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The Discrimination and Limits

Discrimination is one of the major issues in the world which has grown over the years

and has been transmitted from generation to another. It is unjust treatment of individuals based

on race, colour skin, religion and gender. The Help by Kathryn Stockett illustrates the suffering

that some people face because of one type of discrimination known as racism. It suggests that the

key to improving society is that individuals are free to express their opinions and ignore the

wrong beliefs based on discrimination.

Racism is a form of prejudice defined as views or actions that reflect the belief that all

members of a specific race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race that distinguish

it as inferior or superior to other races. The novel demonstrates the suffering that two black

women experience in their life because of social injustice. “I want to yell so loud that Baby Girl

can hear me that dirty ain’t a color, disease ain’t the negro side of town. I want to stop that

moment from coming – and it come in every white child’s life – when they start to think that

colored folks are not as good as whites” (pg. 112) .Aibileen acknowledges her frustration and

demand for change towards the structural make up of the society. She wants to abolish the cliche

that blacks are dirty and disease-carrying. Parents taught their children that whites are superior to

blacks and their beliefs were further passed down upon following generations. Aibileen wishes to

put an end to this cycle and promote equality between the two races.

I have experienced a type of discrimination based on my religion. When I came to

Canada, I encountered many problems and the most significant one was that my religion was not

acceptable and identifiable for many people in Canada. Furthermore, I was the only student that

wore a hijab in school and some students gave attention to me or stared which caused me to feel
emotionally hurt. Initially I was disappointed but later on other students treated me as an

ordinary person. They tried to communicate with me and some of them asked questions about

my religion and I answered them clearly, yet there are still students who make fun of me because

they won’t accept me. I ignore them and think about doing my best to achieve my goals.

In the path to achieve our goals the important thing is our personality and perspective that

we have of that problem. “She can take the most complicated things in life and wrap them up so

small and simple, they’ll fit right in your pocket” (pg. 13). Minny’s reference to Aibileen’s

personality shows that Aibileen is strong and capable when dealing with problems. I share a

similar personality to Aibileen, I face many problems in my current situation but I try to solve

them in the best way possible. I find that every problem can be solved with courage and effort. It

is important to believe in yourself and never give up. One should keep in mind that sometimes

we get disappointed when we are in the final step but that should not inhibit us from making a


In some parts, it was difficult for me to connect with the characters because I never felt the

same type of discrimination as them and I have no knowledge about the historical events that

happened in America about racial conflicts. The situations endured by the characters in the

novel help me understand the difficulties they face. Skeeter, Aibeleen, and Minny came together

to work on a secret project that they hoped would successfully deliver a message letting others

know about what life is like under discrimination, injustice, and pressure. These three women

like other people in our world that had worked hard and went beyond the limits to give their

nation a new perspective. Stockett provides insight that there are still people in our world

fighting for certain causes, going above and beyond to bring about a change that will benefit us


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