7X Flavor (This American Life - Everett Beal - This The Formula They Used For Sovereign Flavors)

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One drop = 0.

06 ml (Michael Shoshani)
7X Flavor (This American Life - Everett Beal – This the formula they used for Sovereign
Use 2 oz flavor (below) to 5 gals syrup

Orange Oil 20 drops (1.2 ml)

Lemon Oil 30 drops (1.8 ml)
Nutmeg Oil 10 drops (.6 ml)
Corriander Oil 5 drops (.3 ml)
Neroli Oil 10 drops (.6 ml)
Cinnamon Oil 10 drops (.6 ml)
Total oils = 5.1 ml + 236 ml (8 oz Ethanol) = 241.1 ml
Ethanol percentage = 23600/241.1 * 100 = 97.9 % (is ethanol and 2.1 % = oils)
Use 2 oz of this formula to flavor 5 gals syrup
So 2.1 % of 59.14 ml (or 2 oz) is oil = 1.24 ml

So 2.1 % of 59.14 ml (or 2 oz) is oil = 1.24 ml (This is the oil portion of the 2 oz flavoring,
minus the ethanol)
Use 2 oz of this formula to flavor 5 gals syrup
1.24 ml to 18.92 L (5 gal) syrup
0.248 ml to 3.78 L (1 gallon syrup)
0.124 ml to 1.89 L (syrup)
0.062 ml to 0.945 L (syrup)

0.945 L (syrup) * 5 (4.725 L carbonated water) = 5.67L

So 5.67 L finished product contains 0.062 ml oils
So 0.062 to 5.67 L finished product

Reduce by 75 percent of this formula 1.24 * .25 = 0.31 ml

0.062 *.25 = 0.0155 to 5.67 L finished product

My choice Use 0.1 ml of the 0.45 ml oil solution in a 2Litre finished product

Orange, Lemon, Nutmeg, Cinnamon – in all formulas, neroli and coriander higher than in
other formulas of commercial colas (Steve Wardh Sovereign Flavors)

Steve Warth at Sovereign Flavors says he estimated each drop was .025 grams,
which means you want
7x Formula 1 ml = 1 gram
0.5 grams of Orange Oil
0.75 grams of Lemon Oil
0.25 grams of Neroli Oil
0.25 grams of Cinnamon Oil
0.25 grams of Nutmeg Oil
0.125 grams of Coriander Oil
(Total oils = 2.125 gram)
236 ml (8 oz) water
10 gram Acacia gum (Total Volume: 248.125 grams)
(Percentage oils: 2.125/248.125 = 0.856 % )

As we said in the radio story, this recipe includes two parts. The recipe for the
syrup, and the recipe for the 7X flavoring formula. You can scale down the recipe
for the syrup if you don't want to make gallons of the syrup. You will need one
ounce of syrup mixed with 5 ounces of carbonated water to make a serving of

Another important thing about this step, as we said in the radio story about the
recipe, the Sovereign Flavors chemists concluded that in order to compensate for
the intensity of contemporary essential oils (125 years of advances in food
technology means it's possible that they're much stronger than the oils
Pemberton used in his lab in 1886) the 7X flavoring addition should be reduced by
75 percent. That means, if you make the full size batch, you should only use 1/2
ounce of 7X formula instead of the 2 ounces specified in the original recipe.
The other thing I would like to bring to your attention is the drops of essential oils. These are being
treated as weights, converted to grams; in fact, this is a liquid measure. According to the apothecary
system in which this recipe was devised and written (check the left page recipe with its drams and
minims), the flavoring is given in drops on the right page and minims on the left; these are
interchangeable, and one drop or minim is 1/480 of a US fluid ounce, or about 0.06 ml. (Michael
Shoshani, Chicago)

14.79 grams or ml (1/2 oz) to flavour 18.927 litres or kg

wrong (.856/100 * 14.79) = 0.13 grams oils or ml per 18.927 litres or kg
0.0068 grams or ml oils per 1 liter

14.79 grams or ml (1/2 oz) to flavour 18.927 Litres,

14.79/18.927 = 0.78 oils per litre
Reduce to 1 gram, that is 1 ml
Divide everything by 2.125 gram

7x Formula

Citrus Oils
0.75 grams of Lemon Oil 0.354
0.5 grams of Orange Oil 0.235
0.25 grams of Neroli Oil 0.118 Replace with Lime oil

Spice Oils
0.25 grams of Cinnamon Oil 0.118
0.25 grams of Nutmeg Oil 0.118
0.125 grams of Coriander Oil 0.059

(Total oils = 1.002 gram)

90 ml water
8 gram Acacia gum (approx)
(Total Volume approx : 100 grams)
(Percentage oils: 1/100 = 0.01 % )

So 1ml contains 0.01 ml essential oil

Cube Cola
7x Formula
Using food-grade essential oils only

7.50 ml orange oil

7.00 ml lime oil
2.00 ml lemon oil
0.75 ml cassia oil
1.50 ml nutmeg oil
0.50 ml coriander oil (12 drops)
0.50 ml lavender oil (12 drops)
0.50 ml neroli oil (optional due to high expense of neroli)
use citral here instead of neroli
Total Oils: 20.25, Total oils minus neroli: 19.75 ml)
20.0 g instant gum arabic
40 ml water
Total Volume : approx 80 ml
but reduces to 65 ml (according to cube cola ) as gum possibly
absorbs liquid leading to a reduction in volume

Add 195 ml double strength caramel colouring (DD Williamson)
65 ml citric acid
18 ml caffeine powder
100 ml water
(Volume: 378 ml)
(Cube Cola Volume: 300 ml, ie, 365 ml – 65 ml = 300 ml)
(Total Volume: 378 + 65 = 443 ml)
According to cube cola total measurement including oils is
365ml, which is equivalent to around 90L eventual cola

Add the 100 ml water and mix very thoroughly until the mixture
is clear, this could take 5-10 minutes depending on your
equipment - the larger the mortar, the faster the
citric/caffeine mixture will dissolve. This is your cola
concentrate, total measurement 365ml, which is equivalent to
around 90L eventual cola.

Total Volume : approx 378ml + 80 ml = 458 ml

Cube Cola Total Volume : 300 + 65 = 365 ml
Cube Cola Percentage oils minus neroli : (19.75/365 * 100) =
5.41 %
concentrate size LG SM MINI
concentrate volume 56ml 28ml 14ml
makes up 14L 7L 3.5L

Cube Cola Percentage oils minus neroli:

5.41/100 * 56) = 3.03 % oils
3.03 % in 14 litres
0.216 ml per litre

Cube-Cola Open Source Recipe

Open source recipe published under

the GNU GPL. Last update 30
December 2012


Please note, 1 batch of this

recipe will produce approximately
90L cola. You may want to divide
all quantites by 1/2 if you do not
want to become a small cola-
producing factory. Scaling up the
recipe (x2 or more) tends not to
work due to the mechanics involved
- if you double the measure of the
emulsion you have to double your
force. With a standard hammer
drill this is no small act.

(Acacia Arabica gum arabic)

Orange oil, lime oil, lemon oil, cassia oil. nutmeg oil,
coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel colour,
citric acid, caffeine, water, GNU GPL.

THE RECIPE STEP 1: 7x Formula

Using food-grade essential oils only, assemble 7.50 ml orange
oil 7.00 ml lime oil 2.00 ml lemon oil 0.75 ml cassia oil 1.50
ml nutmeg oil 0.50 ml coriander oil (12 drops) 0.50 ml
lavender oil (12 drops) 0.50 ml neroli oil (optional due to
high expense of neroli). Using a measuring syringe, measure
out the oils into a glass or ceramic container.

Then dissolve 20.0 g instant gum arabic (equivalent to 44ml)

in 40 ml water (tap water or non-mineral bottled water, it
should have low calcium and low magnesium). Mix the gum well
in the water until there are no lumps.

Place the gum/water mix in a high-sided glass container, pyrex

or laboratory glass are good if you can get it. Using a high-
power corded drill with kitchen whisk attachment, whisk the
gum mixture at high speed while your colleague adds the oils-
mix from the measuring syringe in a steady stream of drops.
Continue to whisk at high speed for several minutes, or until
oils and water emulsify. This is a state of reaction you will
come to recognise in time. The resulting mixture will be
cloudy. Test for emulsification by stirring a few drops of the
mixture into 1 glass of water: no oils should be visible on
the surface. You now have a successful flavour emulsion, which
should hold for a minimum of 3 years.


successful, continue to:

STEP 2: Concentrate
For easy mailout and long-distance production into cola syrup
with the local addition of sugar and water. To your 65ml
emulsion, add 195 ml double strength caramel colouring (we use
DD Williamson Caramel Colour number 050 which is commerically
manufactured for cola production). Using a metric measuring
spoon, measure out 65 ml citric acid into a large mortar and
pestle, then add 18 ml caffeine powder, passing this first
through a fine metal sieve to break up any lumps.

Add 100 ml water and mix very thoroughly until the mixture is
clear, this could take 5-10 minutes depending on your
equipment - the larger the mortar, the faster the
citric/caffeine mixture will dissolve. Be sure to do this step
in the right order: if you try to dissolve the caffeine on its
own you ca nend up with a mysterious solid foam. Pass the
citric-caffeine solution through fine muslin fabric (we use a
jelly bag) to remove any grains, then add this to the
caramel/flavour emulsion. This is your cola concentrate, total
measurement 365ml, which is equivalent to around 90L eventual

To subdivide the concentrate into manageable quantities,

please consult the following table.

concentrate size LG SM MINI
concentrate volume 56ml 28ml 14ml
makes up 14L 7L 3.5L
Step 3: The Cola Syrup
For a standard sugar-based cola, use 750ml water, 1.5KG sugar
(refined white sugar unless you want a cloudy cola drink) and
56ml Cube-Cola concentrate. Make a sugar syrup by dissolving
the sugar in the water over low heat. 750ml is the minimum
amount of water that physics will allow you to dissolve 1.5KG
sugar into, so be patient. When the sugar syrup has cooled to
room temperature, add the 56ml cola concentrate. You now have
approximately 1.75L Cube-Cola syrup for an eventual 14L Cube-
Cola. As sugar is a preservative this will store for a long period perhaps years without any
noticeable deterioration.

Step 4: The Cola

As required, make up your cola as a 7:1 mix, 7 parts fizzy
water to 1 part cola syrup. We currently use 250 ml syrup in a
2L bottle of supermarket own brand sparkling table water. The
sparkling water should have low mineral quantities,
particularly sodium, so avoid mineral and soda waters where

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