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Qualitäts Management Center

im Verband der Automobilindustrie

Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

Documented Information
and Retention
Guideline for control and retention of documentation within
the framework of the product life cycle – particularly their

4th completely revised edition, August 2018

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ISSN 0943-9412
Druck August 2018

Copyright 2018 Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)

Qualitäts Management Center (QMC)
Behrenstraße 35, 10117 Berlin

Printing house: Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH

Schwanheimer Straße 110
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Printed on chlorine free bleached paper

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Documented Information
and Retention
Guideline for control and retention of documentation within
the framework of the product life cycle – particularly their

4th completely revised edition, August 2018

Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V.

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Non-binding VDA recommendation

The Verband der Automobilindustrie (Automotive Industry Association – VDA) proposes that
its members apply the following recommendations when establishing and maintaining QM

Exclusion of liability
This VDA volume is a recommendation which is free for anyone to use. Anyone who
­implements it is responsible for ensuring that it is used correctly in each case.

This VDA volume takes account of the latest state of the art at the time it is issued. The
application of the VDA recommendations does not in any way relieve the user of their own
responsibility for the use of the document. In this respect, everyone acts at their own risk.
The VDA and those involved in drawing up the VDA recommendations decline all liability ­
in any circumstances.

Anyone using these VDA recommendations who identifies incorrect information or the
possibility of incorrect arrangements is asked to advise the VDA without delay, so that any
deficiencies can be eliminated.

Copyright protection
This publication is protected by copyright. Its use outside the strict limits of the copyright
laws is prohibited without the permission of the VDA and is punishable by law. This applies in
particular to copying, translation, storing on microfiche, and storing or processing in electro-
nic systems.

This publication will also be issued in other languages. The current status must be requested
from VDA QMC.

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 Preface     05


In the first edition of Volume 1, “Parts requiring Documentation at Automobile Manu­facturers

and their Suppliers” of the 1973 VDA publication series, the existing duty for ­the retention of
documents that had been assigned the reference term “ Mandatory Docu­mentation” was the
decisive element, including the designation “D” for obligatory ­documentation.

The second edition of Volume 1, “Verification”, of 1998, primarily covered the actual reason
for the retention of documents: the verification, including the designation “A” (mandatory
documentation with special archiving).

The third edition of Volume 1 of the VDA publication series “Documentation and Archiving”
of 2008 was focused on the duty for documentation and corresponding archiving of criti-
cal features. Goal of this edition was the limitation of the scope of archiving to what was
­necessary to comply with legal requirements, thereby simplifying application of the guide-

Since the publication of the third edition, the framework conditions have changed severely.
The enterprises of the automotive industry are facing ever-increasing challenges.

Within a few years, the products of the automotive industry – primarily in the course of
­electrification and digitalization – underwent fast-paced advances in development, and
­concurrently have become ever more complex. The scope and depth of documentation ­
have increased accordingly, and high quality standards certainly continue to apply.

Information and documentation and their archiving, which lie within the context and conflict
areas of the aforementioned challenges, should therefore be viewed and regulated integrally.
But since this is the self-responsibility of the respective enterprise, the fourth edition of this
Volume 1 “Documented Information and Retention” is limited to describing the handling of
information and documentation within the framework of the product life cycle.

The critical features listed in VDA volume 1 of the 3rd edition are referenced in VDA ­“Product
Development: Process description covering special characteristics (SC)”.

The information about archiving locations and media systems from VDA volume 1 of the 3rd
edition has not changed.

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06      Preface

The writing is to be understood as guideline. As a guideline, its application is voluntary. But if

it is applied or referenced, the described requirements must be met..

Berlin, May 2018

Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)

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 Contents     07


1 Introduction 09

2 Purpose 10

3 Terms and Definitions 11

4 Systematik für Informationen 15

5 Handling of Information 16
5.1 Handling of Communications 16
5.2 Documentation 16
5.3 Control criteria 17
5.4 Preparation 17
5.5 Classification 18
5.6 Handling of temporary documentation 19
5.7 Handling of copies 19
5.8 Reclassification 19
5.9 Convolutes 19
5.10 Testing 20
5.11 Release 20
5.12 Publication 20
5.13 Conveyance 20
5.14 Application 20
5.15 Checking and Adaptation 21
5.16 Suspension 21
5.17 Retention 21
5.18 Deletion/Destruction 21

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08      Contents

6 Requirements for Retention 23

7 Classification systems 24
7.1 Communication 24
7.2 Temporary documentation 24
7.3 Classification systems 24
7.4 Examples for Classification 25

8 Transitional regulations 35

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 1 Introduction     09

1 Introduction

Ever more often, companies act internationally. This internationalization brings with it great
chances, but also bears high risks. In addition to most diverse requirements, many multifa-
ceted special local standards must be observed. Furthermore, differing legal requirements,
especially regarding documentation and retention, may apply in the various sales markets.

There are also the general challenges of the information society. Particularly the exponen­
tially growing data volumes in companies must be guided and managed proactively.

The requirements for “Documented Information” (see also ISO 9001:2015) within the frame-
work of quality management in the automotive industry also change against this back­ground.

The scope of content described in the fourth edition here considers and focuses on hand-
ling recommendations for information and documentation and their classification within the
framework of the product life cycle, from the acquisition phase, product development via
product manufacturing and performance in the field all the way to spare parts supply and

The documentation must not only consider the requirements for the product, its develop-
ment, degree of maturity and performance. In the context of interdependencies, for example,
production processes or other processes that affect product quality and IT-systems must also
be observed.

Furthermore, requirements for the manner and methodology of the retention of information
or documentation must be set that reflect their entire life cycle from their creation via the use
to the ultimate deletion or destruction.

Terms and methodology are explained with the aid of examples.

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10      2 Purpose

2 Purpose

Every company should define specifications that regulate the general handling of information
and documentation, and particularly their classification. These are generally called “Docu-
ment Retention Policies”. The determination of such general regulations is the basic prere-
quisite for information- and documentation management that is to cover the entire life cycle
of the information.

Complete classification systematics

Complete classification systematics for documentation are necessary, but are not part of the
content of this VDA volume due to the differences in the enterprises. This applies particu-
larly to additional documentation from finance-, marketing- and distribution departments,
personnel departments, occupational safety, environmental protection or plant engineering
and business documentation.

Classification systematics for the product life cycle

Within the framework of information- and documentation management, this VDA volume
serves as a recommendation for the control, retention and deletion or destruction of informa-
tion and documentation.
For this purpose, this VDA volume recommends that the area of product life cycle be
­structured with classification systematics.

If there are farther-reaching requirements from e.g. legal regulations or customer requests
or company-internal guidelines, or customary in other industries (such as, for example, the
aviation- and aerospace industries), these must be observed and are the responsibility of the
respective company.

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 3 Terms and Definitions     11

3 Terms and Definitions

The following definitions are examples of scopes and terminology, and can vary depending
on the enterprise.

Retention (Archiving) …is the long-term, orderly, protected and alterati-

on-proof filing or storage of documentation from the
time of their creation until their destruction to allow
access to required information in case it is needed.
The availability and legibility of the documentation
must be ensured throughout the duration of the

Retention duration …begins with an event (e.g. date generated, emplo-

yee resigning etc.) and ends with the specified point
in time of the destruction of the documentation.
These and other binding requirements regarding the
duration of the retention always arise from the classi-
fication systematics for documentation applicable for
the companies and serve for compliance with legal,
regulatory and operational requirements.

Reporting …is the documentation of accomplished results, or

provides proof of performed activities. Examples of
such reports are verifications of manufacturing, test
records, (measurement-)reports, reports, experts’
opinions, etc.

Designation/ …selections must be meaningful and

understandable. Abbreviation must be avoided.
documentation title

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12      3 Terms and Definitions

Documentation …is all the information pertaining to the internal and

external business operation except “communi­cation”
and thereby corresponds to the definition “documen-
ted information” pursuant to ISO 9001:2015. Thus the
term documentation pertains to both digitally stored
information such as contents of data carriers, drives,
e-mail systems, data bases or other IT-systems as
well as physical records such as paper documents,
microfiches, films or photos. Translated documen-
tation is controlled if the original documentation is

Party responsible …bears the responsibility for the topicality of the

contents of specification documentation.
for documents

Event … determines the respective point in time at which

the retention period for a record or specification
documentation begins.

Author …is the author or composer of a document.

Releaser …checks the correctness of content and form of the

examined documentation, and with his release raises
the temporary documentation (the draft status) to
that of a record or valid specification documentation.

Information …is used in this volume as umbrella term for

“documentation” and “communication”. See also
the description of the “Systems for Information” in
Chapter 4.

Classification …is the classification of documents in the

classification system for documentation.

Classification system …regulates the retention duration for all documenta-

tions on the basis of legal, regulatory or operational

Communication …is the exchange of information of situational

importance. This can, e.g., include recordings on
answering machines, chat events, etc.

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 3 Terms and Definitions     13

Convolute … is the compilation of classified documentation in

digital or paper format in a binder or file. All do-
cuments in the convolute have the same event as
beginning of their retention period. All documents of
the convolute are assigned to the same class, which
is always the class within the convolute with the
longest retention period.

Controlling …is a systematic course of action over the entire life

cycle from creation/changes via testing, classifica-
tion, release, distribution, procurement, use, check-
ing/adaptation, rescission, retention, to the secure
destruction of documents. For specification docu-
ments, records and temporary documentation the
extent of controlling differs regarding the required
control criteria.

Control criteria …are descriptive characteristics of documents that

clearly identify them during their life cycle, such as,
e.g., title, author or date of preparation.

Deletion …is the permanent and non-reproducible deletion

of digital information or documentation to the extent
technically and economically feasible with reason-
able efforts (e.g. back-ups or other disaster recovery
systems are exempt).

Verifier …verifies the contents of submitted work stages, en-

sures compliance with the formal requirements such
as e.g. Corporate Identity, the control specifications
and classification, and passes the checked work
status on to the releaser.

Status … designates whether a specification document is

being processed, released or invalid.

Temporary …is of transient significance and its contents are

documentation not classified. Temporary documentation can consist
of, e.g., notes, e-mails, work stages of records or
specification documents, presentations or not yet
completed calculations.

Destruction …is the irreversible destruction of physical

information carriers or documents.
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14      3 Terms and Definitions

Version …clearly designates the change status of a


Specification …is documentation of instructive character that

documentation reflects requirements or determines courses of
action. It includes e.g., internal documents such
as the management manual, company standards,
regulations (principles, guidelines, instructions),
process descriptions, plans, drawings, patterns, forms
or checklists as well as all external documentation
(laws, regulations and standards) to the extent they
are adapted or used.

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  4 Systematics
for informations     15

4 Systematics
for informations
Abbildung 1
The following systematics for information are used as basis:


Documentation Communication

Temporary Classified
documentation documentation


Figure 1: Systematics for informations

In the course of the generation or production of new information, an initial differentiation is

made between communication and documentation.

Documentation is divided into temporary and classified documentation.

Classified documentation is further divided into specifications documentation and


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16      5  Handling of information

5 Handling of information

5.1 Handling of communications

Communication is not classified and retained as documentation, but is deleted after a brief
period of time (significantly shorter than in case of temporary documentation).

5.2 Documentation
The goal of controlling is to keep necessary and valid documentation available at the right
time and the right place. This ensures that activities, events and decisions are always based
on correct and current documentation, and can be verified.



Specification documentation If to be used as If to be used as a Record

specification record
Classification Classification
If not OK

Checking Checking

Approval Approval

Publication Publication
New version


Use Use

Verification Verification

Invalidation Continue

Old version

Key: obligatory


Figure 2: Depiction of the Control characteristics

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 5  Handling of information     17

The specifications for the control of the documentation relevant for the respective
companies must be taken into consideration accordingly

5.3 Control criteria

Control criteria clearly identify documents over their entire life cycle. They can either be
­managed within the system and automatically taken over into a documentation, or be part ­
of the documentation itself.

The control criteria and –specifications for IT-protected events and retention systems must
be applied correspondingly. The system-specific type of control must be documented in a
suitable manner.

For the rest, the minimum requirements for control criteria according to ISO 9001:2015 must
be met.

Other control criteria can be expanded company-specifically.

5.4 Preparation
The preparation of documentation consists both of its technical adaptation as well as is for-
mal correctness (e.g. Corporate Identity, control criteria) all the way to classification, possibly
necessary translation and initiation of the release.

In case of records, the author may also assume the role of the releaser.

The minimum requirements for the generation and updating of documented information
pursuant to ISO 9001:2015 Sect. 7.5.2 must be observed.

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18      5  Handling of information

5.5 Classification
Classification is the assignment of a document to a class/sub-class.

The respective retention period follows from the class/sub-class, among other things.

Independent of the individual class designations and –structures of an enterprise, the

following classes must be reflected in the context of the product life cycle: Designation of
the class/subclass

Product development

• Documentation of the series-/end product, including releases

• Development realizations for future projects

• Documentation product development of pilot series

Acquisition and logistics

• Documentation for logistics and production control

• Order documentation

• Request- and quotation documentation without contract packet


• Documentation of ongoing production process

• Documentation of the quality assurance for production planning

• Documentation for production planning

• Documentation regarding evaluation of the production planning

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 5  Handling of information     19

5.6 Handling of temporary documentation

Drafts/work stages or newly generated documentation are initially considered to be
“temporary documentation”. Temporary documentation is to be deleted in the medium-­

With the appropriate classification, temporary documentation can become specifications

documentation or record.

The transitional regulation is to be used for existing documentation.

5.7 Handling of copies

If documents are copied, these copies become new and independent documentation, and
until they are classified they represent temporary documentation. The point in time of the
copy generation represents the point in time of the generation.

Received e-mails, for example, also count as copies.

5.8 Reclassification
In the course of its life cycle, documentation can be consecutively assigned to different

The reclassification of documentation is only possible if the retention period of the new class
is of equal length or longer than the retention period of the previous class.

5.9 Konvolute
A convolute combines documentation in a binder or file. This starts the retention period for
all classified documentation at the same point in time (event), The retention period of the
individual documents of a convolute are combined in one class (the one with the longest
retention period of a documentation).

Examples of convolutes and the beginning of the respective retention period of the associa-
ted convolute:

• Project documentation with project conclusion

• Test equipment with their withdrawal from service
• Legal documentation with the conclusion of a judiciary dispute
• Documentation of contractual relationships at the end or derogation of contracts
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20      5  Handling of information

5.10 Testing
The tester verifies the contents of submitted work stages of a specification document or
record, ensures compliance with the formal specifications such as Corporate Identity, the
control specifications etc., and passes the tested work status on to the releaser.

5.11 Release
The release turns temporary documentation (the draft status) into valid specifications
­documentation or a report. In case of reports, the releaser must be determined through
­corresponding specifications documentation or a process description.

Changes to content require renewed testing and release. Editorial changes of specifications
documentation (spelling corrections, adaptation of symbols, detailed definition of interpreta-
tion tolerances) are also subject to the testing and release, but contrary to the initial release,
a different assignment of responsibility may be made in the process.

5.12 Publication
The respective technical department ensures that new contents are published in a suitable
manner and are accessible and legible for all users under observation of the information-
and data protection.

5.13 Conveyance
The respective technical department determines which contents of documentation are to
be transferred or passed on to relevant circles of colleagues or possibly third parties (e.g.
suppliers, authorities) within a reasonable time period. This may occur through management
information, presentation in committees/circles, instructions, training, demonstration of the
activities to be performed, or other ways.

5.14 Application
Users must always work with the currently valid versions of specifications documentation or
reports. If applicable, any necessary adaptations or recognizable improvement potential must
be communicated to the author or the party responsible for the documentation.

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 5  Handling of information     21

5.15 Checking and adaption

Someone must be assigned as the responsible party for the checking and updating of spe-
cifications documentation. This individual may be the author, and if needed should be newly
defined in case of a change in the responsibility.

The party responsible for documentations regularly checks the topicality and suitability of
specifications documentation, adapts it if needed, and passes it on to the checker. Adapta-
tions may result from committee and circle resolutions, internal or external audits, audit
reports, new internal or external requirements, as well as feedback from users.

Adaptations pertain primarily to specifications documentation. In exceptional cases it may

be necessary to adapt a released report retrospectively, e.g. the correction of an improperly
captured measuring results or report.

5.16 Suspension
The party responsible for a documentation ensures that specification documentation that is
no longer required is formally invalidated and labeled accordingly.
Invalidated documentation continues to be subject to the retention period established for this

5.17 Retention
Classified documentation must be retained in such manner that it complies with the legal
and regulatory requirements as well as operational requirements (such as, e.g., storage loca-
tion, retrieveability, reproducibility, legibility, immutability and economic viability).

Basically, digital storage of documentation is preferable to physical filing, if this is in keeping

with legal and regulatory requirements.

5.18 Deletion/Destruction
The party responsible for a documentation is responsible for the appropriate destruction and
recycling of physical documents (e.g. paper, micro-fiche) under compliance with the require-
ments of data- and information protection regulations.

The deletion of documentation must be permanent and irreversible.

The point in time of the deletion follows from the classification systematics.

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22      5  Handling of information

Upon judicial, regulatory or internal directives, documentation can temporarily be excluded

from destruction. The authority for internal directives must be regulated enterprise-specifi-
cally (e.g. board of directors, supervisory board, business management, legal department).

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 6 Requirements
for retention     23

6 Requirements
for retention
The retention must be performed in such manner that documents are safe from manipu­
lation, and their contents remain available over the entire retention period.

Storage locations should ensure adequate protection against possible risks such as fire and/
or water (storm damage, floods, firefighting water) and should prevent unauthorized access
and changes to the documentation with appropriate protective measures.

The requirements for storage locations, -media and -organizations are specifically guided by
the respectively relevant regulatory works and are not specified more closely here.

State of the art storage design and protection has to be applied.

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24      7 Classification structure design

7 Classification structure
The following statements regarding retention represent nonbinding recommendations only.

7.1 Communication
See chapter 5.1.

7.2 Temporary documentation

Description All non-classified documentation is classified as temporary

Retention period medium-term

Examples Notes, e-mails, work stages of reports, presentations

or calculations

References -

7.3 Classification systematic

All documentation is divided into classes depending on its contents.

Classify within two

Classify within two
years, or…….
Classification systematics
Classification systematics for documentation
for documentation
years, or…….
Temporary Documentation Product development
Documentation Product development
Acquisition and Logistics
Acquisition and Logistics
Delete after two years, at the
Delete after two years, at the

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 7 Classification structure design     25

7.4 Examples for classification

Class Product development

Class designation Documentation of the series/end product, including releases

Description This class encompasses all releases and other documents

subject to mandatory documentation for the development of
the series- or end product. This documentation documents
products, components and parts properties and functions of
the series-/end product. This also includes all changes after
series release subject to release and documentation. This class
also includes release documentation for early milestones in the
production process (e.g. design- or planning releases) and all
documentation for administration, control and evaluation.

Retention period 30 years, beginning with the event

Event Day generated

Examples • Release reports, prototype technical releases, confirmations/

certificates of non-objection of suppliers, planning relea-
ses, technical program planning committee/brand planning

• Development releases, result sheet safety verification, first

sample reports, release-relevant test data and test reports,
release-relevant test reports, design drawings, current target
specifications, system specifications

• Overall releases, series-relevant parts lists and associated

design data, series-relevant test addenda, series releases,
wiring diagrams

• Technical product descriptions, documentation regarding

validation runs

• Specifications for series (drawings, parts list, work plan,

packaging plan)

References • Configuration- and country equipment contents

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26      7 Classification structure design

Class Product development

Class designation Development realization for future projects

Description This class encompasses documents regarding product develop-

ment that are not subject to mandatory release- or documenta-
tion in the spirit of the class “Documentation of the series-/end
product, including releases”, but contain important realizations
for potential future projects.
This applies to:

• Documentation used for comparison- or reuse purposes over

several development cycles.

• Development documentation from development pro­cesses

that are designed long-term and are not guided by the
production process, e.g. module developments independent
of the production process, predevelopments, technology

Retention period 10 years starting with the event

Event Date generated

Examples • Types of documentation as for the class “Documentation

product development of the preseries”, but evaluated for their
reuse potential.

• Development changes and measures, target specifications,


• Test- and proving reports with signature/burden of proof

• Lessons learned, strengths-/weaknesses analyses

References In the further course, documentation in this class can

become documents subject to mandatory retention or do-
cumentation that describe the product-, component- and
assembly properties and functions of the series-/end product,
and must then be reclassified to the class “Documentation of
the series- / end product, including releases”.

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 7 Classification structure design     27

Class Product development

Class designation Documentation of product development of the pilot series

Description This class encompasses documentation regarding product de-

velopment that do not, or not yet, represent documents subject
to mandatory documentation in the sense of the class “Docu-
mentation of the series-/end product, including releases”.

The documentations describe development stages or contain

detail information from the development process for which
there is no retention obligation from the development process
per se at this point in time.

Retention period 5 years from event on

Event Date generated

Examples • Scanning data, analysis reports, calculation models

and –results, CAD-models

• Data for control units, design documentation, DMU-data

• Safety concepts (Development-FMEAs, fault-tree-analyses,

danger- and risk-analyses)

• Development stages of vehicle target specifications and

system specifications

• Fault- and corrective measures

• Design drawings, concept developments and -evaluations

• Measurement reports, product data sheets, product

characteristics, project plans, test reports, circuit diagrams,
sketches, status reports, parts lists (development up to
pilot series)

• Test documentation, test reports, test data, test planning,

assembly data

• Development results (parts- and production materials

drawings, parts lists), driver’s logs, proof of testing and test
results in the product development process, test reports

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28      7 Classification structure design

References In the further course, documentation in this class can become

subject to mandatory retention and documentation describing
product,- component- and parts properties, and must then
be reclassified in the class “Documentation of the series-/end
product, including releases”.

Documentation with significant development realizations for

reuse in subsequent projects must be assigned to the class
“Development realizations for subsequent projects”

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 7 Classification structure design     29

Acquisition and Logistics Class

Class designation Documentation for logistics and production control

Description This class includes logistics and production control documents

Retention period 10 years from event on

Event Date generated

Examples • Inventory documentation, Stock removal sheets, Inventory


• Logistics concepts, material requisition planning, program


• Transport documentation, documentation of the original

parts-storage and the distribution centers, variant trees,
packaging planning, workshop control.

References Taxation-relevant documentation, also including documentation

concerning agreements and price calculations for delivery-
and services allocations between group companies, must be
assigned to a specific financial document class. Documentation
regarding material-, parts- and product flow are not included
within the framework of this classification system and must
therefore be regulated separately by the enterprise.

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30      7 Classification structure design

Acquisition and Logistics Class

Class designation Order documentation

Description This class includes all documents that are used between
­manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and customers for the
orderly processing of merchandise- and/or provision of
services d
­ eliveries on the basis of contracts. The order
documentation can be considered to be supplementary
contractrelevant ­documentation because it may or does
represent proof of contract fulfillment.

Retention period 15 years from event date on

Event Date generated

Examples Orders on AGB basis or contract, on-calls, contract orders,

assignments, orders, reservations, acquisition- and supply
­contracts, service contracts, leasing agreements

References -

Acquisition and Logistics Class

Class designation Request- and quotation documentation without contract packet

Description This class encompasses request- and award documentation of

the acquisition department that have not yet been ordered

Retention period 7 years beginning with event

Event Date generated

Examples Requests for offers, offers to the extent that they have not
­become subject to a contract, calls for bids documentati-
on, s­ upplier evaluations, price lists, documentation regar-
ding ­forward sourcing, ratings of the technical departments,
­assignment packets, competition documentation.

References Taxation-relevant documentation, also including documentation

concerning agreements and price calculations for delivery- and
services allocations between group companies. Documentation
regarding material-, parts- and product flow are not included
within the framework of this classification system and must
therefore be separately regulated by the enterprise.
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 7 Classification structure design     31

Production class

Class designation Documentation regarding the ongoing production process

Description This class includes all documents for the production of series
products. It also includes all records that are generated in the
framework of production monitoring and are used as verifica­
tion proof.

Retention period 30 years beginning with event

Event Date generated

Examples • Test- and measurement results, control cards, capture cards,

fault lists, tally sheets, check lists.

• End-of-line checks, construction level documentation,

• Vehicle production cards, manufacturing reports, product

analysis data,

• Test reports, test reports for Conformity of Production, reports

to verify controlled production,

• Work plans with traceable chronological installation


References Test- and measurement results, control-/record cards, fault lists,

control cards, capture cards, fault lists, tally sheets, check lists
that are not used for verification management can be classified
in a separate documentation class with shorter runtime

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32      7 Classification structure design

Production class

Class designation Documentation of the quality assurance for production


Description This class encompasses documents subject to documentation

for proof of quality-ensured production. This includes documents
which confirm the compliance of the quality of production and
the manufacturing processes with the requirements (technical
specifications, test- and manufacturing plans), or,
if applicable, verify remedial measures.

Retention period 30 years beginning with event

Event Date generated

Examples • Samples documentation and measures, initial sample reports

• Conformity of Production test protocols and –reports

• Production-, release documentation, process requirements,

instructions for gluing – sealing – insulating,

• Stage of maturity evaluations, test reports,

• Process-FMEA,

• Machine- and process aptitude examinations (MFU/PFU)

• Conformity declarations

References –

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 7 Classification structure design     33

Production class

Class designation Documentation regarding production planning

Description This class encompasses all documents regarding producti-

on planning to the extent they are not assignable as process
­standards under a class for management systems.

Retention period 30 years beginning with event

Event Date generated

Examples • Production concepts with implementation at start of

­production( SOP)

• Production planning documentation (layout, work-flow

plans, work plans, design of tools and facilities etc.)

• Production requirements (calls for bids, target specifications,

holding fixture and tensioning plans, etc.)

• Deadline- and capacity planning (milestones)

• Planning specifications (plant occupancy, production layout,


• Test concept, product-FMEA, documentation regarding risk


References –

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34      7 Classification structure design

Production class

Class designation Documentation regarding evaluation of the production planning

Description This class encompasses relevant documentation from the

production cycle containing important realizations, and are
retained for further use in subsequent projects, or to further
develop the processes, methods and tools
in the production process.

The decision as to which concrete documentation falls within

this class must be made by the departments in which the docu-
mentation arises.

Retention period 10 years beginning with event

Event Date generated

Examples • Realizations, comparison data and evaluations from all

sectors involved in the production process, such as product
planning, process development, tooling planning, tooling
construction, logistics and quality assurance.

• Lessons Learned, strength-weaknesses analyses (SSA)

References –

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 8 Transitional regulations     35

8 Transitional regulations

In order to be able to implement the described recommendations, future

IT-systems should be designed to support the classification systematics.

There is no mandatory deletion for documentation that is stored in systems (including

physical filing) that do not support automatic deletion according to classification sys-
tematics, and the respective retention period shall be considered to be the minimum
retention period.

Existing documents that are not classified pursuant to this volume at the time of the intro-
duction of the classification systematics are not automatically temporary documents.

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Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

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