Test 1 Article

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I.Write the article (a, an, the, -):

1.Peter Hill, who is …..Professor of History at …….University of Chicago, signed ……article.

2.They generally have ……breakfast at 8 o`clock.

3.It is not visible at ……night.

4…….. beauty is skin deep.

5……..milk she bought was sour.

6……..Romania lies in …….. east of ………Europe.

7.He translated the book from ……English into ……..Romanian.

8.Is ……….German language difficult to learn?

9……..Washington D.C. is ……..capital of ……..USA.

10.Open ……..book at ……..page ten and read ……..question.

11………foxes are not ……..domestic animals.

12.She goes to school in …….morning.

13.Is your father …….worker?

14………dog is ……domestic animal.

15…….Mississippi is ……..largest river in ……North America.

16.Do you know where …….Lido hotel is?

17.It takes me ……hour to get to Bucharest.

18.How many times …….week do you have Physics?

19.Do you like ……music?

20.Yes, and I can play both ……..piano and ……..violin.

II.Translate into English:

1.Ce zi frumoasă!

2.O duzină de ace costă un penny.

3.Trebuie să vorbești cu voce mai tare.

4.Ai venit cu autobuzul?

5.De câte ori pe săptămână ai fizica?

6.Dunărea traversează mai multe țări europene.

7.Bulgaria este la sudul României.

8.Mierea este dulce.

9.Prietena mea este în vacanță la mare.

10.Toți elevii erau prezenți la serbarea școlară.


I.1.a, the, the; 2.-; 3.-; 4.the; 5.the; 6.-, the, -; 7. -, -; 8.the; 9.-, the, the; 10.the, -, the; 11.-, -; 12.the;

13.a; 14.the, a; 15.the, the,a; 16.the;17.an; 18.a; 19.-;20.the, the.


1.What a wonderful day!

2.A dozen needles cost a penny.

3.You have to speak louder.

4.Did you come by bus?

5.How many times a week do you have Physics?

6.The Danube crosses many European countries.

7.Bulgaria lies in the South of Romania.

8.Honey is sweet.

9.My girlfriend is on holiday at the seaside.

10.All the pupils were present at the school festival.

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