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Readthefollowingtext.Partsofsomesentenceshavebeenremovedfrom gaP (1-8)
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the text. Choose trr. -"rt ."itable
the beginning,
;;;;;.rs in the gaps, There is aá example (0) at

Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain

past, the events of his Personal life

further demonstrate
As his literature provides insight into the
his lifetime, Sam watched a Young United
his role as an eyewitness to history, During
the country'S vast
of international power. He experienced
evolve from a nation (0) E- to one
to industri a\ization, the end of slavery,
growth and change _ from westward expansion
he often had
and foreign wars, And along the way
advancements in technology, big government
something to say.
town of Hannibal'
children. At the age of four, Sam and
his family moved to the small frontier
fairly new state (it had gained statehood
in 1820) and
(1) --. Missouri at the time, was a
Sam sPent many
and his uncle owned several. In fact, it was on his uncle's farm that
throughout his life.
having completed
died. Shortly thereafter he left school'
In í84] ,when Sam was 11, his father
job was to arrange the type for each of the newspaper,S
the fifth grade, (3) --.-. His
world (4)
allowing Sam to read the news of the
Philadelphia where he worked on several
At 18, Sam headed east to New York City-, and
on a new career aS a
newspapers (5) By 1857, he had returned home to ernbark
1861' however' all
With the outbreak of the Civil War in
riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River.
-. did Sam,s pilot career. Inspired bY the
times, Sam joined
traffic along the river came to ahaít,as
the Marion Rangers, (6) ----,
a volunteer Confederate unit called
of his brother,
west in July of 1861, at the invitation
In search of a new career,Sam headed
rush, Sam
infectious hope of striking it rich in Nevada,s silver
orion, (7) _.Lured by the
the journeY Sam
travelled across the open frontier from
Missouri to Nevada by stagecoach. Along
for the first time (s) =- These events would find a way
encountered Native American tribes
Roughing It,
into his short stories and books, particular|y


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