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Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

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Precipitation frequency analysis from remotely sensed datasets: A focused T


Francesco Marraa, , Efthymios I. Nikolopoulosb, Emmanouil N. Anagnostoub, András Bárdossyc,
Efrat Morina
Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany


This manuscript was handled by Marco Borga, Information on extreme precipitation is essential to managing weather-related risks and designing hydraulic
Editor-in-Chief structures. Research attention to frequency analyses based on remotely sensed precipitation datasets, such as
Keywords: those obtained from weather radars and satellites, has been rapidly increasing owing to their potential to provide
Frequency analysis information for ungauged regions worldwide. Together with the ability to measure the areal scale directly, these
Remote sensing analyses promise to overcome the sampling limitations of traditional methods based on rain gauges. This focused
Extreme precipitation review of the literature depicts the state of the art after a decade of efforts, and identifies the crucial gaps in
Weather radar knowledge and methodology that currently hinder the quantitative use of remotely sensed datasets in water
resources system design and operation. It concludes by highlighting a set of research directions promising im-
mediate impact with regard to the separation of the sources of uncertainty currently affecting applications based
on remotely sensed datasets, the development of statistical methods that can cope with the peculiar char-
acteristics of these datasets, and the improvement of validation methods. Important gains in knowledge are
expected from the explicit inclusion of the areal dimension in the analyses and from the fine-scale investigation
of extreme precipitation climatology.

1. Introduction duration to its probability of exceedance at a specific location, the so-

called intensity-duration-frequency curves. Such relationships generally
Information on extreme precipitation is essential to understanding consist of extreme value distributions fitting the tail of the precipitation
extreme weather, issuing warnings, managing weather-related risks and intensity distribution, chosen either as the annual maxima (annual
insurance, and designing hydraulic structures (Katz et al., 2002). This maxima series, or AMS) or the values exceeding a high threshold (peaks
focused review of the recent literature on precipitation frequency over threshold, or PoT). Extreme value theory (Fischer and Tippett,
analysis based on remotely sensed datasets aims, first, to depict the 1928; Gnedenko, 1943) provides the statistical background: under
state of the art; second, to identify the crucial gaps in knowledge and some general assumptions, the extremes of large samples of in-
methodology; and, third, to propose research directions toward making dependent and identically distributed random variables can only con-
those advances that promise immediate impact. verge to the generalized extreme value (in the case of AMS) or the
Water resources design requires knowledge on the extreme pre- generalized Pareto (PoT) distributions. To grant a good fit, long records
cipitation that falls within a given area (e.g. a basin) and time interval of homogeneous data are required. When these are not available, re-
(characteristic of each basin). The importance of both spatial variability gionalization approaches can be used to pool data from multiple loca-
and duration complicates the investigation of extreme precipitation. As tions (Buishand, 1991).
precipitation is traditionally measured at selected locations, little is Precipitation extremes at different durations are strongly related to
known about its variability in space. In fact, only precipitation extremes each other. Parametric functions (Koutsoyiannis et al., 1988), simple-
corresponding to different durations are usually analyzed to derive scaling (Menabe et al., 1999; Innocenti et al., 2017), or multi-scaling
analytical relationships linking the precipitation intensity at a given approaches (Langousis and Veneziano, 2007; Langousis et al., 2009;

Corresponding author at: Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, E.J. Safra Campus - Givat Ram, Jerusalem
9190401, Israel.
E-mail address: (F. Marra).
Received 28 October 2018; Received in revised form 10 March 2019; Accepted 25 April 2019
Available online 27 April 2019
F. Marra, et al. Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

Veneziano et al., 2007, 2009) can be used to describe these relation- point while maintaining spatial consistency (Langousis et al., 2016a,b).
ships, reducing the number of parameters and enabling interpolation- Most studies so far have relied on AMS (Endreny and Imbeah, 2009;
based regionalization (Nhat et al., 2008). The interpolation is, however, Pombo and de Oliveira, 2015; Faridzad et al., 2018; Ombadi et al.,
nontrivial, as interparameter relationships need to be considered. The 2018), sometimes drawing upon regionalization to reduce the un-
spatial variability of precipitation extremes is then considered, defining certainty. Only rarely is the PoT approach undertaken (Goudenhoofdt
area reduction factors (ARFs) to convert the point scale to the areal et al., 2017; Demirdjian et al., 2018).
scale of hydrological interest (Svensson and Jones, 2010), or including Validation of the obtained quantiles against collocated gauges
the precipitation correlation structure in the analysis (Sivapalan and shows large uncertainties, explained by the short data records, which
Blöschl, 1998). Because of the sparseness and point nature of rain can be reduced using regionalization methods (Overeem et al., 2009;
gauges worldwide (Kidd et al., 2017), the resulting design values can be Eldardiry et al., 2015; Goudenhoofdt et al., 2017; Demirdjian et al.,
highly uncertain. In addition, it is almost sure that the maximal pre- 2018). Important systematic biases are reported, with both under-
cipitation intensity during an event will not be captured by the rain estimation (Overeem et al., 2009; Eldardiry et al., 2015; Pombo and de
gauge networks, potentially leading to increased uncertainties in the Oliveira, 2015) and overestimation (Marra and Morin, 2015) with re-
derived quantiles. spect to the reference gauge-derived quantiles. The underestimation is
Ground-based weather radars estimate precipitation at the regional likely caused by conditional bias in extreme precipitation estimates
scale with resolutions of 1–2 km, 5–10 min, whereas satellite-based both in radar (Berne and Krajewski, 2013) and satellite (Kidd and
precipitation products currently reach around 4 km, half hourly re- Levizzani, 2011) products, while overestimation is likely caused by
solutions, with quasi-global coverage (Michaelides et al., 2009). These inflated variance in the presence of large random errors (Marra and
capabilities give remotely sensed datasets (RSDs) the potential to Morin, 2015) and by uncertain quantification of the tail of the dis-
overcome the sampling limitations of gauges (Collier et al., 1989). Their tribution in presence of short records (Papalexiou and Koutsoyiannis,
records are, however, recent, spanning around 10–30 years, and tend to 2013).
have estimation errors, so their use for frequency analysis is not
straightforward (Villarini and Krajewski, 2010; Kidd and Levizzani, 2.2. Enabling of extreme precipitation monitoring and early warning
2011). Pioneering studies sought to derive ARFs, relying on the ex-
pectation that estimation and fitting uncertainties would diminish Frequency information from RSDs can be exploited to calculate
when consistent data sources were used for both point and areal scales extreme quantiles for real-time monitoring and early warning over
(Frederick et al., 1977; Stewart 1989; Bacchi and Ranzi, 1996; Durrans ungauged or poorly gauged areas (Borga et al., 2014). Extreme quan-
et al., 2002; Allen and De Gaetano, 2005; Lombardo et al., 2006; tiles derived from RSDs are used to define thresholds and, when the
Olivera et al., 2008; Overeem et al., 2010). The direct use of RSDs for monitoring/early warning system is fed using information from the
precipitation frequency analysis began only in the last decade (Overeem same dataset, systematic biases are expected to be largely reduced
et al., 2009; Endreny and Imbeah, 2009), but the number of studies has (Zhou et al., 2015). Real-time operational applications are generally
been rapidly increasing in the wake of proliferating data records, im- based on relatively low quantiles (up to 25 years return period), so the
proving estimation methods, and methodological advances. inaccuracy related to the short records is expected to be considerably
This focused review collects the state of the art on precipitation reduced. The application of radar-based tools in gauged areas shows
frequency analysis based on remotely sensed datasets. Particular at- good potential for complementing operational nowcasting systems
tention is given to the studies which proposed innovative approaches to (Panziera et al., 2016), and the implementation of satellite-based sys-
exploit the available information, innovative statistical methods to treat tems to monitor ungauged areas is deemed promising (Zhou et al.,
the short remote sensing data records, or innovative contributions to 2015), particularly when the uncertainties related to extreme value
body of knowledge concerning the climatology of extremes. analysis are diminished (Demirdjian et al., 2018).

2. State of the art 2.3. Derivation of subdaily precipitation quantiles through temporal
downscaling of precipitation extremes
Precipitation frequency analyses based on RSDs have four main
objectives: (a) to derive high quantiles for design applications; (b) to Temporal statistics of the precipitation indirect measurements can
enable extreme precipitation monitoring and early warning; (c) to de- be used to downscale daily or monthly observations to short-scale ex-
rive subdaily precipitation quantiles through temporal downscaling of tremes. Relationships between short-scale and aggregated statistics can
daily/multi-daily gauge observations; and (d) to obtain insights into the be derived from satellite products (Awadallah et al., 2011; Awadallah
climatology of extreme precipitation. In general, the dataset native and Awadallah, 2013) and combined with ground observations to ob-
spatial resolution is kept unchanged, while data are aggregated in time tain local statistics. Another possibility is to combine the relative dis-
to gather information on subdaily durations, in the case of radar tribution of precipitation directly from the radar with observed high
(∼15′–24 h), and longer durations (mostly daily) for satellite data. precipitation amounts available for daily time aggregations (Bardossy
Subdaily analyses from satellite data are also reported. and Pegram, 2017). The derivation of areal precipitation statistics is
also possible.
2.1. Derivation of high quantiles for design applications
2.4. Obtaining of insights into the climatology of extreme precipitation
Despite the length of the records (30 or so years at most, but often
only around 10–20 years), information on high quantiles (with return Improved knowledge on the spatial distribution of precipitation
periods of 100, or even 1,000, years) is sought (Overeem et al., 2009; frequency can shed light on the factors driving and modulating extreme
Wright et al., 2013; Gado et al., 2017) for hydrological design in un- precipitation. Analyses using RSDs can identify spatial gradients with
gauged regions. With such a mismatch between available data records unprecedented resolution (Demirdjian et al., 2018). Direct comparisons
and quantiles of interest, large uncertainties are expected in the ex- of frequency analyses based on radar and satellite products aggregated
treme value analyses (Papalexiou and Koutsoyiannis, 2013). PoT should to common spatiotemporal resolution have shown good correlation in
be preferred over AMS, since a larger data sample can be exploited and the estimated quantiles, mutually confirming the spatial patterns re-
the parameter estimation uncertainty reduced. When dealing with ported by completely different observation geometries and retrieval
distributed data, however, the problem of threshold selection becomes methods (Marra et al., 2017), and pointing, for example, to distinct
challenging because of the need to operate automatically at each grid differences between extremes in close by arid and Mediterranean

F. Marra, et al. Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

regions (Marra and Morin, 2015; Marra et al., 2017). 2017) benchmarked on gauge measurements. The impact of random
errors can be reduced by pooling data from homogeneous regions
3. Methodological gaps (Demirdjian et al., 2018) or near-by pixels (Goudenhoofdt et al., 2017)
and adopting classic regionalization schemes.
Two main issues reportedly decrease the quantitative accuracy of
frequency analyses based on RSDs: the quantitative inaccuracy of ex- 3.2. Inadequacy of the adopted statistical methods
treme precipitation estimates and the inadequacy of the adopted sta-
tistical methods. In addition, our review underlines a third issue: a lack The short record length represents a crucial drawback for RSD-
of proper reference data and validation methods. based analyses. First, large uncertainties are caused by the use of few
data points to estimate the parameters of extreme value distributions,
with a tendency toward overestimation of their tails (Sornette, 2003;
3.1. Quantitative inaccuracy of extreme precipitation estimates
Eldardiry et al., 2015; Marra et al., 2018); second, the sample of ex-
treme climatology is incomplete, potentially biasing the estimation of
Weather radar and satellite-based estimates, due to the indirect
high quantiles (Marani and Zanetti, 2015). Regionalization methods
precipitation retrievals, are affected by a variety of sources of error, in
(Overeem et al., 2009; Endreny and Imbeah, 2009; Overeem et al.,
particular when extremes are considered (Villarini and Krajewski,
2010; Eldardiry et al., 2015; Panziera et al., 2016; Gado et al., 2017) or
2010; AghaKouchak et al., 2011; Nastos et al., 2013; Miao et al., 2015;
stochastic storm transposition (Wright et al., 2013; Wright et al., 2017)
Prakash et al., 2015; Eldardiry et al., 2017). These problems generally
can be beneficial in reducing the issues related to parameter estimation
manifest as underestimation of extreme precipitation, leading to sys-
(Fig. 4), but require hypotheses on the spatial homogeneity of extreme
tematic underestimation of the high quantiles (see, for example,
precipitation that are sometimes difficult to support—for instance,
Eldardiry et al., 2015), or large estimation uncertainties (random er-
when the study involves ungauged areas or regions characterized by
rors), increasing the likelihood of overestimating the AMS/PoT and,
strong climatic gradients (Marra and Morin, 2015). Viable ways to
thus, the extrapolated quantiles (Haberlandt and Berndt, 2016; Marra
overcome this problem are to use data-driven regionalization techni-
et al., 2018). Fig. 1 shows the estimated uncertainties caused by esti-
ques (Paixao et al., 2015; Demirdjian et al., 2018) or to exploit the
mation errors, use of short records, and mismatch between the areal
gridded structure of RSDs defining pixel-centered regions
and point scales in hourly precipitation quantiles in Mediterranean
(Goudenhoofdt et al., 2017). The PoT approach is used to improve the
climate. Artefacts caused by retrieval algorithms or measurement errors
parameter estimation, at the price of requiring an automatic threshold
can mask the climatic signals or cause misinterpretation of climatolo-
selection method (Fukutome et al., 2015; Solari et al., 2017). It should,
gical analyses based on RSDs (Figs. 2 and 3). For instance, small water
however, be noted that other studies have shown no appreciable im-
bodies such as the lakes, portions of the Red Sea and even the Nile delta
provement with respect to AMS (Schlögl and Laaha, 2017; Marra et al.,
(Fig. 2a) or the big lakes region (Fig. 3) appear as areas with increased
2018). In the case of RSD-based analyses, the problem of climatic
quantiles, whereas the coastal gradient observed in the Eastern Medi-
nonstationarity is expected to be negligible, due to the short time
terranean shoreline by passive microwave sensors (Fig. 2a) is confirmed
spanned by the RSDs (Serinaldi and Kilsby, 2015); possible trends
as a climatic signal by radar estimates (Fig. 2b). In addition, possible
cannot be captured using such short records, and the obtained quantiles
changes in time of hardware and/or data elaboration chain may in-
are representative of the current conditions. Nonstationarities could
troduce time-dependent errors whose impact is not well understood.
however arise from the use of varying data elaboration procedures in
The conditional bias in RSDs can be decreased using standard adjust-
the creation of the RSD over time, potentially affecting the estimation of
ment procedures (Overeem et al., 2009; Faridzad et al., 2018), or
the extreme value distribution parameters (Willems, 2000).
probability matching methods (Gado et al., 2017; Goudenhoofdt et al.,
3.3. Lack of proper reference data and validation methods

As no direct measurement of high quantiles is available, validation

relies upon extrapolation from data recognized as reliable. Rain gauges
provide the natural data source, and RSD-derived quantiles are
benchmarked against gauge-derived quantiles obtained using standard
extreme value methods (see, for example, Overeem et al., 2009;
Eldardiry et al., 2015; Gado et al., 2017; Demirdjian et al., 2018;
McGraw et al., 2019). This approach disregards the scale mismatch
between RSDs and gauges (by six to nine orders of magnitude), which is
expected to translate into differences between the corresponding
quantiles (Tang et al., 2018). Additionally, RSDs generally provide
temporal snapshots of the rainfall fields. Contrary to the traditional
point measurements, these describe the state at a given instant and do
not provide temporal integrals (Villarini et al., 2008). This may lead to
different distributional properties, which should be taken into account.
Fig. 1. Uncertainties (90 percent confidence interval) in the one-hour duration
A proper quantification of these effects is difficult due to the de-
intensities (generalized extreme value fit of the AMS, method of the linear
pendence on spatial and temporal scales, geographical region, and
moments) caused by (a) estimation errors (blue), (b) use of short records
(green), and (c) mismatch between the areal and point scales (red)—for a rain
quantile of interest. When using short data records, the random com-
gauge located in Mediterranean climate (Galed, Israel). Reference is provided ponent of these mismatches is large enough that both over- and un-
by the full record (51 years) of rain gauge estimates. Estimation errors (a) are derestimation are to be expected, even under ideal measurement con-
modeled as 25 percent random multiplicative error in the AMS (blue). Short ditions for both RSDs and gauges (Peleg et al., 2018) (Fig. 1).
records (b) are modeled bootstrapping with replacement 25 years out of the full Systematic errors and temporal mismatch between RSD and gauge ex-
station record (51 years) (green). Scale mismatch (c) is derived from the ana- tremes also emerge from the use of different temporal resolutions to
lyses by Peleg et al. (2018), based on a dense gauge network in the Galed gauge calculate the precipitation pertaining to the duration of interest (Marra
area and maximum likelihood estimation of the generalized extreme value and Morin, 2015), from the temporal sampling characterizing RSDs
parameters (red). (Villarini and Krajewski, 2010), or from temporal gaps in the data

F. Marra, et al. Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

Fig. 2. Maps of the 20-year return period quan-

tiles of hourly precipitation derived (generalized
extreme value fit of the AMS, method of the
linear moments, at-site application) from (a)
high-resolution CMORPH (18-year record, Joyce
et al., 2004), and (b) weather radar archive (24-
year record, Marra and Morin, 2015). Remotely
sensed datasets can capture the climatic patterns
of extreme precipitation in the north-eastern
coasts of the Mediterranean (a), also confirmed
by the weather radar estimates in (c). Large
noise caused by the short data records is clearly
visible in all the maps, with an extreme impact
on the arid regions of north-eastern Africa (a).
Artefacts caused by the satellite retrieval algo-
rithms are also visible, such as the lakes, ap-
pearing as regions with increased quantiles in the CMORPH estimates in (a). Interesting to note the sea-land interaction gradient, which is confirmed by both satellite
and weather radar analyses.

(Libertino et al., 2016). 4.1. Separation and quantification of the sources of uncertainty

The impact of short record length, quantitative estimation accuracy,

4. Future research directions spatial-temporal estimation scales, and temporal sampling on the ac-
curacy of frequency analyses derived from RSDs is currently being as-
Based on the knowledge gaps summarized above, we highlight fu- sessed as a whole. A proper separation and quantification of their re-
ture research directions that, to our view, promise immediate im- lative contribution, an example of which is reported in Fig. 1, is still
provement in our ability to exploit the information provided by RSDs: lacking. Improved knowledge of this would allow research efforts to
(a) separation and quantification of the sources of uncertainty; (b) de- take the most relevant directions, depending on the RSDs of interest
velopment of statistical methods more suitable for RSDs; (c) improve- (spatial/temporal scales, record length, typical sources of estimation
ment of validation methods. In addition to these, the (d) explicit use of error) and the objective (design, monitoring, climatology).
the areal scale; and the (e) derivation of climatological insights re-
present natural directions to fully take advantage of the characteristics 4.2. Development of statistical methods more suitable for remotely sensed
of RSDs. datasets

Automatic, data-driven regionalization methods (Hastie et al., 2009;

Fig. 3. Maps of the 100-year return period

quantiles of hourly precipitation for the con-
tiguous United States derived from the high-re-
solution CMORPH (18-year record, Joyce et al.,
2004) using different extreme value methods: (a)
generalized extreme value fit of the AMS
(method of the linear moments, at-site applica-
tion), and (b) metastatistical extreme value (at-
site application) as described in Marra et al.
(2018). Remotely sensed datasets can capture
the climatic patterns of extreme precipitation, as
illustrated by the enhancement of the Gulf of
Mexico coastline. Artefacts caused by the re-
trieval algorithms are also visible, such as the
lakes, appearing as regions with increased
quantiles in the CMORPH estimates, and the la-
titudinal bands around 36–37°N and 50°N. Large
noise caused by the short data records is clearly
visible in (a), while less noisy estimates are ob-
served in (b) owing to the reduced uncertainty
resulting from the metastatistical extreme value

F. Marra, et al. Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

extremes. Possible alternative approaches include the explicit rescaling

of RSD-derived quantiles to the point scale using ARFs. Given the scale
mismatch, however, these procedures may introduce new sources of
error; the uncertainty related to the comparison of areal- and point-
scale extreme precipitation (Peleg et al., 2018; Fig. 1) calls for the de-
velopment of innovative ways to validate RSD-based analyses. Possible
solutions include the use of downscaling methods based on the corre-
lation structure of the precipitation fields to reconstruct the point-scale
information (Booij, 2002; Foufoula-Georgiou et al., 2014; Zorzetto and
Marani, 2019), or the use of dense gauge networks to provide improved
information at the areal scale of interest.

4.4. Explicit use of the areal scale

Methods enabling simultaneous consideration of the areal and

temporal dimensions of RSDs (Orem and Pelletier, 2016; Traxl et al.,
2016; Gao et al., 2017a) would improve our understanding of the
linkage between extreme precipitation and its effect on the hydrological
units of interest, with the potential to push forward our knowledge of
the interactions and relationships between precipitation and flood fre-
quency (Wright et al., 2014; Dis et al., 2016; Gao et al., 2017b). This
requires the objective identification of the hydro-meteorological spatial
Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the stochastic storm transposition method and temporal scales relevant for the hydrological response of the
(Wright et al., 2013). The method exploits relatively short catalogues of storms catchment of interest, which are potentially function of the precipita-
observed over a predefined climatically homogeneous region to transpose their tion climatology of the area (e.g., Rinat et al., 2018). Inclusion of
occurrence stochastically. This allows the data sample to be increased artifi- spatial-temporal precipitation variability could add additional in-
cially, providing improved estimates of desired high precipitation quantiles. formation, at the price, however, of increased model complexity.
The figure shows the transposition of the June 27, 2006, storm in the Little
Sugar Creek at Archdale, United States. Reprinted from Wright et al. (2013).
4.5. Derivation of climatological insights

Demirdjian et al., 2018) would help improve RSD-based analyses and Comparison of analyses derived from different RSDs (Marra et al.,
provide additional knowledge on the climatology of extremes world- 2017) can help us isolate climatic signals from artifacts (Fig. 2), effec-
wide. The gridded geometry of RSDs potentially allows the formaliza- tively improving our knowledge of the spatial structure of extreme
tion of local regionalization frameworks, as drafted by Goudenhoofdt precipitation over previously ungauged regions, both land and oceans
et al. (2017), that can increase the accuracy of high-quantile estimates. (Demirdjian et al., 2018). This information can be used to capture in-
The interpretation of the obtained results would, however, require tergauge gradients and draw improved maps of high quantiles for
adequate understanding and discussion (Panziera et al., 2016). The use complex climatology regions, as well as to explore different covariates
of stochastic storm transposition (Wright et al., 2013; Wright et al., potentially influencing precipitation extremes, such as topography,
2014; Wright et al., 2017) also promises great potential for areas urban areas, and coast-land interaction.
characterized by reasonable climatological homogeneity (Fig. 4). Ap-
proaches based on multiscaling theory for estimation of precipitation
5. Closing statement
extremes should also be further explored with RSDs (Langousis and
Veneziano, 2007; Van de Vyver, 2018).
This paper gave a focused overview of the recent research on pre-
In particular, the recently proposed metastatistical extreme value
cipitation frequency analyses based on remotely sensed precipitation
(MEV) framework (Marani and Ignaccolo, 2015) is deemed highly
datasets. Such datasets derive areal-scale information with high spa-
beneficial for reducing the issues related to parameter estimation and
tiotemporal resolution at the regional or (quasi-) global scale, over-
climate sampling (Zorzetto et al., 2016; Zorzetto and Marani, 2019), as
coming the spatial sampling limitations of rain gauges. Four main ob-
shown in Fig. 3, and for its robustness to the estimation errors typical of
jectives are pursued using remotely sensed datasets: derivation of high
RSDs (Marra et al., 2018). The MEV methodology, based on ordinary
quantiles for design applications; monitoring and early warning of ex-
events rather than on small samples from the tail of the distributions,
treme precipitation; temporal downscaling of extreme precipitation
allows to easily implement innovative methodologies for exploiting
from gauge data; and characterization of the climatology of extreme
spatial data (e.g., Bardossy and Pegram, 2018), accounting for extremes
precipitation. Three main issues affect the quantitative accuracy of
arising from multiple underlying processes (Marra et al., 2019), and
frequency analyses based on remotely sensed datasets: quantitative
exploring the climatology of extremes exploiting knowledge on the
inaccuracy of extreme precipitation estimates; inadequacy of the
ordinary events distributions. These features promise important im-
adopted statistical methods caused by the availability of short data
pacts on the overall quality of RSD-derived quantiles, on the potential
records; and lack of proper reference data and validation methods.
of RSD for the analysis of extreme precipitation climatology, and on the
Future research efforts should aim to separate and quantify the
methodological possibilities for evaluating RSD-based analyses.
sources of uncertainty affecting analyses based on remotely sensed
datasets, develop statistical methods to cope with the characteristics of
4.3. Improvement of validation methods these datasets, and improve validation methods, considering the scale
mismatch between remotely sensed datasets and gauges. In addition to
After a decade of research, RSDs are still based on methods devel- these investigations, the explicit use of the areal dimension and the
oped and tuned for gauge data—that is, for the point scale. Gauge data investigation of climatological insights promise to improve our
are often assimilated into RSD-based analyses, either indirectly, in the knowledge of the characteristics of extreme precipitation at multiple
adjustment of RSDs, or directly, in quantile–quantile calibration of RSD scales worldwide.

F. Marra, et al. Journal of Hydrology 574 (2019) 699–705

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