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NAME: Carla Huertas DATE:05/06/2020 COURSE: 93F

Adventure in family

I've traveled with my family in a lot of occasions, but I'm going to write about the best

I traveled with my family to Guayaquil and Salinas on July 20 at 1:00 am 4 years ago.

First, we arrived in Ambato but we only stayed to rest, next we left for Guayaquil and
arrived at 12:00 am, it was our first time in that city and, we didn't have a guide book and
this is how the adventure began.

Then, we were searching a 5-star hotel but, we got lost so we asked the residents and
found the hotel we wanted to reserve the rooms but, it was not possible because we had
not brought our ID, since it was a requirement, so we left and we preferred that day not
to just stay to look at some tourist places, such as the "Boardwalk 2000" and the of Iguanas
park. Then, we did not know how to get out of Guayaquil, so a taxi driver guided us to
the exit.

After that, we arrive Salinas and searching a hotel in, so we found a man who offered
us an independent house, we all went to see how it was, when we got to the place it was
an old house, it was terrifying, it was dusty and there was a swing at the entrance. We all
look at each other and my dad just said thank you, we'll be back. Next, we found a very
nice and cheap hotel near the beach.

Finally, we were swimming in the pool, also playing on the beach, we went to see the
whales in a boat, but I was the only one in the family who was dizzy and felt nauseous.
We also went to "The chocolate reservation", a very nice place. Next, but its smell was
not very pleasant, you could see the sea wolves and the view of all Salinas, it was very
cold, but we enjoyed this fascinating place.

I think that I've lived the best experiences in this travel.

This anecdote taught me that, you have to enjoy time with your family, appreciate the
effort they make to see us happy.

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