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[Company, Project, Functional Area] : Agile

Requirements Document
Subject Area

Original Date: Document 1.1

Last Revision

Author Information
Author: John Doe Author: Jane Smith
Title: Product Manager Title: Senior Product Manager
E-mail: E-mail:

Author: Sandy Jones Author: George Brown

Title: Requirements Analyst Title: Requirements Analyst
E-mail: E-mail:
Table of Contents
1. Document Revision History ...........................................................................2
2. Approvers & Reviewers................................................................................ 2
3. Document Purpose .....................................................................................2
4. Theme .....................................................................................................4
5. Feature Sets / Epics ....................................................................................5
5.1 Feature Tree ...........................................................................................6
5.2 Ecosystem Map ........................................................................................7
5.3. Process Flows .........................................................................................8
6. Features & User Stories ............................................................................... 9
6.1 Sample Epic_01 [Epic Description] .................................................................9
6.6.1. [Description of Data Objects] Relationships ............................................9
6.6.2. User Stories & Acceptance Criteria ......................................................9
7. Appendix ............................................................................................... 10

1. Document Revision History

Capture information about every published version in the table below, including a brief
description of the changes in each version.

Date Version Section/Page Update Description Contact Name

1/11/2014 0.1 All Initial Draft John Doe

2. Approvers & Reviewers

Include a list of all people that are required to review and approve the requirements

Name Role Responsibility Approval Date

Jane Smith Approver Product Owner

3. Document Purpose
Sample Text: This requirements document is designed to be an input to the Agile software
development process. It describes the business need and context to a sufficient extent that
the Agile team can estimate, prioritize, and backlog the features described. With the
understanding that requirements for an Agile project must be documented ‘early and often,’
we acknowledge that this document represents incomplete knowledge of the subject area,
and that additional engagement between the Agile team and the business will be required to
prioritize and detail these requirements before and during software development.

The life cycle of the features and user stories documented here is as follows:

IT estimates the IT organizes the IT develops and

development user stories into tests the
and testing sprints based on features defined
effort priority by the user

Place User Engage

Create Agile Place User
Estimate User Stories in Business in Develop and
Requirements Stories in
Stories Backlog and Detailed Test
Document Sprints
Prioritize Design

Business and IT
Business and IT Business and IT work together
collaborate to constantly during the sprint
create this evaluate backlog to finalize the
document prioritization design
4. Theme
Describe any thematic issues or business needs applicable to the features presented in this
5. Feature Sets / Epics
Include a list of feature sets (or epic user stories) that are the high-level capability groups
that are needed to implement the theme described in this document. These epics are
expanded into features and user stories in the sections below. One sample is included below
for reference.

ID Description
Sample_E As an Alpha sales user, I need to be able to identify both a buyer and an end
PIC_01 user on both direct and indirect quotes and orders.
5.1 Feature Tree
Model the features (or epic user stories) listed in the previous table visually in a feature
5.2 Ecosystem Map
If appropriate, include an Ecosystem Map for the functionality covered in this ARD.

Ecosystem Map Template


Business Data
Object 2
Business Data Business Data Business Data Additional
Object 1 Object 1 Object 2 information about
System System System System the system to clarify
its role

Business Data
Object 4

Business Data
Object 3

System System

© Seilevel
5.3. Process Flows
If appropriate, include process flows for the functionality covered in this ARD.
6. Features & User Stories
Sample Text: Each of the feature sets (epics) above are expanded into user stories here. The
text of the epics is restated above each section for convenience.

6.1 Sample Epic_01 [Epic Description]

Restate the epic user story modeled in this section here. Note: there is only one subsection
listed in this document showing one feature. If multiple features are to be included in the
ARD, you will have multiple subsequent subsections.

As an Alpha sales user, I need to be able to identify both a buyer and an end user on
both direct and indirect quotes and orders.

6.6.1. [Description of Data Objects] Relationships

Include a BDD modeling the relationships between data objects relevant to the epic story or
feature. Include as many subsections as needed if there are multiple BDDs.

6.6.2. User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

Include a table of user stories and their sets of acceptance criteria, as shown in the table
ID As a . . Context I want . . . So that . . . Acceptance Criteria
US_Alp Alpha Who is To be able to Both buyer The search and
ha01 Sales creating a designate an end and end user identification for End
Rep quote in user Account on are on the Users will follow the
Product my quote in quote for requirements in the Type
Epsilon addition to the reporting C Product Epsilon ARD.
entity purchasing and
compensatio -For Alpha, these
n purposes abilities need to apply
to all quotes (direct and
indirect sales)

-Buyer on a quote does

not need to be a Type C

-End Users will be

identified by their

7. Appendix
If necessary, include an appendix section for items that need to be documented but are out
of scope. You may also include a table of reference documents.

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