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After Germany lost WWI, they were treated very harshly by the Allies, specifically England and
France.  The Treaty of Versailles, which is the peace agreement that ended WWI, did many things to
hurt Germany, such as limiting the size of their army, taking land away from Germany, and forcing
Germany to pay large amounts of money to Allied countries.  Although many thought these were
appropriate ways to consequence Germany, it also left the Germany economy in ruins.  The country was
out of money and in an economic depression, the citizens were poor and some were starving, and the
government was a mess.   
All of this turmoil and chaos in Germany created a perfect situation for a man named Adolf Hitler to rise
to power.  Hitler was a solider for Germany during WWI and, after the war, got into politics.  While in
politics, he realized he was extremely good at giving speeches and making people support what he was
saying.   This allowed him to rise quickly in the German government.  Hitler presented a clear message to
the country:  others were to blame for the countries depression and hard times, not Germany.  The
citizens of Germany loved this message and support Hitler all the way to him becoming the country’s
Chancellor and Fuhrer, or leader. 
As Hitler was rising to power in the German government, he joined, and soon became the leader of,
the Nazi political party.  Hitler and his Nazi government tried allied themselves with Italy and their
leader, Benito Mussolini.  Mussolini and Hitler believed in fascist governments where the
leader becomes a dictator, or someone who has complete control over their country.  They also wanted
to expand their countries by attacking other countries and taking their land.  Hitler began to rearm
Germany, increasing their military power and creating a larger army, which was against the Treaty of
Versailles.  In 1935, Italy invaded and took over Ethiopia.  Then, in 1938, Hitler took over Austria.  Not
the League of Nations or any other country did anything to stop him, so, in 1939, Hitler took over
During this time, Japan was also taking over countries in Asia.  Despite all of this aggression European
countries and America did very little to stop it.  European countries were tired from WWI, only 30 years
earlier, and did not want to get involved in yet another conflict.  As a result, they took an approach
known as appeasement.   This meant that, instead of fighting Hitler and engaging in another war, they
would give him what he wanted to keep him happy.  The hope was that once Hitler got what he wanted
he would stop and war would be avoided.  Instead, this only made Hitler more confident and gave him
more time to build a stronger army.  During this time America was experiencing The Great Depression. 
This was an extremely difficult time for America and, as a result, they had no desire to go all the way
over to Europe and fight in another war. 

ally, on September 1 , 1939, Hitler invaded Poland.  At this point, Great Britain, France, and other

countries declared war on Nazi Germany, officially starting WWII.  America though did not declare
war until 1941 when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, an American naval base.  Russia also did not declare
war on Germany until 1941 when Germany broke their non-aggression agreement, which said they
would not attack each other.   
Use the information provided about World War II to fill in the blank in each sentence. 
1) European countries, specifically England and France took an approach known as
_____appeasement________ when dealing with Germany’s aggression. 
2) The Treaty of Versailles left Germany’s economy in ___ruins__. 
3) Hitler allied himself with ____Benito Mussolini____, Italy’s Fascist dictator. 
4) On September 1st, ___1939___ Hitler invaded Poland and World War II officially began. 
5) After getting into politics, ____hitler___ realized he was extremely talented at giving speeches. 
6) After WWI and the treaty of Versailles, Germany was in an economic ______depression______, some
citizens were starving, and the government was a mess. 
7) In 1938, when Hitler took over Austria, the __league of nation__ did nothing, so he attacked
8) America did not join WWI until _japan_ bombed an American naval base at Pearl Harbor. 
9) As Hitler rose to power, he became the leader of the __Nazi__ political party. 
10) Russia and Germany had a _non aggression __ agreement which said they would not attack each
True and False 
The statements below are false.  Cross out the false part of the statement and rewrite that section to
make the statement true. 
11) After Germany lost WWI, they were treated fairly by the Allies . FALSE it’s roughly  
12) Hitler had a clear message to all Germans that they were to blame for their countries problems. 
Other people  
13) After Germany invaded Poland, in 1939, America declared war on them. 
Didn’t declare ware  
14) The Treaty of Versailles limited the Germans army size, made them pay small amounts of money,
and took away land. 
15) The policy of appeasement made Hitler stop his attacks and avoided war. 
Confident and he mad time to build a stronger army  
16) The citizens of Germany disliked the message that Hitler and the Nazi party were spreading. 
17) America was in a great place when WWII started so they did not want to go over to Europe and fight
in another war. 
Great depression  
18) Europeans were tired from fighting in WWI, only 10 years earlier, so they did not want to go to war
to stop Germany and Italy’s aggression. 
19) All of the turmoil and problems in America made a perfect situation for Adolf Hitler to rise to power. 
20) During this time, Japan was finding ways to support England and France. 
Taking over  Asia  
Short Answer 
Respond to the following questions in complete sentences. 
21) Using the information provided in the background, infer why the German citizens loved the message
that Adolf Hitler was saying to them? 
Answers will vary – Possible responses may mention that Hitler was saying exactly what the
citizens wanted to hear and giving them someone else to blame for their problems. 
Hitler was saying things that the citizens liked  
22) If you lived in France or England, during this time, would have agreed or disagree with the idea of
appeasement?  Explain your reasoning. 
23) When France, England, and other European countries declared war on Germany the United States
did not.  By comparing and contrasting the different situations these countries were in, explain why it
made sense for the U.S. not to declare war. 
America had a bigger depression in the economy  
Use the information provided about World War II to fill in the blank in each sentence. 
1) European countries, specifically England and France took an approach known as appeasement when
dealing with Germany’s aggression. 
2) The Treaty of Versailles left Germany’s economy in ruins. 
3) Hitler allied himself with Benito Mussolini, Italy’s Fascist dictator. 
4) On September 1st, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland and World War II officially began. 
5) After getting into politics, Hitler realized he was extremely talented at giving speeches. 
6) After WWI and the treaty of Versailles, Germany was in an economic depression, some citizens were
starving, and the government was a mess. 
7) In 1938, when Hitler took over Austria, the League of Nations did nothing, so he attacked
8) America did not join WWI until Japan bombed an American naval base at Pearl Harbor. 
9) As Hitler rose to power, he became the leader of the Nazi political party. 
10) Russia and Germany had a non-aggression agreement which said they would not attack each other. 
True and False 
The statements below are false.  Cross out the false part of the statement and rewrite that section to
make the statement true. 
11) After Germany lost WWI, they were treated fairly by the Allies 
12) Hitler had a clear message to all Germans that they were to blame for their countries problems. 
13) After Germany invaded Poland, in 1939, America declared war on them. 
Did not declare war 
14) The Treaty of Versailles limited the Germans army size, made them pay small amounts of money,
and took away land. 
15) The policy of appeasement made Hitler stop his attacks and avoided war. 
More confident and gave him time to build a stronger army 
16) The citizens of Germany disliked the message that Hitler and the Nazi party were spreading. 
17) America was in a great place when WWII started so they did not want to go over to Europe and fight
in another war. 
The Great Depression 
18) Europeans were tired from fighting in WWI, only 10 years earlier, so they did not want to go to war
to stop Germany and Italy’s aggression. 
19) All of the turmoil and problems in America made a perfect situation for Adolf Hitler to rise to power. 
20) During this time, Japan was finding ways to support England and France. 
Taking over countries in Asia 
Short Answer 
Respond to the following questions in complete sentences. 
21) Using the information provided in the background, infer why the German citizens loved the message
that Adolf Hitler was saying to them?  ‘’ Germany created a perfect situation for a man named Adolf  
Hitler to  rise  to power  Hitler was a soldier for Germany during WW1 …....They loved him because he
became the country’s  chancellor and Fahrer, or leader. 
Answers will vary – Possible responses may mention that Hitler was saying exactly what the
citizens wanted to hear and giving them someone else to blame for their problems. 
22) If you lived in France or England, during this time, would have agreed or disagree with the idea of
appeasement?  Explain your reasoning. 
I would have agreed because appeasement means to avoid conflict so by that being said I would
choose peace and agree to whatever we needed to do to avoid the conflict between France or England. 
Answers will vary 
23) When France, England, and other European countries declared war on Germany the United States
did not.  By comparing and contrasting the different situations these countries were in, explain why it
made sense for the U.S. not to declare war.         The increasing number of codified international laws
that govern belligerent conduct during warfare has made complying with the laws of war extremely
costly. One way    for states to limit these costs is to avoid admitting they are in formal state of war by
refraining from declaring  war.                
Answers will vary – Possible responses may mention that America had a greater economic
depression compared to the European countries or that they were far from E

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