Juliette Gordon Low 2nd Grade Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name:​ Juliette Gordon Low

Content Area/Grade(s):​ 2nd Grade Social Studies
Content Standard Summarized: ​SS2H1 Describe the lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia
history. e. Juliette Gordon Low (Girl Scouts and leadership)

Technology Standard Addressed:​ ​3- Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool:​ PowerPoint/E-Book

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):​ N/A

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐​Remembering ​ ​X​​ Understanding ​ ​X​​Applying ​☐​Analyzing ​☐​Evaluating X​ ​Creating

Levels of Technology Integration:

☐​​Infusion Level:​ Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or Choice”
during the activity, and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

X​​ ​Integration Level:​ We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-driven.
Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. All products of learning are unique and
personalized. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator walking around monitoring the student-led
☐​​Expansion Level​: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning newscast,
posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): ​This activity will be designed to meet all of my students’ needs. All
students learn differently, and by giving the students choices, they will choose the way they learn best. The
PowerPoint tool has many options that allow all students to have a voice and choice in the classroom. The
students can create a presentation however they want. The students have multiple means of representation
by allowing them to choose which format they learn best from. The students will be allowed to use
PowerPoint or Sway to create their book based on the standard’s historical figures. They will do research
based on the historical figures they choose. The students also have multiple means of engagement. The
students can choose to work together or alone based on their preferences or how they work best. The
student also has multiple means of expression and actions. The student can choose how they present their
story. They can either print it out or keep it digital when they present it. The students can either read the
books aloud in front of the class or allow the recording to play.

Lesson idea implementation:​ ​I will announce to the class that we will be learning about multiple historical
figures in Georgia History. I will let the class know that we will be learning about each historical figure’s lives
and contributions to Georgia History. I will read the standard out loud to them, which is “SS2H1 Describe the
lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia history.” I will explain to them that from the standard,
we are going to learn about the following historical figures: James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary
Musgrove (founding of Georgia), Sequoyah (development of a Cherokee alphabet), Jackie Robinson
(sportsmanship and civil rights), Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights), Juliette Gordon Low (Girl Scouts and
TFrazier, 2021
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
leadership), and Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights). I will read them a digital book I made about
Juliette Gordon Low, but before I read the book, I will ask the class: “How many of you know what Boy Scouts
and Girl Scouts are or are involved in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts?” I will let the students raise their hand,
discuss and explain what Boy and Girl Scouts are, describe their activities in Boy and Girl Scouts, and talk
about where they are in Boy and Girl Scouts. After that, I will explain to them that we will read a book about a
Historical Figure who has a significant impact on Girl Scouts. I will read the book I made using the PowerPoint
E-Book about Juliette Gordon Low, and after reading the book, I will discuss more about her with the class.
Then, I will teach the class how to make a book using PowerPoint and Sway and where they should go to
research their chosen Historical Figure from the standard. I will ask the class to find a partner if they want and
choose which Historical Figure they wish to create their PowerPoint E-Book or Sway on. The students will have
time to develop their eBooks. I will walk around the classroom to make sure students stay on task and provide
any support or help students need while creating their E-Books. After the students are finished, I will assess
the books and the students by allowing them to present their eBooks to the class.

This lesson will take close to an hour and a half. The teacher will assess the final project by allowing the
students to present their E-Books to the class. The final product will also be used for students to learn from
each other based on their peers’ creations. This will also differentiate the learning because the students can
create different E-Books using various tools to develop their E-Books, choosing their Historical Figure
according to the standard, and researching their chosen Historical Figure and work based on how they work
best: with a partner or by themselves. This lesson allows students to have a voice and choice and is
student-driven. After this lesson, I will extend the student learning to a higher learning level by asking the
students questions that make them think and use what they have learned to answer them. The lesson will be
concluded by allowing the students to tell me three new things they have learned from the lesson. After all
students have presented, I will applaud and praise the students for all their hard and beautiful work on their
ebooks to boost their confidence and motivate them for upcoming lessons. I will let the students know that
they can line up at my desk, and each student will receive feedback on their presentations. I will let each
group and students who worked alone know what they did great on and provide suggestions on what they
should add, let them know what they have missed, and offer them helpful ways to improve their ebooks.

Reflective Practice: ​I feel that the activities have a positive impact on student learning. Students have the
option to be creative and use a variety of tools and resources in technology to choose which historical figure
they want to research and create their ebook on, choose which format to create their ebook, decide how they
want to present their ebook, and determine if they wish to work by themselves or with a partner. Providing
that voice and choice and providing various ways for students to work fosters their creativity, learning and
meets their needs and interests in the classroom. Suppose there is anything I can do to extend this activity. In
that case, I will provide additional technology tools to learn and expand upon their technical knowledge, such
as Prezi and other productivity tools to create E-Books. The students would need further guidance and
support for these tools, but as the class days go by, I would introduce them to students and show them how
to use them.

TFrazier, 2021

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