Biol2225 Ecology Line-Intercept Data Analysis Lab

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Line-intercept data analysis lab

Objectives: To calculate vegetation indexes using the data collected by the class. To
determine if your hypothesis from the Line-Intercept lab was supported or rejected by the data.

Location: At home on computer

Materials needed: Access to the class Tree Transect data, computer, and a calculator

Background information: A number of basic measurements are used in describing

populations and communities. Among these are density, frequency, coverage, and biomass.
From them, other important ecological measures are determined, such as population distribution,
species diversity, and productivity.

In ecological population studies, numbers of individuals are basic information. Abundance (n)
is the number of individuals in a given area, and density (D) is that number expressed per unit
area or volume. For example, a species may have an abundance of 100 individuals in a
particular area. If the total area is 2.5 hectares (ha), then the density of this species would be 40
per hectare (40/ha).

D i=
Di = density for species i
ni = total number of individuals counted for species i
A = total area sampled

Line – intercept method: If you are using a line-intercept transect sampling method (like
you did in Lab 2) rather than a plot, you do not have a total area sampled. Instead of
calculating the density, you would calculate the linear density index (IDi).
IDi =

ni = total number of individuals counted for species i along the transects

L = total length of all transects sampled
In comparative studies, one generally wants to know the number of individuals relative to other
populations or relative to the same population at other times. Relative species density (RD) is
important in community studies. Relative species density is the total number of individuals of a
species expressed as a proportion (or percentage) of the total number of individuals of all species
present. If, for example, there are 50 trees in a given area and 30 of them are Gambel Oak, then
the relative species density of Gambel Oak is 30/50 = 0.60, or 60%

Di Di
R Di= =
TD ∑ D
TD = density for all species = ΣD = the sum of densities for all the species

Line – intercept method: To calculate the relative density when using the line-intercept
method, use the following equation.
R Di=
∑ ID
ΣID = the sum of the density indices for all the species
Relative population density is the number of individuals of a given species from one location or
time expressed as a proportion of the total number of individuals of that species for all locations
or times sampled. For example, if one caught 10 locusts with 100 sweeps of a collecting net in
June, 2019 and 70 locusts in the same location and with the identical sweeping effort in
September, 2019, the relative density for July would be 10/80 = 0.125 or 12.5% and for
September it would be 70/80 = 0.875 or 87.5%.

Frequency (f) is the number of times a given even occurs. An ecologist might speak of the
frequency of measuring water temperature, or the frequency with which an animal feeds. In
many studies, the term frequency indicates the number of samples in which a species occurs.
This is expressed as the proportion of the total number of samples taken that contains the species
in question. Thus, if a species were found in 7 out of 10 samples taken, it would have a
frequency of 7/ 10, or 0.7. This is the same as saying that the probability of finding that species
in a sample is 0.7.
f i=
fi = the frequency of species i
ji = the number of samples in which species i occurs
k = total number of samples taken

Since frequency is sensitive to distribution patterns of individuals, it is also useful in describing

and testing such patterns. The relative frequency (Rf) of a species is the frequency of that
species divided by the sum of the frequencies of all species in the community.
R f i=
Σf = the sum of frequencies for all the species

Line – intercept method: Frequency and relative frequency are calculated using the same
equations where:
ji = the number of line-intercept intervals containing species i
k = total number of intervals on the transects

Coverage (C) is the proportion of the ground occupied by a perpendicular projection to the
ground from the outline of the aerial parts of the members of a plant species. (This can be
visualized as expressing the proportion of ground covered by the species as the habitat is viewed
from above.) As will be seen, coverage is calculated as the area covered by the species divided
by the total habitat area; for example, a species' coverage might be 180 m2/ ha.

C i=

ai = the total area covered by species I (estimated by basal area, foliage area, or basal coverage)
A = the total habitat area sampled

In measuring foliage cover, the diameter of the crown of foliage is taken at its densest portion,
and the coverage area is determined by assuming a circular outline. Basal coverage is generally
used in a field or prairie situation and consists of measuring the circumference or the diameter of
a clump of grass 2 cm to 3 cm above the ground and calculating the circular area for the foliage.
Basal areas of trees are determined from trunk circumferences measured 1.5 m (" breast height")
above the ground. A direct measurement of foliage coverage is difficult in trees, but the basal
area generally is proportional to coverage and hence a useful index of the latter. The relative
coverage (RC) of a species is the proportion of its coverage compared to that of all species in the
community combined. The degree of cover is sometimes considered as a measure of dominance
in a community. However, dominance may include additional factors, so the term coverage is
Ci Ci
R Ci = =
TC ∑ C

ΣC = the sum of coverages for all the species

Line – intercept method: The relative coverage of species i is calculated using the
Line – intercept method: equation:data collected from sampling plants by the line-
intercept method differ from l I Cobtained
those from plots or belt transects. In plot or belt
R Ci = i = i
transects, coverage is estimated
∑ l ∑ IC as described above from areas covered, but in line-
intercept sampling, the measurement of intercept length (or intercept distance) is used to
estimate coverage.ΣlThis length
= the sum is
of that portion oflengths
the intercept the transect
for alllength intercepted by the
the species
plant, measured atΣICor near
= thethe base
sum of of
thethe plantoforthe
values clump of coverage
linear plants or indices
by a perpendicular
for all the species
projection of its foliage intercepted by the line (see Lab 2 – Figure 3). For each plant you
Note that because the coverage of the species may overlap, the sum of the intercept lengths
counted in Lab 2, you measured the intercept start and stop points and then calculated the
(Σl) may be longer than the transect length (L).
intercept length.
To calculate the linear coverage index (ICi) when using the line-intercept method, use the
following equation.
IC i=

li = sum of the intercept length for species

L = total length of all transects sampled
Importance Value
The sum of the relative density, relative frequency, and relative coverage for a species is an
index called the importance value (IV).
I V i =RD i + R f i+ R C i

The value of IV may range from 0 to 3.00 (or 300%). Dividing IV by 3 results in a figure that
ranges from 0 to 1.00 (100%) and is referred to as the importance percentage. The importance
value, or importance percentage, gives an overall estimate of the influence or importance of a
plant species in the community. However, the term importance is confusing since it means
different things to different ecologists.

Line – intercept method: The importance value of a species is calculated using the same
equation. In the line-intercept method, the probability of being sampled is dependent on
the size of the plant. A large, rare plant is more likely to be detected than a small, rare
plant. Large, dense species will appear more frequently than small, dense species. The
pattern of distribution can also affect the estimates of frequency.

1) Using the data from the class (provided in the shared Google spreadsheet from the Tree
Transect extra credit lab) as well as the equations above, fill out the Importance Value
Calculation Tables.
2) Compare the importance values of deciduous trees versus evergreen trees as you go from low
to medium to high elevation. (Low = less than 1600m, Medium = 1600m to 2350m, High = greater than 2350m)
a. What was your hypothesis about plant growth forms and elevation?
b. Was there a change in importance values?
c. Does this data support or reject your hypothesis about tree growth forms and
d. Discuss the significance of your research findings (State your finding implications in
a way that people outside of Utah and people who don’t really care about trees will
understand the importance of your research.)
3) You will need to submit the Importance Value Calculation Tables as well as the answers to
the above questions (2a-d) in a single typed Word document. The answer sheet is provided
for you as a separate document that you will submit. The Importance Value Calculation
Tables should go in a section titled Results and the answers to the questions

Class Data for Low Elevation <1600 m

_____ separate transects
_____ transects x 10m/ transect x 1000 cm/ meter = ____________cm total transect length
_____ total intercepts observed

Sample # per tree form Sample ID Elevation (m) Tree Growth Form Intercept Length (cm)
(add or erase rows as
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D
8 D
9 D
10 D
11 D
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 D
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 D
20 D
21 D
22 D
23 D
24 D
25 D
26 D
27 D
28 D
29 D
30 D
31 D
32 D
33 D
34 D
35 D
36 D
37 D
38 D
39 D
40 D
41 D
42 D
1 E
2 E
3 E
4 E
5 E
6 E
7 E
8 E
9 E
10 E
11 E
12 E
13 E
14 E
15 E
16 E
17 E
18 E
19 E
20 E
21 E
22 E
23 E
24 E
25 E
26 E
27 E
28 E
29 E
Class Data for Medium Elevation 1600 m – 2350m
_____ separate transects
_____ transects x 10m/ transect x 1000 cm/ meter = ____________cm total transect length
_____ total intercepts observed

Sample # per tree form Sample ID Elevation (m) Tree Growth Form Intercept Length (cm)
(add or erase rows as
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D
8 D
9 D
10 D
11 D
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 D
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 D
20 D
21 D
22 D
23 D
24 D
25 D
26 D
27 D
28 D
29 D
30 D
31 D
32 D
33 D
34 D
35 D
36 D
37 D
38 D
39 D
40 D
41 D
42 D
1 E
2 E
3 E
4 E
5 E
6 E
7 E
8 E
9 E
10 E
11 E
12 E
13 E
14 E
15 E
16 E
17 E
18 E
19 E
20 E
21 E
22 E
23 E
24 E
25 E
26 E
27 E
28 E
29 E

Class Data for High Elevation >2350m

_____ separate transects
_____ transects x 10m/ transect x 1000 cm/ meter = ____________cm total transect length
_____ total intercepts observed

Sample # per tree form Sample ID Elevation (m) Tree Growth Form Intercept Length (cm)
(add or erase rows as
1 D
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 D
7 D
8 D
9 D
10 D
11 D
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 D
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 D
20 D
21 D
22 D
23 D
24 D
25 D
26 D
27 D
28 D
29 D
30 D
31 D
32 D
33 D
34 D
35 D
36 D
37 D
38 D
39 D
40 D
41 D
42 D
1 E
2 E
3 E
4 E
5 E
6 E
7 E
8 E
9 E
10 E
11 E
12 E
13 E
14 E
15 E
16 E
17 E
18 E
19 E
20 E
21 E
22 E
23 E
24 E
25 E
26 E
27 E
28 E
29 E
Importance Value Calculation Tables

Low Elevation <1600m

Tree form # of Linear Relative # of intervals in Frequency, Relative Sum of Linear Relative Importance
individuals, Density Density, which tree form fi Frequency, Intercept Coverage Coverage, Value, IVi
ni Index, IDi RDi occurs, ji Rfi Lengths, li Index, ICi RCi
totals Σn = ΣID = ΣRD = 1 k = Σf = ΣRf = 1 Σl = ΣIC = ΣRC = 1 ///////////////

Medium Elevation 1600m – 2350m

Tree form # of Linear Relative # of intervals in Frequency, Relative Sum of Linear Relative Importance
individuals, Density Density, which tree form fi Frequency, Intercept Coverage Coverage, Value, IVi
ni Index, IDi RDi occurs, ji Rfi Lengths, li Index, ICi RCi
totals Σn = ΣID = ΣRD = 1 k = Σf = ΣRf = 1 Σl = ΣIC = ΣRC = 1 ///////////////

High Elevation >2350m

Tree form # of Linear Relative # of intervals in Frequency, Relative Sum of Linear Relative Importance
individuals, Density Density, which tree form fi Frequency, Intercept Coverage Coverage, Value, IVi
ni Index, IDi RDi occurs, ji Rfi Lengths, li Index, ICi RCi
totals Σn = ΣID = ΣRD = 1 k = Σf = ΣRf = 1 Σl = ΣIC = ΣRC = 1 ///////////////

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