A Walk Through The Evidence

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A Walk

God's Proof
Since the beginning of time, man has been
without excuse for denying the God of the
universe. The Bible makes the audacious claim
that God has revealed Himself to all mankind
from the beginning of creation; so much so, that no
one will be able to stand before Him and proclaim,
"I never knew you".
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of
men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is
manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto
them. For the invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are
without excuse: (Rom 1:18-20)
God has provided an immeasurable amount of
evidence that cannot be ignored. Try as you
might, there is too much to completely discount.
The following presentation is just a small
portion of that evidence provided to us by the
Lord Jesus Christ.
The objective of this presentation, as Clark
Pinnock puts it, "strives at laying the evidence
for the Christian gospel before men in an
intelligent fashion, so that they can make a
meaningful commitment under the convicting
power of the Holy Spirit. The heart cannot
delight in what the mind rejects as false."
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“Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text”
by Chuck Missler
Koinonia House http://www.khouse.org
The central message throughout the Bible is
Christ and Him crucified. Every detail, story,
analogy and verse is centered around Christ in
some way (see Heb 10:7;Luke 24:27; John 1:45).
Take for example Genesis chapter five, the
genealogy from Adam to Noah. Knowing the
genealogy may not seem so interesting,
however, upon further examination you
discover something greater.
Names like Adam, Methuselah and the rest
are transliterated. Meaning they were written
as they sounded. They were not translated into
what they meant. For example, Adam means
man. His son, Seth, means appointed. You can
see this in Genesis 4:25, “And Adam knew his
wife again; and she bare a son, and called his
name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed
me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain
slew.” And again with the name Noah, which
means comfort, you can see this reflected in
Genesis 5:29a, “And he called his name Noah,
saying, This same shall comfort us ...”
The meanings of their names are best
discovered by studying the original Hebrew roots
that make up their names. Most lexicons can
prove superficial when dealing with proper
If we examine the names from Adam to Noah
we make an interesting discovery.
This is the book of the generations of Adam.
In the day that God created man, in the
likeness of God made he him; Male and
female created he them; and blessed them,
and called their name Adam, in the day when
they were created. And Adam lived an
hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in
his own likeness, after his image; and called
his name Seth: And the days of Adam after
he had begotten Seth were eight hundred
years: and he begat sons and daughters: And
all the days that Adam lived were nine
hundred and thirty years: and he died. And Transliteration Translation
Seth lived an hundred and five years, and
begat Enos: And Seth lived after he begat
Enos eight hundred and seven years, and
Adam Man
begat sons and daughters: And all the days of
Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and
Seth Appointed
he died. And Enos lived ninety years, and
begat Cainan: And Enos lived after he begat Enosh Mortal
Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and
begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Kenan (Cainan) Sorrow
Enos were nine hundred and five years: and
he died. And Cainan lived seventy years, and
begat Mahalaleel: And Cainan lived after he
Mahalalel The Blessed God
begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty
years, and begat sons and daughters: And all Jared Shall come Down
the days of Cainan were nine hundred and
ten years: and he died. And Mahalaleel lived Enoch Teaching
sixty and five years, and begat Jared: And
Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight
hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and
Methuselah His death shall bring
daughters: And all the days of Mahalaleel
were eight hundred ninety and five years: and
Lamech The Despairing
he died. And Jared lived an hundred sixty and
two years, and he begat Enoch: And Jared Noah Comfort
lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred
years, and begat sons and daughters: And all
the days of Jared were nine ...
Now put it together, from Adam to Noah:

Man appointed mortal sorrow, the Blessed

God shall come down teaching His death
shall bring [the] despairing comfort.

Hidden within the genealogy of Genesis 5 is

a summary of God’s plan of redemption
through Jesus Christ.
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“Hebrew Word Pictures”
by Dr Frank T. Seekins
Living Word Pictures
The Hebrew Language used to be an
ideogramic language; meaning, many pictures
were used to make up words. Something akin
to Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
For example, the three letters in the Hebrew
word for shepard are Reysh (the head), Ayin
(the eye), and Hey (the window). Put together,
these letters reveal the picture for a shepard as a
person looking out of the window, or as one
who watches intently.
By examining these ancient pictures and
their meaning, you discover powerful and
fascinating “word pictures” that illustrate the
fundamental truths of Scripture.
The first letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet is Alef.
Over the centuries, the ancient pictures became
the modern Hebrew and English letters that we
know. On the following slide is a chart that
shows the ancient letter picture and how it has
changed over the last 4,000 years.
Each 22 letters
(pictures) of the
alphabet (alef-
bet) have an
meaning. These
demonstrated on
the following
two charts.
Below are some examples of how
to read the Hebrew word picture.
Here are a few more examples of Hebrew word pictures.
One of the more fascinating word pictures is the
word for law or teaching in Hebrew; which is Torah.

Jesus Christ, the one that was nailed to the cross, gave
us the Torah (Scripture, the Word, teaching, law).
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“Bible Code Bomb-Shell”
by R. Edwin Sherman
Bible Codes are equidistant
letter sequences, or ELSs, that
appear in the ancient Biblical text.
It was the advent of the personal
computer, along with the
development of software to find
these hidden ELSs, that caused the
explosion of interest in Bible
What does a typical ELS look like?
Well, suppose we start with the sentence, "All of our
avenues are wide." To locate an ELS in a sentence like this, we
eliminate the spaces and look for words that could be formed
from letters that are equally spaced within the string of letters
that form the sentence.
If we start with the second letter (L) and then eliminate, or
skip, three letters to pick up the next letter of the code (O),
and so forth, we will find the word, LOVE within the string.
Like this: a L l o f O u r a V e n u E s a r e w i d e.
LOVE is an equidistant letter sequence (ELS). Such codes
can have a skip of any length and can either be forward or
So How Does This Apply to the Bible?
The first ELSs discovered were found in the Torah, the
first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which were ostensibly
written by Moses, the prophet who led his people out of
More than 50 years ago, a Jewish rabbi (H.M.D.
Weissmandel) noted that if you start with a T (tav) in the first
verse of the book of Genesis, skip 50 letters, pick up a V (vav),
skip another 50 letters, pick up an R (resh), skip another 50
letters, and pick up an H (heh), you have TVRH, or Torah as
it is spelled in Hebrew.
Now this occurs, mind you, not only in the first book of
the Torah, but also in the first verses of the books of Exodus
and Numbers. It also appears in the first chapter of the book
of Deuteronomy. In each case there is also a skip of exactly 50
Critics claim that these codes can be found within any text
of significant length; which is true. The difference however is
that those found in non-Scriptural text fall within statistical
probability. In other words, you would expect to find ELSs
within the text.
However, with respect to the Bible, the discovery of these
codes go far beyond what is expected. For example, with
respect to the codes discovered in Isaiah chapter 53, author
and mathematician R. Edward Sherman stated:
“Odds so remote are virtually impossible for the human
mind to comprehend. It is truly staggering. Something as
improbable as the Isaiah 53 cluster has about the same odds
as someone buying only one lottery ticket in each of 33
different states and winning the one-in-a-million jackpot in
every state. In other words, the chances are about as zero as
you can get.”
These codes provide a scientifically proven miracle.
Virtually anyone with a bit of knowledge and skill can
reproduce these results for themselves.
And not only are these codes found within the Old
Testament Hebrew text, but also within the Aramaic version
of the New Testament (the Peshitta). See the following
website for more information: http://www.aramaicnt.com/
The significance of this discovery points to the fact that
God has preserved His word. Jesus said in Matt 5:18, “For
verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or
one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law (Torah), till all be
fulfilled.” A “jot” (pronounced yodh) is the smallest letter of
the Hebrew alphabet. It functions as a Y in English and looks
similar to an apostrophe. A tittle is a small projection on the
edge of certain Hebrew letters to distinguish them from one
another. To roughly put it into our terminology, we would
say the dotting of an “i” or the crossing of a “t”.
Therefore, if you were to remove a yod or tittle you would
destroy the underlying encoding. Through this discovery,
God is demonstrating to the world that He alone, not only
established His Word from the beginning, but also preserved
it. Therefore, no one has an excuse for denying Him.
For a more in-depth understanding of this incredible find,
check out the following information on the web:

God's Proof article briefly describing ELSs (MS Word or
Open Office Required):

Links to other Code Researchers

New Testament Codes: http://www.aramaicnt.com/
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“Learn the Bible in 24 hours”
by Dr. Chuck Missler
Khouse Ministry http://www.khouse.org
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but
holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter

The significance of Biblical prophecy cannot be over

exaggerated. There are over 8,362 predictive verses, with
1,817 predictions, on 737 separate matters. Over one third of
the Bible is prophetic. In Isaiah 46:9-10, God proclaims that
He is unique and there is no one like Him. A characteristic of
that uniqueness is His ability to proclaim future events before
they occur. This is one of the signatures of God. To validate
Himself to us and distinguish Himself from every other god
that is proclaimed in this world, He has given us a means by
which we can know if a message is truly from Him. That
message has been preserved in His word, the 66 authoritative
books of the Bible.
Over 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Christ’s first
advent. Over 30 alone were fulfilled on the cross. To
understand the likelihood of this occurring in just one man,
you need to turn to statistical probability. The following is
an examination of the fulfillment of just 8 prophecies
concerning Jesus Christ.

Micah 5:2 – born in Bethlehem – Population < 7,000 – 1:105
(1 in 100,000)

Zech 9:9 – Christ riding in on a colt; the crowd professing
Him as the King – (1:100)

Zech 11:12 – Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver – (1:1,000)

Zech 11:13 – Potters field (Judas takes money but wants to
give it back; it’s used by the Pharisees to buy a potters field
because the blood money could not go back in the treasury.
They bought a potters field to bury strangers that died in
Jerusalem) – (1:100,000)

Zech 13:6 – wounds in the hands – (1:1,000)

Isaiah 53:7 – Christ didn’t open his mouth; nor defend
Himself – How many people who are put on trial will not
give a defense even though they’re innocent? - (1:1,000)

Isaiah 53:9 – Died with the wicked, grave among the rich –

Psalm 22:16 – Pierced his hands and feet – crucifixion
invented by Persians in 90 BC. Stoning was the form of
capital punishment among the Jews. – (1:10,000)
The statistics above show the probability per prophecy. In
order to understand what the probability is for just one
person to fulfill all 8, you need to use composite probability.
Using the above numbers, the end result is 1 in 1028 (that is a 1
with 28 zeros after it). You have to divide by the estimated
world population from the beginning of creation to get a
more accurate number (estimated to be 1011).
What you end up with is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000
(1:1017) that one person could fulfill just 8 prophecies. This is
like taking one silver dollar, marking it, and then putting it in
the state of Texas that is filled with silver dollars two feet
deep and then try to pick that one out from the others by
To add another 8 prophecies (16) it would be 1:1045. Still
using silver dollars, you would need to make a ball 15 times
the diameter from the earth to the sun. Mark one silver dollar
put it in the ball and have someone find it by chance.
To have 48 prophecies (you have 300 to choose from) it
would be 1:10157 . Silver dollars are now too big. You would
have to make a ball of atoms; however, there are only
estimated to be 1066 atoms in the universe. You would need
many more universes just to meet the need.
Acts 10:43 says, “To him give all the prophets witness, that
through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive
remission of sins.” Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior; and
apart from Him we have no salvation. There are still many
more prophecies yet to be fulfilled; and not one of them will
be undone. It’s obvious that all scripture speaks of Him;
from Genesis to Revelation.
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The Good Test
The discoveries mentioned in this presentation along with
many other extraordinary pieces of evidence brought me to
the conclusion that the Bible was not “mythological” as I had
presumed, but an accurate document that stood up to any
and all forms of scrutiny.
However, the evidences didn't bring me to the saving
grace of Jesus Christ. It was the conviction of my sins by the
Holy Spirit that made me realize that I could not save myself.
It was only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that I
could be redeemed. The evidence did however; remove the
stumbling blocks that kept me from drawing near to Him.
In fact the greatest piece of evidence was not in the dirt, or
underneath a microscope, or in a telescope; but was one that I
had carried with me…my own conscience. Let me ask you;
do you consider yourself to be a good person? If so, then are
you willing to see if that is true?
God has a standard of what’s good. If you’ve broken just
one of His commandments, then you cannot call yourself
good. And if you are not good by His standard, then you
cannot go to heaven by your own righteousness.
Go to the website: http://www.livingwaters.com/good/
and take the “Good” test to see if you can earn you way into
heaven. God Bless.
Check out our other resources at
God's Proof
Copyright © 2010 [God's Proof]. All rights reserved.

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