Historical Recount Text

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After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

 Tell a historical event in spoken and written language

 Identify the social function, structure of the text, and language features of a historical recount

 Questioning how a historical recount is organized

 Read various historical text, arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph

 Retell a historical recount

 Write a historical recount text

 Self-reflect on the difficulties of understanding and creating historical recount text


Fill in the blanks with the right word. Change the verbs into past tense when necessary.

surrender rally (verb)-rapat umum siege (noun)-pengepungan

advance- depan reinforcement-bala bantuan rally (noun)-
remembrance-ingatan anger-marah defiant-menentang

1. The freedom fighters were forced to surrendered, but their faith in God and people’s
dream strengthened them to keep on fighting against the aggressors(orang atau negara yang
menyerang pihak lain).
2. The …………………. Militia refused to obey(mematuhi) the British army’s instruction to
surrender their
3. The city was under …………………… so that nobody could get in or get out of the city. Luckily,
the people depended(bergantung) on no one for their food.
4. To ensure that they would win the battle, the foreign army sent reinforcement to the battle
ground, some of which(beberapa diantaranya) include(termasuk) weaponry and logistical
5. Do not betray(mengkhianati) me. Be loyal to our agreement. Your betrayal(pengkhianatan)
will ………………………. me. I can be
really angry, and that can mean that there will be no collaboration between us.
6. Last week, teenagers(remaja) rally in the center of the city to support the beginning of
bike-to-school program. They all came riding their bicycles.
7. The defeat in the Battle of Surabaya ………………………. the militia movement only for a while.

The heroic spirit had spread out and inflamed others to continue fighting the country’s
8. The militia … secretly to take back the conquered city(kota yang ditaklukan) from the
9. On November 10, my school holds a ceremony in ……………………… of our national heroes.
10. Do not …………………………. To life problems. Keep on looking for the best solutions. Our
responsibility is to do our best and leave the rest to God.

11. Students from many schools held a mass ……………………… to protest the rampant corruption
and demanded the corruptors in that institution to be arrested.
12. Priski’s mother told her to drop out from school because Priski’s father died last month.
Priski ……………………… that because she knows that education is important for her future.
She …………………her mother earns money by making some snacks that she sells in the school
canteen every day.

Read the text carefully and observe the structure of the text.

Observe the diagram beneath


The triple alliance and

the triple entente

Orientation When


Event 4

Event 1 …………………………………
………………………………… Sequence of

Event 5
Event 2
……………………………… ………………………………

Event 3 Event …

………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………



The social function of a historical recount text is to establish a timeline for a historical event.

A historical recount text consists of:

 Orientation: involves the background of the event (describe the people involved,
settings, and cause of the event)
 Events: documents the events chronologically.
 Reorientation: includes the feelings and the thoughts of the writer about the event.


Match the pictures with the words in the box

1. a peace treaty 4. a grenade 7. refugees

2. a battle tank 5. a submarine 8. a statue of commemoration

3. a canon 9. a sea-fleet 9. a painting of a battle

Match the words in column A with their correct definitions in column B

a. arrive 1. the act of expressing something to another

b. navy 2. to stop trying to do something

c. disaster 3. to come to a place

d. give up 4. something invented

e. communication 5. to heal a disease

f. cure 6. aspecial uniform used in outer space

g. satellite 7. military forces that fights at sea using ships

h. unintentionally 8. something that causes suffering and losses

i. spacesuit 9. done without intention

j. invention 10. a natural body that orbits

Complete the blank spaces with the wor ds in column A above

a. Telephones, telex, fax machines, andmobile phones make communication easier today than
it was long ago.

b. Hundreds of soldiers died and many were injured in the -----.
c. War causes misery. Where will all the ---------------- live ? Their houses were destroyed.
d. World War I was konw as the Great War becuase it was a horrible ------------- around Europe.
e. Palapa ------------ was launched on July 8, 1976 on a US rocket from the Kennedy space
f. All the ----------- in the word should be focused on and used for the welfare of human beings
in the world.
g. At the end of World War II, japan ------------ unconditionally to the Allies after the bombing
of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
h. With the invention of penicillin, doctors in the world can ---------- some diseases that were
i. During riots, the police usually use tear --------------, a small weapon containing chemical
dispersing tear gas to dismiss the riots.
j. Every goverment bilds up great ---------- to commemorate the freedom fighters wwo died
in the battlefield.

Let’s Practice
I. Answer the questions based on the text below.

The Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution began in Great Britain in the late 1700s. it was the process by which
society changed from agrarian to industrial. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people inhabited
small, remote countryside. The center of their life was farming. People produced their own food,
clothing, furniture and tools. Manufacturing was done in homes with simple machinery. The lives of the
average people were very difficult.

In this era, industries extensively to generate mass production. Iron production was very
important to supply machinery for them. Textile industries played central role in the Industrial
Revolution. They grew rapidly because of great demand for clothes. They absorbed a large number of
employees. Industrialization led to improved standards of living among average people and the middle
class increased is numbers.

In a few years, industrialization spread across Europe and America. Then, countries competed
each other to seek areas for colonization as markets of their industry.

1. What is The Industrial Revolution means?

2. According to paragraph 1, how was life before the Industrial Revolution?
3. “In this era, industries flourished extensively to generate mass production.” (Paragraph 2). The
underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

4. Then countries competed each other to seek areas for colonization as the market of their
industry. (Paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
5. Why does the writer mention simple machinery in paragraph 1?


Rearrange these paragraphs into good order.

Each party interpreted the agreement to suit its interests. Open conflict eventually
developed between the Dutch and the Indonesian government.

Linggardjati Agreement, also called Cheribon Agreement, was a treaty between the
Dutch and the Republic of Indonesia drafted on November 15, 1946, at Linggardjati
(now Linggarjati) western Java. The agreement was signed in Batavia (now Jakarta)
on March 25, 1947.

The main content of the agreement was that the Netherlands recognized the republic
as the de facto authority in Java (including Madura) and Sumatra. Both government
were to cooperate in the formation of a sovereign, democratic and federal United
States of Indonesia, comprising the entire territories of the Dutch East Indies,
including the Republic Indonesia, Kalimantan (Borneo) and the Great East.

After the capitulation of the Japanese in World War II, the independence of The
Republic of Indonesia was declared by the Indonesian nationalists on August 17, 1945.
The Dutch attempted to restore their rule in Indonesia and came into conflict with the
republican government who’s still confined to Java and Sumatra. Upon the departure of
the Allied troops, the Dutch and the Republic of Indonesia began negotiations, which
led to the Liggardjati Agreement.

Both governments were to cooperate in establishing a Netherlands-Indonesia Union
with the Dutch queen as its head. Both the United States of Indonesia and the
Netherlands-Indonesians were to be formed not later than January 1, 1949. The two
governments agreed to settle by arbitration any dispute that might arise and that they
could not settle by themselves. The agreement was intended to lay down broad
principles, leaving the details to be worked out later.

Text 1

Therefore, in the spring of 1945, fifty nations sent their representatives to a conference in
San Francisco, USA, to establish the United Nations Organization for peace.

Those delegates signed the United Nations charter on June 26, 1945.

After considering sites, the UN decided to build its head quarters in New York City beside
the East River, which the officially opened on 9 january 1951.

In December 1945, the United States requested that the UN build its headquaters in the

World War II had caused millions of casualties and countless people suffering from
hunger, poverty, and disease.

Text 2

The flag Incident that occurred at Hotel Majapahit on 19 September 1945 was a
very historic day for Surabaya youths.

After hearing the gunshot, Surabaya youngsters climbed up the hotel wall and tried to
rip off the blue part of the Dutch flag.

The incidenttook place when the Dutch flag was raised at the hotel.

Ploegman refused and denied the existence of the Republic of Indonesia, then took out
a gun and threatened Resident Soedirman with it.

During that time, Resident Soedirman entered the hotel and asked Ploegman, a
representative of the Allies, to put down the Dutch flag.

Many of them were shot dead in their effort to rip off the flag and raised the red and
white part to the top of the pole.


For your learning journal

Before I studied this I didn’t understand_____________________________________


When I was studying this I had some difficulties : ___________________________________


And I overcome it by _____________________________________

After I Studying this I think ____________________________________________-



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