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Below is the email of Jose to his professor.

Read it and write at least

one paragraph in answering each question in every box.

1. Do you consider the email of Jose effective? Why?

Jose’s email is informal. Personally, I consider it effective since Jose is direct to the point where he intended to get the slides to his
Professor, which is obviously stated. One of the verification that this can be an informal e-mail is his closing remarks which is “Thanx!!!”
and this implies that he is comfortable to e-mail his Professor casually, also the spelling where he supplanted the “K&S” into “X” we
frequently use this through messaging using social media platform. Furthermore, as indicated there is no subject line on his e-mail for
what I specified previously it is informal where there is no obligatory to put the subject line unless it is a formal e-mail, we can also notice
his capitalization and punctuation marks. Additionally, Jose wrote a clear and to-the-point e-mail concerning his intention, he indeed
emphasizes what day of slides should the instructor send to him therefore I consider his mail effective despite being informal.

2. What does Jose really want to say? Does his email accomplish what he really wants to say?
From what I had examined, that e-mail would not get a response for specification because Jose concretely focuses on his intention.
As a result, the Professor (which is the intended recipient) will grant Jose's favor, or she will first acknowledge the e-mail and then grant it
soon after. Similar to what I specified in question number (1) Jose did emphasize what he is pertaining to convey he did embed
clarification at the end of his question the “Today” and it made it an unquestionable request. Thereupon, due to his explicit I assume he did
accomplish what he truly wants to say.

3. What might Jose’s professor think about him with his email?
There is a part of impressions that Jose’s professor might think about him, one of those is being illiterate in writing since composing e-mail
particularly school-related matters it ought to be formal. Also, the professor might think he is disrespectful because we can observe that
Jose used “Hey” as his greetings which is something not appropriate even if it’s a casual e-mail. Furthermore, e-mailing a professor or
someone who is in a position or ahead of you, we have to put boundaries; let’s say you and your professor are close to each other you
have to put boundaries if you're inquiring question or favor with respect to school; treating him/her as your highly respected educator in
any conduct. Despite that, I assume the professor understands Jose’s insufficiencies and beyond any doubt, she knows Jose is studying
well since Jose is inquiring about the school-related matter.

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