeÀj ®etkeÀ, ieuele ye³eeveer,
³ee DeebleefjkeÀ efve³eb$eCe keÀer DeesJejjeF[ Meeefceue nesleer nw~
ii) uesKee hejer#ee he´ef¬eÀ³eeDeeW keÀes ef[peeFve keÀjves kesÀ efueS uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ efueS he´emebefiekeÀ DeebleefjkeÀ efve³eb$eCe keÀer mecePe he´ehle keÀjvee pees heefjeqmLeefle³eeW ceW
Ghe³egÊeÀ nQ~

63 Annual Report
Other Information
5 The Corporation’s Board of Members is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the annual report, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. The annual report is
expected to be made available to us after the date of this auditor's report.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we will not express any form of assurance
conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information identified above when it
becomes available and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
When we read the annual report, if we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we will communicate the matter to
those charged with governance.
Responsibilities of Management for Standalone Financial Statements
6 The Corporation's Board of Members is responsible for the preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true and
fair view of the Balance Sheet, the related Revenue Account, the Profit and Loss Account and the Receipts and Payments Account
of the Corporation in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the provisions of the LIC Act,
Insurance Act; IRDA Act; Regulations and orders / circulars issued by the IRDA in this regard and the accounting Standards specified
under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 further amended by
Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016.
This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the LIC Act,
Insurance Act; IRDA Act; Regulations and orders / circulars issued by the IRDA for safeguarding of the assets of the Corporation
and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making
judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant
to the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial statement that give a true and fair view and are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the standalone financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Corporation’s ability to continue as
a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Corporation or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those Board of Members are also responsible for overseeing the Corporation’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the standalone Financial Statements
7 Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the standalone financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a
material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these standalone
financial statements.
8 As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the
audit. We also:
i. Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the standalone financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one
resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of
internal control.
ii. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
iii. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
iii) Ghe³eesie keÀer ieF& uesKeebkeÀve veerefle³eeW keÀer Ghe³egÊeÀlee Deewj he´yebOeve Üeje efkeÀS ieS uesKeebkeÀve DevegceeveeW Deewj mebyebefOele KegueemeeW keÀer leke&ÀMeeruelee keÀe
cetu³eebkeÀve keÀjvee~
iv) He´yebOeve êeje GHe³eesie keÀer ieF& efvejblejlee kesÀ efueS uesKeebkeÀve HeoOeefle keÀer GHe³egkeÌlelee Deewj He´eHle uesKee Hejer#ee mee#³e kesÀ DeeOeej hej efve<keÀ<e& efvekeÀeuevee
efkeÀ ke̳ee efkeÀmeer Ieìvee ³ee MeleeX mes mebyebefOele keÀesF& cenlJehetCe& Deefveeq½elelee ceewpeto nw pees efveiece keÀer #ecelee hej cenlJehetCe& mebosn [eue mekeÀleer nw~ ³eefo nce
efve<keÀ<e& efvekeÀeueles nQ efkeÀ keÀesF& cenlJehetCe& Deefveeq½elelee ceewpeto nw, lees nceW mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW mebyebefOele Kegueemes kesÀ efueS Deheves uesKee hejer#ekeÀ
keÀer efjheesì& ceW O³eeve DeekeÀe|<ele keÀjves keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nesieer, ³ee ke̳ee nceejer je³e keÀes mebMeesefOele keÀjves kesÀ efueS Fme lejn kesÀ Kegueemes Dehe³ee&hle nQ~ nceejs
efve<keÀ<e& nceejs uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& keÀer leejerKe lekeÀ he´ehle uesKee hejer#ee mee#³e hej DeeOeeefjle nQ~ neueebefkeÀ, YeefJe<³e ceW nesves Jeeueer IeìveeSb ³ee eqmLeefle³eeb
efveiece keÀer efvejblejlee keÀes meceehle keÀj mekeÀleer nw~
v) he´keÀìerkeÀjCe meefnle mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer meceie´ he´mlegefle, mebj®evee Deewj meeceie´er keÀe cetu³eebkeÀve keÀjvee, Deewj ke̳ee efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe
Deblee|veefnle uesveosve Deewj IeìveeDeeW keÀes Fme lejerkesÀ mes oMee&les nQ pees efve<he#e he´mlegefle he´ehle keÀjles nQ~Q~
vi) ceb[uees / MeeKeeDeeW / FkeÀeF³eeW keÀer efJeÊeer³e peevekeÀejer kesÀ yeejs ceW mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe hej SkeÀ je³e J³eÊeÀ keÀjves kesÀ efueS he³ee&hle Ghe³egÊeÀ uesKee
hejer#ee mee#³e he´ehle keÀjvee~ nce Gve ceb[uees / MeeKeeDeeW / FkeÀeF³eeW kesÀ efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer efoMee, he³e&Jes#eCe Deewj he´oMe&ve kesÀ efueS efpeccesoej nQ, efpeveceW nce
mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ekeÀ nQ~ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW Meeefceue Dev³e ceb[uees / MeeKeeDeeW / FkeÀeF³eeW kesÀ efueS, efpevnW Dev³e uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW Üeje uesKee
hejeref#ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw, ³ee Ssmeer Dev³e DeHeefjef#ele MeeKeeSB efpevnW he´yebOeve Üeje he´ceeefCele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw, pees efoMee, he³e&Jes#eCe Deewj he´oMe&ve kesÀ efueS ef]peccesoej
jnles nQ nce Deheveer uesKee hejer#ee je³e kesÀ efueS hetjer lejn efpeccesoej nQ~
9 nce Dev³e ceeceueeW kesÀ DeueeJee uesKee Hejer#ee kesÀ efve³eesefpele oe³ejs, mece³e Deewj cenlJeHegCe& uesKee Hejer#ee efJe<keÀ<eex kesÀ yeejs ceWb Meemeve kesÀ meeLe mebJeeo keÀjles nw,
efpemeceW DeebleefjkeÀ efve³eb$eCe ceW keÀesF& cenlJeHegCe& keÀefce³ee Meeefceue nw, efpemes nce DeHeves DebkesÀ%eCe kesÀ oewjeve Hen®eeveles nw~
10 nce Meemeve-He´Ceeueer ceW He´Yeeefjle Gve ueeWieeW keÀes Yeer SkeÀ efJeJejCe He´oeve keÀjles nw efpemeceW keÀne peelee nw efkeÀ nceves mJeleb$elee kesÀ mebyebOe ceW he´emebefiekeÀ veweflekeÀ
DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW kesÀ meeLe Devegheeueve efkeÀ³ee nw~ nce Gve meYeer efjMleeW Deewj Dev³e ceeceueeW peer keÀer nceejer mJeleb$elee keÀes He´YeeefJele keÀj mekeÀles nw, Deewj peneb
ueeiet nes, mebyebefOele megj#ee Ghee³e kesÀ yeejs ceW yeleeles nw~
Dev³e ceeceues
11 nceves efveiece kesÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW Meeefceue 105 ceb[ue, SJeb 68 FkeÀeF³eeB HesMeve Deewj mecetn ³eespeveeSB keÀer 645 MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ efJeÊeer³e
efJeJejCeeW / met®eveeDeeW keÀe uesKee-Heefj#eCe veneR efkeÀ³ee nw, pewmee efkeÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW ceevee ie³ee nw / Fve MeeKeeDeeW keÀer peevekeÀejer keÀes ceb[ue
³ee MeeKee kesÀ DebkeÀes#ekeÀes Üeje uesKee hejeref#ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ efpevekeÀer efjheesì& nceW oer ieF& nw, Deewj ³esmeer ceb[uees /MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Meeefceue jeefMe³eeW Deewj
KegueemeeW mes mebyebefOele nceejer Deye lekeÀ keÀer je³e, hetjer lejn mes Ssmes MeeKee kesÀ uesKee hejer#eekeÀeW keÀer efjheesì& hej DeeOeeefjle nw~
12 nceves efveiece kesÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW Meeefceue 1365 MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW / met®eveeDeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee veneR keÀer nw, efpevekesÀ iewj-uesKee
hejeref#ele efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe / efJeÊeer³e peevekeÀejer, pewmee efkeÀ mìQ[Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW ceW ceevee peelee nw / Fve MeeKeeDeeW keÀer peevekeÀejer He´yeOeve Üeje
He´ceeefCele keÀer ieF& nw, Deewj Fve MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ mebyebOe ces Meeefceue jeefMe³eeW Deewj KegueemeeW meW mebyebefOele Deye lekeÀ efkeÀ nceejer je³e Hegjer lejn mes He´yebOeve Üeje oer
ieF& DeHejeref#ele efJelleer³e efJeJejCeeW/efJelleer³e peevekeÀejer Hej DeeOeejerle nww~
Dev³e uesKee hejer#ekeÀeW Deewj iewj-Hejeref#ele MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW kegÀue mebheefÊe Deewj kegÀue jepemJe keÀer peevekeÀejer Deueie mes mebkeÀefuele veneR keÀer peeleer nw ke̳eeWefkeÀ
ceb[uees keÀes he´l³eskeÀ MeeKee keÀe kesÀJeue leueHeì he´ehle neslee nw pees ceb[ue mlej hej Deewj GmekesÀ yeeo #esef$e³e mlej hej mecesefkeÀle nesles nQ~
13 31 cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ, pees peerkeve hee@equeefme³eeB ®eeuet eqmLeefle ceW nQ Deewj pees peerkeve hee@equeefme³eeB, Òeerefce³ece JeÀer DeÒeeefhle JeÀer kepen mes yebo nQ, hejbleg eqpeveJesÀ lenle
os³elee peejer nw GveJesÀ oeef³elJees keÀe yeerceebefkeÀkeÀ cegu³eekebÀve efveiece kesÀ efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ (`efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ') keÀer efpeccesoejer nw~ efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ ves 31
cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ, pees peerkeve hee@equeefme³eeB ®eeuet eqmLeefle ceW nQ Deewj pees peerkeve hee@equeefme³eeB, Òeerefce³ece JeÀer DeÒeeefhle JeÀer kepen mes yebo nQ, hejbleg eqpeveJesÀ lenle
os³elee peejer nw GveJesÀ os³elee kesÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ cegu³eekebÀve keÀes efJeefOeJele he´ceeefCele efkeÀ³ee nw Deewj GvekeÀer je³e ceW Fme lejn keÀe cegu³eekebÀve yeercee efve³eecekeÀ efJekeÀeme
he´eefOekeÀjCe Deewj Fbmìerìîetì Dee@HeÀ SkeÌ®egDejerpe Üeje peejer efoMee-efveoxMeeW Deewj ceeveob[eW kesÀ Devegmeej nQ~ nceves efveiece kesÀ efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ yeejs ceW Deheveer
je³e yeveeves kesÀ efueS Fme mebyebOe ceW efve³egÊeÀ yeerceebkeÀkeÀ JesÀ he´ceeCehe$e hej Yejesmee efkeÀ³ee nww~
Fve ceeceueeW kesÀ mebyebOe ceW nceejer je³e mebMeesefOele veneR nw~
Dev³e keÀevetveer Deewj efve³eecekeÀ DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW hej efjheesì&
14 i) yeercee efve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe (efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe keÀer lew³eejer Deewj yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW keÀe uesKee hejer#ee he´efleJesove) efJeefve³eceve, 2002 kesÀ lenle
DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw, nce efjheesì& keÀjles nQ efkeÀ :
keÀ) nceves Gve meYeer met®eveeDeeW Deewj mheäerkeÀjCeeW keÀes he´ehle efkeÀ³ee nw pees nceejs uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ GÎsM³eeW nsleg nceejs %eeve Deewj meJeexÊece efJeéeeme kesÀ DeeOej hej
166 DeeJeM³ekeÀ Les Deewj FvnW meblees<epevekeÀ hee³ee ie³ee nw;
63 Annual Report
iv. Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on
the Corporation’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to
draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the standalone financial statements or, if such disclosures are
inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Corporation to cease to continue as a going concern.
v. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the standalone financial statements, including the disclosures, and
whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
vi. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the divisions / branches / units to express an
opinion on the standalone financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the
audit of the financial statements of divisions / branches / units included in the standalone financial statements of which we
are the independent auditors. For the other divisions / branches / units included in the standalone financial statements, which
have been audited by other auditors, such other auditors or unaudited branches which have been certified by the Management,
such Management, remain responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the audits / certification carried out by
them. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
9 We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
10 We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
Other Matter
11 We did not audit the financial statements / information of 105 Divisional Offices (DO), 68 units of Pension & Group Schemes
(P&GS) and 645 branches included in the standalone financial statements of the Corporation whose audited financial statements /
information, as considered in the standalone financial statements / information have been audited by the divisional / branch auditors
whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect
of divisions / branches, is based solely on the report of such divisional / branch auditors.
12 We did not audit the financial statements / information of 1365 branches included in the standalone financial statements of the
Corporation whose unaudited financial statements / financial information, as considered in the standalone financial statements /
information of these branches have been certified by the Management and our opinion in so far as it relates to the amounts and
disclosures included in respect of branches, is based solely on the such unaudited financial statements / financial information
provided by the Management.
The information of total assets and total revenue in respect of the branches audited by other auditors and unaudited branches are
not separately compiled as the divisions receive only trial balances of each branch which are consolidated at division level and
thereafter at zonal level.
13 The Actuarial Valuation of liabilities for life policies in force and policies in respect of which premium has been discontinued but
liability exists as at 31st March, 2020 is the responsibility of the Corporation’s Appointed Actuary (‘the Appointed Actuary’). The
Appointed Actuary has duly certified the actuarial valuation of liabilities for life policies in force and policies in respect of which
premium has been discontinued but liability exists as at 31st March, 2020 and in his opinion the assumptions for such valuation
are in accordance with the guidelines and norms issued by the Insurance Regulatory Development and Authority of India and the
Institute of Actuaries of India in concurrence with the Authority. We have relied upon the Appointed Actuary’s Certificate in this regard
for forming our opinion on the Financial Statements of the Corporation.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
14 (i). As required under the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s
Report of Insurance Companies) Regulation, 2002, we report that:
a. we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for
the purposes of our audit and have found them to be satisfactory;
b. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, proper books of account
as required by law have been maintained by the Corporation so far as it appears from our examination of those books;
c. In our opinion proper returns of Divisional Offices and branches both audited and unaudited have been received and found
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Ke) nceejer je³e ceW Deewj nceejer meJeexÊece peevekeÀejer leLee efo³es ie³es mHe<ìerkeÀjCeeW kesÀ Devegmeej, Keeles keÀer Gef®ele hegmlekeÀeW keÀes efveiece Üeje yeveeS jKee ie³ee
nw, peneb lekeÀ ³en Gve hegmlekeÀeW keÀer nceejer uesKee hejer#ee mes he´keÀì neslee nw;
ie) nceejer je³e ceW, ceb[ue keÀe³ee&ue³eeW Deewj MeeKeeDeeW kesÀ mecegef®ele uesKee hejeref#ele Deewj DeuesKee hejeref#ele efJeJejefCe³eeB oesveeW nQ Deewj GvnW uesKee hejer#ee kesÀ GÎsM³e
kesÀ efueS he³ee&hle hee³ee ie³ee nw;
Ie) Fme efjheesì& Üeje efo³es ie³es legueveHe$e, jepemJe Keelee, ueeYe Deewj neefve Keelee Deewj he´eeqhle Deewj Yegieleeve Keelee, uesKee HegmlekeÀeW SJeb efJeJejefCe³eeW kesÀ
DevegjÀHe nQ;
®e) nceejer je³e ceW Deewj nceejer meJeexJlece peevekeÀejer kesÀ Devegmeej Deewj nceW efoS ieS mheäerkeÀjCe kesÀ Devegmeej, efveJesMe keÀe cetu³eve Fme mebyebOe ceW DeeF&Deej[erS
Üeje peejer yeercee DeefOeefve³ece, efJeefve³eceeW Deewj DeeosMeeW / efveoxMeeW kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW kesÀ Devegmeej efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw;
í) nceejer je³e ceW Deewj nceejer meJeexÊece peevekeÀejer kesÀ Devegmeej Deewj nceW efoS ieS mheäerkeÀjCe kesÀ Devegmeej, efveiece Üeje DeheveeF& ieF& uesKeebkeÀve veerefle³eeb
Ghe³egÊeÀ nQ Deewj kebÀheveer DeefOeefve³ece, 2013 keÀer Oeeje 133 kesÀ lenle efvee|oä ueeiet uesKee ceevekeÀeW, keÀs meeLe kebÀheveer (uesKee) efve³ece, 2014 JesÀ efve³ece 7 JesÀ meeLe
he{W DeeQj kebÀheefve³eeW (uesKee ceevekeÀ) mebMeesOeve efve³ece, 2016 ceW mebMeesOeve, Deewj Fme efoMee ceW DeeF&Deej[erS Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS efJeefve³eceeW Deewj DeeosMeeW /
efveoxMeeW ceW efveOee&efjle uesKeebkeÀve efme×ebleeW kesÀ Devegheeueve ceW nQ~
ii) efJeefve³eceeW keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee kesÀ Devegmeej, nceves 22 pegueeF&, 2020 keÀes SkeÀ he=LekeÀ he´ceeCehe$e peejer efkeÀ³ee nw, pees Devegmet®eer meer kesÀ hewjeie´eHeÀ 3 Deewj 4 ceW
efvee|oä ceeceueeW keÀes he´ceeefCele keÀjlee nw~

I§S>obdmb O¡Z E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE Ama. Or. EZ. n«mB©g E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./105049W H .n.g./002785S
e¡boe emh (nmQ>©Za) E. Ama. nmW©gmaWr (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 033632 g.H«$. 205702
Eg Ho$ H$nya E§S H§$ Ho$ {bE E~rE_ E§S> Agmo{gEQ²>g Eb Eb nr Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./000745C H .n.g./105016W/W-100015
dr. ~r. qgK (nmQ>©Za) A{œZ ~r. _moMo© (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 073124 g.H«$. 104126

Eg. Eb. NmOoµS E§S> H§$. Eb Eb nr Ho$ {bE C‘m‘hoída amd E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./000709C/C400277 H .n.g./004453S
{d{OV ~¡X_wWm (nmQ>©Za) ~r amYm H¥îUm (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 406044 g.H«$. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
meveoer uesKeekeÀj meveoer uesKeekeÀj
keÀ. He. me. 101048W keÀ. He. me. 002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)´À. 030615´À. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
meveoer uesKeekeÀj meveoer uesKeekeÀj
keÀ. He. me. 002180C keÀ. He. me. 304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)´À. 075899´À. 057170
gZXr boImH$ma
‘w§~B©… 22 OwbmB©, 2020
63 Annual Report
them adequate for the purpose of audit;
d. The Balance sheet, Revenue account, Profit and Loss account and the Receipts and Payments Account dealt with by this
report are in agreement with the books of account and returns;
e. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the Investments have been
valued in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act, Regulations and orders / directions issued by
IRDA in this behalf;
f. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the Accounting Policies
adopted by the Corporation are appropriate and are in compliance with the applicable Accounting Standards specified
under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 further amended
by Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016 and with the Accounting Principles as prescribed in the
Regulations and orders / directions issued by IRDA in this behalf.
14 (ii). As required by the Regulations, we have issued a separate certificate dated July 22, 2020 certifying the matters specified in
paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule C to the Regulations.

For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:105049W F.R.N.:002785S
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A . R. Parthasarathy (Partner)
M.No. 033632 M.No. 205702
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:000745C F.R.N.:105016W/W-100015
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
M.No.073124 M.No. 104126
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:000709C/C400277 F.R.N.:004453S
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B. Radha Krishna (Partner)
M.No. 406044 M.No. 022061
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:101048W F.R.N.:002744C
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
M.No. 030615 M.No. 072209
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:002180C F.R.N.:304138E
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan (Partner) Niraj K. Jhunjhunwala (Partner)
M.No. 075899 M.No. 057170

Place: Mumbai
Date: 22nd July, 2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀe he´ceeCe he$e
(Dev³e keÀevetveer Deewj efve³eecekeÀ DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW hej 22 pegueeF&, 2020 keÀer nceejer mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ee efjheesì& kesÀ Yeeie Dev³e mJeleb$e uesKee hejer#ee efjheesì& kesÀ Deveg®íso
14 (ii) ceW meboe|Yele)
Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece
1 ³en he´ceeCe he$e Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece (’efveiece“) kesÀ meeLe nceejs DevegyebOe he$e keÀer MeleeX kesÀ Devegmeej peejer efkeÀ³ee peelee nw, efpemeceW nceW yeercee
efve³eecekeÀ SJeb efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe (efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer lew³eejer Deewj yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW kesÀ uesKee hejer#ekeÀ efjheesì&) efJeefve³ece 2002, (’efJeefve³ece“) keÀer Devegmet®eer
meer kesÀ hewjeie´eHeÀ 3 Deewj 4 kesÀ he´eJeOeeveeW Skeb efJeefve³eceeW keÀe efJeefve³eceve 3 meefnle kesÀ Devegheeueve kesÀ efueS SkeÀ he´ceeCe he$e peejer keÀjves kesÀ efueS DevegjesOe efkeÀ³ee
peelee nw~
he´yebOeve keÀer efpeccesoejer
2 efvecveefueefKele kesÀ heeueve keÀjves keÀe GÊejoeef³elJe efveiece kesÀ meom³e ceb[ue keÀe nw ~
peerJeve yeercee efveiece DeefOeefve³ece, 1956 kesÀ he´eJeOeeve, yeercee DeefOeefve³ece, 1938 pewmee keÀer yeercee keÀevetve mebMeesOeve DeefOeefve³ece 2015 (’DeefOeefve³ece“) Üeje
mebMeesefOele; yeercee efve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe DeefOeefve³ece, 1999; yeercee efJeefve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe (efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW Deewj yeercee kebÀheefve³eeW
keÀer uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efjheesì& keÀer lew³eejer) efJeefve³ece, 2002 (’efJeefve³ece“)Deewj Yeejleer³e yeercee efve³eecekeÀ Deewj efJekeÀeme he´eefOekeÀjCe (’DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF“)
Üeje peejer efkeÀS ieS DeeosMe / heefjhe$e efpemeceW he´yebOeve efjheesì& keÀer lew³eejer Meeefceue nw~
uesKee hejer#ekeÀ keÀer efpeccesoeefj³eeb
3 DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW kesÀ Devegmeej, Gef®ele DeeMJeemeve nesves leLee Deheveer uesKeehejer#ee Deewj hegmlekeÀeW Deewj DeefYeuesKeeW keÀer peeb®e kesÀ DeeOeej hej ³en je³e yeveeves kesÀ
he´efle nceejer efpeccesoejer yeveleer nw efkeÀ ke̳ee efveiece ves efJeefve³eceeW kesÀ efJeefve³eceve 3 kesÀ meeLe Deveg®íso 3 Deewj 4 kesÀ Devegmet®eer meer ceW Meeefceue ceeceueeW keÀe Devegheeueve
efkeÀ³ee nw~
4 nceves 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceeHle ng³es efJelleer³e Je<e& kesÀ efueS efveiece kesÀ efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee keÀer, efpeme hej nceves 22 pegueeF&, 2020 keÀes Deheveer efjheesì& kesÀ
Devegmeej SkeÀ DemebMeesefOele uesKeehejer#ee je³e peejer keÀer~ Fve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer uesKee hejer#ee Yeejleer³e meveoer uesKeekeÀj mebmLeeve (`DeeF&meerSDeeF&') Üeje
peejer uesKee hejer#ee ceevekeÀeW SJeb Dev³e he´³eespeveer³e ueeieg DeeefOekeÀeefjkeÀ Iees<eCeeDeeW kesÀ Devegmeej Dee³eesefpele efkeÀ ieF& Leer~ Gve ceevekeÀeW keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw efkeÀ nce
uesKee hejer#ee keÀer ³eespevee yeveeles Deewj Fmes efve<heeefole keÀjles ngS Fme yeejs ceW Ghe³egÊeÀ Deeéeemeve he´ehle keÀjW efkeÀ ke̳ee efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCe cetle& ieuele efJeJejCeeW mes cegÊeÀ
nQ~ nceejer uesKee hejer#ee keÀer ³eespevee Deewj efve<heeove efkeÀmeer Yeer uesveosve kesÀ mebyebOe ceW Gve ceeceueeW keÀer efpemekesÀ efkeÀmeer leermejs he#e keÀe mebYeeefJele efnle nes mekeÀlee
nw, keÀer Hen®eeve keÀjves kesÀ efue³es vener nwQ~
5 nceves Deheveer uesKee hejer#ee Yeejleerme meveoer uesKeebkeÀj mebmLeeve (’DeeF&meerSDeeF&“) Üeje efJeMes<e he´³eespeveeW kesÀ efueS peejer efkeÀS ieS uesKee hejer#ee he´efleJesove
Deewj he´ceeCe he$e hej ceeie&oMe&ve veesì kesÀ Devegmeej Dee³eesefpele keÀer nQ~ ceeie&oMe&ve veesì kesÀ efueS DeeJeM³ekeÀ nw efkeÀ nce mJeleb$e DeeOeej hej Deewj DeeF&meerSDeeF&
Üeje peejer Dee®eej mebefnlee keÀer Dev³e veweflekeÀ DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW keÀe heeueve keÀjW~
6 nceves iegCeJeÊee efve³eb$eCe (’Smeke̳etmeer“) 1, SsefleneefmekeÀ efJeÊeer³e peevekeÀejer Deewj Dev³e Deeéeemeve Deewj mebyebefOele mesJeeDeeW keÀer menYeeefieleeDeeW keÀe DebkesÀ#eCe
Deewj meceer#ee keÀjves Jeeueer HeÀceex kesÀ efue³es iegCeJeÊee efve³eb$eCe Hej ceevekeÀ keÀer he´emebefiekeÀ ueeiet DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW keÀe Devegheeueve efkeÀ³ee nw ~
7 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceehle ngS Je<e& kesÀ efueS Yeejleer³e peerJeve yeercee efveiece Üeje yeveeS ieS Keeles Deewj Dev³e DeefYeuesKeeW kesÀ jKejKeeJe kesÀ mebyebOe ceW nceW oer
ieF& met®evee leLee mheäerkeÀjCe kesÀ Devegªhe leLee Deheves meJeexÊece %eeve Deewj efJeéeeme kesÀ DeeOeej hej nce he´ceeefCele keÀjles nQ efkeÀ:
keÀ) nceves 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceehle Je<e& kesÀ efueS efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW mes pegæ[er he´yebOeve efjheesì& keÀer meceer#ee keÀer nw, Deewj nceejer meceer#ee kesÀ DeeOeej hej, he´yebOeve
efjheesì& Deewj efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW kesÀ yeer®e keÀesF& mheä $egefì³eeB ³ee cenlJehetCe& efJemebieefle³eeb veneR nQ;
Ke) efveiece kesÀ DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW Üeje yees[& kesÀ meom³eeW keÀes he´mlegle efkeÀS ieS he´yebOeve DeY³eeJesove Deewj Devegheeueve he´ceeCe he$e kesÀ DeeOeej hej, Deewj yees[& Üeje veesì
efkeÀS peeves kesÀ DeeOeej hej, Ssmee kegÀí nceejs meeceves veneR Dee³ee efve®es efoS ieS efve³ece kesÀ DeueeJee pees nceW efJeéeeme efoueeS efkeÀ efveiece ves DeeF&Deej[erS
Üeje efveOee&efjle hebpeerkeÀjCe keÀer MeleX Deewj efve³ece, keÀe Devegheeueve veneR efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nww
(i) pewmee efJeÀ mìQ[Deueesve efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer efìHheCe mebK³ee meer (14) Devegmet®eer 15A ceW metef®ele efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw, 4 Keb[eW ceW efJeÀ³es ieS ÒeyebOeve JesÀ Ke®e&,
efveOee&efjle meercee mes DeefOeJeÀ hee³es ieS nw, Deewj Fme DeefleefjJeÌle k³e³e JeÀes ueeYe Deewj neefve Keeles - Mes³ejOeejJeÀeW JesÀ Keeles mes kemetues peevee Lee yepee³e
FmeJesÀ jepemke Keeles - hee@equemeerOeejJeÀeW JesÀ Keeles mes³en k³e³e kemetuee ie³ee nw~
(ii) pewmee efJeÀ mìQ[Deueesve efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer efìHheCe mebK³ee meer (15) JeÀer Devegmet®eer 15A ceW keeqCe&le nwefJeÀ efveiece ves Keb[ JesÀ DeeOeej hej jepemke Keelee
lew³eej efJeÀ³ee nw~ neueebefJeÀ, yeercee efve³eeceJeÀ Deewj efkeJeÀeme ÒeeefOeJeÀjCeÜeje peejer efJeÀS ieS ceemìj heefjhe$e, efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer lew³eejer Deewj peerkeve
63 Annual Report
(Referred to in paragraph 14(ii) of our Independent Auditor’s Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements forming part of the
Independent Auditors’ Report dated July 22, 2020)
Life Insurance Corporation of India
1 This certificate is issued in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter with The Life Insurance Corporation of India (the
“Corporation”), wherein we are requested to issue certificate for compliance with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule
C of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance
Companies) Regulations 2002, (the “Regulations”), read with Regulation 3 of the Regulations.
Management's Responsibility
2 The Corporation's Board of Members is responsible for complying with the provisions of the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956,
Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by the Insurance Laws Amendment Act, 2015(the “Act”); the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999; the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s
Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 ("the Regulations" and orders/ circulars issued by Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority India (“IRDA”) which includes the preparation of the Management Report. This includes collecting, collating
and validating data and designing, implementing and monitoring of internal controls suitable for ensuring compliance as aforesaid.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
3 Pursuant to the requirements, it is our responsibility to obtain reasonable assurance and form an opinion based on our audit and
examination of books and records as to whether the Corporation has complied with the matters contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 of
Schedule C of the Regulations read with regulation 3 of the Regulations.
4 We audited financial statements of the Corporation as of and financial year ended March 31, 2020 on which we issued an unmodified
audit opinion vide our report dated July 22, 2020. Our audits of these financial statements were conducted in accordance with
Standards on Auditing and other applicable authoritative pronouncements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(‘ICAI’). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. Our audits were not planned and performed in connection with any transactions to
identify matters that may be of potential interest to third parties.
5 We conducted our examination in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit Reports and Certificates for Special Purposes issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (the ‘ICAI’). The Guidance Note requires that we comply with the independence
and other ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics issued by ICAI.
6 We have complied with the relevant applicable requirements of the Standard on Quality Control (‘SQC’) 1, Quality Control for Firms
that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information and Other Assurance and Related Services engagements.
7 In accordance with the information and explanations given to us and to the best of our knowledge and belief and based on our
examination of the books of account and other records maintained by Life Insurance Corporation of India, for the year ended March
31, 2020, we certify that:
a. We have reviewed the Management Report attached to the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020, and on the
basis of our review, there are no apparent mistakes or material inconsistencies between the Management Report and the
Financial Statements;
b. Based on management representations and compliance certificates submitted to the Board of Members by the officers of the
Corporation charged with compliance and the same being noted by the Board, nothing has come to our attention that causes
us to believe that the Corporation has not complied with the terms and conditions of registration stipulated by IRDA except
i) as stated in note no. C(14) of schedule 15A of the standalone financial statements, the expenses of management incurred
in 4 segments have exceeded the prescribed limits and such excess expenditure have been charged to Revenue Account
– Policyholders’ Account as against the requirement of charging the same to Profit and Loss Account - Shareholders’
ii) as stated in note no. C(15) of schedule 15A of the standalone financial statements, the corporation has prepared Revenue
Account on segmental basis. However, separate balance sheets have not been prepared for each business segment as
required by Master Circular on Preparation of Financial Statements and Filing Returns of Life Insurance Business dated
11.12.2013 issued by IRDA.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
yeercee k³ekemee³e JesÀ efjìve& oeeqKeuee efoveebJeÀ 11.12.2013 ceW Òel³esJeÀ k³ekemee³e Keb[ JesÀ equeS Deueie legueve he$e lew³eej JeÀjves hej peesj efo³es peeves JesÀ
yeekepeto Ssmee veneR efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
ie) nceves, mìs[ Deueesve efJeÊeer³e efJeJejCeeW keÀer Devegmet®eer 15 S kesÀ meer-23 kesÀ DeefleefjÊeÀ, ceeceues keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀleeDeeW kesÀ Devegªhe, JeemleefJekeÀ efvejer#eCe Üeje ³ee
keÀmìesef[³eve Deewj / ³ee ef[hee@efpeì he´efleYeeefie³eeW Üeje, he´ehle he´ceeCe he$eeW / hegeqä³eeW kesÀ DeeOeej hej 31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ kesÀ efveiece kesÀ $eÝCeeW Deewj efveJesMeeW
mes mebyebefOele DeeJeM³ekeÀ meercee lekeÀ vekeÀo Mes<e jeefMe Deewj he´efleYetefle³eeW keÀe mel³eeheve efkeÀ³ee nw~ 31 cee®e&, 2020 lekeÀ, efveiece kesÀ heeme hegvejekele&ve Deewj
peerJeve efnle veneR nQ;
Ie) efveiece efkeÀmeer Yeer ì^mì kesÀ ì^mìer kesÀ ªhe ceW keÀe³e& veneR keÀjlee nw; leLee
®e) Debeflece J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ efoJeme hej he´ehle DeeJesoveeW kesÀ ceeceues ceW ueeiet SveSJeer DeeF&Deej[erS (efveJesMe) efJeefve³ece, 2016 kesÀ Devegmeej efoS ieS nQ
í) hee@efuemeerOeejkeÀeW keÀer efveefOe keÀe keÀesF& Yeer efnmmee he´l³e#e ³ee Dehe´l³e#e ªhe mes yeercee DeefOeefve³ece 1938, pees keÀer yeercee keÀevetve (mebMeesOeve) DeefOeefve³ece 2015
kesÀ Üeje mebmeesefOele nQ, keÀe GuuebIeve keÀjkesÀ efveJesMe veneR efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~

I§S>obdmb O¡Z E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE Ama. Or. EZ. n«mB©g E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./105049W H .n.g./002785S
e¡boe emh (nmQ>©Za) E. Ama. nmW©gmaWr (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 033632 g.H«$. 205702
Eg Ho$ H$nya E§S H§$ Ho$ {bE E~rE_ E§S> Agmo{gEQ²>g Eb Eb nr Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./000745C H .n.g./105016W/W-100015
dr. ~r. qgK (nmQ>©Za) A{œZ ~r. _moMo© (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 073124 g.H«$. 104126

Eg. Eb. NmOoµS E§S> H§$. Eb Eb nr Ho$ {bE C‘m‘hoída amd E§S> H§$. Ho$ {bE
gZXr boImH a gZXr boImH a
H .n.g./000709C/C400277 H .n.g./004453S
{d{OV ~¡X_wWm (nmQ>©Za) ~r amYm H¥îUm (nmQ>©Za)
g.H«$. 406044 g.H«$. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
meveoer uesKeekeÀj meveoer uesKeekeÀj
keÀ. He. me. 101048W keÀ. He. me. 002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)´À. 030615´À. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
meveoer uesKeekeÀj meveoer uesKeekeÀj
keÀ. He. me. 002180C keÀ. He. me. 304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)´À. 075899´À. 057170
gZXr boImH$ma
‘w§~B©… 22 OwbmB©, 2020

63 Annual Report
c. We have verified the cash balances, to the extent considered necessary, and securities relating to the Corporation’s loans and
investments as at March 31, 2020, by actual inspection or on the basis of certificates / confirmations received from the Custodian
and/or Depository Participants appointed by the Corporation, as the case may be except as stated in note no. C(23) of schedule
15A of the standalone financial statements. As at March 31, 2020, the Corporation does not have reversions and life interests;
d. The Corporation does not act as a trustee of any trust; and
e. The NAV applicable in case of applications received on the last business day are as indicated in IRDA (Investment)
Regulations, 2016
f. No part of the assets of the policyholders’ funds has been directly or indirectly applied in contravention to the provisions of the
Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015, relating to the application and investment of
the Policyholders’ Fund.

For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:105049W F.R.N.:002785S
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A . R. Parthasarathy (Partner)
M.No. 033632 M.No. 205702
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:000745C F.R.N.:105016W/W-100015
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
M.No.073124 M.No. 104126
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:000709C/C400277 F.R.N.:004453S
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B. Radha Krishna (Partner)
M.No. 406044 M.No. 022061
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:101048W F.R.N.:002744C
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
M.No. 030615 M.No. 072209
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N.:002180C F.R.N.:304138E
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan (Partner) Niraj K. Jhunjhunwala (Partner)
M.No. 075899 M.No. 057170

Place: Mumbai
Date: 22nd July, 2020

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

\ m_© E-~rEg
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM©, 2020 VH$ H$m VwbZ-nÌ
Mmby df©
Current Year
{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
Particulars Schedule Non-linked Business Linked Business
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

eo¶aYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y¶m±: SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS:

eo¶a ny±Or SHARE CAPITAL 5 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Ama{jV{Z{Y Ed§ A{Yeof

RESERVES AND SURPLUS 6 34262.18 27937.92 0.00 0.00

O‘m/(Zm‘|) ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z boIm


Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 44262.18 29690.51 0.00 0.00

CYmar BORROWINGS 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y¶m± POLICYHOLDERS' FUNDS:

O‘m/(Zm‘|) ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z boIm

CREDIT/(DEBIT) FAIR VALUE CHANGE ACCOUNT (562620.81) 2483.11 126083.98 0.00

nm°{bgr Xm{¶Ëd
POLICY LIABILITIES 304351138.60 307409.24 3541207.07 63.30

~§X nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ {b¶o {Z{Y


àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ Zm H$aZo Ho$ H$maU amoH$ XoZm

Discontinued on account of non payment of premium 0.00 0.00 3334.22 0.00

AÝ` others 0.00 0.00 1851.68 0.00

{~‘m Ama{jV{Z{Y
INSURANCE RESERVES 6A 1238479.61 40057.17 0.00 21.67

g§~Õ Xm{¶Ëdm| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

PROVISION FOR LINKED LIABILITIES 0.00 0.00 3243893.06 5872.11

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 305026997.40 349949.52 6916370.01 5957.08

^{dî¶ {d{Z¶moOZm| Ho$ {bE {Z{Y¶m±


Hw$b/ TOTAL 305071259.58 379640.03 6916391.45 5957.08



eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$ / Shareholders' 8 20696.02 47245.74 0.00 0.00

nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ho$ /Policyholders' 8A 284493884.70 332793.96 0.00 0.00

g§~Õ Xm{¶Ëd a{jV H$aZo Ho$ {bE n[agån{V¶m±

ASSETS HELD TO COVER LINKED LIABILITIES 8B 0.00 0.00 7047308.92 5872.10

F$U / LOANS 9 10763278.33 17536.11 1452.79 0.00

AMb n[agån{Îm¶m± FIXED ASSETS 10 299909.98 1472.42 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001
BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Current Year Previous Year
Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
Total Non-linked Business Linked Business Total
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

10000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10000.00

62200.10 28115.27 27345.23 0.00 0.00 55460.50

1752.59 0.00 2407.86 0.00 0.00 2407.86

73952.69 38115.27 29753.09 0.00 0.00 67868.36

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


(434053.72) 21312572.25 5855.36 359418.28 0.00 21677845.89

308199818.21 275137790.28 293465.29 3239847.08 92.92 278671195.57

3334.22 0.00 0.00 3271.05 0.00 3271.05

1851.68 0.00 0.00 1906.95 0.00 1906.95

1278558.45 939927.06 38416.12 0.00 18.43 978361.61

3249765.17 0.00 0.00 4155103.57 5695.56 4160799.13

312299274.01 297390289.59 337736.77 7759546.93 5806.91 305493380.20

21.44 0.00 0.00 17.29 0.00 17.29

312373248.14 297428404.86 367489.86 7759564.22 5806.91 305561265.85

67941.76 20856.33 42805.60 0.00 0.00 63661.93

284826678.66 275033684.79 321261.40 0.00 0.00 275354946.19

7053181.02 0.00 0.00 7179907.68 5607.46 7185515.14

10782267.23 10412341.20 18436.53 1477.29 0.00 10432255.02

301382.40 286813.89 1586.19 0.00 0.00 288400.08

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

\ m_© E-~rEg
31 ‘mM©, 2020 VH$ H$m VwbZ-nÌ
Mmby df©
Current Year
{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
Particulars Schedule Non-linked Business Linked Business
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

Mmby n[agån{Îm¶m± CURRENT ASSETS

amoH$‹S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof Cash and Bank Balances 11 2841100.06 8250.41 8772.77 0.00

A{J«_ Ed§ AÝ` n[agån{Îm¶m± Advances and Other Assets 12 14376132.66 7104.56 77189.98 0.00

Cn-¶moJ (H$) Sub-Total (A) 17217232.72 15354.97 85962.75 0.00

Mmby Xm{¶Ëd CURRENT LIABILITIES 13 5959987.12 34438.33 218333.01 (84.98)

àmdYmZ PROVISIONS 14 1763755.05 324.84 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ /Sub-Total (B) 7723742.17 34763.17 218333.01 (84.98)

ewÕ Mmby n[agån{Îm¶m± J), (H - I)

9493490.55 (19408.20) (132370.26) 84.98

{d{dY 춶 (Omo~QQo ImVo ‘| Z S>mbo JE hmo ¶m g‘m¶mo{OV Z {H `o J`o hm|)

(to the extent not written off or adjusted) 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

bm^-hm{Z boIm ‘| Zm‘| eof (eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m ImVm)

(Shareholders' Account) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b / Total 305071259.58 379640.03 6916391.45 5957.08

Contingent Liabilities (AmH$pñ_H$ Xo`VmE§) 15 A (B) 1

‘hÎdnyU© boIZr{V¶m± VWm boImo H$r {Q>ßn{U¶m± 15 H$

Significant Accounting Policies & Notes to Accounts 15A

Cn`w©º$ AZwgwM`m± Ed§ ZmoQg Qy AH$mC§Q VwbZnÌ Ho$ A{^Þ A§J h¡.
Schedules referred to above and the Notes to the Accounts form an integral part of the Balance-sheet

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For Batliboi & Purohit For abm & associates LLP For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N. / 105049W F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 F.R.N./304138E
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Shailesh Shah (Partner) Raman Hangekar (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala (Partner)
g.H«$./M.No.033632 g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./ M.No./104126 g.H«$./M.No./057170
Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For Umamaheswara Rao & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./004453S
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej)
V. B. Singh (Partner) Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) B Radha Krishna (Partner)
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./M.No./075899 g.H«$./M.No. 022061

Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For R. G. N. Price & Co. For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N/ 002785S F.R.N./002744C
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044´À. M. No. 205702 g.H«$. M.No. 072209

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCouNTANTS
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report


Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Current Year Previous Year
Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
Total Non-linked Business Linked Business Total
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

2858123.24 4212234.02 5433.59 144.97 0.00 4217812.58

14460427.20 13182026.96 4344.47 69476.37 0.00 13255847.80

17318550.44 17394260.98 9778.06 69621.34 0.00 17473660.38

6212673.48 3959521.81 26043.30 (508557.91) (199.45) 3476807.75

1764079.89 1760030.52 334.62 0.00 0.00 1760365.14

7976753.37 5719552.33 26377.92 (508557.91) (199.45) 5237172.89

9341797.07 11674708.65 (16599.86) 578179.25 199.45 12236487.49

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

312373248.14 297428404.86 367489.86 7759564.22 5806.91 305561265.85

E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj

M. R. Kumar Chairman

jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$

Raj Kumar Managing Director

Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
Members of the Corporation

osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
Devesh Srivastava

ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)

Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)

{XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$

Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
^maV _o§ {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS IN INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 22715970.02 3317359.65 65260.66 7925642.91

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (10663.28) (15646.36) (15.84) 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 22705306.74 3301713.29 65244.82 7925642.91

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 15185868.83 1956402.82 220252.43 2633878.42

(I) {Zdoe Hr {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 2642080.75 53895.50 125.48 52826.18

(J) ({Zdoe Hr {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z)

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (193003.88) (12813.93) (1318.95) (36093.97)

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) am{e¶m± Amounts written back (518.73) (317.75) (26.72) 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 95779.60 44070.14 0.02 8028.94

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 40435513.31 5342950.07 284277.08 10584282.48

H$‘reZ Commission 2 2049331.74 10611.37 1568.84 2.34

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 3247800.43 94232.19 6863.65 6021.19

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus, Fortune Plus,
Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health Plus, Health Protection Plus, New
Endowment Plus, LIC's SIIP/Nivesh Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus,

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

561099.05 3208740.52 31487.96 23342329.73 14483231.04 75573.24 23342329.73 14558804.28

0.00 0.00 (5095.02) (10679.12) (20741.38) (1248.48) (10679.12) (21989.86)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

561099.05 3208740.52 26392.94 23331650.61 14462489.66 74324.76 23331650.61 14536814.42

349358.67 793962.92 3261.36 15755479.93 5387505.52 414115.53 15755479.93 5801621.05

18710.78 14539.34 0.03 2660917.01 121261.05 254061.32 2660917.01 375322.37

(1449.40) (4224.20) (24.02) (195772.23) (53156.12) (948562.49) (195772.23) (1001718.61)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116432.64 0.00 116432.64

(4.80) (13.68) 0.00 (550.25) (331.43) 0.00 (550.25) (331.43)

0.67 0.60 1.44 95780.29 52101.12 (18.74) 95780.29 52082.38

927714.97 4013005.50 29631.75 41647505.36 19969869.80 (89646.98) 41647505.36 19880222.82

20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2050921.52 46766.63 2667.28 2050921.52 49433.91

10528.98 51189.96 15374.63 3265193.06 166817.97 20400.08 3265193.06 187218.05

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

^maV _o§ {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS IN INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange (6.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
GST on Fund Management charges & other charges
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
(44904.67) 67.44 0.00 (1.03)
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 682184.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 52229.15 0.00 0.19 374.80

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 614620.39 193488.76 396.40 85402.06

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 6601254.79 298399.76 8829.08 91799.36

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 14735971.05 4117384.50 197783.59 4387107.22

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 167030.28 0.00 58.29 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 18661807.74 927165.81 77606.12 6105375.90

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 33564809.07 5044550.31 275448.00 10492483.12

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 269449.45 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
269449.45 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 269449.45 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 (6.25) 0.00 (0.01) (6.25) (0.01)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9827.52 0.00 9827.52

(0.22) (0.18) 0.00 (44904.89) 66.23 1313.22 (44904.89) 1379.45

0.00 0.00 0.00 682184.00 0.00 0.00 682184.00 0.00

0.62 0.49 0.00 52229.96 375.29 12427.33 52229.96 12802.62

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8217.30 103030.91 38.19 623234.09 381959.92 0.00 623234.09 381959.92
18767.62 185247.49 20539.43 6628851.49 595986.04 46635.42 6628851.49 642621.46

348346.28 954161.89 1896.76 15282100.92 9460550.37 473217.71 15282100.92 9933768.08

0.00 0.00 0.00 167088.57 0.00 0.00 167088.57 0.00

560601.07 2873596.12 7195.56 19300014.93 9913333.39 301359.99 19300014.93 10214693.38

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (911210.51) 0.00 (911210.51)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.15 0.00 4.15

346.26 0.00 346.26

908947.35 3827758.01 9092.32 34749204.42 19373883.76 (136282.40) 34749204.42 19237601.36

0.00 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00

(` bmImo§ _o§) 63
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

(Mmby df©)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 167030.28 0.00 58.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167088.57 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 5101965.24 0.00 17446.24 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5119539.53 0.00

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 269449.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J): 5538444.97 0.00 17504.53 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5556077.55 0.00
Annual Report

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{YV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm ~m{h¶m| Ho$
narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV VWm g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&
(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Non-Linked Total
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(a) Interim Bonus: 167030.28 0.00 58.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167088.57 0.00
(b) Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 5101965.24 0.00 17446.24 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5119539.53 0.00
(c) Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 269449.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269449.45 0.00
(d) Total Surplus [a+b+c]: 5538444.97 0.00 17504.53 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5556077.55 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.
As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our examination of the Corporation's books
of accounts
(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.
(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective Revenue Accounts.

The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
^maV _o§ {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS IN INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 21941276.53 4350960.13 71137.26 4357142.58

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (10945.81) (14242.02) (17.38) 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 21930330.72 4336718.11 71119.88 4357142.58

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 14136593.90 1827506.64 217567.97 2284033.76

(I) {Zdoe Hr {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 2238263.96 130461.65 1614.83 86190.53

(J) ({Zdoe Hr {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z)

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (135892.50) (13607.82) (1373.12) (30940.82)

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbr am{e¶m± Amounts written back 6413.19 (35.21) (2.71) 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 29866.65 41279.07 0.14 6224.08

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 38205575.92 6322772.44 288926.99 6702650.13

H$‘reZ Commission 2 1943221.89 10894.99 1707.18 2.33

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 2664411.34 86801.86 6414.29 5287.67

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
ßbg &
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus, Fortune Plus,
Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health Plus, Health Protection Plus, New
Endowment Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

512900.69 2368929.69 29783.61 22525314.48 11106816.01 80627.34 22525314.48 11187443.35

0.00 0.00 (5437.00) (10963.19) (19679.02) (1270.65) (10963.19) (20949.67)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

512900.69 2368929.69 24346.61 22514351.29 11087136.99 79356.69 22514351.29 11166493.68

287316.73 596921.88 2461.26 14641478.60 4710923.54 414426.64 14641478.60 5125350.18

39874.63 29493.41 1.19 2279753.42 246146.78 467977.97 2279753.42 714124.75

(1102.39) (2797.56) (6.26) (138368.01) (47352.46) (441128.30) (138368.01) (488480.76)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115785.88 0.00 115785.88

(1.42) (5.27) 0.00 6409.06 (40.48) 0.00 6409.06 (40.48)

0.66 0.19 1.69 29867.45 47955.03 7.46 29867.45 47962.49

838988.90 2992542.34 26804.49 39333491.81 16044769.40 636426.34 39333491.81 16681195.74

27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1944956.70 49415.84 2842.47 1944956.70 52258.31

5541.99 44031.61 12298.40 2676367.62 148419.54 20845.49 2676367.62 169265.03

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

^maV _o§ {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS IN INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange 29.72 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na godm H$a/dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
Service Tax /GST on Fund Management charges & other charges
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
343912.44 49.43 20.72 (2.99)
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 770961.57 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 131170.41 0.00 (0.18) (373.70)

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 39412.19 171675.71 (722.78) 9901.37

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 5893119.56 269421.99 7419.23 14814.68

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 14916124.45 3422320.34 181651.71 4041263.67

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 164907.07 0.00 23.97 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 16965699.92 2631030.11 99832.08 2646571.78

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 32046731.44 6053350.45 281507.76 6687835.45

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 265724.92 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
265724.92 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 265724.92 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 29.72 0.00 0.00 29.72 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10978.11 0.00 10978.11

(3.39) (1.33) 0.00 343929.77 45.11 3173.00 343929.77 3218.11

0.00 0.00 0.00 770961.57 0.00 0.00 770961.57 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 131170.23 (373.70) 3288.09 131170.23 2914.39

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(95.89) 590.45 8.00 38593.52 182175.53 0.00 38593.52 182175.53
5470.34 78280.52 17165.13 5906009.13 379682.32 41127.16 5906009.13 420809.48

310619.13 773744.40 1739.54 15408395.29 8239067.95 1242989.38 15408395.29 9482057.33

0.00 0.00 0.00 164931.04 0.00 0.00 164931.04 0.00

522899.43 2140517.42 7899.82 17588431.43 7426019.13 283418.36 17588431.43 7709437.49

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (931709.33) 0.00 (931709.33)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.50 0.00 9.50

591.27 0.00 591.27

833518.56 2914261.82 9639.36 33161757.76 15665087.08 595299.18 33161757.76 16260386.26

0.00 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00

(` bmImo§ _o§) 63
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr

(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 164907.07 0.00 23.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164931.04 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 5030156.63 0.00 18467.80 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5048773.54 0.00

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 265724.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J): 5460788.62 0.00 18491.77 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5479429.50 0.00
Annual Report

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{NV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm
~m{h¶m| Ho$ narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&

(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Non-Linked Total
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(a) Interim Bonus: 164907.07 0.00 23.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164931.04 0.00
(b) Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 5030156.63 0.00 18467.80 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5048773.54 0.00
(c) Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 265724.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 265724.92 0.00
(d) Total Surplus [a+b+c]: 5460788.62 0.00 18491.77 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5479429.50 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.

** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.

As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our examination of the
Corporation's books of accounts

(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.

(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective
Revenue Accounts.

The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCouNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
^maV Ho$ ~mha {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS OUT OF INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 36041.62 1199.24 0.00 0.00

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (35.21) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 36006.41 1199.24 0.00 0.00

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 21831.92 11.91 0.00 0.00

(I) {Zdoe H r {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 987.36 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) {Zdoe H r {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (159.45) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 356.84 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbr am{e¶m± Amounts written back (27.45) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 32.54 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 59028.17 1211.15 0.00 0.00

H$‘reZ Commission 2 2335.63 22.62 0.00 0.00

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 4389.92 2.62 0.00 0.00

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
ßbg &
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus,
Fortune Plus, Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health
Plus, Health Protection Plus, New Endowment Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 36041.62 1199.24 585.03 36041.62 1784.27

0.00 0.00 0.00 (35.21) 0.00 0.00 (35.21) 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 36006.41 1199.24 585.03 36006.41 1784.27

0.00 0.00 0.00 21831.92 11.91 162.56 21831.92 174.47

0.00 0.00 0.00 987.36 0.00 83.60 987.36 83.60

0.00 0.00 0.00 (159.45) 0.00 (36.21) (159.45) (36.21)

0.00 0.00 0.00 356.84 0.00 (380.42) 356.84 (380.42)

0.00 0.00 0.00 (27.45) 0.00 0.00 (27.45) 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 32.54 0.00 (88.35) 32.54 (88.35)

0.00 0.00 0.00 59028.17 1211.15 326.21 59028.17 1537.36

0.00 0.00 0.00 2335.63 22.62 0.00 2335.63 22.62

0.00 0.00 0.00 4389.92 2.62 0.01 4389.92 2.63

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

^maV Ho$ ~mha {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§/ IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS OUT OF INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange (0.79) 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
GST on Fund Management charges & other charges
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
142.65 0.00 0.00 0.00
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 193.46 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 7061.19 25.24 0.00 0.00

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 38463.09 100.10 0.00 0.00

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 248.44 0.00 0.00 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 12930.61 1085.81 0.00 0.00

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 51642.14 1185.91 0.00 0.00

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 324.84 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
324.84 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 324.84 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.79) 0.00 (221.36) (0.79) (221.36)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 142.65 0.00 0.00 142.65 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 193.46 0.00 15.83 193.46 15.83

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 7061.19 25.24 (205.52) 7061.19 (180.28)

0.00 72.47 0.00 38463.09 172.57 384.80 38463.09 557.37

0.00 0.00 0.00 248.44 0.00 0.00 248.44 0.00

0.00 (72.47) 0.00 12930.61 1013.34 (29.62) 12930.61 983.72

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 176.55 0.00 176.55

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 51642.14 1185.91 531.73 51642.14 1717.64

0.00 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00
(` bmImo§ _o§)
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr

(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 248.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 248.44 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 6172.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6172.03 0.00

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 324.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J): 6745.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6745.31 0.00

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

Annual Report

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{NV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm ~m{h¶m| Ho$
narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&
(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total

Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-

Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
Interim Bonus: 248.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 248.44 0.00
Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 6172.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6172.03 0.00
Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 324.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.84 0.00
Total 6745.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6745.31 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.
As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our
examination of the Corporation's books of accounts
(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.
(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective Revenue Accounts.
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
63 Annual Report

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
^maV Ho$ ~mha {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS OUT OF INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 35643.58 1383.32 0.00 0.00

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (54.60) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 35588.98 1383.32 0.00 0.00

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 22363.18 16.52 0.00 0.00

(I) {Zdoe Hr {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 1689.12 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) ({Zdoe H r {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z)

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (734.78) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 2476.41 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbr am{e¶m± Amounts written back (17.97) 0.00 0.00 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 23.73 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 61388.67 1399.84 0.00 0.00

H$‘reZ Commission 2 2384.64 26.48 0.00 0.00

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 4059.36 2.91 0.00 0.00

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
ßbg &
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus,
Fortune Plus, Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health
Plus, Health Protection Plus, New Endowment Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 35643.58 1383.32 722.38 35643.58 2105.70

0.00 0.00 0.00 (54.60) 0.00 0.00 (54.60) 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 35588.98 1383.32 722.38 35588.98 2105.70

0.00 0.00 0.00 22363.18 16.52 151.95 22363.18 168.47

0.00 0.00 0.00 1689.12 0.00 95.92 1689.12 95.92

0.00 0.00 0.00 (734.78) 0.00 (68.02) (734.78) (68.02)

0.00 0.00 0.00 2476.41 0.00 139.17 2476.41 139.17

0.00 0.00 0.00 (17.97) 0.00 0.00 (17.97) 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 23.73 0.00 (78.08) 23.73 (78.08)

0.00 0.00 0.00 61388.67 1399.84 963.32 61388.67 2363.16

0.00 0.00 0.00 2384.64 26.48 0.00 2384.64 26.48

0.00 0.00 0.00 4059.36 2.91 0.01 4059.36 2.92

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

^maV Ho$ ~mha {H$`o JE ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF BUSINESS OUT OF INDIA

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na godm H$a/dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
Service Tax /GST on Fund Management charges & other charges
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 1212.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 51.10 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 7709.57 29.39 0.00 0.00

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 37528.37 9.90 0.00 0.00

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 205.94 0.00 0.00 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 15610.17 1360.55 0.00 0.00

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 53344.48 1370.45 0.00 0.00

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 334.62 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
334.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 334.62 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 79.10 0.17 79.10

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 1212.70 0.00 9.51 1212.70 9.51

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 51.10 0.00 0.00 51.10 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 7709.57 29.39 88.62 7709.57 118.01

0.00 80.08 0.00 37528.37 89.98 415.20 37528.37 505.18

0.00 0.00 0.00 205.94 0.00 0.00 205.94 0.00

0.00 (80.08) 0.00 15610.17 1280.47 (21.69) 15610.17 1258.78

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 481.19 0.00 481.19

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 53344.48 1370.45 874.70 53344.48 2245.15

0.00 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00

(` bmImo§ _o§)

df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 205.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.94 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 6357.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6357.84 0.00

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 334.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00
6898.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6898.40 0.00
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J):

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&
Annual Report

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{NV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm ~m{h¶m| Ho$
narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV VWm g§~Õ ì¶mdgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&

(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Non-Linked Total
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(a) Interim Bonus: 205.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.94 0.00
(b) Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 6357.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6357.84 0.00
(c) Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 334.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 334.62 0.00
(d) Total Surplus [a+b+c]: 6898.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6898.40 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.
As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our examination of the Corporation's books
of accounts
(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.
(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective Revenue Accounts.
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCouNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
Hw$b ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF TOTAL BUSINESS

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 22752011.64 3318558.89 65260.66 7925642.91

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (10698.49) (15646.36) (15.84) 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 22741313.15 3302912.53 65244.82 7925642.91

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 15207700.75 1956414.73 220252.43 2633878.42

(I) {Zdoe H r {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 2643068.11 53895.50 125.48 52826.18

(J) ({Zdoe H r {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z)

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (193163.33) (12813.93) (1318.95) (36093.97)

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 356.84 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbr am{e¶m± Amounts written back (546.18) (317.75) (26.72) 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 95812.14 44070.14 0.02 8028.94

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 40494541.48 5344161.22 284277.08 10584282.48

H$‘reZ Commission 2 2051667.37 10633.99 1568.84 2.34

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 3252190.35 94234.81 6863.65 6021.19

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
ßbg &
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus, Fortune Plus,
Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health Plus, Health Protection Plus, New
Endowment Plus, LIC's SIIP/Nivesh Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

561099.05 3208740.52 31487.96 23378371.35 14484430.28 76158.27 23378371.35 14560588.55

0.00 0.00 (5095.02) (10714.33) (20741.38) (1248.48) (10714.33) (21989.86)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

561099.05 3208740.52 26392.94 23367657.02 14463688.90 74909.79 23367657.02 14538598.69

349358.67 793962.92 3261.36 15777311.85 5387517.43 414278.09 15777311.85 5801795.52

18710.78 14539.34 0.03 2661904.37 121261.05 254144.92 2661904.37 375405.97

(1449.40) (4224.20) (24.02) (195931.68) (53156.12) (948598.70) (195931.68) (1001754.82)

0.00 0.00 0.00 356.84 0.00 116052.22 356.84 116052.22

(4.80) (13.68) 0.00 (577.70) (331.43) 0.00 (577.70) (331.43)

0.67 0.60 1.44 95812.83 52101.12 (107.09) 95812.83 51994.03

927714.97 4013005.50 29631.75 41706533.53 19971080.95 (89320.77) 41706533.53 19881760.18

20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2053257.15 46789.25 2667.28 2053257.15 49456.53

10528.98 51189.96 15374.63 3269582.98 166820.59 20400.09 3269582.98 187220.68

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

Hw$b ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF TOTAL BUSINESS

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange (7.04) 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na godm H$a/dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
GST on Fund Management charges & other charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
(44762.02) 67.44 0.00 (1.03)
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 682377.46 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 52229.15 0.00 0.19 374.80

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 614620.71 193488.76 396.40 85402.06

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 6608315.98 298425.00 8829.08 91799.36

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 14774434.14 4117484.60 197783.59 4387107.22

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 167278.72 0.00 58.29 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 18674738.35 928251.62 77606.12 6105375.90

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 33616451.21 5045736.22 275448.00 10492483.12

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 269774.29 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
269774.29 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 269774.29 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 (7.04) 0.00 (221.37) (7.04) (221.37)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9827.52 0.00 9827.52

(0.22) (0.18) 0.00 (44762.24) 66.23 1313.22 (44762.24) 1379.45

0.00 0.00 0.00 682377.46 0.00 15.83 682377.46 15.83

0.62 0.49 0.00 52229.96 375.29 12427.33 52229.96 12802.62

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8217.30 103030.91 38.19 623234.41 381959.92 0.00 623234.41 381959.92
18767.62 185247.49 20539.43 6635912.68 596011.28 46429.90 6635912.68 642441.18

348346.28 954234.36 1896.76 15320564.01 9460722.94 473602.51 15320564.01 9934325.45

0.00 0.00 0.00 167337.01 0.00 0.00 167337.01 0.00

560601.07 2873523.65 7195.56 19312945.54 9914346.73 301330.37 19312945.54 10215677.10

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (911033.96) 0.00 (911033.96)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.15 0.00 4.15

346.26 0.00 346.26

908947.35 3827758.01 9092.32 34800846.56 19375069.67 (135750.67) 34800846.56 19239319.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00

(` bmImo§ _o§) 63
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hobW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr

(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 167278.72 0.00 58.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167337.01 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 5108137.27 0.00 17446.24 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5125711.56 0.00

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 269774.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00
5545190.28 0.00 17504.53 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5562822.86 0.00
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J):

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&
Annual Report

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{NV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm ~m{h¶m| Ho$
narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV g§~Õ ì¶mdgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&
(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Non-Linked Total
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(a) Interim Bonus: 167278.72 0.00 58.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167337.01 0.00
(b) Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 5108137.27 0.00 17446.24 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5125711.56 0.00
(c) Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 269774.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 269774.29 0.00
(d) Total Surplus [a+b+c]: 5545190.28 0.00 17504.53 0.00 128.05 0.00 0.00 5562822.86 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.
As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our examination of the Corporation's books
of accounts
(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.
(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective Revenue Accounts.
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-AmaE
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm
Hw$b ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF TOTAL BUSINESS

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
A{O©V ewÕ àr{‘¶‘ Premiums earned - net
(H$) {à{‘¶‘
(a) Premium 1 21976920.11 4352343.45 71137.26 4357142.58

(I) nwZ~u‘m A§VaU

(b) Reinsurance ceded (11000.41) (14242.02) (17.38) 0.00

(J) nwZ~u‘m ñdrH$ma

(c) Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cn-¶moJ / Sub-Total 21965919.70 4338101.43 71119.88 4357142.58

{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments

(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m, Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross 14158957.08 1827523.16 217567.97 2284033.76

(I) {Zdoe H r {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^

(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments 2239953.08 130461.65 1614.83 86190.53

(J) ({Zdoe H r {dH«$s / ‘moMZ na hm{Z)

(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments) (136627.28) (13607.82) (1373.12) (30940.82)

(K) nwZ‘y©ë¶mH§$Z/ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z na A§VaU/bm^*

(d) Transfer/Gain on revaluation/change in fair value* 2476.41 0.00 0.00 0.00

(L>) Aݶ Am¶ (e) Other Income

(i) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbr am{e¶m± Amounts written back 6395.22 (35.21) (2.71) 0.00

(ii) ‹’w$Q>H$a àm{á¶m± Sundry Receipts 29890.38 41729.07 0.14 6224.08

Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 38266964.59 6324172.28 288926.99 6702650.13

H$‘reZ Commission 2 1945606.53 10921.47 1707.18 2.33

~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©

Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 3 2668470.70 86804.77 6414.29 5287.67

{QßnUr … CnamoŠV AmH$Smo§ _o§ g§~Û ì`dgm` _o§ J¡a-gh^mJr `moOZmE§ h¡, O¡go ~r_m ßbg, â`yMa ßbg, OrdZ ßbg, _Zr ßbg, _mHo$©Q ßbg, \ m°À`w©Z ßbg, n«m°{\ Q ßbg, _Zr ßbg-1,_mH©o$Q ßbg-1,
MmB©ëS \ m°À`wZ ßbg, OrdZ gmWr ßbg, doëW ßbg, noÝeZ ßbg, EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg, g_¥pÜX ßbg, âboŠgr ßbg, hoëW ßbg, hoëW n«moQoŠeZ ßbg, J¡MwQr ßbg, Ý`y EÝSmo_oÝQ ßbg VWm gwna A°Ý`wEeZ
ßbg &
Note: The above figures include Linked business and Linked Business comprises of non-participating plans, viz. Bima Plus, Future Plus, Jeevan Plus, Money Plus, Market Plus, Fortune Plus,
Profit Plus, Money Plus1, Market Plus1,Child Fortune Plus,Jeevan Sathi Plus, Wealth Plus, Pension Plus, Endowment Plus, Samriddhi Plus, Flexi Plus, Health Plus, Health Protection Plus, New
Endowment Plus, Gratuity Plus and Superannuation Plus

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Registration No. : 512 Dated 01.01.2001

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

512900.69 2368929.69 29783.61 22560958.06 11108199.33 81349.72 22560958.06 11189549.05

0.00 0.00 (5437.00) (11017.79) (19679.02) (1270.65) (11017.79) (20949.67)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

512900.69 2368929.69 24346.61 22549940.27 11088520.31 80079.07 22549940.27 11168599.38

287316.73 596921.88 2461.26 14663841.78 4710940.06 414578.59 14663841.78 5125518.65

39874.63 29493.41 1.19 2281442.54 246146.78 468073.89 2281442.54 714220.67

(1102.39) (2797.56) (6.26) (139102.79) (47352.46) (441196.32) (139102.79) (488548.78)

0.00 0.00 0.00 2476.41 0.00 115925.05 2476.41 115925.05

(1.42) (5.27) 0.00 6391.09 (40.48) 0.00 6391.09 (40.48)

0.66 0.19 1.69 29891.18 47955.03 (70.62) 29891.18 47884.41

838988.90 2992542.34 26804.49 39394880.48 16046169.24 637389.66 39394880.48 16683558.90

27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1947341.34 49442.32 2842.47 1947341.34 52284.79

5541.99 44031.61 12298.40 2680426.98 148422.45 20845.50 2680426.98 169267.95

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 ‘mM© 2019 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {bE amOñd ImVm

Hw$b ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ / IN RESPECT OF TOTAL BUSINESS

{ddaU AZwgwMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶

Particulars Schedule Non-Linked Business

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm`

Life Business Pension Business
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating
AÝ` ì`` … {d{Z`_ Other Expenses: Exchange 29.89 0.00 0.00 0.00
{Z{Y n«~§YZ n«^ma Ed§ AÝ` n«^ma na godm H$a/dñVw Ed§ godm H$a
Service Tax/GST on Fund Management charges & other charges
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ
Provisions for Doubtful debts
343914.04 49.43 20.72 (2.99)
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ Provisions for taxation 772174.27 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«mdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V{aŠV)
Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ _yë` (ewÕ) _o§ H$_r Ho$ {bE

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 131170.41 0.00 (0.18) (373.70)

(I) Amdí`H$ emoYj_Vm gr_m Ho$ {bE n«mdYmZ

(b) Provision for Required Solvency Margin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) AÝ` (c) Others 39463.29 171675.71 (722.78) 9901.37

Hw$b (I)/ TOTAL (B) 5900829.13 269451.38 7419.23 14814.68

AXm {H$`m J`m bm^ (ewÕ)

Benefits paid (Net) 4 14953652.82 3422330.24 181651.71 4041263.67

AXm {H$`m J`m A§V{a_ ~moZg

Interim Bonuses Paid 165113.01 0.00 23.97 0.00

OrdZ nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho$ g~§Õ _o§ Xm{`Ëd _yë`m§H$Z _o§ n{adV©Z

Change in valuation of liability in respect of life policies

(H$) Hw$b** (a) Gross** 16981310.09 2632390.66 99832.08 2646571.78

(I) nwZ~r©_m _o§ A§V{aV am{e

(b) Amount ceded in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) nwZ~r©_m _o§ ñdrH¥$V am{e

(c) Amount accepted in Reinsurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

g~§Õ Xo`VmAmo§ Ho$ n«mdYmZ _o§ A§VaU

Transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ Ho$ A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Future Appropriations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

~§X H$aZo {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU

Transfer to Funds for Discontinued Fund

Hw$b (J)/TOTAL (C) 32100075.92 6054720.90 281507.76 6687835.45

A{Yeof/(KmQm) (K)=(H$)-(I)-(J)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (D) = (A)-(B)-(C) 266059.54 0.00 0.00 0.00

eo`aYmaH$mo§ Ho$ boIm _o§ A§VaU
Transfer to Shareholders' Account
266059.54 0.00 0.00 0.00
AÝ` Ama{jV {Z{Y`mo§ _o§ A§VaU$
Transfer to Other Reserves
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^{dî` Ho$ {d{Z`moOZ {Z{Y`mo§ H$mo A§VaU
Balance being Funds for Future Appropriations
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (K)/TOTAL (D) 266059.54 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ H$m boIm (VH$ZrH$r boIm)

Policyholders’ Account (Technical Account)

J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Business Total (Current Year)
dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Annuity Business Health Business Non-Linked Total (Current Year)
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Participating Non-Participating

0.00 0.00 0.00 29.89 0.00 79.10 29.89 79.10

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10978.11 0.00 10978.11

(3.39) (1.33) 0.00 343931.37 45.11 3173.00 343931.37 3218.11

0.00 0.00 0.00 772174.27 0.00 9.51 772174.27 9.51

0.00 0.00 0.00 131170.23 (373.70) 3288.09 131170.23 2914.39

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(95.89) 590.45 8.00 38644.62 182175.53 0.00 38644.62 182175.53
5470.34 78280.52 17165.13 5913718.70 379711.71 41215.78 5913718.70 420927.49

310619.13 773824.48 1739.54 15445923.66 8239157.93 1243404.58 15445923.66 9482562.51

0.00 0.00 0.00 165136.98 0.00 0.00 165136.98 0.00

522899.43 2140437.34 7899.82 17604041.60 7427299.60 283396.67 17604041.60 7710696.27

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (931228.14) 0.00 (931228.14)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.50 0.00 9.50

591.27 0.00 591.27

833518.56 2914261.82 9639.36 33215102.24 15666457.53 596173.88 33215102.24 16262631.41

0.00 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00

(` bmImo§ _o§)

df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ Hw$b A{Yeof OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr

(H$) A§V[a‘ ~moZg 165113.01 0.00 23.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165136.98 0.00

(I) nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo ~moZg H$m Am~§Q>Z : 5036514.47 0.00 18467.80 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5055131.38 0.00
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

(J) amOñd boIm ‘| Xem©¶m J¶m A{Yeof 266059.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00

(K) Hy$b A{Yeof (H$+I+J): 5467687.02 0.00 18491.77 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5486327.90 0.00
Annual Report

* àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï ‘mZXÊS>mo Ho$ AZwgma ‘mZm hþAm àm߶ bm^ Xem©Vm h¡&

** ~moZg Am~§Q>Z Ho$ ~mX J{UVr¶ Ama{jV {Z{Y Xem©Vm h¡&

O¡gm {H$ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 {H$ Ymam 40-I (4) Ho$ AZwgma dm§{NV h¡, h‘ à‘m{UV H$aVo h¡ {H$ h‘mar gdm}Îm‘ OmZH$mar Am¡a {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma VWm h‘o§ hr Xr JB© gyMZm Am¡a ñdrH$aU Ho$ AZwgma Am¡a O¡gm {H$ h‘| {ZJ‘ {H$ ImVm ~m{h¶m| Ho$
narjU go bJmVm h¡&
(H$) {ZJ‘ Ûmam g§nm{XV OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g^r à~ÝY 춶 amOñd ImVo ‘| - gh^mJr / J¡a-gh^mJr nyar Vah ì¶d¶º$ Zm‘o {H$E h¡&
(I) {Z‘JÛmam g§nm{XV g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ VWm Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV g‘ñV à^ma, g§~§{YV amOñd ImVm| ‘| nyar Vah Zm‘| {H$E J¶E h¡&
Cna{b{IV AZwgy{M¶m± amOñd boIm Ho$ A§J^yV ^mJ h¡&

(` in lakhs)

Total Surplus during the year Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Non-Linked Total
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(a) Interim Bonus: 165113.01 0.00 23.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165136.98 0.00
(b) Allocation of Bonus to Policyholders: 5036514.47 0.00 18467.80 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5055131.38 0.00
(c) Surplus shown in the Revenue accounts: 266059.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 266059.54 0.00
(d) Total Surplus [a+b+c]: 5467687.02 0.00 18491.77 0.00 149.11 0.00 0.00 5486327.90 0.00

* Represents the deemed realised gain as per norms specified by the Authority.
** Represents Mathematical Reserves after allocation of bonus.
As required by Section 40-B(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 we certify that to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and so far as appears from our examination of the Corporation's books
of accounts
(a) all expenses of management in respect of life insurance business transacted by the Corporation have been fully debited to the Revenue Account- Participating/Non-Participating as expenses.
(b) all charges incurred in respect of the Life Insurance Business transacted by the Corporation in respect of Non-Linked and Linked Business have been fully debited by the Corporation in the respective Revenue Accounts.
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Revenue Account.
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCouNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-nrEb
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ : ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI : 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo g‘má df© H$m g§~{YV bm^-hm{Z boIm

Mmby df©
Current Year
{ddaU Particulars AZwgyMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
Schedule Non-linked Business Linked Business
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

nm°{b{gYmaH$m| Ho$ boIm (VH$ZrH$s boIm) go eof H$mo

AJ«o{fV :
Amounts transferred from/to the Policyholders
Account (Technical Account):
269449.45 324.84 0.00 0.00
{Zdoe go Am¶/ Income from Investments
(H$) ã¶mO, bm^m§e Ed§ {H$am¶m-Hw$b
(a) Interest, Dividends & Rent - Gross
1413.14 2106.96 0.00 0.00
(I) {Zdoe H$s {~H«$s/‘moMZ na bm^
(b) Profit on sale/redemption of investments
0.00 212.09 0.00 0.00
(J) {Zdoe H$s {~H«$s/‘moMZ na hm{Z
(c) (Loss on sale/redemption of investments)
(11.32) (787.98) 0.00 0.00
Aݶ Am¶ : gm‘mݶ Ama{jV {ZYr go A§VaU
other Income :Transfer from General Reseve
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b(H$) TOTAL (A) 270851.27 1855.91 0.00 0.00
~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go grYo g§~§{YV IMm} Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ IM©
Expense other than those directly related to the
0.06 44.97 0.00 0.00
insurance business

àmdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V[aº$)

Provisions (other than taxation)

(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ ‘yë¶ ‘| ewÕ H$‘r

(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net)
0.00 587.52 0.00 0.00
(I) g§{X½Y F$Umo§ Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
(b) Provision for doubtful debts
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) Aݶ (ã¶moam XoZm h¡)
(c) Others (to be specified)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b(I) TOTAL (B) 0.06 632.49 0.00 0.00

bm^/hm{Z H$a nyd©/ Profit/(Loss) before tax 270851.21 1223.42 0.00 0.00
H$amYmZ H$m àmdYmZ Provision for Taxation 489.85 313.98 0.00 0.00

bm^/(hm{Z) H$a àíMmV Profit/Loss after tax 270361.36 909.44 0.00 0.00
(H$) df© Ho àma¨^ _o eof
(a) Balance at the begining of the year
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ àXÎm A§V{a‘ bm^m§e
(5% ‘yë¶m§H$Z A{Yeof Ho$ÝÐr¶ gaH$ma H$mo àXÎm)
(b) Interim Dividends paid during the year
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(5% Valuation surplus paid to Central Government)

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Na me of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Re gistration No. : 512 Dated:01.01.2001
eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m boIm (J¡a-VH$ZrH$s boIm)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
Shareholders’ Account (Non-technical Account)
(` in lakhs)

Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Current Year Previous Year
Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
Total Non-linked Business Linked Business Total
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India

269774.29 265724.92 334.62 0.00 0.00 266059.54

3520.10 1413.88 2323.65 0.00 0.00 3737.53

212.09 0.00 1259.94 0.00 0.00 1259.94

(799.30) (11.32) (655.29) 0.00 0.00 (666.61)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

272707.18 267127.48 3262.92 0.00 0.00 270390.40

45.03 0.00 42.06 0.00 0.00 42.06

587.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

632.55 0.00 42.06 0.00 0.00 42.06

272074.63 267127.48 3220.86 0.00 0.00 270348.34

803.83 490.11 1008.57 0.00 0.00 1498.68

271270.80 266637.37 2212.29 0.00 0.00 268849.66

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

’$m°‘© E-nrEb
31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo g‘má df© H$m g§~{YV bm^-hm{Z boIm

Mmby df©
Current Year
{ddaU Particulars AZwgyMr J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
Schedule Non-linked Business Linked Business
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India
(J) àñVm{dV A§{V‘ bm^m§e (c) Proposed final dividend 269449.45 324.84 0.00 0.00
(K) bm^m§e (d) Dividend distribution on tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(L>) gm‘mݶ Ama{jV{Z{Y H$mo A§VaU
(e) Transfer to General Reserve 911.91 584.60 0.00 0.00
VwbZ-nÌ H$mo AJ«o{fV bm^
Profit carried forward to the Balance Sheet
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCouNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m boIm (J¡a-VH$ZrH$s boIm)
Shareholders’ Account (Non-technical Account)

Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Current Year Previous Year
Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b
Total Non-linked Business Linked Business Total
^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha ^maV ‘| ^maV Ho$ ~mha
In India Out of India In India Out of India
269774.29 265724.92 334.62 0.00 0.00 266059.54

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1496.51 912.45 1877.67 0.00 0.00 2790.12

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

AZwgyMr`m± Omo {dËVr` {ddaUmo§ Ho$ A§J^yV h¡§


SCHEDULE - 1 - PREMIUM: 31.03.2020

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health

Non-Linked Total (Current
Annual Report

gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
1 àW‘ dfu¶ àr{‘¶‘
First year Premiums 2911850.34 114650.85 2370.68 2751280.42 0.00 0.00 10473.72 2914221.02 2876404.99 5249.83 2914221.02 2881654.82

2 nadVu àr{‘¶‘
Renewal Premiums 19164602.98 571596.90 62041.80 224407.67 449.08 391.31 21014.24 19227093.86 817410.12 66832.05 19227093.86 884242.17

3 EH$b àr{‘¶‘ Am¡a grEOr

Single Premiums &
CAG 675558.32 2632311.14 848.18 4949954.82 560649.97 3208349.21 0.00 1237056.47 10790615.17 4076.39 1237056.47 10794691.56

Hw$b àr{‘¶‘
TOTAL PREMIUM 22752011.64 3318558.89 65260.66 7925642.91 561099.05 3208740.52 31487.96 23378371.35 14484430.28 76158.27 23378371.35 14560588.55

àr{‘¶‘ Am¶ {b{IV

ì¶dgm¶ go
Premium Income from
business written:

1 ^maV ‘|
In India 22715970.02 3317359.65 65260.66 7925642.91 561099.05 3208740.52 31487.96 23342329.73 14483231.04 75573.24 23342329.73 14558804.28

2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha

outside India 36041.62 1199.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36041.62 1199.24 585.03 36041.62 1784.27

Hw$b àr{‘¶‘
Total Premium 22752011.64 3318558.89 65260.66 7925642.91 561099.05 3208740.52 31487.96 23378371.35 14484430.28 76158.27 23378371.35 14560588.55
AZwgyMr`m± Omo {dËVr` {ddaUmo§ Ho$ A§J^yV h¡§
SCHEDULE - 1 - PREMIUM: 31.03.2019

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
1 àW‘ dfu¶ àr{‘¶‘
First year Premiums 2632856.90 257033.08 2215.20 225830.70 0.00 0.00 11260.35 2635072.10 494124.13 3425.31 2635072.10 497549.44

2 nadVu àr{‘¶‘
Renewal Premiums 18547169.79 538129.32 68029.88 266518.06 487.36 462.83 18523.26 18615687.03 823633.47 77590.81 18615687.03 901224.28

3 EH$b àr{‘¶‘ Am¡a grEOr

Single Premiums &
CAG 796893.42 3557181.05 892.18 3864793.82 512413.33 2368466.86 0.00 1310198.93 9790441.73 333.60 1310198.93 9790775.33

Hw$b àr{‘¶‘
TOTAL PREMIUM 21976920.11 4352343.45 71137.26 4357142.58 512900.69 2368929.69 29783.61 22560958.06 11108199.33 81349.72 22560958.06 11189549.05

àr{‘¶‘ Am¶ {b{IV

ì¶dgm¶ go
Premium Income from
business written:

1 ^maV ‘|
In India 21941276.53 4350960.13 71137.26 4357142.58 512900.69 2368929.69 29783.61 22525314.48 11106816.01 80627.34 22525314.48 11187443.35

2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha

outside India 35643.58 1383.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35643.58 1383.32 722.38 35643.58 2105.70

Hw$b àr{‘¶‘
Total Premium 21976920.11 4352343.45 71137.26 4357142.58 512900.69 2368929.69 29783.61 22560958.06 11108199.33 81349.72 22560958.06 11189549.05
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

AZwgyMr - H$‘reZ 춶 31.03.2020
(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 2 COMMISSION EXPENSES: 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Linked Total (Current Year)

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby Business
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

àXÎm H$‘reZ / Commission paid

grYm - àW‘ dfu¶ àr{‘¶‘
Annual Report

Direct - First year premiums 962076.21 4918.03 192.19 2.34 0.00 7.51 3580.85 962268.40 8508.73 339.40 962268.40 8848.13
- nadVu àr{‘¶‘
- Renewal premiums 1024361.90 5355.60 1240.02 0.00 7.88 5.19 1270.72 1025609.80 6631.51 1807.82 1025609.80 8439.33
- EH$b àr{‘¶‘
- Single premiums 13491.51 59.73 17.55 0.00 0.60 30429.45 0.00 13509.66 30489.18 77.28 13509.66 30566.46
- Aݶ H${‘eZ
- other Commission 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Omo‹S>o : ñdrH¥$V nwZ~u‘ na H$‘reZ
Add : Commission on Re-
insurance Accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ : A§V[aV nwZ~u‘ na H$‘reZ
Less: Commission on Re-
insurance Ceded 4115.42 87.41 9.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4124.57 87.41 0.00 4124.57 87.41
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 1995814.20 10245.95 1440.61 2.34 8.48 30442.15 4851.57 1997263.29 45542.01 2224.50 1997263.29 47766.51
{~Mm¡{b`mo Hmo BZm_ Am¡a nm{al{_H
Rewards and remuneration to
Intermediaries 55853.17 388.04 128.23 0.00 12.46 584.16 275.04 55993.86 1247.24 442.78 55993.86 1690.02
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 2051667.37 10633.99 1568.84 2.34 20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2053257.15 46789.25 2667.28 2053257.15 49456.53
{b{IV ì¶dgm¶ na H$‘reZ / Commission on business written:
^maV ‘|
In India 2049331.74 10611.37 1568.84 2.34 20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2050921.52 46766.63 2667.28 2050921.52 49433.91
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 2335.63 22.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2335.63 22.62 0.00 2335.63 22.62
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 2051667.37 10633.99 1568.84 2.34 20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2053257.15 46789.25 2667.28 2053257.15 49456.53

ì¶dgm¶ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$¶o J¶o gH$b 춶 H$m {dKQ>Z : Break up of the expenses (Gross) incurred to procure business :
Agents 2043674.47 10675.43 1577.99 2.34 20.02 29118.98 5080.68 2045272.48 44877.43 2631.25 2045272.48 47508.68
Brokers 261.21 1.91 0.00 0.00 0.66 36.05 0.21 261.87 38.17 1.56 261.87 39.73
{ZJ{‘V EOoÝgr
Corporate Agency 810.02 4.05 0.00 0.00 0.10 34.37 1.51 810.12 39.93 1.44 810.12 41.37
Referral 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aݶ : ~¢H$
others: Banks 10685.76 39.09 0.00 0.00 0.16 1825.64 43.77 10685.92 1908.50 32.82 10685.92 1941.32
IMF 351.33 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.27 0.44 351.33 12.63 0.21 351.33 12.84
Total 2055782.79 10721.40 1577.99 2.34 20.94 31026.31 5126.61 2057381.72 46876.66 2667.28 2057381.72 49543.94
AZwgyMr -2 31.03.2019
H$‘reZ 춶 (` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 2 COMMISSION EXPENSES: 31.03.2019 (` in lakhs)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Linked Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby Business
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
àXÎm H$‘reZ / Commission paid
grYm - àW‘ dfu¶ àr{‘¶‘
Direct - First year premiums 871045.44 5047.55 166.14 2.33 0.00 0.00 3470.61 871211.58 8520.49 228.94 871211.58 8749.43
- nadVu àr{‘¶‘
- Renewal premiums 995998.38 5406.65 1353.98 0.00 9.75 9.25 1086.35 997362.11 6502.25 1934.15 997362.11 8436.40
- EH$b àr{‘¶‘
- Single premiums 15928.82 71.51 17.84 0.00 0.00 32753.86 0.00 15946.66 32825.37 0.00 15946.66 32825.37
- Aݶ H${‘eZ
- other Commission 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Omo‹S>o : ñdrH¥$V nwZ~u‘ na H$‘reZ
Add : Commission on Re-
insurance Accepted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ : A§V[aV nwZ~u‘ na H$‘reZ
Less: Commission on Re-
insurance Ceded 3259.06 151.95 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3260.22 151.95 0.00 3260.22 151.95
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 1879713.58 10373.76 1536.80 2.33 9.75 32763.11 4556.96 1881260.13 47696.16 2163.09 1881260.13 49859.25
{~Mm¡{b`mo Hmo BZm_ Am¡a nm{al{_H
Rewards and remuneration to
Intermediaries 65892.95 547.71 170.38 0.00 17.88 896.68 301.77 66081.21 1746.16 679.38 66081.21 2425.54
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 1945606.53 10921.47 1707.18 2.33 27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1947341.34 49442.32 2842.47 1947341.34 52284.79
{b{IV ì¶dgm¶ na H$‘reZ / Commission on business written:
^maV ‘|
In India 1943221.89 10894.99 1707.18 2.33 27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1944956.70 49415.84 2842.47 1944956.70 52258.31
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 2384.64 26.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2384.64 26.48 0.00 2384.64 26.48
ewÕ H$‘reZ
Net Commission 1945606.53 10921.47 1707.18 2.33 27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1947341.34 49442.32 2842.47 1947341.34 52284.79

ì¶dgm¶ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$¶o J¶o gH$b 춶 H$m {dKQ>Z : Break up of the expenses (Gross) incurred to procure business :
Agents 1937553.70 11017.78 1705.25 2.33 27.62 32256.53 4816.66 1939286.57 48093.30 2822.55 1939286.57 50915.85

Brokers 180.69 5.59 0.26 0.00 0.00 25.08 0.64 180.95 31.31 1.47 180.95 32.78

{ZJ{‘V EOoÝgr
Corporate Agency 1671.70 7.57 1.32 0.00 0.01 32.46 2.04 1673.03 42.07 2.22 1673.03 44.29
Referral 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aݶ : ~¢H$
others: Banks 9421.61 42.06 1.48 0.00 0.00 1333.13 39.23 9423.09 1414.42 16.22 9423.09 1430.64
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

IMF 37.89 0.42 0.03 0.00 0.00 12.59 0.16 37.92 13.17 0.01 37.92 13.18
Total 1948865.59 11073.42 1708.34 2.33 27.63 33659.79 4858.73 1950601.56 49594.27 2842.47 1950601.56 52436.74
Annual Report

AZwgyMr -3 31.03.2020
~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go gå~pÝYV n[aMmbZ 춶 : (` bmImo§ _o§)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)


OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

1 H$‘©Mm[a¶m| H$m nm[al{‘H$ VWm

H$ë¶mU bm^
Annual Report

Employees' remuneration &

welfare benefits 2380894.70 57392.65 4869.39 5264.25 2032.74 30459.76 11309.26 2387796.83 104425.92 16754.67 2387796.83 121180.59
2 ¶mÌm, gdmar Ed§ dmhZ MmbZ
Travel, conveyance and vehicle
running expenses 28645.96 575.18 57.47 48.87 20.03 370.10 135.14 28723.46 1129.29 196.55 28723.46 1325.84
3 à{ejU 춶
Training Expenses 4705.60 74.69 9.17 5.53 2.52 62.78 22.08 4717.29 165.08 31.41 4717.29 196.49
4 {H$am¶m, X>a| Ed§ H$a
Rents, rates & taxes 51513.84 1249.65 118.62 113.12 45.20 565.11 254.32 51677.66 2182.20 412.39 51677.66 2594.59
5 ‘aå‘V
Repairs 12864.88 101.05 29.47 1.51 3.31 134.57 63.20 12897.66 300.33 101.75 12897.66 402.08
6 ‘wÐU Ed§ boIm gm‘J«r
Printing & Stationery 12512.15 148.22 28.93 7.71 5.10 133.47 62.04 12546.18 351.44 99.89 12546.18 451.33
7 g§Mma 춶
Communication expenses 21444.44 548.83 49.69 50.61 19.89 237.43 106.54 21514.02 943.41 174.05 21514.02 1117.46
8 {d{YH$ Ed§ ì¶mdgm{¶H$ à^ma
Legal & professional charges 1309.08 22.53 2.55 1.88 0.81 12.02 5.46 1312.44 41.89 8.81 1312.44 50.70
9 {M{H$Ëgm ewëH$
Medical Fees 7071.19 809.85 40.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.76 7111.44 822.61 18.32 7111.44 840.93
10 boIm narjH$ ewëH$, 춶 Am{X
Auditors' fees, expenses etc.
(H$) boIm narjH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘|
(a) as auditor 715.38 10.28 0.36 0.55 0.35 8.72 0.36 716.09 19.91 6.57 716.09 26.48
(I) gbmhH$ma Ho$ én ‘| ¶m
{ZåZ g§~§Y ‘| {H$gr ^r
j‘Vm ‘|
(b) as adviser or in any
other capacity in
respect of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(i) H$amYmZ ‘m‘bo
(i) Taxation matters 2.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21 0.00 0.00 2.21 0.00
(ii) ~r‘m ‘m‘bo
(ii) Insurance matters 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(iii) à~§YZ godmE§, VWm
(iii) Management
services; and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
J) {H$gr ^r Aݶ j‘Vm ‘|
c) in any other capacity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 {dkmnZ Ed§ àMma
Advertisement and publicity 52993.49 1060.29 120.11 88.71 26.41 566.55 368.95 53140.01 2084.50 26.84 53140.01 2111.34
12 ã¶mO Ed§ ~¢H$ à^ma
Interest & bank Charges 5491.90 41.57 12.53 0.46 1.36 57.19 26.83 5505.79 126.05 120.71 5505.79 246.76
AZwgyMr -3 31.03.2020
~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go gå~pÝYV n[aMmbZ 춶 : (Omar) (` bmImo§ _o§)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b (Mmby Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
13 Aݶ
1 ^Îmo Am¡a H$‘reZ
(~r‘m EOo§Q>mo Ho$ H$‘reZ
Ho$ Abmdm)
Allowances and
commission (other than
commission to insurance
agents) 239623.06 1424.84 306.70 0.00 26.84 4331.14 1016.11 239956.60 6772.09 1004.29 239956.60 7776.38
2 {Zdoe gån{Îm na 춶
Expense on Investment
Property 11787.37 76.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11787.37 76.64 0.00 11787.37 76.64
3 nm°{bgr ñQ>°ån
Policy stamps 24636.34 2317.63 7.32 183.00 54.48 327.33 530.72 24698.14 3358.68 16.47 24698.14 3375.15
4 nmdVr ñQ>°ån
Receipt stamps 1094.23 9.34 2.57 0.20 0.31 11.72 5.51 1097.11 26.77 8.86 1097.11 35.63
5 [~Obr à^ma
Electricity charges 24080.76 262.80 55.30 12.13 8.98 254.55 118.59 24145.04 648.07 190.92 24145.04 838.99
6 ‘mJ©ñW amoH$‹S> VWm Aݶ
~r‘m àr{‘¶‘
Cash in transit and other
insurance premia 343.33 8.55 0.78 0.79 0.31 3.74 1.67 344.42 14.75 2.73 344.42 17.48
7 {d{dY 춶
Miscellaneous expenses 52305.08 1857.44 146.72 189.66 82.22 702.82 406.92 52534.02 3156.84 940.42 52534.02 4097.26
8 ‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶ 춶
Head Office expenses (6.36) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6.36) 0.00 0.00 (6.36) 0.00
14 ‘yë¶èhmg
Depreciation 35854.29 660.45 82.40 52.21 23.54 386.77 176.68 35960.23 1276.11 284.44 35960.23 1560.55
15 àr{‘¶‘ B˶mXr na godm H$a/
Or Eg Qr
GST on Premium 282307.43 25582.33 923.32 0.00 8174.58 12564.19 751.49 291405.33 38898.01 0.00 291405.33 38898.01
TOTAL 3252190.35 94234.81 6863.65 6021.19 10528.98 51189.96 15374.63 3269582.98 166820.59 20400.09 3269582.98 187220.68

n[aMmbZ 춶


^maV ‘|
In India 3247800.43 94232.19 6863.65 6021.19 10528.98 51189.96 15374.63 3265193.06 166817.97 20400.08 3265193.06 187218.05
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 4389.92 2.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4389.92 2.62 0.01 4389.92 2.63
Hw$b n[aMmbZ 춶
EXPENSES 3252190.35 94234.81 6863.65 6021.19 10528.98 51189.96 15374.63 3269582.98 166820.59 20400.09 3269582.98 187220.68
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 3 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go gå~pÝYV n[aMmbZ 춶 : 31.03.2019
(` bmImo§ _o§)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

1 H$‘©Mm[a¶m| H$m nm[al{‘H$ VWm H$ë¶mU bm^

Employees' remuneration & welfare benefits 1871344.79 49419.26 4217.81 4341.06 1721.79 30994.50 8465.57 1877284.39 93220.39 16683.66 1877284.39 109904.05
Annual Report

¶mÌm, gdmar Ed§ dmhZ MmbZ 춶

Travel, conveyance and vehicle running
expenses 27706.31 668.10 61.80 56.39 23.08 460.41 125.04 27791.19 1309.94 242.98 27791.19 1552.92
3 à{ejU 춶
Training Expenses 2733.89 44.48 5.56 2.93 1.44 48.80 12.25 2740.89 108.46 21.81 2740.89 130.27
4 {H$am¶m, X>a| Ed§ H$a
Rents, rates & taxes 48240.09 1234.45 124.22 105.12 44.19 676.57 219.93 48408.50 2236.07 498.22 48408.50 2734.29
5 ‘aå‘V
Repairs 11010.26 120.37 28.42 3.65 4.07 150.37 50.34 11042.75 324.73 113.32 11042.75 438.05
6 ‘wÐU Ed§ boIm gm‘J«r
Printing & Stationery 12093.78 187.61 31.18 11.00 6.53 166.49 55.22 12131.49 420.32 124.32 12131.49 544.64
7 g§Mma 춶
Communication expenses 25721.29 645.94 66.19 54.52 23.11 360.19 117.20 25810.59 1177.85 266.50 25810.59 1444.35
8 {d{YH$ Ed§ ì¶mdgm{¶H$ à^ma
Legal & professional charges 1353.24 21.78 2.82 1.61 0.77 15.15 4.98 1356.83 43.52 11.23 1356.83 54.75
9 {M{H$Ëgm ewëH$
Medical Fees 5505.55 918.45 32.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.13 5537.68 935.58 7.71 5537.68 943.29
10 boIm narjH$ ewëH$, 춶 Am{X
Auditors' fees, expenses etc.
(H$) boIm narjH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘|
(a) as auditor 464.94 5.98 0.36 0.27 0.20 5.91 0.36 465.50 12.52 6.48 465.50 19.00

(I) gbmhH$ma Ho$ én ‘| ¶m {ZåZ g§~§Y ‘|

{H$gr ^r j‘Vm ‘|
as adviser or in any other capacity
in respect of
(i) H$amYmZ ‘m‘bo
(i) Taxation matters 2.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61 0.00 0.00 2.61 0.00
(ii) ~r‘m ‘m‘bo
(ii) Insurance matters 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(iii) à~§YZ godmE§, VWm
(iii) Management services; and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
J) {H$gr ^r Aݶ j‘Vm ‘|
c) in any other capacity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 {dkmnZ Ed§ àMma
Advertisement and publicity 37368.73 1666.92 94.78 171.66 50.88 536.06 328.62 37514.39 2703.26 9.29 37514.39 2712.55
12 ã¶mO Ed§ ~¢H$ à^ma
Interest & bank Charges 3619.24 40.42 9.31 1.32 1.36 49.28 16.46 3629.91 107.48 185.85 3629.91 293.33
13 Aݶ
1 ^Îmo Am¡a H$‘reZ
(~r‘m EOo§Q>mo Ho$ H$‘reZ Ho$ Abmdm)
Allowances and commission (other
than commission to insurance
agents) 214532.89 1534.10 306.94 0.30 29.35 4739.79 940.86 214869.18 7215.05 1138.89 214869.18 8353.94
AZwgyMr - ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go gå~pÝYV n[aMmbZ 춶 : 31.03.2019 (Omar)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
2 {Zdoe gån{Îm na 춶
Expense on Investment Property 12431.25 98.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12431.25 98.52 0.00 12431.25 98.52
3 nm°{bgr ñQ>°ån
Policy stamps 20759.34 4066.14 25.09 399.16 118.32 362.24 493.44 20902.75 5320.98 5.62 20902.75 5326.60
4 nmdVr ñQ>°ån
Receipt stamps 1044.46 10.33 2.70 0.21 0.35 14.24 4.78 1047.51 29.56 10.76 1047.51 40.32
5 [~Obr à^ma
Electricity charges 24087.92 291.51 62.21 11.52 9.94 329.89 110.17 24160.07 743.09 248.03 24160.07 991.12
6 ‘mJ©ñW amoH$‹S> VWm Aݶ ~r‘m àr{‘¶‘
Cash in transit and other insurance
premia 306.39 10.68 0.76 1.04 0.39 4.22 1.35 307.54 17.29 3.06 307.54 20.35
7 {d{dY 춶
Miscellaneous expenses 40955.62 955.60 137.19 77.33 47.17 734.83 300.26 41139.98 2068.02 942.99 41139.98 3011.01
8 ‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶ 춶
Head Office expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 ‘yë¶èhmg
Depreciation 31640.19 647.84 81.47 48.58 22.95 439.33 144.27 31744.61 1280.02 324.78 31744.61 1604.80
15 àr{‘¶‘ B˶mXr na godm H$a/Or Eg Qr
Service Tax/GST on Premium Etc 275547.92 24216.29 1123.35 0.00 3436.10 3943.34 890.17 280107.37 29049.80 0.00 280107.37 29049.80
TOTAL 2668470.70 86804.77 6414.29 5287.67 5541.99 44031.61 12298.40 2680426.98 148422.45 20845.50 2680426.98 169267.95
n[aMmbZ 춶
^maV ‘|
In India 2664411.34 86801.86 6414.29 5287.67 5541.99 44031.61 12298.40 2676367.62 148419.54 20845.49 2676367.62 169265.03
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 4059.36 2.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4059.36 2.91 0.01 4059.36 2.92
Hw$b n[aMmbZ 춶
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2668470.70 86804.77 6414.29 5287.67 5541.99 44031.61 12298.40 2680426.98 148422.45 20845.50 2680426.98 169267.95
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

AZwgyMr - AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ) : 31.03.2020
(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 4 BENEFITS PAID (NET): 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)
{ddaU J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)

Particulars Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating

1 ~r‘m Xmd|
Insurance Claims
Annual Report

(H$) ‘¥Ë¶w Xmd|

(a) Claims by Death 1147900.60 477450.49 11264.61 3104.45 39115.01 57280.72 10.00 1198280.22 537845.66 14410.02 1198280.22 552255.68
(I) n[an¹$Vm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 11354327.41 1378541.77 13129.41 2237795.20 2898.57 52.85 0.00 11370355.39 3616389.82 129224.55 11370355.39 3745614.37
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m±/noÝeZ ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment (0.04) (11.80) 119539.67 0.00 304984.71 877016.10 0.00 424524.34 877004.30 0.00 424524.34 877004.30
(K) Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits
(i) Aä¶n©U
Surrenders 2225968.06 2257940.17 53512.82 2146207.57 1198.88 19413.61 0.00 2280679.76 4423561.35 310570.48 2280679.76 4734131.83
(ii) ZH$X ~moZg
Bonuses in cash 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00
(iii) AñnVmb ^Vu bm^
Hospitalisation Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 953.90 0.00 953.90 587.11 0.00 1541.01
(iv) ~‹S>o eë¶ bm^
Major Surgical Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1372.73 0.00 1372.73 249.11 0.00 1621.84
(v) Amdmgr¶ CnMma bm^
Domicilliary Treatment Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1349.93 0.00 1349.93
(vi) {XZ XoI^mb bm^
Day Care Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 251.51 0.00 251.51 0.00 0.00 251.51
(vii) EH _waV bm^/Am` bm^ ([H ñV
Lump sum Benefit / Income Benefit
(by installment) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 745.51 0.00 745.51 0.00 0.00 745.51
(viii) Aݶ Xmdm bmJV
other Claims Cost 51259.26 16978.75 337.08 0.00 149.11 471.08 586.14 51745.45 18035.97 17925.19 51745.45 35961.16
2 (nwZ~u‘m ‘| A§V[aV am{e):
(Amount ceded in reinsurance):
(H$) ‘¥Ë¶w Xmd|
(a) Claims by Death (5021.23) (13368.20) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5021.23) (13368.20) 0.00 (5021.23) (13368.20)
(I) n[an³dVm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m±/noÝe ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K)Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2023.03) 0.00 (2023.03) (713.88) 0.00 (2736.91)
3 nwZ~u‘m ‘| ñdrH¥$V am{e:
Amount accepted in reinsurance:
(H$) ‘¥Ë¶y Xmd|
(a) Claims by Death 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) n[an¹$Vm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m|/noÝeZ ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions in payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AZwgyMr - 4 AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ) : 31.03.2020 (Omar) (` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 4 BENEFITS PAID (NET): 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` in lakhs)
{ddaU J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Particulars Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(K) Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits 0.00 (46.58) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (46.58) 0.00 0.00 (46.58)
TOTAL 14774434.14 4117484.60 197783.59 4387107.22 348346.28 954234.36 1896.76 15320564.01 9460722.94 473602.51 15320564.01 9934325.45
XmdoXmam| H$mo AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^:
Benefits paid to claimants:
1 ^maV ‘|
In India 14735971.05 4117384.50 197783.59 4387107.22 348346.28 954161.89 1896.76 15282100.92 9460550.37 473217.71 15282100.92 9933768.08
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha$
outside India 38463.09 100.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.47 0.00 38463.09 172.57 384.80 38463.09 557.37
Hw$b AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ)
Total Benefits paid (Net) 14774434.14 4117484.60 197783.59 4387107.22 348346.28 954234.36 1896.76 15320564.01 9460722.94 473602.51 15320564.01 9934325.45
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

AZwgyMr - AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ) : 31.03.2019
SCHEDULE - 4 BENEFITS PAID (NET): 31.03.2019 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)


Particulars Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)

OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating

1 ~r‘m Xmd|
Insurance Claims
Annual Report

(H$) ‘¥Ë¶w Xmd|

(a) Claims by Death 1140599.76 452444.78 11523.14 2170.98 40401.17 42396.01 13.49 1192524.07 497025.26 17956.53 1192524.07 514981.79
(I) n[an¹$Vm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 12044879.56 1106121.80 11727.57 1177935.56 3391.61 74.04 0.00 12059998.74 2284131.40 800474.67 12059998.74 3084606.07
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m±/noÝeZ ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment 0.00 0.00 108274.45 0.00 265329.12 717826.60 0.00 373603.57 717826.60 0.00 373603.57 717826.60
(K) Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits
(i) Aä¶n©U
Surrenders 1732667.94 1856400.87 50345.36 2861157.13 1308.14 13623.80 0.00 1784321.44 4731181.80 408223.45 1784321.44 5139405.25
(ii) ZH$X ~moZg
Bonuses in cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(iii) AñnVmb ^Vu bm^
Hospitalisation Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 794.96 0.00 794.96 212.34 0.00 1007.30
(iv) ~‹S>o eë¶ bm^
Major Surgical Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1136.84 0.00 1136.84 666.50 0.00 1803.34
(v) Amdmgr¶ CnMma bm^
Domicilliary Treatment Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1195.29 0.00 1195.29
(vi) {XZ XoI^mb bm^
Day Care Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 231.96 0.00 231.96 0.00 0.00 231.96
(vii) EH _waV bm^/Am` bm^ ([H ñV
Lump sum Benefit / Income Benefit
(by installment) 64.18 0.00 64.18 0.00 0.00 64.18
(viii) Aݶ Xmdm bmJV
other Claims Cost 40712.69 17822.24 264.72 0.00 189.09 (95.97) 466.97 41166.50 18193.24 15241.21 41166.50 33434.45
2 (nwZ~u‘m ‘| A§V[aV am{e):
(Amount ceded in reinsurance):
(H$) ‘¥Ë¶w Xmd|
(a) Claims by Death (5207.13) (10459.45) (483.53) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5690.66) (10459.45) (20.00) (5690.66) (10479.45)
(I) n[an³dVm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m±/noÝe ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K)Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (968.86) 0.00 (968.86) (545.41) 0.00 (1514.27)
3 nwZ~u‘m ‘| ñdrH¥$V am{e:
Amount accepted in reinsurance:
(H$) ‘¥Ë¶y Xmd|
(a) Claims by Death 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) n[an¹$Vm Xmd|
(b) Claims by Maturity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) dm{f©{H$¶m|/noÝeZ ^wJVmZ
(c) Annuities/Pensions in payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AZwgyMr - AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ) : 31.03.2019 (Omar)
SCHEDULE - 4 BENEFITS PAID (NET): 31.03.2019 (Contd.) (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b (Mmby df©)
Particulars Non-Linked Business Total (Current Year)
OrdZ ì`dgm` noÝeZ ì`dgm` dm{f©H$r ì`dgm` hoëW ì`dgm` J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b Linked
Life Business Pension Business Annuity Business Health Business
(Mmby df©)
Non-Linked Total (Current
gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr gh^mJr J¡a-gh^mJr
Participating Non- Participating Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non- Non- Participating Non-
Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating Participating
(K) Aݶ bm^
(d) Other benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 14953652.82 3422330.24 181651.71 4041263.67 310619.13 773824.48 1739.54 15445923.66 8239157.93 1243404.58 15445923.66 9482562.51
XmdoXmam| H$mo AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^:
Benefits paid to claimants:
1 ^maV ‘|
In India 14916124.45 3422320.34 181651.71 4041263.67 310619.13 773744.40 1739.54 15408395.29 8239067.95 1242989.38 15408395.29 9482057.33
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha$
outside India 37528.37 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.08 0.00 37528.37 89.98 415.20 37528.37 505.18
Hw$b AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (ewÕ)
Total Benefits paid (Net) 14953652.82 3422330.24 181651.71 4041263.67 310619.13 773824.48 1739.54 15445923.66 8239157.93 1243404.58 15445923.66 9482562.51
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Annual Report

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 5 eo¶a ny±Or : 31.03.2020

SCHEDULE - 5 SHARE CAPITAL: 31.03.2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

A{^XÎm ny±Or 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00

(OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ A{Y{Z¶‘, 1956 Ho$ IÊS>
5 Ho$ VhV Ho$ÝÐr¶ gaH$ma Ûmam àXÎm)
Paid up Equity Capital
(Provided by the Central Government in terms of
Section 5 of the Life Insurance Corporation Act,1956)

Hw$b 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00


^maV ‘| 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00

In India

^maV Ho$ ~mha 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

out of India

Hw$b 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00


JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 6 Ama{jV {Z{Y Ed§ A{Yeof (eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$) 31.03.2020

(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© Current Year {nN>bo df©
Particulars Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
1 ny±Or Ama{jV {Z{Y
Capital Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 ny±Or ‘moMZ Ama{jV {Z{Y
Capital Redemption Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 eo¶a àr{‘¶‘
Share Premium 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z Ama{jV {Z{Y
Revaluation Reserve
àma§{^H$ eof
opening Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m±
Deductions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A§{V_ eof
Closing Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 gm‘mݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y
General Reserves
àma§{^H$ eof
opening Balance 55543.28 0.00 55543.28 52753.16 0.00 52753.16
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year
bm^ hm{Z boIm go A¾o{fV
Transfer from Profit and Loss Account 1496.51 0.00 1496.51 2790.12 0.00 2790.12
EbAmB©gr ({g§Jmnwa) _| n«XËV A§enw§Or
Capital Infusion to LIC (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 5235.00 0.00 5235.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m±
Deductions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A§{V_ eof
Closing Balance 62274.79 0.00 62274.79 55543.28 0.00 55543.28
KQ>mE§ : bm^ hm{Z boIo ‘o Zm‘o A{Yeof. ¶{X H$moB© hmo
Less : Debit balance in Profit and Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Account, if any
KQ>mE§ : nwZ©IarX Ho$ {bE à¶wº$ am{e
Less: Amount utilized for Buy-back 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 AmnmVH$mbrZ Ama{jV {Z{Y
Catastrophe Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y : {d{Z‘¶ CVma MT>md Ama{jV {Z{Y
other Reserves:Exchange Fluctuation Reserve (74.69) 0.00 (74.69) (82.78) 0.00 (82.78)
8 bm^-hm{Z boIo ‘| eof bm^
Balance of profit in Profit and Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 62200.10 0.00 62200.10 55460.50 0.00 55460.50
^maV ‘|
In India 34262.18 0.00 34262.18 28115.27 0.00 28115.27
^maV Ho$ ~mha
out of India 27937.92 0.00 27937.92 27345.23 0.00 27345.23
Hw$b Total 62200.10 0.00 62200.10 55460.50 0.00 55460.50

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 6 H$ ~r‘m Ama{jV {Z{Y (nm°{b{gYmaH$mo§ Ho$) : 31.03.2020

(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
1 ny±Or Ama{jV {Z{Y
Capital Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 ny±Or ‘moMZ Ama{jV {Z{Y
Capital Redemption Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 eo¶a àr{‘¶‘
Share Premium 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z Ama{jV {Z{Y
Revaluation Reserve
àma§{^H$ eof
opening Balance 933428.50 0.00 933428.50 933401.70 0.00 933401.70
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year 296377.71 0.00 296377.71 26.81 0.00 26.81
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m±
Deductions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A§{V_ eof
Closing Balance 1229806.21 0.00 1229806.21 933428.51 0.00 933428.51
5 gm‘mݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y
General Reserves
àma§{^H$ eof
opening Balance 41.74 0.00 41.74 41.74 0.00 41.74
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m±
Deductions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A§{V_ eof
Closing Balance 41.74 0.00 41.74 41.74 0.00 41.74
KQ>mE§ : bm^ hm{Z boIo ‘o Zm‘o A{Yeof. ¶{X H$moB© hmo
Less : Debit balance in Profit and Loss Account, if any 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ : nwZ©IarX Ho$ {bE à¶wº$ am{e
Less: Amount utilized for Buy-back 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 g‘H$aU Ama{jV {Z{Y
Equalisation Reserve
àma§{^H$ eof
opening Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m±
Deductions during the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A§{V_ eof
Closing Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 AmnmVH$mbrZ Ama{jV {Z{Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Catastrophe Reserve
8 Aݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y
other Reserves
{Zdoe Ama{jV {Z{Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(i) Investment Reserve
{d{ZԦ CVma MT>md Ama{jV {Z{Y 48688.83 21.67 48710.50 44872.93 18.43 44891.36
(ii) Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
9 bm^-hm{Z boI| ‘| eof bm^ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Balance of profit in Profit and Loss
Hw$b Total 1278536.78 21.67 1278558.45 978343.18 18.43 978361.61

^maV ‘| In India 1238479.61 0.00 1238479.61 939927.06 0.00 939927.06

^maV Ho$ ~mha out of India 40057.17 21.67 40078.84 38416.12 18.43 38434.55

Hw$b Total 1278536.78 21.67 1278558.45 978343.18 18.43 978361.61

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 7 CYmar : 31.03.2020

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 7 BORROWINGS : 31.03.2020
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

1 F$U nÌ / ~ÝY nÌ
Debentures/Bonds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 ~¢H$
Banks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3 {dÎmr¶ g§ñWmZ
Financial Institutions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 Aݶ
others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^maV ‘|
In India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8 {Zdoe (eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$) : 31.03.2020

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 8 INVESTMENTS - SHAREHOLDERS: 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
XrK©d{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bmo g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY nÌ

Government securities and Government 23194.75 0.00 23194.75 22576.88 0.00 22576.88
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XH$V à{V^y{V¶m±

other Approved Securities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3 Aݶ {Zdoe
other Investments
(H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares

(H$H$) B{¹$Q>r
(aa) Equity 4343.69 0.00 4343.69 4870.06 0.00 4870.06

(II) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y

(b) Mutual Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ

(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY-nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 2135.88 0.00 2135.88 2316.78 0.00 2316.78

(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± : ¶y Q>r AmB© && H¡${nQ>b ‘| àma§{^H$ A§eXmZ

(e) other Securities :Initial Contribution to uTI II Capital 186.70 0.00 186.70 186.70 0.00 186.70

(M) ghm¶H$/gh^mJr/g§¶wº$ CÚ‘

(f) Subsidiaries/Associates/Joint Ventures 38668.25 0.00 38668.25 33562.51 0.00 33562.51

(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m± - g§nXm

(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYmAm| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe

Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoemo Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe

other than Approved Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

6 g§{X½Y {Zdoe Ho {bE n«mdYmZ

Provision for Doubtful Investments (587.51) 0.00 (587.51) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Aënmd{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bm| g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY-nÌ

Government securities and Government 0.00 0.00 0.00 149.00 0.00 149.00
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m± other Approved Securities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8 {Zdoe (eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$) : 31.03.2020 (Omar)

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 8 INVESTMENTS - SHAREHOLDERS: 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
3 Aݶ {Zdoe/ other Investments
(H$) eo¶a (a) Shares
(H$ H$) B{¹$Q>r (aa) Equity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I I) A{Y‘mZr (bb) Preference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y / (b) Mutual Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ)
(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY nÌ / (d) Debentures/Bonds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m±
(e) other Securities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(M) ghm¶H$ / (f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m± - g§nXm
(g) Investment properties - Real Estate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYm¶m| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoem| Ho A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe
other than Approved Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 g§{X½Y Ed§ Adgm_mÝ` g§n{ËV`mo Ho {bE n«mdYmZ
Provision for Doubtful and Substandard assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b Total 67941.76 0.00 67941.76 63661.93 0.00 63661.93
1 ^maV ‘| / In India 20696.02 0.00 20696.02 20856.33 0.00 20856.33
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha / outside India 47245.74 0.00 47245.74 42805.60 0.00 42805.60
Hw$b Total 67941.76 0.00 67941.76 63661.93 0.00 63661.93

(` bmIm| ‘|) (` in lakhs)

{Q>ßnUr : ghm¶H$ / gh^mJr / g§¶wº$ CnH«$‘ ‘| {Zdoe NoTE: Investments in Subsidiaries/Associates/JV : Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Current Year Previous Year
Or.~r.{Z. noÝeZ ’§$S> {b{‘Q>oS> LIC Pension Fund Ltd 3000.00 3000.00
Or.~r.{Z. H$mS>© g{d©gog {b{‘Q>oS> LIC Card Services Ltd 100.00 100.00
Or.~r.{Z. (A§Vaamï´>r¶) (gr.) ~harZ Life Insurance Corporation (International) B.S.C ( c ) , Bahrain 5929.27 5929.27
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Eí¶moaoÝg H§$nZr {b{‘Q>oS> Kennindia Assurance Co. Ltd. 78.15 78.15
Or.~r.{Z. (Zonmb) {b{‘Q>oS> LIC (Nepal) Ltd. 1239.69 1239.69
Or.~r.{Z. (b§H$m) {b{‘Q>oS> LIC (Lanka) Ltd 1688.46 1688.46
ghH$mar ~r‘m Ho$ {bE gD$Xr ^maVr¶ H§$nZr Saudi Indian Company for Cooperative Insurance 587.51 716.77
Or.~r.{Z. (qgJmnya) nr.Q>r.B©. {b{‘Q>oS> LIC Insurance Corporation (Singapore) Pte Ltd 21666.87 16431.87
Or.~r.{Z. (~§JbmXoe) {b{‘Q>oS> LIC (Bangladesh) Ltd. 4378.30 4378.30
Hw$b TOTAL 38668.25 33562.51

{Q>ßnUr : 31.03.2020 H$mo gH$b gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶mo# Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ ‘| EbAmB©grHo$ {Zdoe H$s am{e Am¡a CgH$m ~mOma ‘wë¶
NoTE: Aggregate amount of LIC’s investment in other than listed equity securities# and the market value thereof as at 31.03.2020:
(` bmIm| ‘|) (` in lakhs)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Current Year Previous Year
gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~hr ‘yë¶ Book value of other than listed equity 3286.71 3286.71
gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~mOma ‘yë¶* Market value of other than listed equity* 3286.71 3286.71
# H$manmoaoQ> ‘§Ìmb¶ H$s gmBQ> na CnbãY pñWVr Ho$ AmYma na # based on status available on Ministry of Corporate Affairs site.
* H$‘r Ho$ {bE ~wH$ d¡ë¶y H$‘ àmdYmZ * Book value less provision for diminution

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8H$ {Zdoe (nm°{b{gYmaH$m| Ho$) : 31.03.2020

SCHEDULE - 8A INVESTMENTS - POLICYHOLDERS: 31.03.2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

XrKm©d{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bmo g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY nÌ

Government securities and Government 200995175.96 0.00 200995175.96 178063984.71 0.00 178063984.71
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XH$V à{V^y{V¶m±

other Approved Securities 2524468.04 0.00 2524468.04 2516129.13 0.00 2516129.13

3 (H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares
(H$H$) B{ŠdQr
(aa) Equity 32758076.62 0.00 32758076.62 45701669.45 0.00 45701669.45
(I I) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 47.65 0.00 47.65 175.23 0.00 175.23
(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y
(b) Mutual Funds 208067.24 0.00 208067.24 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ

(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY-nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 6362984.45 0.00 6362984.45 6724912.86 0.00 6724912.86

(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± :

(e) other Securities
^maV gaH$ma Ho$ gmW {deof O‘m
Special Deposit with Government of India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
gm‘m{OH$ gwajm {Z{Y Ho$ gmW O‘m
Deposits with Social Security Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± VWm ~ÝY-nÌ
other Securities & Bonds 22181.50 0.00 22181.50 21078.45 0.00 21078.45
¶y Q>r AmB© II H¡${nQ>b ‘| àma§{^H$ A§eXmZ
Initial Contribution to uTI II Capital 22883.39 0.00 22883.39 22883.39 0.00 22883.39

(M) ghm¶H$/gh^mJr/g§¶wº$ CÚ‘

(f) Subsidiaries/Associates/Joint Ventures 2989533.77 0.00 2989533.77 2515224.47 0.00 2515224.47
(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m± - g§nXm
(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate 1437058.25 0.00 1437058.25 1133626.57 0.00 1133626.57

4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYmAm| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe

Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 24440048.51 0.00 24440048.51 22824177.45 0.00 22824177.45

5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoemo Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe

other than Approved Investments 8151422.97 0.00 8151422.97 10896962.64 0.00 10896962.64

6 g§{X½K {Zdooem| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Provision for Doubtful Investments (1456632.59) 0.00 (1456632.59) (581588.17) 0.00 (581588.17)
Aënmd{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bm| g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY-nÌ

Government securities and Government 4594408.54 0.00 4594408.54 4046870.08 0.00 4046870.08
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m±

other Approved Securities 4783.35 0.00 4783.35 3787.32 0.00 3787.32

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8H$ {Zdoe (nm°{b{gYmaH$m| Ho$) : 31.03.2020 (Omar)

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 8A INVESTMENTS - POLICYHOLDERS: 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
3 (H$) eo¶a (a) Shares
(H$H$) B{ŠdQr
(aa) Equity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I I) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y
(b) Mutual Funds 45791.66 0.00 45791.66 300311.66 0.00 300311.66
(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ)
(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 681633.29 0.00 681633.29 462250.77 0.00 462250.77
(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m±
(e) other Securities
dm{UpÁ`H nÍm
Commercial Papers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^maV gaHma Ho nmg {deof O_m
Special Deposit with Government of India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(M) ghm¶H$
(f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(N) {Zdoe gån{Îm¶m±-g§nXm
(g) Investments Properties- Real Estate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYmAm| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe

Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 1054787.49 0.00 1054787.49 658388.98 0.00 658388.98

5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoem| Ho A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe

other than Approved Investments 1034502.02 0.00 1034502.02 903970.10 0.00 903970.10

6 g§{X½Y VWm Cn‘mZH$ n[agån{Îm¶m| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Provision for Doubtful and substandard assets (1044543.45) 0.00 (1044543.45) (859868.90) 0.00 (859868.90)
Hw$b Total 284826678.66 0.00 284826678.66 275354946.19 0.00 275354946.19

1 ^maV ‘|
In India 284493884.70 0.00 284493884.70 275033684.79 0.00 275033684.79

2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha

outside India 332793.96 0.00 332793.96 321261.40 0.00 321261.40
TOTAL 284826678.66 0.00 284826678.66 275354946.19 0.00 275354946.19

(` bmIm| ‘|) (` in lakhs)

{Q>ßnUr : ghm¶H$ / gh^mJr / g§¶wº$ CnH«$‘ ‘| {Zdoe NoTE: Investments in Subsidiaries/Associates/JV :
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Current Year Previous Year
Or.~r.{Z. å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> E E‘ gr LIC Mutual Fund AMC Ltd. 494.30 495.00
Or.~r.{Z.J¥h {dÎm {b. LIC Housing Finance Ltd 98599.11 98599.11
Or.~r.{Z. å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> àma§{^H$ ¶moJXmZ LIC Mutual Fund Initial Contribution. 200.00 200.00
Or.~r.{Z. å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> Q´>ñQ>r H§$. àm. {b. LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Co Pvt Ltd 0.49 0.49
Or.~r.{Z. EME’$Eb EogoQ> ‘¡ZoO‘¢Q> H§$. {b. LIC HFL Asset Management Co.Ltd 49.44 49.44
Or.~r.{Z. (A§Vaamï´>r¶) (gr.) ~h[aZ LIC (International) B.S.C.( c) , Bahrain 5577.97 5577.97
AmB©Sr~rAmB© IDBI BANK 2882138.34 2407828.34
Hw$b TOTAL TOTAL 2987059.65 2512750.35
{Q>ßnUr : 31.03.2020 H$mo gH$b gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶mo# Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ ‘| EbAmB©gr Ho$ {Zdoe H$s am{e Am¡a CgH$m ~mOma ‘wë¶
NoTE: Aggregate amount of LIC's investment in other than listed equity securities# and the marketvalue thereof as at 31.3.2020

(` bmIm| ‘|) (` in lakhs)

gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~hr ‘yë¶ Book value of other than listed equity 269251.32 288659.35
gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~mOma ‘yë¶* Market value of other than listed equity* 126628.13 130587.21
# H$manmoaoQ> ‘§Ìmb¶ H$s gmBQ> na CnbãY pñWVr Ho$ AmYma na # based on status available on Ministry of Corporate Affairs site.
* H$‘r Ho$ {bE ~wH$ d¡ë¶y H$‘ àmdYmZ * Book value less provision for diminution

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8I g§~Õ Xm{¶Ëd a{jV H$aZo Ho$ {bE n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020

(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

XrKm©d{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bmo g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY nÌ

Government securities and Government
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 0.00 3741864.85 3741864.85 0.00 3089499.50 3089499.50

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XH$V à{V^y{V¶m±

other Approved Securities 0.00 223682.99 223682.99 0.00 71574.86 71574.86

3 (H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares

(H$H$) B{ŠdQr
(aa) Equity 0.00 1059125.12 1059125.12 0.00 2249249.00 2249249.00

(II) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y

(b) Mutual Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ

(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY-nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 0.00 45213.53 45213.53 0.00 56936.37 56936.37

(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± :

(e) other Securities 0.00 7500.00 7500.00 0.00 10095.00 10095.00

(M>) ghm¶H$
(f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m± - g§nXm

(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYmAm| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe

Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 0.00 632444.16 632444.16 0.00 856658.20 856658.20

5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoemo Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe

other than Approved Investments 0.00 121826.09 121826.09 0.00 312869.94 312869.94

Aënmd{Y {Zdoe

1 IOmZo H$s {~bm| g{hV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY-nÌ

Government securities and Government 0.00 234894.62 234894.62 0.00 347686.46 347686.46
guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills

2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m±

other Approved Securities 0.00 2500.00 2500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8I g§~Õ Xm{¶Ëd a{jV H$aZo Ho$ {bE n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020 (Omar)
SCHEDULE - 8B ASSETS HELD TO COVER LINKED LIABILITIES : 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

3 (H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares
(H$H$) B{¹$Q>r
(aa) Equity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(II) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) gh¶moJ {Z{Y
(b) Mutual Funds 0.00 185041.18 185041.18 0.00 398288.61 398288.61
(J) ì¶wáÞ ànÌ)
(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K) F$U-nÌ/~ÝY nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 0.00 6287.12 6287.12 0.00 54625.74 54625.74
(S>) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m±
(e) other Securities 0.00 12749.84 12749.84 0.00 30597.68 30597.68
(M) ghm¶H$
(f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(N) {Zdoe gån{Îm¶m±-g§nXm
(g) Investments Properties- Real Estate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYmAm| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoem| Ho A{V[aº$ Aݶ {Zdoe
other than Approved Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mmby nagån{Îm¶m±
Current Assets
6 amoH$‹S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof
Cash & Bank Balance
amoH$‹S> Cash (including cheques, drafts and stamps) 0.00 117.35 117.35 0.00 433.26 433.26
~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof
Bank Balance (Deposits)
(H$) O‘m (a) Deposits
(H$H$) Aënmd{Y
(aa) Short term 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I I) Aݶ
(bb) others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(I) Mmby ImVm
(b) Current Accounts 0.00 4130.11 4130.11 0.00 284.13 284.13
(J) Aݶ
(c) others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 A{J«‘ Advances
AXm {H$¶m J¶m A{J«‘ H$a Ed§ ñÌmoV H$a H$Q>m¡Vr
Advance tax paid and tax deducted at source 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aݶ A{J«‘
other Advances 0.00 2006.97 2006.97 0.00 35475.31 35475.31
{Zdoemona ~H$m¶m / àmoX^yV Am¶
Income outstanding/accrued on investments 0.00 45276.17 45276.17 0.00 57530.13 57530.13
Hw$b (H$) - Mmby n[agån{Îm¶m±
Total (A)- Current Assets 0.00 51530.60 51530.60 0.00 93722.83 93722.83

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8I g§~Õ Xm{¶Ëd a{jV H$aZo Ho$ {bE n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020 (Omar)
(` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
8 Mmby Xm{`Ëd
Current Liabilities
\w QH a boZXoZ
Sundry Creditors 0.00 (2254.87) (2254.87) 0.00 3667.00 3667.00
n«r{_`_ n«mßV bo{HZ Amd§{QV Zhr
Premium received but not allocated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
~H m`m Xmdm
Claims outstanding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
~Hm`m H_reZ
outstanding commission 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
n«r{_`_ Ed§ AÝ` O_m
Premium and other deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
~H m`m AXmdr amer/O_m
outstanding unclaimed amounts/deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OrEgQr Xm{`Ëd
GST Liability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OrdZ {d^mJ Mmb y ImVm
Life department current account 0.00 (726266.05) (726266.05) 0.00 382622.05 382622.05
Mmb y Xm{`Ëd
Total (B)- Current Liabilities 0.00 (728520.92) (728520.92) 0.00 386289.05 386289.05
ewÕ Mmbw n{agån{Îm`m± (H -I)
Net current assets (A-B) 0.00 780051.52 780051.52 0.00 (292566.22) (292566.22)
Hw$b / Total* 0.00 7053181.02 7053181.02 0.00 7185515.14 7185515.14

{Zdoe eo`aYmaH mo Ho

1 ^maV ‘o
In India 0.00 7047308.92 7047308.92 0.00 7179907.68 7179907.68

2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha

outside India 0.00 5872.10 5872.10 0.00 5607.46 5607.46

Hw$b Total* 0.00 7053181.02 7053181.02 0.00 7185515.14 7185515.14

{Q>ßnUr: * Añdm{‘H$ {Z{Y ` 15374.26/- bmI ({nNbo df© ` 14193.17 bmI) Ho$ g{hV
NOTE: * Inclusive of Rs. 15374.26 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 14193.17 Lakhs) pertaining to Discontinued Fund.

{Q>ßnUr: 31.3.2020 H$mo gH$b gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶m| # Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ ‘| EbAmB©gr Ho$ {Zdoe H$s am{e Am¡a CgH$m ~mOma ‘wë¶
NOTE: Aggregate amount of LIC’s investment in other than listed equity securities# and the market value thereof as at 31.03.2020

Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Curren t Year Previous Year
gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Abmdm Aݶ H$m dhr ‘yë¶ 26651.78 24478.97
Book value of other than listed equity
gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~mOma ‘yë¶* 0.00 0.00
Market value of other than listed equity*

# H$manmoaoQ> ‘§Ìmb¶ H$r gmBQ> na CnbãY pñW{V Ho$ AmYma na

# based on status available on Ministry of Corporate Affairs site.

*gyMr~Õ B{¹$Q>r Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ H$m ~hr ‘yë¶

*Book value less provision for diminution

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 9 F$U : 31.03.2020

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 9 LOANS: 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
1 à{V^y{Vdma dJuH$aU
a{jV Secured
(k) g§n{Îm Ho$ ~§YH$ aIZo na
(a) on mortgage of property
(H$H$) ^maV ‘o
(aa) In India 1502821.04 0.00 1502821.04 1779615.31 0.00 1779615.31
(II) ^maV Ho$ ~mha
(bb) outside India 1428.77 0.00 1428.77 1646.68 0.00 1646.68
(I) eo¶am|, ~§YnÌmo, gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± Am{X na
(b) on Shares, Bonds, Govt. Securities, etc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) nm°{b{g¶m§ na F$U
(c) Loans against Policies 9888010.44 1452.79 9889463.23 9207277.12 1477.29 9208754.41
(K) Aݶ
(d) others
gaH$ma Ûmam Jma§{Q>V
Guaranteed by Government 453134.25 0.00 453134.25 549281.64 0.00 549281.64
Hypothecation 88665.39 0.00 88665.39 90509.99 0.00 90509.99
EEZE’$ A{J«‘
ANF Advances 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
AZma{jV F$U
Unsecured Loans 102891.42 0.00 102891.42 106205.01 0.00 106205.01
g§{X½Y F$Um| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Doubtful Loans (1256136.89) 0.00 (1256136.89) (1303758.04) 0.00 (1303758.04)
Hw$b / Total 10780814.44 1452.79 10782267.23 10430777.73 1477.29 10432255.02

2 CYmaH$Vm©dma dJuH$aU
(H$) H|$Ð VWm amÁ¶ gaH$ma
(a) Central and State Governments 285629.30 0.00 285629.30 340669.76 0.00 340669.76
(I) ~¢H$ VWm {dÎmr¶ g§ñWmZ
(b) Banks and Financial Institutions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(J) ghm¶H$
(c) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K) H§$n{Z¶m±
(d) Companies 1361741.36 0.00 1361741.36 1591929.80 0.00 1591929.80
(S>) nm°{b{g¶mo na F$U
(e) Loans against policies 9888010.44 1452.79 9889463.23 9207277.12 1477.29 9208754.41
(M) Aݶ
(f) others
~§YH$ g§n{Îm
Mortgage Property 35582.48 0.00 35582.48 36384.71 0.00 36384.71
Municipalities 6259.97 0.00 6259.97 7088.00 0.00 7088.00
amÁ¶ {dÚwV‘§S>b / D$Om© CËnmXH$
State Electricity Boards/ Power Generators 192523.43 0.00 192523.43 260200.04 0.00 260200.04
amÁ¶ g‹S>H$ n[adhZ {ZJ‘
State Road Transport Corporation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ghH$mar Am¡Úmo{JH$ g§nXm
Co-operative Industrial Estates 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ghH$mar Amdmg g§ñWmE±
Housing Co-op Societies 40057.19 0.00 40057.19 44632.97 0.00 44632.97
qgMZ joÌ / Irrigation Sector 3333.30 0.00 3333.30 10666.67 0.00 10666.67
S>ãë¶y.Eg.~r., Eg.E’$.gr. nr.Q>r.Ama. Amo.Q>r.EM., Eb.S>r.~r..,
WSB, SFC, PTR,OTH,LDB Etc. 223813.22 0.00 223813.22 235686.06 0.00 235686.06
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 9 F$U : 31.03.2020 (Omar)

SCHEDULE - 9 LOANS: 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
EEZE’$ A{J«‘/ ANF Advances 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
Aݶ F$U / Other Loans 0.62 0.00 0.62 0.62 0.00 0.62

(N>) Aemoܶ VWm g§{X½Y F$Um| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

(g) Provision for bad and doubtful debts (1256136.89) 0.00 (1256136.89) (1303758.04) 0.00 (1303758.04)

Hw$b Total 10780814.44 1452.79 10782267.23 10430777.73 1477.29 10432255.02

3 {ZînmXZdma dJuUH$a
(H$) dJuH¥$V ‘mZH$ F$U
(a) Loans classified as standard
(H$H$) ^maV ‘|
(aa) In India 10749821.68 1452.79 10751274.47 10377327.54 1477.29 10378804.83
(II) ^maV Ho$ ~mha
(bb) outside India 17058.11 0.00 17058.11 17753.45 0.00 17753.45
‘mZH$ F$U Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Standard Loans (43014.62) 0.00 (43014.62) (41577.84) 0.00 (41577.84)
(I) J¡a ‘mZH$ F$U
(b) Non-standard loans
^maV ‘| / In India
(aa) 1268857.09 0.00 1268857.09 1338051.56 0.00 1338051.56
^maV Ho$ ~mha /outside India
(bb) 1214.45 0.00 1214.45 1403.22 0.00 1403.22
J¡a ‘mZH$ F$U Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Non Standard Loans (1213122.27) 0.00 (1213122.27) (1262180.20) 0.00 (1262180.20)
Hw$b Total 10780814.44 1452.79 10782267.23 10430777.73 1477.29 10432255.02

4 n[adMVmdma dJuH$aU
(H$) Aënmd{Y / (a) Short Term
^maV ‘| / In India 909895.09 0.00 909895.09 296326.57 0.00 296326.57
^maV Ho$ ~mha / out of India 61.66 0.00 61.66 460.91 0.00 460.91
AënmdYr Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Short Term (305761.62) 0.00 (305761.62) (249813.72) 0.00 (249813.72)

(I) XrKm©d{Y (b) Long Term

^maV ‘| / In India 11108783.69 1452.79 11110236.48 11419052.53 1477.29 11420529.82
^maV Ho$ ~mha / out of India 18210.89 0.00 18210.89 18695.76 0.00 18695.76
XrKm©d{X Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Long Term (950375.27) 0.00 (950375.27) (1053944.32) 0.00 (1053944.32)
Hw$b Total 10780814.44 1452.79 10782267.23 10430777.73 1477.29 10432255.02


1 ^maV ‘| / In India 10763278.33 1452.79 10764731.12 10412341.20 1477.29 10413818.49

2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha /outside India 17536.11 0.00 17536.11 18436.53 0.00 18436.53

Hw$b TOTAL 10780814.44 1452.79 10782267.23 10430777.73 1477.29 10432255.02

Note: Policy loans (In India business) has been categorised under Long term.

AZwgyMr - 10 AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020
(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 10 FIXED ASSETS: 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b ewÕ ãbm°H$

Non-linked Business Total Net Block
bmJV / Hw$b ãbm°H$ Cost/Gross Block ‘yë¶èhmg n[aemoYZ Am¡a hm{Z ewÕ ãbm°H$ ewÕ ãbm°H$
Depreciation/Amortisation & Impairment Net Block Net Block
àma§{^H$ Omo‹S> H$Q>m¡{V¶m± A§{V‘ {nN>bo df© VH$ df© Ho$ {bE {dH«$s / VmarI VH$ df© Ho$ A§V ‘| df© Ho$ A§V ‘| Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
opening Additions Deductions* Closing Upto Last year For The year up to Date As at year As at year Current Year Previous
01.04.2019 31.03.2020 g‘m¶moOZ na end end Year
on Sales/
Goodwill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Intangibles 4991.14 0.00 0.00 4991.14 1403.25 0.00 (512.55) 1915.80 3075.34 0.00 3075.34 3587.89

^y{‘-nyU© g§nXm
Land-Freehold 9377.31 1140.26 1367.79 9149.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9149.78 0.00 9149.78 9377.31

nQR ^w{‘
Land-Leasehold 8817.20 0.00 249.54 8567.66 911.33 99.34 53.79 956.88 7610.78 0.00 7610.78 7905.87

Buildings 242413.96 10048.21 1066.06 251396.11 69645.37 6649.63 (9.62) 76304.62 175091.49 0.00 175091.49 172768.59

’$ZuMa Ed§ {’$qQ>J

Furniture & Fittings 44788.91 2561.50 454.63 46895.78 33900.72 2705.09 449.95 36155.86 10739.92 0.00 10739.92 10888.19

gyMZm àmܶmo{JH$s CnñH$a

Information Technology Equipment 122684.11 26418.02 2107.25 146994.88 99859.53 14930.46 2620.77 112169.22 34825.66 0.00 34825.66 22824.58

Vehicles 80525.78 11230.56 2413.16 89343.18 50461.62 10563.06 1948.91 59075.77 30267.41 0.00 30267.41 30064.16

H$m¶m©b¶ CnñH$a
Office Equipment 6688.10 185.65 113.79 6759.96 5619.39 401.18 114.29 5906.28 853.68 0.00 853.68 1068.71

Aݶ/ others
Telephones 1447.91 7.69 9.87 1445.73 1233.49 33.74 6.48 1260.75 184.98 0.00 184.98 214.42

Fax/EPabx 259.31 0.00 5.05 254.26 255.39 1.20 5.05 251.54 2.72 0.00 2.72 3.92

‘mo~mB©b ’$moZ
Mobile Phones 34.85 7.07 0.33 41.59 29.49 4.18 0.33 33.34 8.25 0.00 8.25 5.36

nwñVH$mb¶ H$s nwñVHo$


56.07 0.00 3.29 52.78 54.17 0.65 3.29 51.53 1.25 0.00 1.25 1.90

Library books

{d{dY ny±Or CnñH$a

Miscellaneous Capital Equipment 5432.52 210.73 30.19 5613.06 3646.44 305.41 31.66 3920.19 1692.87 0.00 1692.87 1786.08

X¥î¶lmì¶ VWm Aݶ gå~[ÝYV àMma

Audio visual and other allied publicity
equipment 7071.88 450.24 19.27 7502.85 4965.30 897.64 21.70 5841.24 1661.61 0.00 1661.61 2106.58
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

B§{OZr¶[a¨J {d^mJ CnñH$a

Engineering Dept. equipment 6.49 0.26 0.00 6.75 5.51 0.51 (0.02) 6.04 0.71 0.00 0.71 0.98
Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 10 AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020 (Omar)
SCHEDULE - 10 FIXED ASSETS: 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b ewÕ ãbm°H$

Non-linked Business Total Net Block
bmJV / Hw$b ãbm°H$ Cost/Gross Block ‘yë¶èhmg n[aemoYZ Am¡a hm{Z ewÕ ãbm°H$ ewÕ ãbm°H$
Depreciation/Amortisation & Impairment Net Block Net Block
àma§{^H$ Omo‹S> H$Q>m¡{V¶m± A§{V‘ {nN>bo df© VH$ df© Ho$ {bE {dH«$s / VmarI VH$ df© Ho$ A§V ‘| df© Ho$ A§V ‘| Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

opening Additions Deductions* Closing Upto Last year For The year up to Date As at year As at year Current Year Previous
01.04.2019 31.03.2020 g‘m¶moOZ na end end Year
on Sales/
Annual Report

ìhmobQ>oO ñQ>{~bm¶Pa VWm ¶

Voltage stabilizers and UPS 14137.87 993.41 342.16 14789.12 12510.91 914.58 208.88 13216.61 1572.51 0.00 1572.51 1626.96

{H$amE Ho$ ^dZmona OZaoQ>a, S>r.Or. goQ>g²

Generators, DG sets in rented
premises 189.41 7.69 1.38 195.72 170.27 14.11 (2.93) 187.31 8.41 0.00 8.41 19.14

^dZmo H m Z{dZrHaU
Modernisation of Premises 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b / Total 548922.82 53261.29 8183.76 594000.35 284672.18 37520.78 4939.98 317252.98 276747.37 0.00 276747.37 264250.64

àJ{V na H$m¶©
Work in Progress 24149.44 2577.09 2091.50 24635.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24635.03 0.00 24635.03 24149.44

gH$b Hw$b / Grand Total 573072.26 55838.38 10275.26 618635.38 284672.18 37520.78 4939.98 317252.98 301382.40 0.00 301382.40 288400.08

{nN>bo gmb H$m Hw$b

Previous Year 535580.87 50920.75 13429.36 573072.26 260694.72 33349.41 9371.95 284672.18 288400.08 0.00 288400.08 274886.15

{Q>ßnUr : *Mmby df© ‘o§ Q>r.S>r.Ama. na ` 512.55 bmI H$s ‘yë¶ hm{Z H$m boIm§H$Z {H$¶m J¶m
Note:- *Impairment loss of ` 512.55 Lakhs on TDR recognised during the current financial year.
AZwgyMr - 10 AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2019
SCHEDULE - 10 FIXED ASSETS: 31.03.2019 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b ewÕ ãbm°H$

Non-linked Business Total Net Block
bmJV / Hw$b ãbmH$ Cost/Gross Block ‘yë¶èhmg n[aemoYZ Am¡a hm{Z ewÕ ãbm°H$ ewÕ ãbm°H$
Depreciation/Amortisation & Impairment Net Block Net Block
àma§{^H$ Omo‹S> H$Q>m¡{V¶m± A§{V‘ {nN>bo df© df© Ho$ {bE {dH«$s / VmarI VH$ df© Ho$ A§V ‘| df© Ho$ A§V ‘| Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
opening Additions Deductions Closing For The year up to Date As at year As at year Current Year Previous
01.04.2018 31.03.2019
VH$ g‘m¶moOZ na end end Year
Upto Last on Sales/
year Adjustment*
Goodwill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Intangibles 4991.14 0.00 0.00 4991.14 890.70 0.00 (512.55) 1403.25 3587.89 0.00 3587.89 4100.44

^y{‘-nyU© g§nXm
Land-Freehold 9589.28 46.53 258.50 9377.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9377.31 0.00 9377.31 9589.28

nQR ^w{‘
Land-Leasehold 8916.68 0.00 99.48 8817.20 812.16 99.17 0.00 911.33 7905.87 0.00 7905.87 8104.52

Buildings 233433.25 11163.90 2183.19 242413.96 62912.41 6750.50 17.54 69645.37 172768.59 0.00 172768.59 170520.84

’$ZuMa Ed§ {’$qQ>J

Furniture & Fittings 42854.75 2589.96 655.80 44788.91 31566.09 3057.74 723.11 33900.72 10888.19 0.00 10888.19 11288.66

gyMZm àmܶmo{JH$s CnñH$a

Information Technology Equipment 115349.53 12199.00 4864.42 122684.11 94790.57 11033.75 5964.79 99859.53 22824.58 0.00 22824.58 20558.96

Vehicles 69282.62 13824.87 2581.71 80525.78 43155.14 9892.28 2585.80 50461.62 30064.16 0.00 30064.16 26127.48

H$m¶m©b¶ CnñH$a
Office Equipment 6564.25 220.25 96.40 6688.10 5330.10 397.24 107.95 5619.39 1068.71 0.00 1068.71 1234.15

Aݶ/ others
Telephones 1416.29 41.66 10.04 1447.91 1204.39 35.15 6.05 1233.49 214.42 0.00 214.42 211.90

Fax/Epabx 260.89 0.20 1.78 259.31 255.42 1.84 1.87 255.39 3.92 0.00 3.92 5.47

‘mo~mB©b ’$moZ
Mobile Phones 31.77 3.63 0.55 34.85 26.80 3.24 0.55 29.49 5.36 0.00 5.36 4.97

nwñVH$mb¶ H$s nwñVHo$


Library books 54.70 2.76 1.39 56.07 52.60 1.35 (0.22) 54.17 1.90 0.00 1.90 2.10

{d{dY ny±Or CnñH$a

Miscellaneous Capital Equipment 5085.53 377.11 30.12 5432.52 3355.71 305.72 14.99 3646.44 1786.08 0.00 1786.08 1729.82

X¥î¶lmì¶ VWm Aݶ gå~[ÝYV àMma CnñH$a

Audio visual and other allied publicity
equipment 6413.93 681.28 23.33 7071.88 4096.27 884.51 15.48 4965.30 2106.58 0.00 2106.58 2317.66
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

B§{OZr¶[a¨J {d^mJ CnñH$a

Engineering Dept. equipment 6.49 0.00 0.00 6.49 5.01 0.50 0.00 5.51 0.98 0.00 0.98 1.48
Annual Report

AZwgyMr -10 31.3.2019
AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m± : (Omar) (` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 10 FIXED ASSETS: 31.3.2019 (Contd.)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Particulars J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ g§~Õ Hw$b ewÕ ãbm°H$


Non-linked Business Total Net Block

bmJV / Hw$b ãbmH$ Cost/Gross Block ‘yë¶èhmg n[aemoYZ Am¡a hm{Z ewÕ ãbm°H$ ewÕ ãbm°H$
Depreciation/Amortisation & Impairment Net Block Net Block
àma§{^H$ Omo‹S> H$Q>m¡{V¶m± A§{V‘ {nN>bo df© df© Ho$ {bE {dH«$s / VmarI VH$ df© Ho$ A§V ‘| df© Ho$ A§V ‘| Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
opening Additions Deductions Closing For The year up to Date As at year As at year Current Year Previous
Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&

01.04.2018 31.03.2019 g‘m¶moOZ na end end Year

Upto Last on Sales/
year Adjustment*
Annual Report

ìhmobQ>oO ñQ>{~bm¶Pa VWm ¶

Voltage stabilizers and UPS 13671.20 893.91 427.24 14137.87 12090.09 871.43 450.61 12510.91 1626.96 0.00 1626.96 1581.11

{H$amE Ho$ ^dZmona OZaoQ>a, S>r.Or. goQ>g²

Generators, DG sets in rented premises 182.52 9.79 2.90 189.41 151.26 14.99 (4.02) 170.27 19.14 0.00 19.14 31.26

^dZmo H$r ZdrZrH$aU

Modernisation of Premises 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Hw$b / Total 518104.82 42054.85 11236.85 548922.82 260694.72 33349.41 9371.95 284672.18 264250.64 0.00 264250.64 257410.10

àJ{V na H$m¶©
Work in Progress 17476.05 8865.90 2192.51 24149.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24149.44 0.00 24149.44 17476.05

gH$b Hw$b / Grand Total 535580.87 50920.75 13429.36 573072.26 260694.72 33349.41 9371.95 284672.18 288400.08 0.00 288400.08 274886.15

{nN>bo gmb H$m Hw$b

Previous Year 505149.85 57141.48 26710.46 535580.87 246570.87 30183.57 16059.72 260694.72 274886.15 0.00 274886.15 258578.98

{Q>ßnUr : *Mmby df© ‘o§ Q>r.S>r.Ama. na

512.55 bmI H$s ‘yë¶ hm{Z H$m boIm§H$Z {H$¶m J¶m
Note:- *Impairment loss of Rs. 512.55 Lakhs on TDR recognised during the current financial year.
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 11 amoH$‹S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof : 31.03.2020

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 11 CASH AND BANK BALANCES: 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL
Non-linked Linked Non-linked Linked
Business Business Business Business

1 ZH$X (MoH$, S´>mâQ> Ed§ ñQ>°ån g{hV)

Cash (including cheques, drafts and stamps) 57073.90 0.00 57073.90 413382.69 0.00 413382.69

2 ~¢H$ O‘m
Bank Balances

(H$) O‘m ImVm

(a) Deposit Accounts

(H$H$) Aënmd{Y (VwbZ nÌ H$s VmarI go 12 _{hZmo§ Ho ^rVa Xo`)

(aa) Short-term (due within 12 months of the date of Balance Sheet) 61876.08 0.00 61876.08 149305.38 0.00 149305.38

(II) Aݶ
(bb) others 129868.11 0.00 129868.11 47509.86 0.00 47509.86

(I) Mmby ImVm

(b) Current Accounts 1478169.09 8772.77 1486941.86 1504592.82 144.97 1504737.79

(J) Aݶ
(c) others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3 ‘m§JZo na Am¡a Aën gyMZm na YZ

Money at Call and Short Notice

(H$) ~¢H$ ‘|
(a) With Banks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(I) Aݶ g§ñWmZm| ‘|

(b) With other Institutions 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01

(J) Aݶ -

( c ) other -REPoS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(K) gr.~r.Eb.Amo.
( d ) CBLO 1078898.61 0.00 1078898.61 2078366.26 0.00 2078366.26
4 Aݶ : ‘mJ©ñV àmofñV YZ
others - Remittances in transit 43464.67 0.00 43464.67 24510.59 0.00 24510.59

Hw$b Total 2849350.47 8772.77 2858123.24 4217667.61 144.97 4217812.58

J¡a AZwgy{MV ~¢H$mo H$s eof Cnamoº$ 2 VWm 3 ‘| gpå‘{bV h¡*

Balances with non-scheduled banks included in
2 and 3 above.*
amoH$‹S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof

1 ^maV ‘|
In India 2841100.06 8772.77 2849872.83 4212234.02 144.97 4212378.99
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 8250.41 0.00 8250.41 5433.59 0.00 5433.59
Hw$b Total 2849350.47 8772.77 2858123.24 4217667.61 144.97 4217812.58

*ñWmZr¶ {d{Y Ho$ AZwgma {dXoer emImAm| Ho$ ~¢H$ ImVm| Ho$ Abmdm
*Excluding bank accounts of foreign branches which are held as per local laws.

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 12 A[J«‘ Ed§ Aݶ n[agån{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020

SCHEDULE - 12 ADVANCES AND OTHER ASSETS: 31.03.2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL
Non-linked Linked Non-linked Linked
Business Business Business Business

1 A§VaU H§$n{Z¶m| ‘| Ama{jV O‘m

Reserve deposits with ceding companies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 A§VaU H§$n{Z¶m| H$mo A[J«‘

Advances to ceding companies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3 {Zdoemo Ho$ {bE AmdoXZ YZ

Application money for investments 13694.95 0.00 13694.95 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 nhbo ^wJVmZ / nyd©XÎm IM©

Prepayments/Prepaid Expenditure 54743.30 0.00 54743.30 48995.28 0.00 48995.28

5 A{YH$m[a¶m| / {ZXoeH$m| H$mo§ A[J«‘

Advances to Officer/Directors 0.83 0.00 0.83 0.83 0.00 0.83

6 AXm {H$¶m J¶m A{J«‘ H$a Ed§ ñÌmoV H$a H$Q>m¡Vr

Advance tax paid and taxes deducted at source 3150489.64 0.00 3150489.64 3063140.74 0.00 3063140.74
H$mamYmZ Ho$ {bE ewÕ n«mdYmZ
(Net of Provision for tax of ` 503911.68)
{nNbo df©
(Previous Year ` 4765573.18)
7(a) Aݶ / others
(H$) H$‘©Mm[a¶m| H$m A{J«‘
i. Advances to employees 99052.34 0.00 99052.34 97749.00 0.00 97749.00

(I) Aݶ H$mo A{J«‘

ii. Advances to others 5774.55 0.00 5774.55 6718.56 0.00 6718.56

(J) O‘m
iii. Deposits 6827.66 0.00 6827.66 6349.52 0.00 6349.52

(K) Aݶ A{J«‘

iv. other advances 54388.14 14978.47 69366.61 99020.87 11715.78 110736.65

7(b) ’w$Q>H$a XoZXma, A{J«‘ VWm O‘m Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Provision for sundry debtors, (11095.78) 0.00 (11095.78) (9645.68) 0.00 (9645.68)
advances and deposits

Hw$b Total (A) 3373875.63 14978.47 3388854.10 3312329.12 11715.78 3324044.90

Aݶ n[agån{Îm¶m±

1 {Zdoemona ~H$m¶m / àmoX^yV Am¶

Income outstanding/accrued on investments 6476449.10 61633.58 6538082.68 5925825.31 57253.12 5983078.43

g§{X½Y ã¶mO VWm bm^m§e H$m àmdYmZ

Provision for doubtful Interest & Dividends (1083349.11) 0.00 (1083349.11) (967581.95) 0.00 (967581.95)

2 ~H$m¶m àr{‘¶‘
outstanding Premiums 1438046.60 0.00 1438046.60 1010717.39 0.00 1010717.39
3 EO§Q>mo Ho$ eof
Agents' Balances 162406.92 0.00 162406.92 192695.59 0.00 192695.59

EO§Q>mo Ho$ g§{X½Y eof Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Provision for agents doubtful balances (26.65) 0.00 (26.65) (27.07) 0.00 (27.07)

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 12 A[J«‘ Ed§ Aݶ n[agån{Îm¶m± : 31.03.2020 (Omar)

SCHEDULE - 12 ADVANCES AND OTHER ASSETS: 31.03.2020 (Contd.) (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL
Non-linked Linked Non-linked Linked
Business Business Business Business

4 {dXoer EO{g¶mo Ho$ eof

Foreign Agencies' Balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g§{X½Y {dXoer EO{g¶mo Ho$ eof Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for agents doubtful balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

5 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ H$aZodmbr Aݶ B§{Q>{Q>¶mo go àmá hmoZo dmbm

Due from other entities carrying on insurance business 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

6 ghm¶H$/{Z¶§ÌH$ H§$nZr go àmá hmoZodmbm

Due from subsidiaries/holding company 175.45 0.00 175.45 153.58 0.00 153.58

7 nwZ~u‘m Xmdo / eof àm߶

Reinsurance claims/balances receivable 48.35 0.00 48.35 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 ^maVr¶ [aOd© ~¢H$ ‘| O‘m

(~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘, 1938 H$s IÊS> 7 Ho$ AZwgaU ‘|)
Deposit with Reserve Bank of India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Pursuant to Section 7 of Insurance Act, 1938)

9 Aݶ/ others
i ~H$m¶m / àmoT>^yV F$U na ã¶mO
Interest on loans outstanding/accrued 2341173.28 577.93 2341751.21 2178172.60 507.47 2178680.07

ii ñQ>oeZar H$s ñQ>m°H$, Am{X hmW ‘|

Stock of stationery, etc. on hand 6822.76 0.00 6822.76 7154.28 0.00 7154.28

iii Añdm{_H$ am{e go g§~{YV n[ag§n{Îm¶m± (nr.E\ 26)

Assets pertaining to unclaimed amount (PF. 26) 1587687.10 0.00 1587687.10 1410872.95 0.00 1410872.95

iv Aݶ n[ag§n{Îm¶m±
other assets 9013.63 0.00 9013.63 9209.46 0.00 9209.46

v (H$) {Z{YH$ ã¶mO

(a) Funded interest 245893.25 0.00 245893.25 247819.14 0.00 247819.14
(I) {Z{YH$ ã¶mO Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
(b) Provision for Funded interest (245893.25) 0.00 (245893.25) (247819.14) 0.00 (247819.14)

vi (H$) {Zdoe {OZH$m Am~§Q>Z ~mH$s h¡

(a) Investments Pending Allotment 15994.97 0.00 15994.97 15994.97 0.00 15994.97
(I) {d{dY XoZXma, A{J«‘ Ed§ O‘m Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
(b) Provision for Sundry Debtors,Advances & Deposits (3454.45) 0.00 (3454.45) (3454.45) 0.00 (3454.45)
vii Or Eg Qr H$m O‘m eof
GST Unutilized Credit 58373.64 0.00 58373.64 94309.65 0.00 94309.65

Hw$b (I) Total (B) 11009361.59 62211.51 11071573.10 9874042.31 57760.59 9931802.90

Hw$b (H$ + I) Total (A + B) 14383237.22 77189.98 14460427.20 13186371.43 69476.37 13255847.80

^maV ‘| / In India 14376132.66 77189.98 14453322.64 13182026.96 69476.37 13251503.33

^maV Ho$ ~mha / out of India 7104.56 0.00 7104.56 4344.47 0.00 4344.47
Hw$b Total 14383237.22 77189.98 14460427.20 13186371.43 69476.37 13255847.80

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 13 Mmby Xo¶VmE§ : 31.03.2020

SCHEDULE - 13 CURRENT LIABILITIES : 31.03.2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business
1 EO§Q>mo Ho$ eof / Agents' Balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Aݶ ~r‘m H§$n{Z¶m| H$mo Xo¶ am{e
Balances due to other insurance companies 4028.51 0.00 4028.51 (191.14) 0.00 (191.14)
3 g§{Y H§$n{Z¶m| Ho$ A{J«‘
Advances from Treaty Companies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 nyZ~u‘m A§VaU na Ym[aV O‘m
Deposits held on re-insurance ceded 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 A{J«‘ ê$n ‘| àmá àr{‘¶‘
Premiums received in advance 3499.71 1.01 3500.72 4813.04 0.00 4813.04
6 ’w$Q>H$a boZXma / Sundry creditors 1541570.94 (6962.13) 1534608.81 1026444.03 7507.07 1033951.10
7 ghm¶H$ / {Z¶§ÌH$ H§$nZr H$mo Xo¶
Due to subsidiaries/holding company 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 ~H$m¶m Xmd| / Claims outstanding 982965.12 95334.81 1078299.93 415846.10 76567.16 492413.26
9 Xo¶ dm{f©{H$¶m± / Annuities Due 41857.69 0.00 41857.69 35823.15 0.00 35823.15
10 ~¢H$ eof / Bank Balances
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 A{YH$m[a¶m| / {ZXoeH$mo H$s Xo¶ Due to Officers/Directors
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Aݶ / others

H$ H$‘©Mmar ^{dî¶ VWm noÝeZ Ho$ ݶm{g¶m| H$mo Xo¶ am{e¶m±

a Amounts due to trustees of staff provident & pension fund 756627.58 0.00 756627.58 451802.43 0.00 451802.43
I ~H$m¶m H$‘reZ
b outstanding Commission 122500.82 0.01 122500.83 151084.49 0.01 151084.50
J àr{‘¶‘ VWm Aݶ O‘m am{e¶m±
c Premium and other deposits 179254.54 119.70 179374.24 90142.05 186.37 90328.42
K ~H$m¶m Añdm{‘H$ am{e / O‘m
d outstanding unclaimed amounts/deposits 1173385.60 233654.40 1407040.00 964045.51 278184.39 1242229.90
L doXmdm am{e`m| na A{O©V ì`mO
e Interest Accured on unclaimed amounts 159576.44 38617.36 198193.80 114827.43 27279.07 142106.50
M> n«má n«r{_`_ {OZH$m Amd§QZ Zhr hwAm
f Premium received but not allocated 0.00 237.41 237.41 0.00 189.35 189.35
N Or Eg Qr Xm{¶Ëd
> g GST Liability 83497.13 769.01 84266.14 142766.31 467.43 143233.74
O ny±Or ‘moMZ ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ Mmby ImVm
h Capital Redemption (including annuity certain) business (1818.15) 0.00 (1818.15) (1410.08) 0.00 (1410.08)
current account
P d[að> noÝeZ ~r‘m ¶moOZm Mmby ImVm (161)
i Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana Current account (161) 31398.25 0.00 31398.25 27567.23 0.00 27567.23
Z d[að> noÝeZ ~r‘m ¶moOZm Mmby ImVm (828)
j Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana Current account (828) 4240.23 0.00 4240.23 3511.64 0.00 3511.64
n nr.E‘. dr.d>¶. Mmby ImVm (842)
k PMVVY Current Account (842) 14723.64 0.00 14723.64 13107.11 0.00 13107.11
’$ nr.E‘. dr.d>¶. Mmby ImVm (842 Z¶m)
l PMVVY Current Account (842 New) 58569.70 0.00 58569.70 31258.63 0.00 31258.63
~ gm‘m{OH$ gwajm {Z{Y Mmby ImVm
m Social Security Fund Current account (28853.98) 0.00 (28853.98) (126.34) 0.00 (126.34)
^ Am‘ AmX‘r ~r_m `moOZm NmÌ d¥{Õ Mmby ImVm
n Aam Aadmi Bima Yojna Scholarship Current account 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.52 0.00 0.52
` nr.E‘.Oo.S>¶. Mmby ImVm
o PMJDY contra account (2239.92) 0.00 (2239.92) (2263.62) 0.00 (2263.62)
a nr.E‘¶.E‘. Mmby ImVm
p PMSYM Current Account (132.59) 0.00 (132.59) 0.46 0.00 0.46
b g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Mmby ImVm
q Linked Business Current account 869789.60 (143523.55) 726266.05 516516.16 (899138.21) (382622.05)
d Ho . E_. Eg. dm`. E_ Hm°ÝQ´m ImVm
r KMSYM Contra account (15.58) 0.00 (15.58) 0.00 0.00 0.00
g Eb.dr. E_.Sr. dm`. Hm°ÝQ´m ImVm
s LVMDY contra account (0.22) 0.00 (0.22) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hw$b / Total 5994425.45 218248.03 6212673.48 3985565.11 (508757.36) 3476807.75
^maV ‘| /In India 5959987.12 218333.01 6178320.13 3959521.81 (508557.91) 3450963.90
^maV Ho$ ~mha / out of India 34438.33 (84.98) 34353.35 26043.30 (199.45) 25843.85
Hw$b / Total 5994425.45 218248.03 6212673.48 3985565.11 (508757.36) 3476807.75

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 14 àmdYmZ : 31.03.2020

(` bmImo§ _o§)
SCHEDULE - 14 PROVISIONS : 31.03.2020 (` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Business
Business Business

1 H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE (KQ>mBE ^wJVmZ Ed§ ómoV na H$a H$Q>m¡Vr)

For taxation (less payments and taxes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
deducted at source)
2 àñVm{dV bm^m§e Ho$ {bE (5% ‘yë¶Z A{Yeof)
For proposed dividends (5% Valuation Surplus) 269774.29 0.00 269774.29 266059.54 0.00 266059.54

3 bm^m§e {dVaU H$a Ho$ {bE

For dividend distribution tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

4 Aݶ
emoYj‘Vm gr‘m Ho$ {bE AmajU H$m àmdYmZ
Provision for reserve for solvency margin 1494305.60 0.00 1494305.60 1494305.60 0.00 1494305.60

Total 1764079.89 0.00 1764079.89 1760365.14 0.00 1760365.14
^maV ‘|
In India 1763755.05 0.00 1763755.05 1760030.52 0.00 1760030.52
^maV Ho$ ~mha
out of India 324.84 0.00 324.84 334.62 0.00 334.62
Total 1764079.89 0.00 1764079.89 1760365.14 0.00 1760365.14

AZwgyMr - 15 {d{dY 춶 (Omo ~Å>o ImVo ‘| Z S>mbo JE hmo ¶m gm‘m¶mo{OV Z {H$E JE hm|) : 31.03.2020
SCHEDULE 15 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE (To the extent not written off or adjusted) : 31.03.2020 (` bmImo§ _o§)
(` in lakhs)

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Hw$b J¡a-g§~Õ g§~Õ Hw$b

ì¶dgm¶ Linked TOTAL ì¶dgm¶ ì¶dgm¶ TOTAL
Non-linked Business Non-linked Linked
Business Business Business

1 eo¶a / F$U-nÌ Omar H$aZo ‘| AZw‘V Ny>Q>

Discount Allowed in issue of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 Aݶ
others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^maV ‘o
In India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
^maV Ho$ ~mha
outside India 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
AZwgyMr - 15 H
OrdZ VWm ny±Or ‘moMZ {ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV {dÎmr¶ {ddaUmo§ H$m ^mJ {Z{‘©V H$aZo dmbo
CX²Km{Q>V {df¶
(H$) ‘hÎdnyU© boIm Zr{V¶m±:
1. V¡¶mar H$m AmYma :
{dÎmr¶ {ddaU gm‘mݶV¶m ñdrH$m¶© boIm {gÕm§Vmo Ed§ ~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$maU ({dÎmr¶ {ddaU Ed§ ~r‘m H§$n{Z¶m| Ho$ boIm narjH$m|
H$s [anmoQ>© V¡¶ma H$aZm) {d{Z‘¶ 2002 Ed§ BgHo$ ~mX Omar {H$¶o J¶o n[anÌm| Ed§ {~Zm A{Y{Z`_ 1938 Omo {H g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV hwAm h¡ Ho$
AZwgma V¡¶ma {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
2. amOñd ‘mݶVm :
H$) Ohm± ^wJVmZ H$s ‘m’$s Ad{Y g‘má Zht hþB© hmo Ed§ {OZHo$ {nN>bo {H$ñVmo H$m ^wJVmZ {H$¶m J¶m hmo, Eogo Xo¶ {H$íVm| H$mo Am¶ Ho$ én ‘| ‘mݶVm
Xr J¶r h¡& g§~§Õ ì¶dgm¶ ‘| ^wJVmZ H$s Xo¶ {VWr BH$mB¶m| Ho$ {Z‘m©U H$s {VWr Ho$ ~am~a hmoVr h¡&
I) g§~§ÜX {Z{Y`mo go Am` {Og_o \§ S à~§YZ ewëH , nm°{bgr àemgZ ewëH , _¥Ë`wXa ewëH Am{X em{_b h¡, Omo {H g§~§ÜX {H `o J`o \§ S go {Z`_mo
Am¡a eVm} Ho AZwgma dgwb {H `o OmVo h¡, Am¡a Omo Xo` hmoZo na _mÝ` {H `o OmVo h¡&
J) g^r gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m|, F$U à{V^y{V¶m| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| ã¶mO H$s Am¶, {OZ‘| H$O}, {S>~oÝMa VWm ~m°ÝS> nmg W«w à‘mUnÌ Am¡a J¥h g§n{Îm Ho$ à{V
{Jadr H$O} em{‘b h¢, ~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Am¡a {dH$mg àm{YH$aU Ho$ {Xem{ZX}em| Ho$ AZwgma amOñd ‘| H«o${S>Q> H$s OmVr h¡&
K) {ÛVr`H ~mOma go gaH$ma ¶m Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m| H$s IarX ¶m {dH«$s Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| IpÊS>V Ad{Y Ho$ {bE ã¶mO H m ^wJVmZ/ à{ßV ZH$X
AmYma na {H ¶m J¶m h¡&
L>) ã¶mO, bm^m§e {H$am¶m Am{X gH$b ‘yë¶ AmYma na {b¶m J¶m h¡ (Am¶H$a H$Q>m¡Vr Ho$ nyd©)&
M) F$Um|, {S>~|Mam| Am¡a ~m°ÊS>m| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| VwbZ-nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo ¶WmpñW{V Cn{O©V ã¶mO H$m n[aH$bZ F$U XñVmdoO/gyMZm kmnZ ¶m Aݶ
XañVmdoO ‘| C{„{IV gmYmaU ã¶mO Ho$ n[aH$bZ H$s nÕ{V Ho$ AZwgma {H$¶m OmVm h¢& gaH$mar Am¡a Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m| Am¡a ~§YH$
F$Um| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|, VwbZ nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo ¶WmpñW{V Cnm{O©V ã¶mO H$m n[aH$bZ EH$ df© ‘o 360 {XZ Ho$ AmYma na {H$¶m Om h¡&
N>) à{V^y{V¶m|/B{¹${Q>¶m| H$s {~H«$s na bm^ ¶m hm{Z Ho$db {~H«$s df© ‘| amOñd ‘| {b¶m J¶m h¡&
O) CXY¥V B{¹$Q>r na bm^m§e Ohm± 31 ‘mM© H$mo ¶m CgHo$ nhbo (`m§Zr H§$nZr Ûmam Kmo{fV bm^m§e) Ho H maU àmßV H aZo H m A{YH ma g_mßV hmo
J`m h¡, Am¶ Ho$ ê$n ‘| {b¶m OmVm h¢ O~ {H dh ~mX _| àmßV hmoVm h¡& J¡a CXY¥V B{¹$Q>r na bm^m§e Ho db àm{ßV AmYma na Am` Ho én _|
{b`m OmVm h¡&
P) nm°[bgr F U na ã`mO H m [hgm~ {~_m§{H H AmYma na boIo _| {b`m OmVm h¡&
Äm) {H am`o H mo Am` Ho én _| V^r _mÝ` {H `m OmVm h¡& O~ {H am`m Xo` hmoVm h¡, N>h ‘{hZm| go Á¶mXm ~H$m¶m {H$am¶m bm¶gÝg ’$sg go gå~pÝYV
{H$am¶m Am¶ H$mo, Am¶ Ho$ én ‘| ‘mݶVm Zht Xr J¶r h¡& An \§ S {à{_`_ H mo ZH X AmYma na _mÝ` {H `m OmVm h¡&
V) A{Y‘mZr eo¶am|/å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> na bm^m§e H$mo, Ho$db àmá hmoZo na Am¶ Ho$ én ‘| ‘mZm OmVm h¡&
W) {S>~|Mam|/~m°ÊS>m| H$s IarX na AmdoXZ YZam{e na àmá ã¶mO H$mo ZH$Xr AmYma na boIo ‘| {b¶m OmVm h¡&
X) CÚ‘ ny§Or {Zdoe na hþB© Am¶ H$mo ZH$Xr AmYma na boIo ‘| {b¶m OmVm h¡&
Y) Oramo Hy$nZ ~m°ÊS>m| go hþB© Am¶ H$mo ~r‘m§{H$H$ AmYma na boIo ‘| {b¶m OmVm h¡&
Z) J¡a g§§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘|, VwbZ nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo ¶WmpñWVr EZnrE na ~H$m¶m ã¶mO H$m àmdYmZ CM§V Ho$ én ‘o§ {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
n) F$U‘moMZ/n[an¹$Vm na àr{‘¶‘ H$mo, F$U‘moMZ/n[an¹$Vm hþB© Am¶ Ho$ én ‘| ‘mݶVm Xr OmVr h¡&
\) àmogoqgJ ewëH H mo àm{ßV Ho AmYma na _mÝ` {H `m {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
~) nwZ©~r_m na CXY¥V àr{‘¶‘, nwZ©~r_m g§{Y H r eVm} Ho AZwgma `m nwZ©~r_mH Vm© Ho gmW g¡ÜXm§VrH ì`dñWm Ho AZwgma _mÝ` {H `m OmVm h¡&
3. A{YJ«hU bmJV| :
A{YJ«hU bmJVmo H$mo IM© Ho$ df© ‘| {XIm¶m J¶m h¡& A{YJ«hU bmJVo dh IM} h¡ Omo ‘w»¶V: Z¶o Am¡a nwZama§^ ~r‘m AZw~ÝYm| go g§~§{YV h¡ Ed§ CZHo$
gm n[ad{V©V hmoVo ahVo h¡&
63 Annual Report
1. Basis of Preparation:
The Financial Statements have been prepared on an accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the generally accepted
accounting principles and in the manner prescribed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial
Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations 2002 and Circulars issued thereafter and provisions of the
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
2. Revenue Recognition:
a) Premiums are recognized as income when due, for which grace period has not expired and the previous installments have
been paid. In case of Linked Business, the due date for payment is taken as the date when the associated units are created.
b) Income from linked funds which includes fund management charges, policy administration charges, mortality charges, etc. are
recovered from linked fund in accordance with terms and conditions and recognized when due.
c) Interest income in respect of all government securities, debt securities including loans, debentures and bonds, Pass Through
Certificate (PTC), mortgage loans is taken credit to the Revenue Account as per the guidelines issued by Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority.
d) In respect of purchase or sale of Government and other approved securities from secondary market, interest for the broken
period is paid / received on cash basis.
e) Interest, Dividend, Rent, etc. are accounted at gross value (before deduction of Income Tax)
f) In respect of loans, debentures and bonds, accrued interest as at the date of the balance sheet is calculated as per method of
calculation of simple interest mentioned in the loan document/information memorandum or such other document. In respect of
Government and other approved securities and mortgage loans, accrued interest as at the date of balance sheet is calculated
based on 360 days a year.
g) Profit or Loss on sale of Securities/Equities/ Mutual Fund is taken to Revenue only in the year of sale.
h) Dividend on quoted equity where right to receive the same has fallen due on or before 31st March (i.e. dividend declared by
the company) is taken as income though received subsequently. Dividend on unquoted equity is taken as income only
on receipt.
i) Interest on policy loans is accounted for on accrual basis.
j) Rental income is recognized as income when due and rent/license fees which is in arrear for more than 6 months is not
recognized as income. Upfront premium is accounted on cash basis.
k) Dividend on Preference shares/Mutual Fund is taken as income only on receipt.
l) Interest on application Money on purchase of debentures/bonds is accounted on cash basis.
m) Income on venture capital investment is accounted on cash basis.
n) Income from zero coupon bonds is accounted on accrual basis.
o) In case of non linked business, outstanding interest on NPAs as at balance sheet date is provided as interest suspense.
p) Premium on redemption/maturity is recognized as income on redemption/maturity
q) Processing fee is accounted on receipt basis.
r) Premium ceded on re-insurance is accounted in accordance with the terms of the re-insurance treaty or in-principle
arrangement with the re-insurer.
3. Acquisition Costs:
Acquisition Costs are expensed in the period in which they are incurred. Acquisition costs are those costs that vary with and are
primarily related to the acquisition of new and renewal insurance contracts.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
4. Xmd| :
H$) Xmdm| H$s bmJVm| ‘o Ohm± H$hr bmJy hmo nm°{bgr bm^ am{e Ed§ Xmdm g‘m¶moOZ bmJV em{‘b h¡&
I) Xmdo H$s _mÝ`Vm H$s VmarI nm°{bgr YmaH Ûmam _¥Ë`w `m gao§Sa H$s gyMZm àmpßV H$s VmarI hmoJr& n{an³dVm, CÎmaOr{dVm bm^, dm{f©H$s Am{X
Ho _m_bmo§ _o§ Xmdmo§ H$mo _mÝ`Vm XoZo H$s {V{W nm°{bgr`mo§ Ho {Z`_ Am¡a eVmoª Ho AZwgma hmoJr&
J) Ý`m{`H A{YH m{a`mo§ Ho g_j {ddm{XV AñdrH¥ V Xmdo à~§YZ, Ho {ddoH Ho AmYma na AmHpñ_H Xm{`Ëd Ho ê n _o§ ì`dhma {H E OmVo h¢&
5. {Zdoe:
A) J¡a - g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶
H$) gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| Am¡a F$U‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶am| g{hV F$U à{V^y{V¶m| H$mo "n[an¹$Vm VH$ aIr JB©" Ho$ én ‘mZm OmVm h¡:
Am¡a ‘yë¶ H$mo n[aemoY H$s eVmo© Ho$ AYrZ Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV na {ZåZ{b{IV én ‘| A{^춺$ {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
(i) gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| g{hV F$U à{V^y{V¶m§, Ohm§ A§{H$V ‘yë¶ dmñV{dH$ ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ h¡, àr{‘¶‘ YmaU/n[an¹$Vm H$s eof
Ad{Y ‘| grYr bm^ nÕ{V Ho$ AmYma na F$U n[aemo{YV H$s OmEJr& Ohm§ dmñV{dH _wë` AqH V _wë` go A{YH h¡& Vmo NwQ H mo
n[an³dVm na _mÝ` {H `m Om`oJm&
(ii) gyMr~Õ F$U‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶a, Ohm§ A§{H$V ‘yë¶ dmñV{dH$ ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ h¡, àr{‘¶‘ YmaU/n[an¹$Vm H$s {deof Ad{Y ‘|
grYr bmB©Z nÕ{V AmYma na n[aemo{YV H$s OmVr h¡ Am¡a BgH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z n[aemo{YV bmJV na {H$¶m OmVm h¡, ¶{X A§{V‘ CÕV
‘yë¶ (‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s VmarI go A{YH$ go A{YH$ 30 {XZ nhbo) n[aemo{YV bmJV go A{YH$ h¡& ¶{X ~mOma ‘yë¶ n[aemo{YV bmJV
go H$‘ h¡, Vmo VZyH$aU Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
AgyMr~Õ F$U‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶a, Ohm§ A§{H$V ‘yë¶, dmñV{dH$ ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ h¡, àr{‘¶‘ÜH$m n[aemoYZ YmaU/n[a¹$Vm
H$s eof Ad{Y ‘| grYr bmB©Z nÕ{V AmYma na {H$¶m OmVm h¡ Am¡a BgH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z VZwH$aU Ho$ {bE {H$E JE àmdYmZ go H$‘
n[aemo{YV bmJV na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
gyMr~Õ J¡a-F$U‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶am| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z A§{H$V ‘yë¶ na {H$¶m OmVm h¡, ¶{X A§{V‘ CÕV ‘yë¶ (‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s VmarI
go A{YH$ go A{YH$ 30 {XZ nhbo), A§{H$V ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ h¡& ¶{X A§{V‘ CÕV ‘yë¶ H$‘ h¡ Vmo BgH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z A§{H$V ‘yë¶
‘| go VZwH$aU Ho$ {bE {H$¶m J¶m àmdYmZ KQ>mH$a {ZH$mbo JE ‘yë¶ na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
AgyMr~Õ J¡a-F$U‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶am| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z A§{H$V ‘yë¶ ‘| go VZwH$aU Ho$ {bE {H$¶m J¶m àmdYmZ KQ>mH$a {ZH$mbo JE
‘yë¶ na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
I) gyMr~Õ B©{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶m§ {OZH$m ì¶mnma g{H«$¶ ~mOmam| ‘| {H$¶m OmVm h¡ Am¡a aUZr{VH$ {Zdoem| Ho$ én ‘| dJuH¥$V gyMr~Õ à{V^y{V¶m§
VwbZ nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo C{MV ‘yë¶ na ‘mnr OmVr h¡ Am¡a B{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶m| H$s dhZ YZam{e ‘o hþE {H$gr n[adV©Z H$mo C{MV ‘yë¶
n[adV©Z boIo ‘| bo Om¶m OmVm h¡&
J) AgyMr~Õ B©{¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶m§, AgyMr~Õ Am¡a ~hþV H$‘ ì¶mnma {H$E JE aUZr{VH$ {Zdoe Am¡a gyMr~Õ B©[¹$Q>r à{V^y{V¶m§ {OZH$m ì¶mnma
g{H«$¶ ~mOmam| ‘| {Z¶{‘V én go Zhr {H$¶m OmVm, H$mo Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV ‘| go CZ {Zdoem| Ho$ ‘yë¶ ‘| VZwH$aU Ho$ {bE {H$¶m J¶m àmdYmZ
KQ>mH$a {ZH$mbo JE ‘yë¶ na ‘mnm OmVm h¡& go~r Ûmam g‘¶ g‘¶ na {d{ZYm©[aV {H$E JE å¶wÀ¶A§b ’§$S> H$mo {d{Z¶{‘V H$aZo dmbo {Xem{ZX}em|
Ho$ AZwgma ~hþV H$‘ ì¶mnma {H$E JE Ho$ én ‘| dJuH¥$V {H$gr à{V^y{V H$mo g{H«$¶ ê$n go ì¶mnma Z H$s JB© à{V^y{V Ho$ ê$n ‘| ‘mZm OmVm h¡&
K) g^r {Zdoemo H$mo ZH$Xr AmYma na boI| ‘| {b¶m OmVm h¡, {gdm¶ goH|$S´>r ~mOma go B{¹$Q>r eo¶am| Am¡a gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| H$s {~H«$s ¶m
IarX Ho$ {bE&
L>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶mo§ H$m ‘yë¶, nwZ©‘yë¶m§{H$H$ YZam{e¶m| na A{^춺$ {H$¶m OmVm h¡ Am¡a {Zdoe g§n{Îm H$s dhZ YZam{e ‘| hþE n[adV©Z H$mo
nwZ©‘yë¶m§H$Z ^§S>ma ‘| bo Om¶m OmVm h¢&
M) å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> {Zdem| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z VwbZ nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo ¶WmpñW{V C{MV ‘yë¶ AmYma na {H$¶m OmVm h¡ Am¡a å¶wÀ¶wAb ’§$S> H$s
dhZ YZam{e ‘| hþE n[adV©Z H$mo C{MV ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z boIo ‘| bo Om¶m OmVm h¡&
N>) ghm¶H$ H§$n{Z¶m|, g§¶wº$ CÚ‘m| Am¡a gh¶moJr H§$n{Z¶m| ‘| {H$E {Zdoem| H$mo bmJV na A{^춺$ {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
O) CÚ‘ {Z{Y ‘| {H$E JE {Zdoe H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z, {Z{Y Ho$ EZEdr ¶m bmJV BZ‘| go Omo ^r H$‘ hmo, na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
P) _wÐm ~mOma {dboIm| H mo A§{H V ‘yë¶ na _wë`m§{H V {H `m OmVm h¡&
(~) g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ : à{V^y{V¶m| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z g‘¶ g‘¶ na Omar {H$¶o JE AmB© Ama S>r E AmB© Ho$ {ZX}em| Ho$ AZwén h¡&

63 Annual Report
4. Claims:
a) Claims costs consist of the policy benefit amount and claims settlement costs, wherever applicable.
b) The date of recognition of claim shall be the date of receipt of intimation of death or surrender by the policy holder. The date of
recognition of claims in case of Maturity, Survival benefits, Annuity etc. shall be as per the terms and condition of the policies.
c) Repudiated claims disputed before judicial authorities are treated as contingent liability based on management prudence.
5. Investments:
A] Non Linked Business
a) Debt Securities including Government Securities and Redeemable Preference Shares are considered as ‘held to maturity’
and the value is disclosed at historical cost subject to amortization as follows:
(i) Debt Securities including Government Securities, where the book value is more than the face value, the premium
will be amortized on straight line basis over the balance period of holding/maturity. Where face value is greater than
book value, discount is accounted on maturity.
(ii) Listed Redeemable Preference Shares, where the book value is more than the face value, the premium is amortized
on a straight line basis over the balance period of holding/maturity and are valued at amortised cost if last quoted
price (not later than 30 days period to valuation date), is higher than amortised cost. Provision for diminution is made
if market value is lower than amortised cost.
Unlisted Redeemable Preference Shares where the book value is more than the face value, the premium is
amortized on a straight line basis over the balance period of holding/maturity and are valued at amortised cost less
provision for diminution.
Listed Irredeemable Preference Shares are valued at book value if last quoted price (not later than 30 days prior to
valuation date), is higher than book value. In case last quoted price is lower, it is valued at book value less provision
for diminution.
Unlisted Irredeemable Preference Shares are valued at book value less provision for diminution.
b) Listed equity securities that are traded in active markets and listed securities classified as strategic investments are
measured at fair value on the balance sheet date and the change in the carrying amount of equity securities is taken to Fair
Value Change Account.
c) Unlisted equity securities, unlisted & thinly traded strategic investments and listed equity securities that are not regularly
traded in active markets are measured at historical cost less provision for diminution in value of such investments.
A security classified as thinly traded as per guidelines governing mutual funds laid down from time to time by SEBI are
considered as being not actively traded.
d) All Investments are accounted on cash basis except for purchase or sale of equity shares & government securities from
the secondary market
e) The value of Investment Properties is disclosed at the Revalued amounts and the change in the carrying amount of the
investment property is taken to Revaluation Reserve.
f) Mutual fund investments are valued on fair value basis as at the balance sheet date and the change in the carrying
amount of mutual fund is taken to Fair Value Change Account.
g) Investments in subsidiary companies, joint ventures and associates are disclosed at cost.
h) Investment in venture fund is valued at the NAV of the fund or cost whichever is lower.
i) Money Market Instruments are measured at book value.
B] Linked Business:
Valuation of Securities is in accordance with IRDA directives issued from time to time.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
6. F U :
F U H mo j{V nw{V© àmdYmZm| Ho AYrZ Eo{Vhm{gH bmJV na _mnm OmVm h¡&
7. AMb n[agån{V¶m±:
H$) AMb n[agånpËV¶mo§ H$m ‘yë¶ CgHo$ bmJV ‘yë¶m| H$amYmZ g{hV ‘| go ‘yë¶èhmg H$mo H$‘ H$a Xem©¶m J¶m h¡&
I) {Z‘m©UmYrZ Ed§ H$ãOm H$s JB© g§n{Îm¶m| na AXm H$s JB© am{e {OZH$m àboIZ b§{~V h¡ CÝh| "^dZ g§n{Îm Ed§ ^y{‘' Ho$ A§VJ©V {XIm¶m J¶m h¡&
8. ‘yë¶èhmg/n{aemoYZ :
AMb g§npËV¶mo§ na ‘yë¶èhmg/n{aemoYZ à~§YZ Ûmam ¶Wm AZw‘m{ZV g§npËVHo Cn¶moJr OrdZ Ho AmYma na, grYr aoIm nÜX{V Hm Cn`moJ HaHo àXmZ
{H`m OmVm h¡& df© H¡ Xm¡amZ IarXr/~oMr JB© g§npËV¶mo§ Ho {b`o _m{gH g_W©H AZwnmV Ho AmYma na ‘yë¶èhmg à^m[aV {H$¶m OmVm h¡& ì`{³VJV én
go ` 5,000 VH _wë` Hr bmJV Hr g§n{ËV Aën _wë` hmoZo Ho HmaU IarX Ho df© _| nwar Vah go amOñd _| à^m{aV Hr OmVr h¡& Am°naoqQJ brO na {H am`o
H mo brO Hr Ad{Y _| IM© {H`m OmVm h¡& à~§YZ Ûmam AZw‘m{ZV {H`o J`o Cn`moJr OrdZ Ho _wë`m§HZ Ho AmYma na _wë`èhmg Hr Xa| boIm Hr {QßnUr`m|
_| Xr JB© h¡&
9. n{ag§{Îm`m| H r hm{Z :
àË`oH ~¡b|g erQ {V{W na n{ag§{Îm`m Ho dhZ _wë`m| H r g_rjm H r OmVr h¡& `{X Bg Vah H r hm{Z H m H moB© g§H| V _m¡OwX h¡, Vmo CZ n{ag§{Îm`m Ho
dgwbr `mo½` _wë` H m AZw_mZ bJm`m OmVm h¡ Am¡a Ohm§ ^r Amdí`H hmo, hm{Z H r nhMmZ H r OmVr h¡&
10. OrdZ nm{c{g¶m| H$s Xo¶Vm :
{ZJ‘ H$o OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ dm{f©H$ Om§M Ho$ AZwgaU ‘| nm{cgrYmaH$m| H$s Xo¶VmE§ {ZJ‘ Ho$ {Z¶wº$ {~‘m§H$H$ ìXmam {ZYm©[aV H$s OmVr h¡&
11. {dXoer ‘wÐm g§ì¶dhma :
(H$) g§~§{YV Xoem| Ho$ gm§{d{YH$ {d{Z¶‘Zm| Ho$ AZwgma {dXoer ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV OrdZ {Z{Y H$m {Zdoe {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
(I) df© Ho$ A§V ‘| {dXoem| H$s emImAm| H$m {dÎmr¶ {ddaU ñWmZr¶ {dYr¶m| Ho$ AZwgma V¡¶ma {H$¶m J¶m h¡& VWm g‘w{MV Xmam| na n[adV©Z {H$¶m
J¶m h¡, {gdm¶ gwdm ([’$Or) emIm {OgHo$ {cE à{V df© 31 {Xg§~a Ho$ {dÎmr¶ {ddaU go g‘w{MV Xam| na n[adV©Z {H$¶m OmVm h¡ ³¶m|{H$ emIm
H$m coIm H¡coÊS>a df© Ho$ AmYma na V¡¶ma {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
(J) `ogo énm§VaUmo na hmoZo dmbo {d{Z_` bm^ `m hm{Z H mo Cg Ad{Y _| _mÝ`Vm Xr OmVr h¡ {Og Ad{Y _| do amOñd ImVo _| AmVo h¡& {\Or _m°areg
Am¡a `wHo _| {H `o J`o Am°naoeZ J¡a g_mH {bV àH¥{V Ho h¡, amOñd ImVo H r _Xm| H mo Am¡gV {d{Z_` Xa na Ed§ VwbZnÍm H r _Xm| H mo g_mnZ Xa na
énm§V{aV {H `m OmVm h¡& nwZ©_wë`m§H Z na {d{Z_` Ho A§Va H mo eo`a YmaH m| `m nm°{bgr YmaH m| _m_bo Ho AZwgma Ho ImVo Ho VhV {dXoer _wÐm A{ñWaVm
{aOd© _| O_m {H `m OmVm h¡&
(K) ^maV go ^oOo JE àofUm| ìXmam ^maV Ho$ ~mha {H$E {Zdoem|H$s JUZm ‘yë¶ én¶ H$s cmJV ¶m erK« A{^{c{IV énE H$s cmJV na {H$¶m OmVm
h¡, Ohm± ‘yë¶ cmJV CncãY Z hmo&
12. AZwà¶moÁ¶ n[agån{Îm¶m| Ho$ {cE n[agån{Îm¶m| H$m dJuH$aU Ed§ àmdYmZ :
H$) F$U, {S>~|Ma Ed§ ~m§S>, VWm ^dZ g§n[Îm H$mo {Jadr aIH$a {cE F$U H$s n[agån{Îm¶m| H$mo dgycr Ho$ [aH$mS>© na AmYm[aV {ZåZ Vah go dJuH¥$V
{H$¶m J¶m h¡&
1. ‘mZH$
2. Cn‘mZH$
3. g§{X½Y Ed§
4. ZwH$gmZ n[agån{Îm¶m|
~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Am¡a {dH$mg àm{YH$aU ìXmam Omar {Xem{ZX}em| Ho$ AZwgma&
I) ^ma{V¶ ~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Am¡a {dH$mg àm{YH$aU Ûmam ~r‘m g§ñWmZm| H$mo Omar {Xem{ZX}em| Ho$ AZwgma AZwà¶moÁ¶ F$Um|, {S~o§Mamo Ed§ ~m§S>m| Ed§
^dZ g§n[Îm H$mo {Jadr aIH$a F$U H$m àmdYmZ {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
13. godm{Zd¥{Îm bm^:
H$) {ZJ_ Ûmam Omar g_yh J«oÀ`wQr B§í`moao§g nm°{bgr Ho _mÜ`_ go (~r_m§{H V _yë`m§H Z Ho AmYma na) H _©Mm{a`mo§ H mo J«oÀ`wQr àXmZ H r OmVr h¡
Am¡a Bg àH ma, CgHo g§~§Y _o§ Xm{`Ëd, OrdZ {Z{Y H m {hñgm ~ZVr h¡&
63 Annual Report
6. Loans:
Loans are measured at historical cost subject to impairment provisions.
7. Fixed Assets:
a) Values of the fixed assets are stated at cost (inclusive of taxes) less depreciation.
b) Property under construction and amounts paid for the properties taken in possession, pending documentation, are accounted under
‘House Property and Land’.
8. Depreciation/Amortisation:
Depreciation/amortisation on fixed assets is provided using the straight line method, based on useful lives of assets as estimated by
the management. Depreciation is charged on monthly pro-rata basis for assets purchased/sold during the year. Assets individually
costing upto Rs. 5,000, being low value assets are fully charged to revenue in the year of purchase. Operating lease rentals are
expensed off over the lease period. Based on useful life evaluation carried out by the management the rates of depreciation are
given under notes to accounts
9. Impairment of assets:
The carrying values of assets at each Balance Sheet date are reviewed for impairment. If any indication of such impairment exists,
the recoverable amounts of those assets are estimated and impairment is recognised, wherever necessary.
10. Liability for Life Policies:
The liabilities towards Policyholders are determined by the Corporation’s Appointed Actuary pursuant to his annual investigation of
the Corporation’s life insurance business.
11. Foreign Currency Transactions:
a) Life Fund relating to foreign business has been invested according to the statutory regulations of the respective countries.
b) Financial Statements of branches in foreign countries as at the year end are prepared in accordance with local laws and are
translated at appropriate rates of exchange except for Suva (Fiji) branch, for which the conversion is done at appropriate rates,
from the financial statement as at 31st December, each year, since the accounts of the branch are prepared on calendar
year basis.
c) Exchange gains or losses arising on such conversions are recognised in the period in which they arise in the Revenue Account.
Operations carried out in Fiji, Mauritius and U.K. are of non integral nature. The Revenue A/c items are translated at the
average exchange rate and Balance Sheet at closing rate. Revaluation Exchange difference is accumulated in Foreign Exchange
fluctuation Reserve under shareholders or policyholders account as the case may be.
d) Investments made outside India by remittances sent from India are accounted for at original rupee cost or at the earliest
recorded rupee cost, where original cost is not available.
12. Asset Classification and Provisioning for Non-Performing Assets:
a) Assets representing Loans, Debentures and Bonds and Mortgage Loans against House Property are classified based on
record of recovery as:
i) Standard
ii) Sub-standard
iii) Doubtful and
iv) Loss Assets
As per the guidelines issued to Insurance Companies by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.
b) Provisioning for Non-Performing loans, debentures and bonds and Mortgage Loans against House Property is made as per the
guidelines issued by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.
13. Retirement Benefits:
a) Gratuity to employees is provided for (on the basis of Actuarial Valuation) through a Group Gratuity Insurance Policy issued by
the Corporation and as such, the liability in respect thereof, forms part of the Life Fund.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
I) CZ H _©Mm{a`mo§ Ho g§~§Y _o§ {OÝhmo§Zo ^{dî` {Z{Y `moOZm H m {dH ën MwZm h¡, OrdZ ~r_m {ZJ_ A{Y{Z`_ 1956 Ho VhV a{MV ^{dî` {Z{Y
Q—ñQ _o§ AZwHy b `moJXmZ {X`m OmVm h¡&
J) n{a^m{fV `moJXmZ no§eZ `moOZm Ho _m_bo _o§, `moJXmZ V~ {H `m OmVm h¡ O~ g§~§{YV godm`| àXmZ H r OmVr h¡, Cg Ad{Y Ho Xm¡amZ Xo` E§d
amOñd ImVo _o§ à^m{aV {H `o OmVo h¡&
^{dî` {Z{Y `moOZm Ho ~Xbo no§eZ `moOZm H m {dHën boZo dmbo H _©Mm{a`mo§ Ho {bE {ZYm©{aV bm^ `moOZm Ho _m_bo _o§, ^maV gaH ma Ûmam
A{Ygy{MV no§eZ {Z`_mo§ Ho AZwgma {ZJ_ H m A§eXmZ no§eZ Q—ñQ H mo {H `m JUZm OmVm h¡& Am¡a {nNbr godm Ho `moJXmZ g{hV `h `moJXmZ
~r_m§{H V JUZm Ho AmYma na {H `m OmVm h¡&
K) {ZJ_ Ûmam Omar JŒwn brd EZHo e_o§Q B§í`moao§g nm°{bgr Ho _mÜ`_ go godm{Zd¥{Îm na brd EZHo e_o§Q bm^ (~r_m§{H V _yë`m§H ZHo AmYma na)
àXmZ {H E OmVo h¢ Am¡a Bg àH ma, BgHo g§~§Y _o§ Xm{`Ëd, OrdZ {Z{Y H m {hñgm ~ZVm h¡&
14. àmdYmZ, AmH pñ_H Xm{`Ëd Am¡a AmH pñ_H g§n{Îm&
EH {dœgZr` AZw_mZ Ho AmYma na àmdYmZ {H `m OmVm h¡, O~ `h g§^d hmoVm h¡ {H Xm{`Ëd H m {ZnQmZ H aZo Ho {bE Am{W©H bm^ àmßV H
aZo dmbo g§gmYZmo§ Ho ~{hdm©h H r Amdí`H Vm hmoJr& AmH pñ_H CÎmaXm{`Ëd(nm°{bgr`mo§ Ho Abmdm), `{X gm_JŒr, ZmoQmo§ Ho _mÜ`_ go àH Q H r
OmVr h¡ Vmo AmH pñ_H g§n{Îm H mo {dÎmr` {ddaUmo§ _o§ _mÝ`Vm `m Iwbmgm Zht {H `m OmVm h¡&
15. àmpßV`m§ Am¡a ^wJVmZ ImVo:
àmpßV`m§ Am¡a ^wJVmZ ImVo _mñQa n{anÌ Ho n¡am 2.2 Ho AZwgma àË`j {d{Y H m Cn`moJ H aHo V¡`ma Am¡a {anmoQ© {H E OmVo h¢&
16 H amYmZ :
(H$) àË`j H a: Am`H a Ho {b`o àmdYZ nhbr AZwgwMr _| em{_b {Z`_m| Am¡a Am`H a A{Y{Z`_, 1961 Ho AÝ` àmg§{JH àmdYZm| g{hV n{RV
Am`H a A{Y{Z`_ 1961 H r Ymam 44 _| OrdZ ~r_m ì`mnma Ho {bE bmJw àmdYmZm| Ho AZwgma {H `m J`m h¡&
(I) AàË`j H a: {ZJ_ BZnwQ g|dmAm| na dñVw Am¡a godm H a H r H«o {SQ H m Xmdm H aVm h¡, Omo AmCQnwQ g|dmAm| na Xo` dñVw Am¡a godm H a Ho {déÜX
g_m`mo{OV hmoVo h¡& {ddoH nwU© ~mV Ho én _|, g|dmAm| na dñVwAm| Am¡a godmAm| Ho H a Ho à{V Aà`wH H«o {SQ Hmo VwbZnÍm _| AZwgwMr 12-A{¾_
Am¡a AÝ` n{ag§{Îm`m| Ho VhV AmJo ~µTm`m OmVm h¡, Ohm§ Cn`moJ H r C{MV {ZíMVVm hmoVr h¡&
(I) boIm| H$s {Q>ßn{U¶m±
1. AmH$pñ‘H$ Xo¶VmE± Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
H$. Am§{eH$ én go A{^XÎm {Zdoe ` 20 bmI ` 20 bmI

I. ~H$m¶m ~r‘m§H$Z à{V~ÕmE§ ` 713 bmI ` 588 bmI

J. {ZJ‘ Ho$ {déÕ Xmd| Omo F$U Ho$ én ‘| A{^adrH¥$V Zht {H$E JE hm| Hw$N Zhr§ Hw$N Zhr§
K. {ZJ‘ Ûmam ¶m {ZJ‘ H$s Amoa go Xr JB© Jma§Q>r Hw$N Zhr§ Hw$N Zhr§
L>. {ddm{XV gm§{d{YH$ ‘m§J/Xo¶VmE§ {OgH$m Cn~§Y Z {H$¶m J¶m hmo ` 2265232 bmI `1908810 bmI

M. nwZdu‘m A{Zdm¶©bm {OgH$m Cn~§Y Z {H$¶m J¶m hmo Hw$N Zhr§ Hw$N Zhr§
N>. Aݶ
~r_mo§ go g§~§{YV Xmdo§ Omo§ _wH$X_mo§ Ho$ A{YZ h¡ ` 39553 bmI ` 37761 bmI
_wH$X_m{YZ Xmdo§ Omo ~r_mYmaH$mo§ Ho$ Zhr h¡§ ` 5212 bmI ` 8498 bmI

2. 31.3.2020 H$mo ¶WpñW{V F$Um|, {Zdoem| Am¡a AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ {bE H$s JB© à{V~ÕVmE§ Am¡a ~H$m¶m Bg àH$ma h¡:
(` bmIm| ‘|)
2019-20 2018-19
F$U Ed§ {Zdoe 1069624.00 1121389.00

AMb n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ 8904.36 6042.60

63 Annual Report
b) In respect of employees who have opted for Provident Fund Scheme, matching contribution is made to the Provident Fund Trust
formed under Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956.
c) In case of Defined Contribution Pension Scheme, the contributions are made when due and charged to Revenue account
during the period when related services are rendered.
In case of Defined Benefit Plan for employees who have opted for Pension Scheme, in lieu of Provident Fund Scheme, the
Corporation’s contribution is made to the Pension Fund Trust, in accordance with the Pension Rules notified by the Govern
ment of India and the said contribution including past service contribution is made on the basis of Actuarial calculation.
d) Leave Encashment Benefits on retirement are provided for ( on the basis of Actuarial Valuation) through a Group Leave
Encashment Insurance Policy issued by the Corporation and as such, the liability in respect thereof, forms part of the Life Fund.
14. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
A Provision is made based on a reliable estimate when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will
be required to settle an obligation. Contingent liabilities (other than policies), if material, are disclosed by way of notes. Contingent
assets are not recognized or disclosed in the financial statements.
15. Receipts and Payments Account:
Receipts and Payments Account is prepared and reported using the Direct Method in accordance with Para 2.2 of the
Master Circular.
16. Taxation:
a) Direct Tax: Provision for income tax is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 44 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 read
with Rules contained in the First Schedule and other relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as applicable for life
insurance business.
b) Indirect Tax: The Corporation claims credit of goods and Services tax on input services, which are set off against goods and
services tax on output services.
As a matter of prudence, unutilized credits towards goods and services tax on input services are carried forward under
‘Schedule 12 -Advances and Other Assets’ in the Balance Sheet, wherever there is reasonable certainty of utilization.
1. Contingent Liabilities:

Current Year Previous Year

a. Partly paid-up investments ` 20 Lakhs ` 20 Lakhs

b. Claims against the Corporation not acknowledged as Debts ` 713 Lakhs ` 588 Lakhs

c. Underwriting commitments outstanding Nil Nil

d. Guarantees given by or on behalf of the Corporation Nil Nil

e. Statutory demands/liabilities in dispute, not provided for ` 2265232 Lakhs ` 1908810 Lakhs

f. Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for Nil Nil

g. Others

Policy related claims under litigation ` 39553 Lakhs ` 37761 Lakhs

Claims under litigation other than policy holders ` 5212 Lakhs ` 8498 Lakhs

2. Commitments made and outstanding for loans, investments and fixed assets as on 31.03.2020 aggregate to as follows:
(` in Lakhs)

2019-20 2018-19
Loans and Investment 1069624.00 1121389.00
Fixed Assets 8904.36 6042.60

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
3. nm{bgr Xm{¶Ëd Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z hoVw ~r‘m§{H$H$ AZw‘mZ:
{ZJ‘ Ho$ OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ ‘|, AbJ AbJ Am¡a g‘yh g§{dXmAm| Ho$ A§VJ©V g§~Õ Am¡a J¡a g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ em{‘b hmoVo h¡& J¡a g§~Õ {ZJ‘ Ho$ OrdZ
~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ ‘| gh^m{JVm ~r‘m/dm{f©H$s/n|eZ nm°{b{g¶m§ em{‘b hmoVr h¡ Am¡a J¡a gh^m{JVm ~r‘m / dm{f©H$s /ì¶{º$JV ñdmñW nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ gmW
Jm¡a gh^m{JV ~r‘mAm| Ho$ A§VJ©V {b{IV A{YH$m§e g‘yh nm°{b{g¶m§ em{‘b hmoVr h¡& g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ ‘| J¡a gh^m{JVm ~r‘m/n|eZ/ì¶{º$JV ñdmñW
nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ gmW g‘yh g§{dXmAm| Ho$ A§VJ©V {b{IV g§~Õ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ EH$ N>moQ>o AZwnmb dmbr nm°{b{g¶m§ gm{‘b hmoVr h¡& BZ nm°{b{g¶m| ‘|
go Hw$N> nm°{b{g¶m| ‘| amBS>a OwS>o hwE h¡ O¡go J§^ra ~r‘mar, àr{‘¶‘ A{Yì¶mJ bm^, gmd{Y ~r‘m Am¡a XþK©Q>Zm bm^ {Og‘| XþK©Q>Zm {dH$bm§JVm bm^
em{‘b h¢&
g§~Õ J¡a gh^mJr ì¶dgm¶ ‘| :
l ""â¶yMa ßbg VWm J«¡À¶wQ>r ßbg ¶moOZm (g‘yh ì¶dgm¶) Ho$ {bE 4 ’$ÊS> ¶Wm, ~m°ÊS> ’$ÊS>, BÝH$‘ ’$ÊS>, ~¡boÝñS> ’$ÊS> Ed§ J«moW ’$ÊS>.
l ""OrdZ ßbg'', ""‘Zr ßbg'', ""‘mH}$Q> ßbg'', ""’$m°aÀ¶wZ ßbg'', ""àm°{’$Q> ßbg'', ""‘Zr ßbg-1'', ""‘mH}$Q> ßbg-1'', ""MmB©ëS>
’$m°aÀ¶wZ ßbg'', ""OrdZ gmWr ßbg'', ""EÝS>mo‘oÝQ> ßbg'', ""ݶy EÝS>mo‘oÝQ> ßbg (g§emo{YV g§ñH aU)'' VWm {Zdoe ßbg Bg à˶oH$ ¶moOZm
Ho$ {bE 4 ’$ÊS> VWm, ~m°ÊS> ’$ÊS>, go³¶moS>© ’$ÊS>, ~¡boÝgS> ’$ÊS> VWm J«moW ’$ÊS> &
l doëW ßbg ¶moOZm Ho$ {bE 1 ’$ÊS>, doëW ßbg ’$ÊS> &
l g‘¥Õr ßbg ¶moOZm Ho$ {bE 1 ’$ÊS>, g‘¥Õr ßbg ’$ÊS> &
l hoëW ßbg ¶moOZm Ho$ {bE hoëW ßbg ’$ÊS> Am¡a ""hoëW àmoQ>o³eZ ßbg'' ¶moOZm Ho$ {bE hoëW àmoQ>o³eZ ßbg ’$ÊS> &
l noÝeZ ßbg, Ed§ âbop³g ßbg ¶moOZm Ho$ {bE 2 ’$ÊS>, {‘³ñS> VWm S>oQ> &
31.3.2020 H$mo ¶WmpñW{V h‘mar nwñVH$m| na ì¶{º$JV Ed§ g‘wh nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ {bE ‘yë¶m§H$Z g§~§Yr Xo¶Vm H$m n[aH$bZ ^mar gH$b àr{‘¶‘ ¶m
‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s nyd© bjr Ama{jV nÕ{V H$m BñVo‘mb H$aHo$ à˶oH$ nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§{H$H$ én ‘o§ {H$¶m OmVm h¡& gw{ZpíMV {H$¶m OmVm h¡ {H$ à˶oH$
nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE Ama{jV {Z{YH$‘ go H$‘ Jm§Q>rH¥$V Aä¶n©U ‘yë¶ AWdm {deof Aä¶n©U ‘yë¶, Omo ^r CƒV‘ hmo, Ho$ g‘mZ h¡& ¶h ^r gw{ZpíMV
{H$¶m OmVm h¡ {H$ nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Ama{jV {Z{Y àmá H$aVo hþE F$UmË‘H$ Ama{jV {Z{Y H$mo ""eyݶ'' {ZpíMV {H$¶m J¶m h¡& g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$
A§VJ©V J¡a BH$mB© nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ ~r‘m§H$Z H$s Xo¶Vm H$s JUZm H$Q>m¡Vr ZH$X àdmh VarHo$ go H$s OmVr h¡& Xo¶VmAm| H$s JUZm ã¶mO, ‘¥Ë¶yXa, AñdñWVm
Xa, ~moZg(Ohm§ bmJy hmo), 춶 Ed§ ‘wÐmñ’$s{V Ho$ nydm©Zw‘mZm|na AmYm[aV hmoVr h¡& g‘yh ZH$Xr g§M¶Z ¶moOZmAm| Ho$ {bE Xo¶Vm H$mo 31 ‘mM© 2019
H$mo ¶WmpñW{V Eogr g^r ¶moOZmAm| Ho$ {Z{Y ‘yë¶ Ho$ én ‘| ‘mZm OmVm h¡& g‘yh ~r‘m ¶moOZmAm| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| Xo¶Vm, EH$ df© H$s ZdrH$aU g‘yh Ad{Y
~r‘m àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ à{VeV Ho$ én ‘| {ZH$mbr OmVr h¡&
‘yëæmm§H$Z Ho$ {bE à¶wº$ ã¶mO Xa| ¶moOZm Ho$ àH$ma Ho$ AZwgma {^Þ-{^Þ h¡ Am¡a ‘ybmYma n[ag§n{Îm¶m| VWm Xo`VmAm| Ho$ ñdén Ed§ Ad{Y Ho$ AmYma
na 5.50% Am¡a 7.80% à. d Ho$ ~rM aIr JB© h¡& à¶wº$ ‘¥Ë¶y Xa| àH$m{eV ^maVr¶ ~r‘m§H¥$V OrdZ ‘¥Ë¶y Xa (2012-14) g§emo{YV A§{V‘
gmaUr Am¡a à{VH¥$V {dMbZ Ho$ {bE Jw§Om¶e hoVw à˶m{eV AZw^dm| VWm Nw>Q>m| H$mo à{Vq~{~V H$aZo Ho$ {bE g‘m¶mo{OV EbAmB©gr dm{f©H$s J«mhr E
(1996-98) ¶wbQ>r ‘¥Ë¶y Xa gmaUr na AmYm[aV h¢& à¶wº$ AñdñWVm Xa| J§^ra é½UVm AmYma gmaUr (gr~rAmB©Q>r 93, ¶yHo$) na AmYm[aV h¡ {Ogo
AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Zo ^maV ‘| à¶moJ Ho$ {bE AnZm {b¶m h¡& hoëW ßbmZ Ho$ {bE å¶w{ZH$ ar Ed§ ñdmre ar à^m{dV Xa| à¶wº$ H$s JB© h¡& BZ Xam| ‘| h‘mao
à¶moJ Ho$ {bE ¶Wmo{MV g§emoYZ H$a {b¶m J¶m h¡, {ddoH$erbVm Ho$ {bE Jw§Om¶e Ho$ gmW&
‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ {bE 춶 Ho$ nydm©Zw‘mZ H$m {hgm~ ¶m Vmo àr{‘¶‘m| Ho$ à{VeV ¶m nm°{bgr Ho$ AZwgma ¶m BZHo$ g§¶moOZ Ho$ én ‘| bJm¶m OmVm h¡&
‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ {bE BñVo‘mb {H$E JE à{V nm°{bgr nwZama§^ IM© ßbmZ Ho$ àH$ma Am¡a nm°{bgr H$s pñW{V Ho$ AZwgma {^Þ {^Þ hmoVo h¡Am¡a BgH$s a|O
` 175 à{V nm°{bgr go ` 1090 à{V nm°{bgr h¡& Bg‘| 3 à{VeV à{Vdf© H$s Xa go IM© ~T>Zo H$m AZw‘mZ bJm¶m J¶m h¡& nadVu àr{‘¶‘ g§~§Yr IMm}
‘| {à{‘¶‘ na bJZodmbr godm H$a gpå‘{bV h¡ Am¡a BgH$s a|O ßbmZ Ho$ àH$ma na {Z^©a H$aVo hþE 0.03 à{VeV go 18.03 à{VeV VH$ h¡&
gh^m{JVm nm°{b{g¶m| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$aVo g‘¶ H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE Ny>Q> Am¡a eo¶aYmaH$m| H$mo A{Yeof H$m Am§~Q>Z, g§{dXm Ho$ Xm¡amZ eof Ho$ {bE Ama{jV
^mdr à˶mdVu ~moZg H$mo C{MV T>§J go aoqQ>J An H$aVo hþE {H$¶m J¶m h¡& BgHo$ Abmdm àr{‘¶‘ A{Y˶mJ {hVbm^, XþJZm XþK©Q>Zm {hVbm^ ñWm¶r
Ae³¶Vm bm^ Ed§ XþJZm XþK©Q>Zm bm^ Ho$ {df¶ ‘o§ Xm{¶Ëd, à˶n©Ur¶ A{V[aº$ àr{‘¶‘ Ed§ à˶n©Ur¶ XþJwZm XþK©Q>Zm bm^ àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ {df¶ ‘|
Xm{¶Ëd àXÎm nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ ZdrH$aU, àXÎm ‘wë¶ A{O©V Zm H$s hþB© nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ nwZ:ñWmnZm, ZE ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ {bE H$m¶m©b¶ Ho$ ~§X hmo OmZo H$s
pñW{V ‘| 춶 ‘| Vwa§V d¥{Õ, ES²>g (EMAmB©dr) Ho$ Omo{I‘ Ho$ H$maU A{V[aº$ ‘¥Ë¶y, Ad‘mZH$ OrdZ Ho$ {df¶ ‘| A{V[aº$ Omo{I‘ hmo JB© na§Vw
gw{MV Z H$s JB© ‘m¡Vm|, AmnmVH$mbrZ Am¡a ‘¥Ë¶y Xa ‘| gwYma Am¡a ‘hm {dn{Îm Ho$ {bE Ama{jV YZam{e H$m àmdYmZ {H$¶m J¶m h¡& D$na C{„{IV
‘Xm| Ho$ {bE Ama{jV YZam{e {ZH$mbZo hoVw BñVo‘mb {H$¶ JE nydm©Zw‘mZ, {H$gr à{VHy$b {dnWZ Ho$ {bE ‘mO©Z H$s Ny>Q> XoH$a ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s VmarI
H$mo ¶WmpñWVr nm°{b{g¶m| H$s ~H$m¶m Ad{Y¶m| Ho$ {bE ^mdr IMm} Ho$ {ddoH$nyU© ‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ AmYma na {ZYm©[aV {H$E JE Wo& BgHo$ Abmdm Hw$N>
g§~Õ ßbm°Zmo Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘| Ohm§ n[an¹$Vm na EH$ Jma§Q>r h¡, Eogr Jma§Q>r H$s bmJV ñQ>moMpñQ>H$ nÕ{V H$m BñVo‘mb H$aHo$ {ZH$mbr JB© h¡& ~r‘m AH$mC§Q>
63 Annual Report
3. Actuarial Assumptions for valuation of Policy liabilities:
The Corporation’s Life Insurance Business consists of linked and non-linked business under Individual and Group contracts. The
non-linked business consists of Participating Assurance/Annuity/Pension policies and Non-participating Assurance/ Annuity/Pen
sion/Individual Health policies with majority of Group policies written under non-participating assurances. The linked business con
sists of Non-participating Assurance/Pension/Individual Health policies with a very small proportion of linked assurance business
written under Group contracts. Some of these policies have riders attached to them such as Critical Illness, Premium Waiver Benefit,
Term Assurance and Accident Benefit, including Accidental Disability Benefit.
The Linked Non-Par Business consists of :
• 4 funds namely, Bond Fund, Income Fund, Balanced Fund and Growth Fund for each of Future Plus Plan and Gratuity Plus
Plan (Group Business)
• 4 funds namely, Bond Fund, Secured Fund, Balanced Fund and Growth Fund for each of the plans Jeevan Plus, Money Plus,
Market Plus, Fortune Plus, Profit Plus, Money plus1, Market plus1, Child Fortune Plus, Jeevan Sathi Plus, Endowment Plus,
New Endowment Plus, New Endowment Plus Modified version, Nivesh Plus and SIIP.
• Wealth Plus fund for Wealth Plus Plan.
• Samridhi Plus fund for Samridhi Plus Plan
• Health Plus fund for Health Plus Plan and Health Protection Plus fund for Health Protection Plus Plan
• Mixed Fund and Debt Fund for Pension Plus Plan and Flexi Plus Plan.
The Valuation liability for Individual and Group policies on our books as at March 31, 2020 has been calculated actuarially for each
policy by using prospective gross premium method of valuation. It is ensured that the reserve for each policy is at least equal to the
guaranteed surrender value or special surrender value whichever is higher. It is also ensured that negative reserve is set to zero
while arriving at the reserve under a policy. The unit liability in respect of Linked business is taken as the total Net Asset Value of the
units as on the date of valuation. The non-unit liability under the linked business is calculated using the discounted cash flow method.
The liabilities are calculated based on the valuation assumptions for interest, mortality, morbidity, expenses, inflation and bonuses
wherever applicable. The liability for Group Cash Accumulation schemes has been taken as the fund value of all such schemes as
at 31st March 2020. The liability in respect of Group Insurance schemes has been arrived at as a percentage of one-year renewal
group term assurance premium.
The interest rates used for valuation vary according to the type of plan and it ranges from 5.50% to 7.80% p.a. depending on the
nature and term of the underlying assets and liabilities. The mortality rates used are based on the published Indian Assured Lives
Mortality (2012-14) Ultimate table and LIC annuitants’ mortality a (1996-98) ult mortality table adjusted to reflect expected experience
and allowance for margin for any adverse deviation. Morbidity rates used are based on the Critical Illness Base Table (CIBT 93, UK)
which has been adopted by IRDAI for use in India. Incidence rates for health plans are based on the reinsurer’s incidence rates
(Munich Re and Swiss Re) and these rates have been suitably modified for our use with margins included for prudence.
The expense assumption for valuation was arrived at either as a percentage of premiums or as per policy or a combination of these.
The renewal per policy expenses used for valuing individual business vary according to the type of plan and status of the policy and
it ranges from `175per policy to `1090per policy with an assumption for expense inflation at 3% p.a. Renewal Premium related
expenses in respect of individual business includes service tax on premium wherever applicable and ranges from 0.03% to 18.03%
depending on the type of plan.
While valuing Participating policies, the allowance for taxation and allocation of surplus to shareholders has been made by
appropriately rating up future reversionary bonuses reserved for the balance duration of the contract. Additionally, reserves have
been provided for liability in respect of premium waiver benefit, double accident benefit including permanent disability benefit,
liability in respect of refundable extra premium and refundable double accident benefit premium, revival of paid up policies,
reinstatement of policies which have not acquired paid up value, immediate increase in expenses in case the office is closed for new
business, additional death strain due to AIDS/HIV, extra risk in respect of sub-standard lives, incurred but not reported deaths (IBNR),
catastrophe and improvement in mortality. The assumptions used for arriving at the reserves for above mentioned items were
determined based on a prudent assessment of the future experiences for the outstanding durations of the policies as at the date
of valuation allowing for margin for any adverse deviation. Further, in case of linked plans, where there is a guarantee at maturity,
cost of such guarantee has been arrived at using stochastic methods. For Plans Bima Account I & II and Jeevan Sneha, the cost of
interest guarantee has been provided. For plans where there are options which can be exercised by the policyholders, the most
onerous option has been taken for valuing these options.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
& >VWm ~r‘m AH$mC§Q 2 VWm OrdZ ñZoh ßbm°°Zmo Ho$ {bE ã¶mO Jma§Q>r H$s bmJV H$m àmdYmZ {H$¶m J¶m h¡& Eogo ßbmZm| Ho$ {bE Ohm§ {dH$ën ‘m¡OyX
hmo {OÝh| nm°{b{gYmaH$m| Ûmam MwZm Om gH$Vm h¡, Eogr pñW{V ‘| g~go AÀN>o {dH$ën H$mo BZ {dH$ënm| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE {b¶m J¶m h¡&
O¡go {H$ AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ûmam eV} aIr JB© h¡, ì¶{º$JV g§~§Õ nm°{bgr`mo§ Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘o ^mdr {d{Z¶moOZ Ho$ {bE {Z{Y (E\ E\ E )H$m àmdYmZ {H$¶m
J¶m h¡&
OrdZ ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$ n[aUm‘ñdén {ZH$br A{Yeof YZam{e H$mo OrdZ ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1956 H$s Ymam 28, {Ogo g§gX Ûmam g§emo{YV
{H$¶m J¶m Wm Am¡a 29 ‘mM© 2012 Ho$ AnZr amOnÌ A{YgyMZm Ho$ A§VJ©V ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam bmJy {H$¶m J¶m Wm, Ho$ Cn~§Ym| Ho$ AZwgma Am~§{Q>V
H$a {X¶m J¶m h¡& A{Y{Z¶‘ H$s g§emo{YVH$ Ymam ‘| ¶h Cn~§Y {H$¶m J¶m h¡ {H$ Bg àH$ma H$s A{Yeof YZam{e H$m 90 à{VeV ¶m Bggo A{YH$,
Omo ^r H|$Ð gaH$ma AZw‘mo{XV H$a|, nm°{b{gYmaH$m| H$mo Am~§{Q>V {H$¶m OmEJm ¶m CZHo$ {bE Ama{jV {H$¶m OmEJm& {XZm§H$ 13 Zd~§a, 2013 Ho$
nÌ Ho$ A§VJ©V ^maV gaH$ma Zo ^m.Or.{~.{Z. H$mo 95…5 H$s AZwnmV H$mo ^{dî¶ ‘o§ H$‘ H$a 90:10 H$aZo H$s Zå¶Vm gwa{jV aIVo hþE 95:5 Ho$ AZwnmV
dmbo dV©‘mZ A{Yeof n¡Q>Z© {Og‘| 95% nm°{b{gYmaH$mo H$mo {d{Z¶mo{OV H$s OmVr h¡ H$mo Omar aIZo H$s AZw‘Vr Xr h¡&
4. n[aMmbZ 춶-ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ {d{^Þ àIÊS>m| ‘| IM© Ho$ Am~§Q>Z Ho$ AmYma (31.03.2020 VH$ Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z Ho$):
Ag§~Õ gh^mJr, Ag§~Õ J¡a-gh^mJr, gm‘mݶ dm{f©{H$¶m±, n|eZ, g‘yh ì¶dgm¶, BH$mB© g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶, ny± ‘mo ({Z. dm. g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ Ed§ d[að>
n|eZ ~r‘m ¶moOZmHo$ g§~§Y ‘| n[aMmbZ IM© Ho$ Am§~Q>Z H$m AmYma {ZåZ h¡:
H$) do IM©, {OZH$m AnZo ì¶dgm¶ go grYo nVm bJm¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ CZH$m Am~§Q>Z dmñV{dH$ AmYma na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
I) Aݶ IM} {OZH$m AnZo ì¶dgm¶ go à˶j nhMmZ Zht hmo gH$Vr CZH$m Am~§Q>Z gm‘mݶ nyb go {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$gr Ho$ AmYma na ¶m
BZHo$ g§¶moOZ Ho$ AmYma na {H$¶m J¶m h¡:
1. nm°{bgr¶m| H$s g§»¶m
2. Hw$b g§J¥hrV àr{‘¶‘
3. ~r{‘V am{e
ì¶dgm¶ H$s {d{^Þ bmBZmo§ Ho ~rM {d{Y gm‘mݶ 춶 H$m Am~Z§Q>Z {ZJ_ H r AZw_mo{XV 춶 {Z{V na AmYm[aV h¡&
Yeejleer³e peerkeve yeercee efveiece (JeÀce&®eejer heWMeve) mebMeesOeve efve³ece, 2019 JeÀes Yeejle mejJeÀej Üeje 23.4.2019 JeÀes DeefOemetef®ele efJeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee, eqpemeceW Gve
JeÀce&®eeefj³eeW JeÀes SJeÀcegMle heWMeve efkeJeÀuhe efo³ee ie³ee Lee eqpevneWves GJeÌle DeefOemet®evee ceW efveefo&ä efve³eceeW Deewj MeleeX JesÀ Devegmeej Fmes henues veneR ®egvee Lee~ JeÀce&®eeefj³eeW
JeÀes veF& heWMeve JesÀ JeÀejCe Glhevve nesves keeueer efkeÊeer³e osveoejer JeÀes heeb®e meeue JeÀer DekeefOe ceW heefjMeesefOele efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ he$e ¬eÀ. 101/2/ SHeÀ Sb[ S-ueeFHeÀ/
SueDeeF&meer/2018-19/208 efoveebJeÀ 06-07-2020 JesÀ meboYe& JesÀ Devegmeej heefjMeesOeve JeÀer DekeefOe efkeÊe ke<e& 2019-20 mes ÒeYeeke JesÀ meeLe heeb®e meeue mes DeefOeJeÀ
veneR nesieer pewmee efJeÀ he$e ces efveefo&ä efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ 31 cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ hee@equemeer os³elee JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve JeÀjles mece³e Ke®eeX hej nesves keeues mebyebefOele ÒeYeeke hej efke®eej
efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
5. nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVo Ed§ eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVo Ho$ ~rM {Zdoem| Ho$ Am~§Q>Z H$m AmYma Ed§ Cg na Am¶:
eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$ VWm nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ho$ {Zdoem|na àmá Am¶ g§~§{YV {Z{Y ‘| gpå‘{bV {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
àMmbZ go CnbãY {Zdoe ¶mo½¶ A{Yeof VWm nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ho$ {Zdoem| go àmá Am¶ H$mo nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y ‘| gpå‘{bV {H$¶m J¶m h¡& df© Ho$
Xm¡amZ eo¶aYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y H$s d¥{Õ H$mo eo¶aYmamoH§$ H$s {Z{Y ‘| em{‘b {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
6. n[aemoYZ Ho$ AmYma :
H$) F$U à{V^y{V¶m±:
BH$mB© g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶, Ohm± g^r F$U à{V^y{V¶m± ^m ~r dr àm. Ho$ {Xem {ZX}em| Ho$ AZwgma ~mOma ‘yë¶ na Xem©E JE h¡, Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ,
g^r àH$ma Ho$ ì¶dgm¶ go gå~pÝYV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| g{hV g^r F$U à{V^y{V¶m| Ho$ ‘m‘bm| ‘|, dhr ‘yë¶ A§{H$V ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ hmoZo na
Cgo Ym[aVm / n[an¹$Vm H$s eof Ad{Y Ho$ {bE, A{Y‘yë¶ g‘m§Va AmYma na n[aemo{YV {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
I) {d‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶a:
g^r dJm] H$s ì¶dgm¶ ‘| Ohm± dmñV{dH ‘yë¶ A§{H$V ‘yë¶ go A{YH$ h¡, A{Y‘yë¶, Ym[aVm n[an¹$Vm H$s eof Ad{Y Ho$ {bE g‘m§Va AmYma
na n[aemo{YV {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
7. {Zdoe g§n{Îm Ho$ nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z H$m AmYma :
{Zdoe g§n{Îm Ho$ ‘yë¶ H$m ha VrZ df© ‘| EH$ ~ma nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z {H$¶m OmVm h¡& gån{Îm¶m| ({Zdoe Ed§ ñd¶§)H$m nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z {dÎmr¶ df© 2019-20 Ho$
Xm¡amZ {H$¶m J¶m Wm& gån{V¶m| H$m nwZ‘w©ë¶m§H$Z {ZåZ AmYma na {H$¶m J¶m h¡
(a) efvekesMe JeÀer mebheefÊe JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve yeepeej JesÀ efJeÀjeS JeÀes osKeles ngS efJeÀje³ee hetbpeerJeÀjCe efkeefOe Üeje efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Annual Report
As stipulated by IRDAI, Fund for Future Appropriations (FFA) has been provided in case of individual linked policies.
Surplus emerging as a result of valuation of life insurance business has been allocated in accordance with the provisions of Section
28 of the LIC Act, 1956 which was amended by Parliament and given effect to by the Government of India vide its Gazette
notification dated 29th of March, 2012. The amended section of the Act provides that 90% or more of such surplus, as the Central
Government may approve, shall be allocated to or reserved for the policyholders. Government of India, vide letter dated
13th November, 2013, have allowed LIC to continue with the existing surplus distribution pattern of 95:5 by allocating 95% to policy
holders while retaining the flexibility to reduce it to 90:10 in future.
4. Operating Expenses: Basis of allocation of expenditure to various segments of business (for Valuation as at 31.03.2020)
Operating Expenses relating to life insurance business are allocated to Non-Linked Participating, Non-Linked Non-Participating,
General Annuities, Pensions, Health, Group Business, Unit Linked Business, CRAC and VPBY business on the basis of:
a. Expenses which are directly identifiable to the respective lines of business have been allocated to these lines of business on
actual basis, and
b. Other Expenses which are not directly identifiable to the respective lines of business are allocated out of the common pool on
the following basis or a combination of these:
i. Number of policies
ii. Total premium income
iii. Sum assured
Allocation of common expenses among various lines of business is based on the approved expense policy of the Corporation.
Life Insurance Corporation of India (Employees) Pension (Amendment) Rules, 2019 was notified by the Government of India on
23.4.2019 giving one-time pension option to employees who had not opted it before, in accordance the terms and conditions as
specified in the said notification. Financial liability arising due to fresh pension to the employees has been amortized over a period
of five years w.e.f. FY 2019-20 in accordance with letter reference 101/2/F&A-Life/LIC/2018-19/208 dated 06-07-2020 approving
amortization over a period not exceeding five years with effect from FY 2019-20 and as specified in the letter. The corresponding
impact on expenses have been considered while valuing the policy liability as at 31st March,2020.
5. Basis of allocation of investments and income thereon between Policyholders’ Account and Shareholders’ Account:
Income accruing on investments held in Policyholders’ and Shareholders’ funds have been taken to the respective funds.
The investible surplus, arising out of operations and income on Policyholders’ investments, was invested in Policyholders’ account.
The accretions to shareholders’ fund during the year stands invested in shareholders’ fund.
6. Basis of Amortisation of:
(a) Debt securities:
In respect of all debt securities including Government Securities, where the book value is more than the face value, the
premium has been amortised on straight line basis over the balance period of holding/maturity in all classes of business except
Unit Linked Business where all the debt securities have been shown at market value in terms of the IRDA guidelines.
(b) Redeemable Preference Shares:
Where the book value is more than the face value, the premium has been amortised on the straight line basis over the balance
period of holding/ maturity in all classes of business.
7. Basis of revaluation of investment property
Investment property is revalued once in every three years. The revaluation of properties (both Investment and own) has been carried
out in the financial year 2019-20. The basis adopted for revaluation of property is as under:
a) The valuation of investment property has been carried out by Rent Capitalization Method considering the market rent.
b) In cases of mix use properties where the investment portion is less than 25% of the built up area, the valuation has been done
for whole property in Land Building Method.
c) Revaluation of investment properties having land alone without any building/structure has been revalued as per
current market value.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
(b) efceefÞele Ghe³eesie mebheefÊe JesÀ ceeceueeW ceW peneb efvekesMe JeÀe efnmmee efveefce&le #es$e JesÀ 25% mes JeÀce nw, Yetefce efvecee&Ce efkeefOe Üeje hetjer mebheefÊe JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve
efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
(c) efJeÀmeer Yeer Yekeve/mebj®evee JesÀ efyevee Keeueer peceerve hej efvekeseqMele mebheefÊe³eeW JeÀe hegvecet&u³eebJeÀve kele&ceeve yeepeej cetu³e JesÀ Devegmeej efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~
8. Ad{Y-nyd© ‘X :
{dÎmrV¶ df© 2019-2020 H$s Am¶ ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV Ad{Y-nyd© ‘Xm| H$m g‘mdoe h¡:
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
{Zdoe Ho$ gån{Îm go Am¶ 0.00 0.00
AÝ` nmd{V 0.00 0.00
Hy$b 0.00 0.00
{dÎmr¶ df© 2019-20 Ho$ 춶m| ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV Ad{Y-nyd© ‘Xm| H$m g‘mdoe h¡:
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
XþéñVr Ed§ AZwajU 2.60 51.53

{dÚwV à^ma 0.25 3.60

{H$am¶m, ñWmZr¶ Xa Ed§ Aݶ H$a 1.16 17.54

^ËVo Ed§ H$_reZ 0.00 38.95

’w$Q>H$a 춶 39.01 0.25

‘yë¶ hmg 0.31 59.00

gåàofU 춶 0.02 1.07

godm H$a 48.78 48.07

\ Zr©Ma Ed§ {\ {Q§½g 0.00 4.08

{à{Q§J IM© 0.00 0.13

Mm` Ed§ Hm°\ r IM© 0.00 0.14

g_mMma nÌ Hm A{^XmZ 0.00 0.14
{dHmg A{YH mar`m| H r à{V`mo{JVm nwañH ma 0.00 42.27
EOo§Q ³b~ ì`` 1.91 0.00
~r_m {à{_`_ 7.68 0.08
{Zdoe n«~§YZ IM© 57.16 0.00
H _reZ 0.00 2128.72
E\EgB©g Hmo ½ŒmoÀ`wQr H m ^wJVmZ 0.00 0.34
_moQa H ma IM© 0.25 4.86
X§S Am¡a ã`mO 17.55 0.00
n«Mma IM© 4.98 0.00
^wJVmZ {HE JE Xmdo 235.50 0.00
Hw$b 417.17 2400.77

My§{H$ Cº$ C{ëb{IV Ad{Y-nyd© _Xmo§ H$m n«^md _hËdnyU© Zhr§ h¡, AV: CÝho§ amOñd boIm _o§ n¥WH$ êŸn go n«X{e©V Zhr§ {H$`m J`m h¡§&

63 Annual Report
8. Prior Period Items:
The income for the F.Y. 2019-2020 includes following Prior period items mentioned below:
(` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Rent from tenants/licensees 0.00 0.00
Other receipt 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 0.00
The expenses for the F.Y. 2019-2020 includes following Prior period items mentioned below:
(` in Lakhs)
Particulars Current Year Previous Year
Repair & Maintenance 2.60 51.53
Electricity charges 0.25 3.60
Rent, Rates & taxes 1.16 17.54
Allowances & Commission 0.00 38.95
Miscellaneous Expenses 39.01 0.25
Depreciation 0.31 59.00
Communication expenses 0.02 1.07
Service Tax 48.78 48.07
Furniture & Fittings 0.00 4.08
Printing & Stationery 0.00 0.13
Tea & Coffee Expenses 0.00 0.14
Subscription to newspaper 0.00 0.14
Development officers competition prizes 0.00 42.27
Agent’s Club Expenses 1.91 0.00
Insurance Premium 7.68 0.08
Investment Management Expenses 57.16 0.00
Commission 0.00 2128.72
Payment of Gratuity to FSEs 0.00 0.34
Motor Car Expenses 0.25 4.86
Penalties/ interest 17.55 0.00
Publicity 4.98 0.00
Claims Paid 235.50 0.00
Total 417.17 2400.77

The above mentioned prior period items have not been disclosed separately in the Revenue account as the impact of the same is
not material.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
9. Xmdo§ :
VwbZ-nÌ H$s VmarI H$mo 6 ‘{hZo go A{YH$ Ho$ g‘m¶mo{OV Ed§ AXm Z {H$E JE Xmdo (à~§YZ Ûmam ¶Wm à‘m{UV)
g§»¶m am{e (` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df© Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
‘¥Ë¶y Xmd| 0.00 4026 0.00 1902.84

n[an¹$Vm Xmd| 0.00 1890694 0.00 270249.73

10. A) ~H$m¶m Ed§ nm°{ggrYmaH$m| Ûmam Xmdm Z H$s JB© am{e¶m| Ho$ Am¶w-dma {díbofU H$m {ddaU
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU Hw$b am{e Am¶w-dma {díbofU
0-6 ‘{hZo 7-12 ‘{hZo 13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 36-120
‘{hZo ‘{hZo ‘{hZo ‘{hZo ‘{hZo
ZnQ>mE JE, na§Vw ~r{‘V ì¶{º$/
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ûmam {H$E JE
‘wH$X‘o Ho$ H$maU H$mo N>moS>H$a Aݶ 56303.29 6283.95 11017.92 8616.44 4122.09 5754.48 1949.03 18559.38
(44741.23) (5340.90) (14162.57) (4408.43) (3304.86) (1096.05) (469.85) (15958.57)
H$maUm| d e{nm° { bgrYmaH$m| / ~r{‘V
춺$r H$mo ^wJVmZ Z {H$E JE Xmdo
~r{‘V ì¶{º$ /nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$mo
n[an¹$Vm AWdm Aݶ én go Xo¶ 1392223.18
àr{‘¶‘/H$a AWdm {H$gr Aݶ
à^mamo§ H$s A{V[aº$ dgybr, {OgH$m
à{VXm¶, nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$mo, nm°{bgr
117459.63 8504.54 15629.09 16142.96 21166.80 9559.92 7564.38 38891.94
Ho$ {Z~§YZ Ed§ eVm} Ho$ AZwgma (106912.31) (6374.22) (21850.01) (16877.84) (10590.17) (7130.23) (7429.26) (36660.58)
AWdm à{YH$mar Ho$ {ZX}em| Ho$
AZwgma {H$¶m OmZm h¡, na§Vw A^r
VH$ Zht {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
Omar {H$E JE na§Vw 19447.60
39247.71 3992.42 4009.72 2692.52 3435.61 1917.70 3752.14
nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{‘V ì¶{º$ Ûmam (39580.60) (5019.27) (3548.62) (2206.97) (4335.71) (3277.66) (4051.23)

^wZmE Zht JE MoH$

()H$moð>H$ ‘| {XE JE Am§H$‹S>o {nN>bo df© Ho$ Am§H$‹S>mo H$mo Xem©Vo h¡&
~) Xmdm Z {H$E JE am{e Am¡a {Zdoe Am` H$m {ddaU \$m_©-gr
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU Mmby {dÎmr` df© {nN²bm {dÎmr` df©
àma§{~H eof 1384336.40 1050901.57
Omo‹So§: AZ{Y`m{MV {Z{Y _o§ ñWmZm§V{aV am{e 355794.66 702963.71
Omo‹So§: A{Zdm`© am{e go Omar MoH , bo{H Z nm°{bgrYmaH mo§ Ûmam ZH X Zht {H `m J`m (Ho db V^r 55.43 13516.65
em{_b {H `m OmZm Mm{hE O~ MoH ~oH ma hmo MwH r hmo)
Omo‹So§: AZ{Y`m{MV {Z{Y na {Zdoe Am` 195232.69 74550.91
KQm`o: df© Ho Xm¡amZ ^wJVmZ {H E JE Xmdmo§ H r am{e 314113.26 423810.62
KQm`o: EggrSãë`yE\ _o§ ñWmZm§V{aV am{e (nhbo ñWmZm§V{aV am{e Ho g§~§Y _o§ ^wJVmZ {H E JE Xmdmo§ 16072.11 33785.82
H m ewÕ)
AZ{Y`m{MV am{e \§ S H r g_mnZ eof am{e 1605233.81 1384336.40

63 Annual Report
9. Claims
The claims settled and remaining outstanding for a period of more than 6 months as on the balance sheet date: (As certified by the

Number Amount (` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Claims by death 0.00 4026 0.00 1902.84
Claims by maturity 0.00 1890694 0.00 270249.73

10. a) Statement showing the Age-wise Analysis of Unclaimed amounts of the Policyholders:
` in Lakhs)
Particulars Total AGE WISE ANALYSIS
0-6 months 7-12 13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 36-120
months months months months months months
Claims Settled but not paid to the poli-
cyholders/ insured due to any reasons 56303.29 6283.95 11017.92 8616.44 4122.09 5754.48 1949.03 18559.38
except under litigation from the insured/ (44741.23) (5340.90) (14162.57) (4408.43) (3304.86) (1096.05) (469.85) (15958.57)
Sum due to the insured/ policyholders 1392223.18 82334.78 207166.72 122811.29 180890.26 111138.14 101234.33 586647.66
on maturity or otherwise (1193102.26) (125935.82) (160150.38) (109404.10) (102740.04) (84679.10) (76252.87) (533939.95)

Any excess collection of the premium/

tax or any other charges which is re-
fundable to the policyholders either as
117459.63 8504.54 15629.09 16142.96 21166.80 9559.92 7564.38 38891.94
terms of conditions of the policy or as (106912.31) (6374.22) (21850.01) (16877.84) (10590.17) (7130.23) (7429.26) (36660.58)
per law or as per law or as may be di-
rected by the Authority but not refunded
so far
Cheques issued but 19447.60
39247.71 3992.42 4009.72 2692.52 3435.61 1917.70 3752.14
not encashed by the policyholder/ (39580.60) (5019.27) (3548.62) (2206.97) (4335.71) (3277.66) (4051.23)

* Figures in brackets ( ) indicate previous year's figures

b) Details of Unclaimed Amount and Investment Income Form - C
(` in Lakhs)

Particulars Current Financial Year Previous Financial Year

Opening Balance 1384336.40 1050901.57
Add: Amount transferred to Unclaimed Fund 355794.66 702963.71
Add: Cheques issued out of the unclaimed amount but not encashed 55.43 13516.65
by the policyholders (To be included only when the cheques are stale)
Add: Investment Income on Unclaimed Fund 195232.69 74550.91
Less: Amount of claims paid during the year 314113.26 423810.62
Less: Amount transferred to SCWF (net of claims paid in respect of 16072.11 33785.82
amounts transferred earlier)
Closing Balance of Unclaimed Amount Fund 1605233.81 1384336.40

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
11. ^maV ‘| Am¡a ^maV Ho$ ~mha {ZJ‘ H$s ^m[aV n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ (à~§Y Ûmam à‘m{UV)
ñWmZr¶ H$mZyZm| Ho$ A§VJ©V O‘m {H$E OmZo Ho$ {bE Ano{jV gr‘m VH$ ¶m AݶWm ^m[aV n[ag§n{Îm¶m Am¡a Ama~rAmB© Ho gmW n«{V^y{`m± (EgEbAmogr
grgrAmB©Eb): ` 101344 bmI ({nNbo df© ` 149956 bmI)
12. {ZXoe Ho g§~§Y _| AZw~§Ymo§ H$m ‘yë¶:
Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|:
(H$) Iar{X¶m± {OZ‘| n[aXmZ b§{~V hmo ` 58173 bmI ({nN>bo df© ` 24590 bmI)
(I) {~«{H«$¶m± {OZ ‘| AXmMm[a¶m± A{VXo¶ hmo ` 0 bmI ({nN>bo df© ` 43953 bmI)
no§eZ ì`dgm`, hoëW ì`dgm` VWm n±§y._mo. ({ g{hV)ì`dgm` Ho$ g§~§Y _o§ {Zdoe go g§~§{YV H$moB© ^r g§{dXm ~H$m`m Zhr§ Wr&
g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|:
(H$) Iar{X¶m± {OZ‘| n[aXmZ b§{~V hmo ` 2746 ({nN>bo df© ` 3667 bmI)
(I) {~«{H«$¶m± {OZ ‘| AXmMm[a¶m± A{VXo¶ hmo ` 4163 bmI ({nN>bo df© ` 33460 bmI)
13. Aܶj, à~§Y {ZXoeH$m| Ed§ à_wI à~§YH$s¶ ì`{³V`m| H$mo nm[al{‘H$ :
(` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
doVZ Ed§ ^Îmo 247.75 291.62
n|eZ ‘| {ZJ‘ H$m A§eXmZ 31.83 19.73
n[abpãY¶m| H$m H$a¶mo½¶ ‘yë¶ 243.09 56.33
Cn`w©º$ nm{al{_H$ _o§ godm{Zd¥{Îm bm^ em{_b Zhr§ h¡ O¡go CnXmZ Am¡a NwÅr ZH$XrH$aU Omo nwñVH$mo§ _o§ Cnm{O©V/^wJVmZ hmoVo h¡&
14. H$) Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ C{MV ‘wë¶ AmYma na ‘yë¶m§{H$V B{¹$Q>r eo¶am| d gh¶moJ {ZYr ‘| {Zdoem| H$s Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV :
(` bmI ‘|)
OrdZ, dm{f©H$s Ed§ g‘yh ¶moOZmE§ …- Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
B{¹$Q>r 44634230 40569455
gh¶moJ {Z{Y {Zdoe 751888 636544
I) g§~§Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ C{MV ‘wë¶ AmYma na ‘yë¶m§{H$V {Zdoem| H$mo Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV:
(` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
B{¹$Q>r eo¶a 1498888 2815076
gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± 3948847 3421150
J) ny±Or ‘moMZ VWm {ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV C{MV ‘yë¶ AmYma na ‘yë¶m§{H$V B{¹$Q>r eo¶am| ‘| {Zdoem| H$s Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV:
(` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
B{¹$Q>r eo¶a ímyݶ ímyݶ
15. boIm {Z{V¶m± 15 (gwYm[aV 2005) H$‘©Mmar {hVbm^ Ho$ AZwgma boIm {Z{V¶m| ‘| n[a^m{fV {H$E hþE H$‘©Mmar {hVbm^ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|
CX²²KmQ>rV {df¶ {ZåZ{b{IV h¡:
H$) 31.03.2020 VH$ H$s H$‘©Mmar J«°À¶wBQ>r Xo¶Vm H$s {JZVr :

63 Annual Report
11. Encumbrances to assets of the Corporation in and outside India (As certified by the Management):
Assets, to the extent required to be deposited under local laws or otherwise encumbered Securities with RBI (SLOC/CCIL): `101344
Lakh (P. Y. ` 149956 Lakh)
12. Value of contracts in relation to Investments:
In respect of Non- Linked business:
(a) Purchases where deliveries are pending ` 58173 Lakhs (previous year ` 24590 Lakhs)
(b) Sales where payments are overdue NIL (previous year ` 43953 Lakhs)
There were no contracts outstanding in relation to investments in respect of Pension business, Health Business and
CRAC business.
In respect of Linked business:
(a) Purchases where deliveries are pending ` 2746 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 3667 Lakhs)
(b) Sales where payments are overdue ` 4163 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 33460 Lakhs)
13. Managerial Remuneration to Chairman, Managing Directors & Key Managerial persons:
(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Salaries & Allowances 247.75 291.62

Corporation’s contribution to Pension 31.83 19.73

Taxable Value of Perquisites 243.09 56.33

The above remuneration excludes retirement benefits such as gratuity and leave encashment which would have accrued/paid in the

14. (a) Historical cost of investments in Equity Shares and Mutual fund valued on fair value basis for Non Linked Business is as under:

(` in Lakhs)

Life, Annuity and Group Schemes: Current Year Previous Year

Equity 44634230 40569455

Mutual Fund Investments 751888 636544

(b) Historical cost of investments valued on fair value basis of Linked Business is as under:

(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Equity Shares 1498888 2815076

Government Securities 3948847 3421150

(c) Historical cost of investments in Equity Shares valued on fair value basis of Capital Redemption & Annuity Certain is as under:

(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

Equity Shares NIL NIL

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
Bg Xm{¶Ëd H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ ~r‘m§H$Z ‘yë¶m§H$Z na AmYm[aV, àñVm{dV B©H$mB© O‘m nÕVr go {ZpíMV {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
I nydm©Zw‘mZ
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
[a¶m¶Vr Xa 7.75% 8.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na bm^ H$m Xa 7.75% 8.00%
doVZ ‘| d¥{Õ 6.00% 6.00%
H$‘©Mm[a¶m| Ho$ Cd©[aV-H$m¶©H$mb H$m Ano{jV Am¡gV (df©) 11.05 10.97

II. Xm{¶Ëdm| Ho$ dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶m| ‘| hmoZodmbo n[adV©Z Xem©Zodmbr gyMr:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewê$AmV VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$mo dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 11590.80 11027.25
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 927.26 882.18
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.00 0.00
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 322.23 322.94
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (687.99) (548.97)
Xm{¶Ëdm|na ~r‘m§H$Z(bm^)/hm{Z 137.33 (92.60)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 12289.64 11590.80

III. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ ghr ‘yë¶ ~Xb Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewê$AmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 11590.80 11027.25
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ 927.26 882.18
A§eXmZ 500.00 200.00
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (687.99) (548.97)
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ na ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/(hm{Z) (40.43) 30.34
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 12289.64 11590.80

IV. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ Xem©Zodmbr gyMr:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewê$AmV ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 11590.80 11027.25
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na dmñV{dH$ bm^ 886.83 912.52
A§eXmZ 500.00 200.00
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (687.99) (548.97)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 12289.64 11590.80
{Z{YH$ pñWVr 100.00% 100.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na AZw‘m{ZV bm^ H$mo N>moS>H$a (40.43) 30.34
dmñV{dH$ bm^ H$m A{Yeof

63 Annual Report
15. As per Accounting Standard 15 (revised 2005) “Employee Benefits” the disclosures of Employee Benefits are given below:
A) Employees’ Gratuity Liability Calculation as at 31.3.2020:
The present value of the obligation and current service cost is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Projected Unit
Credit Method.
I. Assumptions:
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Discount Rate 7.75% 8.00%
Rate of return on Plan Assets 7.75% 8.00%
Salary Escalation 6.00% 6.00%
Expected Average remaining working lives of employees (years) 11.05 10.97
II. Table showing changes in Present Value of Obligations:
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the Beginning of the year 11590.80 11027.25
Acquisition adjustment - -
Interest Cost 927.26 882.18
Past service Cost 0.00 0.00
Current service Cost 322.23 322.94
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Benefits paid (687.99) (548.97)
Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligations 137.33 (92.60)
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 12289.64 11590.80

III. Table showing changes in the Fair Value of Plan Assets:

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the beginning of the year 11590.80 11027.25
Acquisition adjustments - -
Expected return on Plan Assets 927.26 882.18
Contributions 500.00 200.00
Benefits paid (687.99) (548.97)
Actuarial gain/(loss) on Plan Assets (40.43) 30.34
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 12289.64 11590.80

IV. Table showing Fair value of Plan Assets

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the beginning of the year 11590.80 11027.25
Acquisition adjustments - -
Actual return on Plan Assets 886.83 912.52
Contributions 500.00 200.00
Benefits paid (687.99) (548.97)
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 12289.64 11590.80
Funded Status 100.00% 100.00%
Excess of actual over estimated return on Plan Assets (40.43) 30.34

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
V. ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z - Xm{¶Ëd (137.33) 92.60
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z -¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m± 40.43 (30.34)
df© Ho$ {bE Hw$b (bm^)/hm{Z 177.76 (122.94)
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 177.76 (122.94)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^/hm{Z) - -

VI. VwbZ-nÌ VWm bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá hmoZodmbr YZam{e¶m±
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëd H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 12289.64 11590.80
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶moOrV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 12289.64 11590.80
{Z{YH$ pñWVr 100.00% 100.00%
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hmZr - -
VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ n[ag§n{Îm/(Xm{¶Ëd) 0.00 0.00

VII. bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 322.23 322.94
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.00 0.00
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 927.26 882.18
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ (927.26) (882.18)
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
df© ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/ hm{Z 177.76 (122.94)
bm^ Ed§ hm{Z H$o {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶 500.00 200.00

I) g‘yh A{O©V AdH$me ZH$XrH$aU Xm{¶Ëd :

H$‘©Mmar gXñ¶m| H$mo CnbãY ZH$XrH$aU bm^ H$m ‘y붧mH$Z àñVm{dV B©H$mB© O‘m nÕVr H$s ‘XX go {H$¶m OmVm h¡& Bg nÕVrZwgma ^{dî¶H$mbrZ
doVZ H$mo, {Ogo Cg dº$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z {V{W VH$ [a¶m¶V Xr JB© h¡, ܶmZ ‘o§ aIVo hþE, ‘yë¶m§H$Z {V{W VH$ àX^yV bm^ àñVm{dV {H$E OmVo h¡&
I. nydm©Zw‘mZ
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
[a¶m¶Vr Xa| 7.75% 8.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na bm^ H$m Xa 7.75% 8.00%
doVZ ‘| d¥{Õ 6.00% 6.00%
H$‘©Mmar¶m| H$m Am¡gV Ano{jV Cd©[aV H$m¶©H$mb (df©) 11.05 10.97

63 Annual Report
V. Actuarial Gain/Loss Recognized
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Actuarial gain/(loss) for the year –Obligation (137.33) 92.60
Actuarial (gain)/loss for the year – Plan Assets 40.43 (30.34)
Total (gain)/loss for the year 177.76 (122.94)
Actuarial (gain)/ loss recognized in the year 177.76 (122.94)
Unrecognized actuarial (gain)/losses at the end of year - -

VI The amounts to be recognised in Balance Sheet and Statements of Profit & Loss
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 12289.64 11590.80
Fair value of Plan Assets as at the end of the year 12289.64 11590.80
Funded Status 100.00% 100.00%
Unrecognized Actuarial (gains)/losses - -
Net Asset/(Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet 0.00 0.00

VII Expense recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Current Service Cost 322.23 322.94
Past Service Cost 0.00 0.00
Interest Cost 927.26 882.18
Expected return on Plan Assets (927.26) (882.18)
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Net actuarial (gain)/loss recognized in the year 177.76 (122.94)
Expenses recognized in the statement of P&L 500.00 200.00

B) Group Privilege Leave Encashment Liability:

The benefits of PL encashment available to employee members have been valued using Projected Unit Credit Method. Under
this method benefits accrued up to the valuation date are projected considering future salary which is then discounted as at the
valuation date.
I. Assumptions:
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Discount Rate 7.75% 8.00%
Rate of return on Plan Assets 7.75% 8.00%
Salary Escalation 6.00% 6.00%
Expected Average remaining working lives of employees (years) 11.05 10.97

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
II. Xm{¶Ëdm| Ho$ dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶m| ‘| n[adV©Z Xem©Zodmbr gyMr:
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ ewê$AmV VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 4174.09 3895.70
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 333.93 311.66
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ - -
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 71.83 61.88
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (238.34) (185.13)
Xm{¶Ëdm| na ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 337.93 89.98
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 4679.44 4174.09

III. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ ghr ‘yë¶ ‘| ~Xb Xem©Zodmbr gyMr

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewê$AmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 4174.09 3895.70
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m|na dmñV{dH$ bm^ 333.93 311.66
A§eXmZ 419.59 140.00
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (238.34) (185.13)
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/(hm{Z) (9.82) 11.86
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 4679.44 4174.09

IV. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewéAmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 4174.09 3895.70
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m|na dmñV{dH$ bm^ 324.10 323.52
A§eXmZ 419.59 140.00
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (238.34) (185.13)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 4679.44 4174.09
{Z{YH pñW{V 100.00% 100.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na AZw‘m{ZV bm^ H$mo N>moS>H$a dmñV{dH$ bm^ H$m A{Yeof (9.82) 11.86
V. ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/(hm{Z) - Xm{¶Ëd (337.93) (89.98)
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z - Xm{¶Ëd - ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m± 9.82 (11.86)
df© Ho$ {bE Hw$b (bm^)/hm{Z 347.76 78.12
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 347.76 78.12

63 Annual Report
II. Table showing changes in Present Value of Obligations:
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the Beginning of the year 4174.09 3895.70
Acquisition adjustment - -
Interest Cost 333.93 311.66
Past service Cost - -
Current service Cost 71.83 61.88
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Benefits paid (238.34) (185.13)
Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligations 337.93 89.98
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 4679.44 4174.09

III. Table showing changes in the Fair Value of Plan Assets:

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the beginning of the year 4174.09 3895.70
Acquisition adjustments - -
Expected return on Plan Assets 333.93 311.66
Contributions 419.59 140.00
Benefits paid (238.34) (185.13)
Actuarial gain/(loss) on Plan Assets (9.82) 11.86
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 4679.44 4174.09

IV. Tables showing Fair Value of Plan Assets

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year 4174.09 3895.70
Acquisition adjustments - -
Actual return on Plan Assets 324.10 323.52
Contributions 419.59 140.00
Benefits paid (238.34) (185.13)
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 4679.44 4174.09
Funded Status 100.00% 100.00%
Excess of actual over estimated return on Plan Assets (9.82) 11.86

V. Actuarial Gain/Loss Recognized

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Actuarial gain/(loss) for the year –Obligation (337.93) (89.98)
Actuarial (gain)/loss for the year – Plan Assets 9.82 (11.86)
Total (gain)/loss for the year 347.76 78.12
Actuarial (gain)/ loss recognized in the year 347.76 78.12
Unrecognized actuarial (gains) / losses - -

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z¶m± - -
VI. VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá H$s AmZodmbr YZam{e¶m± :
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 4679.44 4174.09
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 4679.44 4174.09
{Z{YH pñW{V 100.00% 100.00%
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z¶m± - -
VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ n[ag§n{Îm/(Xm{¶Ëd) 0.00 0.00

VII. bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmßV 춶 :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 71.83 61.88
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 333.93 311.66
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ (333.93) (311.66)
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 347.76 78.12
bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶 419.59 140.00

J) H$‘©Mmar {Zd¥ÎmrdoVZ ¶moOZm 1995 Xm{¶Ëd :

àñVm{dV B©H$mB© O‘m nÕVr Ohm± na ‘yë¶m§H$Z {VWr VH$ H$m H$m¶©H$mb VWm {ZJ©‘Z {VWr VH$ H$s doVZ ‘| hmoZodmbr d¥{Õ¶m| H$mo ܶmZ ‘|
aIVo hþE Xo¶ {hVbm^ ‘yë¶m§{H$V {H$E OmVo h¢& BZ am{e¶m| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z {VWr VH$ H$m ‘yë¶ BZ àñVm{dV bm^m| H$s am{e¶m| H$mo Ny>Q> XoVo hþE
{ZmH$mbm OmVm h¡&
B©Z‘| à‘wI nydm©Zw‘mZ h¡ (1) [a¶m¶V Xa| (2) doVZ d¥[Õ

I. nydm©Zw‘mZ :
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
[a¶m¶Vr Xa| 7.90% 8.00%
doVZ ‘| d¥{Õ (‘yb doVZ + _h§JmB© ^Îmm) 6.00% 6.00%
noÝeZ d¥{Õ H$m Xa 5.00% 5.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na bm^ H$m Xa 7.60% 8.30%
H$‘©Mm[a¶m| Ho$ Cd©[aV-H$m¶©H$mb H$m Ano{jV Am¡gV (df©) 8.13 9.26

efheíues ke<e& JeÀer leguevee ceW Ghepe ceW GuuesKeveer³e JeÀceer JeÀes osKeles ngS Deewj keÀesefJe[ -19 JesÀ JeÀejCe ke<e& JesÀ Deble ceW efkeÊeer³e ÒeYeeke JeÀes osKeles ngS, oerIe&JeÀeequeJeÀ
y³eepe oj JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve uesles ngS Fmes efheíues meeue 8.00% mes IeìeJeÀj 7.90% JeÀj efo³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Annual Report
VI The amounts to be recognized in Balance Sheet
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 4679.44 4174.09
Fair value of Plan Assets as at the end of the year 4679.44 4174.09
Funded Status 100.00% 100.00%
Unrecognized Actuarial (gains)/losses - -
Net Asset/(Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet 0.00 0.00

VII Expense Recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Current Service Cost 71.83 61.88
Past Service Cost - -
Interest Cost 333.93 311.66
Expected return on Plan Assets (333.93) (311.66)
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Net actuarial (gain)/loss recognized in the year 347.76 78.12
Expenses recognized in the statement of P&L 419.59 140.00

C) Employees Pension Scheme 1995 Liability:

Projected Unit Credit Method where the benefits payable are valued considering the service up to the valuation date and
increases in salaries up to the date of exit. The value of such benefits as on the valuation date has been arrived at by
discounting the amount of such projected benefits.
The principal assumptions are the (1) discount rate & (2) Salary Increase.
I. Assumptions:
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Discount Rate 7.90% 8.00%
Rate of increase in salary (Basic+DA) 6.00% 6.00%
Rate of pension increase 5.00% 5.00%
Rate of return on Plan Assets 7.60% 8.30%
Expected average remaining working lives of Employees (years) 8.13 9.26

Considering the significant reduction in the yield as compared to last year and considering further the year-end financial impact
due to COVID-19, taking a long-term view valuation rate of interest has been reduced to 7.90 % from 8.0% last year.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
II. Xm{¶Ëdm| H$o dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶m| ‘| hmoZodmbo n[adV©Z Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewéAmV VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 61111.31 53904.00
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 4888.90 4312.32
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ - -
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 7465.24 4319.74
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (5273.13) (2192.45)
Xm{¶Ëdm|na ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/(hm{Z) 2371.87 767.70
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 70564.19 61111.31

III. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ ghr ‘yë¶ ~Xb Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ ewéAmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 61111.31 53904.00
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ 4888.90 4312.32
A§eXmZ 7990.07 4827.18
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (5273.13) (2192.45)
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z 1847.04 260.26
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 70564.19 61111.31

IV. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewéAmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 61111.31 53904.00
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na dmñV{dH$ bm^ 6735.94 4572.58
A§eXmZ 7990.07 4827.18
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ (5273.13) (2192.45)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 70564.19 61111.31
{Z{YH$ pñWVr {Z{YH$ {Z{YH$
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na AZw‘m{ZV bm^ H$mo N>moS>H$a dmñV{dH$ bm^ H$m A{Yeof 1847.04 260.26

V. ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/(hm{Z) - Xm{¶Ëd 2371.87 (767.70)
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z -¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m± 1847.04 (260.26)
df© Ho$ {bE Hw$b (bm^)/hm{Z 524.83 507.44
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 524.83 507.44
A‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$ (bm^)/hm{Z 0.00 0.00

63 Annual Report
II. Table showing changes in Present Value of Obligations:
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the Beginning of the year 61111.31 53904.00
Acquisition adjustment - -
Interest Cost 4888.90 4312.32
Past service Cost - -
Current service Cost 7465.24 4319.74
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Benefits paid (5273.13) (2192.45)
Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligations 2371.87 767.70
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 70564.19 61111.31

III. Table showing changes in the Fair Value of Plan Assets:

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the beginning of the year 61111.31 53904.00
Acquisition Adjustment - -
Expected return on Plan Assets 4888.90 4312.32
Contributions 7990.07 4827.18
Benefits paid (5273.13) (2192.45)
Actuarial gain/(loss) on Plan Assets 1847.04 260.26
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 70564.19 61111.31

IV. Tables showing Fair Value of Plan Assets

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year 61111.31 53904.00
Acquisition adjustments - -
Actual return on Plan Assets 6735.94 4572.58
Contributions 7990.07 4827.18
Benefits paid (5273.13) (2192.45)
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 70564.19 61111.31
Funded Status Funded Funded
Excess of actual over estimated return on Plan Assets 1847.04 260.26

V. Actuarial Gain/Loss Recognized

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Actuarial gain/(loss) for the year - Obligation 2371.87 (767.70)
Actuarial (gain)/loss for the year - Plan Assets 1847.04 (260.26)
Total (gain)/loss for the year 524.83 507.44
Actuarial (gain)/ loss recognized in the year 524.83 507.44
Unrecognized actuarial (gains) / losses 0.00 0.00

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
VI. VwbZ-nÌ VWm bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá hmoZodmbr YZam{e¶m±:
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 70564.19 61111.31
df© Ho$ A§V ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 70564.19 61111.31
{Z{YH$ pñW{V {Z{YH$ {Z{YH$
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$ (bm^)/hm{Z 0.00 0.00
VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ n[ag§n{Îm/(Xm{¶Ëd) 0.00 0.00

VII. bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 7465.24 4319.74
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 4888.90 4312.32
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ (4888.90) (4312.32)
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 524.83 507.44
bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶 7990.07* 4827.18

mejJeÀej JeÀer DeefOemet®evee meb. peer Sme Deej 324 (F&) efoveebJeÀ 23.04.2019 JesÀ Devegmeej JeÀce&®eeefj³eeW JeÀes efo³es ie³es veS heWMeve efkeJeÀuhe JesÀ JeÀejCe Glhevve
nesves keeues ` 11,124.66 JeÀjesæ[ DeefleefjJeÌle ³eesieoeve JesÀ equeS efkeÊeer³e os³elee JeÀes heeb®e meeue JeÀer DekeefOe ceW heefjMeesOeve efJeÀ³ee pee jne nw Deewj 31.03.2020
JeÀes meceehle ke<e& JesÀ equeS jepemke Keeles ceW ` 2,224.93 JeÀjesæ[s JeÀer jeeqMe JeÀes ceev³elee oer ieF& nw Deewj he$e meboYe& 101/2/SHeÀ Sb[ S-ueeFHeÀ/
SueDeeF&meer/2018-19/208 efoveebJeÀ 06-07-2020 JesÀ ceeO³ece mes DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& JesÀ Devegceesove JesÀ Devegmeej Deieues ®eej ke<eeX ceW 8899.73 JeÀjesæ[
©he³es JeÀe efkeÊehees<eCe efJeÀ³ee peeSiee~
K) {Z¶{‘V A§eH$m{bH$ H$‘©Mmar {Zd¥ÎmrdoVZ ¶moOZm 1999 Xm{¶Ëd:
BZ‘| à‘wI nydm©Zy‘mZ h¡ (1) [a¶m¶Vr Xa| (2) doVZ d¥{Õ
I. nwdm©Zw‘mZ :
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
[a¶mVr Xa| 7.90% 8.00%
doVZ d¥{Õ H$m Xa (‘yb doVZ + _h§JmB© ^Îmm) 6.00% 6.00%
noÝeZ d¥{Õ H$m Xa 5.00% 5.00%
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na bm^ H$m Xa 7.60% 8.30%
H$‘©Mm[a¶m| Ho$ Cd©[aV H$m¶©H$mb H$m Ano{jV Am¡gV (df©) 8.14 8.71

efheíues ke<e& JeÀer leguevee ceW Ghepe ceW GuuesKeveer³e JeÀceer JeÀes osKeles ngS Deewj keÀesefJe[ -19 JesÀ JeÀejCe ke<e& JesÀ Deble ceW efkeÊeer³e ÒeYeeke JeÀes osKeles ngS, oerIe&JeÀeequeJeÀ
y³eepe oj JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve uesles ngS Fmes efheíues meeue 8.0% mes IeìeJeÀj 7.90% JeÀj efo³ee ie³ee nw~

63 Annual Report
VI The Amounts To Be Recognized In Balance Sheet And Statements Of Profit And Loss
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 70564.19 61111.31
Fair value of Plan Assets as at the end of the year 70564.19 61111.31
Funded Status Funded Funded
Unrecognized Actuarial (gains)/losses 0.00 0.00
Net Asset/(Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet 0.00 0.00

VII Expense Recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Current Service Cost 7465.24 4319.74
Past Service Cost - -
Interest Cost 4888.90 4312.32
Expected return on Plan Assets (4888.90) (4312.32)
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Net actuarial (gain)/loss recognized in the year 524.83 507.44
Expenses Recognized in the statement of profit and loss 7990.07* 4827.18
*Financial liability for additional contribution of ` 11,124.66 crore arising due to fresh pension option to the employees
vide Govt. notification No. G.S.R. 324(E) dated 23.04.2019 is being amortized over a period of five years and an amount
of ` 2,224.93 crore has been recognized in the Revenue Account for the year ended 31.03.2020 and ` 8899.73 crore to
be funded in next four years in accordance with approval of IRDAI vide letter reference 101/2/F&A-Life/LIC/2018-19/208
dated 06-07-2020.

D) Regular Part-Time Employees Pension Scheme 1999 Liability:

The principal assumptions are the (1) discount rate & (2) Salary Increase.
I. Assumptions:
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Discount Rate 7.90% 8.00%
Rate of increase in salary (Basic+DA) 6.00% 6.00%
Rate of pension increase 5.00% 5.00%
Rate of return on Plan Assets 7.60% 8.30%
Expected average remaining working lives of Employees (years) 8.14 8.71

Considering the significant reduction in the yield as compared to last year and considering further the year-end financial impact
due to COVID-19, taking a long term view valuation rate of interest has been reduced to 7.90 % from 8.0% last year.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
II. Xm{¶Ëdm| H$o dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶m| ‘| hmoZodmbo n[adV©Z Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewéAmV VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 6.58 22.88
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.53 1.83
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ Nil Nil
dV©_mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.00 0.00
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ 0.00 0.00
¶moOZm H$‘©Mm[a¶m| H$m g§jonU - -
Xm{¶Ëdm|na ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 0.77 (18.13)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 7.88 6.58

III. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶mm| Ho$ ghr ‘yë¶ ‘| ~Xb Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ ewéAmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 6.58 22.88
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^/hm{Z 0.53 1.83
A§eXmZ 0.06 0.05
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ 0.00 0.00
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na ~r‘m§H$Z bm^ 0.71 (18.18)
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 7.88 6.58
IV. ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ Xem©Zodmbr gyMr :
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© H$s ewéAmV ‘| ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 6.58 22.88
A{YJ«hU g‘m¶moOZ - -
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na dmñV{dH$ bm^ 1.24 (16.35)
A§eXmZ 0.06 0.05
AXm {H$¶m J¶m bm^ 0.00 0.00
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 7.88 6.58
{Z{YH$ pñWVr {Z{YH$ {Z{YH$
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na AZw‘m{ZV bm^ H$mo N>moS>H$a dmñV{dH$ bm^ H$m A{Yeof 0.71 (18.18)

V. ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/hm{Z:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z bm^/(hm{Z) - Xm{¶Ëd 0.77 18.13
df© Ho$ {bE ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z -¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m± 0.71 18.18
df© Ho$ {bE Hw$b (bm^)/hm{Z 0.06 0.05
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 0.06 0.05
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$ (bm^)/hm{Z 0.00 0.00

63 Annual Report
II. Table showing changes in Present Value of Obligations:
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the Beginning of the year 6.58 22.88
Acquisition adjustment - -
Interest Cost 0.53 1.83
Past service Cost Nil Nil
Current service Cost 0.00 0.00
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Benefits paid 0.00 0.00
Curtailment of employees in plan - -
Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligations 0.77 (18.13)
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 7.88 6.58
III. Table showing changes in the Fair Value of Plan Assets:
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair Value of Plan Assets at the beginning of the year 6.58 22.88
Acquisition adjustments - -
Expected return on Plan Assets 0.53 1.83
Contributions 0.06 0.05
Benefits paid 0.00 0.00
Actuarial gain/(loss) on Plan Assets 0.71 (18.18)
Fair Value of Plan Assets at end of year 7.88 6.58

IV. Tables showing Fair Value of Plan Assets

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year 6.58 22.88
Acquisition adjustments - -
Actual return on Plan Assets 1.24 (16.35)
Contributions 0.06 0.05
Benefits paid 0.00 0.00
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year 7.88 6.58
Funded Status Funded Funded
Excess of actual over estimated return on Plan Assets 0.71 (18.18)

V. Actuarial Gain/Loss Recognized

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Actuarial gain/(loss) for the year - Obligation 0.77 18.13
Actuarial (gain)/loss for the year - Plan Assets 0.71 18.18
Total (gain)/loss for the year 0.06 0.05
Actuarial (gain)/ loss recognized in the year 0.06 0.05
Unrecognized actuarial (gains) / losses 0.00 0.00

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
VI. VwbZ-nÌ VWm bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá hmoZodmbr YZam{e¶m±:
(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
df© Ho$ A§V VH$ Ho$ Xm{¶Ëdm| H$m dV©‘mZ ‘yë¶ 7.88 6.58
df© Ho$ A§V ¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$m ghr ‘yë¶ 7.88 6.58
{Z{YH$ pñW{V {Z{YH$ {Z{YH$
A-‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$ (bm^)/hm{Z 0.00 0.00
VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá ewÕ n[ag§n{Îm/(Xm{¶Ëd) 0.00 0.00

VII. bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶:

(` H$amo‹S ‘|)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
dV©‘mZ godm bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.00 0.00
JV godm bmJV ‘yë¶ - -
ã¶mO bmJV ‘yë¶ 0.53 1.83
¶mo{OV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| na Ano{jV bm^ (0.53) (1.83)
g§{já bmJV ‘yë¶/(O‘m) - -
{ZnQ>mam bmJV ‘yë¶ / (O‘m) - -
df© Ho$ ‘mݶVmàmá ~r‘m§H$Z (bm^)/hm{Z 0.06 0.05
bm^ Ed§ hm{Z Ho$ {ddaU ‘| ‘mݶVmàmá 춶 0.06 0.05

(J) A{V[aº$ {ddaU :

1) gm§{d{YH$ AnojmAm| Ho$ AZwgma {H$¶m J¶m {Zdoe (à~§Y Ûmam ¶Wm à‘m{UV)
emIm à{V^y{V¶m| H$m àH$ma ~ht ‘yë¶ (` bmI ‘|)
(Mmby df©) ({nN>bo df©)
¶y.Ho$. `w{Z`Z ~¢H$ ‘| @ 1.90% go gmd{Y O‘m 0.00 1805.38
‘m°areg ~¢H$ Am°’$ ~S>m¡Xm ‘| @ 3.50% go gmd{Y O‘m 193.23 198.32
{’$Or E’$.Or.Ama. ñQ>mH$ @ 12%, 5.45%, 12.31%, 7.23%, 13%, 5.46%, 5282.24 5195.69

2) Am¶ H$s ‘mݶVm Ho$ CÔoe go à¶moÁ¶ / AZwà¶moÁ¶ {Zdoemo H$m H$O© (F$U VWm A{J«‘ am{e) ‘o§ {d^mOZ (à~§YZ Ûmam ¶Wm à‘m{UV):

(` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
(H$) Ag§~Õ ì¶dgm¶:
à¶moÁ¶ {Zdoe 41267067 37819776
AZwà¶moÁ¶ {Zdoe 3669420 2477722
(I) ny±.‘mo. ({ ì¶dgm¶
à¶moÁ¶ {Zdoe 9600 9600
AZwà¶moÁ¶ {Zdoe 0 0

3) nwZg©aMZm Ho$ A{YZ n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ 31.03.2020 VH$: (` bmI ‘|)

Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
nwZgªaMZm Ho$ AYrZ F$U n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$s Hw$bam{e 30134 40108
nwZgªaMZm Ho$ AYrZ ‘mZH$ n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$s Hw$bam{e 15727 -
nwZgªaMZm Ho$ AYrZ Cn-‘mZH$ n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$s Hw$bam{e - -
nwZgªaMZm Ho$ AYrZ g§{X½Y Ed§ ZwH$gmZrV n[ag§n{Îm¶m| H$s Hw$bam{e 14407 40108

63 Annual Report
VI The Amounts To Be Recognized In Balance Sheet And Statements Of Profit And Loss
(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Present Value of obligation as at the end of the year 7.88 6.58
Fair value of Plan Assets as at the end of the year 7.88 6.58
Funded Status Funded Funded
Unrecognized Actuarial (gains)/losses 0.00 0.00
Net Asset/(Liability) recognised in Balance Sheet 0.00 0.00

VII Expense Recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss

(` in crore)
31.3.2020 31.3.2019
Current Service Cost 0.00 0.00
Past Service Cost - -
Interest Cost 0.53 1.83
Expected return on Plan Assets (0.53) (1.83)
Curtailment Cost/ (Credit) - -
Settlement Cost/ (Credit) - -
Net actuarial (gain)/loss recognized in the year 0.06 0.05
Expenses Recognized in the statement of profit and loss 0.06 0.05


1) Investments made in accordance with the statutory requirements (as certified by the Management)

Branch Type of Securities Book Value (` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year
UK Fixed Deposit with Union bank @ 1.90% 0.00 1805.38
Mauritius FD with Bank of Baroda@3.50% 193.23 198.32
Fiji FGR Stock @12%, 5.45%, 12.31%, 7.23%, 13% and 5.46% 5282.24 5195.69

2) Segregation into Performing/Non-performing investments for the purpose of Income recognition (as certified by
the Management):

(` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
(a) LIFE Business:
Performing investments: 41267067 37819776
Non-performing investments: 3669420 2477722
(b) CRAC Business:
Performing investments 9600 9600
Non-performing investments NIL NIL

3) Assets Subject to Restructuring as on 31.03.2020

(` in Lakhs)
Current Year Previous Year
Total amount of loan assets subject to restructuring 30134 40108
Total amount of standard assets subject to restructuring 15727 -
Total amount of sub standard assets subject to restructuring - -
Total amount of doubtful & loss assets subject to restructuring 14407 40108
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
4) joÌdma ì¶dgm¶ H$m à{VeV (O¡gm {H$ à~§YZ Ûmam à‘m{UV {H$¶m J¶m h¡) :
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
J«m‘rU ì¶dgm¶ 21.40% 22.18%
ehar ì¶dgm¶ 78.60% 77.82%
gm‘m{OH$ joÌ (~r{‘V bmoJm| H$s g§»¶m …)* 23.91% 46.28%
*A{YgyMZm g§»¶m ^m ~r dr n«m/aoJw/ 13/103/2015 Ho$ AZwgma {dÎm df© 2016-17 VH$ ~r{‘V bmoJm| H$s g§»¶m Xr OmZr Wr Am¡a {dÎm df©
2016-17 go gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| ~r{‘V ì¶{º$¶m| H$m … XoZm h¡&
5) AdYm[aV Am¡a ~r‘mH¥$V Omo{I‘ :
( n«{VeV _o§)
2019-20 2018-19

AdYm[aV Omo{I‘ ~r‘mH¥$V Omo{I‘ AdYm[aV Omo{I‘ ~r‘mH¥$V Omo{I‘

àW‘ dfu¶ àr{‘¶‘ 99.95 0.05 99.90 0.10

nadVu àr{‘¶‘ 99.85 0.15 99.85 0.15

EH$b àr{‘¶‘ 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00

6) ~§X nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| àH$Q>Z :

{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
~§X H$r JB© nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho {bE àma§{^H eof 5178.00 4844.34
OmoSo§ : df© Ho Xm¡amZ ~§X nm°{b{g`mo§ H$r {Z{Y 1326.41 1942.16
H$_ : df© Ho Xm¡amZ nwZOr©{dV / ^wJVmZ H$r JB© nm°{b{g`mo§ H r {Z{Y 1486.16 1717.13
OmoSo§ : {Z{Y Ho {Zdoe na ewÕ Am` / bm^ 167.66 108.63
~§X nm°{b{g`mo§ Ho {bE \§ S H$m g_mnZ eof am{e 5185.91 5178.00

AÝ` n«H$QZ …
noÝeZ ßbg EÝS>mo‘|Q> ßbg g‘¥Õr ßbg âbo³gr ßbg ݶy EÝS>mo‘|Q>
{dÎmr¶ df© 2019-2020 Ho$ Xm¡amZ ~§X hþB© 2 18 41 1 543
(26) (95) (146) (7) (2087)
nm°{b{g¶m| H$s g§»¶m
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ~§X hþB© ~m°{b{g¶m| H$m Hw$b nm°{b{g¶m| 0.01 0.17 0.30 0.37 1.57
(0.57) (0.98) (1.16) (2.85) (25.88)
Ho$ à{VeV
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ nwZOu{dV nm°{b{g¶m| H$s g§»¶m 1 0 8 0 101
(3) (4) (19) (0) (552)
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ nwZOm©{dV nm°{b{g¶m| H$m à{VeV 50.00 0.00 19.51 0 18.60
(11.54) (4.21) (13.01) (0) (26.45)
~§X nm°{b{g¶mo§ na bJmE JE à^ma (` bmIm| ‘|)* 0.01 0.26 0.27 0.01 6.31
(0.20) (0.77) (1.35) (0.06) (16.32)
*Xem©`o JE ewëH$ bmJV ewëH$ Am¡a g_m`mo{OV ewëH$ H$m ewÕ h¡.
()H$moð>H$ ‘| {XE JE Am§H$‹S>o {nN>bo df© Ho$ Am§H$‹S>mo H$mo Xem©Vo h¡&
7) ^m.~r.{d.{d.àm. Ûmam {ZYm©[aV {dÎmr¶ {ddaUm| Ho$ g§{já {ddaU n[a{ímï> 1 VWm 2 gb¾ XoI|&
8) g§~§{YV njH$ma H$m àH$Q>Z :
({ZJ‘ Ûmam ¶Wm{MpÝhV g§~§{YV njH$ma H$m g§~§Y) ^maVr¶ gZXr boImH$ma g§ñWmZ Ûmam Omar g§~§{YV njH$ma àH$Q>Z na (bo.{Z. 18) ‘mZH$
boIm Ho$ AZwgma {ZJ‘ Ho$ g§~§{YV njH$ma/g§¶wº$ CÚ‘ {ZåZ h¡:
H$) g§¶wº$ CÚ‘ :
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Ea¶¶moaoÝg H§$. {b.

63 Annual Report
4) Percentage of business sector-wise (as certified by Management)

Current Year Previous Year

Rural business 21.40% 22.18%
Urban business 78.60% 77.82%
Social Sector (No. of Lives Insured in %)* 23.91% 46.28%

* As per notification no. IRDAI/Reg/13/103/2015 w.e.f. F.Y. 2016-2017 percentage of Social Sector lives computed on the total
business procured in the preceding financial year has to be given.

5) Risk Retained and Insured:

( in %)

2019-20 2018-19
Risk retained Risk Insured Risk retained Risk Insured
First year premium 99.95 0.05 99.90 0.10
Renewal premium 99.85 0.15 99.85 0.15
Single premium 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00

6) Disclosures relating to discontinued policies

Particulars Current Year Previous Year

Fund for discontinued Policies
Opening Balance of Fund for Discontinued Policies 5178.00 4844.34
Add: Fund of policies discontinued during the year 1326.41 1942.16
Less: Fund of policies revived/Paid during the year 1486.16 1717.13
Add: Net Income/Gains on Investment of the Fund 167.66 108.63
Closing Balance of Fund for Discontinued Policies 5185.91 5178.00

Other Disclosures:

Pension Plus Endowment Samriddhi Flexi Plus New Endowment

Plus Plus Plus
Number of policies discontinued during 2 18 41 1 543
the financial year 2019-2020 (26) (95) (146) (7) (2087)
Percentage of discontinued to total poli- 0.01 0.17 0.30 0.37 1.57
cies during the year (0.57) (0.98) (1.16) (2.85) (25.88)
Number of policies revived during the 1 0 8 0 101
year (3) (4) (19) (0) (552)
Percentage of policies revived during 50.00 0.00 19.51 0 18.60
the year (11.54) (4.21) (13.01) (0) (26.45)
Charges imposed on account of discon- 0.01 0.26 0.27 0.01 6.31
tinued policies (` in lakhs)* (0.20) (0.77) (1.35) (0.06) (16.32)
* Charge shown above are net of charges imposed and charges readjusted
Figures in brackets ( ) above indicate previous year's figures.
7) Summary of Financial Statements as prescribed by IRDA – Refer Annexure 1 & 2 attached.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
gmD Xr B§{S>¶Z H§$nZr H$mo.Am°n. Bí¶moaoÝg
I) gh¶moJr H§$n{Z¶m±:
EbAmB©gr hmD$qgJ ’$mBZmÝg {b.
EbAmB©gr EME’$Eb EE‘gr {b.
EbAmB©gr å¶wÀ¶wAb ’$ÊS> EgoQ> ‘¡ZoO‘|Q> {b.
EbAmB©gr å¶wÀ¶wAb ’$ÊS> Q´>ñQ>r H§$nZr àm. {b.
J) gh¶moJr H§$n{Z¶m±:
EbAmB©gr noÝeZ ’$ÊS> {b.
EbAmB©gr H$mS>© g{d©gog> {b.
EbAmB©gr (qgJmnya) nrQ>rB©> {b.
EbAmB©gr (Zonmb) {b.
EbAmB©gr (AÝVaamï´>r¶) ~r Eg gr (gr) ~harZ
EbAmB©gr (b§H$m)> {b.
EbAmB©gr ~m§JbmXoe {b.
AmB© Sr ~r AmB© ~¢H
K) 31.03.2020 H$mo ~moS© Ho$ gXñ` Am¡a à‘wI à~§YZ H$m{‘©H$:
yees[& kesÀ meom³e
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej DeO³e#e 14.03.2019 go
Þeer ìer meer megMeerrue kegÀceej He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ 14.03.2019 go
Þeer {Je{Heve Deevevo à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.04.2019 go
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.11.2019 go
Þeer jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.11.2019 go
Þeer os~eMeer<e Heeb[e gaH$ma Ûmam Zm{‘V 11.09.2019 go
Þeer Fbpesìerr ÞeerefveJeeme gaH$ma Ûmam Zm{‘V 27.12.2019 go
Þeerceleer HeÐepee ®egb[g© gXñ` 16.11.2018 go
Þeer osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee nXoZ gXñ` 03.01.2020 go
Þeer efyeceueWog ®eke´ÀJeleea Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go
Þeer jJeerbê veeLe ®elegJexoer Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go
Þeer Deej. ®ebêMesKejve Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go

He´cegK³e meom³e
Þeer [er. Heer. ceesnbleer keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (DebkesÀ#eCe) Deewj (cegK³e DeebleefjkeÀ DebkesÀ#eCe) 02.07.2018 go
Þeer He´oerHe kegÀceej pewve keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (efveJesMe-pees. He´e. DevegmebOeeve), (cegK³e peesefKece DeefOekeÀejer) 07.05.2018 go
Þeer ceemeerue pes³ee ceesnve keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (efveJesMe) Deewj (cegK³e efveJesMe DeefOekeÀejer) 01.11.2019 go
osJekeÀer vebove peesMeer keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (cegK³e efJeHeCeve DeefOekeÀejer) 17.04.2019 go
Þeerceleer MegYeebieer Sme meesceve cegK³e efJelle SJeb uesKee Deewj cegK³e efJelle DeefOekeÀejer 07.05.2018 go
Þeerceleer ieerlee He´YeekeÀjve ®eerHeÀ keÀcHeeueeF¥me DeeefHeÀmej 18.04.2019 go
Þeer efovesMe Heble efve³egkeÌle yeerceebkeÀkedÀ 17.01.2020 go

63 Annual Report
(Related Party Relationship as identified by the Corporation)
As per the Accounting Standard on Related Party Disclosures (AS 18) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, the related parties/joint ventures of the Corporation are as follows:

A) Joint Ventures:
Kenindia Assurance Co. Ltd.
Saudi Indian Company for Co-operative Insurance.

B) Associate Companies
LIC Housing Finance Ltd.
LIC HFL Asset Management Company Ltd.
LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Ltd.
LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd.

C) Subsidiary Companies:
LIC Pension Fund Ltd.
LIC Card Services Ltd.
LIC (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
LIC (Nepal) Ltd.
LIC(International) BSC (c), Bahrain
LIC (Lanka) Ltd.
LIC Bangladesh Ltd.

D) Members of the Board & Key Persons as on 31.03.2020

Members of the Board

Shri. M.R. Kumar Chairman w.e.f. 14.03.2019
Shri. T.C. Suseel Kumar Managing Director w.e.f. 14.03.2019
Shri. Vipin Anand Managing Director w.e.f. 01.04.2019
Shri. Mukesh Kumar Gupta Managing Director w.e.f. 01.11.2019
Shri. Raj Kumar Managing Director w.e.f. 01.11.2019
Shri Debasish Panda Government Nominee w.e.f. 11.09.2019
Shri Injeti Srinivas Government Nominee w.e.f. 27.12.2019
Smt. Padmaja Chunduru Member w.e.f 16.11.2018
Shri Devesh Srivastava Ex-Officio Member w.e.f. 03.01.2020
Shri. Bimalendu Chakrabarti Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017
Shri. Ravindra Nath Chaturvedi Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017
Shri. R. Chandrasekaran Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017

Key Persons
Shri D.P. Mohanty ED Audit (Chief Internal Audit) w.e.f. 02.07.2018
Shri Pradeep Kumar Jain ED Investment (RMR) (Chief Risk Officer) w.e.f. 07.05.2018
Shri Masil Jeya Mohan ED INV OP (Chief Investment Officer) w.e.f. 01.11.2019
Shri Devki Nandan Joshi ED (Chief Marketing Officer) w.e.f. 17.04.2019
Smt Shubhangi S.Soman Chief F&A (Chief Finance Officer) w.e.f. 07.05.2018
Smt Geeta Prabhakaran Chief Compliance Officer w.e.f. 18.04.2019
Shri Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary w.e.f. 17.01.2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
22.07.2020 H$mo ~moS© Am¡a à‘wI à~§YZ H$m{‘©H$:
~moS© Ho$ gXñ`
Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej Aܶj 14.03.2019 go
Þeer ìer meer megMeerrue kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 14.03.2019 go
Þeer {Je{Heve Deevevo à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.04.2019 go
Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.11.2019 go
Þeer jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$ 01.11.2019 go
Þeer os~eMeer<e Heeb[e gaH$ma Ûmam Zm{‘V 11.09.2019 go
Þeer jepesMe Jecee& gaH$ma Ûmam Zm{‘V 04.06.2020 go
Þeerceleer HeÐepee ®egb[g© gXñ` 16.11.2018 go
Þeer osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee Heosve meom³e 03.01.2020 go
lr {~_bo§Xw MHŒ dVr© Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go
lr adtÐ ZmW MVwdo©Xr Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go
lr Ama. M§ÐeoIaZ Zm°Z-Am°{\ {e`b _oå~a 29.09.2017 go
n«_w»` gXñ`
Þeer [er. Heer. ceesnbleer keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (DebkesÀ#eCe) Deewj (cegK³e DeebleefjkeÀ DebkesÀ#eCe) 02.07.2018 go
Þeer Sme. Sve. ceeskeÀeMeer keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (efveJesMe-pees. He´e. DevegmebOeeve), (cegK³e peesefKece DeefOekeÀejer) 05.06.2020 go
Þeer S. kesÀ. Deevebo keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (efveJesMe), (cegK³e efveJesMe DeefOekeÀejer) 08.06.2020 go
osJekeÀer vebove peesMeer keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (cegK³e efJeHeCeve DeefOekeÀejer) 17.04.2019 go
Þeerceleer MegYeebieer Sme meesceve keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ efJelle SJes uesKee Deewj cegK³e efJelle DeefOekeÀejer 07.05.2018 go
Þeerceleer {JeOeg Jecee& keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ (~moS©/OrOoE\/AZw.), (_w»` AZwnmbZ A{YH mar) 01.06.2020 go
Þeer efovesMe Heble efve³egkeÌle yeerceebkeÀkedÀ 17.01.2020 go

S>) {ddaU {Og‘| ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938 H$s Ymam 11(3) Ho$ A§VJ©V ì`dgm` Ho$ n«~§YZ Ho$ n«^mar ì`{º$`mo§ Ho$ Zm_ {ddaU,
ì`dgm` Am¡a Ym{aV {ZXo©º$mE§ Xr JB© h¡§&
H«$.g§. Zm_ {ddaU 31 _mM©, 2020 H$mo Ym{aV nX
1 lr. E_ Ama Hw _ma Aܶj Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr (B§Q>aZ¡eZb) ~r. Eg. gr. (gr) ~harZ
EbAmB©gr (Zonmb) {b.
EbAmB©gr (b§H$m)> {b.
EbAmB©gr (qgJmnya) nrQ>rB©> {b.
Am`Sr~rAm` ~¢H {b.
{ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr noÝeZ ’§$S>
EbAm¶gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
EbAm¶gr å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S AgoQ _°ZoO_|Q H$§. {b.
EbAmB©gr hmD$qgJ ’$mBZ|g {b.
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Eí¶moa|g H§$nZr {b.
2. lr. Qr. gr. gwerb Hw _ma à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAm¶gr å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S> Q´>ñQr> àm.{b
EbAmB©gr EME’$Eb E_gr {b.
{ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr noÝeZ ’§$S>
EbAmB©gr (b§H$m)> {b.
ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r

63 Annual Report
Members of the Board & Key Persons as on 22.07.2020

Members of the Board

Shri. M.R. Kumar Chairman w.e.f. 14.03.2019
Shri. T.C. Suseel Kumar Managing Director w.e.f. 14.03.2019
Shri. Vipin Anand Managing Director w.e.f. 01.04.2019
Shri. Mukesh Kumar Gupta Managing Director w.e.f. 01.11.2019
Shri. Raj Kumar Managing Director w.e.f. 01.11.2019
Shri Debasish Panda Government Nominee w.e.f. 11.09.2019
Shri Rajesh Verma Government Nominee w.e.f. 04.06.2020
Smt. Padmaja Chunduru Member w.e.f 16.11.2018
Shri Devesh Srivastava Ex-Officio Member w.e.f. 03.01.2020
Shri. Bimalendu Chakrabarti Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017
Shri. Ravindra Nath Chaturvedi Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017
Shri. R. Chandrasekaran Non-Official Director w.e.f. 29.09.2017
Key Persons
Shri D.P. Mohanty ED Audit (Chief Internal Audit) w.e.f. 02.07.2018
Shri S.N. Mokashi ED Investment (RMR) (Chief Risk Officer) w.e.f. 05.06.2020
Shri A.K. Anand ED INV OP (Chief Investment Officer) w.e.f. 08.06.2020
Shri Devki Nandan Joshi ED Marketing (Chief Marketing Officer) w.e.f. 17.04.2019
Smt Shubhangi S.Soman ED F&A (Chief Finance Officer) w.e.f. 07.05.2018
Smt Vidhu Verma ED (B/RC/GJF) (Chief Compliance Officer) w.e.f. 01.06.2020
Shri Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary w.e.f. 17.01.2020

E) Statement containing names, description, occupations of and directorships held by the persons in charge of management
of the business under section 11(3) of the Insurance Act, 1938.

Sr. No. Name Description Profile/Directorship held as on 31st March, 2020

1. Shri M R Kumar Chairman Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC (International) BSC (c) Bahrain
LIC (Nepal) Ltd
LIC (Lanka) Ltd
Life Insurance Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd
IDBI Bank Limited
Director - LIC Pension Fund Ltd
LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Co Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Limited
KenIndia Assurance Company Ltd
2. Shri T C Suseel Kumar Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Pvt. Ltd.
Director - LIC Pension Fund Ltd.
LIC (Lanka) Ltd
National Insurance Academy
3. Shri Vipin Anand Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC Bangladesh Ltd
Director - LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Limited
LIC (International) BSC (c) Bahrain
National Insurance Academy
4 Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta Managing Director Director- LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC of India LIC (Nepal) Ltd

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
3. lr. {d{nZ AmZÝX à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr ~m§JbmXoe {b{‘Q>oS>
{ZXoeH$ - EbAm¶gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
EbAmB©gr hmD$qgJ ’$mBZ|g {b.
EbAmB©gr (B§Q>aZ¡eZb) ~r. Eg. gr. (gr) ~harZ
ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r
4. Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee à~§Y {ZXoeH$ {ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr (Zonmb) {b.
5. Þeer jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr EME’$Eb Ho Aa hmoåg {b.

{ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr ~m§JbmXoe {b{‘Q>oS>

ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r

H«$.g§. Zm_ {ddaU 22 OwbmB©, 2020 H$mo Ym{aV nX

1 lr. E_ Ama Hw _ma Aܶj Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr (B§Q>aZ¡eZb) ~r. Eg. gr. (gr) ~harZ
EbAmB©gr (Zonmb) {b.
EbAmB©gr (b§H$m)> {b.
EbAmB©gr (qgJmnya) nrQ>rB©> {b.
Am`Sr~rAm` ~¢H {b.
{ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr noÝeZ ’§$S>
EbAm¶gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
EbAm¶gr å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S AgoQ _°ZoO_|Q H$§. {b.
EbAmB©gr hmD$qgJ ’$mBZ|g {b.
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Eí¶moa|g H§$nZr {b.
2. lr. Qr. gr. gwerb Hw _ma à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAm¶gr å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S> Q´>ñQr> àm.{b
EbAmB©gr EME’$Eb E_gr {b.
{ZXoeH$ - Eo{³gg ~¡§H {b.
EbAmB©gr noÝeZ ’§$S>
EbAmB©gr (b§H$m)> {b.
ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r
3. lr. {d{nZ AmZÝX à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ {~‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr ~m§JbmXoe {b{‘Q>oS>
{ZXoeH$ - EbAm¶gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
EbAmB©gr hmD$qgJ ’$mBZ|g {b.
EbAmB©gr (B§Q>aZ¡eZb) ~r. Eg. gr. (gr) ~harZ
ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r
4. Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee à~§Y {ZXoeH$ {ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr H$mS>© g{d©goO {b.
^maVr¶ OrdZ {~‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr (Zonmb) {b.
5. Þeer jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Aܶj gh {ZXoeH$
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ EbAmB©gr EME’$Eb Ho Aa hmoåg {b.

{ZXoeH$ - EbAmB©gr ~m§JbmXoe {b{‘Q>oS>

ZoeZb BÝí`moaoÝg AH mX_r

63 Annual Report
5 Shri Raj Kumar Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LICHFL Care Homes

Director- LIC Bangladesh Ltd

National Insurance Academy

Sr. No. Name Description Profile/Directorship held as on 22nd July, 2020

1. Shri M.R. Kumar Chairman Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC (International) BSC (c) Bahrain
LIC (Nepal) Ltd
LIC (Lanka) Ltd
Life Insurance Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd
IDBI Bank Limited
Director - LIC Pension Fund Ltd
LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Co Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Limited
KenIndia Assurance Company Ltd
2. Shri T C Suseel Kumar Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Pvt. Ltd.
Director - Axis Bank Ltd.
LIC Pension Fund Ltd.
LIC (Lanka) Ltd
National Insurance Academy
3. Shri Vipin Anand Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LIC Bangladesh Ltd
Director - LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Limited
LIC (International) BSC (c) Bahrain
National Insurance Academy
4 Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta Managing Director Director- LIC Cards Services Ltd
LIC of India LIC (Nepal) Ltd
5 Shri Raj Kumar Managing Director Chairman cum Director:
LIC of India LICHFL Care Homes

Director- LIC Bangladesh Ltd

National Insurance Academy

F) The nature and volume of transactions of the Corporation during the year 2019-2020 with the above related parties
were as follows:
(` in Lakhs)
Key Management
LIC Housing LIC HFL Asset LIC Mutual Fund Personnel
Finance Ltd. Management Co. AM Ltd.
Purchase of Equity, Debts, bonds 0 44.17 611746.43
and Mutual Fund (0) (0) (934556.63)
47.82 742498.49
Sale of Mutual Fund - -
(0) (1042181.14)
Redemption on Debts & bonds / 50000.00
- - -
Loans (175000.00)
Gain Income - - -
Dividend Income from Investments - - - -
Interest Income on Fixed Deposit - - - -
169673.11 25.62 24.75
Income from Investment -
(169041.64) (9.89) (49.50)

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
M) Cn¶w©³V g§~§{YV njH$mam| Ho$ gmW 2019-2020 df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ {ZJ‘ Ho$ g§ì¶dhmam| H$m ñdê$n Ed§ Am¶VZ {ZåZ h¡ :
(` bmI ‘|)
Egmo{gEQ²>g à‘wI
EbAm¶gr hmDqgJ EbAm¶gr EME\ EbAm¶gr à~§ YZ
\m¶ZmÝg {b. Eb EgoQ> ‘¡ZoO‘|Q> å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S > H$m{‘© H$
H§$. EE‘. {b
Bp³dQ>r, F$Um| Am¡a å¶wÀ¶wAb \ÊS> H$s 0 44.17 611746.43
IarX (0) (0) (934556.63)
å¶wÀ¶wAb \ÊS> H$s {~H«$s -
47.82 742498.49
(0) (1042181.14)
F$Um| Am¡a ~mÊS>m|, H$Om] na CÝ‘moMZ 50000.00
- - -
bm^ Am` - -
{Zdoem| go bm^m§e Am¶ - - - -
gmd{Y O‘m na ã¶mO g§~§Yr Am¶ - - - -
{Zdoe go Am¶ 169673.11 25.62 24.75
(169041.64) (9.89) (49.50)
[H$am¶m 733.72
(631.86) (213.92)
Aݶ àemg{ZH$ 춶 H$s 84.81 18.56 27.75
à{VnyVu/^yJVmZ (106.36) (26.12) (166.61)
à~§YH$s¶ n[al{‘H$ - - -
Hw$b 220491.64 136.17 1407311.00 522.67
(344779.86) (36.01) (1995735.26) (337.51)
(` bmI ‘|)
ghm¶H$ H§$n{Z¶m±
EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr EbAmB©gr Am`Sr~rAm`
noÝeZ \ ÊS> H$mS>© g{d©- Zonmb {b. ~m§JbmXoe (A§Vaamï´>r¶) (b§H$m){b. qgJmnya ~¢H {b.
gog {~Eggr(gr)
Bp³dQ>r, F$Um| Am¡a - - - - - -
5235.00 474300.00
å¶wÀ¶wAb \ ÊS> Hr IarX (5292.00) (1952595.94)

å¶wÀ¶wAb \ ÊS> H$s {~H«$s - - - - - - - -

F$Um| Am¡a ~mÊS>m|, H$Om] - - - - - - -

na CÝ‘moMZ (37400)

{Zdoem| go bm^m§e Am¶ - - - -

- -
- -

gmd{Y O‘m na ã¶mO - - - - - - - -

g§~§Yr Am¶
1646.24 0 0 28243.02
{Zdoe ‘o§ Am¶ - -
(3589.69) (82.77)
AmdoXZ n¡gm - - - - -
- -

dm{f©H$ VH${ZH$s/AmB©Q>r - -
20.00 15.93 73.84
- - -
g‘mYmZ \ rg àmá (20.00) (0) (239.01)
[H$am¶m -
- - - - - -

Aݶ àemg{ZH$ 춶 H$s 1225.51 2.54

- - - - -
à{VnyVu/^yJVmZ (978.54) (3.75) (0)

à~§YH$s¶ n[al{‘H$ - - - - - - - -
aIaImd d g_W©Z - - - -
- - -
godm`| (53.95)
63 Annual Report
733.72 251.33
Rent - -
(631.86) (213.92)
Reimbursement / payment towards 84.81 27.75
(26.12) -
other administrative Expenses (106.36) (166.61)

Managerial Remuneration - - -
220491.64 136.17 1407311.00 522.67
(344779.86) (36.01) (1995735.26) (337.51)

(` in Lakhs)
Pension Card Nepal Bangladesh (International) (Lanka) Singapore Bank Ltd.
Fund Services Ltd. B.S.C.(c) Ltd Pte Ltd
Purchase of Equity, 5235.00 474300.00
Debts, bonds and - - - - - - (5292.00) (1952595.94)
Mutual Fund
Sale of Mutual Fund - - - - - - - -
Redemption on
Debts & bonds / - - - - - - -
Dividend Income
- - - - - - - -
from Investments
Interest Income on
- - - - - - - -
Fixed Deposit
Income from 1646.24 0 0 28243.02
- - - -
Investment (0) (3589.69 (82.77) (17422.98)
Application Money 605.35
- - - - - - -
Annual Technical/
20.00 15.93 73.84
I.T. Solution fees - - - - -
(20.00) (0) (239.01)
Rent 4.44
- - - - - - -
Reimbursement /
payment towards 1225.51 2.54
- - - - - (0)
other administrative (978.54) (3.75)
Software Package
- - - - - - -
e Life
Maintenance and 0
- - - - - - -
Support Services (53.95)
1225.51 6.98 1666.24 15.93 73.84 605.35 5235.00 502676.53
(978.54) (7.18) (20.00) (0) (3882.65) (82.77) (5292.00) (2007418.92)

(` in Lakhs)
Joint Venture
Kenindia Assurance Co. Ltd.
Purchase of Equity, Debts, bonds and Mutual Fund -
Sale of Mutual Fund -
Redemption on Debts & bonds / Loans -
Dividend Income from Investments -

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
1225.51 6.98 1666.24 15.93 73.84 605.35 5235.00 502676.53
Hw$b (978.54) (7.18) (20.00) (0) (3882.65) (82.77) (5292.00) (2007418.92)

(` bmI ‘|)
g§`w³V CnH« _
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Eí¶moa|g H§$nZr {b.
B{³dQr, FUmo Am¡a å`wMwAb \§ ÊS Hr IarX -
å¶wÀ¶wAb \ ÊS> H$s {~H«$s -
F$Um| Am¡a ~mÊS>m|, H$Om] na CÝ‘moMZ -
{Zdoem| go bm^m§e Am¶ -
gmd{Y O‘m na ã¶mO g§~§Yr Am¶
{Zdoe ‘o§ Am¶ (38.21)
dm{f©H$ VH${ZH$s/AmB©Q>r g‘mYmZ \ rg àmá (14.64)
Aݶ àemg{ZH$ 춶 H$s à{VnyVu/^yJVmZ -
gmâQdoAa nm¡H oO-B© bmB©\ -
aIaImd d g_W©Z godm`| -
9) g§¶w³V gh¶moJr H§$nZr¶m| ‘| ^mJrXmar g§~§Yr 31.3.2020 H$m {dËVr¶ {ddaU (bo.‘m.23)
(` bmI ‘|)
EbAm¶gr hmDqgJ EbAm¶gr EME\Eb EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr
\m¶ZmÝg {b. EgoQ>‘¡ZoO‘|Q> H§$.{b # å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S > EgoQ> å¶wÀ¶wAb \§ S >
(AboIm n[a[jV) (boIm n[a[jV) ‘¡ZoO‘|Q> {b. Q´>ñQr> H§$.àm.{b
(AboIm n[a[jV) (AboIm n[a[jV)
1. ‘| ñWm{nV ^maV ^maV ^maV ^maV
2. {Z¶§§ÌU H$m [hñgm 40.31% 5.38% 44.94% 49%
Egmo{gEQg go XrKm©d{Y {Zdoe 98599.11 49.44 494.30 0.49
{Zdoem| H$s bmJV (98599.11) (49.44) (495.00) (0.49)
OmoS>o/(KQ>mE§) A{YJ«hU Ho$ g‘¶ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
gwZm‘/ (nw§OrJV g§M¶)
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
(KQ>mE§) : Egmo{gEQ>g go {dVaU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
OmoS>o/ (KQ>mE§) {ZdoeH$m| Am¡a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Egmo{gEQ>g Ho$ ~rM hþE boZXoZ Ho$
n[aUm‘ñdn àmßV Z hþAm bm^ (hm{Z$) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
OmoS>o/(KQ>mE§) g§M¶r d[a` eo¶am|
na bm^m§e Ho$ g‘m¶moOZ Ho$ níMmV 729292.55 193.82 4704.91 11.93
Egmo{gEQ> ‘| (654224.45) (169.16) (4849.78)** (9.38)
bm^/(hm{Z) H$m {hñgm
Hwb 827891.66 243.26 5199.21 12.42
(752823.56) (218.60) (5344.78)** (9.87)

* H$moð> () {XE JE Am§H$S>o {nN>bo df© H$s am[e Xem©Vr h¡&

# EbAm¶agr hmD$qgJ \mBZ|g {b. H$r Eb AmB© gr EM E\ Eb EgoQ> ‘¡ZoO‘|Q> H§$. {b{_QoS ‘| 94.62% [hñgoXmar h¡&
** {nNbo df© Ho Am§H Smo Hmo dV©_mZ df© Ho gmW VwbZm H aZo Ho {bE {\ a V¡`ma {H `m J`m h¡&
63 Annual Report
Interest Income on Fixed Deposit -
Income from Investment 38.48
Annual Technical/ I.T. Solution fees received 15.52
Rent -
Reimbursement /payment towards other administrative expenses -
Software Package e Life -
Maintenance and Support Services -
TOTAL 54.00


(` in Lakhs)

LIC Housing LIC HFL Asset LIC Mutual LIC Mutual Fund
Finance Ltd. Management Fund Asset Trustee Company
Company Ltd.# Management Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.

(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

1. Incorporated in India India India India
2. Proportion of Holding 40.31% 5.38% 44.94% 49%
Long Term Investment in Associates 98599.11 49.44 494.30 0.49
Cost of Investments (98599.11) (49.44) (495.00) (0.49)
Add/ (Less) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) at the
time of acquisition (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
(Less) : Distribution from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Associates (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Add / (Less) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unrealized Profit /(Loss) resulting
from transaction between Investors (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
and Associates.
Share of Profit / (Loss) in 729292.55 193.82 4704.91 11.93
Associate after adjustment of (654224.45) (169.16) (4849.78)** (9.38)
dividend on cumulative
preferential shares
TOTAL 827891.66 243.26 5199.21 12.42
(752823.56) (218.60) (5344.78)** (9.87)
* Figures in brackets ( ) indicate previous year's figures

# LIC Housing Finance Ltd. is holding 94.62% in LIC HFL Asset Management Company Ltd.

** Previous year’s figures have been recast to make them comparable with Current Year.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
10) g§¶w³V gh¶moJr H§$nZr¶m| ‘| ^mJrXmar g§~§Yr 31.3.2020 H$m {dËVr¶ {ddaU (bo.‘m.21)
EbAm¶gr noÝeZ EbAm¶gr H$mS>© EbAm¶gr (qgJmnya) EbAm¶gr
\ ÊS> {b. g{d©gog {b. nrQ>rB© {b. ~m§JbmXoe
(boIm n[a[jV) (AboIm n[a[jV) (boIm n[a[jV) (boIm n[a[jV)
31.03.2020 H$mo 31.03.2020 H$mo 31.12.2019 H$mo 31.12.2019 H$mo
1. ‘| ñWm{nV ^maV ^maV {g§Jmnwa ~§JbmXoe
2. {Z¶§§ÌU H$m [hñgm 100% 100% 100% 83.33%
3. n[agånpËV¶m±, Xo¶VmE§ Am¡a {Zdb
bm^ H$s AZwnm{VH$ amer
(` bmI ‘|)
n[agånpËV¶m± 5177 2020 44572 4675
(4697)@ (1253) (32570) (4296)
Xo¶VmE§ 1364 1335 30626 366
(1138) (911) (23169) (32.00)
H$a níMmV bm^ 143 343 -1076 306
(140) (125) (-1374) (106)
4.Hw$b ì¶mnH$ Am¶ - - -1076 -
( -1374) (- )
5. AmH$pñ‘H$ Xo¶VmAm| ‘| {hñgm 80.00 0 0 0
(70.00) (0) (0) (0)
# #

EbAm¶gr Zonmb EbAm¶gr EbAm¶gr (b§H$m) Am`Sr~rAm` ~¢H

{b. (A§Vaamï´>r¶) {b. (boIm n[a[jV)
(AboIm n[a[jV) {~Eggr(gr) ~harZ (boIm n[a[jV)
(boIm n[a[jV)
15.07.2019 H$mo 31.12.2019 H$mo 31.12.2019 H$mo 31.03.2020 H$mo
1. ‘| ñWm{nV Zonmb ~harZ lrb§H$m ^maV
2. {Z¶§§ÌU H$m [hñgm 55% 98.90% 80% 51%

3. n[agånpËV¶m±, Xo¶VmE§ Am¡a {Zdb

bm^ H$s AZwnm{VH$ amer
(` bmI ‘|)
n[agånpËV¶m± 208929 1520312 9745 15336380
(164612) (1430689) (8389) (16376681)
Xo¶VmE§ 199837 1431770 8512 13554475
(157907) (1364833) (6982) (14416054)
H$a níMmV bm^ 527 -449 -907 -654597
(1448) (-25536) (-255) (-764325)
4.Hw$b ì¶mnH$ Am¶ - 20951 -681 -
- (-50154) (-328) -
5. AmH$pñ‘H$ Xo¶VmAm| ‘| {hñgm 274 658 0 5975171
(110) (887) (0) (7186160)
# # #

* H$moð> () {XE JE Am§H$S>o {nN>bo df© H$s am[e Xem©Vr h¡.

** n[agån{V¶m| Ed§ Xm{¶Ëdm| Ho$ {bE {dpËV¶ {ddaUm| H$s Vm[aI H$r {d{Z‘¶ Xam| H$mo {b¶m J¶m h¡, Am¡a Am¶ Ed§ 춶 Ho$ {bE df© H$m Am¡gV
{b¶m J¶m h¡.
@ efheíues ke<e& JesÀ DeebJeÀæ[eW JeÀes kele&ceeve ke<e& JesÀ meeLe legueveer³e yeveeves JesÀ equeS efHeÀj mes lew³eej efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~

# boIm| H$mo ñWmZr¶ {~‘m {d{Y¶m| Ho$ AZwgma V¡¶ma {H$¶m J¶m h¡.

63 Annual Report

LIC Pension LIC Card Life Insurance LIC

Fund Ltd Services Ltd. Corporation Bangladesh
(Audited) (Unaudited) (Singapore) (Audited)
Pte Ltd.
As at As at As at As at
31.03.2020 31.03.2020 31.12.2019 31.12.2019
1. Incorporated in India India Singapore Bangladesh
2. Proportion of Holding 100% 100% 100% 83.33%
3. Proportionate amount of
Assets, Liabilities and Net Profit.
(` in Lakhs)
Assets 5177 2020 44572 4675
(4697)@ (1253) (32570) (4296)

Liabilities 1364 1335 30626 366

(1138) (911) (23169) (32.00)

Profit/(Loss) after tax 143 343 -1076 306

(140) (125) (-1374) (106)

4.Total Comprehensive Income - - -1076 -

( -1374) (- )

5. Share in contingent liabilities 80.00 0 0 0

(70.00) (0) (0) (0)
# #

LIC (Nepal) LIC (Intl), B.S.C (c), LIC (Lanka) IDBI Bank
Ltd. Bahrain Ltd. (Audited)
(Unaudited) (Audited) (Audited)
As at As at As at As at
15.07.2019 31.12.2019 31.12.2019 31.03.2020
1. Incorporated in Nepal Bahrain Sri Lanka India
2. Proportion of Holding 55% 98.90% 80% 51%
3. Proportionate amount of
Assets, Liabilities and Net Profit.
(` in Lakhs)
Assets 208929 1520312 9745 15336380
(164612) (1430689) (8389) (16376681)

Liabilities 199837 1431770 8512 13554475

(157907) (1364833) (6982) (14416054)

Profit/(Loss) after tax 527 -449 -907 -654597

(1448) (-25536) (-255) (-764325)

4.Total Comprehensive Income - 20951 -681 -

- (-50154) (-328) -

5. Share in contingent liabilities 274 658 0 5975171

(110) (887) (0) (7186160)
# # #
*Figures in brackets ( ) indicate previous year's figures.
** Exchange rates are as on date of financial statements for assets & liabilities average for the year for Income & expenses.
@ Previous year’s figures have been recast to make them comparable with Current Year.
# The Accounts have been prepared as per local insurance laws.
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
11) g§¶w³V CÚ‘m| ‘| ^mJrXmar g§~§Yr 31.3.2020 H$m {dËVr¶ {ddaU (bo.‘m.27)…
Ho$ZB§{S>¶m Eí¶moaoÝg H§$. gmD$Xr B§{S>¶Z H§$nZr
{b. \ °ma H$mo. Am°nao{Q>d
(AboIm n[a[jV) BÝí¶yaoÝg
31.12.2019 H$mo 31.12.2019 H$mo @
1. ‘| ñWm{nV Ho$Z¶m gmD$Xr
2. {Z¶§§ÌU H$m [hñgm 10.21% 4.98%
3. n[agånpËV¶m±, Xo¶VmE§ Am¡a {Zdb bm^ H$s AZwnm{VH$ amer
(` bmI ‘|)
n[agånpËV¶m± 37347.45 -
(32408.81) (1554.74)
Xo¶VmE§ 34469.52 -
(29412.21) (2235.13)
Am¶ 6090.09 -
(5785.92) (1637.01)
춶 6247.38 -
(5502.26) (3064.84)
4. AmH$pñ‘H$ Xo¶VmAm| ‘| {hñgm 1457.60 -
(1773.54) (-)
# #
* H$moð> () {XE JE Am§H$S>o {nN>bo df© H$s am[e Xem©Vr h¡.
** n[agån{V¶m| Ed§ Xm{¶Ëdm| Ho$ {bE {dpËV¶ {ddaUm| H$s Vm[aI H$r {d{Z‘¶ Xam| H$mo {b¶m J¶m h¡, Am¡a Am¶ Ed§ 춶 Ho$ {bE df© H$m Am¡gV
{b¶m J¶m h¡.
# boIm| H$mo ñWmZr¶ {~‘m {d{Y¶m| Ho$ AZwgma V¡¶ma {H$¶m J¶m h¡.
@ gmD Xr B{S`Z H§ nZr \ m°a H mo. Am°n. BÝí`wa|g Ho 31.12.2019 Ho ImVo CnbãY Zht h¡&
12) ñWm¶r n[agånpËV na à^m{dV ‘yë¶hmg H$s Xa :
H«$.g§ gån[V ‘yë¶hmg H$s Xa
H$ \{Z©Ma Ed§ [\ qQ>½g
1 \{Z©Ma Ed§ [\ qQ>½g 10%
2 ao[\« OaoQ>a Ed§ Ob erVH$, Aݶ 13.91%
3 {H$amE Ho$ ^dZm| ‘| {dÚwVCnH$aU/N>V n§Io 10%
4 {H$amE na/ {ZOr ^dZm| ‘| n§Io (Q>o~b/noS>oñQ>b) 10%
I gwMZm àmoÚmo{JH$s H$s CnñH$a
1 Bbo³Q´>m°{ZH$ g§JUH$/‘m¶H«$mo àmogoga/qàQ>a 30%
2 ‘m¶H«$mo àmogoga Ho$ {bE gm°\ Q>doAa 30%
3 H$mQ>}O Q>oßg VWm H$mQ>}O {S>ñH$g 30%
J dmhZ
1 gmB©H$b 15%
2 ‘mo~mB©b àMma dmhZ 20%
3 ñQ>m\ H$ma 20%
4 Orn 20%
5 H$m¶m©b¶ H$ma - ¶moOZm VI 20%
K H$m¶m©b¶ CnñH$a
1 H¡$ÝQ>rZ CnñH$a 10%
2 boIm ‘erZ 30%
3 ES´>ogmoJ«m\/ES´>o‘m VWm ~«S>‘m ‘erZ§o 10%
4 Q>§H$Z ‘erZ§o 10%
5 Sw>[ßbHo$Q>g© 20%
63 Annual Report


Assurance Co. Ltd. COMPANY FOR
(Unaudited) CO-OPERATIVE
As at As at
31.12.2019 31.12.2019 @
1. Incorporated in Kenya Saudi
2. Proportion of Holding company 10.21% 4.98%
3. Proportionate Amount of Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses.
(` in Lakhs)
Assets 37347.45 -
(32408.81) (1554.74)
Liabilities 34469.52 -
(29412.21) (2235.13)
Income 6090.09 -
(5785.92) (1637.01)
Expenses 6247.38 -
(5502.26) (3064.84)
4. Share in contingent liabilities 1457.60 -
(1773.54) (-)
# #
* Figures in brackets ( ) indicate previous year's figures.

** Exchange rates are as on date of financial statements for assets & liabilities & average for the year for Income & expenses.

# The Accounts have been prepared as per local insurance laws.

@ Annual Accounts of SAUDI INDIAN COMPANY FOR CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE as at 31.12.2019 are not available.

12) Rates of Depreciation charged on Fixed Assets:

Asset Rate of Depreciation
A Furniture and fittings
1 Furniture and fittings 10%
2 Refrigerators and water coolers, etc. 13.91%
3 Electric fittings and ceiling fans in rented premises 10%
4 Fans (table/pedestal) in rented/ owned premises 10%
B Information Technology Equipment
1 Electronic Computers/microprocessors Printers 30%
2 Software for microprocessors 30%
3 Cartridge tapes, cartridge discs 30%
C Vehicles
1 Cycles 15%
2 Mobile Publicity Vans 20%
3 Staff Cars 20%
4 Jeeps 20%
5 Office Cars- Scheme VI 20%
D Office Equipment
1 Canteen Equipment 10%
2 Accounting machines 30%
3 Addressograph, Adrema and Bradma Machines, etc. 10%
4 Typewriters 10%
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
MoH$ {bIZodmbm
6 10%
\«±qH$J ‘erZ
7 10%
Vwbm ‘erZ
8 10%
H$m°ånQ>mo‘rQ>g©, OmoS> VWm n[aH$bZ ¶§Ì
9 20%
S>… Aݶ
1 Xÿa^mf 10%
2 \¡³g/BnrE~rE³g 10%
3 ‘mo~mB©b \moÝg VWm Aݶ g§MmaU CnñH$a 30%
4 nwñVH$mb¶ H$r nwñVHo$ 20%
5 {d{dY ny§Or CnñH$a 10%
6 ÑH$ lmì¶ VWm Aݶ g§~§{YV CnñH$a 30%
7 {ZAm°Z {MÝh, CXrpßX {MÝh, {dkmnZ nQ> Ed§ Aݶ àMma gm‘J«r 20%
8 A{^¶m{ÌH$s {d^mJ CnñH$a ` 5000/- go Á¶mXm Ho$ 12.50%
9 dm°ëQ>oO ñQ>o~rbmBOa VWm ¶ynrEg 30%
10 {H$amE na ^dZm| ‘| OZaoQ>g© S>rOr goQ>g² 30%
M ^y{‘ Ed§ ^dZ
1 J¥h gånpËV Ed§ ^y{‘ (~§YZ ‘w³V) 2%
2 J¥h gånpËV Ed§ ^y{‘ (~§YH$) nÅm An{Y AmYm[aV ¶WmZwnmV
3 gaH$mar g§ñWm ‘| I[aXo JE ñdm{‘Ëd dmbo {Zdmg I§S> 2%
4 J¥h gånpËV Ed§ ^y{‘ (~§YZ ‘w³V Ed§ ~§YH$) ‘| {dÚwV g§ñWmnZ, n§Io, 10%
{bßQ> Ed§ OZaoQ>a
13) àmdYmZmo H$s J{V :
(` bmI ‘|)
Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 àñVm{nV bm^m§e Ho$ {bE (5% ‘yë¶Z A{Yeof)
àma§{^H$ eof 266059.54 225242.26

df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ 269774.28 266059.54

^maV gaH$ma H$mo Xr JB© am{e 266059.54 225242.26

B{V eof 269774.28 266059.54

2 emoYj‘Vm gr‘m Ho$ {bE Amdí¶H$ àmdYmZ

àma§{^H$ eof 1494305.60 1494305.60

df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ 0.00 0.00

df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$Q>m¡{V¶m± 0.00 0.00

B{V eof 1494305.60 1494305.60

14) à~§YZ H m ì`` : :

à~§YZ H m ì`` AmB©AmaSrEAmB© Ho {d{Z`_Z 2016 (OrdZ ~r_m ì`dgm` _o§ OwQo hwE ~r_mH Vm© Ho à~§YZ H m ì``) Ho AZwgma Mma I§Smo§
H mo Nmo‹SH a h¡& hmbm§{H Hw b {_bmH a à~§YZ Ho dmñV{dH ì`` g^r I§Smo§ Ho {bE ñdrH m`© Hw b ì`` H r gr_m Ho ^rVa h¢&

63 Annual Report
5 Duplicators 20%
6 Cheque Writers 10%
7 Franking machines 10%
8 Weighing Machines 10%
9 Comptometers, adding and calculating Machines 20%
E Others
1 Telephones 10%
2 Fax/Epabx 10%
3 Mobile phones and other communication equipment 30%
4 Library Books 20%
5 Miscellaneous Capital Equipment 10%
6 Audio Visual & other Allied equipment 30%
7 Neon signs, Glow signs, Hoardings and other publicity materials 20%
8 Engineering Department's equipment costing over `. 5000/- 12.50%
9 Voltage stabilizers and UPS 30%
10 Generators, DG sets in rented premises 30%
1 House Property and Land (Freehold) 2%
2 House Property and Land (Leasehold) Pro rata based on lease period
3 Ownership Flats purchased in Co-op Societies 2%
4 Electrical Installations, fans, lifts and generators in House
Property(Freehold & Leasehold)
13) Movement of Provisions:
(` in Lakhs)

Current Year Previous Year

1 For Proposed Dividend
(5% Valuation Surplus)
Opening Balance 266059.54 225242.26
Addition during the year 269774.28 266059.54
Amount paid to Government of India 266059.54 225242.26
Closing Balance 269774.28 266059.54
2 Provision for reserve for solvency margin
Opening Balance 1494305.60 1494305.60
Addition during the year 0.00 0.00
Deduction during the year 0.00 0.00
Closing Balance 1494305.60 1494305.60

14) Expenses of Management:

The Expenses of Management are in accordance with the Regulation of IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurer transacting
life insurance business) Regulation 2016 except in Four segments. However on an overall basis the actual expenses of
management are within the limit of aggregate expenses allowable for all the segments.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
15) I§Sr` ~¡bo§g erQ H r àñVw{V na àH QrH aU:
EbAmB©gr A{Y{Z`_, 1956 H r Ymam 24 Ho AZwgma, {ZJ_ EH {Z{Y aIVm h¡ Am¡a {ZJ_ H r g^r agrXo§ dhm§ na O_m H a Xr OmVr h¡,
{Og_o§ g^r ^wJVmZ {H E OmVo h¢& & VX Zwgma ~r_m§{H H _yë`m§H Z go CËnÞ hmoZo dmbo A{Yeof H m g__yë` H mamo~ma _o§ Iwbmgm {H `m OmEJm&
amOñd ImVm I§Sr` AmYma na V¡`ma {H `m OmVm h¡ Am¡a `h dm{f©H {aQZ© H m EH {hñgm hmoVm h¡& nm°{bgr YmaH mo§ Ho \§ S H m Iwbmgm goJ_o§Q
Ho AmYma na {Z`§{ÌV \§ Smo§ Ho ñQo Q _o§Q _o§ {H `m OmVm h¡&
16) {dXoer ‘wÐm ^§S>ma:
\ rOr, ‘m°[aeg Am¡a ¶y. Ho$. ‘oo MbmE JE àMmbZ J¡a g‘mH$b ñdê$n Ho$ h¡. amOñd boIo H$s ‘Xo| Am¡gV {d{Z‘¶ Xa na VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ê$nm§V[aV
H$s OmVr h¡. nwZ‘y©ë¶m§H$Z {d{Z‘¶ H$m A§Va df© 2010-11 VH$ amOñd boIo ‘| à^m{aV {H$¶m J¶m Wm, A~ ¶o AZwgyMr 6-H$… ~r‘m Ama{jV
YZamer (nm°{bgrYmaH$) Am¡a AZwgyMr 6 … Ama{jV Am¡a A{Yeof (eo¶aYmaH$) Ho$ A§VJ©V {dXoer {d{Z‘¶ ^§S>ma ‘| g§{MV h¡.
17) gyú‘, bKw Ed§ ‘ܶ‘ loUr Ho$ CÚ‘ {dH$mg A{Y{Z¶‘ 2006:
à~§YZ Ho$ nmg CnbãY gyMZm Ho$ AZwgma gyú‘, bKw Ed§ ‘ܶ‘ loUr Ho$ CÚ‘ {dH$mg A{Y{Z¶‘, 2006 Ho$ A§ÝVJ©V {d{^ÝZ Amny{V©H$Vm©Am|
Ûmam Xr JB© gyMZm Ho$ AmYma na Bg A{Y{Z¶‘ Ûmam em{gV gyú‘, bKy Ed§ ‘ܶ‘ CÚmoJm| H$mo {ZJ‘ go {ZåZ amer ~H$m¶m Wr :
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU 31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo 31 ‘mM©, 2019 H$mo
gyú‘, bKy Ed§ ‘ܶ‘ CÚ‘ H$mo AàXËV ~Mr ‘ybYZ H$s YZamer 13.97 9.55

Cna 1 Ho AZwgma AàXËV nS>r ‘ybYZ H$s YZamerna Cn{MV ã¶mO eyݶ eyݶ
godmAm| H$s gwnwX©Jr/H$s VmarI go 15 {XZ ¶m gh‘V g‘¶ Ho$ níMmV df© go Xm¡amZ 4.36 1.62
‘ybYZ H$s YZam{e Ho$ ^yJVmZ na ^yJVmZ H$s JB© ã¶mO H$s YZam{e
4 df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ‘ybYZ na Xo¶ na Xo¶ na§Vw A^r VH$ ^wJVmZ {H$¶m J¶m ã¶mO eyݶ eyݶ
5 AmJm‘r dfm] ‘| ^r Xo¶ Am¡a ^wJVmZ¶mo½¶ AJbo ã¶mO H$s YZam[e, Cg VmarI VH$ eyݶ eyݶ
O~ H$mQ>o OmZo ¶mo½¶ IM} H$s AZw‘{V Z XoZo H$s CÔoí¶ Ho$ {bE Cn¶w©³V Xo¶ ã¶mO H$m
bKw CÚ‘ H$mo dmñVd ‘| ^wJVmZ Z H$a {X¶m OmE.
18) AD$Q>gmog© 춶, ì¶dgm¶ {dH$mg Ed§ {dnUZ ghm¶Vm
(` bmI ‘|)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
AD$Q>gmog© 춶 41974.10 26562.08
ì¶dgm¶ {dH$mg 180161.35 159692.67
{dnUZ ghm¶Vm 60239.10 59290.73

63 Annual Report
15) Disclosure on presentation of segmental Balance Sheet:

As per section 24 of LIC Act, 1956, the corporation maintains a single fund and all receipts of the corporation are credited
thereto and all payments are made there from. Accordingly surplus arising from Actuarial valuation will be disclosed in par
business. The revenue account is prepared on segmental basis and is a part of annual returns. The policy holders fund is
disclosed on segmental basis in the statement of controlled funds.

16) Foreign Exchange Reserve:

Operations carried out in Fiji, Mauritius and U.K. are of non integral nature. The Revenue A/c items are translated at the
average exchange rate and Balance Sheet at closing rate. Revaluation Exchange difference which was charged to Revenue
A/c till the year i.e. 2010-11 is now accumulated in Foreign Exchange Reserve under Schedule 6A: Insurance Reserves
(Policyholders) and Schedule 6: Reserve and surplus (shareholders).

17) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006:

According to information available with the management, on the basis of intimation received from suppliers, regarding their
status under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED ACT), the corporation has amounts
due to Micro and Small Enterprises under the said Act as follows:

(` in Lakhs)

Sr. Particulars As at As at
No. March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
1 Principal amount remaining unpaid to Micro, small & medium enterprise. 13.97 9.55
2 Interest accrued on principal amount remaining unpaid as per 1 above. Nil Nil
3 Amount of interest paid during the year along with the payment of principal 4.36 1.62
amount made beyond 15 days or agreed time from the date of delivery /ren-
dering of services.
4 Interest due but yet to be paid on principal during the year. Nil Nil
5 Amount of further interest remaining due and payable even in the succeeding Nil Nil
years, until such date when the interest dues as above are actually paid to the
small enterprise, for the purpose of disallowance as deductible expenditure.

18) Outsourcing Expenses, Business Development and Marketing Support:

(` in Lakhs)

Particular Current Year Previous Year

Outsourcing Expenses 41974.10 26562.08
Business Development 180161.35 159692.67
Marketing Support 60239.10 59290.73

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
19) {d{dY gaH$mar g§ñWmAm| Ûmam {bE J¶o XmpÊS>H$ H$m¶©dmhr …
am{e (` bmI ‘|)
H«$. g§. g§ñWm J¡a AZwnmbZ/
Cëb§KZ XÊS> gå‘m{ZV XÊS> àXËV XÊS> A{Y˶mJ
KQ>m¶m J¶m
1 ~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Ed§ àm{YH$aU 0 0 0
2 godm H$a àm{YH$aU / OrEgQr {ZMo Xr JB© Vm{bH$m 680.38 59.94 0
3 Am¶H$a àm{YH$aU Ho$ AZwgma 9.18 9.18 0
4 Aݶ H$a àm{YH$aU 3.96 3.96 0
5 àdV©Z {ZXoemb¶/{ZUm©¶H$ àm{YH$aU/ݶm¶m{YH$aU Am¡a 0 0 0
\o‘m Ho$ A§VJ©V H$moB© ^r àm{YH$aU
6 H§$nZr a{OñQ´>ma/EZgrEbQ>r/grEb~r/{ZJ{‘V H$m¶© {d^mJ 0 0 0
Am¡a H§$nZr E³Q>, 1956 Ho$ A§VJ©V Aݶ àm[YH$aU
7 {H$gr ݶm¶mb¶/ݶm¶m{YH$aU Ûmam {H$gr ^r {df¶ Xmdm 2.16 2.16 0
^wJVmZ j{Vny{V© H$mo N>moS>H$a {X¶m J¶m XÊS>
8 {g³¶w[aQ>r EÊS> E³gM|O ~moS>© Am°\ B§{S>¶m 0 0 0
9 H$pånQ>reZ H$‘reZ Am°\ B§{S>¶m 0 0 0
10 Aݶ H|${ж/amÁ¶/ñWmZr¶/gaH$mar/g§{d{YH$ àm{YH$aU 0 0 0
Hw$b 695.68 75.24 0
J¡a AZwnmbZ/Cëb§KZ H$m {ddaU:
{aQZ© \ mB{b§J Ed§ H$amYmZ O_m H$aZo _o§ Xoar 12.43
noeoda H$a Ho$ Xoa go n«ofU 0.71
~r_mYmaH$mo§ Ho$ nj _o§ AXmbV Ûmam {X`m J`m Ow_m©Zm 2.16
~r_mYmaH$ _m_bo Ho$ Abmdm gaH$mar n«m{YH$aU Ûmam {X`m J`m Ow_m©Zm 0

godm H$a n«m{YH$aU 680.38

Hw$b 39.97

20) \« r -byH$ Ad{Y Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ:

31.03.2020 H$mo \« r -byH$ Ad{Y Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ,‘mh Aà¡b, 2020 Ho$ dmñV{dH$ {à{‘¶‘ dmngr Ho$ AmYma na {H$¶m J¶m h¡. ¶h àmdYmZ
¶h ‘mZVo hþE {H$¶m J¶m h¡ H$s ‘mh Aà¡b 2020 ‘| Omo g‘ñV àr{‘¶‘ dmngr H$m ^wJVmZ {H$¶m J¶m h¡ dh CZ nm°{b{g¶m| go g§å~pÝYV h¡ Omo
{H$ 31 ‘mM©, 2020 ¶m Cggo nhbo nyU© hþB© h¡&
21) gm§{d{YH$ boIm n[ajH$mo§ H$mo {X¶m J¶m A{V[a³V H$m‘:
(` bmI ‘|)
boIm n[ajH$mo§ Ho$ Zm‘ àXmZ H$s JB© godmE§ 31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo 31 ‘mM©, 2019 H$mo
_¡. I>ÝS>obdmb O¡Z EÊS> H§$. à‘mUZ H$m¶© 1.83 2.34

(Cna Xem©`o A§mH$µµ‹So godm H$a/OrEgQr H$mo Nmo‹S H$a h¡§)

22) ^maVr¶ boIm ‘mZH$ Ho$ {H$«¶mÝd¶Z H$s àJ{V :
JeÀe@heexjsì ceeceueeW JesÀ ceb$eeue³e (Sce meer S) Üeje efoS ieS ÒeejbefYeJeÀ jes[ cewhe JesÀ Devegmeej, yeercee JebÀheefve³eeW JeÀes DeÒewue 2018 mes Yeejleer³e uesKee ceeveJeÀ (Ind As)
JesÀ ªhe ceW ueeietJeÀjvee DeekeM³eJeÀ Lee~ Debleefjce ceeveJeÀ IFRS-4 JeÀer peien IFRS-17 (yeercee DevegyebOe) peejer JeÀjves JesÀ meeLe, DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& ves 2 ke<e& ³eeveer
efkeÊeer³e ke<e& 2020-21 JesÀ yeeo mes Deheves heefjhe$e meboYe& IRDAI/CIR/DeefOeefve³eceeW/146/06/2017 efoveebJeÀ 28 petve, 2017 Üeje Ind AS JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve
JeÀes 2 ke<e& leJeÀ mLeefiele JeÀj efo³ee~
peye yeercee #es$e Yeejleer³e uesKee ceeveJeÀ JeÀes ueeiet JeÀjves JeÀer lew³eejer JeÀj jne Lee, ³en O³eeve efo³ee ie³ee Lee efJeÀ:
(i) Debleje&ä£er³e uesKee ceeveJeÀ yees[& (IASB) ves IFRS 17 ceW mebMeesOeve JeÀjves hej efke®eej efJeÀ³ee nw~
(ii) IASB ves 2020 JesÀ ceO³e leJeÀ mebMeesefOele ceeveJeÀ peejer JeÀjves JeÀe mebJesÀle efo³ee Lee~
(iii) mebMeesOeve JesÀ meeLe ceeveJeÀ IASB Üeje DeefOemetef®ele efJeÀS peeves JesÀ yeeo, Yeejle ceW Fmeer ceeveJeÀ JeÀes MCA Üeje DeefOemetef®ele JeÀjvee nesiee~
(iv) FmeJesÀ yeeo, IRDAI mes Dehes#ee JeÀer peeleer nw efJeÀ ken Ind AS JesÀ Devegªhe efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀer lew³eejer JesÀ yeejs ceW efve³eceeW JeÀes DeefOemetef®ele JeÀjs~
63 Annual Report
19) Penal action taken by various Government Authorities

Amount (` in Lakhs)
Sl Penalty
Authority Compliance/ Penalty Penalty
No. Waived/
Violation Awarded Paid
1 Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority 0 0 0
2 GST/Service Tax Authorities 680.38 59.94 0
3 Income Tax Authorities 9.18 9.18 0
4 Any other Tax Authorities 3.96 3.96 0
Enforcement Directorate/ Adjudicating Authority/ Tribunal or
5 0 0 0
any Authority under FEMA
Registrar of Companies/ NCLT/CLB/ Department of Corporate
6 0 0 0
Affairs or any Authority under Companies Act, 1956 as per table
given below
Penalty awarded by any Court/ Tribunal for any matter
7 2.16 2.16 0
including claim settlement but excluding compensation
8 Securities and Exchange Board of India 0 0 0
9 Competition Commission of India 0 0 0
Any other Central/State/Local Government / Statutory
10 0 0 0
Total 695.68 75.24 0
Details of non compliance/Violation:
Delay In return filling & late remittance of tax 12.43
Late remittance of professional tax 0.71
Penalty awarded by Court in favor of policyholders 2.16
Penalty awarded by Govt. Authority other than the policyholder matters. 0
Service Tax Authority 680.38
Total 695.68

20) Provision for free-look period:

Provision for free-look period as at 31.03.2020 has been made on the basis of actual premium refunded during April, 2020.
The provision is made with an assumption that all refund of premium during the month of April, 2020 pertained to the policies
completed on or before 31st March, 2020.

21) Additional work given to Statutory Auditors:

(` in Lakhs)
Name of the Auditors Services rendered As at March 31,2020 As at March 31,2019
M/s Khandelwal Jain & Co. Certification Work 1.83 2.34
(The above figures are excluding GST/Service Tax)
22) Progress of implementation of Ind AS:
As per the initial roadmap given by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), insurance companies were required to implement
Ind AS from April 2018. With the release of IFRS -17(Insurance Contracts) replacing the interim Standard IFRS 4, IRDAI deferred
the implementation of Ind AS by 2 years i.e. from Financial Year 2020-21 onwards by its circular reference IRDAI/CIR/
ACTS/146/06/2017 dated 28th June, 2017.
While the Insurance sector was preparing to implement the Ind AS, it was noted that:
i) The International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) has taken a considered view to amend IFRS 17.
ii) The IASB had indicated to issue the amended standard by mid-2020.
iii) After the standard with amendments is notified by IASB, the corresponding standard in India will have to be notified
by the MCA.
iv) Thereafter, IRDAI is expected to notify the regulations on preparation of Ind AS compliant Financial Statements.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
mebMeesefOele IFRS 17 ceW Dev³e efve³eceeW JesÀ mebMeesOeve JeÀer DeekeMeJeÀlee nes meJeÀleer nw~ FmeJesÀ Deueekee IRDAI ves Deheves heefjhe$e mevoYe& IRDAI: IRDAI/ F&A/
CIR/ACTS/023/01/2020 efoveebefJeÀle 21 pevekejer, 2020 Üeje Ind AS 109 Deewj Ind AS JesÀ meceJeÀ#e IFRS 17 Dev³e ueeiet ceeveJeÀeW JeÀes ueeiet JeÀjves
JeÀe HewÀmeuee efJeÀ³ee~ Fme ÒeJeÀej IASB Üeje IFRS 17 JeÀes Debeflece ªhe osves JesÀ yeeo ner IRDAI Üeje Ind AS JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve JeÀer ÒeYeekeer efleefLe le³e JeÀer peeSieer~
IRDAI ves Deheves henues JesÀ heefjhe$e, efoveebJeÀ 28 petve, 2017 JeÀes keeheme ues eque³ee nw, Deewj efleceener efkeÊeer³e efkekejCe JesÀ ªhe ceW ÒeesHeÀecee& Ind AS JeÀer DeekeMeJeÀlee
JeÀes keeheme ues eque³ee nw~
Deye nceves efve³eeceJeÀ ÒeeefOeJeÀjCe Üeje DeefOemetef®ele efJeÀS peeves hej Ind AS JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve JesÀ equeS SJeÀ JeÀesj ìerce JeÀe ie"ve efJeÀ³ee nw~ meYeer mebyebefOele efkeYeeieeW
JeÀes Ind As JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve JesÀ equeS ÒeCeeeque³eeW Deewj Òeef¬eÀ³eeDeesb ceW DeekeMeJeÀ heefjkele&veeW JeÀe cetu³eebJeÀve JeÀjves JesÀ equeS ìerce yeveeves JeÀer meueen oer ieF& nw~
23) F$UnÍm/F$U Ho$ VhV gwajm am{e ` 3005.83 H$amoS H$r Am§{eH$ êŸn go {Zînm{XV H$r JB© h¡§ Ed§ CgH$r C{MV n«{H«$`m Mb ahr h¡&
({nNbo df© ` 3005.83 H$amoS)
24) {ZJ_ Ho$ H$_©Mm{a`mo§ H$m doVZ g§emoYZ ha nm§M dfmoª _o§ {H$`m OmVm h¡ Am¡a dV©_mZ doVZ g§emoYZ 1 AJñV 2017 go Xo` hmo J`m h¡& BgHo$ {bE
A§{V_ {ZU©` b§{~V h¡, BgH$m n«mdYmZ AZw_m{ZV AmYma na {H$`m J`m h¡&
25) 11 cee®e&, 2020 JeÀes efkeée mkeemL³e mebie"ve (WHO) Üeje keÀesefJe[-19 kee³ejme JesÀ ÒeJeÀeshe JeÀes keweféeJeÀ ceneceejer Ieesef<ele efJeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~ Yeejle meefnle ogefve³ee Yej
ceW FmeJesÀ Òemeej JesÀ heefjCeece mkeªhe hetbpeer yeepeejeW ceW DeeqmLejlee meefnle keweféeJeÀ Deewj Yeejle JesÀ DeeefLe&JeÀ ceenewue hej cenlkehetCe& ÒeYeeke heæ[e nw~ efveiece ves 31 cee®e&,
2020 JeÀes meceehle ke<e& JesÀ equeS heefjmebheefÊe³eeW, veerefleiele osveoeefj³eeW Deewj MeesOeve #ecelee JesÀ cetu³eebJeÀve meefnle Deheves k³eeheej Deewj efkeÊeer³e hej Fme ceneceejer JesÀ meceûe
ÒeYeeke hej efke®eej efJeÀ³ee nw~ DevegJetÀue ce=l³egoj DevegYeke Deewj Deeies efke®eej JeÀjles ngS efJeÀ keÀesefJe[-19 JeÀe ÒeYeeke yeerceeJe=Àle peerkeve ce=l³eg oj hej JeÀesF& efkeéemeveer³e
ÒeYeeke efkeMues<eCe veneR nw, keÀesefJe[-19 ceneceejer JesÀ equeS JeÀesF& Deueie ce=l³eg oj Deejef#ele veneR efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw~ efveiece keÀesefJe[-19 mes mebyebefOele Yeefke<³e JesÀ efJeÀmeer
Yeer Ieìvee¬eÀce JeÀe yeejerJeÀer mes efvejer#eCe JeÀjlee jnsiee eqpemeJeÀe GmeJesÀ k³ekemee³e Deewj efkeÊeer³e eqmLeefle hej ÒeYeeke heæ[ meJeÀlee nw~
26) 31.03.2020 H mo g_mßV hmoZo dmbo df© Ho {bE aonmo/{adg© aonmo ì`dhma
df© Ho Xm¡amZ df© Ho Xm¡amZ df© Ho Xm¡amZ X¡{ZH 31.03.2020 H mo
ÝnwZV_ ~H m`m A{YH V_ ~H m`m Am¡gV ~H m`m ~H m`m
REPO Ho VhV ~oMr JB© à{V^w{V
1. gaH mar à{V^w{V`m± ewÝ` ewÝ` ewÝ` ewÝ`
2. H mnm}aoQ F U à{V^w{V`m
à{V^w{V`m| H mo àË`mdm{V©V aonmo Ho VhV IarXm J`m 400.43 H amoS 22824.82 H amoS 7851.27 H amoS 12889.39 H amoS
gaH mar à{V^w{V`m±*
2. H mnm}aoQ F U à{V^w{V`m ewÝ` ewÝ` ewÝ` ewÝ`
* am{e grgrAmB© Eb Ho gr Ama Amo E_ Eg ßboQ\ m_© _| {H `o J`o aonmo (CYma) boZXoZ H mo {adg© H aZo go g§~§{YV h¡&

27) Regroupings or reclassification

Mmbw df© Ho dJuH aU Hr nw{ï HaZo Ho {b`o {nNbo df© Ho AmH Sm| Hmo Ohm§ H hr Amdí`H hmo, nwZ: g_whrH¥ V {H `m J`m h¡ nwZ: g_whZ {Zå_mZwgma h¡&
hegveë mecegner¬eÀle mes hegveë mecegner¬eÀle JeÀejCe
1 Devegmet®eer ¬eÀ. 2 Devegmet®eer ¬eÀ. 3
ueeFve DeeF&ìce - SpeWìes/ ueeFve DeeF&ìce; YeÊes ke JeÀceerMeve
peerkeve yeercee JebÀheefveeeW Üeje efkeÊeer³e efkekejCeeW JeÀes leweej JeÀjves JesÀ
oueeuees/Dev³e ceO³e³emLeeW JeÀes (yeercee SpeWì JesÀ JeÀceerMeve JesÀ
equeS peejer IRDAI JesÀ heefjhe$e efoveebJeÀ 04 DeJeÌìtyej, 2019 JesÀ hee@
hegªmJeÀej Deewj ³ee heeefjÞeefceJeÀ Deueekee) Fbì Je´À. 3 JesÀ Devegmeej ueeFve DeeF&ìce: Deve/oueeueeW/SWpeìes-ceOe-
emLeeW JeÀes hegªmJeÀej Deewj heeefjÞeefceJeÀ JeÀes efoKeeee ieee nw~
28) {ZJ_ Ho IÊSdma n{agån{ËV`m| VWm Xm{`Ëdm| H r OmZH mar `Wm g§^d àmßV H r h¡&
29) {dËVr` {ddaUm| _| H moðH ( ) _| {X`o JE Am§H So F UmË_H eof ~VmVo h¡&
30) Ohm± H hr Amdí`H hmo {nNbo df© Ho Am§H Sm| H mo Bg df© Ho Am§H Sm| go VwbZm Ho {b`o {\ a go nwZ©JRrV {H `m J`m h¡&

63 Annual Report
The amended IFRS 17 may necessitate modification of other regulations. Further IRDAI by its circular Ref: IRDAI/F&A/CIR/
ACTS/023/01/2020 dated 21st January, 2020 decided to implement Ind AS 109 and Ind AS equivalent of IFRS 17 alongwith
other applicable standards. Thus the effective date of implementation of Ind AS would be decided by IRDAI only after finalisation
of IFRS 17 by IASB. IRDAI has withdrawn its earlier circular, dated 28th June, 2017, and the requirement of proforma Ind AS
quarterly financial statements.
We have now formed a core team for implementation of Ind AS, as and when notified by the regulatory authority. All concerned
departments have been advised to have teams to evaluate necessary changes in systems and procedures for implementation
of Ind AS.
23) Security under seven loans, amounting to ` 3005.83 crore executed partially and is under due process
(Previous Year ` 3005.83 crore).
24) Wage revision of the employees of the Corporation is done every five years and the present wage revision has become due
on 1st August, 2017. Pending final decision for the same, provision has been made on the estimated basis.
25) The Outbreak of COVID-19 virus was declared as global pandemic by World Health Organisation (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Its
spread across the globe including India has resulted in significant impact on global and India’s economic environment including
volatility in the capital markets. The Corporation has considered the overall impact of this pandemic on its business and
financials, including valuation of assets, policy liabilities and solvency for the year ended March 31, 2020. In view of the
favourable mortality experience and considering further that the impact of COVID 19 on insured lives mortality has no credible
impact analysis, no separate mortality reserve has been provided for COVID 19 pandemic. The Corporation will continue to
closely monitor any future developments relating to COVID-19 which may have any impact on its business and
financial position.
26) Repo/ Reverse Repo transactions for the year ended 31.03.2020
Minimum Maximum Daily average
Outstanding as
outstanding outstanding outstanding
on 31.03.2020
during the year during the year during the year
Securities sold under REPO
1. Government Securities NIL NIL NIL NIL
2. Corporate Debt securities
Securities Purchased under reversed Repo
1. Government Securities* 400.43 Crore 22824.82 Crore 7851.27 Crore 12889.39 Crore
2. Corporate Debt securities NIL NIL NIL NIL

27) Regroupings or reclassification:

Figures for the previous year have been re-grouped wherever necessary, to confirm to current year’s classification. The details
for regrouping are as follows:

Sr. Amount
Regrouped to Regrouped from Reason
No. (`in Lakhs)
1. Schedule No. 2 Schedule No. 3
Line item: Rewards Line item: Allowances 68506.75 Rewards and or remuneration to agents/ broker /
and or remuneration to and commission (other other intermediaries shown as Separate Line Item
agents/brokers / other than commission to as per Point No. 3 of IRDAI circular on Preparation
intermediaries insurance agents) of Financial Statement by Life Insurers dated 04th
Oct. 2019.

28) Segment wise assets and liabilities have been ascertained by the Corporation to the extent possible
29) Figures in bracket ( ) in financial statements indicate negative balances.
30) Previous year’s figures have been recast / regrouped wherever necessary to make them comparable with those of the Current Year.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
31) keÀe@Heesjsì He´Meemeve kesÀ efoMee efveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegmeej He´keÀìerkeÀjCe DemeJeM³ekeÀleeSB
(i) yeerceeJeÀlee& JesÀ efkeÊeer³e Deewj heefj®eeueve Devegheele hej cee$eelceJeÀ Deewj iegCeelceJeÀ peeveJeÀejer, DeLee&le, oekee efJeÀS ieS oekes, JeÀceerMeve Deewj
k³e³e Devegheele:
efkeÊeer³e efkekejCe Deewj Devegheele JeÀe meejebMe osKeW~
(ii) keemleefkeJeÀ MeesOeve #ecelee ceeeqpe&ve efkekejCe DeekeMeJeÀ MeesOeve #ecelee ceeeqpe&ve JeÀer leguevee ceW~
31 cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ efveiece (Yeejle ceW) JeÀe keemleefkeJeÀ MeesOeve #ecelee ceeeqpe&ve 155% nw (efheíues ke<e& 31 cee®e&, 2019 JeÀer meceeefhle hej 160%) nw~ pees efJeÀ
DeekeMeJeÀ MeesOeve #ecelee ceeeqpe&ve 150% JesÀ efke©à nw~
(iii) o=æ{lee Devegheele
31 cee®e&, 2020 JeÀes meceehle ke<e& JesÀ equeS SJeÀue Òeerefce³ece Deewj hetjer lejn mes Yegieleeve JeÀer ieF& hee@equemeer³eeW meefnle ¢æ{lee Devegheele (13 keeb cenervee) Òeerefce³ece
jeeqMe JesÀ DeeOeej hej 72% (efheíuee ke<e& 31 cee®e&, 2019 JeÀes 77% nw) Deewj hee@equemeer JeÀer mebK³ee JesÀ DeeOeej hej 61% nw (efheíues ke<e& 31 cee®e&, 2019 JeÀer
meceeefhle hej 66%)~
(iv) efkeJeÀeme oj Deewj yeerceeJeÀlee& JeÀer kele&ceeve efkeÊeer³e eqmLeefle meefnle efkeÊeer³e ÒeoMe&ve
efkeÊeer³e efkekejCe Deewj Devegheele JeÀe meejebMe osKeW~
(v) peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve keemlegJeÀuee JeÀe keCe&ve
peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve JeÀes Gme Òeef¬eÀ³ee JesÀ ªhe ceW heefjYeeef<ele efJeÀ³ee peelee nw eqpemeJesÀ lenle efveiece Ssmes peeseqKeceeW JeÀer hen®eeve, ceeheve Deewj GvnW JeÀce JeÀjJesÀ Deheves
ÒeyebOeve JesÀ lenle efveiece JeÀer efkeÊeer³e heefjmebheefÊe³eeW mes pegæ[s efvekesMe peeseqKeceeW JeÀes mebyeesefOele JeÀjlee nw~ peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve ceW meYeer JeÀejJeÀeW JeÀer mecePe Meeefceue nw
Deewj kes efJeÀme no leJeÀ meHeÀuelee JesÀ equeS Keleje nes meJeÀles nQ~ Fme Òeef¬eÀ³ee ceW mebie"ve ceW peeseqKece mebmJe=Àefle JeÀes ueeves JeÀe Yeer Òe³eeme efJeÀ³ee peeSiee leeefJeÀ
JeÀce&®eeefj³eeW JeÀes peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve ÒeCeeueer JeÀes ueeiet JeÀjves JeÀe cenlke cenmetme nes Deewj Òel³esJeÀ JeÀce&®eejer mebyebefOele peeseqKeceeW JeÀes Gef®ele ªhe mes mebyeesefOele JeÀjves
JesÀ equeS Kego JeÀes Meeefceue JeÀjs~
efveosMeJeÀ ceb[ue peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve meceejesn hej meceûe ceeie&oMe&ve Òeoeve JeÀjlee nQ; eqpemeceW ÒecegKe peeseqKeceeW Deewj Ghee³eeW hej DeekeM³eJeÀ efvejer#eCe Òeoeve JeÀjvee,
peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve veerefle Deewj peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve jCeveerefle, peeseqKece cetu³eebJeÀve JeÀLeve, ALM hee@equemeer JeÀes keeef<e&JeÀ DeeOeej hej cebpetjer osvee Deewj efveiece JeÀer
k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ efvejblejlee ³eespevee Meeefceue nw~
DeeF&Deej[erS efoMee-efveoxMeeW JesÀ Devegªhe, efveiece ves yees[& (RMCB) JeÀer peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve meefceefle JeÀe ie"ve efJeÀ³ee nw~
RMCB peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve Meemeve mebj®evee JeÀer DeveosKeer JeÀjlee nw, peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve {eb®es JeÀer meceer#ee JeÀjlee nw, peeseqKece JeÀer YetKe Deewj cenlkehetCe& peeseqKeceeW
JesÀ equeS peeseqKece Meceve ³eespevee JeÀer meceer#ee JeÀjlee nw, k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ keeleekejCe Deewj efve³eceeW ceW heefjkele&ve mes Glhevve jCeveerefleJeÀ peeseqKeceeW JeÀer hen®eeve JeÀjlee
nw, efve³eeceJeÀ DeekeMeJeÀleeDeesb JesÀ Devegheeueve JeÀer osKejsKe JeÀjlee nw, heefjmebheefÊe os³elee ÒeyebOeve mes mebyebefOele meYeer ceeceues, keeef<e&JeÀ DeeOeej hej efvekesMe JeÀe³eeX JesÀ
equeS DeeF&ìer megj#ee veerefle, efveiece JeÀer k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ efvejblejlee ³eespevee, efveiece JeÀer MeesOeve #ecelee eqmLeefle, OeesKeeOeæ[er JeÀer efveiejeveer, Deeefo JesÀ DeeOeej hej
efve³eefcele ªhe mes k³eeheej efvejblejlee hej efve³eefcele Dehe[sì JeÀer meceer#ee JeÀjlee nw~
FmeJesÀ Deueekee, meYeer cenlkehetCe& ceeceues, eqpevnW RMCB JeÀes O³eeve ceW jKeles ngS, yees[& mes Deeies jCeveerefleJeÀ nmle#eshe JeÀer DeekeMeJeÀlee nesleer nw, JeÀes FmeJeÀer yew"JeÀ ceW
DeekeefOeJeÀ DeeOeej hej FmeJeÀer peeveJeÀejer oer peeleer nw~
peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve hej DeefOeJeÀeefj³eeW JeÀer meefceefle (CERM) JesÀ veece mes SJeÀ mkeleb$e meefceefle JeÀe ie"ve efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw, eqpemeceW efvekesMe efkeYeeie JesÀ leerveeW keieeX ³eeveer
He´bÀì Dee@efHeÀme (CIO), efce[-Dee@efHeÀme (CRO), yewJeÀ-Dee@efHeÀme Deewj JeÀe³e&keenJeÀ efkeYeeie JesÀ ÒecegKe Meeefceue nQ~ CERM efvekesMe efkeYeeie JesÀ equeS peeseqKece
ÒeyebOeve veerefle Deewj ALM veerefle JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve JeÀer efveiejeveer JeÀjlee nw~
FmeJesÀ Deueekee, CERM JegÀí ÒecegKe JeÀe³eeX JeÀer osKejsKe JeÀjJesÀ RMCB JeÀe meceLe&ve JeÀjlee nw, pewmes, peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve veerefle³eeb mLeeefhele JeÀjvee, efvekesMe
efkeYeeieeW JesÀ equeS peeseqKece efjheesefì¥ie/peeseqKece efve³eb$eCe JesÀ equeS MIS, peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve JesÀ equeS He´sÀce pekeeyeosner Deewj DeefOeJeÀej, yees[& JeÀer peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve
meefceefleJeÀes efjheesì& JeÀjvee jCeveerefleJeÀ henue Deewj k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ keeleekejCe ³ee efve³eceeW ceW heefjkele&ve mes Glhevve nesves keeues peeseqKece, peeseqKece cetu³eebJeÀve meceer#ee
efjheesì& Òeoeve JeÀjles nQ, eqpemeceW cenlkehetCe& peeseqKece Deewj peeseqKece Meceve ³eespevee hej ÒeJeÀeMe [euee ie³ee nw, efveiece JeÀer k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ efvejblejlee ³eespevee JesÀ
Devegªhe k³eekemeeef³eJeÀ efvejblejlee ³eespevee meefnle heefj®eeueve peeseqKece he³ee&kejCe JeÀer meceer#ee, efveiece efve³eefcele DeeOeej hej meceûe eqmLeefle JeÀer meceer#ee JeÀjW, DeeF&ìer
megj#ee mes mebyebefOele peeseqKece JeÀermeceer#ee Deewj DeeF&ìer mes mebyebefOele efJeÀmeer Yeer Dev³e cegÎeW hej Yeer meceer#ee JeÀjs~
CERM JeÀer efmeHeÀeefjMeeW JeÀer met®evee RMCB JeÀes oer peeleer nw~ peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve hej JeÀe³e&JeÀejer meefceefle Üeje JeÀer ieF& efkeefYevve cegÎeW hej SJeÀ mecesefJeÀle efjheesì& Deewj yew"JeÀ
JeÀer Deeke=efÊe JesÀ meeLe-meeLe JeÀej&keeF& RMCB JeÀes efleceener DeeOeej hej metef®ele JeÀer peeleer nw~
63 Annual Report
31) Disclosure requirements as per Corporate Governance Guidelines
i. Quantitative and qualitative information on the insurer’s financial and operating ratios, namely, incurred claim,
commission and expenses ratios:
Refer Summary of financial statement and Ratios.
ii. Actual solvency margin details vis-à-vis the required solvency margin
The actual solvency margin of the Corporation (Business within India) as on March 31, 2020 stands at 155% (previous
year ended March 31, 2019 is 160%) as against regulatory requirement of 150%.
iii. Persistency ratio
The persistency ratio (13th month) including single premium and fully paid up policies for the year ended March 31, 2020
is 72% (previous year ended March 31, 2019 is 77%) based on premium amount and 61% (previous year ended March
31, 2019 is 66%) based on number of policies.
iv. Financial performance including growth rate and current financial position of the insurer
Refer Summary of financial statement and Ratios.
v. A description of the risk management architecture
Risk management is defined as the process under which Corporation addresses Investment risks associated with the
corporation’s financial assets under its management by identifying, measuring and mitigating such risks. Risk Management
encompasses understanding of all the factors and the extent to which they can be threats to success. The process will
also endeavor to bring about the Risk culture in the organization so that the employees feel the importance of putting Risk
management system in place and each employee involves himself in appropriately addressing the concerned risks.
Board of Directors provide the overall guidance on Risk Management function; which includes providing necessary
oversight on key risks and measures, approving the Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Strategy, Risk
Appetite statement, ALM Policy on an annual basis and Business Continuity Plan of the Corporation.
In line with the IRDAI Guidelines, Corporation has constituted the Risk Management Committee of the Board (RMCB).
The RMCB overlooks the risk management governance structure, reviews the risk management framework, risk appetite
and the risk mitigation plans for significant risks, identifies strategic risks emanating from changes in business environment
and regulations, oversees the compliance to regulatory requirements, all matters related to Asset Liability Management,
IT Security policy for investment functions on annual basis, reviews regular updates on business continuity in line with the
Corporation’s Business Continuity Plan, solvency position of the Corporation, fraud monitoring, etc. on regular basis.
Further, all important matters which, in the view of the RMCB, require further strategic intervention from the Board are
brought to its knowledge in its meeting on a periodic basis.
An independent Committee, named as Committee of Executives on Risk Management (CERM) has been constituted
consisting of Heads from all the three sections of Investment Department i.e. Front office (CIO), Mid-office (CRO), Back-
office and Actuarial Department. CERM monitors the implementation of Risk Management policy and ALM policy for the
Investment Department.
Besides, CERM supports the RMCB by supervising some major functions, like, establishing Risk Management Policies,
MIS for risk reporting/risk control applicable to Investment Departments, frame accountability and authority for risk
management, report to the Risk Management Committee of the Board about key risks arising from strategic initiatives
and changes in business environment or regulations, provide risk assessment review reports highlighting significant risks
and risk mitigation plans thereof, review of operating risk environment including Business Continuity Plan in line with
Corporation’s Business Continuity Plan, review the solvency position of the Corporation on a regular basis, review of risk
related to IT security and any other issues related to IT.
Recommendations of the CERM are reported to the RMCB. A consolidated report on various issues discussed by the
Committee of Executives on Risk Management and action taken thereon along with frequency of the meeting are reported
to the RMCB on quarterly basis.
Heads of Investment-Operations (Front office), Monitoring & Accounting (Back-Office) and Risk Management & Research
(Mid-Office) functions are responsible for implementation of the sound Risk Management System as may be applicable
to their respective areas of functioning as well as be responsible for coordinating with the other sections. They are
also responsible for maintaining a sound system of internal control that supports the achievement of the objectives and
policies as enumerated in the Corporation’s Investment Policy.
63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
efvekesMe-meb®eeueve (He´bÀì Dee@efHeÀme), efveiejeveer Deewj uesKee (yewJeÀ-Dee@efHeÀme) Deewj peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve Deewj DevegmebOeeve (efce[-Dee@efHeÀme) JeÀe³eeX JesÀ ÒecegKe Okeefve
peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve ÒeCeeueer JesÀ JeÀe³ee&vke³eve JesÀ equeS ef]peccesoej nQ, pees GveJesÀ JeÀeceJeÀepe JesÀ mebyebefOele #es$eeW hej ueeiet nes meJeÀles nQ~ meeLe ner Dev³e keieeX JesÀ meeLe
mecevke³e JesÀ equeS ef]peccesoej nesiee~ kes DeebleefjJeÀ efve³eb$eCe JeÀer SJeÀ Okeefve ÒeCeeueer JeÀes yeveeS jKeves JesÀ equeS Yeer ef]peccesoej nQ pees efveiece JeÀer efvekesMe veerefle ceW
keeqCe&le GÎsMeeW Deewj veerefle³eeW JeÀer GheueeqyOe JeÀe meceLe&ve JeÀjlee nw~
peeseqKece efve³eb$eCe {eb®es JeÀes veerefle³eeW Deewj Òeef¬eÀ³eeDeesb, efmemìce Deewj mebie"ve JesÀ ceeO³ece mes efveefo&ä, efveiejeveer Deewj efve³ebef$ele efJeÀ³ee peelee nw~
efvekesMe efkeYeeie JeÀe Òel³esJeÀ Keb[ SJeÀ peeseqKece jeqpemìj jKelee nw, peneb meYeer mebYeeefkele peeseqKece keeues #es$eeW Deewj efve³eb$eCe {eb®es JeÀes met®eeryeà efJeÀ³ee peelee nw~
ÒeejbefYeJeÀ peeseqKece hen®eeve Deewj Meceve JeÀer ªhejsKee JeÀer meceer#ee peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve meefceefle Deewj yees[& JeÀer peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve meefceefle (RMCB) Üeje JeÀer peeleer nw~
meYeer efkeYeeieeW JesÀ equeS peeseqKece jeqpemìj efvekesMe peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve Deewj DevegmebOeeve (RMR) efkeYeeie JesÀ GÐece peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve (ERM) mesue Üeje yeveeS jKee
peelee nw~
LIC ceW met®evee megj#ee meb®eeueve meefceefle (ISSC) nw, eqpemeceW ÒeyebOe efveosMeJeÀ, JeWÀêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e JesÀ JegÀí efkeYeeieeW JesÀ ÒecegKe Deewj cegK³e met®evee megj#ee
DeefOeJeÀejer (CISO) Meeefceue nQ~ ³en meYeer met®eveeDeesb Deewj meeFyej megj#ee mebyebOeer veerefle³eeW Deewj Òeef¬eÀ³eeDeesb JeÀer osKejsKe JeÀjlee nw~ ISSC yew"JeÀeW JesÀ JeÀe³e&ke=Êe
JeÀes met®evee peeseqKece ÒeyebOeve meefceefle (RMC) JesÀ heeme jKee peelee nQ~ kele&ceeve ceW, JeWÀêer³e JeÀe³ee&ue³e ceW efvecveequeeqKele efkeYeeieeW JesÀ ÒecegKeeW JeÀe ÒeefleefveefOelke
ISSC ceW efJeÀ³ee peelee nw: CRM, Fbpeerefve³eeEjie, IT-SD (cegK³e met®evee DeefOeJeÀejer JesÀ ªhe ceW Yeer veeefcele), IT-BPR, RMR (cegK³e peeseqKece DeefOeJeÀejer
JesÀ ªhe ceW Yeer veeefcele), P&GS, E&OS, M&A Deewj F&A (cegK³e efkeÊe DeefOeJeÀejer JesÀ ªhe ceW Yeer veeefcele)~
[sìe megj#ee ÒeCeeeque³eeb ueeiet nQ eqpemeces OeesKeeOeæ[er JeÀes jesJeÀves JesÀ equeS DeJeÌmej meceer#ee JeÀer peeleer nw~
(vi) DekeefOe JesÀ efkekejCe JesÀ meeLe metef®ele, efveheìeS ieS Deewj uebefyele oekeeW (claims) JeÀer mebK³ee JeÀe efkekejCe
y³eewjs 31 cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ 31 cee®e&, 2020 leJeÀ
(oekees JeÀer mebK³ee ) (jeeqMe ueeKees ceW)
ke<e& JesÀ ÒeejbYe ces yeJeÀe³ee oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 791 13592.00

peesæ[ +
ke<e& JesÀ oewjeve metef®ele efJeÀS ieS oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 758125 1355842.00

Ieìeke -
ke<e& JesÀ oewjeve efveheìe³es ieS oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 733809 1279785.00

ke<e& JesÀ oewjeve efvejmle efJeÀS oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 6124 20502.00

ke<e& JesÀ oewjeve Keeefjpe efJeÀS oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 2172 208.00

ke<e& JesÀ oewjeve DeheequeeqKele oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 10936 33970.00

ke<e& JesÀ Deble ces yeJeÀe³ee oekees JeÀer mebK³ee 5875 34969.00

yeJeÀe³ee oekeeW JeÀer DekeefOe JeÀe efkekejCe

3 cenerves mes JeÀce 3144 18714.00

3 cenerves mes 6 cenerves 2731 16255.00

6 cenerves mes 1 ke<e& 0.00 0.00

1 ke<e& mes p³eeoe 0.00 0.00

5875 34969.00

JebÀheveer oekeeW JesÀ efveheìeve JesÀ equeS efkeefYevve IRDAI efoMee-efveoxMeeW JeÀe heeueve JeÀj jner nw Deewj mece³e hej efjJeÀe@ef[¥ie Deewj oekeeW JesÀ efveheìeve JesÀ equeS oekee Òemlegle
JeÀjves ceW megOeej JeÀjves JeÀer Òeef¬eÀ³ee ces Meeefceue nw~
(vii) hee@equemeer OeejJeÀeW JesÀ HebÀ[ mes mecetn mebmLeeDeesb JeÀes efJeÀ³ee ie³ee Yegieleeve
veesìeW JeÀes KeeleeW ceW osKeW, DebJeÀ mebK³ee: 8 (S]HeÀ) mebyebefOele heeìea JeÀe Kegueemee~

63 Annual Report
The Risk control framework is specified, monitored and controlled through Policies and procedures, Systems and
Every section of Investment Department maintains a risk register, where all the potential risk areas and control framework
are listed. The initial risk identification and mitigation framework are reviewed by committee of Executives on Risk
Management and Risk Management Committee of the Board (RMCB). The risk registers for all the departments are
maintained by the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Cell of the Investment Risk Management and Research (RMR)
LIC has Information Security Steering Committee (ISSC) consisting of Managing Director, some heads of departments
at central office and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). It oversees all information and cyber security related
policies and procedures. Minutes of the ISSC meetings are put up to Risk Management Committee (RMC) for information.
At present, heads of following departments at central office are represented in ISSC: CRM, Engineering, IT-SD (also
designated as Chief Information Officer), IT-BPR, RMR (also designated as Chief Risk Officer), P&GS, E&OS, M&A and
F&A (also designated as Chief Finance Officer).
The data security systems are in place and are reviewed frequently to prevent frauds.
vi. Details of number of claims intimated, disposed off and pending with details of duration

Particulars As at As at
March 31,2020 March 31,2020
(no of claims) (` In Lakhs)
No. of claims outstanding at the beginning of the year 791 13592.00
No. of claims reported during the year 758125 1355842.00
No. of claims settled during the year 733809 1279785.00
No. of claims repudiated during the year 6124 20502.00
No. of Claims rejected during the year 2172 208.00
No. of claims written back 10936 33970.00
No. of claims outstanding at the end of the year 5875 34969.00

Details of duration of outstanding claims

Less than 3 months 3144 18714.00
3 months to 6 months 2731 16255.00
6 months to 1 year 0.00 0.00
1 year and above 0.00 0.00
5875 34969.00
The company is adhering various IRDAI guidelines for settlement of claims and is in the process of improving the claim
submission process for timely recording and settlement of claims.
vii. Payments made to group entities from Policyholders Funds
Refer Notes to Accounts, Point no: 8 (F) Related party disclosure.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
(viii) uesKee hejer#eJeÀeW JeÀes efoS ieS DeefleefjJeÌle JeÀe³eeX hej ÒeJeÀìerJeÀjCe
IRDAI Üeje 18 ceF&, 2016 JeÀes peejer efJeÀS ieS JeÀe@jheesjsì iekeveXme JesÀ efoMee-efveoxMeeW JesÀ Keb[ 7.1 JesÀ Devegmeej, uesKee hejer#eJeÀeW JeÀes efoS ieS DeefleefjJeÌle
JeÀe³eeX (kewOeeefveJeÀ/DeebleefjJeÀ uesKee hejer#ee JesÀ Deueekee) Deewj MeguJeÀ (peerSmeìer JeÀes íesæ[JeÀj) veer®es efoS ieS nQ:
(` ueeKe ceW)
ìwJeÌme Dee@ef[ì HeÀerme meerefcele meceer#ee HeÀerme peerSmeìer ÒeceeCeve HeÀerme Dev³e ÒeceeCeve HeÀerme
JeWÀêer³e uesKee hejer#eJeÀeW JeÀe veece
#2019-20 2018-19 #2019-20 2018-19 *2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19

1. Keb[suekeeue pewve Sb[ JebÀheveer 0.82 0.73 13.56 7.96 - - 3.00 2.09

2. yeeìueeryee³e Deewj hegjesefnle - - 2.36 - - - - -

3. Sme.Sue. íepesæ[ Sb[ JebÀheveer SueSueheer 1.02 0.66 9.56 3.35 - - - -

4. Sme. JesÀ. JeÀhetj Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 0.66 10.23 5.03 0.40 - - -

5. ìes[er legueefme³eeve Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

6. Deej.peer.Sve. ÒeeFme Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 0.66 5.87 3.35 - - - -

7. SyeerSce Sb[ SmeesefmeSìdme Sue.Sue.heer. 1.02 0.66 5.87 3.35 0.50 - - -

8. Gceecenséej jeke Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 0.66 10.40 6.71 - - - -

9. S Deej Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

10. [er JesÀ íepesj Sb[ JebÀheveer 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

11. ®elegkexoer Sb[ Meen SueSueheer - - 1.65 6.28 - - - -

12. yeer. ieghlee Sb[ JebÀheveer - 0.66 2.01 5.03 0.40 - - -

13. S Sme S Sb[ SmeesefmeSìdme SueSueheer - 0.66 1.17 6.71 0.40 - - -

14. keer. eEmeIeer Sb[ SmeesefmeSìdme - 0.66 1.01 5.03 1.15 - - -

# efkeÊe ke<e& 2016-2017, 2017-2018 Deewj 2018-2019 JesÀ equeS Yegieleeve efJeÀ³ee ie³ee yeJeÀe³ee Meeefceue nw~
*pegueeF& 2017 mes cee®e& 2018 JeÀer DekeefOe JesÀ equeS Yegieleeve JeÀer ieF& HeÀerme JeÀe ÒeefleefveefOelke JeÀjlee nw~

63 Annual Report
viii. Disclosure on additional works given to auditors
Pursuant to clause 7.1 of Corporate Governance guidelines issued by IRDAI dated May 18, 2016, the additional works
(other than statutory/ internal audit) given to the auditors and the fees (excluding GST) are detailed below:
(Amount in Lakhs)
Limited Review GST Certification Other Certification
Tax Audit Fees
Name of the Statutory Central Auditors Fees Fees Fees
#2019-20 2018-19 #2019-20 2018-19 *2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19
1. Khandelwal Jain & Co. 0.82 0.73 13.56 7.96 - - 3.00 2.09

2. Batliboi & Purohit - - 2.36 - - - - -

3. S.L. Chhajed & Co. LLP 1.02 0.66 9.56 3.35 - - - -

4. S.K. Kapoor & Co. 1.02 0.66 10.23 5.03 0.40 - - -

5. Todi Tulsyan & Co. 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

6. R.G.N. Price & Co. 1.02 0.66 5.87 3.35 - - - -

7. abm & associates LLP 1.02 0.66 5.87 3.35 0.50 - - -

8. Umamaheswara Rao & Co. 1.02 0.66 10.40 6.71 - - - -

9. A R & Co. 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

10. D K Chhajer & Co. 1.02 - 1.84 - - - - -

11. Chaturvedi & Shah LLP - - 1.65 6.28 - - - -

12. B. Gupta & Co. - 0.66 2.01 5.03 0.40 - - -

13. A S A & Associates LLP - 0.66 1.17 6.71 0.40 - - -

14. V. Singhi & Associates - 0.66 1.01 5.03 1.15 - - -

# includes the arrears paid for the FY:2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019
*represents the fees paid for the period July 2017 to March 2018.

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

{dÎmr¶ {ddaUm| H$m gmam§e

Summary of Financial Statements
Annexure I
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in Lakhs)
H«$.g§. {ddaU 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Sl.No. Particulars
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$m ImVm
1 gH$b àr{‘¶‘ Am¶
Gross Premium Income 37938959.90 33750507.11 31822320.56 30048735.98 26644420.56
2 ewÜX àr{‘¶‘ Am¶ ^
Net Premium Income ^ 37906255.71 33718539.65 31785098.87 30019668.40 26622538.36
3 {Zdmgm| go Am¶ (ewÜX)@
Income from Investments (Net) @ 23535140.27 22275773.53 20495899.68 19182291.42 15699685.80
4 Aݶ Am¶
Other Income 146897.73 84126.20 80112.77 60699.70 96444.04
5 Hw$b Am¶
Total Income 61588293.71 56078439.38 52361111.32 49262659.52 42418668.20
6 H$‘reZ
Commissions 2102713.68 1931119.38 1822681.87 1659006.66 1547716.58
7 Xbmbr
8 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV àMmbZ 춶
Operating Expenses related
insurance business 3456803.66 2918201.68 3014239.54 2894465.65 2269276.57
9 H$amYmZ Am¡a Xÿgam| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Taxation and Others 1718836.52 1485325.13 1401518.94 1109005.55 664411.33
10 Hw$b ì``
Total Expenses 7278353.86 6334646.19 6238440.35 5662477.86 4481404.48
11 nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$mo ^wJVmZ *
Payment to policyholders * 25422226.47 25093623.15 19811983.14 16762427.46 14344516.89
12 ~r‘m§H$Z Xo¶Vm ‘| d¥pÜX
Increase in actuarial liability 29528973.05 25315338.64 27027711.55 26464849.72 24454329.52
13 g§~ÜX Xm{`Ëdm| Ho {b`o gmdYmZ
Provision for Linked Liabilities -911033.96 -931228.14 -959205.98 152871.12 -1111286.17
14 A{Yeof/KmQ>m àMmbZ go
Surplus/Deficit from operations 269774.29 266059.54 242182.26 220033.36 249703.48
eoAaYmaH$m| H$m ImVm
15 eoAaYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVo Ho$ A§VJ©V Hw$b Am¶
Total income under shareholders'
account 272707.18 270390.40 245981.33 224855.96 252886.42
16 eoAaYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVo Ho$ A§VJ©V Hw$b IM©
Total Expenses under Shareholder’s
Account 632.55 42.06 39.77 19.69 0.12
17 H$a nyd© bm^/hm{Z
Profit/(loss) before tax 272074.63 270348.34 245941.56 224836.27 252886.30
18 H$a Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provisions for tax 803.83 1498.68 1301.02 1662.19 1101.51

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Annexure I
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in Lakhs)
H«$.g§. {ddaU 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Sl.No. Particulars
19 H$a níMmV bm^/hm{Z
Profit/loss after tax 271270.80 268849.66 244640.54 223174.08 251784.79
20 VwbZ-nÌ H$mo AJ«o{fV bm^/hm{Z
Profit/loss carried to Balance Sheet
21 (H$) nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$m ImVm…
(A) Policyholders' account
Hw$b {Z{Y
Total funds 312294109.58 305488219.49 279091639.39 252844588.20 217003453.37
Hw$b {Zdoe
Total Investments 301882075.39 293265282.57 270557972.06 244221448.66 207423355.87
{Zdoe na % àmpßV #
Yield on investments % # 7.54 7.59 7.71 7.78 8.11
(I) eoAaYmaH$m| H$m ImVm…
(B) Shareholders' account:
Hw$b {Z{Y
Total funds 73952.69 67868.36 65037.25 60645.28 58294.29
Hw$b {Zdoe
Total Investments 67941.76 63661.93 58579.75 57397.52 51308.57
*{Zdoe na % àmpßV #
*Yield on investments % # 5.25 6.01 5.90 6.29 5.85
22 *Hw$b {Zdoe na % àmpßV #
*Yield on total investments % # 7.54 7.59 7.71 7.78 8.11
23 àXÎm B³drQ>r ny±Or
Paid up equity capital 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
24 ewÜX ‘yë¶
Net worth 73952.69 67868.36 65037.25 60645.28 58294.29
25 Hw$b n[agån{Îm¶m±
Total Assets 319621480.59 311184727.79 284504182.01 257202833.64 221037864.90
26 à{V eoAa AO©Z
Earnings per share N.A. N.A N.A. N.A. N.A.
27 à{V eoAa ~hr ‘yë¶
Book value per share N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

^ {Zdb nyZ©~r‘m
^ Net of reinsurance
@ ewÜX hm{Z
@ Net of losses
* A§V[a‘ ~moZg g[hV, ¶{X hmo Vmo
* Inclusive of interim bonuses, if any
# à{V\ b H$s JUZm Am¡gV {Z{Y na H$s J¶r h¡
# Yield is calculated on Mean Fund

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Ratios n[a{eîQ>-II
Annexure II
H«$.g§. {ddaU 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Sl.No. Particulars
1 Zd ì`dgm` {à{_`_ Am` _o§ d¥pÜX (AZw^mJdma)
New business premium income growth rate - segment wise
Agå~ÜX / Non-Linked
OrdZ / Life 4.51% 3.98% 12.64% 4.26% -9.98%
noÝeZ / Pension -7.55% -10.93% 14.38% 253.68% 206.83%
g_wh / Group 39.01% 10.13% 5.06% 21.35% 42.62%
g§~§ÜX / Linked
OrdZ / Life 148.11% -38.39% 173.70% -26.70% 1389.67%
noÝeZ / Pension 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g_wh / Group N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
ewÜX YmaU AZwnmV
Net Retention Ratio 99.91% 99.91% 99.88% 99.90% 99.92%
3 à~§YZ ì`` go Hw b àË`j {à{_`_ H m AZwnmV
Expense of Management to Gross Direct Premium Ratio 14.66% 14.38% 15.21% 15.17% 14.33%
4 H _reZ AZwnmV (^wJVmZ {H `m J`m Hw b H _reZ go Hw b {à{_`_)
Commission Ratio (Gross commission paid to Gross Premium) 5.40% 5.73% 5.74% 5.53% 5.82%
5 nm°{bgr YmaH m| Ho Xm{`Ëd go A§eYmaH mo§ Ho H mof H m AZwnmV
Ratio of policy holder's liabilities to shareholder's funds 4222.89 4501.19 4291.26 4169.24 3722.55
6 A§eYmaH {Z{Y H r {dH mgXa
Growth rate of shareholders' fund 8.96% 4.35% 7.24% 4.03% 3.63%
7 nm°{bgr YmaH Xo`Vm go A{Yeof H m AZwnmV
Ratio of surplus to policy holders' liability 1.64% 1.80% 1.79% 1.78% 2.40%
8 eyÜX _yë` _o§ n{adV©Z (am{e "000" _o§)
Change in net worth (Amount in "000") 608433 283111 439197 235099 203987
9 H a níMmV bm^ / Hw b Am`
Profit after tax/Total Income 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006
10 (H wb AMb g¨nXm + G$U) / (ZH X Ed§ {Zdo{eV n{ag§n{ËV`m§)
(Total real estate + loans)/(Cash & invested assets) 4.22% 4.09% 4.42% 4.86% 5.76%
11 (ny§Or + A{Yeof) go Hw b {Zdoe
Total investments/(Capital + Surplus) 4181.19 4481.01 4317.59 4059.16 3630.28
12 (ny§Or + A{Yeof) go Hw b gå~Õ {Zdoe
Total affiliated investments/(Capital+ Surplus) 71.53 73.59 37.89 33.93 38.09
13 {Zdoe H r CnO*
Investment Yield * 7.54% 7.59% 7.71% 7.78% 8.11%
14 g§ajU AZwnmV
Conservation Ratio 88.79% 92.19% 90.77% 91.43% 91.47%
15 X¥TVm AZwnmV**
Persistency Ratio**
13 do _mh Ho {b`o/ For 13th month
nm°{bgr`mo§ H r g§»`m Ûmam/By no. of policies 61.00% 66.00% 66.00% 64.00% 63.00%
dm{f©H {à{_`_ Ûmam/By annualized premium 72.00% 77.00% 76.00% 74.00% 72.00%
25 do _mh Ho {b`o/ For 25th month
nm°{bgr`mo§ H r g§»`m Ûmam/By no. of policies 56.00% 60.00% 58.00% 56.00% 60.00%
dm{f©H {à{_`_ Ûmam/By annualized premium 67.00% 71.00% 68.00% 66.00% 72.00%
37 do _mh Ho {b`o/For 37th month
nm°{bgr`mo§ H r g§»`m Ûmam/By no. of policies 52.00% 54.00% 53.00% 56.00% 48.00%

dm{f©H {à{_`_ Ûmam/By annualized premium 63.00% 65.00% 63.00% 68.00% 65.00%

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

Annexure II
H«$.g§. {ddaU 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Sl.No. Particulars
49 do _mh Ho {b`o/ For 49th month
nm°{bgr`mo§ H r g§»`m Ûmam/By no. of policies 48.00% 50.00% 53.00% 45.00% 47.00%
dm{f©H {à{_`_ Ûmam/By annualized premium 58.00% 60.00% 66.00% 62.00% 62.00%

61 do _mh Ho {b`o/ For 61st month

nm°{bgr`mo§ H r g§»`m Ûmam/By no. of policies 44.00% 51.00% 43.00% 44.00% 44.00%
dm{f©H {à{_`_ Ûmam/By annualized premium 54.00% 63.00% 59.00% 58.00% 55.00%

16 AZwnmV (G$U nmoQ© \ mo{b`mo H m) gH b EZ nrE. AZwnmV

NPA Ratio (of debt portfolio) Gross NPA Ratio 8.17% 6.15% 6.23% 4.73% 3.76%
ewÜX AZwnmV
Net NPA Ratio 0.79% 0.27% 1.82% 1.96% 1.84%

17 g§nÞVm AZwnmV (^maV _o ì`dgm`)

Solvency Ratio (Within India Business) 1.55 1.60 1.58 1.58 1.55

OrdZ ~r_m Ho {bE A§e Ym{aVm H m n°QZ©

Equity Holding pattern for Life Insurers
1 A) A§emo H r g§»`m /
(a) No of shares NA NA NA NA NA
2 ~) A§eYm{aVm H m à{VeV
(b) Percentage of shareholding NA NA NA NA NA
3 g) gaH ma Ûmam YmaU H m %
(c ) % of Government holding 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
4 A)~x{Z`m{X Ed§ gwYarV B© nr Eg AmgmYmaU _Xm| Ho nwd©
(a) Basic and diluted EPS before extraordinary items NA NA NA NA NA
5 ~) ~x{Z`m{X Ed§ gwYarV B© nr Eg AmgmYmaU _Xm| Ho níMmV
(b) Basic and diluted EPS after extraordinary items NA NA NA NA NA
6 iv) à{V eoAa ~hr _yë`
(iv) Book value per share NA NA NA NA NA
{nNbr Ad{Y Ho AZwnmV H mo nwZ: g_w{hV AmH Smo§ na V¡`ma {H `m J`m h¡&
Previous Period's Ratios are worked out on regrouped figures
* nm°{bgr YmaH {Z{Y na CnO H r JUVm _mÜ` na H r OmVr h¡&
* Yield is calculated on Mean Policyholders' Fund.
** gVV AZwnmV H r JUZm AmB© Ama Sr E AmB© Ho g§gmo{YV {Xem {ZXo©emo§Ho AZwgma H r JB© h¡&
** Persistency Ratios have been calculated as per revised IRDAI guidelines
{QßnUr…- {ZåZ{b{IV AZwnmVmo§ Ho A{V{aº g^r AZwnmV à{VeV én _o§ Xem©`o J`o h¡&
Note: All Ratios are in percentage form except the ratios stated below:
A) A§emoYmaH mo§ H r {Z{Y Ho {b`o nm°{bgrYmaH mo§ Ho Xm{`Ëd H m AZwnmV
a. Ratio of Policyholder's liabilities to shareholder's funds
~) H a nümV bm^/Hw b Am`
b. Profit after tax/ total Income.
g) (ny±Or A{Yeof) go Hw b {Zdoe
c. Total Investments/(Capital +Surplus)
X) (ny§Or + A{Yeof) go Hw b gå~Õ {Zdoe
d. Total affiliated Investments/(Capital +Surplus)
B) g§nÞVm AZwnmV
e. Solvency Ratio
B©) ewÜX _yë` _o n{adV©Z hOma én`o _o§ h¡&
f. Change in Net Worth is in Rs. Thousand

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ H$s {Z¶§[ÌV {Z{Y Xem©Zo dmbm {ddaU
Statement showing the Controlled Fund of Life Insurance Corporation of India
VwbZ-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma {Z¶§{ÌV {Z{Y H$s g§JUZm (^maV ‘| ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|)
Computation of Controlled fund as per the Balance Sheet (In respect of Business In India)
(` H$amoS> ‘|)
(` in crore)
2019-20 2018-19
nm°{bgrYmaH$ {ZYr (OrdZ {ZYr)
Policyholders' Fund (Life Fund)
gh^m{JVm - Participating
d¡¶p³VH$ ~r‘m - Individual Assurance 2232952.49 2046334.52

dm{f©H$s ì¶dgm¶ - Annuity Business 1456.22 1693.82

noÝeZ ì¶dgm¶ - Pension Business 27477.73 26708.53

g‘yh ~r‘m - Group Assurance 43936.75 38086.16

J¡a-gh^m{JVm - Non Participating

d¡¶p³VH$ ~r‘m (Bg ‘| OrdZ g§~§Õ - J¡a BH$mB© {ZYr em{‘b h¡ )
Individual Assurance (Includes Life, Linked- Non unit Fund) 46096.97 42023.98
dm{f©H$s ì¶dgm¶ - Annuity Business 75485.55 61512.14

g‘yh ~r‘m - Group Assurance 651064.50 567035.93

ñdmñW ì¶dgm¶ - Health Business 453.25 381.29

g§~§Õ - Linked
d¡¶p³VH$ ~r‘m - Individual Assurance 22282.94 27084.62

g‘yh ~r‘m - Group Assurance 0.00 0.00

d¡¶p³VH$ noÝeZ - Individual Pension 8595.49 12759.58

g‘yh A{Y d{f©Vm - Group Superannuation 0.00 0.00

g‘yh CZXmZ - Group Gratuity 101.75 107.73

ñdmñW ì¶dgm¶ - Health Business 1458.75 1599.11

^mdr {d{Z¶moOZm| Ho$ {bE {Z{Y¶m§ - Funds for Future Appropriations 0.21 0.17

~§X H$mof (¶y{ZQ>) - Discontinued Fund (unit) 12.10 8.64

OmoS> (H$) / Total (A) 3111374.70 2825336.22

eoAaYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y - Shareholders' Fund

àXÎm ny±Or - Paid up Capital 100.00 100.00

Ama{jV Am¡a A{Yeof - Reserves & Surpluses 342.62 281.15

C{MV ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z - Fair Value Change 0.00 0.00

OmoS> (I) / Total (B) 442.62 381.15

~Å>o ImVo ‘| Z S>mbo JE {d{dY 춶 - Misc. expenses not written off 0.00 0.00

bm^ Ed§ hm{Z boIo go H«o${S>Q>/(S>o{~Q>) - Credit / (Debit) from P&L A/c. 0.00 0.00

OmoS> (J) / Total (C ) 0.00 0.00

eoAaYmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y H$m OmoS> (I+J)- Total shareholders' funds (B+C) 442.62 381.15

{Z¶§{ÌV {Z{Y OmoS> (H$ + I + J). - Controlled Fund [Total (A+B+C) 3111817.32 2825717.37

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

amOñd Am¡a bm^ Ed§ hm{Z boIo go {Z¶§{ÌV {Z{Y H$m g‘mYmZ (^maV ‘| ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ g§~§Y‘|)
Reconciliation of the Controlled Fund from Revenue and Profit & Loss Account
(In respect of Business In India)

(` H$amoS> ‘|)
(` in crore)
2019-20 2018-19
[Z¶§{ÌV {Z{Y H$m AWeof
Opening Balance of Controlled Fund 2825717.37 2582040.65
OmoS>o … A§Vaàdmh
Add: Inflow
àr‘r¶‘ Am¶
Premium Income 379011.34 337127.58
KQ>mE§ … A§V[aV nwZ~u‘m
Less: Reinsurance ceded 326.69 319.13
{Zdb àr‘r¶‘
Net Premium 378684.65 336808.45
{Zdoe Am¶*
Investment Income* 235122.82 222496.44
Aݶ Am¶
Other Income 1469.81 841.99
eoAaYmaH$m| Ho$ boIo go A§V[aV {Z{Y¶m§
Funds transferred from Shareholders' Accounts 0.00 0.00
Hw$b Am¶
Total Income 615277.28 560146.88
KQ>mE§ … ~{hJ©‘Z
Less: Outgo
(i) àXÎm bm^ ([Zdb)
Benefits paid (Net) 252158.69 248904.53
(ii) àXÎm A§V[a‘ ~moZg
Interim Bonus Paid 1670.89 1649.31
(iii) Xo¶Vm Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z ‘| n[adV©Z**
Change in Valuation of Liability** 286038.48 243667.60
(iv) H${‘eZ
Commission 21003.55 19287.08
(v) àMmbZ 춶
Operating Expenses 34524.11 29141.39
(vi) H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ Am¶ H$a
Provision for Taxation I.T. 6821.84 7709.62
(vii) H$amYmZ Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ àmdmYmZ ***
Provision other than Taxation *** 10267.01 7020.02
(vii) Aݶ***
Others*** 98.21 110.08
Hw$b ~{hJ©‘Z
Total Outgo 612582.78 557489.63

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

(` H$amoS> ‘|)
(` in crore)
2019-20 2018-19
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr H$m A{Yeof
Surplus of the Policyholders' Fund 2694.50 2657.25
KQ>mE§ … eoAaYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVoo ‘|o A§V[aV
Less: transferred to Shareholders' Account 2694.50 2657.25
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Ho$ ImV| ‘| {Zdb àdmh
Net Flow in Policyholders' account 0.00 0.00
OmoS>o … eoAaYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr ‘| {Zdb Am¶/(춶)
Add: Net income/(expense) in Shareholders' Fund 9.12 9.12
{Zdb A§V©dmh / ~{hdm©h
Net In Flow / Outflow 9.12 9.12
OmoS>o … ‘yë¶m§H$Z Xo¶VmAm| ‘| n[adV©Z **
Add: change in valuation Liabilities** 286038.48 243667.60
OmoS>o … EbAmB©gr ({g§Jmnwa) _| n«XËV A§enw§Or
Add: Capital infusion to LIC (Singapore) Pte ltd 52.35 0.00
{Z¶§{ÌV {Z{Y H$m A§V eof
Closing Balance of Controlled Fund 3111817.32 2825717.37
VwbZ-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma
As Per Balance Sheet 3111817.32 2825717.37
A§Va, ¶{X H$moB© h¡
Difference, if any 0.00 0.00
* {Zdoe Am¶ ‘| g§~§Y ì¶dgm¶ H$s B©H$mB© {Z{Y Ho$ C{MV ‘yë¶ ‘| n[adV©Z/nwZ‘y©ë¶m§H$Z na hþAm A§VaU/bm^ em{‘b h¡
* Investment Income includes transfer/gain on revaluation/change in fair value of unit fund of Linked business

** Xo¶VmAm| Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z ‘| hþE n[adV©Z ‘o§ ^mdr {d{Z¶moOZm| Ho$ {bE {Z{Y¶m| Am¡a g§~§Õ Xo¶Vm¶m| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ ‘| hþAm A§VaU em{‘b h¡
** Change in valuation of liabilities includes transfer to provision for Linked Liabilities , Funds for Future Appropriations and Discontinued

*** H$amYmZ Ho$ Abmdm àmdYmZ Am¡a Aݶ H$mo AbJ n§p³V dmbr ‘Xm| Ho$ ê$n ‘| em{‘b H$a {b¶m J¶m h¡ Aݶ ‘| Aݶ 춶 Ed§ {Z{Y à~§YZ à^ma
na godm H$a Ed§ g§~§YrV ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ Aݶ à^ma em{‘b h¡
*** "Provision other than taxation" and "Others" have been included as separate row items. "Others" include Other Expenses and
Service Tax on Fund Management Charges & Other Charges of Linked Business

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

eo¶aYmaH$m| Am¡a nm°{bgrYmaH$mo Ho$ {Z{Y H$m g‘mYmZ (^maV ‘| ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ g§~§Y‘|)
Reconciliation with Shareholders’ and Policyholders’ Fund (In respect of Business In India)
(` H$amoS> ‘|)
(` in crore)
2019-20 2018-19
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr¶m±
Policyholders' Funds
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr¶m± - na§namJV gh^mJr Am¡a J¡a-gh^mJr
Policyholders' Funds - Traditional-PAR and NON-PAR
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$m {ZYr H$m Adeof
Opening Balance of the Policyholders' Fund 2783776.55 2530797.76
OmoS>o … amOñd ImVo H$m Adeof
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account
OmoS>o … ‘yë¶m§H$Z Xo¶VmAm| ‘| n[adV©Z
Add: Change in valuation Liabilities 295147.12 252978.79
OmoS> Total 3078923.67 2783776.55
VwbZm nÌ Ho$ AZwgma
As per Balance Sheet 3078923.67 2783776.55
A§Va, ¶{X H$moB© h¡
Difference, if any 0.00 0.00
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr¶m±
Policyholders' Funds - Linked
nm°{bgrYmaH$m| H$m {ZYr H$m AWeof
Opening Balance of the Policyholders' Fund 41559.67 50870.85
OmoS>o … amOñd ImVo H$m A{Yeof
Add: Surplus of the Revenue Account
OmoS>o … ‘yë¶m§H$Z Xo¶VmAm| ‘| n[adV©Z
Add: Change in valuation Liabilities (9108.64) (9311.18)
OmoS> Total 32451.03 41559.67
VwbZ-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma*
As per Balance Sheet* 32451.03 41559.67
A§Va, ¶{X H$moB© h¡
Difference, if any 0.00 0.00
eo¶aYmaH$m| H$s {ZYr¶m±
Shareholders' Funds
eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m {ZYr H$m AWeof
Opening Balance of Shareholders' Fund 381.15 372.03
OmoS>o … eo¶aYmaH$m| H$r {ZYr ‘| {Zdb Am¶/(춶)
Add: Net income/(expense) in Shareholders' Fund 9.12 9.12
OmoS>o … EbAmB©gr ({g§Jmnwa) _| n«XËV A§enw§Or
Add: Capital infusion to LIC (Singapore) Pte ltd 52.35 0.00
eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m {ZYr H$m A§Veof
Closing Balance of the shareholders' fund 442.62 381.15
VwbZ-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma
As per Balance Sheet 442.62 381.15
A§Va, ¶{X H$moB© h¡
Difference, if any 0.00 0.00
* ~§X {ZYr (¶y{ZQ>) em{‘b h¡&
* Includes Discontinued Fund (unit)

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ … ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI … 01.01.2001 Registration No. 512 Dated: 01.01.2001

àmpßV Ed§ ^wJVmZ boIm

31 _mM©, 2020 H mo Hw b ì`dgm` go g§~§{YV ZH X àdmh {ddaU
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
n{aMmbZ J{V{d{Y`m| go ZH X àdmh:
Cash Flows from the operating activities:
1 nm°{bgrYmaH m| go àmßV àr{_`_, {Og_o A{J«_ àm{ßV`m± em{_b h| 37599412.23 33591137.81
Premium received from policyholders, including advance receipts
2 AÝ` àm{ßV`m± 146897.74 84126.21
Other receipts
3 nwZ:~r_mH Vm©Am| Hmo ^wJVmZ, H {_eZ Ed§ Xmdm| go ewÜX (3147.99) (22572.51)
Payments to the re-insurers, net of commissions and claims/ Benefits
4 gh ~r_mH §nZr`mo H mo ^wJVmZ, Xmdm|/bm^ go ewÜX 0.00 0.00
Payments to co-insurers, net of claims / benefit recovery
5 Xmdm|/bm^ Hm ^wJVmZ (24630580.78) (24648334.55)
Payments of claims/benefits
6 H {_eZ Am¡a Xbmbr Hm ^wJVmZ (2135509.36) (1943689.93)
Payments of commission and brokerage
7 AÝ` n{aMmbZ ì``m| Hm ^wJVmZ (2294403.54) (2776979.41)
Payments of other operating expenses
8 àma§{^H Ed§ nwd©-Amnao{Qd ì`` 0.00 0.00
Preliminary and pre-operative expenses
9 O_m, A{J«_ Am¡a ñQm\ F U (72091.20) (491765.85)
Deposits, advances and staff loans
10 Am`H a Hm ^wJVmZ (ewÜX) (770546.03) (1485417.91)
Income taxes paid (Net)
11 godmH a/OrgQr Hm ^wJVmZ (363162.43) (330029.29)
Service tax/ GST paid
12 AgmYmaU _Xm| go nwd© ZH X àdmh 7476868.64 1976474.57
Cash flows before extraordinary items
13 AgmYmaU g§MmbZ go ZH X àdmh ({ddaU Xo) 0.00 0.00
Cash flow from extraordinary operations (give break-up)
n{aMmbZ J{V{d{Y`m| go ewÜX ZH X àdmh: 7476868.64 1976474.57
Net cash flow from operating activities:
{Zdoe J{V{d{Y`m| go ZH X àdmh:
Cash flows from investing activities:
14 AMb g§n{ËV`m| Hr IarX (55836.36) (50920.76)
Purchase of fixed assets
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

àmpßV Ed§ ^wJVmZ boIm

31 _mM©, 2020 H mo Hw b ì`dgm` go g§~§{YV ZH X àdmh {ddaU

15 AMb g§n{ËV`m| Hr {~H« r go àm{ßV`m± 10273.23 13429.36

Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
16 {Zdem| Hr IarX (44233746.91) (31863723.44)
Purchases of investments
17 {dV{aV FU (^wJVmZ go ewÜX) (306629.43) (504424.18)
Loans disbursed (Net of Repayments)
18 {Zdem| Hr {~H«r 13684451.60 15136588.96
Sales of investments
19 {H V`m/ã`mO/bm^m§e àmßV 20992573.18 19145818.29
Rents/Interests/ Dividends received
20 _wÐm ~mOma CnHaUm| Am¡a Vab å`wMwAb \§ S (ewÜX) _| {Zdoe 1332655.70 (1687247.75)
Investments in money market instruments and in liquid mutual funds (Net)
21 {Zdoem| g| g§~§{YV ì`` 0.00 0.00
Expenses related to investments
{Zdoe J{V{d{Y`m| go ewÜX ZH X àdmh: (8576259.00) 189520.48
Net cash flow from investing activities
{dËVr` J{V{d{Y`m| go ZH X àdmh:
Cash flows from financing activities:
EbAmB©gr ({g§Jmnwa) _| n«XËV A§enw§Or 5235.00 0.00
Capital infusion to LIC (Singapore) Pte ltd
HO© boZo go àm{ßV`m± 0.00 0.00
Proceeds from borrowing
HO© H m ^wJVmZ 0.00 0.00
Repayments of borrowing
ã`mO/bm^m§e H m ^wJVmZ (266059.55) (225242.25)
Interest/dividends paid
{dËVr` J{V{d{Y`m| go ewÜX ZH X àdmh: (260824.55) (225242.25)
Net cash flow from financing activities
ZH X Am¡a ZH X Ho g_Vwë` ewÜX na {dXoer _wÐm Xam| H m à^md 4055.63 8421.15
Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, net
ZH X Am¡a ZH X Ho g_Vwë` _| {Zdb d¥{ÜX (1356159.27) 1949173.95
Net Increase in cash & cash equivalents
df© Ho àm§a^ _| ZH X Ed§ ZH X g_Vwë` 4218529.97 2269356.02
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year
df© Ho AV§ _| ZH X Ed§ ZH X g_Vwë` 2862370.70 4218529.97
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report


\ m‘© ~r-~rEg FORM B - BS

~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ … ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI … 01.01.2001 Registration No. 512 Dated: 01.01.2001

31 ‘mM©, 2020 VH$ ny±Or ‘moMZ ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ (J¡a gh^mJr) go g§~§{YV VwbZ nÌ
BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st March, 2020
Capital Redemption (Including Annuity Certain) Business (Non Participating)
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
{Z{Y¶m| H$m ómoV
eo¶a ny±Or
SHARE CAPITAL 5 0.00 0.00
nm°{bgr Xm{`Ëd
POLICY LIABILITY 19195.70 18597.22
Ama{jV{Z{Y Ed§ A{Yeof
RESERVES AND SuRPLuS 6 35.56 35.56
ghr ‘yë¶ n[adV©Z boIm
BORROWINGS 7 0.00 0.00
^{dî¶ {d{Z¶moOZm| Ho$ {bE {Z{Y¶m±
Hw$b TOTAL 19231.25 18632.77
{Z{Y¶m| H$m à¶moJ
INVESTMENTS 8 20885.83 19593.31
LOANS 9 0.00 0.00
AMb n[agån{Îm¶m±
FIXED ASSETS 10 0.00 0.00
Mmby n[agån{Îm¶m±
amoH$‹S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof
Cash and Bank Balances 11 2.00 8.00
A{J«_ Ed§ AÝ` n[agån{Îm¶m±
Advances and Other Assets 12 146.12 495.52
Cn-¶moJ (H$)
Sub-Total (A) 148.12 503.52
Mmby Xm{¶Ëd
CuRRENT LIABILITIES 13 1859.66 1450.90
PROVISIONS 14 (56.96) 13.16

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
Cn-¶moJ (I)
Sub-Total (B) 1802.70 1464.06
ewÕ Mmby n[agån{Îm¶m± (J)= (H - I)
NET CURRENT ASSETS (C) = (A - B) (1,654.58) (960.54)
{d{dY ì``
(Omo~QQo ImVo ‘| Z S>mbo JE hmo ¶m g‘m¶mo{OV Z {H `o J`o hm|)
(to the extent not written off or adjusted) 15 0.00 0.00
bm^-hm{Z boIm ‘| Zm‘| eof (eo¶aYmaH$m| H$m ImVm)
ACCOuNT (Shareholders' Account) 0.00 0.00
Hw$b TOTAL 19231.25 18632.77

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan (Partner) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report


\ m‘© ~r-AmaEFORM B- RA
~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ … ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI … 01.01.2001 Registration No. 512 Dated: 01.01.2001

31 ‘mM©, 2020 VH$ ny±Or ‘moMZ ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ (J¡a gh^mJr) go g§~§{YV amOñd boIm
Capital Redemption (Including Annuity Certain) Business (Non Participating)
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
1. A{O©X (ewÕ) àr‘r¶‘
Premiums earned (Net) 1 222.28 244.10
2. H$. {Zdoem| H$s {~H«$s / ‘moMZ go bm^
A. Profit on sale/redemption of investments 0.00 18.32
I. {Zdoem| H$s {~H«$s / ‘moMZ go hm{Z
B. Loss on sale /redemption of investments (71.52) (78.43)
3. nm°{bgr Xm{`Ëd _o§ n{adV©Z
Change in Policy Liability 0.00 0.00
4. Aݶ
ã¶mO (\w Q>H$a) àmá
Interest (Sundry) received 0.00 0.00
ã¶mO Ed§ àr{‘¶‘
Interest on premium 0.87 0.87
5. ã¶mO Ed§ bm^m§e - Hw$b
Interest & Dividends - Gross 1695.14 1674.80
Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 1846.76 1859.66
1. àXÎm Xmdo (ewÕ)
Claims incurred (Net) 2 857.15 704.53
2. H$‘reZ
Commission 3 1.47 2.51
3. ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ IM©
Operating Expenses related to Insurance Business 4 100.44 95.65
4. Aݶ - Others
g§{X½Y VWm Aemoܶ F$Um| Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts 0.00 (15.71)
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for Taxation 90.06 134.52
nm°brgr Xm{¶Ëd ‘| n[adV©Z
Change in Policy Liabilities 598.48 687.73
nwZam§H$sV H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Provision for taxation written back 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (I) TOTAL (B) 1647.60 1609.23
ny±Or ‘moMZ ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ go
n[aMmbZ bm^/(hm{Z) (H$)-(I)
Operating Profit/(Loss) from Capital Redemption
(including Annuity Certain ) Business (A) - (B) 199.16 250.43

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
{d{Z¶moOZ Appropriations
eo¶aYmaH$m| Ho$ ImVo ‘| A§VaU
Transfer to shareholders' Account 199.16 250.43
AmnmVH$m{bZ Ama{jV {Z{Y¶m| ‘| A§VaU
Transfer to Catastrophe Reserve 0.00 0.00
Aݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y¶m| ‘| A§VaU
Transfer to Other Reserves (to be specified) 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (J) TOTAL (C) 199.16 250.43

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report


\ m‘© ~r-nrEb FORM B- PL

~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ … ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
n§OrH$aU H$s g§»¶m 512 VWm VmarI … 01.01.2001 Registration No. 512 Dated: 01.01.2001
31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo g‘má df© Ho$ {b¶o ny±Or ‘moMZ ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV) ì¶dgm¶ (J¡a gh^mJr) H$m bm^ hm{Z boIm
Capital Redemption (Including Annuity Certain) Business (Non Participating)
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M
Particulars Schedule Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
1. n[aMmbZ bm^/(hm{Z)
Operating Profit/(Loss)
(H$) A{¾ ~r‘m
(a) Fire Insurance 0.00 0.00
(I) g‘w{ж ~r‘m
(b) Marine Insurance 0.00 0.00
(J) {d{dY ~r‘m (ny±Or ‘moMZ({ZYm©[aV dm{f©H$s g{hV)
ì¶dgm¶ df© Ho$ {bE bm^ / hm{Z
(c) Miscellaneous Insurance(Capital Redemption 199.16 250.43
(including Annuity Certain) Business)
Profit / Loss for the year
2. {Zdoe go Am¶ Income from Investments
(H$) ã¶mO Ed§ bm^m§e - Hw$b
(a) Interest,Dividends & Rent-Gross 0.00 0.00
(I) {Zdoe H r {~H«$s / ‘moMZ na bm^
(b) Profit on sale/redemption of Investment 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ … {Zdoe H r {~H«$s na hm{Z
Less:Loss on sale of Investments 0.00 0.00
3. Aݶ Am¶ Other Income 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (H$) TOTAL (A) 199.16 250.43
4. àmdYmZ (H$amYmZ Ho$ A{V[aº$)/Provisions (Other than taxation)
(H$) {Zdoe Ho$ ‘yë¶ ‘| (ewÕ) H$‘r Ho$ {bE
(a) For diminution in the value of investments (Net) 0.00 0.00
(I) g§{X½Y F$Um| Ho$ {bE
(b) For doubtful debts 0.00 0.00
(J) Aݶ
(c) Others 0.00 0.00
5. Aݶ 춶 - Other expenses
(H$) ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ grYo g§~§{YV IMm} Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ IM©
(a) Expenses other than those related to Insurance Business 0.00 0.00
(I) ~Å>o ImVo ‘| S>mbo J¶o Sy>~o F$U
(b) Bad debts written off 0.00 0.00
(J) Aݶ
(c)Others 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (I) TOTAL (B) 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU AZwgy{M
Particulars Schedule Hw$b Mmby df© Hw$b {nN>bo df©
H$a nyd© bm^ Profit before tax 199.16 250.43
H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ Provision for Taxation 0.00 0.00
H$a ~mX bm^ Profit after tax 199.16 250.43
(H$) df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ àXÎm AÝV[a‘ bm^m§e
(a) Interium Dividends paid during the year 0.00 0.00
(I) àñVm{dV A§{V‘ bm^m§e
(b) Proposed final dividend 0.00 0.00
(J) bm^m§e Am§~Q>Z na H$a
(c) Dividend distribution tax 0.00 0.00
(K) AmajU / Aݶ boIm H$mo A§VaU
(d) Transfer to any reserves /other accounts 0.00 0.00
{nN>bo df© Ho$ AJ«o{fV bm^ / hm{Z
Balance of profit/loss brought forward
from last year 0.00 0.00
VwbZ nÌ H$mo AJ«o{fV bm^ / hm{Z*
Profit/Loss carried forward to the Balance Sheet* 199.16 250.43

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan ( Partner ) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala ( Partner )
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

~r‘mH$Vm© H$m Zm‘ … ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Name of the Insurer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
({ZYm©{aV dm{f©H$r g{hV) ì`dgm` (J¡a gh^mJr) ny±Or _moMZ Capital Redemption (including Annuity Certain) Business ( Non
Participating) for the year ended 31.03.2020
g_mßV df© 31.03.2020 Ho$ {bE

AZwgyMr - 1 àr‘r¶‘ A{O©V ({Zdb)

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 à˶j àr‘r¶‘ {b{IV ì¶mnma go
Premium from direct business written 222.28 244.10
OmoS>o … nwZ~u‘m na àr‘r¶‘ ñdrH$ma {H$E OmVo h¡
Add:Premium on reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ … nwZ~u‘m na àr‘r¶‘ A§V[aV
Less:Premium on reinsurance ceded 0.00 0.00
{Zdb àr‘r¶‘ - Net Premium 222.28 244.10
Hw$b àr‘r¶‘ A{O©V ({Zdb)-
Total Premium Earned (Net) 222.28 244.10
àr‘r¶‘ Am¶ {b{IV ì¶dgm¶ go
Premium Income from business effected
1 ^maV ‘|
In India 222.28 244.10
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha
Outside India 0.00 0.00
Hw$b àr‘r¶‘ ({Zdb)-
Total Premium (Net) 222.28 244.10

AZwgyMr - 2 Xmdm IM© ({Zdb)

SCHEDULE -2 Claims incurred (Net)
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
Xmdo H$m ^wJVmZ - Claims Paid
grYm - Direct
‘¥Ë¶w - Death 8.00 9.51
n[an¹$Vm - Maturity 802.40 655.94
dmfuH$s - Annuity 41.65 36.26
Aä¶n©U - Surrender 3.57 2.82
OmoS>o … ñdrH¥$V nwZ~u‘m
Add:Reinsurance accepted 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ … nwZ~u‘m A§V[aV
Less:Reinsurance Ceded 0.00 0.00
{Zdb Xmdo H$m ^wJVmZ - Net Claims paid 855.62 704.53
Hw$b Xmdo IM© - Total Claims Incurred 857.15 704.53
XmdoXmaH$m| H$mo ^wJVmZ {H$E JE Xmdo - Claims paid to claimants:
^maV ‘| - In India 857.15 704.53
^maV Ho$ ~mha - Outside India 0.00 0.00
Hw$b Xmdo IM©- Total Claims Incurred 857.15 704.53
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 3 H$‘reZ
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
àXÎm H$‘reZ - Commission paid
grYm - Direct 1.47 2.51
OmoS>o … ñdrH¥$V nwZ~u‘m na H$‘reZ
Add : Commission on Re-insurance Accepted 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ … A§V[aV nwZ~u‘m na H$‘reZ
Less: Commission on Re-insurance Ceded 0.00 0.00
{Zdb H$‘reZ
Net Commission 1.47 2.51

AZwgyMr - 4 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ 춶

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 H$‘©Mm[a¶m| H$m n[al{‘H$ VWm H$ë¶mU bm^
Employees'remuneration & welfare benefits 78.06 74.34
2 ¶mÌm, gdmar Ed§ dmhZ MmbZ 춶
Travel,conveyance and vehicle running expenses 1.42 1.35
3 à{ejU 춶 - Training expenses 0.00 0.00
4 {H$am¶m§, Xa| Ed§ H$a - Rents,rates & Taxes 2.43 2.32
5 ‘aå‘V - Repairs 0.83 0.80
6 ‘wÐU Ed§ boIm gm‘J«r - Printing & stationery 0.96 0.91
7 g§gma 춶 - Communication 2.45 2.33
8 {d{dY Ed§ ì¶mdgm{¶H$ à^ma
Legal & professional charges 0.05 0.05
9 boIm n[ajH$ ewëH$, 춶 Am{X
Auditors' fees,expenses etc
(H$) boIm n[ajH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘|
(a) as auditor 0.21 0.20
(I) gbmhH$ma Ho$ ê$n ‘| ¶m {ZåZ g§~§Y ‘| {H$gr ^r j‘Vm ‘|
(b) as adviser or in any other capacity,in respect of
(i) H$amYmZ ‘m‘b| - Taxation Matters 0.00 0.00
(ii) ~r‘m ‘m‘bo - Insurance matters 0.00 0.00
(iii) à§dYZ godm§E, VWm - Management services; and 0.00 0.00
(J) {H$gr ^r Aݶ j‘Vm ‘|
(c) in any other capacity 0.00 0.00
10 {dkmnZ Ed§ àMma
Advertisement and publicity 0.00 0.00
11 ã¶mO Ed§ ~¢H$ à^ma
Interest & bank Charges 0.71 0.67
12 {d{dY 춶 - Miscellaneous Expenses 11.56 11.01
{M{H$Ëgm ewëH$ - Medical Fees 0.00 0.00
~r‘m ñQ>±n/agrX ñQ>±n - Policy Stamps/Receipt Stamps 0.06 0.06
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 4 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ go g§~§{YV n[aMmbZ 춶

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
{~Obr ewëH$ -Electricity Charges 1.69 1.61
ZdrH$aU Am¡a ì¶mnma bmBg|g Ho$ n§OrH$aU Ho$ {bE ewëH$
Fees for renewal and registration of trade licences 0.00 0.00
{Zdoe H$s g§n{Îm na 춶 - Expenses on Investment Property 0.00 0.00
13 ‘yë¶èhmg - Depreciation 0.00 0.00
Hw$b - TOTAL 100.44 95.65

AZwgyMr - 6 Ama{jV {Z{Y Ed§ A{Yeof

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

1 ny±Or Ama{jV {Z{Y

Capital Reserve 0.00 0.00

2 ny±Or ‘moMZ Ama{jV {Z{Y

Capital Redemption Reserve 0.00 0.00

3 eo¶a àr[‘¶‘
Share Premium 0.00 0.00

4 gm‘mݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y

General Reserves
àma§{^H$ eof
Opening Balance 35.56 35.56
df© Ho$ Xm¡amZ ¶moJ
Additions during the year 0.00 0.00
BVa eof
Closing balance 35.56 35.56
KQ>mE§ … bm^-hm{Z boIo ‘| Zm‘| A{Yeof
Less:Debit Balance in Profit & Loss Account 0.00 0.00
KQ>mE§ … nwZ©IhaX Ho$ {bE à¶wº$ am{e
Less: Amount utilised for Buy-back 0.00 0.00

5 AmnmVH$m{bZ Ama{jV {Z{Y

Catastrophe Reserve 0.00 0.00

6 Aݶ Ama{jV {Z{Y

Other Reserves 0.00 0.00

7 bm^-hm{Z boIo ‘| eof bm^

Balance of profit in Profit and Loss Account 0.00 0.00

Hw$b / Total 35.56 35.56

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8 {Zdoe
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
XrKm©d[Y {Zdoe
1 IOmZo H$s {~bm| ghrV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY-nÌ
Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 11324.23 9803.60
2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m±
Other Approved Securities 0.00 0.00
3 Aݶ {Zdoe
Other Investments

(H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares

(H$H$) Bp³dQr>
(aa) Equity 0.00 0.00

KQ>mE§ … J¡a-gyMr~Õ eo¶am| ‘| H$‘r Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Less: Provision for diminution in unlisted shares 0.00 0.00

(II) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00

(I) gh¶moJr {Z{Y

(b) Mutual Funds 0.00 0.00

(J) ì¶wËnÞ ànÌ

(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00

(K) F$U-nÌ/~§Y-nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 1100.00 1100.00

(B) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± (gr~rEbAmo)

(e) Other Securities(CBLO) 0.00 0.00

(M) ghm¶H$
(f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00

(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m±-g§nXm

(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate 0.00 0.00
4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYm¶m| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 7100.00 8500.00
5 AZw‘mo{XV {Zdoem| Ho A{V[a³V Aݶ {Zdoe
Other than Approved Investments 19.57 19.57
6 KQ>mE§ … g§{X½Y {Zdoe Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ
Less:Provision for doubtful Investments (32.80) (38.40)

KQ>mE§ … eo¶am| ‘| H$‘r Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ

Less: Provision for dimunition in value of shares (19.57) (19.57)

Aënmd{Y {Zdoe
1 IOmZo H$s {~bm| ghrV gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m± VWm Jma§{Q>V ~ÝY-nÌ
Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds including Treasury Bills 0.00 228.11
2 Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m±
Other Approved Securities 0.00 0.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 8 Omar {Zdoe

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
3 Aݶ {Zdoe
Other Investments

(H$) eo¶a
(a) Shares

(H$H$) Bp³dQr>
(aa) Equity 0.00 0.00

(II) A{Y‘mZr
(bb) Preference 0.00 0.00

(I) gh¶moJr {Z{Y

(b) Mutual Funds 0.00 0.00

(J) ì¶wËnÞ ànÌ

(c) Derivative Instruments 0.00 0.00

(K) F$U-nÌ/~§Y-nÌ
(d) Debentures/Bonds 0.00 0.00

(B) Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m± (gr~rEbAmo)

(e) Other Securities 0.00 0.00

(M) ghm¶H$
(f) Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00

(N>) {Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m±-g§nXm

(g) Investment Properties - Real Estate 0.00 0.00
4 ~w{Z¶mXr gw{dYm¶m| VWm gm‘m{OH$ joÌ ‘| {Zdoe
Investments in Infrastructure and Social Sector 1400.00 0.00

KQ>mE§ … àmdYmZ - Less Provisions 0.00 0.00

5 AZ_mo{XV {Zdoemo§ Ho$ A{V{aŠV AÝ` {Zdoe
Other than Approved Investments 0.00 0.00

KQ>mE§ … àmdYmZ - Less: Provisions (5.60) 0.00

Hw$b TOTAL 20885.83 19593.31

1 ^maV ‘| - In India 20885.83 19593.31
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha Outside India 0.00 0.00

Hw$b TOTAL 20885.83 19593.31

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 11 amoH$S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 ZH$X (MoH$, S´>m\Q> Ed§ ñQ>±n g{hV)
Cash (including cheques, drafts and stamps) 0.00 0.00
2 ~¢oH$ O‘m
Bank Balances
(H$) O‘m ImVm
(a) Deposit Accounts 0.00 0.00
(H$H$) AënmdYr (VwbZ-nÌ H$s Vm[aI go 12 ‘hrZm| Ho$ ^rVa Xo¶)
(aa) Short-term (due within 12 months) 0.00 0.00
(II) Aݶ
(bb) Others 0.00 0.00
(I) Mmby ImVm
(b) Current Accounts 0.00 0.00
(I) Aݶ
(c) Others 0.00 0.00
3 ‘m§JZo na Am¡a Aën gyMZm na YZ
Money at Call and Short Notice
(H$) ~¢H$ ‘|
(a) With Banks 0.00 0.00
(I) Aݶ g§ñWmZm| ‘|
(b) With other Institutions 0.00 0.00
(J) gr.~r.Eb.Amo
(c) CBLO 2.00 8.00
4 Aݶ
Others 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 2.00 8.00

J¡a AZwgy{MV ~¢H$mo H$s eof Cnamoº$ 2 VWm 3 ‘| gpå‘{bV h¡

Balances with non-scheduled banks included in 2 and 3 above.
amoH$S> Ed§ ~¢H$ ‘| A{Veof
1 ^maV ‘| - In India 2.00 8.00
2 ^maV Ho$ ~mha Outside India 0.00 0.00
Hw$b TOTAL 2.00 8.00

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 12 A{J«‘ Ed§ Aݶ n[agån{Îm¶m±

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)

Sr No. {ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©

A{J«‘ - Advances
1 A§VaU H§$n{Z¶m| ‘| Ama{jV O‘m
Reserve deposits with ceding companies 0.00 0.00
2 {Zdoem| Ho$ {bE AmdoXZ YZ
Application money for investments 0.00 0.00
3 n{hbo ^wJXmZ
Prepayments 0.00 0.00
4 A{YH$m[a¶m| / {ZXoeH$moo§ H$mo A{J«‘
Advances to Officers/Directors 0.00 0.00
5 AXm {H$¶m J¶m A{J«‘ H$a Ed§ ómoV na H$a H$Q>m¡Vr
Advance Tax paid and taxes deducted at source 0.00 0.00
6 Aݶ A{J«‘
Other Advances 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (H$)
Total (A) 0.00 0.00

Aݶ n[agån{Îm¶m| - Other Assets

1 {Zdoem|na ~H$m¶m / àmoX^wV Am¶
Income outstanding / accrued on investments 0.00 0.00
2 g§{X½Y ã¶mO dgybr H$m n«mdYmZ
Provision for interest doubtful of recovery 0.00 0.00
3 ~H$m¶m àr‘r¶‘
Outstanding Premiums 4.31 2.67
4 EO§Q>mo Ho$ eof
Agents' Balances 0.00 0.00
5 {dXoer EO§{g¶m| Ho$ eof
Foreign Agencies' Balances 0.00 0.00
6 ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ H$aZodmbr Aݶ B§{Q>{Q>¶m| go àmá hmoZo dmbm
Due from other insurance entities carrying on 0.00 0.00
insurance business (including reinsurers)
7 ghm¶H$ / {Z¶§ÌH$ H§$nZr go àmá hmoZo dmbm
Due from subsidiaries/holding company 0.00 0.00
8 ^maVr¶ [aOd© ~¢H$ ‘| O‘m (~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘, 1938 H$s IÊS> 7 Ho$ AZwgaU ‘|)
Deposit with Reserve Bank of India 0.00 0.00
[Pursuant to section 7 of Insurance Act,1938]
9 Aݶ (Aݶ {d{dY S>o{~Q>)/ ì`mO Cnm{O©V {H§ Vw Xoo¶ Zhr
Others (Other Miscellaneous Debits) / Interest accrued but not due 141.81 492.85
OrdZ ì¶dgm¶ go Xo¶ amer - Amount due from Life Business 0.00 0.00
Hw$b (I) - Total (B) 146.12 495.52
Hw$b (H$+I) Total (A+B) 146.12 495.52

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AZwgyMr - 13 Mmby Xo¶VmE§

(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 E§OQ>m| Ho$ eof/Agents Balances 0.00 0.00
2 Aݶ ~r‘m H§$n{Z¶m| H$mo Xo¶ am{e
Balances due to other insurance companies 0.00 0.00
3 nwU~mr©‘m A§VaU na Ym[aV O‘m
Deposits held on reinsurance ceded 0.00 0.00
4 A{J«‘ ê$n ‘| àmá n«r‘r¶‘
Premiums received in advance 0.00 0.00
5 Amd§{QV Zhr Hr JB© àr[‘¶‘ - unallocated Premium 0.00 0.00
6 \w Q>H$a boZXma - Sundry Creditors 1.27 0.00
7 ghm¶H$/{Z¶§ÌH$ H§$nZr H$mo Xo¶
Due to subsidiaries/holding company 0.00 0.00
8 ~H$m¶m Xmd|
Claims Outstanding 11.17 11.86
9 ~H$m¶m Añdm{‘H$ am{e / O‘m
O/S Unclaimed Amount / Deposits 28.35 28.28
10 A{YH$m[a¶m| / {ZXoeH$m| H$mo Xo¶
Due to Officers/Directors 0.00 0.00
11 Aݶ (Aݶ {d{dY Ho«${S>Q²>g)
Others (Other Misc. Credits)
i) ~H$m¶m H${‘eZ / Outstanding Commission 0.09 0.05
1818.15 1410.08
ii) Mmby OrdZ ì`dgm` Life Business current
iii) OrdZ ì`dgm` Mmby ImVm Life Business Current Account ( Year end Block) 0.00 0.00

iv) OrdZ ì`dgm` (B§Qa {Z{Y) Life Business (Inter fund) 0.00 0.00

v) {Zdoe {Z¶§ÌU / Investment control 0.00 0.00

vi) Aݶ Xo¶VmE§ / Other Liabilities 0.63 0.63

Hw$b / TOTAL 1859.66 1450.90

AZwgyMr - 14 àmdYmZ
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs)
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 Ag‘má Omo{I‘ Ho$ {bE Ama{jV
Reserve for unexpired Risk 0.00 0.00
2 H$amYmZ Ho$ {bE (KQ>mBE ^wJVmZ Ed§ ómoV na H$a H$Q>m¡Vr)
For taxation (less payments and taxes deducted at source) (256.12) (237.27)
3 àñVm{dH$ bm^m§e Ho$ {bE
For proposed dividends 199.16 250.43
4 bm^m§e {dVaU H$a Ho$ {bE
For dividend distribution tax 0.00 0.00
5 Aݶ ({Z{X©ï> {H$¶m OmEJm)
Others (to be specified) 0.00 0.00
Hw$b / TOTAL (56.96) 13.16
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

AmH${ñH$_ Xo`VmE§
(` bmIm| ‘|)
(` in lakhs
{ddaU Mmby df© {nN>bo df©
1 Am§{eH$ én go {Zdoe MwH$Vm
Partly paid up investments 0.00 0.00
2 Xmdm§ h¡o, Zr{V`mo§ Ho$ {Ibm\$ AÝ` H$r VwbZm _o§, H§$nZr Ûmam F$U Ho$ én _o§ ñdrHma Zhr§.
Claims,other than against policies,not acknowledged as debts by the company 0.00 0.00
3 {ZåZm§H$Z n«{V~ÕVm eof (eo`amo§ Am¡a n«{V^y{V`mo§ Ho$ g§~§Y _o§)
underwriting commitments outstanding (in respect of shares and securities) 0.00 0.00
4 Ûmam `m H§$nZr H$r Amoa go {X JB© Omo{I_
Guarantees given by or on behalf of the company 0.00 0.00
5 {ddmX _o§ d¡Y{ZH$ _m§Jmo/Xo`VmE§ Ho$ {bE n«XmZ Zhr§
Statutory Demands/Liabilities in dispute,not provided for 0.00 0.00
6 nwZ~r©_m Xm{`Ëdmo§ Ho$ {bE gr_m VH$ n«XmZ Zhr§
Reinsurance obligations to the extent not provided for 0.00 0.00
7 AÝ`/ Others 0.00 0.00
Hw$b/ TOTAL 0.00 0.00

nceejer Gme leejerKe Jeeueer efjHeesì& kesÀ Devegmeej

As per our report of even date

KeC[sJeeue pewve Sb[ keÀb. kesÀ efueS Deej. peer. Sve. He´eF&me Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS E_. Ama. Hw$_ma Aܶj
For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For R. G. N. Price & Co. M. R. Kumar Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./105049W F.R.N/ 002785S
MewuesMe Meen (Heeì&vej) S. Deej. HeeLe&meejLeer (Heeì&vej) jepe kegÀceej à~§Y {ZXoeH$
Shailesh Shah (Partner) A. R. Parthasarathy (Partner) Raj Kumar Managing Director
g.H«$./M.No.033632´À. M. No. 205702

Sme kesÀ keÀHetj Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS SyeerSce Sb[ DemeesefmeSìdme SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS Qr. gr gwerb H$w_ma
For S.K. Kapoor & Co. For abm & associates LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants T. C. Suseel Kumar {ZJ‘ Ho$ gXñ¶
F.R.N./000745C F.R.N./105016W/W-100015 Members of the Corporation
Jeer yeer efmebn (Heeì&vej) DeefÞJeve yeer. cees®ex (Heeì&vej) osJesMe ÞeerJeemleJee
V. B. Singh (Partner) Ashwin B. Morche (Partner)
Devesh Srivastava
g.H«$./M.No. 073124 g.H«$./ M.No. 104126
Sme. Sue íepesæ[ Sb[ kebÀ. SueSueHeer kesÀ efueS GceecensMJej jeJe Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For S. L. Chhajed & Co. LLP For Umamaheswara Rao & Co. ew^m§Jr g§. gmo_U keÀe³e&keÀejer efveosMekeÀ ({dÎm Ed§ boIm)
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Shubhangi S. Soman Exective Directior (F&A)
F.R.N./000709C/C400277 F.R.N./004453S
Jeerpeerle yewocegLee (Heeì&vej) yeer. jeOee ke=À<Cee (Heeì&vej) {XZoe n§V {Z¶wº$ ~r‘m§H$H$
Vijit Baidmutha (Partner) B Radha Krishna (Partner) Dinesh Pant Appointed Actuary
g.H«$./ M.No. 406044 g.H«$./M.No. 022061
yeeìueeryee@³e Sb[ Hegjesefnle kesÀ efueS S Deej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Batliboi & Purohit For A R & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./101048W F.R.N./002744C
jceve nbieskeÀj (Heeì&vej) HeJeve kesÀ. iees³eue (Heeì&vej)
Raman Hangekar (Partner) Pawan K. Goel (Partner)
g.H«$. M.No./030615 g.H«$./M.No. 072209
ìesæ[er legume³eeve Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS [er kesÀ íppej Sb[ kebÀ. kesÀ efueS
For Todi Tulsyan & Co. For D K Chhajer & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
F.R.N./002180C F.R.N./304138E
megMeerue kegÀceej legume³eeve (Heeì&vej) veerjpe kesÀ. PegvePegveJeeuee (Heeì&vej)
Sushil Kumar Tulsyan (Partner) Niraj K. JhunJhunwala (Partner)
g.H«$./M.No.075899 g.H«$./M.No.057170

cegbcyeF& ë 22 pegueeF&, 2020 gZXr boImH$ma

Mumbai: 22nd July, 2020 CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS
JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes meceeHle

Je<e& kesÀ efueS ÒeyebOeve efjHeesì&
Management Report
For the year ended 31st March, 2020

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘
31 ‘mM©, 2020 Ho$ g‘má df© Ho$ {bE à~§YZ H$s [anmoQ>©
31 ‘mM©, 2020 H$mo g‘má {dÎmr¶ df© Ho$ {bE {ZJ‘ Ho$ àMmbZm| Ho$ g§~§Y ‘|, à~YZ EVX² Ûmam nw{ï> H$aVm h¡, à‘m{UV H$aVm h¡ Am¡a KmofUm H$aVm h¡ {H$:
1. hebpeerkeÀjCe he´ceeCehe$e
{ZJ‘ Zo ~r‘m {d{Z¶m‘H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$aU go n§OrH$aU Ho$ ZdrH$aU H$m à‘mUnÌ H$a {b¶m h¡ h¡ Am¡a dh {d{Y‘mݶ ~Zm hþAm h¡& {ZJ‘ Zo
àm{YH$aU Ûmam {d{ZYm©[aV n§OrH$aU H$s eVm] H$m nmbZ {H$¶m h¡&
2. JewOeeefvekeÀ yekeÀe³ee
{ZJ‘ Zo, gm§{d{YH$ àm{YH$aUm| H$mo ^wJVmZ ¶mo½¶ g^r Xo¶ YZam{e¶m| H$m ^wJVmZ H$a {X¶m h¡, {gdm¶ {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$:
keÀ) efJelleer³e efJeJejCees kesÀ DeefYevve Yeeie uesKeeW keÀer efìHHeCeer ceW DeekeÀefmcekeÀ osveojefj³eeW kesÀ Debleie&le He´keÀì efkeÀ³es efJe®eejeefOeve ceeceues~
Ke) keÀce&®eeefj³eeW kesÀ Jesleve SJeb DeefYekeÀlee&DeeW keÀes Yegieleeve efkeÀ³es ie³es keÀceerMeve mes Dee³ekeÀj kesÀ He´efle keÀer ieF& keÀìewleer efkeÀ OevejeefMe kegÀue efceueekeÀj
` 8,670.40 ueeKe (efHeíues Je<e& ` 10,684.48 ueeKe nw)
J) ^dZ/godm AZwajU R>oHo$Xmam|, nm°{bgrYmaH$m| Am¡a ^{dî¶ {Z{Y àm{YH$mar¶m| H$mo {H$E JE ^wJVmZm| go Am¶ Ho$ à{V H$s JB© H$Q>m¡Vr H$s YZam{e
Hw$b {‘bmH$a ` 6,898.65 bmI énE ({nN>bo df© ` 65.32 bmI)
3. hetbpeer
H|${ж gaH$ma Ûmam, ^maVr¶ OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ A{Y{Z¶‘, 1956 H$s Ymam 5 ‘| {H$E JE g§emoYZ Ho$ AZwgma, {ZJ‘ ‘| bJm¶r J¶r ny§Or ‘o§ H$moB©
~Xbmd Zhr h¡&
4. hetbefpe³eeW keÀe efveJesMe
à~§YZ Zo, ^maV ‘| Omar H$s JB© nm°{bgr Ho$ YmaH$m| H$s {Z{Y¶m| H$m {Zdoe à˶j ¶m namoj ê$n go ^maV Ho$ ~mha Zht {H$¶m h¡&
5. keÀjoeve#ecelee ceeefpe&ve
à~§YZ Bg ~mV H$s nw{ï> H$aVm h¡ {H$ AmB© Ama S>rE AmB© Ho$ {d{Z¶‘m| Ho$ AZwgma Ano{jV F$U emoYZ ‘m{O©Z, ~ZmE aIm J¶m h¡&
6. heefjmebheefÊe³eeW keÀe cetu³eebkeÀve
{H$gr g§^m{dV j{V Ho$ {bE, VwbZ-nÌ H$s VmarI H$m ¶WmpñW{V, g^r n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ ‘yë¶m| H$s g‘rjm H$s JB© h¡ Am¡a à~§YZ H$s am¶ ‘| VwbZ-nÍm
‘| àñVwV H$s JB© n[ag§n{Îm¶m§, F$U, {Zdoe, EOo§Qmo§ Ho$ eof, ~H$m¶m àr{‘¶‘, ã¶mO bm^m§e Am¡a ~H$m¶m {H$amE, ã¶mO, bm^m§e, Am¡a Cn{MV na§Vw
AXo¶ {H$amE, Aݶ ì¶{º$¶m| ¶m ~r‘m ì¶dgm¶ MbmZo dmbo {ZH$m¶m| go Xo¶ YZam{e¶m§, {d{dY XoZXma, ZH$Xr Am¡a Aݶ boIo Ho$ A§VJ©V {d{Z{X©ï> Hw$N>
‘X| erf©H$m| Ho$ A§VJ©V A{YH$ go A{YH$ CZHo$ dgybr¶mo½¶ ¶m ~mOma ‘yë¶ H$s Hw$b YZam{e ‘| Xem©¶r JB© h¡§&
7. peerJeve yeercee efveefOe³eeW keÀe Fmlesceeue leLee efveJesMe
~r‘m {Z{Y Ho$ {H$gr ^r ^mJ H$m AZwà¶moJ, à˶j ¶m namoj én go, OrdZ ~r‘m {ZJ‘ Ho$ AZwà¶moJ Am¡a {Zdoe go g§~§{YV, ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘, 1938
(138 H$m 4) g§g§mo{YV ~r‘m H$mZyZ (g§gmo{YV) A{Y{Z¶‘ 2015 Ho$ Cn~§Ym| H$m C„§KZ H$aHo$ Zht {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
8. mecemle peesefKeceW leLee GvnW keÀce keÀjves kesÀ efueS Ghee³e
H$. {Zdoem| H$mo H«o${S>Q>, n[aemoYZ Am¡a ã¶mO Xa Omo{I‘m| Ho$ à{V A{^춺$ {H$¶m J¶m h¡& h‘, {Zdoe na AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Am¡a ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘,
1938 O¡gm H$s ~r‘m H$mZyZ (g§emo{YV) A{Y{Z¶‘ 2015 Ho$ Ûmam g§emoYZ Ûmam [d{ZYm©[aV {Xem{ZX}em| H$m nmbZ H$a aho h¢& {Zdoe H$mo H§$nZr-
dma Am¡a CÚmoJ-dma aIm J¶m h¡& {Zdoe Am‘Vm¡a na Eogo {dboImo ‘| {H$E JE h¢, {OZH$m ‘yë¶ {ZYm©aU EE Am¡a Bggo Cna {H$¶m J¶m h¡ Am¡a
BgHo$ níMmV BZH$s {Za§Va ‘m°ZrQ>[a¨J H$s JB© h¡&
I. {ZJ‘ H$s AdYmaU gr‘m go Cna, A{YH$ Omo{I‘ E³gnmoOa H$m ‘wH$m~bm “ñdrg ar”, “å¶w{ZI ar”, Or. AmB©. gr. ar Ed§ Ama. Or. E. ar
Ho$ gmW nwZ: ~r‘m Ho$ O[aE {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
9. Dev³e osMeeW ceW meb®eeueve
{ZJ‘ Ho$ àMmbZ VrZ Xoem| AWm©V² ¶y.Ho$. ’$sOr Am¡a ‘mareg ‘| h¢& h‘| H$moB© Xoe g§~§Yr Omo{I‘ Zht h¡ ³¶mo{H$ BZ Xoem| ‘| nm°{b{g¶m| H$m àñVmd
Ho$db g§~§{YV Xoe H$s ‘wÐm ‘| {X¶m OmVm h¡ Am¡a Xoe ‘| àmá Am¶ H$m {Zdoe ^r Cgr Xoe ‘| {H$¶m OmVm h¡, {gdm¶ J¡a-¶y.Ho$. B{¹${Q>¶m| Ho$ O[aE
¶y.Ho$. ‘| EH$ bKw {Zdoe Ho$&

63 Annual Report

With respect to the operations of the Corporation for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2020, the Management of the Corporation
confirms, certifies and declares as below:

1. Certificate of Registration
The Corporation has obtained the Certificate of Renewal of Registration from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
of India and the same continues to be valid. The Corporation has complied with the terms and conditions of the registration stipulated
by the Authority.

2. Statutory Dues
The Corporation has paid all dues payable to the Statutory Authorities except

(a) Those under dispute disclosed under contingent liabilities in the notes to accounts forming part of the financial statements

(b) The amounts deducted towards Income-tax from the salaries of the employees and commission paid to Agents aggregating to
` 8,670.40 lacs (previous year ` 10,684.48 lacs).
(c) The amount deducted towards Income-tax from payments made to Building/Service Maintenance Contractors, Policyholders
and payment to other Statutory Authorities aggregating to ` 6,898.65 lacs (previous year ` 65.32 lacs)

3. Capital
There has been no change in the capital provided by the Central Government in terms of amendment in section 5 of Life Insurance
Corporation Act, 1956.

4. Investment of Funds
The Management has not directly or indirectly invested outside India the funds of the holders of policies issued in India.

5. Solvency Margin
The Management confirms that the required solvency margin has been maintained as per IRDAI Regulations

6 Valuation of Assets
The values of all the assets have been reviewed on the date of Balance-Sheet for any possible impairment provision/provision for
non performing asset and that in the opinion of the Management the assets set forth in the Balance-Sheets are shown in the
aggregate at amounts not exceeding their realizable or market value under the headings “Loans”, “Investments”, “Agents balances”,
“Outstanding Premiums”, “Interest, Dividends and Rents outstanding”, “Interest, Dividends and Rents accruing but not due”,
“Amounts due from other persons or Bodies carrying on insurance business”, Bills Receivable, “Sundry Debtors”, “Cash” and the
several items specified under “Other Accounts”

7 Application and Investments of Life Insurance Funds

No part of the life insurance fund has been directly or indirectly applied in contravention of the provisions of the Insurance Act,
1938 (4 of 1938) as amended by the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015, relating to the application and investment of the Life
Insurance Funds.

8 Overall Risk Exposure and Mitigation Strategies

(a) The Investments are exposed to Credit, Liquidity and Interest rate risks. We have been following the guidelines on Investments
prescribed by IRDAI and Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015. The investments
are capped company-wise, group-wise & industry-wise. Investments are generally made in instruments, which are rated AA
and above with continuous monitoring thereafter.

(b) The excess risk exposure over the retention limit of the Corporation is met through reinsurance with Swiss Re, Munich Re, GIC
Re and RGA Re.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
10. {nN>bo 5 dfm} Ho$ {bE ñdrH¥$V naÝVw ^wJVmZ Z {H$¶o J¶o Xmdm| Ho$ Am§H$‹S>m| (‘¥Ë¶w Am¡a n[an¹$Vm) H$s Ad{Y {ZåZ{b{IV h¢:
na§namJV ì¶dgm¶:
Ad{Y 2019-20 2018-19 2017--18 2016-2017
Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer
g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|)
30 {XZ 995398 6179.72 321861 1847.15 82737 504.36 129166 583.65

30 {XZ go 6 ‘{hZo 871012 3786.02 375634 2155.80 46284 444.65 145463 660.31

6 ‘{hZo go 1 df© 641 1.12 993 5.58 4597 36.33 612 3.02

1 df© go 5 df© 0 0 780 4.24 14203 80.36 848 4.94

5 df© Am¡a Cggo AmJo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ad{Y 2015-2016

Xmdm| H$s g§»¶m amer (` H$amo‹S> ‘|)

30 {XZ 670 33.17

30 {XZ go 6 ‘{hZo 1932 84.27

6 ‘{hZo go 1 df© 1650 77.65

1 df© go 5 df© 1966 67.85

5 df© Am¡a Cggo AmJo 0 0

g§~§Õ ì¶dgm¶:
Ad{Y 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer Xmdm| H$s amer
g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|) g§»¶m (` H$amo‹S> ‘|)
30 {XZ 40588 313.99 16778 118.36 190855 1487.53 22959 154.21
30 {XZ go 6 ‘{hZo 55335 268.42 21682 152.96 73382 488.72 35400 237.77
6 ‘{hZo go 1 df© 0 0 4733 33.39 8667 62.93 8668 58.22
1 df© go 5 df© 0 0 14265 100.64 13593 127.06 10898 73.20
5 df© Am¡a Cggo AmJo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ad{Y 2015-16

Xmdm| H$s g§»¶m amer (` H$amo‹S> ‘|)

30 {XZ 10526 62.24
30 {XZ go 6 ‘{hZo 13944 82.45
6 ‘{hZo go 1 df© 5899 34.88
1 df© go 5 df© 19350 114.41
5 df© Am¡a Cggo AmJo 0 0

63 Annual Report
9 Operations in other Countries
The Corporation has overseas operations in three countries viz. U.K., Fiji and Mauritius. We do not have any country risk as the
policies in these countries are offered in the respective country currency only and income received in the country is also invested in
the same country except a small investment in U.K. through non U.K. equities.

10. Ageing of claims registered and not settled data (death and maturity) for the preceding 5 years is:
Traditional Business:

Period 2019-20 2018-19 2017--18 2016-2017

No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore)
30 days 995398 6179.72 321861 1847.15 82737 504.36 129166 583.65
30 days to 6 months 871012 3786.02 375634 2155.80 46284 444.65 145463 660.31
6 months to 1 year 641 1.12 993 5.58 4597 36.33 612 3.02
1 year to 5 years 0 0 780 4.24 14203 80.36 848 4.94
5 years and above 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Period 2015-2016
No. of claims Amount
(` in crore)
30 days 670 33.17
30 days to 6 months 1932 84.27
6 months to 1 year 1650 77.65
1 year to 5 years 1966 67.85
5 years and above 0 0

Linked Business:

Period 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore) claims (` in crore)
30 days 40588 313.99 16778 118.36 190855 1487.53 22959 154.21
30 days to 6 months 55335 268.42 21682 152.96 73382 488.72 35400 237.77
6 months to 1 year 0 0 4733 33.39 8667 62.93 8668 58.22
1 year to 5 years 0 0 14265 100.64 13593 127.06 10898 73.20
5 years and above 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Period 2015-16
No. of claims Amount
(` in crore)
30 days 10526 62.24
30 days to 6 months 13944 82.45
6 months to 1 year 5899 34.88
1 year to 5 years 19350 114.41
5 years and above 0 0

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
11. efveJesMeeW keÀe cetu³eebkeÀve
(H$) J¡a-g§~§Ó ì`dgm`:
VwbZ nÌ ‘| ¶Wm X{e©V J¡a-g§~§Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ {Zdoem| Ho$ ‘yë¶ Am¡a CZH$m ~mOma ‘yë¶ {ZåZ{b{IV VarHo$ go {ZH$mbo JE h¡§:
{Zdoe ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s nÕ{V
1. F$U à{V^y{V¶m§ H$) gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| Am¡a {d‘moÀ¶ A{Y‘mZr eo¶am| g{hV g^r F$U à{V^y{V¶m| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z, n[aemoYZ H$s
eV© Ho$ AYrZ, Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV na {H$¶m J¶m&
I) boIm-~{h¶m| ‘| J¡a-{ZînmXZ F$Um| Ho$ à{V àmdYmZ AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ho$ {Xem{ZX©oem| Ho$ AZwgma {H$E JE h¡&
2. g{H«$¶ ê$n go ì¶mnma {H$E JE B{¹$Q>r eoAa ‘yë¶m§H$Z, ZoeZb ñQ>m°H$ E³gM|O (EZ Eg B©) ‘o§ A§{V‘ CÕíV ³bmoqOJ ‘yë¶ na {H$¶m J¶m Wm& ¶{X EZ.Eg.B©.
‘o gyMr~Õ Zht h¡ Vmo ~r.Eg.B©. Ho$ ³bmoqOJ ‘yë¶ na {H$¶m J¶m&
3. Demet®eerye× leLee meef¬eÀ³e ªhe mes yes®es ieS FeqkeÌJeìer FvekeÀer keÀercele hejbhejeiele ueeiele ceW mes Ssmes efveJesMeeW kesÀ cetu³e ceW keÀceer kesÀ efueS he´eJeOeeve keÀes IeìekeÀj DeebkeÀer ieF& Leer&
Mes³eme& kesÀ DeueeJee Dev³e
4. å¶wMAb ’§$S> Am¡a CÚ‘ ny§Or {Zdoe å¶wMwAb ’§$S> ‘| {H$E JE {Zdoem| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z, g§~{YV å¶wMwAb ’§$S> Ûmam Kmo{fV A§{V‘ CÕíV EZEdr Ho$
AmYma na {H$¶m J¶m h¡& CÚ‘ ny§Or {Zdoem| H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z, H _r Ho {bE ~wH d¡ë`y H_ n«mdYmZ
5. F$U BZH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z J¡a-{ZînmXZ Ho$ à{V Eo{Vhm{gH$ bmJV ‘| go àmdYmZm| H$mo KQ>mH$a {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
6.gmd{Y O_m bmJV na _yë`m§{H$V
h‘mao A{YH$m§e {Zdoe, gaH$mar à{V^y{V¶m| Am¡a Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m| ‘| h¡& h‘mao {Zdoem| Ho$ {^Þ-{^Þ nmoQ>©’$mo{b¶mo {ZåZ{b{IV h¢:
J¡a-g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶:
(` H$amo‹S> ‘|)
H«$.g§. loUr {Zdoe Hw$b H$m à{VeV
gaH$mar Am¡a Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m§ 20,81,621.91 69.23%
{S>~|Ma / ~m§S> 3,24,207.53 10.78%
H$manmoaoQ>/gaH$ma/gaH$mar {ZH$m¶ H$mo F$U 21,133.58 0.70%
B{³dQs/A{Y‘mZr eo¶a/å¶wMwAb ’§$S> 4,52,699.57 15.05%
H$m°b/gmd{Y O‘m/H$mofmJma {~b/dm{UpÁ¶H$ H$mJX-nÌ Ed§ Aݶ 13,770.67 0.46%
{Zdoe g§n{Îm¶m§ 14,370.58 0.48%
~ÝYH$ F$U 355.83 0.01%
nm°{bgr F$U 98,880.10 3.29%
Aݶ F$U 0.01 0.00%
Omo‹S> 30,07,039.78 100.00%

(g^r [Zdoe gH b _zë` na Xem©`o J`o h¡)

grAmaEgr ì¶dgm¶:
(` H$amo‹S> ‘|)
H«$.g§. loUr {Zdoe Hw$b H$m à{VeV
gaH$mar Am¡a Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m§ 113.24 54.07%
{S>~|Ma / ~m§S> 96.00 45.83%
B{³dQs/A{Y‘mZr eo¶a/å¶wMwAb ’§$S> 0.20 0.09%
H$m°b/gmd{Y O‘m/H$mofmJma {~b/dm{UpÁ¶H$ H$mJX-nÌ Ed§ Aݶ 0.02 0.01%
Omo‹S> 209.46 100.00

(g^r [Zdoe gH b _zë` na Xem©`o J`o h¡)

JeeR Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
63 rd Annual Report

11. Valuation of Investments

(A) Non Linked Business :

The values of Investments of Non Linked Business, as shown in the Balance Sheet and the market value thereof, have been
arrived at as follows:


1. Debt Securities a) All debt securities, including Govt. Securities and Redeemable Preference shares
were valued at historical cost subject to amortization.
b) Provision, as per IRDAI/RBI guidelines, has been made in the books of accounts
towards non-performing debts.
2. Actively traded Equity shares Valued at the last quoted closing prices at the NSE. In case not listed/ not traded on
NSE on closing date, then BSE rate.
3. Unlisted and other than actively These were measured at historical cost less provision for diminution in value of such
traded equity shares investments.
4. Mutual Fund & Venture Capital Investments in Mutual Funds are valued at last quoted NAV declared by the respective
Investments Mutual funds. Venture Capital Investments are valued at book value less provision for
5. Loans Valued at historical cost less provision towards non-performing loans.
6. Fixed Deposits Valued at cost.

Bulk of our investments is in Government Securities and other approved securities. The rest are spread over various other
categories. The different portfolios of our investments are as follows:

Non Linked Business: (` in crore)

Sr. No. Category Investment % to total
1 Government and other approved Securities 20,81,621.91 69.23%
2 Debentures/Bonds 3,24,207.53 10.78%
3 Loans to Corporate/Government/ Government Bodies 21,133.58 0.70%
4 Equities/Preference Shares/ Mutual Funds 4,52,699.57 15.05%
5 Call/Fixed deposits/Treasury Bills/ Commercial Papers & others 13,770.67 0.46%
6 Investment Properties 14,370.58 0.48%
7 Loans Mortgage 355.83 0.01%
8 Policy loans 98,880.10 3.29%
9 Loans others 0.01 0.00%
Total 30,07,039.78 100.00%

CRAC Business :

(` in crore)
Sr. No. Category Investment % to total
1 Government and other approved Securities 113.24 54.07%
2 Debentures/Bonds 96.00 45.83%
3 Equities/Preference Shares/ Mutual Funds 0.20 0.09%
4 Call/Fixed deposits/Treasury Bills/ Commercial Papers & others 0.02 0.01%
Total 209.46 100.00

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
(I) g§~ÜX ì¶dgm¶:
VwbZ-nÌ ‘| ¶Wm X{e©V g§~Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ {Zdoem| Ho$ ‘yë¶ Am¡a CZHo$ ~mOma ‘yë¶ {ZåZ{b{IV VarHo$ go {ZH$mbo JE h¡:
{Zdoe ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s nÕ{V
1. F$U à{V^y{V¶m§ ¶w{ZQ> {Z{Y¶m| H$s H|$Ðr¶ gaH$ma H$s à{V^y{V¶m|, amÁ¶ gaH$ma H$s à{V^y{V¶m|, Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m|,
{S>~|Mam| Am¡a ~m§S>mo§ Ho$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z, E’$ AmB© E‘ E‘ SrE Ûmam Kmo{fV {nN>br CnbãY ~mOma Xam| na {H$E JE Wo
Am¡a H|$Ðr¶ gaH$ma H$s à{V^y{V¶m|, amÁ¶ gaH$ma H$s à{V^y{V¶m|, Aݶ AZw‘mo{XV à{V^y{V¶m|, J¡a-¶y{ZQ> {Z{Y¶m|
Ho$ {S>~|Mam| Am¡a ~m°ÝS>mo H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z n[aemoY bmJV na {H$¶m J¶m Wm& AmB©.Ama.S>r.E.AmB©. Ho$ Cn~§Ymo Ho$
AZwgma J¡a-{ZînmXZ H$Omo> ª Ho$ à{V boIm-~{h¶m| ‘| àmdmYmZ {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
2. g[H«` én go H mamo ~ma {H BZH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z, ZoeZb ñQ>mH° $ E³gM|O EZEgB© Ohm§ do gyMr~Õ h¡, Ho$ A§{V‘ CÕíV ³bmoqOJ ‘yë¶m| na {H `m
`o J`o B[¹ Qr eo`a OmVm h¡& A§VamîQ—r` n{aMmbZmo (AmB©.Amo.) Ho _m_bo _o§ CÝho§ ñQm°H EŠgMoO§ mo§ Ohm do gyMr~ÜX h¡ _o§ A§{V_ CÕ¥V
ŠbmoqdJ à{H« `m Ho Ý`yZV_ _yë`na {ZYm©{aV {H `m OmVm h¡&
3. J¡a gyMr~ÜX Am¡a g{HŒ ` FvnW SsefleneefmeJeÀ ueeiele Deewj hegmleJeÀ cetu³e JesÀ yeer®e JesÀ Deblej JesÀ equeS uesKee hegmleJeÀeW ceW ÒeekeOeeve JesÀ meeLe SsefleneefmeJeÀ
én go H mamo~ma {H `o J`o ueeiele hej ceehee ie³ee Lee, JesÀkeue JeÀesuebyees Dee@hejsMeve JesÀ ceeceues ceW peneb iewj-met®eeryeà Mes³ejeW JeÀes cetu³e Metv³e cetu³e efo³ee
Bp¹Qr eo`amo§ Ho Abmdm peelee nw~
4. gmd{Y O‘m BZH$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z bmJV na {H$¶m J¶m Wm&
5. å¶wMwAb ’§$S> DeeF&Deej[erS JesÀ efoMee-efveoxMeeW JesÀ Devegmeej, iewj-efve<heeefole $e+CeeW JeÀer efoMee ceW uesKee hegmleJeÀeW ceW ÒeekeOeeve JesÀ meeLe
SsefleneefmeJeÀ ueeiele hej cetu³eevJeÀve~
g§~ÜX ì¶dgm¶:
(` H$amo‹S ‘|>)
H«$.g§. loUr {Zdoe Hy$b H$m à{VeV
1 H|$Ðr¶ gaH$ma H$s à{V^y{V¶m§ 39,767.60 62.60%
2 AZw‘mo{XV ~mOma à{V^y{V¶m§ 717.53 1.13%
3 {S>~|Ma 1,650.52 2.60%
4 ~m§S> 3,202.14 5.04%
5 B{¹${Q>¶m§ 16,100.93 25.34%
6 gmd{Y O‘m 202.23 0.32%
7 å¶wÀmwAb ’§$S> 1,850.41 2.91%
8 Aݶ à{V^y{V¶m§ 39.80 0.06%
Omo‹S> 63,531.16 100.00
(g^r {Zdoe gH$b ‘yë¶ na {XImE OmVo h¡)
12. 2019-20 kesÀ oewjeve efveJesMeeW keÀe he´oMe&ve meblees<epevekeÀ jne
vee@ve-eEuekeÌ[ J³eJemee³e leLee Mes³ejOeejkeÀ hetbpeer kesÀ meboYe& ceW efveiece ves y³eepe kesÀ leewj hej ` 1,86,043.79 keÀjesæ[ leLee ueeYeebMe kesÀ leewj hej ` 10,947.44 he´ehle
efkeÀ³es nQ, efpememes Fme meeue kesÀ efueS GHepe 7.45% he´eeqhle ngF& nQ efveiece ves efveJesMe mebheefÊe kesÀ efueS ` 426.80 keÀjesæ[ keÀe efkeÀje³ee, hee@efuemeer $eÝCe hej y³eepe kesÀ efueS
` 11,087.46 keÀjesæ[ leLee efiejJeer $eÝCe hej y³eepe kesÀ leewj hej ` 21.77 keÀjesæ[ Yeer keÀceeS nQ FeqkeÌJeìer, mejkeÀejer he´efleYetefle³eeb leLee Dev³e he´efleYetefle³eeW ($eÝCe
MeesOeve meefnle) keÀer efye¬eÀer mes Meg× ueeYe kesÀ leewj hej ` 25,332.57 keÀjesæ[ he´ehle ngS, efpememes kegÀue efceueekeÀj 8.45% efkeÀ GHepe ÒeeHle ngF& nQ~
HegBpeer cees®eve (efveOee&efjle Jeeef<e&keÀ meeZfnle) J³eHemee³e ceW efveiece ves ` 16.24 keÀjesæ[ keÀer Meg× Dee³e Deefpe&le keÀer, efpememes 8.33… keÀer keÀceeF& ngF&~
mebyebOo J³eJemee³e kesÀ mebyebOe ceW efveiece ves FefkeÌJeefì³eeW Deewj mejkeÀejer He´efleYegefle³eeW keÀer efJeke´Àer mes ueeYe kesÀ efue³es Fme Je<e& kesÀ y³eepe kesÀ ©he ceW ` 3,500.03 keÀjes[,
ueeYeebMe kesÀ jÀHe ceW ` 460.88 keÀjes[ Deewj ` 6,945.96 keÀjes[ (HeefjMeesOeve meefnle) efye´keÀer Je efJecees®eve mes neefve kesÀ jÀHe ceW He´eHle efkeÀ³es nQ~
13. 31.03.2020 H$mo ¶WmpñW{V g§~§Õ ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ {Zdb n[ag§n{Îm ‘yë¶ {ZåZ{b{IV h¡:
’§$S> â¶yMa ßbg J«oÀ¶wQ>r ßbg
~m°ÊS> 27.2991 29.6236
J«moW 36.6569 29.7918
BÝH$‘ 33.4068 31.8838
~¡b|ñS> 30.8980 29.5017

63 Annual Report
(B) Linked Business

The values of Investments of Linked Business, as shown in the Balance Sheet and the market value thereof, have been arrived
at as follows:
1. Debt Securities Central Government securities, State Government securities, Other Approved Securities,
Debentures & Bonds of unit funds were valued at last available market rates declared
by FIMMDA and Central Government Securities, State Government Securities, Other
Approved securities, Debentures & Bonds of non unit funds were valued at amortized cost.
Provision, as per IRDAI/RBI guidelines, has been made in the books of accounts towards
non-performing debts wherever necessary.
2. Actively traded Equity shares These were valued at last quoted closing prices at the NSE, where they are listed. In case
the scripts not listed on the NSE, the closing prices on the BSE have been taken.
In case of International Operations (I.O.) these are valued at lowest of the last quoted
closing process at the stock exchanges where they are listed.
3. Unlisted and other than These were measured at historical cost with a provision in the books of accounts for the
actively traded equity shares difference between the historical cost and the book value, except in case of Colombo
operation where unlisted shares are valued at NIL value.
4. Fixed Deposit These were valued at cost.
5. Mutual Fund Investments in Mutual Funds are valued at last quoted NAV declared by the respective
mutual fund.
6. Loan Valued at historical cost with a provision, as per IRDA guidelines, in the books of accounts
towards non-performing loans.

Linked Business:
(` in crore)
Sr. No. Category Investment % to total
1 Central Govt. Securities 39,767.60 62.60%
2 Approved Market Securities 717.53 1.13%
3 Debentures 1,650.52 2.60%
4 Bonds 3,202.14 5.04%
5 Equities 16,100.93 25.34%
6 Fixed Deposits 202.23 0.32%
7 Mutual Funds 1,850.41 2.91%
8 Other Securities (CBLO, Treasury Bills) 39.80 0.06%
Total 63,531.16 100.00
(All Investments are shown at gross value)
12. The performance of the Investments was satisfactory, during 2019-2020.
In respect of Non Linked business, Corporation has earned ` 1,86,043.79 crore as interest and ` 10,947.44 crore as
dividend, returning a yield of 7.45% for the year. The corporation also earned rent of ` 426.80 crore for Investment Property,
` 11,087.46 crore for interest on policy loans & ` 21.77 crore as interest on loan on mortgages. Another ` 25,332.57 crore was
realized as Net profit from the sale of Equities, Government securities and other securities (including amortization) taking the total
yield to 8.45%.

In CRAC business the Corporation earned a net income of ` 16.24 Cr, returning a yield of 8.33 %.

In respect of Linked business, Corporation has earned ` 3,500.03 crore as interest and ` 460.88 crore as dividend for the year.
` 6,945.96 (including amortization) was realized as net loss from sale / redemption of investments.

13. The Net Asset Values of Linked Business as on 31.3.2020:

Fund Future Plus Gratuity Plus
Bond 27.2991 29.6236
Growth 36.6569 29.7918
Income 33.4068 31.8838
Balanced 30.8980 29.5017

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
’§$S> OrdZ ßbg ‘Zr ßbg ‘mH}$Q> ßbg ’$moMw©Z ßbg àmo{’$Q> ßbg ‘Zr ßbg I ‘mH}$Q> ßbg I MmB©ëS
’$moMw©Z ßbg
~m°ÊS> 29.0971 29.3854 32.7723 27.1841 29.4801 30.4778 26.0262 24.3652
J«moW 35.6326 15.8556 16.9535 17.9040 15.0511 23.4381 19.0458 28.8863
{g³¶moS>© 27.7426 26.6062 31.9691 20.0450 25.1600 28.3580 18.0377 27.7946
~¡b|ñS> 26.0251 24.9425 28.7203 17.2473 25.3880 24.5444 17.1058 24.3115
’§$S> OrdZ gmWr ßbg E§S>mod‘|Q> ßbg ݶy E§S>mod‘|Q> ßbg {Zdoe ßbg
~m°ÊS> 23.1340 21.9102 14.7332 9.8719

J«moW 18.7937 16.7825 11.6819 9.7572

BÝH$‘ 19.1948 16.4654 12.5767 9.6799

~¡b|ñS> 19.9828 16.5478 11.8903 9.7651

’§$S> EZEdr
hoëW ßbg 21.4062

hoëW àmoQ>o³eZ ßbg 21.0366

g‘¥{Õ ßbg 18.5231

’§$S> noÝeZ ’§$S> âb¡³gr ’§$S>

S>oãQ> 21.0313 18.3289
{‘³ñS> 18.2770 16.9078

’§$S> ~§X H$s JB© nm°{b{g¶m| hoVw H$mof

bmB’$ 14.5323

14. 31 cee®e&, 2020 keÀes kegÀue ` 4,49,364.87 keÀjesæ[ kesÀ $eÝCe ceW mes Devepe&keÀ heefjmebheefÊe³eeb ` 36,694.20 keÀjesæ[ nQ peneB DeJeceevekeÀ heefjmebheefÊe ` 12,898.51 keÀjesæ[
nQ, JenerB mebefoiOe mebheefÊe³eeb ` 12,681.72 keÀjesæ[ leLee vegkeÀmeeveoe³ekeÀ mebheefÊe³eeb ` 11,113.97 keÀjesæ[ keÀer nQ DeeF&Deej[erSDeeF& efoMeeefveoxMeeW kesÀ Devegmeej yener-
Keeles ceW Devepe&keÀ mebheefÊe³eeW kesÀ efueS ` 33,414.84 keÀjesæ[ keÀer jeefMe keÀe he´eJeOeeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee h¡&
mekeÀue Devepe&keÀ HeefjmebHeeflle³eeW keÀe He´efleMele 8.17… nw peyeefkeÀ Meg× Devepe&keÀ HeefjmebHeeflle³eeW keÀe 0.79 He´efleMele nw~
(` H$amo‹S> ‘|)
n[ag§n{Îm¶m§± àmdYmZ
Ad‘mZH$ 12898.51 9619.59
g§{X½Y n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ 12681.72 12680.93
hm{Z n[ag§n{Îm¶m§ 11113.97 11113.97
Omo‹S> 36694.20 33414.49
‘mZH$ 412670.67 1648.55
gH$b Omo‹S> 449364.87 35063.04

{Zdoe EZnrE
gH$b 449364.87 36694.20

EZnrE àmdYmZ 33414.49 33414.49

ewÕ pñW{V 415950.38 3279.71

EZnrE Am¡a {Zdoe H$m AZwnmV

gH$b EZnrE 8.17
ewÕ EZnrE 0.79
63 Annual Report
Fund Jeevan Money Plus Market Plus Fortune Profit Plus Money Market Child
Plus Plus Plus I Plus I Fortune
Bond 29.0971 29.3854 32.7723 27.1841 29.4801 30.4778 26.0262 24.3652
Growth 35.6326 15.8556 16.9535 17.9040 15.0511 23.4381 19.0458 28.8863
Secured 27.7426 26.6062 31.9691 20.0450 25.1600 28.3580 18.0377 27.7946
Balanced 26.0251 24.9425 28.7203 17.2473 25.3880 24.5444 17.1058 24.3115

Fund Jeevan Endowment New Nivesh Plus

Sathi Plus Plus Endowment
Bond 23.1340 21.9102 14.7332 9.8719
Growth 18.7937 16.7825 11.6819 9.7572
Secured 19.1948 16.4654 12.5767 9.6799
Balanced 19.9828 16.5478 11.8903 9.7651

Fund NAV
Health Plus 21.4062
Health Protection Plus 21.0366
Samridhi Plus 18.5231

Fund Pension Plus Flexi Plus

Debt 21.0313 18.3289
Mixed 18.2770 16.9078

Fund Discontinued Fund

Life 14.5323

14. The non-performing assets as at 31st March, 2020 are ` 36,694.20 crore out of a total debt of ` 4,49,364.87 crore. The sub-standard
asset is ` 12,898.51 crore whereas the doubtful asset is ` 12,681.72 crore and loss assets are ` 11,113.97 crore. An amount of
` 33,414.49 crore is provided as per IRDAI guidelines in the books of accounts towards non-performing assets.

The percentage of gross non-performing assets is 8.17% while the net NPA is 0.79%
(` in crore)
Asset Provision
Sub Standard 12898.51 9619.59
Doubtful Assets 12681.72 12680.93
Loss assets 11113.97 11113.97
Total 36694.20 33414.49
Standard 412670.67 1648.55
Grand Total 449364.87 35063.04

Investment NPA
Gross 449364.87 36694.20
NPA Provision 33414.49 33414.49
Net position 415950.38 3279.71
Ratio of NPA to Investment

Gross NPA 8.17
Net NPA 0.79

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
15. à~§YZ Zo, [a¶b EñQ>oQ>, F$Um| Aݶ AMb n[agån{Îm¶m| Am{X Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| {Zdoem| Ho$ H$m¶©-{ZînmXZ Am¡a n[ag§n{Îm H$s JwUdÎmm H$s g‘rjm H$s h¡
Am¡a {Zdoem|/n[ag§n{Îm¶m| Ho$ ‘yë¶ ‘o j{V/VZwH$aU Ho$ {bE n¶m©á àmdYmZ, Ohm§ H$hr Amdí¶H$ hmo, H$a {X¶m J¶m h¡&
16. 2048 emImAm| ‘| go 1669 emImE§, Omo 81.49 à{VeV H$mo Xem©Vr h¢, A~ ~¢H$ g§amYZ ‘| ~mø ‘Xm| go nyar Vah ‘wº$ h¡& g§amYZ ‘| ~mø ‘Xm| H$m
{ZnQ>mZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~mH$s H$m¶m©b¶m| Ûmam OmoaXma à¶mg {H$E Om aho h¢&
17. 31 ‘mM© 2020 H$mo ¶WmpñW{V, A{^ajH$m| Ho$ gmW h‘mao hmopëS>¨½O Ho$ g§amYZ H$s pñW{V {Za§Va h¡ Am¡a AÚVZ pñW{V ZrMo Xr JB© h¡…
A§Va (*)
YZam{e H$amoS> ê$. ‘| loUr {Zdoe H$m à{VeV
Bp³dQ>r eo¶a 0.28 0.00006

{S>~|Ma Am¡a ~m°ÊS> 9.49 0.003

*Cnamo³V YZam[e, ~rAmBE\ Ama/S>rAmaQ>r/grS>rAma Ho$ nmg b§{~V ‘m‘bm| Ho$ {bE/F$U ‘moMZ Ho$ {bE n[ag‘mnH$/H§$nZr H$mo Aä¶{n©V {S>~|Mam|
Am¡a H$mZyZr ‘wH$X‘m| Ho$ A§VaJV Bp³dQ>r go g§~§{YV h¡. A§Va H$m g§amYZ Ho$db V^r {H$¶m OmVm h¡,O~ H§$nZr/n[ag‘mnH$ go {~H«$s H$s YZam{e
àmßV hmo OmE ~r AmB© E\ Ama/S>r Ama Q>r/gr S>r Ama go {ZU©¶ àmßV hmo OmE.
Hw$b A§Va ‘hËdnyU© Zht h¡. {Zdoem| H$m g§amYZ X¡{ZH$ AmYma na {H$¶m OmVm h¡&
18. Hw$N> F$Um|, A{J«‘m|, EO|Q>mo Ho$ eofm|, {d{dY boZXmam| Ho g§~§Y ‘| Hw$N> ‘m‘bm| ‘| eofm| H$s nw{ï> àmßV Zht hþB© h¡. à~§YZ H$s am¶ h¡ {H$ nw{ï> Ho$ àmßV Z
hmoZo Am¡a CgHo$ n[aUm‘r g§amYZ H$m, boImAm| na nS>Zo dmbo à^md Ho$ ‘hËdnyU© hmoZo H$s g§^mdZm Zht h¡&
19. CZ nm{Q>©¶m| Am¡a boZXoZm| Ho$ Abmdm, Omo AZwgyMr 15-J (A{V[a³V {dJmonZ) H$s {Q>ßnUr (8) Ho$ A§VJ©V gyMr~Õ h¡, Eoogr H$moB© Aݶ nm{Q>©¶m§ Am¡a
boZXoZ Zht h¡ {OZH$m {dJmonZ g§~§{YV nmQ>u boZXoZm| Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$¶m OmZm Amdí¶H$ h¡&
20. Or.~r.{Z n|eZ {Z{Y {b. Ed§ Or.~r.{Z H$mS>© g{d©goO {b. Ho$ nj ‘§o H«$‘e… ` 1,225.51 bmI Am¡a ` 2.54 bmI H$s Omo am{e¶m§ àemg{ZH$ à¶moÁ¶
go 춶 H$s J¶r h¡ CZHo Ûmam BgH r à{VeVr© H r Om ahr h¢&
21. AmH$pñH$ Xo¶VmE§
Mmby df© {nN>bm df©
H$. Ae§V… àXËV {Zdoe ` 20 bmI ` 20 bmI
I. F$Um| Ho$ ê$n ‘| Z ‘mZo JE {ZJ‘ Ho$ {dê$Õ Xmdo, nm°{b{g Xmdm| Ho$ Abmdm ` 712 bmI ` 588 bmI

J. gm§{d{YH$ ‘m§Jo/{ddm{XV Xo¶VmE§ {OZH$m àmdYmZ Zht {H$¶m J¶m ` 2265232 bmI ` 1908810 bmI
K. Aݶ
• ~r_mo§ go g§~§{YV Xmdo§ Omo§ _wH$X_mo§ Ho$ A{YZ h¡ ` 39553 bmI ` 37761 bmI
• _wH$X_m{YZ Xmdo§ Omo ~r_mYmaH$mo§ Ho$ Zhr h¡§ `5212 bmI `8499 bmI

22. à~§YZ EVX²Ûmam EH$ {Oå‘oXma A{^H$WZ àñVwV H$aVm h¡ {Og‘| Xem©¶m J¶m h¡ {H$…
H$. [dËVr¶ {ddaU V¡¶ma H$aZo ‘|, bmJy hmoZo dmbo ‘mZH$m|, {gÕm§Vm| Am¡a Zr{V¶m| H$m nmbZ, ‘hËdnyU© {dnWZ, ¶{X H$moB© hmo, go g§~§{YV C{MV
ñnï>rH$aUm| Ho$ gmW ¶Wm g§^d gr‘m VH$ {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
I. à~§YZ Zo boIm§H$Z Zr{V¶m§ AnZmB© h¡ Am¡a CÝh| {Za§Va ê$n go bmJy {H$¶m h¡ VWm Eogo {ZU©¶ Am¡a Am§H$bZ {H$E h¡ Omo VH©$g§JV Am¡a {ddoH$nyU©
h¡ Vm{H$ {dËVr¶ df© Ho$ A§V ‘| {ZJ‘ H$mo H$mamo~ma H$s Am¡a Cg df© Ho$ {bE {ZJ‘ Ho$ àMmbZ bm^ ¶m hm{Z H$s ghr Am¡a C{MV Vñdra àñVwV
H$s Om gHo$&
J. n«~§YZ Zo {ZJ‘ H$s n[ag§npËV¶m| H$s ajm H$aZo Ho$ {bE Am¡a YmoImKS>r VWm Aݶ {d{Z¶{‘VVmAm| H$mo amoH$Zo VWm CZH$m nVm bJmZo Ho$ {bE
~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘ 1938(1938 H$m 4) O¡gm H$s ~r_m H$mZyZ (g§gmo{YV) A{Y{Z¶‘ 2015 Ho$ Ûmam g§gmoYZ Cn~§Ymo Ho$ AZwgma n¶m©ßV boIm§H$Z
[aH$mS>© aIZo Ho$ {bE C{MV Am¡a n¶m©ßV gmdYmZr ~aVr h¡&
K. à~§YZ Zo ¶h {dËVr¶ {ddaU EH$ “Am°ZJmoB§J H§$gZ©” AmYma na V¡¶ma {H$E h¡&
63 Annual Report
15. The Management has reviewed the asset quality and performance of investments in respect of real estate, loans, investments, other
fixed assets etc. and adequate provision for impairment/diminution in value of investments/assets have been provided for wherever

16. Out of 2048 Branches, 1669 branches representing 81.49% are now totally free of extraneous items in bank reconciliation. Vigorous
efforts are being made by the remaining offices to clear the extraneous items in the reconciliation.

17. The position of reconciliation of our holdings as at 31st March 2020 with that of the custodians is on and the latest position is given

Difference (*)
Amt. in crores % to category investment
Equity Shares 0.28 0.00006
Debentures & Bonds 9.49 0.003
* The above amount pertains to debentures surrendered to the Company/ Official Liquidator for redemption/ for pending cases with
BIFR/DRT/CDR and equity under legal cases. This difference can be reconciled only when the proceeds are received from the
Company/ Liquidator/ decision received from BIFR/ DRT/CDR.

The total difference is not material. Reconciliation of investments is done on daily basis.
18. Confirmation of balances in some cases in respect of certain loans, advances, agents balances; sundry creditors have not been
received. The Management is of the opinion that the impact on the Accounts on non receipt of confirmation and the resultant
reconciliation thereof is not expected to be material.
19. Other than those parties and transactions which are listed under Note (8) of Schedule 15C (Additional Disclosures), there are no
other related parties and transactions which are required to be disclosed under Related Party Transactions.

20. Amounts spent for Administrative purposes on behalf of LIC Pension Fund Ltd and LIC Card Services Ltd of ` 1,225.51 lacs and
` 2.54 lacs respectively are being reimbursed by them.

21. Contingent liabilities Current Year Previous Year

a. Partly paid-up investments ` 20 lakhs ` 20 lakhs

b. Claims other than against policies not ` 712 lakhs ` 588 lakhs
acknowledged as Debts by Corporation

c. Statutory demands/liabilities in dispute, ` 2265232 lakhs ` 1908810 lakhs

not provided for

d. Others

• Policy related claims under litigation ` 39553 lakhs ` 37761 lakhs

• Claims under litigation other than policyholders ` 5212 lakhs ` 8499 lakhs

22. The Management hereby gives a responsibility statement indicating that:

a. In the preparation of financial statements, the applicable accounting standards, principles and policies have been followed to
the extent possible along with proper explanations relating to material departures, if any;

b. The management has adopted accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are
reasonable and prudent so as to give a true & fair view of the state of affairs of the Corporation at the end of the Financial Year
and of Surplus/ profit or loss of the Corporation for the year.

c. The management has taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
with the applicable provisions of the Insurance Act 1938 (4 of 1938) as amended by the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act
2015, for safeguarding the assets of the Corporation and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.

d. The Management has prepared the financial statements on a going concern basis.

63 Jeeef<e&keÀ efjHeesì&
S>. {ZJ‘ {H$gr Q´>ñQ> Ho$ Q´>ñQ>r Ho$ ê$n ‘| H$m¶© Zht H$aVm&
M. n«~§YZ Zo ¶h gw{Z{üV {H$¶m h¡ {H$ g§JR>Z Ho$ AmH$ma Am¡a ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ ñdê$n Ho$ AZwê$n Am§V[aH$ boIm àUmbr ‘m¡OyX h¡. nm°{bgr F$U, Xmdm
g§{dVaUm| AMb n[ag§npËV¶m§, g§nXm à~§YZ Am¡a ¶w{bn à~§YZ O¡go Hw$N> joÌm| ‘| Am§V[aH$ boIm àUmbr H$mo A{YH$ gwÑT> ~Zm¶m Om ahm h¡&
23. Eogo ì¶p³V¶m|, \ ‘m], H§$n{Z¶m| Am¡a g§KQ>Zm| H$mo H$moB© ^wJVmZ Zht {H$E JE h¡ {OZ‘| {ZJ‘ Ho$ {ZXoeH$ ê${M aIVo h¡&


à~§Y {ZXoeH$

H$m¶©H$mar {ZXoeH$ H$m¶©H$mar {ZXoeH$ {Z`wŠV ~r_m§H$Z

({Zdoe/àMmbZ) ({dËV Ed§ boIm)

63 Annual Report
e. The Corporation does not act as a trustee of any trust.

f. The Management has ensured that an Internal Audit System commensurate with the size of the organization and nature of
business exists. In some areas like policy loan, claim disbursements, fixed assets, estate management and ULIP management
the internal Audit system is being further strengthened.

23. No payments have been made to individuals, firms, companies and organizations in which Directors of the Corporation are interested.




63 Annual Report


63 Annual Report

BTV’s National Award for Economic Times

Marketing Excellence Insurance Awards-Amiable

Business Today & Money

Today Financial Awards
Best Life Insurance Pro-
vider of the year

Economic Times Outlook Money Awards

Insurance Awards-Special Life Insurance Provider of
Jury Recognition Award the year

63 Annual Report

ET Now Presents World ET Now Presents World BFSI

BFSI Congress & Congress & Awards-Life
Awards-Claims service of Insurance Company of the year
the Year Award

IAA Leadership Awards


BFSI Congress - Customer IBC Media-India’s Most

Centric Excellence Award Trusted Brand Award

63 Annual Report

Aashirwaad Awards for Aqua Foundation Award


Indian Achievers Forum

Award ‘Best Indian
Insurance Company’ Award

CMO Confluence Awards WPP Brands Most

Valuable Indian Brand 2019

63 Annual Report

BFSI Congress - 14th Indy’s FICCI Insurance Industry

Best House Magazine Awards 2019

Dhanam BFSI Awards Dun & Bradstreet India’s

'Best Life Insurance Top PSU Award
Company of the year'

OeMes<e ceWReport
kesÀ efnmmes keÀes meeQHeles ngS DeO³e#e

Þeer Sce Deej kegÀceej, DeO³e#e ceeveveer³e keWÀêer³e efJelle ceb$eer Þeerceleer efvece&uee meerleejeceved keÀes ` 2610.74 keÀjes[ æ kesÀ cetu³eebkeÀve
DeefOeMes<e keÀe ®eskeÀ Þeer jepeerJe kegÀceej, meef®eJe, efJelleer³e mesJeeSb efJeYeeie, Þeer osyeeMeer<e Heeb[e, meef®eJe, efJelleer³e mesJeeSb, Þeer ìer meer
megMeerue kegÀceej, He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, Þeer efJeefHeve Deevevo, He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, Þeer cegkesÀMe kegÀceej iegHlee, He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ, Þeer jepe kegÀceej,
He´yebOe efveosMekeÀ keÀer GHeefmLeefle ceW He´oeve keÀjles ngS~
Shri M.R.Kumar, Chairman presenting the valuation surplus cheque of ` 2610.74 Crores
to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance in the presence of
Shri Rajiv Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Shri Debasish Panda, Secretary, DFS,
Shri T C Suseel Kumar, Managing Director, Shri Vipin Anand, Managing Director,
Shri Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Managing Director, Shri Raj Kumar, Managing Director.

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