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Journal of Critical Care (2006) 21, 271 – 279

Clinical Research—Pediatric

The pediatric early warning system score:

A severity of illness score to predict urgent
medical need in hospitalized childrenB,BB
Heather Duncana, James Hutchisonb,c,d, Christopher S. Parshuramb,c,d,*
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Diana, Princess of Wales Children’s Hospital, Steelhouse Lane, B4 6NH Birmingham, UK
Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8
The Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8
Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8

Keywords: Abstract
Early detection;
Purpose: We developed and performed the initial retrospective validation of a pediatric severity of
illness score. The score is to preemptively identify hospitalized children who are likely to require
Code blue;
resuscitation to treat cardiopulmonary arrest.
Severity of illness
Materials and Methods: The Pediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) score was developed using expert
opinion. The score generated contained 20 items, 16 of which were able to be retrospectively abstracted.
Validation used a case-control study design in a Canadian university–affiliated pediatric hospital. Eligible
patients were younger than 18 years, were admitted to a hospital ward, and had no level-of-care
restrictions. Case patients had a code blue called to obtain immediate assistance for treatment of impending
or actual cardiopulmonary arrest. Control patients had no code blue event and were not urgently admitted
to the intensive care unit within 48 hours of study. A total of 128 controls and 87 cases were compared.
Results: The PEWS score area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.90. The sensitivity
was 78% and the specificity was 95% at a score of 5.
Conclusions: Application of the score may have identified more than 3 quarters of code blue calls in our
hospital with at least an hour’s warning. After further refinement and validation, the PEWS score has great
potential to increase the efficiency of care delivery and to improve the outcomes of care provided to
hospitalized children.
D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

This work was supported by internal funding from the Department of Critical Care Medicine and the Research Institute at the Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The investigators functioned independent of these funding sources, and have no conflict of interest to declare with respect to this
publication. Drs C Parshuram and J Hutchison have received peer-reviewed funding from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada to support ongoing
research in the prevention and treatment of pediatric cardiopulmonary arrest. This funding was in part related to the work described in the submitted manuscript.
H Duncan contributed to the concept, design, interpretation, and manuscript revisions. J Hutchison contributed to the design, interpretation,
and manuscript revisions. CS Parshuram contributed to the concept, design, interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript and assisted with its revisions. All
authors approved the final submitted manuscript.
* Corresponding author. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Pediatrics, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8.
E-mail address: (C.S. Parshuram).

0883-9441/$ – see front matter D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
272 H. Duncan et al.

1. Introduction
Up to 3% of children admitted to hospital wards require
immediate medical assistance for treatment of actual or
impending cardiopulmonary arrest [1,2]. These children
have increased morbidity and mortality associated with
cardiopulmonary arrest [3,4]. Currently, this catastrophic
clinical deterioration is treated by bcode blueQ teams called
to provide immediate resuscitation.
In adults, preemptive management may prevent cardio-
pulmonary arrest and improve mortality [5]. The provision
of critical care boutreachQ services to deliver preemptive
care is recommended in Britain [6]. However, the provision
of preemptive care relies on the timely identification of
patients at risk and referral to the responding medical
emergency team. The incomplete identification of patients
may have contributed to the negative findings of the MERIT
study, a cluster randomized trial of medical emergency Fig. 1 The PEWS concept. Trajectories of illness in 3
teams in 23 Australian hospitals [7]. hospitalized children. Child A is admitted to hospital, underwent
Two approaches to the timely identification of patients at initial stabilization, and has an uneventful hospital course before
risk may be used. First is the use of calling criteria, where discharge. Child B and Child C continue to deteriorate once
patients meeting one or more specific btriggeringQ criteria admitted to hospital. Child B is identified by the PEWS score,
receives preemptive therapy, and improves. The clinical deteriora-
are referred. Alternatively, b early warningQ scores may be
tion in child C was not recognized and culminated in a
used. These severity of illness scores combine clinical cardiopulmonary arrest.
parameters into a single score. Patients with scores greater
than a threshold are identified and referred.
Early warning scores compliment clinical decision sion, postoperative); and staffing-related items (eg, nurse-
making and can identify trends independent of practitioner patient ratio). We excluded staffing-related items from the
experience or clinical workload. Our systematic review score, as staffing variables are planned as part of the graded
found no scores for use in children and found one partially responses to Pediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) score
validated adult score [8]. We decided to develop a simple within the pediatric early warning system.
bedside score to preemptively identify children who require One focus group met again to reduce the dynamic items
resuscitation to treat actual or impending cardiopulmonary to those that were thought to be feasibly measured and
arrest (Fig. 1). documented as part of routine care. A modified Delphi
method was used [9]. Items required a 75% majority to be
either excluded or included, or were included after 3 rounds
2. Methods of inconclusive voting. The focus group then categorized
selected items into age-based and age-independent catego-
A score to identify children with increasing severity of ries, and assigned weights. The investigators reviewed
illness was developed using expert opinion synthesized by the static items. Items with unclear definitions and those
a modified Delphi method [9]. The performance of the that would be cumbersome to use in a bedside score
score was evaluated with a frequency-matched case-control were excluded.
design. Hospitalized children without code blue or urgent
intensive care unit (ICU) admission were compared with the 2.2. Clinical data
sicker children for whom a code blue was called. Eligible children were admitted to a hospital ward at the
2.1. Score development Hospital for Sick Children, were younger than 18 years at
hospital admission, and had no prespecified care limitations.
Items were generated by 2 focus groups of experienced Case patients were defined as children who had code blue
acute care nurses, facilitated by one of the investigators calls made as part of their care. In our hospital, a code blue
(CP). Items were divided into 3 domains: patient-related is called for children who are assessed to require additional
physiologic measurements, patient-related demographic, and immediate medical assistance for the treatment of actual
and care-related factors. These were reclassified into or impending cardiopulmonary arrest. Case patients were
different domains: dynamic, where measurements were retrospectively identified from the resuscitation committee
anticipated to change frequently (eg, heart rate, blood database for the 28-month period ending March 2003.
pressure, respiratory rate); static, where measurements Control patients were defined as children who had no
change infrequently (days-months, eg, previous ICU admis- code blue event and were not admitted to the pediatric
The pediatric early warning system score 273

Table 1 Items generated by nurse focus groups

ICU in the 48 hours after the period studied. The control
patients were retrospectively identified from a list of child-
Dynamic Static Staffing related
ren selected by matching the admission ward and age
Heart rate History Nurse-patient category of the code blue patients with other patients ad-
ratio mitted to the hospital during the study period. The controls
Respiratory rate Diagnosisa Physician were selected from the first medical records available for
(primary, secondary) availability
review until a ratio of 1 control patient to 1 case patient
Respiratory effort Airway abnormality Skill mix
Temperature Aspiration Years of
was exceeded.
pneumoniaa experience Clinical data were abstracted as directed by the focus
Systolic blood Severe Ward groups. Documented vital signs, clinical findings, and their
pressure developmental delay assessment times were recorded. In case patients, data
Diastolic blood Allergies Off service ward collection began 25 hours before the code blue call. In
pressure control patients, data were collected for the 24 hours
O2 saturation Past cardiac arresta beginning at the first 1:00 am of either hospitalization or
after ICU discharge.
Level of Intercurrent factors
2.3. Initial analysis and score development
Pupils Recent transfer
from ICU The proportions of children who were cases and controls
Central venous Postoperative for the static domain items were compared. Static items
pressure within 24 h
Urine output Previous intubationa
Perfusion Paced
Color Change
primary service
Pulses Change of ward
within 24 h

Behavior Psychosocial factors

Laboratory Patient anxiety
Therapy Parental concern

Fluid bolus Illness severity

Oxygen therapy Home oxygen
Gastrostomy tube
Central venous line
Previous ICU

Patient complexity
No. of medications

18 Total, 22 Total, 6 Total, none

7 evaluated 13 evaluated evaluated
Data for these items were not collected because it was assumed to
be unreliable due to either potential elective admission in other hospitals
(previous intubation) or high probability of subsequent admission to
ICU or death (cardiac arrest). Aspiration pneumonia was not included
because this diagnosis lacked clear definition and has potential overlap Fig. 2 PEWS score development and validation. Representation
with severe (dependent) cerebral palsy. Data on bpatient complexityQ of the sequence of processes comprising the development of the
and bother morbiditiesQ were not evaluated to avoid the assessment of a PEWS score. Initial item generation by 2 expert focus groups
long list of specific diagnoses and the creation of a complex score. The was followed by item reduction by 3 methods and resulted in
location of the patients was not analyzed because it was modified as part removal of 22 items. Four items were unable to be abstracted
of the experimental design (frequency matching).
b from medical records, and after exclusion of a further 4 items
Transplant recipients included children with bone marrow and
solid organ transplants.
based on initial evaluation of the clinical data, 16 items remained
in the score.
274 H. Duncan et al.

Table 2 Evaluation of static domain items

studied. The area under the receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curve was calculated.
Factor Case N Control N P (*)
The performance of the evolving score was assessed in a
All patients 88 128 stepwise fashion. First, the dynamic items were evaluated.
Included The static items were then formed into 2 groups (medi-
Abnormal airway 9 1 .0016 cations and other items). These groups were sequentially
Home oxygen 6 1 .03
added to the dynamic items and the evolving score was
Previous ICU admission 43 5 b.0001
Central line in situ 21 5 b.0001
reevaluated. Finally, the investigators experimentally mod-
Transplant (any) 11 1 .0003 ified the weighting of the score.
Severe cerebral palsy 16 1 b.0001
G tube 26 1 b.0001 2.5. Evaluation of final score
z3 Medical specialties 30 9 b.0001
Excluded The resulting PEWS score was evaluated by 2 methods.
Tracheostomy 3 2 .40 First, the ability of the score to discriminate between case
Postoperative 7 11 .87 and control patients was tested in the entire sample and
in last 24 h within each age category. Second, changes in the score over
Transfers time were evaluated. In case patients, scores from 24 to
Ward in last 24 h 10 13 .77 12 hours, 12 to 6 hours, 6 to 2 hours, and in 1 hour ending
From ICU in last 24 h 3 2 .40 60 minutes before the code blue event were compared. In
Primary specialty 1 2 1.0 control patients, PEWS scores were compared in similar
in last 24 h periods (24-12, 12-6, and 6-2 hours and in the last hour)
Comparisons were made by v 2 test unless any cell count was less than ending at the completion of the 24 hours of clinical data
5, when Fisher exact test was used.
collected (1:00 am).
Institutional research ethics board approval was obtained
were included if they occurred in more than 5% of cases and before commencing the study. Funding was provided by
if comparisons were significant at the P = .10 level. the Department of Critical Care Medicine and the Re-
Because the information about the dynamic items from search Institute at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
each child was anticipated to contain missing values, it was Ontario, Canada.
decided a priori that missing values were to be assumed
normal. To reduce the impact of missing information, 3. Results
measurements were bchunkedQ into 1-hour blocks and the
most extreme values within each block were used for score 3.1. Focus groups
calculation. Next, the maximum score was determined for
each child from the 24 hours ending 1 hour before the code Ten nurses (with more than 140 years of combined
blue call in case patients and for the specified 24-hour nursing experience) formed the 2 focus groups (ICU and
period for control patients. The number of 1-hour blocks ward based). The focus groups decided that the PEWS
with information was compared for each group. should be able to be scored repeatedly throughout the child’s
hospital admission. They decided that PEWS score would
2.4. Assessment of potential scores be calculated by summation of subscores from changing
clinical data and more static background factors.
The ability of scores to discriminate between case The focus groups generated 47 items (Table 1). After
patients and control patients was assessed by logistic exclusion of 6 staffing-related and 7 dynamic items by
regression using the maximum score for the 24-hour period the second meeting of the ICU focus group and a further

Table 3 PEWS score performance assessed by logistic regression

Score components ca P % Discordant
Dynamic 0.823 b.0001 11.5
Dynamic + medications 0.855 b.0001 9.9
Dynamic + medications + demographic 0.904 b.0001 7.0
2  Dynamic + medications + demographic 0.892 b.0001 8.9
5  Dynamic + medications + demographic 0.865 b.0001 12.1
The dynamic items are heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, transcutaneous oxygen saturation, temperature, oxygen therapy, and fluid
therapy. Medications is the categorization of the number of medications taken per day, and demographic items are the presence of abnormal airway, home
oxygen, previous ICU admission, central line, transplant (any), severe cerebral palsy, G tube, 3 or more medical specialties. Experimental modification of
weighting by the developers is included (2VS = 2  vital signs, 5VS = 5  vital signs).
The c statistic from logistic regression was used to measure the area under the ROC curve.
The pediatric early warning system score 275

Table 4 The PEWS score

Item subscores
2 1 0 1 2
Age-specific items
b3 mo
HR b90 90-109 110-150 151-180 N180
RR b20 20-29 30-60 61-80 N80
SBP b50 50-59 60-80 81-100 N100
3-12 mo
HR b80 80-99 100-150 151-170 N170
RR b20 20-24 25-50 51-70 N70
SBP b70 70-79 80-100 99-120 N120
1-4 y
HR b70 70-89 90-120 121-150 N150
RR b15 15-19 20-40 41-60 N60
SBP b75 75-89 90-110 111-125 N125
4-12 y
HR b60 60-69 70-110 111-130 N130
RR b12 12-19 20-30 31-40 N40
SBP b80 80-90 90-120 120-130 N130
N12 y
HR b50 50-59 60-100 101-120 N120
RR b8 8-11 12-16 15-24 N24
SBP b86 85-101 100-130 131-150 N150
General items
Pulses Absent Doppler Present Bounding
O2 saturation (%) b85 85-95 N95
Capillary refill CRT N3 2-3 CRT b2
LOC b7 7-11 12-15
Oxygen therapy N50% or N4l/min Any b50% or b4l/min None
Bolus fluid Any None
Temperature b35 35-b36 36 N38.5-b40 N40
Score is calculated by the summation of the demographic and medication sub-scores. One point is scored for each item present from the following:
abnormal airway (not tracheostomy), home oxygen, any previous admission to an ICU, central venous line in situ, transplant recipient, severe cerebral
palsy, gastrostomy tube, and greater than 3 medical specialties involved in care. The medication subscore is from the number of medication administered in
24 hours. V3 = 0, 4-6 = 1, 7-9 = 2, 9-12 = 3, 12-15 = 4, z16 = 5. The maximum score from the full score is 34; however, 4 items were not tested, making
the maximum total 26 points.
HR indicates heart rate (beats/min); RR, respiratory rate (breaths/min); SBP, systolic blood pressure (mm Hg); LOC, level of consciousness measured
with the Glasgow Coma Scale.

Table 5 Maximum PEWS scores

Cases Controls Pa Area under ROC curveb
N Mean N Mean
Overall 87 7.9 128 3.2 b.0014 0.895
b3 mo 13 6.9 30 3.2 .0020 0.896
3-12 mo 19 9.7 15 2.4 b.0001c 1.0
1-4 y 15 7.3 32 3.1 .0004 0.875
4-12 y 21 7 21 3.2 .0023 0.833
N12 y 19 8.2 30 3.6 .0017 0.896
Maximum PEWS scores from the 24 hours ending 1 hour before code blue events in cases, and for 24 hours beginning on the second day of hospital
admission or after ICU discharge in controls. Scores were calculated from the vital signs aggregated using the most extreme vital signs for 1-hour periods.
Absent values were assumed as normal. The maximum score for each child was determined and mean scores were calculated for the specified groups.
Probability of type 1 error from logistic regression.
The c statistic from logistic regression was used to measure the area under the ROC curve.
Logistic estimates unstable as complete separation of cases and controls, therefore t test comparison reported.
276 H. Duncan et al.

Fourteen static domain items were assessed in 88 case

patients (one case had no vital signs in the medical
record) and 128 control patients; 9 (64%) met inclusion
criteria (Table 2) and were included in the score. The
number of medications in 24 hours was categorized and
scored a priori and was included as a separate item. Case
patients had more hour-length blocks of data in the 24-hour
interval than control patients (mean, 17.5 vs 11.9; P b .0001).

3.3. Assessment of potential scores

Sequential assessment of the scores showed that the
addition of medications and then the bbackgroundQ items
improved the performance of the score from the area
under the ROC curve (from 0.82 to 0.90). Manipulation
of the weighting by the investigators did not improve the
score (Table 3).

3.4. Final score evaluation

The final PEWS score evaluated included 16 items
Fig. 3 The ROC curve. The comparison of sensitivity vs (9 static and 7 dynamic) and could range from 0 to 26
specificity for PEWS scores for 87 patients with code blue and (Table 4). The score was greater in case patients than
128 well control patients. The area under the ROC curve is 0.90. control patients overall (mean maximum score, 7.9 vs 3.2;
P b .0001) and within each age category (Table 5). The
9 static items by the investigators, 25 items remained.
score could discriminate between cases and controls, both
These remaining items comprised 11 dynamic and 14 static
overall and within each age category (area under the ROC
items (Fig. 2).
curve, 0.83-1.0). At a threshold score of 5, the sensitivity
Five age categories were defined. Three items were
was 78% and specificity was 95% (Fig. 3, Table 6). The
classified by age. The other items were classified without
subscore from the static items (medication plus demo-
reference to age. The static items (excepting the number of
graphics) were greater than 5 in 12 (14%) of case patients
medications per day) were assigned 1 point when present
and in none of the control patients. Despite this observa-
and none when absent.
tion, the PEWS scores of children with code blue events
3.2. Clinical data and initial analysis tended to increase as the code blue event neared ( P = .08).
A time-related change in PEWS scores was not found in
During the study period, 99 (0.31%) of the 32,233 controls ( P = .27).
children admitted to our hospital had code blue events.
Complete clinical data were obtained from 87 (87%) of
these sick children and from 128 (16%) of the 782 children 4. Discussion
that were identified as potential controls. Four of the
dynamic items (urine output, perfusion, pulses, and level of The PEWS score is the first severity of illness score for
consciousness) could not be reliably abstracted and were children admitted to hospital wards. In the initial evaluation,
not analyzed. the PEWS score could differentiate between bwell Q children

Table 6 PEWS: sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value

Threshold Cases correctly Controls incorrectly Sensitivity Specificity Positive predictive No. of false
score identified identified (%) (%) valuea (%) positivesa
0 87 126 100 2 0.31 31 729
1 87 114 100 11 0.34 28 708
2 83 77 95 40 0.49 19 390
3 79 52 91 59 0.68 13 095
4 72 25 83 80 1.3 6 296
5 68 7 78 95 4.2 1 763
6 59 4 68 97 6.2 1 007
7 47 2 54 98 9.6 504
8 39 0 45 100 100 0
Assuming an incidence of code blue calls of 0.31% of admissions.
The pediatric early warning system score 277

requiring routine ward-based care and sicker children who in mortality and reduced ICU admission [5,11]; however, a
subsequently had an immediate need for medical interven- recent cluster randomized trial showed that the introduction
tion. At a threshold score of 5, the sensitivity and specificity of medical emergency teams in adult hospitals did not
were 78% and 95%, respectively. The PEWS score reduce rates of cardiac arrest, unplanned ICU admission, or
identifies patients with at least a 1-hour warning before unexpected death in bmedical emergency teamsQ vs control
the code blue event. This should be sufficient time to initiate hospitals. Only 30% of patients at risk were identified to the
ward-based management and to arrange transfer to higher medical emergency team [7]. Other studies have shown that
acuity patient-care area as required. early intervention in populations of critically ill adults
improves survival [12] and late admission to ICU is
4.1. Strengths and weaknesses associated with increased mortality and nonoptimal care
[13]. If these observations are valid in children then the
This is the most detailed development of any early
application of the PEWS score to identify children with
warning score. The score was developed for nurses to use at
evolving critical illness has significant potential to decrease
the bedside and was based on the knowledge of experienced
hospitalization-associated mortality and morbidity.
acute care nurses, with minor modifications by the
physician-developers. It incorporates adjustments for age- 4.3. Implications of findings
related physiologic differences and for more constant
background risk factors. In this validation study, we We found that code blue events are infrequent. This is
calculated PEWS scores by using an electronic PEWS- fortunate, but poses challenges to the development of
scoring algorithm, rather than the frontline nurses who are screening mechanisms to identify children who are at risk
anticipated to calculate the score in real time. for this event. Application of the PEWS score would have
The largest component (dynamic items) of this expert- identified 58 (78%) of the children who were resuscitated by
derived score was validated in an independent data set the code blue team. With intervention after identification,
(Table 3), and alone has an area under the ROC curve of these children may have avoided the morbidity associated
0.83. However, the clinical data were used to assess and with urgent resuscitation [14], may have had less disease-
remove 5 static items from the score; thus, the validation of associated organ dysfunction, and consequently avoided or
the PEWS score is not completely independent of the had a shortened ICU admission. Conversely, 22% of case
development data set. In addition, the contribution of 4 patients would not have been identified, and 5% (1763
dynamic items could not be assessed because of incomplete children during the study period) of the hospitalized
or inconsistent documentation in the medical record. population would have been bfalselyQ identified as needing
However, despite the absence of these items, the score review (Table 6).
performs well. The ability of the dynamic items to There may be advantages to reviewing children with high
discriminate between case and control patients is good. PEWS scores. These children are likely to be the sickest pa-
Discrimination is improved with the addition of the static tients on the hospital wards. The immediate medical attention
items, although 12 children who went on to have a code of the code blue team may not be required; nevertheless,
blue event were above threshold on the basis of these review by early-response personnel may be beneficial.
background factors alone. The PEWS score identifies patients at risk at least 1 hour
Three potential issues remain. First, the impact of biased before imminent cardiopulmonary arrest. Earlier and graded
measurement endorsement, second the use of extreme interventions in response to rising PEWS scores may offer
groups, and third the use of the bmost availableQ medical opportunity to reduce ICU admissions. These interventions
record to select control patients. These factors may have may include altered monitoring, higher nurse-patient ratios,
inflated the differences between groups, and artificially more frequent physician review, in addition to response-
enhanced score performance. Finally, the bscoreQ was team notification, and or ICU admission. In turn, this may
developed to be used in all bpediatricQ ages; as such, it promote efficient use of available resources.
could be argued that 5 scores were developed and tested in Although the PEWS score has great potential in this initial
5 samples. Fortunately, the score performs well, both overall assessment, issues with the application of the PEWS score as
and within each subgroup. a routine bedside tool should be addressed before its wide-
spread use; specifically the usability and score-associated
4.2. Relationship to other studies workload. The investigators believe that independent pro-
spective validation and refinement is required before allo-
This is the first pediatric early warning score. We found, cating resources to the application of PEWS at the bedside.
as in adults, that clinical deterioration in patients with
evolving critical illness is detectable well before immediate
resuscitation is initiated [10]. In adult hospitals the 5. Conclusions
application of unvalidated bcalling criteriaQ in combination
with medical emergency response teams has been associated A severity of illness score for hospitalized children was
with reductions in hospital cardiac arrests, a 50% reduction developed by using nursing-expert focus groups. The PEWS
278 H. Duncan et al.

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tively. Prospective evaluation and refinement are required and septic shock. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1368 - 77.
before the score can be used routinely to detect children at [13] McQuillan P, Pilkington S, Allan A, Taylor B, Short A, Morgan G,
risk for this uncommon but highly significant event. Despite et al. Confidential inquiry into quality of care before admission to
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The authors thank the following individuals: BP Kava-

nagh for review of the manuscript and suggestions about the
figures; P Rochon and D Scales for their reviews and The PEWS score: Potential calling criteria for critical
thoughtful comments about the manuscript; C Hyslop, K care response teams in children’s hospitals
Dryden-Palmer, B Bruinsie, L Mak, R Gateiro, L McCarthy,
K LeGrow, J Cvar, L Liske, and E Speed who participated The article by Duncan et al in this issue describes the first
in the focus groups. ward-based severity-of-illness score specifically for children,
Dr Christopher S Parshuram is the corresponding author the pediatric early warning system (PEWS) score. The
and acts as guarantor of the manuscript and the underpin- authors used a retrospective case-control study design at a
ning data. large tertiary children’s hospital to validate the newly
developed PEWS scoring system. Importantly, the PEWS
scoring system appropriately incorporates adjustments for
age-related physiologic differences. The authors conclude
that the application of the PEWS score may have identified
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SL. Rates of in-hospital arrests, deaths and intensive care admis- the pediatric critical care audience, particularly given the

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