Amanda PE SBA

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NAME OF CANDIDATE: Amanda Humphrey

NAME OF SUBJECT: Physical Education and Sport
TITLE OF PROJECT: St. Charles High School Netball Tournament
NAME OF SCHOOL: St. Charles High School
CENTRE NO: 160060
TERRITOY: Trinidad and Tobago
TEACHER: Mrs. Ngozi Ezenwaka
YEAR: 2018
Table of Contents

HISTORY OF NETBALL............................................................................................................4
RULES FOR THE GAME............................................................................................................6
AIM OF THE PROJECT.............................................................................................................7
MY ROLE AS SECRETARY.......................................................................................................8
REASON FOR CHOOSING MY ROLE....................................................................................9
THE PROCESS...........................................................................................................................10
EVENT REPORT........................................................................................................................12


Firstly, I would like to thank God for providing me with the courage, strength and motivation to
complete this assignment.
Secondly, I will like to thank my principal, Mrs. Alvarez for allowing us
To host the Netball Competition for this S.B.A. I would also like to express my gratitude to my
Physical Education teacher, Mrs. Ezenwaka for all the guidance and accessibility throughout this
Thirdly, I will like to thank all the players who participated in this tournament.
Finally, this assignment would not have been a success without the assistance provided by my
friends and family.


As a requirement, the School Based Assessment for Physical Education instructs that students
should host a sport completion. Each student was required to choose one of the roles as an
official in the tournament.
For this assignment, Netball was chosen because it was a well-liked sport among the group. It
was also chosen because it would enable group members to increase their knowledge and to have
a greater appreciation of the sport.
Each student was responsible for their chosen role and provided a report on what they did. For
this assignment, I took up the role of Secretary.



The origins of netball date back to the advent of basketball. In 1891, Basketball was invented by
a Physical Education Instructor by the name of James Naismith from Massachusetts, USA. The
sport was soon modified by a teacher at a nearby Women’s college who adapted the game for
women. As a result, women’s basketball quickly spread in popularity across the United States.
By 1893, the sport spread to several countries across the globe.

The first set of rules was published in England in 1901. The game developed locally and soon
each country had its own separate rules and distinct techniques of play and its own name for the
game. For example, in Australia and New Zealand where the game was established before 1901,
it was called Women’s Basketball and the name was changed to Netball in these countries in

Although netball is regarded as a female sport, it is played by both males and females in some
countries. In fact, mixed teams are becoming more prominent as the fundamentals of the game
allow men and women to compete with each other on fair terms.

Locally, Netball is one of Trinidad and Tobago’s most successful team sports. For the world
netball championship of 1979, Trinidad and Tobago tied with New Zealand for first place, they
were the only team other than Australia and New Zealand to have won a Netball World Cup.
They finished third in 1893 and equal second with Australia in 1987. They were known for their
uncompromising flair, fast- break style and tall players who would often switch ends of the court
at half-time. Over the past years, netball has continued to gain more recognition not only in
Trinidad and Tobago but nations worldwide.


Objective of the game

The objective of a game of netball is for teams to pass the ball around and to shoot it into a goal
ring to score goals. However goals can only be scored by the assigned shooting players.
Basic rules of netball
1. The player with the ball can only take one step before passing it. They also only have
three seconds to pass or shoot for goal. 
2. There must be only seven (7) players on the field from each team
at all times unless a player is sent off.
3. You cannot travel with the ball.
4. A player with or without the ball cannot move into an area of the court that is not
designated for their position.
5. A player attempting to intercept or defend the ball must be at least 3ft (0.9m) away from
the player with the ball.
6. You cannot snatch or hit the ball out of the player’s hand. This is called contact. You
must stand beside the player until the ball has left the player’s hand.
7. You cannot toss the ball into the air and catch it back without it being touched by another
player. This is called a replayed ball.
8. When a player passes the ball, there must be sufficient space for an opposing player on
the court to be able to intercept the ball as it moves from the hands of the thrower to those
of the receiver. This is called a short pass.
9. The ball cannot be thrown over a complete third of the court without being touched or
caught by a player.


The aim of this assignment was to:

• Successfully organize a Netball Competition with the efforts of all members in the group.
• Outline the process involved in the selection of its players, inclusive of managers.
• Provide a clear understanding by detailing the role and function of a secretary.


I chose the role of a secretary. The role of a secretary is to make arrangements for meetings and
to keep record of the group’s process and decisions.
The secretary is the chief administration officer of the Netball team. This role is one of the most
important functions in a netball group as the secretary is the person who provides the
coordinating link between the committee and the members. As a secretary I have several
The key responsibilities of the secretary are as follows:
 Preparing the agenda for the committee meetings in consultation with the organizing
planning committee
 Sending adequate notice of forth coming meetings to all committee members
 Maintaining records of the group as required and made available when required by
authorized persons
 Keeping records of all inward outward correspondence and distribute to appropriate
committee members.


I chose the role of a secretary because I always wanted to gain some experience in the field of
organization, which may be used in my future life. Taking up the role of a secretary is very
important as it can teach me a lot of skills and things that I may need to know. This role will also
help me improve my communication skills and help me to multitask and organize things better.


In the sport netball, one of the most crucial steps is the selection process of players prior to a
tournament. The purpose of the selection process is to provide players with the opportunity to
represent the team at a level suitable to their ability.
Firstly, was the selection of sport (netball game) for the competition. Then selection coordinator
was identified to choose suitable candidates who can play and compete in the competition.
Secondly, the team organizers such as the Secretary, Event Manager, Coach, and Competition
Manager would have plan meetings to discuss the suitable candidates who can play for the
competition. Also to discuss the date of the event, prizes, finance and other important matters to
address before the tournament.
Prior the competition, the netball coach would have organized days all players will meet to train
on skill techniques and rules that govern netball. The training allowed the coach to be in a better
position to choose the players who met the requirements to play in the tournament.
The coach then arranged a pre-game to allow the players to practice before the official
tournament. At this pre-game, the coach identified and confirmed which players would be
playing at the game and the substitutes will also be identified in the event in case any player was
injured, disqualified or failed to show up on the day of the tournament.
On Tuesday 25th April, 2017 the first meeting was called where we discussed the suitable
candidates for who would be playing in the tournament for us. The meeting was then closed. On
Tuesday 5th September, 2017 the second meeting was called. In this meeting the dates of the
competition and how long it was going to be was discussed along with our financial plan. A
letter for permission to do our tournament was then sent out to our principal. This meeting was
then closed. The third meeting was called on Tuesday 3rd October, 2017. There were several
things discussed on this day. We talked about the prizes and also who was going to be bringing
refreshments (water).The meeting was then dismissed.


I believe it was successful and enjoyable for everyone. Netball is a really fun and interesting
game to play. I played my role as secretary to the best of my ability. I called meetings and I
organized when the games would have been played.
I am proud of everyone who took part in this tournament. I commend those for all the efforts
they put into the game and for the level of discipline they showed. This was a tremendous
experience for players and the Organizers.
The lower form had participated more in the games than the higher form. In doing this, I believe
that they were educated more about the sport and they showed progress as they were training and
doing pre-games


On Wednesday 22nd November, 2017 two teams battled of to see who will make it to the finals.
The teams that played were Team A and Team B. Team A won the game with a total of 11
points. The game was played fairly by the both teams. The second game was then played on
Thursday 23rd November. Team D and C played against each other to see who would have made
it to the finals. This was a close game as the two teams battled each other. As it game to an end,
the team that moved on to the finals were Team D. The date of the finals was Friday 24 th
November, 2017.Team A and Team D battled it off on the field. The team that took home the
trophy was Team A. Their victory was speechless.


The netball tournament was a success. The form ones gained a better knowledge about wat was
netball. I must conclude that this game would not have been a success if it was not for the lower
forms and the hard work of management.


 International Netball Federation. (2016). Retrieved from

 Trinidad and Tobago Olympics Committee. (2011, January 03). Retrieved from Trinidad
and Tobago Netball Association: htpp://


*Team D and C battling *

*Team A collecting their medals and trophy after their victory, unfortunately two people weren’t

*Players going out on the field to greet each other*

*Team A and D greeting each other*


*Members of the committee and our Physical Education teacher*


 Mariah Stewart COACH

 Shequan Hipolet Shinaquia De Souza
 Jada Rogers
 Princess Cupid
 Moesha Sahadath
 Khadine Balbosa
 Melissa Joseph
 Khadine Neptune
 Cindy Mohammed
 Aaliyah Serville
 Aaliyah Joseph
 Adilah Richards
 Jodie Rogers
 Crystal Stanley
 Zaria Audrey
 Khadine Benn
 Aniah Edwards
 Isis Belgrave
 Tikiara Edwards
 Nataliha Edwards
 Shania Charles
 Hale Charles
 Hannah Jack
 Meada LaFlur

*Secretary discussing the information in the meeting*

*Members of the committee taking notes of the important items discussed in the meeting*

*The dates of the netball games being discussed in the meeting*

Registration For

Date: Tuesday 25th April, 2017

Place: School Field
Time: 12:10 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.

Netball tournament
Registration form 2017



Form teacher: _____________________________

Coach: ____________________________


DAY 1 Day 2 Day 3

22/11/2017 23/11/2017 24/11/2017

Team A Team D Team A


Team B Team C Team D

St. Charles High School
5th September, 2017

The Principal
#5 Back Street Road

Dear Mrs. Alvarez,

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, I am writing this letter to request your
permission to have a netball tournament in the school compound, among the students of the
The dates for the matches that we came up with are Wednesday 22 nd November to Friday 24th
November, 2017 from 12:30pm-2:00pm. I am aware that it would have classes during the time of
the tournament so I ask if you can give the students who are participating in this tournament
permission to play. This tournament would be free of charge, it will also be a great experience
for the students.
I sincerely hope that this request will receive a favorable response.
Yours Sincerely,
Amanda Humphrey


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