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AREA: Computer Science DATE: May 4th to May 8th

TOPIC: Overcoming difficulties activity GRADE: 11 A B C D
TEACHER: Mr. Diego Tovar
Grade Motto: “I recognize myself through my capabilities and difficulties within a decision making
process and also assume the beginning of a new stage of my life”

To solve the following points, you could use the documents in aula virtual (guide, reflections,
practice activities). Individually, create an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for the following
situations, you may use one of the following links:


Performance standard # 1 Score

Explains key concepts related to the management of the database, which are incorporated in the
design proposal.
a) A college wants to track its departments, majors, faculty members and students. The college has
many departments. Each department has many faculty members, but each faculty is affiliated with
one and only one department. A department has a department name. A faculty member has last
name, first name, highest degree earned, title and email.
Each major has a name and description. A major is managed by only one department. Some
departments do not offer any major, but some departments offer multiple majors.
Each student needs to declare at least one and at most two majors (that is, first major and second
major) at the beginning of the first year. A student has last name, first name, email, and class year.
Additionally, each student is advised by a faculty member, but not all faculty members advise

Performance standard # 2 Score

Builds databases for a computer system using three schemes: conceptual, logical and physical.

a) The following is a description of some data requirements for a chain of pharmacies. Draw the appropriate
entity-relationship (E-R) diagram. Clearly show all cardinality constraints, cardinality limits, and existence
dependencies. (a) A pharmaceutical company manufactures one or more drugs, and each drug is
manufactured and marketed by exactly one pharmaceutical company. (b) Drugs are sold in pharmacies. Each
pharmacy has a unique identification. Every pharmacy sells one or more drugs, but some pharmacies do not
sell every drug. (c) Drug sales must be recorded by prescription, which are kept as a record by the pharmacy.
A prescription clearly identifies the drug, physician, and patient, as well as the date it is filled. (d) Doctors
prescribe drugs for patients. A doctor can prescribe one or more drugs for a patient and a patient can get one
or more prescriptions, but a prescription is written by only one doctor. (e) Pharmaceutical companies may
have long-term contracts with pharmacies and a pharmacy can contract with zero, one, or more
pharmaceutical companies. Each contract is uniquely identified by a contract number.

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